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PF has not taken any action against its members for issuing tribal sentiments against HH on Lutanda radio


A consortium of Civil Society Organisations is concerned that the Patriotic Front has not taken any action against its members in Northern Province for issuing tribal sentiments on Lutanda radio.

The CSOs are concerned with the growing tendency by political parties of mobilizing support from citizens on the basis of tribe and ethnicity which does not only go against Zambia’s social, cultural and ethnic heritage but is also against constitutional values.

In a statement issued on behalf of the CSO’s by Nicholas Phiri, the Executive Director of Zitukule Consortium, the CSO’s are that this tendency is against the principles that seek to promote and uphold national unity in diversity.

The CSO’s are concerned that political mobilization based on tribal lines has potential to ignite civil strife and tribal wars between and among Zambians given the multiplicity and diversity of our ethnic heritage.

“We are particularly dismayed and disturbed by the latest tribal sentiments uttered by officials from the ruling Patriotic Front on radio Lutanda in Northern Province”, read the statement in part.

They said it is even more disturbing that these officials have not been censured or disciplined by the PF party hierarchy as a way of curbing the spread of hate speech and tribal sentiments.

The CSO’s said it is clear that politicians deliberately choose to ignore constitutional provisions and opt to use tribal remarks in political mobilization knowing too well that no punitive measures would be taken against them for engaging in tribal schemes to win votes.

They have urged the Zambia Police Service to apply the law firmly on any political leader promoting hate speech based on tribal and ethnic diversity.

“The people of Southern Province together with other tribes in Zambia have always coexisted, intermarried and conducted politics and business together long before even the PF came on the scene without acrimony based on ethnicity. For this reason, we wish to implore citizens not to buy into tribal politics as that does not and will never improve the well-being of millions living in poverty”, they added.

The CSOs have also reminded Zambians to do everything within their power to preserve the unity in diversity while defending the constitution as provided in Article 2 of the 2016 amended constitution.

The Consortium comprise among others, Zitukule Consortium, Action Aid Zambia, Alliance for Community Action, Care for Nature Zambia, Chapter One Foundation and Center for Trade Policy and Development.

Domically Clause: The most foolish statutory instrument in Zambia

Side view of the retirement House to the 4th Republican President Rupiah Banda at Bonaventure
Side view of the retirement House for the 4th Republican President Rupiah Banda 

There are several motivations the drafters of the current constitution had in mind when they placed the Domicility Clause (DC) in our current highest law in the country. One of those motivations is pure foolishness. I wake up on the shores of Lake Ontario and admire the azure morning dews on the meadows and I sigh, “What a brilliant country, a brilliant world we live in.” I have never doubted that Canada, for example, is an epitome of what and how a country and people should live. It is a model in almost every dimension – human rights, industry, technology, prosperity, academia and the list is endless. I live here and work here and have contributed my energy, intellect and I also lecture in its prestigious institutions – day-after-day contributing to the expansive knowledge base that make Canada a world’s beacon.

And here comes a Zambian politician who says, “No, he can’t come and vie for presidency here because he has not been in Zambia for 10 or so years!” Thinking this is patriotism – what retrogressive thinking. But before you indict me with insults and insipid mindlessness, let me tell you what you want to say. “You see, you want to double-dip – you want to have the best of the two worlds – you want to have a decent life abroad and then come and take away our positions!” If this is not foolishness, then it is the lowest form of ignorance. Because it will not be loss but an addition for me to return and contribute, for all purposes and intentions.

You don’t know the history of independent Africa. Africa was liberated by people who lived abroad and these influenced greatly the locals. They learned all the wisdom and secrets and even the hidden agendas of their Western counterparts and from then resolved to liberate Africa. They had to, first, understand the psychology of politics and the mindset that had enslaved or colonized them. They then knew how to “fight” for independence and self-determination. Africa would not have been liberated apart from those who got educated and who worked abroad. To develop Africa, the same trend must continue.

There are two advantages that those of us who have lived and worked in developed formations have over those of you who have spent all your life in Africa. First, we live and work with our American and European counterparts and we understand them better. When we run African governments, we will be least duped and “cheated” because we understand the concepts and ideals that set these countries apart from the rest. And second and last, we have tested the “engine” of the West and, therefore, we can relate to ideas like technology, monetary policies, democratic indices and human right indicators. If it comes to negotiating for viable economic policies and agendas, no-one who has not lived in these countries can outwit us.

