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RTSA wants to revoke Drivers’s Driving Licences for over speeding


The Road Transport and Safety Agency have given seven Public Service Vehicle drivers 14 days to show cause why their Driving Licences should not be revoked for exceeding speed limits.

In separate letters dated 23rd October 2019 addressed to the seven drivers, RTSA Acting Director and Chief Executive officer Mr Gladwell Banda observed that the seven drivers had on several occasions opted to exceed speed limits with impunity thereby putting the lives of the travelling public in serious danger.

According to the Global Position System (GPS) installed on 88 long-distance buses and monitored by the RTSA, the seven drivers were singled out to have violated speed limits on several occasions to an extent of driving at the ranges of 120 km/h to 145 km/h against the prescribed speed limit for PSV buses on highways which is 100 km/h, thus posing serious danger to the traveling public.

Therefore, RTSA Acting Director is evoking Section 68(1) (a) of the Road Traffic Act number 11 of 2002 which empowers his office to revoke a Driving Licence, if in the opinion of the Director, the conduct or character of the holder of such a Licence renders to be unfit to drive such a vehicle from the point of view of the safety of the public.

The seven drivers are, Lenard Musukuma, Martin Mapisa, Kelly Siame, Yuberd Simwala, Kendrick Simusikwe, Allan Chitabankana, and Morgan Sikaumba.

The Agency is of the view that PSV drivers are expected to drive with due care bearing in mind the level of responsibility they assume. Therefore, the continuous conduct to drive above the prescribed speed limits is a serious road safety concern.

According to a statement issued by RTSA Head of Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga, the RTSA is taking a proactive approach to monitoring the speed of PSV buses through GPS in bid to mitigate the risk of road traffic accidents on Zambian roads.

I am not rejoining PF – Kambwili


Opposition politician Chishimba Kambwili says he has no intentions of rejoining the PF.

And Dr Kambwili says his decision to attend the 5th memorial of late President Michael Sata has been misunderstood.

He said some people interested in propaganda are allegedly twisting the facts around his attendance at St Ignitius Catholic Church in Lusaka.

It was widely reported that President Edgar Lungu and Dr Kambwili have reconciled after the two attended a memorial service of late President Michael Sata who is also the founder of the PF.

The two leaders were called in front of the congregation alongside former first lady Christine Kaseba by parish priest father Charles Chilinda to declare what dispute was between them.

And President Lungu said he had nothing against Dr Kambwili and was at peace with him while Mr Kambwili also said he had nothing against the head of state.

The two shook hands in witness of Dr Kaseba in front of the congregation as the congregants cheered in delight.

Meanwhile, Father Chilinda urged the two leaders to put their differences aside and avoid destroying the PF.

But Mr Kambwili in a Facebook post on his page stated that the gesture has been misunderstood.

“It has come to my attention that propagandist are at it again with their malicious rumours and this time taking advantage of my attendance of The priest indeed called upon all former members of PF to work together and visible among them was me and he called me to the front in church,” he wrote.

“Further, after church service the priest again called me and President Edgar Lungu for a closed meeting in which the priest again urged us to forgive ourselves. I mentioned to the priest that I have nothing against the Republican President and I emphasised that all that needs to be done by the PF leadership proper governance of our country and that I will continue providing the usual checks and balances,” he stated.

Dr Kambwili said there was nothing discussed relating to him rejoining the PF.

“I need to reiterate that I have not gone back to PF and I have no intentions whatsoever! I still remain the President of the fast growing National Democratic Congress party (NDC) and I urge our members countrywide and those in the diaspora to continue mobilising the party.”

“Wish to also take this opportunity to assure our Alliance Partners that as NDC, we are committed to the cause of a united opposition as we get to 2021. As such, I appeal to our colleagues to stay calm and ignore all the false information flying around that I have abandoned our grouping and rejoined PF.”

He said his attendance of important national programs and association with old colleagues in PF does not in any way amount to rejoining them.

“I am committed to a united opposition and my focus for now is to continue mobilising our party the national democratic congress.”

President Edgar Lungu and Chishimba Kambwili reconcile

Former First Lady Christine Kaseba Sata holds President Lungu and Chishimba Kambwili’s hands as they are reconciled

President Edgar Lungu and Former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili have reconciled.

The bitter political rivals announced their reconciliation during the Church Service marking the 5th Anniversary of the Passing of late Republic President Michael Sata.

St Ignitious Catholic Priest Father Charles Chilinda called the two to the front and asked them to put aside their differences and reconcile for the sake of the Patriotic Front and the founding President of the Patriotic Front.

