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The Constitutional Court dismisses the application by LAZ to summon Given Lubinda

Justice Minister Given Lubinda
Justice Minister Given Lubinda

The Constitutional Court has for the second time dismissed the application by the Law Association of Zambia to summon Justice Minister, Given Lubinda and Attorney General, Likando Kalaluka, as its witnesses in a matter in which LAZ is challenging the enactment of a Bill to amend the Constitution of Zambia.

LAZ Lawyer John Sangwa had applied for leave to summon the duo as witnesses after the full bench had earlier set aside the summons for irregularity.

The full bench of the Constitutional Court had issued directions that the Court shall not accept any other applications from both sides made after November 5, 2019. But without applying for leave to alter the Court’s directions, the body of lawyers decided to file its application on 7th November 2019.

Sitting in Chambers this afternoon, Constitutional Court Judge Enock Mulembe observed that the Law Association of Zambia had obtained no leave from the Court to file an application outside the directions of the Court.

The Attorney General had also questioned the regularity of the application having been filed in blatant disregard of the Court’s directives. The dismissal of the application by the Court still confirms that neither the Justice Minister nor Attorney General will testify on behalf of LAZ.

The full bench has set November 12 at 09:00 hours for the hearing of the main petition filed by the Law Association of Zambia and Chapter One Foundation

President Lungu pardons 5 inmates as he marks 63rd birthday

President Lungu

To mark his 63rd birthday which falls today,President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has pardoned five inmates from various correctional facilities.

The President has pardoned Chief Mulongwe, Former Minister in the Movement for Multiparty Democracy(MMD) government Maxwell Mwale,journalist Derrick Sinjela, Afumba Mombotwa, and former Zambia Airforce commander Christopher Singogo.

The President’s action is in line with Article 97 of the Constitution of Zambia Chapter (1) of the Laws of Zambia which provides for the Presidential pardon and substitution of severe punishments imposed on the convicted.

Meanwhile, Defence Chiefs have presented birthday gifts to the President to mark his 63rd birthday which falls today , 11th November, 2019.

The Defence Chiefs presented various gifts to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces at State House at a short ceremony which was attended by uniformed men and women from the Zambia Army,Zambia Airforce, Zambia National Service, Zambia Correctional Services and Immigration Department including members of Staff of State House and some senior Government officials.

Immediately the President walked into the credentials room at State House, he was welcomed to a heart-warming Happy birthday melody sang by the Defence Forces, including State House members of Staff.

The ceremony was also punctuated by the traditional cutting of the cake which marks the birthday ceremony’s crescendo.

In response to this gesture,the President said he was humbled by the love that the Defence Forces had shown him, and jokingly said: “I am 36” a reversal of 63 years.

The President called for teamwork in the Defence Forces and all fields across the country’s sectors, if national development was to be achieved.

He said his success depended on teamwork across the country’s sectors.

The President thanked God Almighty for sustaining him.

Earlier, Zambia Army Commander Lientant General William Sikazwe congratulated the President on his birthday and prayed that God Almighty will continue to give him wisdom as he leads the nation.

Lieutenant General Sikazwe said it was gratifying that the President’s birthday was falling on the day that the First World War came to an end signifying peace.

General Sikazwe quipped, “When we are jogging , you are always ahead of us yet you are 63.”

Issued by Isaac Chimpampe
Special Assistant to the President (Press and Public relations)

Chieftainess Chiawa opposes mining in Lower Zambezi

Chieftainess Chiawa with Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo (kneeling)

Chieftainess Chiawa of the Goba people in Kafue district says she is opposed to the proposed construction of the Kangaluwi Copper Mine in the Lower Zambezi.

Chieftainess Chiawa in whose area the proposed mine is to be situated said allowing mining in the Lower Zambezi will disrupt wildlife in the area.

She said the Lower Zambezi is globally renowned to its vast and untamed wildlife and tempering with its existence will take away the beauty of the area.

Chieftainess Chiawa said she would rather have sustainable tourism in the Lower Zambezi than encouraging mining which she says can cause a lot of damage to the area.