The truth is, you can give a Zambian who has never lived in a developed country a job of a president and liberally permit him to rule for ten or more years, but the more years he rules, the worst the country will turn out. Give me the reigns and within two years I will develop the country. The reason is simple, I have lived in these developed formations for many years and I will, naturally, be more inclined to improving rather than degrading the brand.

Furthermore, our world is now a global village, and the implications are such that technology and knowledge are no longer a monopoly of one country. And the best people to transmit such knowledge and know-how will, naturally, be those who have lived and experienced Westernism firsthand. I submit that the fears those selfish and poorly-informed politicians had of imputing the DC into our constitution had are not founded.

We are not here in the developed terrains for ourselves. We love our native countries and we would like to be back and contribute at the highest level. Change the constitution and remove the DC from the highest national instrument. It is not only bullish; it is an impotent clause and can hinder the very progress that the nation desires and admires. Take way the DC and let those Zambians who have lived abroad come back and inject their experiences, knowledge, expertise, know-how and transferred-skills into development for all.

There are several motivations the drafters of the current constitution had in mind when they placed the Domicility Clause (DC) in our current highest law in the country. One of those motivations is pure foolishness. I wake up on the shores of Lake Ontario and admire the azure morning dews on the meadows and I sigh, “What a brilliant country, a brilliant world we live in.” I have never doubted that Canada, for example, is an epitome of what and how a country and people should live. It is a model in almost every dimension – human rights, industry, technology, prosperity, academia and the list is endless. I live here and work here and have contributed my energy, intellect and I also lecture in its prestigious institutions – day-after-day contributing to the expansive knowledge base that make Canada a world’s beacon.

And here comes a Zambian politician who says, “No, he can’t come and vie for presidency here because he has not been in Zambia for 10 or so years!” Thinking this is patriotism – what retrogressive thinking. But before you indict me with insults and insipid mindlessness, let me tell you what you want to say. “You see, you want to double-dip – you want to have the best of the two worlds – you want to have a decent life abroad and then come and take away our positions!” If this is not foolishness, then it is the lowest form of ignorance. Because it will not be loss but an addition for me to return and contribute, for all purposes and intentions.

You don’t know the history of independent Africa. Africa was liberated by people who lived abroad and these influenced greatly the locals. They learned all the wisdom and secrets and even the hidden agendas of their Western counterparts and from then resolved to liberate Africa. They had to, first, understand the psychology of politics and the mindset that had enslaved or colonized them. They then knew how to “fight” for independence and self-determination. Africa would not have been liberated apart from those who got educated and who worked abroad. To develop Africa, the same trend must continue.

There are two advantages that those of us who have lived and worked in developed formations have over those of you who have spent all your life in Africa. First, we live and work with our American and European counterparts and we understand them better. When we run African governments, we will be least duped and “cheated” because we understand the concepts and ideals that set these countries apart from the rest. And second and last, we have tested the “engine” of the West and, therefore, we can relate to ideas like technology, monetary policies, democratic indices and human right indicators. If it comes to negotiating for viable economic policies and agendas, no-one who has not lived in these countries can outwit us.

The truth is, you can give a Zambian who has never lived in a developed country a job of a president and liberally permit him to rule for ten or more years, but the more years he rules, the worst the country will turn out. Give me the reigns and within two years I will develop the country. The reason is simple, I have lived in these developed formations for many years and I will, naturally, be more inclined to improving rather than degrading the brand.

Furthermore, our world is now a global village, and the implications are such that technology and knowledge are no longer a monopoly of one country. And the best people to transmit such knowledge and know-how will, naturally, be those who have lived and experienced Westernism firsthand. I submit that the fears those selfish and poorly-informed politicians had of imputing the DC into our constitution had are not founded.

We are not here in the developed terrains for ourselves. We love our native countries and we would like to be back and contribute at the highest level. Change the constitution and remove the DC from the highest national instrument. It is not only bullish; it is an impotent clause and can hinder the very progress that the nation desires and admires. Take way the DC and let those Zambians who have lived abroad come back and inject their experiences, knowledge, expertise, know-how and transferred-skills into development for all.

