Wednesday, October 9, 2024
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Yung Verbal releases club banger “Rotation”

Yung Verbal and Cartel music present Rotation off Yung Verbal’s soon to be released project “Forever Young.”

The club banger features Zambian music heavy weights Dimpo Williams, Tsean and Daev – The production credits belong to Chase Iyan. Yung Verbal is excited to share this single and video directed by Lanzee of Coppershots.

Audio Links


Interact with Yung Verbal on social media:

Chanda Mbao scores another number one record

(Picture credit: Bharti)

After the breakout success of Chanda Mbao’s last single, Money Gang, which hit number 1 positions both in South Africa and Zambia, Chanda Mbao has come back with a local banger entitled, Too Much. The song has started to make waves online with youngsters sharing videos of themselves dancing to the song as well as very popular covers uploaded by the likes of K Star the comedian. At the time of this writing the song occupies the number 1 spot on both Radio Phoenix’s famed Local Rhythms Countdown as well as Hot FM’s immensely popular Hot 10 at 10 countdown where it has been number 1 for almost three weeks.

With incredible production by Chanda’s frequent producer, Chase Iyan, and a sizzling quadri-lingual verse from Zambian heavyweight rapper Slap Dee, ‘Too Much’ has taken the Hip-Hop scene by storm. (FYI—we did our own tally and the song actually has five languages in total in the rap verses of the artists.) Multilingualism aside, the catchy creativity of the phrase ‘too much maningi’ has undoubtedly helped propel the song to mainstream popularity.

Chanda Mbao says that a music video for the single is due to come very soon and we are certainly looking forward to that! For now, we will keep listening to the Hip-Hop banger!

Listen to the song for free here:

Support the paid download on Zambian platform Mvesesani, here:

Envoy calls for increased cooperation

Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula addressing guests during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary in Stockholm at the weekend.

Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula has called for increased cooperation with Zambia’s partners in order to help Government achieve its developmental goals.

Ambassador Salukatula has pointed out that despite some challenges, Government was resilient and focused on ensuring that the economy of the country grew and contributed to bettering the lives of Zambians.

“We would like to urge our cooperating partners as well as our friendly countries to continue supporting us in the efforts we are implementing through various developmental programmes.”

Ambassador Salukatula was speaking in Stockholm on Friday during a colourful reception hosted for diplomats accredited to Sweden, Zambians and various other stakeholders, to commemorate Zambia’s 55th Independence anniversary which fell on 24th October. The event was held at the Ambassador’s residence in Stockholm.

On Saturday, the Ambassador hosted a separate gathering of Zambians from across Sweden to celebrate the national day. The well-attended event, which was also graced by Chola Lungu-Mtoni, granddaughter of freedom fighter, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, was organised by Zambians resident in Sweden.

Ambassador Salukatula said the Zambian Government has shifted from strictly political to economic diplomacy in a bid to accelerate economic development through the country’s bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

The Ambassador observed that diplomatic relations between Zambia and Sweden date back to 1965 and that it was, in this regard, Zambia’s desire to see that all forms of collaboration with Sweden become stronger.

“Let me take this opportunity through you, Guest of Honour, to assure the Swedish business community that Zambia still remains a very attractive investment destination, with the Zambia Development Agency continuing to receive higher investment pledges every year,” she said.

“I wish, through you, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, to invite the business community from your respective countries to come to Zambia and explore the abundant investment opportunities available, especially in the energy sector where we have been having serious challenges lately,” she added.

Ambassador Salukatula told the audience that as a nation of 72 ethnic groups, Zambia prides itself in the peace it has continually enjoyed for decades, living in harmony as one people from different cultures, regions and beliefs.
She noted that today, Zambia was well known for its hospitality which has inspired many visitors from around the world.
“It is this belief in peace and unity that has allowed democracy to flourish and make Zambia a shining democracy on the continent. Since independence in 1964, Zambia has held democratic elections through which the country has had the privilege to be led by six different governments, with the losers giving in to the will of the people by gracefully conceding defeat.”