“Mining here makes me scared. What will happen to all those animals when mining starts with all its noise? I am really scared,” Chieftainess Chiawa said.

She was speaking over the weekend in an interview with Journalists when Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo paid a courtesy call on her before holding an interactive session with tour operators and other stakeholders in the Lower Zambia.

Chieftainess Chiawa added, “you cannot have both, it’s either you have tourism and no mining or mining and no tourism. “

She said the greatest attraction of the Lower Zambezi is wildlife which she feared would scamper if mining is allowed.

And Mr Lusambo has assured tour operators in the Lower Zambezi that government will continue supporting sustainable tourism in the country.

Chieftainess Chiawa

Antonio Mwanza sues Newspaper

PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza
PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza

PF deputy media director Antonio Mwanza has sued the New Vision Newspaper for defamation.

In his suit, Mr. Mwanza has asked the court to award him K200,000 for exemplary damages.

He has further urged the court to compel the newspaper to pay him K350,000 for defamation of character.

Mr. Mwanza also wants the defendant to publish an apology for ten days on its front page.

He complained that the story published by the newspaper has injured his reputation.

This is according to a statement of claim filed in the High Court.

Meanwhile, Leadership Movement party president Richard Silumbe and 12 others have pleaded not guilty to one count of possession of offensive weapons.

In this matter the suspects are accused of having possessed 54 machetes, six high powered stun guns and 13 shot buttons.

The 13 suspects took plea before Lusaka Resident Magistrate Lameck Mwale.

The matter has been adjourned to December 10, 2019 for commencement of trial.


Zambian Government Must Find Ways to Accommodate Social Media

President Lungu

On Friday November 8th, while addressing journalists, President Edgar Lungu asked a question: Do our people believe everything they read on social media? He didn’t state his position but like it is said, actions speak louder than words. Social media clampdown by the government through arbitrary laws and in the form of Friday’s press conference is a clear indication that the President believes people believe everything they read on social media.

For one who follows Zambian politics closely, will agree that Friday media address to journalists was about reaffirming the fight against social media, which seems to be the biggest threat to the PF government future.

Remember, from day one, the day when President Edgar Lungu assumed office as Zambian President to date, social media has been received very negatively by his government. I do not recall a single day when PF government gave credit to social media apart from threats, warning, and arrest after arrest.

Again, if I have failed to grasp the point, please help me:

“You need to create a chasm between journalism and social media craze. This, no one can do apart from yourselves. Social media is for all; while journalism is for trained communicators. But if you allow all and sundry to masquerade as journalists, your profession will perish.”

Stay away from social media is my own interpretation of the passage. I may not be right. If I am right, isn’t advising journalists to avoid social media same as advising fishermen to avoid water? What is the major source of information for journalists?

Social media and journalism need each other. Running away from this truth is doing Zambia more harm than good. We must encourage the two to work together if we must make a better Zambia. Effort and energy must be spent on trying to accommodate social media instead of fighting it. It would have been very helpful if social media fans were represented at the recent Lungu’s media address to journalists. This negative approach is not working, why not try to approach social media in a positive way. Remember, social media is an industry like any other industry. If well managed, it has potential of playing very important role in our democracy process and the development of the country.

During his interaction with journalists, President Edgar Lungu also emphasized on the importance of individuals, groups, and organisations to lobby for themselves. As a fan of social media, I want to conclude by begging the government of Zambia to start working on a positive relationship with social media fans. Please consider social media fans a positive community.

By Venus N Msyani
Concerned citizen in the diaspora

Hakainde Hichilema is a Christian and an Adventist, he does not Support Gay Rights and Lesbianism-UPND

Secretary General Stephen Katuka
Secretary General Stephen Katuka

The UPND says it has noted with regret that the PF have continued spreading malicious fake statements purported to have quoted UPND President Hakainde Hichilema as supporting gay rights and lesbianism.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has since urged all Zambians to ignore the statement by the PF as malicious propaganda aimed at scandalizing their Leader Hakainde Hichilema.