By Charles Mwewa

Davies Mwila warns PF Members forming Parallel Structures in the party

Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila

Patriotic Front PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has strongly warned party members in Masaiti district who are secretly forming parallel structures.

Mr. Mwila has been informed that some party officials have started forming their own structures working against the members of Parliament.

He has also directed Masaiti district chairman David Kalutwa to take legal action against all those working against people in structures.

Mr. Mwila was speaking in Masaiti during a PF mobilization meeting which was attended by selected PF members of Parliament.

He, however, called for unity and discipline among party members ahead of the 2021 general Elections.

And Provincial chairperson Nathan Chanda took a swipe at undisciplined party members.

Mr. Chanda also advised members of Parliament to embrace new members and those at the grass root.

Earlier PF Central committee chairman for party mobilization Richard Musukwa said the mobilization strategy ahead of the 2021 General election must be arched on embracing new members.

Mr. Musukwa warned party officials who have a tendency of insulting members of Parliament to stop because indiscipline among party officials will not be condoned.

President Edgar Lungu describes working visit in Eastern Province as successful

His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu inspects the Chipata-Vubwi road in Vubwi on Saturday, November 16, 2019

President Edgar Lungu says his working visit to Eastern Province has been successful.

President Lungu says the visit has given him an opportunity to get firsthand information on the developmental projects that are being implemented within the districts he visited.

He has indicated that the information he has gathered and what he has seen concerning the projects will help him know what measures to undertake to expedite the projects especially those that have stalled.

The President has noted that executive reports he receives are usually summarized adding that he is happy that he took some time to visit and get first hand information on things that he was not even aware of.

Speaking to journalists before departure for Lusaka in Katete, President Lungu re-emphasized the need for party and government officials in the province to take up the responsibility to explain the various developmental projects that are taking place to made them appreciate what government is doing.

President Lungu has returned to lusaka from Chipata Eastern province were he had gone on a four day working visit.

The President plane touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport ZAF base at about 16:15hrs.

President Lungu was met on arrival by Vice president Ingonge Wina, service chiefs and other top government and party officials.

While in Eastern province president Lungu toured various developmental projects and meet various traditional leaders

RUGBY:Muf Leopards Win Chamber of Mines Cup


Mufulira Leopards scooped the inaugural Zambia Chamber of Mines 15s rugby tournament after beating MCTC 17-0 in the final played at Mufulira’s Leopards Cage on Saturday evening.

The competition featured eight teams sponsored by mining firms among them Diggers, Konkola, Nchanga and Kansanshi.

The Leopards reached the final after eliminating Diggers in the semi-final via a 19-0 win while MCTC ejected Konkola with a 5-3 victory at the same stage.

“We came together as a team and told ourselves that that we need to win this tournament and put our name on the trophy, it is the first of its kind,” Leopards star player Fine Chinkumbe said.

Diggers settled for bronze after edging Konkola 7-0 in the third and fourth playoff.

Mufulira Leopardess won the women’s category as they thumped the Nchanga/Konkola Select 46-0.

“We thought that we could sought of bring back what used to happen ZCCM days when we would have one conglomerate supporting various sports across the sector and having inter mine sports competition,” Chamber president Goodwell Mateyo said.

“Obviously, rugby was the easiest to organise and we thank the Zambia Rugby Union. They were eager and willing to organise the tournament when we called on them,” Mateyo said.

True PF members want Edgar Lungu replaced, he doesn’t represent what Sata stood for-Chanda Mfula

Chanda Mfula with Dr Guy Scott at a recent event at the University of Sussex, UK
Chanda Mfula with Dr Guy Scott at a recent event at the University of Sussex, UK

The first Media Director of the ruling PF Chanda Mfula has charged that many founding members of the party would rather see President Edgar Lungu replaced.

Mr Mfula who is now a PhD candidate at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom said President Lungu has departed from late President Michael Sata’s vision.

Mr Chanda observed that due to President Lungu’s failures, many original PF members want him replaced.

“True greens – the original PF members, the people who laboured for the party in the trenches and got it into power, the believers in the original ideals of the party as promulgated by Michael Sata and Guy Scott – are open to the idea of replacing Edgar Lungu with a better candidate,” Mr Chanda said in a post on Facebook.