And in response, Ambassador Carlsson noted that Sweden and Zambia have enjoyed strong and warm historic and long-standing relations since independence, and that the two countries also shared history in terms of Dag Hammarskjöld, whose work was still held in high regard in Zambia.
Ambassador Carlsson said development cooperation has been at the core of bilateral relations for many years, but that Sweden was now working to broaden these relations to include the field of trade and investment.
He disclosed that Business Sweden, an organisation jointly owned by the Government of Sweden and representatives from the Swedish business community, was keeping a watchful eye on the Zambian energy market through their Energy for Africa programme.
“In this endeavor, I particularly note the successful visit last year by a trade delegation to Zambia and Swedish companies which took part in the AgriTech Fair last year. We must ensure to keep the momentum going with follow-up activities next year.
He observed that Swedish bilateral development cooperation with Zambia amounted to approximately SEK450 million or US46.5 million every year, running between 2018 and 2022. This focuses on human rights, democracy, rule of law, gender equality, health, sexual and reproductive health & rights, nutrition, environment, climate, renewable & sustainable energy, and inclusive economic development and livelihoods.
Ambassador Carlsson noted that just like Sweden, Zambia shared concern over climate change, as highlighted by Zambia’s President His Excellency Dr. Edgar Lungu at the last United Nations General Conference in New York.
He said part of Sweden’s bilateral development cooperation included a focus on renewable energy and that in line with this, the 2019 UN Global Climate Action Award was conferred on Sweden for its project, ‘Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia’. The project focuses on off-grid rural electrification solutions. “The programme has exceeded the goals set and is now being scaled up to additional countries in the region as a result,” Ambassador Carlsson said.
Addressing Zambians, Ambassador Salukatula called on the nationals to realise that peace was an important asset if Zambia was to continue attracting tourists as well as foreign investment in various sectors of the economy which the country needed in order to achieve sustainable development.

“Let us work towards maintaining the country’s brand as a beacon of peace. Let us emulate our founding fathers and mothers in being patriotic and to speak good of our country as any negative sentiments from any of us will not help anyone but just hurt the economy of the country.”

Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula with Sweden Sub-saharan Africa Chamber of Commerce president, Åsa Jarskog during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary at the weekend.
Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula addresses Zambians resident in Sweden at her residence during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary at the weekend.
Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula addressing guests during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary in Stockholm at the weekend.
Guest of Honour, Head of Trade in the Africa Department of Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Bengt Carlsson listens to the address by Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary in Stockholm at the weekend.
Zambia’s export to Sweden, Edward Chilufya and Zambia’s Ambassador to Sweden, Her Excellency Ms. Rose Salukatula pose with a ‘ZAMBIA 55’ replica jersey presented to the Embassy by his club, Djurgården, at the Ambassador’s residence. This was during celebrations to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary in Stockholm at the weekend.

Issued by:
Nicky Shabolyo
Cell: +46 (0)700217618
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Malaria death down by 70%

Commissioning of the Kidney transplant centre at the University Teaching Hospital by Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
Commissioning of the Kidney transplant centre at the University Teaching Hospital by Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says government’s investments in the health sector has seen the reduction of malaria related deaths by more than 70 percent.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Elimination 8 engagement forum in Gaborone, Botswana, Dr. Chilufya said government’s intervention include investments in health systems and a broader expansion of infrastructure.

He reiterated President Edgar Lungu’s commitment to strengthening cross border diplomacy in bridging the fight against malaria at regional level through fostering linkages.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News by First Secretary Press and Public Relations at the Zambian High Commission in Botswana Kasabo Kalusa.

The Elimination 8 initiative is a coalition of eight countries working across national borders to eliminate malaria in Southern Africa by 2030.


PF commends the Church for being the salt of the earth on Zambia’s political landscape

Party Secretary General Davies Mwila
Party Secretary General Davies Mwila

In the gospel of Mathew our Lord Jesus Christ tells his disciples who later became the founding apostles of the Church: _“You are the Salt of the Earth.”_

Salt has many properties.
Among them is healing; preserving; and providing taste.

In the aftermath of the memorial service of the founding father of the Patriotic Front and 5th President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, we commend the Church for championing healing; advocating the preservation of dignity and encouraging the sweet flavour of brotherly love, to a body politic’s buffet that has increasingly become unsavoury and served on a soiled platter garnished with all manner of malice, fake news, hate speech and violence.