Mr Katuka says Mr Hichilema is a Christian and an Adventist who does not support gay rights and lesbianism adding that the Adventists do not believe in what PF is publishing.

He said it is appalling to note that First Lady Esther Lungu wore a Dorcas uniform and barely a week after her husband’s Party has continued to scandalize SDA members like HH with malice.

Mr Katuka said Mr Hichilema is a baptized member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and it is evil for the first lady to allow her husband to tell lies against a fellow Christian.

He said it is a pity that the evils of the PF leadership have gone too far that they would write anything they dream of.

Mr Katuka has reminded President Edgar Lungu to tell his PF media team that Zambians want them to end load shedding, lower mealie meal prices, lower fuel prices, end corruption, provide employment and pay all retirees.

He said it is shameful for the PF to focus on dirty propaganda when Zambians have been sentenced to abject poverty by Edgar Lungu.

Mr Katuka has demanded that the PF government provides solutions to the economy they have ruined through massive corruption.

“We also ask Zambians to remind the PF of load shedding, hunger, high cost of mealie meal, corruption involving 48 houses, purchase of $42million fire tenders, and $288,000 ambulances, every time they scandalize President Hichilema. We want Edgar Lungu to explain where the $500million sovereign guarantee he signed for ZESCO has gone”, He said.

Mr Katuka said the UPND also want to see what action President Lungu and his friends will take now that the inquiries commission on election violence has named his ministers like Kampyongo, Bowman Lusambo, among others.

He has further demanded that PF cadres stop collecting levies at Bus Stations and Markets with immediate effect.

Local Government Minister differs with Lusaka Province Minister over the demolition of illegal structures


Tourism and Arts Minister, Charles Banda
Local Government and Housing Minister Charles Banda

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says the properties built on Munali school land should not be demolished.

This directive comes barely a week after Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo directed Council Officials to demolish the structures failure to which they will be being transferred.

But Mr Banda has directed Lusaka Town Clerk Alex Mwansa to provide information on how the developers acquired the land for residential purposes.

Mr Banda said all those constructing at the land in question should stop as he is acquiring information on how they acquired the land and who gave it to them and for what purposes.

He said the idea was to re-plan the land so that it is shared among the four schools and not for plot allocation.

Mr Banda said it is important to understand where the problem is coming from.

Mr Lusambo said Government will reverse the offer letters given to developers who have encroached on land belonging to Munali High school in Lusaka.

He said his ministry has also recommended that all properties that have been developed should be given to the school saying he will not allow encroachment on land belonging to government institutions.

He reiterated that all those that were involved in the illegality will be brought to book.

Why we support Mayor Sampa lowering of Speed limits around schools

Now School Children are protected by an elevated Zebra Crossing which is a traffic calming feature in itself
Now School Children are protected by an elevated Zebra Crossing which is a traffic calming feature in itself

By Daniel Mwamba

The Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST) is concerned about the impact of road traffic on children. About 1550 children were in 2014 killed or injured in road traffic, hence our support for Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa, intention to reduce speeds limits in all schools from the widespread 40 km/h to 30 km/h.

Our support focuses on the impact of inappropriate and illegal speed on children, and on the key measures needed to tackle road pandemic in the country.

There is overwhelming evidence that children suffer greatly from speed—not just as the victims of road crashes, but also through loss of freedom and independent mobility. There is also evidence about the ways forward, namely measures to reduce speeds in areas where children live.

ZRST is backing for well enforced 30 km/h speed limits around all schools as the first step in making our townships and cities safer and healthier for children.

Excessive speed is a major cause of deaths and injuries, especially in children. Speeding is dangerous for the driver (for whom it is a self-imposed risk), passengers and other motorists, but it is especially dangerous for vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, particularly children.

According to the Government statistics inappropriate and excessive speed on the roads account for a majority of deaths and serious injuries. The massive impact of road casualties on children, families and costs to society as well as the lack of support systems to deal with the consequences have been described in many studies.