“It’s ba kandile – ba katyetye mwenda mwalimwa, ba mubwela ku macha, ba mutasha kali mwitobo – who are first to jump to the defence of a candidate who isn’t good for both party and country,” he stated.

“It’s those people whose survival depends on Edgar being in State House who are now telling us ‘he is our candidate’. Chaps who were driven by a single-minded desire to ‘eat’ and not to serve and whose membership of MMD, FDD or whatever is still fresh on our minds, should be telling PF members that all is well?”

He said PF members know what late President Sata committed to and it’s not what President Lungu has given them and the country.

“For me, I think PF will save itself from itself if they replace Edgar Lungu with a much, much better candidate. The worst mistake the ruling party would make, however, is to allow a corrupt person to take over. That will amount to nothing.”

He added, “Naturally, some of the people who will be championing internal change in the party are just crooks with track records in obtaining dubious tenders and contracts when they served in government.”

Mr Chanda said some of these people are not interested in serving or saving the country, but are just nostalgic about tenders.

“So, look hard and deep and get the right candidate who will right Edgar’s many many wrongs, including stopping the impending mutilation of the constitution and getting rid of ba kandile such as Dora Siliya.”

Chanda Mfula with former State House Spokesman George Chella in Lusaka
Chanda Mfula with former State House Spokesman George Chella in Lusaka

Bruised Chipolopolo Back For Tuesday Redemption


A bruised Chipolopolo arrived back in two groups over the last 24 hours due to flight congestion ahead of Tuesday’s must-win 2021 AFCON match-day-two Group H qualifier at home against Zimbabwe.

The first group landed in Lusaka on Saturday evening just 48 hours after they were crushed 5-0 by defending AFCON champions Algeria on November 14 in their opening Group H match away in Blida.

“We are back although coming back in batches and we are hoping to have all the players in by Sunday afternoon so that we can have full training together on Monday,” Chipolopolo coach Aggrey Chiyangi said.

“We have to redeem and revive our qualification dream by beating Zimbabwe come Tuesday.”

Patson Daka and Enock Mwepu, who received late summons for the Zimbabwe clash on Saturday, after the Zambia U23 teams exit from the 2019 U23 AFCON in Egypt, are also in camp.

Zambia are slumped at the bottom of Group H with zero points, Zimbabwe are second tied on 1 point with Botswana following the two sides 0-0 draw in Harare on Friday.

Algeria, who visits Botswana on Monday, leads Group H on 3 points.

Bradley Mweene Aims High After 2019 U23 AFCON Cameo


Goalkeeper Bradley Mweene is now very motivated after impressing in Zambia U23’s final 2019 U23 AFCON game on Friday against Cote d’Ivoire in Egypt.

Zambia may have lost the match 1-0 on November 15 in Cairo but the University of Pretoria FC goalkeeper was a reassuring figure between the posts after starting ahead of first-choice Mangani Banda who was dropped after disappointing in a 3-1 loss to Nigeria in their penultimate Group B match on November 12.

The South African-based Mweene has come through the ranks and was first-choice in Zambia’s debut triumph in the 2017 COSAFA U17 Cup they won under Mumamba Numba.

“The guys made me feel at home and there wasn’t any pressure and was made to feel at home by the guys and the bench. It was also great to be playing with great players (like Patson Daka and Enock Mwepu),” Mweene said.

“As for the tournament, we didn’t expect to go home so soon because we set a very high bar for ourselves.”

Zambia finished bottom of Group B with 1 point while Cote d’Ivoire and South Africa advanced to the semifinals on 6 an 5 points respectively.

Defending champions Nigeria bowed out in third place in Group B on 4 points.

Zambia’s exit brought to an end the Class Of 2017 Project fairy tale who had won the 2017 U20 AFCON at home and also lifted Zambia’s last COSAFA U20 Cup crown in December 2016.

“I just have to keep on working hard and learning because there is a saying that goes a champion never stops a learning process,” Mweene said.

“I will now keep pushing for more opportunities at the club because now the level has risen. I now also have the challenge to work harder to get a senior team call-up because the next time the Under 23 assignment will come along, I will be 24.”