The jubilation by congregants was evidence that Zambians are yearning for politics of maturity. Politics of insults and demeaning language has been frowned upon by the Zambian people. Our citizens are fatigued with politics of insults and character assassination. Fifty five years after independence, such distasteful politics has no place in our country- and it must come to an end.

It takes a lot for the President to humble himself in the manner he did. His humility should not be taken for granted.

We thank President Lungu for showing the way and demonstrating such mature and peaceful politics, that even under extreme provocation and disrespectful taunting, he has refused to respond to insults with other insults. He has exercised commendable self –restraint and demonstrated how meekness is not weakness; but rather power under control.

The Head of State has shown that he is President not just for Patriotic Front, but for all Zambians regardless of ethnicity, political affiliation or religious inclination. His all-inclusive approach is testimony to his decisiveness in leaving no one behind in the development agenda.

At 55, Zambian politics have come of age. We are at a stage where the Head of State should be able to meet and dine with any Opposition leader to discuss matters of national development irrespective of any sharp political differences.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has effectively demonstrated that as the nation’s foremost Leader, he is ready to, meet, reconcile and work with any political leader for the good of the nation. Such is his practical commitment to mature politics that seeks the common good for the common man.

It must be emphasised that it takes a lot for the President to humble himself in the manner he does.

We therefore urge all opposition political leaders and other stakeholders to take advantage of President Lungu’s goodwill. For the sake of all our children and posterity, we must put politics of insults and character assassination in the past where they actually belong.

On our part as the Party in Government, we will endeavour to cherish the Church’s guidance and emulate the President’s politics of civility, even as the Church continues to fulfil its prophetic role in bringing sanity to the body politic and healing in the nation.

PF continues to call for substantive politics, issue-based politics.

We shall do our part.


By Hon Davies Mwila
Patriotic Front Secretary General
Party Head Secretariat

Department of National Parks and wildlife officers accused of harassing starving villagers


FDD Chairperson for Labour Yotam Mtayachalo paid a visit to Chama North Constituencies and found that people are facing acute food shortages.

According to Mr Mtayachalo, people in Mwalala ward in Chama North Constituency to be specific Katangalika village to assess the hunger situation, unless the government acts expeditiously and come to their aid, people may die of starvation because the majority are depending on mangos for survival.

Mr Mtayachalo said the hunger situation may get worse in the coming few months if nothing is done urgently to address the situation in light of the rain season which is just around the corner as many areas are inaccessible during this period of the year.

Further, Mr Mtayachalo said the people complained bitterly against Department of National Parks and wildlife officers who they accuse of bursting into their homes usually at or before dawn in search for game meat and illegal guns and wantonly arresting them without allowing them to dress properly.

He said in the process they are beaten on mere suspicions and it is also alleged that some overzealous Officers are accused of planting evidence at the homes of some suspects.

Mr Mtayachalo said this conduct which is becoming widespread can no longer be tolerated and it calls for an immediate inquiry by the government so that once it is proven to be true, culprits must be brought to book because it is not only unacceptable and unprofessional but also a gross violation of human rights.

He said this has led to many people in Chama District being remanded and languishing in prison in Lundazi district for so many months or years without appearing in court on time in accordance with the law after being denied bond. Contributing to this is the fact that Chama district has no resident magistrate.

Mr Mtayachalo said he has brought these issues to the attention of Chama District Commissioner Leonard Ngoma who is working tirelessly and he has promised to address these issues.

He has further appealed to the government to consider increasing food allocation countrywide to hunger stricken population because the 12.5kg bag of mealie meal given to affected families is not enough to sustain them going by the African family step up.

Zoona is here to stay… but not as you know it.



The world of financial services has moved away from money transfers to a focus on mobile money and other products entering the market. So at Zoona, we have listened to this change and have been busy shifting our strategy into helping businesses have better access and reach. We have recently closed investment backing this new shift in strategy and are now executing on our new plans.