The two were seen shaking hands in front of the congregation in the presence of the former first lady Dr Christine Kaseba which the congregants are hoping will bring an end to the bitter rivalry.

President Edgar Lungu said he had nothing against the National Democratic Congress President.

And Mr Kambwili also said he has nothing against the Republican President.

The Church Service was attended by the late President’s family led by Dr Christine Kaseba, President Edgar Lungu, Cabinet Minister, PF Members, opposition Leaders and members of the Public.

And President Lungu said to honour the late President’s memory, he urged his members to do their part to make Zambia great, beautiful and prosperous.

He said Zambians should feed the nation through hard work, innovation and determination to overcome the challenges.

President Lungu said five years have passed since President Satas death but his courage of conviction still drives the PFs development agenda.

He said his ideas of what Zambia could become in the lifetime still gives the PF a sense of mission.

The 55th Independence Anniversary National Day Of Zambia
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu listens to Chishimba Kambwili at Freedom Statue in Lusaka on Thursday,October 24,2019

Five billion dollars for Angola-Zambia oil pipeline


At least US$5 billion is available for the construction of an oil pipeline to connect Angola and Zambia, aiming to make operational the Lobito corridor.,

This information was advanced last Thursday, in Luanda, by the Zambian Ambassador to Angola, Lawrence Chalungumana, who was talking at the celebration ceremony of the 55th anniversary of Zambia’s independence, which was marked on 24 October, highlighting that the works shall start from the refinery of Lobito (Angola’s western end) to Zambia.

According to Mr Chalungumana, this project created by the Angolan and Zambian governments will have five years duration and will be handled by the Zambian company Baseli Balisel Resources (BBLR) with the Angolan company Sonangol.

“The conclusion of these works will facilitate the construction of roads and railways to connect neighbouring countries,” he said.
Mr. Chalungumana also reiterated that besides the project, Unitel is launching in Zambia mobile telecommunications project of over 350 million dollars.

According to the Ambassador, the bilateral relations between Angola and Zambia continue to grow, referring that the Permanent Joint Committee on Defence and Security of both countries met in 2018 and its 32nd session is scheduled for November this year.

He said many high-level meetings involving both government and private sector entrepreneurs have been held with focus on agriculture, oil, finance and economy, trade and Provincial Administration.

He also highlighted that Zambia keeps on playing a decisive role in International Organizations, mentioning that last August it became the host of the Southern Africa Sub-Regional Centre for Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to the international organizations already working in Zambia.

Angola and Zambia share a border of about 1,300 kilometres.

I did not grant licence to mine in Lower Zambezi, it was a cabinet decision-Kalaba

File:President Michael Sata talks to Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba
at the freedom statue in Lusaka

Former Lands and Natural Resources Minister Harry Kalaba says the decision to grant Zambezi Resources a licence to mine copper in Lower Zambezi was made by cabinet.

Mr. Kalaba said he cannot be personally blamed for the decision as it was not a personal decision.

He was speaking on Monday morning on Hot FM Breakfast Show via phone.

Of course I overruled ZEMA’s decision but I was not alone, the entire cabinet including the President had the final say

He however confirmed that he wrote to cabinet recommending the granting of the mine licence and disregarding the order by ZEMA not to proceed.

Mr Kalaba said the decision to go ahead and mine in the park was supported by the entire cabinet chaired by late President Michael Sata.

He said this is why then Chief Government Spokesman Mwansa Kapeya was tasked with communication the cabinet decision over the matter and not him as Lands Minister.

“Up until now, I have never publicly commented on this issue because I was asked by cabinet to allow the Chief Government Spokesman by then Hon. Kapeya to communicate cabinet decision on the matter,” Mr Kalaba said.

Mr. Kalaba further said, cabinet was involved in this whole process and he did not overrule ZEMA decision on Lower Zambezi alone therefore, PF shouldn’t hide behind the finger.

“Of course I overruled ZEMA’s decision but I was not alone, the entire cabinet including the President had the final say”, he concluded.

2020 budget could put pressure on foreign debt sustainability – Fitch


Fitch Ratings says the 2020 national budget has failed to address external financing risks for the country.

In a report, the rating agency says Zambia’s 2020 Budget could increase risks to the sovereign’s external debt sustainability unless new sources of grant funding or concessionary lending are found, Fitch Ratings says.

It says the budget envisages a significant increase in such funding, but does not identify the likely sources.

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu delivered the 2020 Budget in a speech to parliament on 27 September.

The budget seeks to narrow the fiscal deficit to 5.5% of GDP, but also sees an increase in expenditure, to 27.5% of GDP.