Continue worshiping and trusting God-President Lungu

His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu inspects the Chipata-Vubwi road in Vubwi on Saturday, November 16, 2019

President Edgar Lungu has urged Christians to continue worshiping and trusting God in everything.

President Lungu says when the nation continues to pray and to trust God fully, all the challenges that are being faced will pass.

The President says he is aware that others worship God on Saturday but what is important is that Christians must continue to pray at all times as God is important in everyone’s life.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this in Katete this morning when he attended a Church service at Reformed Church in Zambia, Katete Boma Congregation.

And President Lungu who read Scripture from Psalm 117, stated that he will continue to worship God as he knew Him even before he became President.

He noted that there are Zambians who are unwise and think there is no God but advised that such people should be ignored and left alone.

Meanwhile, Reformed Church in Zambia, Katete Boma Congregation Reverend in Charge, Lupiya Phiri, has called on all christians and the public at large to be part of addressing challenges faced in the society.

Rev Phiri said it is not enough only to identify a problem or challenge and start apportioning blame on other people.

He said people must learn to make themselves valuable in society and the nation at large by taking part in addressing identified problems.

The Reverend also advised the nation against blaming the Head of State and government for the challenges the country is experiencing.

Rev Phiri said President Lungu is the leader of the nation but that God is the one in charge of nature.

The theme for the Church Service was “Being a Solution as you Provide Service”.

President Lungu has started addressing load shedding, mealie prices are now reducing-Lusambo

Bowman Lusambo addressing a PF rally in Kabushi on Saturday
Bowman Lusambo addressing a PF rally in Kabushi on Saturday

Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo says President Edgar Lungu has started implementing measures that will address the long hours of load shedding.

Mr Lusambo said President Lungu spends sleepless nights trying to find workable soilutions to the country’s challenges such as load shedding and high mealie meal prices.

He said President Lungu is also equally unhappy that many parts of the country are going for several hours without power.

Mr Lusambo who is also Lusaka Province Ministry was speaking on Saturday afternoon at Milemu grounds in Kabushi during a rally.

He said the 300 MW of power imported from South Africa and the payment of arrears to Maamba Coileries will help cushion the impact of load shedding.

On mealie meal prices, Mr Lusambo said the prices of the staple food has now started reducing.

He said through the Food Reserve Agency, government is offloading subsidized maize to the Millers which is pushing down the prices.

Mr Lusambo who introduced the proprietor of Kamunda Milling, a Kapiri based milling company to the rally said people should not be cheated by those who want to take advantage of the mealie meal situation.

He announced that Kamunda Milling has reduced mealie meal prices with a 25Kg bag of breakfast going for K99 and roller meal at K89.

Mr Lusambo urged other Millers to emulate Kamunda Milling I’m cutting the prices.

He also advised traders in Kabushi constituency to engage Kamunda Milling and enter distributing and retailing partnerships.

Mr Lusambo was accompanied to the rally by PF Deputy Chiefwip Tutwa Ngulube, PF NorthWestern Province Chairman Jackson Kungo and National Cordinator of the President Empowerment Fund Clement Tembo.

And Mr Tembo urged women and youths in Kabushi to form Cooperatives in order to access empowerment funds from the Fund.

He said activities such as block making and poultry business are some of the activities that can be easily funded by the Presidential Empowerment Fund.

At the same rally, Mr Ngulube said the people of Kabushi should continue supporting President Lungu and the area MP Mr Lusambo if they are to benefit from development.

He said President Lungu is the one in the driver’s seat and any kind of development will be channeled through him hence the need to fully support him.

Mr Lusambo, Mr Kungo, Mr Ngulube at the Kabushi rally on Saturday
Mr Lusambo, Mr Kungo, Mr Ngulube at the Kabushi rally on Saturday
PF members at the Kabushi rally on Saturday
PF members at the Kabushi rally on Saturday
Presidential Empowerment Fund National Coordinator Clement Tembo addressing the rally in Kabushi on Saturday
Presidential Empowerment Fund National Coordinator Clement Tembo addressing the rally in Kabushi on Saturday

Keeping PF in Power will be crime against Future Generations

PF Can Nolonger Defend Its Members of Parliament Who Forsake the Party By Failing to Attend Meetings When Called Upon

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

A few days ago, I woke up to the bad news, that the yield on Zambia’s $750 million Euro Bond due in the year 2022, has exponentially spiked, from an initial 5.75% to a staggering 22.3%.