Our Zoona agent network and the entrepreneurs operating them remains critical and we are currently streamlining it to a smaller, stronger network of agents who are reliable,liquid & well trained. Our strategy is, quality not quantity. We are focused on making more partner products available at a Zoona booth; we’re in partnership with Mukuru to provide international money transfers and for Atlas Mara, Tenga & MTN we are providing deposits & withdrawals (with further partner wallets in the pipeline) . We are dedicated to increasing partner product access nationwide via our agent network.

We are also delighted to announce the launch of our new financial technology (Fintech) spinoff Tilt which is also focused on serving business customers. Under Tilt we have developed a new bulk payment platform, where customers, employees or beneficiaries can access cash at any Zoona, Kazang or Afrivance agents nationwide. Our Tilt partnerships have resulted in $37 million in value being transacted over the platform
between July and September in Zambia. As we continue to engage with mobile network operators and banks to facilitate payments onto wallets and accounts, our business customers will have a full suite of cash and digital payment offerings available to them.
Please visit for more information.

As we shift Zoona and introduce Tilt to collectively serve business customers, we are looking forward to connecting with many more partners to help solve customer problems within the market. We believe interoperability, and increased cash and digital payment options is the future, and together we can change the way Africa transacts.

Issued By:
Brad Magrath, CEO of Zoona Group.

Merck Foundation to send medical personnel to India to specialize in IVF

she is involved in charity work donation for rural Zambians that sometimes cannot be reached via conventional government channels
she is involved in charity work donation for rural Zambians that sometimes cannot be reached via conventional government channels

The Ministry of Health in partnership with Merck Foundation will next month send medical personnel to India to specialize In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Assistant Director Clinical Care and Diagnostic Services, Daniel Makawa says the specialized personnel will help in harvesting eggs and complete the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Dr. Makawa says currently IVF which is the artificial fertilization of egg and sperm is only offered at a private facility.

He says Government is now championing that the service is being offered in the public facilities so that all the aspirations of the people are realized.

Dr Makawa told ZNBC News in an interview in Ghana, that the Ministry wants to ensure that such services are offered at public institutions to ensure everyone has access to basic health care services.

He, however, stressed that there is a need for men to come on board and address the commonest causes of infertility among men and women.

Dr Makawa urged the male fork to understand that infertility is a two-way thing that can affect males and females.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health Assistant Director Cancer, Sharon Kapambwe has called on Zambians to start the dialogue on issues surrounding infertility.

Dr. Kapambwe said there is a need for more awareness among stakeholders so that a proper legal and ethical framework is drafted around Infertility.

First Lady Esther Lungu is leading a Zambian delegation to the Sixth Edition of Merck Africa Asia Luminary Conference in Accra Ghana.

The First Lady will during the Sixth Merck Africa Asia Luminary Conference in Accra be awarded a Special Recognition Award for her works and initiatives as Ambassador of Merck More than a Mother.

Zambia will host the seventh edition next year.

President Lungu gratified by the South African Government’s assurance of Zambians’ safety

South African President Cyril Ramaposa’s Special Envoy to Zambia Jeff Radebe meeting President Lungu
South African President Cyril Ramaposa’s Special Envoy to Zambia Jeff Radebe meeting President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has said that he is gratified by the South African government’s assurance of Zambian’s safety in that country after a spate of xenophobic attacks that occurred recently.

And South Africa has commended President Edgar Lungu for the Massive Development that his government has continued rolling out in Zambia.

This follows South African President Cyril Ramaposa’s Special Envoy to Zambia Jeff Radebe who explained to President Lungu that what transpired does not represent what that country stands for.

“On the recent events that took place in South Africa Mr President, where some foreign nationals were killed, including South Africans, with the looting of shops of foreign nationals, The present conveys the message that what happened does not represent the values of the President and the people of South Africa, nor the values of our constitutional democracy.” Mr. Radebe stated.

He explained that over 700 hundred people have since been arrested in connection with the xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals.

“On the issue of the recent violence in South Africa. Am happy to announce that the President has indicated that more than 700 people have already been arrested, and yes Instructor to Security Council of Ministers led by the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Police will make sure that no stones must be left unturned in finding out all those who were involved in that. ” He added.