The number of children killed and seriously injured in car crashes is many times higher than the number harmed by strangers, another child safety issue of major public concern.

Reducing traffic speeds clearly has a key role to play in this.

We also think that, the situation is almost certainly much worse than officially reported.

It is generally accepted that there is significant under reporting of serious and slight injuries as many road traffic incidents are not reported to the police.

There is also evidence of injury severity misclassification by the police within reported casualties.

The adverse health impacts of speeding extend far beyond deaths and injuries.

The commonly held view among some members of the public, and especially among lobbying groups for motorists (is) that traffic speed is only a problem if someone gets killed or seriously injured.

In contrast, we take the view that excess traffic speed has many adverse health effects and that a more holistic approach that promotes safer driving and reduces the social acceptability of driving at excessive speed is needed.

Road traffic injuries are, however, only one manifestation of the health impacts of excessive speed. Fast traffic on busy roads impairs pedestrian and cyclist access to goods and services, and leads to community severance. Access is a particular problem for those with impaired mobility, such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

Excess speed, especially when associated with late braking, increases local air pollution and noise levels with potential adverse effects on respiratory, cardiac and mental health.

Many Families are living in fear the present traffic conditions are a major cause of concern not only for the public at large and many parents but also for children themselves with adverse effects on mental health and welfare.

A change of attitude: Stop blaming the children. The narrower area of children and road safety two principles should be included.

The first is not just to blame the victim. The child pedestrian is normally blamed for a road incident by the police and others.

Those who report accidents on society’s behalf (the police) usually see young pedestrians as mainly “at fault”, as indeed does society itself . . . Society does not seem to be very critical of the conduct of drivers and so, when an accident occurs, unless the behaviour of the driver is atypical and extreme, it is the typical and often childlike behaviour of the young pedestrian where blame is directed.

The second principle is “not just to make the potential victims even more terrified of the threat . . . although this fear has a rational basis. Road traffic is extremely dangerous for children . . . We should be to reduce the dangers which underlie the fear, not treat them as adults.

In terms of children’s quality of life as it is affected by the rising volume and speed of traffic, there appear to be two alternative responses: either we can continue to withdraw children from the growing threat that is posed, and inculcate fear in parents and children about the risks, or we can withdraw that threat from the children by `taming’ traffic.

A first step: we support the introduction of well-enforced 30 km/h speed limits around all schools by the Mayor. In the face of this major public health crisis with drastic consequences on the life expectancy and quality of life of children, the Zambia Road Safety Trust takes the view that there is a very strong case for widespread lower speed limits in the areas where children live and travel.

As a first step we recommend the adoption of well-enforced 30 km/h speed limits around all schools.

Effective 30 km/h limits are very successful in reducing casualties. There is strong evidence, particularly based on experience from somewhere in Europe, that they play a positive role in improving mobility and quality of life.

There is a wealth of evidence that lower speeds and 30 km/h zones can benefit vulnerable road users with respect to casualty and speed reduction. A report that describes this case study, funded by the Commission for Integrated Transport in UK singles out area-wide coverage of 30 km/ h speed limits as a key best practice lesson from European countries.

We think that the Zambian government has it in its power to achieve health, environment, and transport policy goals by reducing the dangers posed to children and young people through policy change and concomitant resourcing to alter the traffic environment in favour of children. Their needs and expectations and those of the local community should be of paramount importance, rather than those of passing motorists.

Our support singles out the introduction of well-enforced 30 km/h speed limits around schools as a major step to protect children and improve their environment.

This is not to ignore other measures which may also play an important part in redressing the balance on our streets in favour of children. But in our view the evidence and arguments in favour of this measure are so strong that its complete omission from any government strategy is all the more striking.

If the government were to add its weight to the Mayor’s call for action, the benefits for children now and in the future could be enormous.