What this means is that currently, Zambians, will have to find an extra $200 million over and above the initial cost of this loan in order to free ourselves from the shackles of this modern day slave situation.

In fact, all signs and projections, are pointing to a further slippery slide in the yields in respect of the Eurobond as Zambia’s political and economic profile are both expected to take a turn for the worst as we head towards the election of our lifetime in 2021.

The foregoing analysis is and has been confirmed by the recently made public report into voting patterns, with most current intimations pointing to a heightened illegal and arbitrary abuse of institutional resources, power and authority by the Patriotic Front (PF); underpinned by systematic deterioration of the rule of law, as well as suppressing of the civic and democratic space to cast a veil on public accountability.

And with the PF already having signalled another pipeline $2.3bn Chinese loan, fronted as project money when all signs point to a very substantial portion of this debt money lined up to beef up to go towards their 2021 campaign financing, it is not hard to explain why both market and investor confidence is running dry; and consequently heightening the negative perception around our country’s ability to pay back the debt money we all.

By the time we get to 2021, and by the time clock strikes the year 2022, a Eurobond facility which should have cost us less than $50 million to acquire will easily be costing us close to $350 million above the initial cost.

But why should and must Zambians reward this blatant criminality by the PF? Why should future generations of citizens be punished just for being born Zambian? Why should our children give up opportunities for learning, health and employment just to be able to feed the PF’s appetite for criminality and an insentiable craze to consume beyond what our economy can give in this our lifetime? And why should our generation allow this careless government get away with ransacking the collective future prospects of a whole nation?

Today, we are witnessing a former Presidential Aide, Amos Chanda, being indicted on grand money laundering charges by the Anti Corruption Commission. Amos used to work from President Edgar Lungu’s own political bedroom. Whatever Amos used to do, the Presidency owed the nation a duty of care to ensure that Amos’ own appetite for quick money was as far away from the Presidency and the PRESIDENT while he served in a public position. Now we know, that Amos was sacrificed to “sanitize” the PRESIDENT and the Presidency because it was becoming too obvious that Amos was only a small part of a wider ring of institutional criminal behavior.

In fact, the arrest of Amos is part of a carefully put together process meant to “clean him up”, and by association, “absorb” the appointing authority. A conviction for Amos Chanda would by default be a conviction for PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu and the entire Presidency. They will not let that happen.

Yet, this one thing I know: that all ruling political parties, before they fall from grace, reach the very top of organizational ineptitude, and are arrogant about it. And this is PF today, unrepentant about the misery they have caused all of us. Despite the economic woes, the poverty, the joblessness, the unprecedented corruption, broken business environment, high cost of fuel, a currency buckling under pressure, high cost of living – please don’t mention mealie meal……the PF are still boasting that they are still popular and remain the party of choice for Zambians and that no matter what happens, the PF can do no wrong and that Zambians will still vote for them and keep them in power in 2021.

But if Zambians will go to sleep and hop into bed with the devil incarnet called Patriotic Front in 2021, and give the PF the lattitude to enjoy the last laugh, the joke of a lifetime will be on all of us and our children and theirs will be glad to piss on our graves for having betrayed them to a brutal, incompetent, selfserving regime.

And as for me and my family, we will not be voting for the PF in 2021.

President Lungu urges PF members to counter lies with truth

His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu addressing party cadres

President Edgar Lungu has counseled Patriotic Front party officials in Eastern province to respond affirmatively to all those who are in the habit of paddling lies with the truth.

Speaking when he addressed party officials on the sidelines of his Eastern Province working tour, President Lungu expressed disgust at the growing numbers of lies in the country and the lack of credible voices within the party structures to defend from falsehoods.

“Why shouldn’t we who believe in PF not go out there using radio, social media, using newspapers to spread the good news of what PF is doing here in Eastern Province.

“Some people are going on radio telling lies, we are just looking at them. Some people are going to church on Sundays telling lies, we are just looking at them. Let us challenge them with the truth,” President Lungu insisted.