Debt amortisation will add a further 4.9% of GDP to the government’s financing needs in 2020.

The budget forecasts a revenue increase to 22% of GDP, driven by expected increases in mining revenue, adjustments to VAT and higher government fees and fines. Zambia’s revenue averaged 19% of GDP in the five years to 2018.

In 2018, revenue outperformed the budget target when copper production exceeded expectations.
Fitch expects a slight increase in revenue, but says it thinks the 2020 deficit target will probably be missed.

Fitch’s current deficit forecast assumes that expenditure falls slightly, to 26% of GDP in 2019 and remains broadly the same in 2020, resulting in a cash deficit of 6.7% of GDP.

The higher spending contained in the 2020 Budget will likely lead us to make an upward adjustment to its 2020 fiscal deficit forecast, but Fitch believes that finding new sources of external financing will be difficult and that the lack of new financing sources will constrain spending.

“New external borrowing is forecast to exceed estimated external amortisation in 2020, which would keep Zambia’s government debt on an increasing trajectory. The budget envisages ZMW30.6 billion in foreign financing and grants, equivalent to nearly 9% of GDP, whereas historically grants have provided no more than 1%-2% of GDP in financing,” it said.

“In the absence of significant new sources of grant funding or concessionary lending, this would increase the risks to Zambia’s external position from already high debt servicing costs.

The 2020 budget envisages total public external debt servicing costs of about USD1.5 billion, up from USD800 million in 2018 and an estimated USD1.1 billion in 2019.”

Fitch downgraded Zambia’s sovereign rating to ‘CCC’ in June in view of the high external financing requirements, the continued fall in foreign exchange reserves, constrained access to financing and a further rise in government debt.

The country has increased its stock of external debt and increased the percentage of commercial and non-concessionary public borrowing to fund an ambitious program of infrastructure development.

The level of capital expenditure increased to an average of 5.9% of GDP in the years 2014 to 2019 compared to 3.9% in the previous five years.
Zambia has been in discussions with the IMF on a programme that would likely provide additional external financing, but has yet to reach staff level agreement.

Fifth says an IMF agreement would offer a stronger signal of Zambia’s commitment to fiscal adjustment and would also mitigate external debt servicing risks as Zambia approaches repayments of a USD750 million Eurobond in 2022 and another USD1.25 billion bond due in 2024.

Barrick CEO sees Lumwana worth more than $735 Million

The Lumwana copper mine is located about 100 km west of Solwezi in Zambia’s Copperbelt. (Image courtesy of Barrick Gold.)
The Lumwana copper mine is located about 100 km west of Solwezi in Zambia’s Copperbelt. (Image courtesy of Barrick Gold.)

Barrick Gold Corp. believes its Lumwana Mine is worth more than the $735 million carrying value listed in its latest annual report.

Chief Executive Officer Mark Bristow said he’s received interest from potential buyers of the mine but is not in a hurry to sell it.

Mr. Bristow disputed a report that it would start the disposal process in January.

“We believe it’s got substantially higher value,” he said in a phone interview. “That’s the past. We have and we continue to improve the business.”

Lumwana has attracted interest from companies including China Minmetals Corp., Jiangxi Copper Co. and Zijin Mining Group Co., people familiar with matter said earlier this month.

Mr. Bristow declined to comment on the names, only saying “we have had expressions of interest.”

The company, the world’s second-biggest gold producer, has had a tough time with Lumwana.

It bought the operation as part of a $7 billion deal two months after copper prices peaked in 2011.

Two years later, Barrick had written down the asset by $3 billion.

The company has dealt with frequent tax changes and power shortages in Zambia.

Since taking over as Barrick CEO in January, Mr. Bristow has replaced management at Lumwana, where the company plans to produce 210 million pounds to 240 million this year.

The operation produced 224 million pounds last year, making it one of the biggest producers in Zambia.

Another hurdle facing Lumwana is that two copper smelters in Zambia have shut for maintenance, leaving the mine with nowhere to process its material.

Mr. Bristow said it could make sense for the mine to be owned by another company that does have a smelter.

Speculation of an ownership shake-up in the Zambian copper industry has swirled in recent months.

The government has moved to liquidate Vedanta Resources Ltd.’s Konkola Copper Mines Plc unit and wants to bring in a new owner.

Jiangxi Copper bought an indirect stake in First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

Mr. Bristow said, “What the Zambian mining industry needs is a re-arrangement of assets.”