*NB: Mayor Sampa will be hosting a forum of advocates for 30 km/h speeds limits around school areas on Thursday, 28th November 2019 at Lusaka City Council.*

More MMD Members in Mutati Faction want to appeal the High Court Decision

Felix Mutati speaking at a Copperbelt provincial MMD card renewal
Felix Mutati speaking at a Copperbelt provincial MMD card renewal

The decision by Felix Mutati not to appeal the November 5th High Court ruling which declared Dr Nevers Mumba as legitimate President of the MMD has not been well received by some party members.

Mr Mutati yesterday indicated after attending a Church Service at the Reformed Church in Kafue that he will not appeal the High Court ruling to allow the party to heal from the squabbles that have affected its growth in the last three years.

But Muchinga Constituency MMD Member of Parliament Howard Kunda says Mr Mutati cannot as an individual decide to quit the fight for MMD Presidency.

Mr Kunda says the decision by Mr Mutati to quit must be a collective decision as he did not impose himself as the opposition party leader.

He told Serenje Radio that party members are on the ground consulting the masses on the way forward regarding the position.

And MMD Member Gaston Sichilima says no one is mandated to announce the closure of the case adding that an appeal is more likely.

Mr. Sichilima says wide consultations are still ongoing.

Yesterday, the Lusaka MMD District Executive called on Mr. Mutati and Mr. Nakachinda to appeal the Lusaka High court ruling.

District Secretary, Reuben Mambwe said the committee and the seven Constituencies have also resolved to disown Dr. Mumba.

Last week, MMD President Nevers Mumba challenged Members of Parliament that are not willing to work with him to resign following a High Court judgment that declared him President of the former ruling party.

Dr. Mumba, however, said that he is willing to work and support MPs including supporters of the losing President Felix Mutati.

He said he will not force anyone to stay in the party if they are not willing to work with him and the party will be willing to go for bye-elections.

Fringe CHAN Players Impress Mutapa in Namibia Friendly


Zambia assistant coach Oswald Mutapa is happy with his fringe CHAN team players’ performance in last Saturday’s away friendly win over Namibia.

Chipolopolo’s home-based side beat Namibia 2-0 in Windhoek on November 9 with a team that had three CHAN and COSAFA regulars in the starting XI.

Defender Adrian Chama, midfielder Amity Shamende and striker Emmanuel Chabula, who scored a brace, were the three notable names in the starting XI.

“They are all local players, we have qualified for CHAN 2020 but this was not the full CHAN team but we brought in a few other players,” Mutapa said.

“The rest have gone to Algeria to play in the 2021 AFCON qualifiers.

“But again, it was a good platform for the new boys. They showed they can especially be considered for the team. They did very well and we are proud of them.”

Mutapa was put in charge of the Namibia friendly because Aggrey Chiyangi is away with Chipolopolo in Algeria ahead of Thursday’s opening 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier against the defending African champions.

ZAMBIA XI: Mulenga, Zulu, Chilongoshi, L.Banda, A.Chama, Katema, K.Kapumbu, C.Zulu, Shamende, Chabula, Chaibela

Shepolopolo Brace For Big Home Test


Shepolopolo are in a do-or-die mission at home on Monday when they host Kenya in a CAF zone 2020 Olympic Women’s Football tournament penultimate stage, last leg qualifier at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

Bruce Mwape’s side returned home armed with precious away goals following a 2-2 draw on Friday in Nairobi.

“It is unfortunate that we drew but had a good run,” Shepolopolo captain Barbara Banda said.

“But they are coming to our home ground on Monday and we have an advantage.

“It is not over, they are a good side but we will do better at home and we are not underrating them but we will see them on Monday.”

Winner over both legs will face Cameroon or Cote d’Ivoire in the final round for Africa’s sole place in Tokyo while the loser at that stage will face a South American team in a playoff qualifier.

Last round contenders Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire drew 0-0 in their first leg match in Abidjan on Saturday.

Felix Mutati says he will not appeal court decision, but Nakachinda insists his faction will appeal

Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province

Former MMD President Felix Mutati has said that he will not appeal the Lusaka High court ruling that declared Nevers Mumba as the Party’s President.