Further, the President instructed the party officials to encourage the people to pray to God Almighty for rains, as his government had done all they could do, by delivering farming inputs on time for the farmers.

“We should go out and tell the people that the government has done its part, they have delivered fertilizer, they have delivered seed, the farmers have been paid, so let us go and pray to God that he gives us rains because that’s what we are waiting for,” the Head of State encouraged.

The President was accompanied by the PF MCC National Chairman Mr. Samuel Mukupa, PF MCC Chairperson for Health Hon Dr. Chitalu Chilufya MP, PF MCC Hon Freedom Sikazwe MP Minister of Presidential Affairs, PF MCC Hon Vincent Mwale MP Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Provincial Minister Hon Makebi Zulu MP, Provincial Chairman MCC Andrew Lubusha, Provincial Youth Chairman Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda and other senior government & party officials.

The Head of State is in Eastern Province on a 3-day working visit touring and inspecting various government developmental projects being undertaken by his administration in the region

Paint All Truck Roads and Busy Roads to Prevent Road Accidents


THE Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is urging the Zambia Roads Development Agency (RDA) and the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) to quickly ensure all trunk roads and busy roads are properly marked with reflective road marking materials to prevent road accidents during this rainy season.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group notes that most reported road traffic accidents in Zambia are caused by drivers failing to keep to their lane because of these roads are not marked or the markings were done with substandard non-reflective paints.

“Most of the major roads leaving Lusaka such as Great North Road, Kafue Road, Great East Road and the Mumbwa Road all pose a risk to the driving public. They are among the 1000 ways to die in Zambia. If all cars kept to their lanes, there surely cannot be road collisions,” says Group Admin Mthoniswa Banda.

Some accidents especially those that happen at night are because of poor visibility of the road due to inadequate roads markings or use of non-reflective marking materials. Others are caused by drivers who drive at full beam because they want to see the unmarked roads thereby blinding others because of the poor visibility of these trunk roads and highways.

“Driving in most roads especially at night or when it’s raining Zambia becomes a risky undertaking. Not only is visibility hampered by the weather but the roads themselves have no reflectors. The roads look like black holes. They have no reflective markings and signage to guide the driver in their driving,” says Group Admin Mthoniswa Banda.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group has noted that apart from a few roads in the country such as the newly built Solwezi- Chingola Road, Luangwa-Chipata Road and Mansa-Luwingu Road which have light reflective markings, most roads in Zambia are not fit for night travel or driving.

A group member posted “Quiet true. They should stop this business of water paint on road markings and speed humps, these are endangering lives at night. Most of these new roads do not have markings. Proper reflective PVC markings should be used, it is a bit costly but it’s a one off and it saves a lot of lives and cars.”

Another posted “Problem is RDA and RTSA have adopted low standards in ensuring roads are marked there by allowing most of these road constructors o get away with a poorly marked road.

Another posted “So all these RDA, RTSA, NRFA need to be reminded all the time, why can’t they be pro-active? Everyone knows the rain season is here and those markings faded a long time ago. With all these monies being collected at toll gates there is not excuse to have roads un marked or improperly marked. Proper lines and new signage need to be drawn on all these completed new roads.

Another member advised “I would like to see some consistence in the road markings and signage. Regardless of which direction one takes, be it North, East, South or West, you have to guess where your lane begins and ends. Government should ensure our safety through consistent road markings and signage all roads and not selected sections of the road.”

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group is confident that once all roads are marked and signage improved with reflective materials, driving during day and night in Zambia will produce less accidents and deaths.

The Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is an online group with over 1,500 members and is for sharing experiences and knowledge on road safety and defensive driving on Zambian roads and Highways by both professional drivers, car owners and the majority road users as passengers or pedestrians. These discussions will help identify road safety issues, bad policies and bad road designs requiring improvement by government and its agencies such as RTSA, RDA, NRFA, ZP and local councils.

Every week, the ZRHSG will produce a statement summarising the group discussion and sharing this opinion with Road Safety agencies and other policy makers so they improve Zambia’s Road Safety.