Mr. Radebe was speaking when he and President Ramaposa’s Advisor for international relations Dr. Khulu Mbatha paid a courtesy call on President Edgar Lungu at Statehouse, Monday morning.

South African President Cyril Ramaposa’s Special Envoy to Zambia Jeff Radebe meeting President Lungu
South African President Cyril Ramaposa’s Special Envoy to Zambia Jeff Radebe meeting President Lungu

Meanwhile President Lungu said he was gratified to be assured that the situation in South Africa is under control and that criminal law is going to prevail on all those who will be found wanting is king of a short answer and I think Zambians were expecting.

President Lungu however urged his South African counterpart to ensure that there is no reoccurrence of xenophobic attacks in that country.

“This is water under the bridge and I think we have to support the government, by bringing out the story as it is which you have done, so if there were speculations that the attacks were government sponsored, then those speculations should be put to rest.

Meanwhile Mr. Radebe has commended President Lungu for rolling out massive Development in the country.

“Dr. Mbata and Myself at some point lived here in Lusaka in Chilenje, Kabwata, Lilanda.But I must say I was last year in September and 1990. I tried to look for where I used to stay and I couldn’t find it we Just want to express our appreciation of the very massive developments that have taken place.” Mr. Radebe added.

Siliya Pledges to Support the Media in their efforts to create an informed society

Chief Government Spokesperson Hon. Dora Siliya
Chief Government Spokesperson Ms. Dora Siliya

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya says Government will do everything possible to support the media in their efforts to create an informed society.

Ms. Siliya says Government remains resolute and committed to ensuring that the aspirations and needs of the people are effectively met.

She says this can only be realized with the support and commitment of the media.

Speaking when she donated a motor vehicle to the Livingstone Press Club in Livingstone this afternoon, Ms. Siliya said Government and the media are important partners serving the same people.

She said just as much as the media is concerned about the challenges facing the people across the country, such as load shedding, drought, hunger among others, the Government is equally concerned and is doing everything possible to address the situation.

“Government and the media are on the same side because we serve the same people,” she said.

Ms. Siliya who is also Chief Government Spokesperson said it is possible to deal with the problems the nation is going through if the media play their part effectively.

And Livingstone Press Club President Hildah Akekelwa thanked Government for the donation which she said will go a long way in easing transport challenges the club was facing.

Ms. Akekelwa said the gesture was an indication of the government’s commitment to supporting the growth of the media not only in Livingstone but the country as a whole.

The donation of a Toyota Passo was made possible by the Zambia Revenue Authority.

Modern humans can be traced back near Zambezi River in Botswana, study finds


The ancestral homeland of all humans alive today can be traced back to the south of the Zambezi River, in northern Botswana, scientists have said.

In a study published in the journal Nature, the researchers believe that they have, for the first time, been able to pinpoint the geographical location where the earliest ancestors of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) arose 200,000 years ago.

Back then, this region – covering parts of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe – was believed to be lush green and home to an enormous lake, allowing the ancestors to thrive for 70,000 years.

As the climate started to change, the population began to disperse – paving the way for modern humans to migrate out of Africa, and ultimately, across the world.

Professor Vanessa Hayes, a geneticist at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Australia, said: “It has been clear for some time that anatomically modern humans appeared in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago.

“What has been long debated is the exact location of this emergence and subsequent dispersal of our earliest ancestors.”

Professor Hayes and her colleagues collected blood samples from study participants in Namibia and South Africa and looked at their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

As mtDNA is passed almost exclusively from mother to child through the egg cell, its sequence stays the same over generations, making it a useful tool for looking at maternal ancestry.

The team focused their research on the L0 lineage – modern human’s earliest known population – and compared the complete DNA code (mitogenome) from different individuals – including other sub lineages across various locations in Africa – to see how closely they were related.

The researchers then combined genetics with geology and climatic physics, to paint a picture of what the world looked like 200,000 years ago.

Geological evidence suggests the homeland region once housed Africa’s largest ever lake system, known as Lake Makgadikgadi.

And climate computer model simulations indicate that “the slow wobble of Earth’s axis” brought “periodic shifts in rainfall” across the region.