Mr. Mutati said that there is no need to remain on the path of fighting BUT that there are other ways to serve the country, adding that he respected the Judgement by the High Court.

Mr. Mutati said that he remained open to any rational political options that are progressive, sustainable, and centered on service.

Mr. Mutati was speaking to journalists in Kafue.

However, Former MMD National Secretary, Raphael Nakachinda said as Chief Executive Officer of the Party, he will appeal the case.

He told ZNBC News in a telephone interview that the decision not to appeal the case by Mr. Mutati is personal.

Mr. Nakachinda said the decision to appeal is based on seeking justice for many MMD Members.

Earlier, the Lusaka MMD District Executive called on Mr. Mutati and Mr. Nakachinda to appeal the Lusaka High court ruling.

District Secretary, Reuben Mambwe said the committee and the seven Constituencies have also resolved to disown Dr. Mumba.

Mr. Mambwe who was flanked by MMD members told ZNBC News that party loyalty will always be with Mr. Mutati who has proved to be a good leader.

Government suspends operations at United Quarries, two Chinese expatriates summoned


The Ministry of Labour and social security has suspended operations at United Quarries Limited Company situated in Chongwe for failing to comply with the requirements of the law.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour Chanda Kaziya says the two Chinese expatriates namely Ai Hui and Hu Shang dang at the company have also been ordered to report to immigration offices.

This follows inspections conducted at the company on Friday which revealed the that workers do not have contracts of employment and there was a generalization of work .

Mr Kaziya said it is unfortunate that workers at the company were paid below the minimum wage of which they have not paid overtime despite working long hours.

He has since instructed that workers’ salaries be paid in full during four weeks period of which operations will be suspended .

The PS also noted that the company has no adequate serviced fire extinguisher s and that workers did not have protective closings while the sanitary conditions at the company are poor .

Mr. Kaziya further advised the company to calculate and pay all salary underpayments in arrears and submit a payment schedule to the Labour office.

Borrowing by the PF government has been purely for developmental purposes-Mundubile

PF Chairperson for legal affairs Brian Mundubile
PF Chairperson for legal affairs Brian Mundubile

Parliamentary Chief Whip, Brian Mundubile says borrowing by the PF government has been purely for developmental purposes.

Mr. Mundubile observes that it is unfair to maintain a clean debt sheet when people are suffering and need basic services.

He says from the debt government has contracted so far, schools, Hospital and roads have been constructed among other projects.

Mr. Mundubile who is also Mporokoso law maker says government borrowed to open the country for investment in various sectors.

He was speaking during the PF interactive forum in Lusaka today.

Mr. Mundubile said it is hypocrisy to overlook the aspect of development that has come with the debt that the country has contracted.

And PF Media Director Sunday Chanda expressed disappointment one opposition political party is propagating Gay rights.

Mr. Chanda said he is aware that the Opposition party is doing so to please its masters adding that it is sad for a leader to be ready to sale the country for political gains.

And PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza said the removal of meal allowances from Copperbelt University and University of Zambia was in good faith as government wants to extend loans to other public universities and colleges.

President Lungu leads defence and security in remembering the first and second world wars victims

-President Edgar Lungu laying wreaths during the Remembrance Day at the National Cenotaph yesterday 13-11-2016. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu laying wreaths during the Remembrance Day at the National Cenotaph

resident Edgar Lungu on Sunday led defence and security wings in remembering men and women who died during the first and second world wars.

The President laid wreaths at the National Cenotaph before greeting the dignitaries that were in attendance.

Others who laid wreaths are War Veterans, Defence Chiefs and Diplomats.

President Lungu also took time to interact with ordinary people who came to witness this year’s Remembrance Day.

And speaking during the ceremony, Zambia Army Chaplain Spoon Mbewe called for promotion of peace and unity in Zambia.

Assistant Superintendent Mbewe said misunderstandings will always be there but what is needed is to resolve them peacefully.

He has urged Zambians to be humble and have control over what they say if they are to be peace makers.

The event was also attended by Former Vice Presidents Nevers Mumba and Enock Kavindele among others.