Kambwili detained for four hours in Kitwe

Chishimba Kambwili and NDC officials in the office of the Officer in Charge at Kitwe Central Police Station
Chishimba Kambwili and NDC officials in the office of the Officer in Charge at Kitwe Central Police Station

Opposition NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili was on Saturday evening detained in Kitwe and later charged with an offence of conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

This was after Mr Kambwili and his entourage passed through Kitwe’s Chisokone market to buy dry fish for his home.

The visit attracted a lot of people especially women Marketeers who wanted to greet Mr Kambwili.

This infuriated PF cadres at the market who organized themselves and almost picked up a fight with Mr Kambwili’s entourage.

Mr Kambwili was picked up from his room at Lunte Lodge after he returned from holding a rally in Kwacha.

After many hours of detention at Kitwe Central Police Station, Mr Kambwili was released from police custody around 21 Hours after paying admission of guilty fine.

He vowed that no form of intimidation will make him stop talking on behalf of the downtrodden.

Justice Newa’s MMD ruling is decisive, compelling

Nevers Mumba and Felix Mutati
Nevers Mumba and Felix Mutati

By Elias Munshya

THOSE who lose court cases should do so in peace. In fact, it is a sign of great maturity to be magnanimous in defeat. “Umulembwe wacipuba”, claims an Ushi proverb, “upwila muli tumfwe”. We do understand that at least two people have appealed Justice Sharon Newa’s ruling in the MMD case. We find this appeal to be confused and outrightly baseless. But we should not be the ones to stop anyone from exercising their rights of appeal. Perhaps we might need to only advise the appellants that they had better spend their money and resources on something that is more worthwhile than appeal a very clear decision of a conscientious judge.

For the appeal court to reverse Madam Justice Newa, the court must be convinced that Judge Newa misapprehended the facts and the law. This is an improbable proposition. Leaving the law aside, we can also use common sense to interrogate the MMD issue. Once we apply common sense, the law and the facts, we will find that Justice Newa was not only correct, but explained her position eloquently. But appealing, they have appealed, and once more, they will lose just like they have always been losing. The court records are there for all to see. Mr Felix Mutati and Mr Nakachinda have been losing against Dr Nevers Mumba for years and in all levels of court. But like tenacious clowns, they continue going to court, only to lose and lose some more.

The MMD case was really very simple. MMD elected Nevers Mumba in 2012. The party was to have a convention in 2016. However, Nevers Mumba and his NEC decided to postpone the convention to the next year. Disgruntled folks such as Mr Mutati and several others decided to hold a convention of their own in 2016 and anointed Mutati as president. They popped a thousand balloons and smeared white powder on their faces in a sign that they had held an MMD convention. From 2016, to at least last week, Mr Mutati has been conducting himself as president of the MMD. It is just so sad that this gentleman was masquerading with this nonsense for such a long time. Our courts are quite slow, but they do really catch up. On 4 November 2019, Justice Newa issued her decision. It was correct, incisive and compelling. The NEC of the MMD had correctly decided to not hold the convention in 2016. Whatever Mr Mutati smeared himself with at his purported convention did not make it an MMD convention. And no matter how much powder you use, it would never redeem a failed project.

Justice Newa’s decision confirms the law that governs clubs and societies. Had Mutati won this court case, it would have implanted confusion in all societies in Zambia. What it would have meant is that any group of disgruntled directors can drop more balloons and declare their faction as the real society. Imagine disgruntled Catholics coming together in Lusaka and then claiming that they have elected a new pope or a new bishop because Rome has taken too long to appoint one. Imagine the confusion it would cause if it happened to a church such as Grace Ministries where a disgruntled few decide the leader has taken too long to hold a convention, we will have our own and anoint for ourselves a new leader. There would be chaos! Madam Justice Newa’s decision makes a lot of sense and is a victory for the rule of law in organisations and civil society organisations.

If Mutati had concerns about Nevers Mumba, he had channels to use within the MMD structures. You do not go off tangent to anoint your own convention and convene it with the disgruntled fellows. That is not how it works.
The appeal has apparently been lodged. We look forward to hearing the submissions. The appellants are being represented by the law firm that belongs to PF minister Makebi Zulu. I personally do not believe that this law firm can change the facts or the law.

Nevertheless, just like they have always done – I can predict that the appellants will lose, as they are a bunch of losers.

The author can be reached at [email protected].