Science Focus

Kambwili U-Turns on the Reconciliation With President Lungu saying he was Ambushed

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) extends his hands to Chishimba Kambwili (left)
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) extends his hands to Chishimba Kambwili (left)

Opposition National Democratic Congress leader Chishimba Kambwili has u-turned on the purported reconciliation with President Edgar Lungu saying he was ambushed.

Dr Kambwili told Journalists that there is nothing to reconcile over with President Lungu because he has not been his enemy.

He said the purported reconciliation at St Ignitius Catholic Church came as a surprise to me because he felt ambushed by the Priest.

“I have nothing to reconcile with President Lungu over. He also mentioned in Church that he has nothing personal against me, same for me, I don’t have any personal issues against him,” Dr Kambwili said.

He added,” what we however differ on are fundamental principles around governance. The PF under President Lungu has caused a lot of misery to our people and it’s my job as an opposition leader to highlight those wrongs.”

On Monday during the 5th memorial for Michael President Micheal Sata, Dr Kambwili and President Lungu were called in front of the congregation alongside former first lady Christine Kaseba by parish priest father Charles Chilinda to declare what dispute was between them.

And president lungu said he had nothing against Dr Kambwili and was at peace with him while Dr. Kambwili also said he had nothing against the head of state.

The two shook hands in witness of Dr. Kaseba in front of the congregation as the congregants cheered in delight.

And Father Chilinda has urged the two leaders to put their differences aside and avoid destroying the PF.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) extends his hands to Chishimba Kambwili (left)
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) extends his hands to Chishimba Kambwili (left)

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Patson, Mwepu U23 AFCON deal reached


Sources suggest striker Patson Daka and midfielder Enock Mwepu will play at 2019 U23 AFCON but with a condition.

The RB Salzburg duo’s availability for the Africa zone’s 2020 Olympic Games qualifying tournament has been uncertain with reports that the Austrian champions were reluctant to release them for the championship Egypt is hosting from November 8-22 in Cairo.

Sources close to the development said Patson and Mwepu will miss Zambia’s opening Group B match against South Africa on November 9.

However, they but will be available to face Cote d’Ivoire on November 12 and Nigeria in Zambia’s final Group B match on November 15.

Interestingly, the U23 AFCON will start two days before and ends three days after the November FIFA International Window that will run from November 11-19.

The U23 AFCON semifinals will be played on November 18 while the three Olympic places will be decided in the third -and -fourth play-off on November 21 and tournament final on November 22.

Meanwhile, Zambia is tentatively set to leave for Spain this Wednesday for an eight-day training camp in Spain en route to Cairo.

2019/2020 CAF Confederation Cup Pre-Group Stage
First Leg
-National Heroes Stadium, Lusaka
Green Eagles 1(Spencer Sautu 31′)-Hassania Agadir 1(Yassine Rami 85′)

-Nuevo Estadio de Malabo,Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
CANO SA 1(Fidel 74′)-Zanaco 3(Ziyo Tembo 38′,Guily Manziba 46′ 79′)

Final Leg
-National Heroes Stadium, Lusaka
15h00:Zanaco-Cano SA
-Stade d’Agadir, Agadir, Morocco
18h00:Hassania Agadir-Green Eagles

2019/2020 FAZ Super Division
Week Seven Fixtures
Buildcon 1(Isaac Shamujompa 80′)-Lumwana Radiants 0

Zesco United 2(Thabani Kamusoko 37′,Jesse Were 53′)-Mufulira Wanderers 0

Nkana 1(Ronald Kampamba 85′)-Lusaka Dynamos 0

Red Arrows 2(Bruce Musakanya 5′ pen, 90′)-Kansanshi Dynamos 1(Emmanuel Phiri 66′)

Nkwazi 0-Napsa Stars 1(Austin Banda 80′)

Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 2(Moro Amenu 13′, Daniel Chama 78′)-Power Dynamos 0

Kabwe Warriors-Lusaka Dynamos
Green Eagles-Green Buffaloes

Kansanshi Dynamos 1(Emmanuel Phiri)-Zesco United 2(Anthony Akumu 31′, Thabani Kamusoko)

Lumwana Radiants 1(Emmanuel Manda 58′)-Forest Rangers 0

Nakambala Leopards 0-Kabwe Warriors 1(Akakulubelwa Mwachiyaba )

Green Buffaloes 2(Stephen Kabamba 30′, Friday Samu 52′)-Nkwazi 0

Lusaka Dynamos 1(Babe Basile 90′)-Red Arrows 1(James Chamanga 85′)

Mufulira Wanderers-Green Eagles
Power Dynamos-Buildcon
Napsa Stars-Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy

Nkana-Red Arrows
Forest Rangers-Power Dynamos
Buildcon-Napsa Stars
Zesco United-Lusaka Dynamos
Nkwazi-Mufulira Wanderers
Kabwe Warriors-Lumwana Radiants
KYSA-Green Buffaloes
Zanaco-Nakambala Leopards
Green Eagles-Kansanshi Dynamos

2019/2020 TOP SCORERS
Idris Mbombo(Nkana):6

James Chamanga(Red Arrows):5
Jesse Were (Zesco):5

Kennedy Musonda (Green Eagles):4
Elias Maguri(Nakambala Leopards):4
Bornwell Mwape (Napsa Stars):4

Emmanuel Manda(Lumwana Radiants):3
Thabani Kamusoko(Zesco):3
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):3
Emmanuel Phiri (Kansanshi):3
Winston Kalengo (Zesco):3
Bruce Musakanya (Red Arrows):3
Chris Mugalu (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Eric Choomba(Nkwazi):3

Tafadzwa Rusike (Zanaco):2
Daniel Chama (KYSA):2
Evans Musonda(Red Arrows):2
Patrick Ilongo(Forest Rangers):2
Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):2
Royd Alfonso (Kansanshi Dynamos):2
Junior Zulu(Nakambala):2
Jeff Banda (Nkwazi):2
Charles Zulu (Zanaco):2
Alidor Kayembe(Buildcon):2
Biramahire Abeddy (Buildcon):2
Kwame Attrum (Mufulira Wanderers):2
Ian Sililo(KYSA):2
Roger Kola (Zanaco):2
Spencer Sautu(Green Eagles):2*

Akakulubelwa Mwachiyaba(Kabwe Warriors) :1
Baba Basile(Lusaka Dynamos) :1
Stephen Kabamba(Green Buffaloes) :1
Anthony Akumu (Zesco United) :1
Moro Ameru (KYSA) :1
Gozon Mutale(Green Eagles):1
Webster Muzaza (Forest Rangers):1
Laurent Muma (Forest Rangers):1
Marvin Jere(Lusaka Dynamos):1
Moussa Lemisa(Lusaka Dynamos):1
Clement Mwape (Zesco):1
Umaru Kasumba (Zesco):1
Quadri Kola (Zesco):1
Martin Kayuwa(Power Dynamos):1
Lazarus Zulu (Kansanshi):1
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):1
Peter Mwangani(Forest Rangers):1
Moonga Chilimba (Buffaloes):1
Leonard Mulenga(Buffaloes):1
Felix Bulaya (Nakambala):1
Joseph Mwandilila(Green Eagles):1

Norbet Chisala (Kansanshi Dynamos):1
Chisenga Lukwemba(Nakambala):1
Andrew Kwiliko (Green Eagles):1

Tresor Ilunga(KYSA):1
Derrick Mwansa (Kabwe Warriors):1
Derrick Chanda(Kabwe Warriors):1?
Patrick Kasunga (Kabwe Warriors):1
Andrew Tololwa (Red Arrows): 1

Linos Makwaza Jnr(Power):1
Obeddy Masumbuko (Nkana):1
Thomas Banda(Napsa): 1
Davies Kamanga(Mufulira Wanderers):1
Simon Nkhata (Napsa Stars):1
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):1
Larry Bwalya (Power Dynamos):1
Benson Sakala (Power Dynamos):1
Chitiya Mususu (Zanaco):1
Isaac Ngoma (Kansanshi Dynamos):1
Danny Silavwe (Napsa Stars):1
Enock Sabamukumana(Zesco):1
Erick Chomba (Nkwazi):1
Martin Dzilah (Lumwana):1
Chanida Zulu (Lumwana):1
John Ngoma(Nakambala):1
Willy Stephanus(Lusaka Dynamos):1
Jimmy Ndhlovu(Kabwe Warriors):1
Simon Mulenga (Nkana):1
Ronald Kampamba (Nkana):1
Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon):1
Austin Banda(Napsa Stars):1
*Denotes an own-goal

Amity Shamende (Green Eagles):5**
Spencer Sautu (Green Eagles):3**
Guily Manziba (Zanaco):3
Kennedy Musonda(Green Eagles):3**
Jesse Were(Zesco United):2
Tapson Kaseba (Green Eagles):2**
Ziyo Tembo (Zanaco):1
Damiano Kola(Zanaco):1
Emmanuel Okutu(Zanaco):1
Thabani Kamusoko(Zesco):1
Roger Kola (Zanaco):1
Tafadzwa Rusike (Zanaco):1
Kayembe Alidor (Buildcon):1
Omaru Kasumba (Zesco United):1
John Chingandu (Zesco United):1
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):1**
Edward Mwamba (Green Eagles):1
Boniface Sunzu (Green Eagles):1**
*Denotes one own goal

Rainford Kalaba: Algeria are beatable


Chipolopolo and TP Mazembe midfielder Rainford Kalaba says African champions Algeria are beatable despite being a strong team.

Zambia will face Algeria on November 11 in their opening 2021 Africa Cup qualifying campaign away in North Africa.

‘Let me first congratulate the Algerian football team because they have achieved a great thing for their country. They are currently Africa champions and they are in good form. They are well motivated and they want to put in 100 percent whenever they are playing for their country,’ Kalaba said.

‘As for us Zambia, we have the capacity and we have the quality. If we are determined, focused and prepare nicely we can overcome the Algerian team.

The 2012 Africa Cup winning star is predicting a tough encounter against the Desert Foxes.

‘But it won’t be easy because every time you are playing Arabs you need to be more than 100 percent motivated and determined. I know in Arab countries it is not easy to play under the huge capacity and the influence of their supporters,’ Kalaba said.

‘So with a good mentality, discipline and focus I think we can beat them. There is nothing impossible in football; everything is possible if we put in 100 percent and good preparations and take the game seriously, we can get good results from Algeria,’ he said.

Zambia will also battle Zimbabwe and Botswana in Group H of the 2021 AFCON qualifying campaign.

RTSA wants to revoke Drivers’s Driving Licences for over speeding


The Road Transport and Safety Agency have given seven Public Service Vehicle drivers 14 days to show cause why their Driving Licences should not be revoked for exceeding speed limits.

In separate letters dated 23rd October 2019 addressed to the seven drivers, RTSA Acting Director and Chief Executive officer Mr Gladwell Banda observed that the seven drivers had on several occasions opted to exceed speed limits with impunity thereby putting the lives of the travelling public in serious danger.

According to the Global Position System (GPS) installed on 88 long-distance buses and monitored by the RTSA, the seven drivers were singled out to have violated speed limits on several occasions to an extent of driving at the ranges of 120 km/h to 145 km/h against the prescribed speed limit for PSV buses on highways which is 100 km/h, thus posing serious danger to the traveling public.

Therefore, RTSA Acting Director is evoking Section 68(1) (a) of the Road Traffic Act number 11 of 2002 which empowers his office to revoke a Driving Licence, if in the opinion of the Director, the conduct or character of the holder of such a Licence renders to be unfit to drive such a vehicle from the point of view of the safety of the public.

The seven drivers are, Lenard Musukuma, Martin Mapisa, Kelly Siame, Yuberd Simwala, Kendrick Simusikwe, Allan Chitabankana, and Morgan Sikaumba.

The Agency is of the view that PSV drivers are expected to drive with due care bearing in mind the level of responsibility they assume. Therefore, the continuous conduct to drive above the prescribed speed limits is a serious road safety concern.

According to a statement issued by RTSA Head of Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga, the RTSA is taking a proactive approach to monitoring the speed of PSV buses through GPS in bid to mitigate the risk of road traffic accidents on Zambian roads.