UN launches Zambia drought response to assist 2.3 million people

Government through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has started airlifting relief Maize to Luano Valley in a bid to mitigate the hunger situation in the area. In the picture, residents getting maize from the ZAF chopper
File: Government through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU)
has started airlifting relief Maize to Luano Valley in a bid to
mitigate the hunger situation in the area. In the picture, residents
getting maize from the ZAF chopper

The United Nations and international NGOs have launched a seven-month immediate humanitarian assistance in Zambia.

The UN is seeking US$89.5 million to provide immediate food assistance and early recovery support for 2.3 million people for seven months.
It says the main portion of this plan is for food assistance.

The Humanitarian Response Plan complements the Government’s own Recovery Action Plan, which aims to provide life-saving and early recovery support to 2.3 million people in need over the next 12 months.

The Government has mobilized $36.7 million for food security, nutrition, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, protection and education services against their own plan, but has requested the support of international partners to fill the funding gap.

In support of the Government-led response in Zambia, the UN and humanitarian partners have launched a seven-month Humanitarian Response Plan to address rising humanitarian needs triggered by the poorest rainfall season since 1981 in the southern part of the country, which has sharply reduced cereal crop production.

The decrease in maize production was so severe that the country, normally a net cereal exporter, put a ban on maize exports.

A range of livestock diseases has compounded the crisis.

The decrease in maize production was so severe that the country, normally a net cereal exporter, put a ban on maize exports.

More than 2.4 million people of the total population of some 17 million are expected to be severely food insecure during the lean season from this October to March 2020, with at least 430,000 people in emergency levels.

Acute malnutrition, which leads to wasting in children, stands at nearly 6 per cent across the nine provinces of Zambia.

Healthy Zambia begins with me :OBESITY

Nurse Martha conducting a free health check on shoppers

Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems.It often results from consuming more calories (empty) than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities.

Obesity has been on the rise globally and leading preventable cause of death in adults and now becoming more prevalent in children. It is a major risk factor of chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, Obesity is now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries and Zambia has not been spared. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2016 an estimated 1.9 billion adults over 18 years were over weight of these 650 million were obese world-wide.

Zambia over the past two decades has seen a rise in overweight and obese population both urban and rural. This has mostly been attributed to the fatty western diet in place of “traditional” whole meal diets and sedentary life styles. As globalisation is becoming reality it is easier for African countries now to access the world market especially were motor vehicle purchasing is concerned. The traffic jam especially during peak hours in Lusaka can just give you an idea on how this has been effective. Most people now walk less and drive more. Introduction of fast food restaurants serving fatty and junk food has been on the rise. Cooking habits have also evolved people using more oil/fat instead of just steaming, boiling or roasting. The use of processed foods in place of whole meal including roller meal and vegetables.

A person is considered obese when the body mass index (BMI) is over 30kg/m2. Body mass index is measured by obtaining and dividing a person’s weight by the square of the person’s height and has to be below 25kg/m2. The BMI between 25-30kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 considered obese. Obesity can also be measured according to waist circumference and the National heart, lung and blood institute (NHLBI) classifies the risk of obesity related diseases as high if men have a waist circumference greater than 102 cm (40 in) and women waist circumference greater than 88 cm (35 in).

There is concerted effort from all citizens needed to see healthier choices made especially attaining 55 years of independence to make our country more viable. A free health check was put up at Mandahill shopping complex that served the public with free check of blood pressure, blood glucose, BMI and weight. The check was conducted by Ex-Chilonga school of nursing students who are giving back the little they can to the community by a means of sensitisation and self-health awareness. This is an ongoing project and next month will be done at a venue to be announced.

By Debbie Kalinda

Nurse Rhodah and Nurse Martha conducting a sensitization programme on obesity
Nurse Martha conducting a free health check on shoppers

Zanaco edge closer to CAF Confed Cup group stage,Eagles sweating on qualification


Zanaco enhanced their CAF Confederation Cup group stage hopes while Green Eagles face an uphill battle to stay in contention for league stage qualification following contrasting fortunes in Sunday’s respective first leg dates.

In Equatorial Guinea, Zanaco beat Cano SA 3-1 away in Malabo.

Defender and Captain Ziyo Tembo put Zanaco ahead in the 38th minute while Guily Manziba scored a brace in the 46th and 79th minutes.
Fidel scored Cano’s consolation goal in the 74tf minute.

Zanaco will host Cano on November 3 needing only a draw at home in Lusaka to advance to this Decembers’ group stage.
Eagles on the other hand threw away a one –nil lead at home to draw 1-1 with HUSA Agadir of Morocco at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

Spencer Sautu put Eagles ahead in the 31st minute but Yassine Rami equalized in the 85th minute to give the 2018/2019 CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinalists a vital away goal heading into this Sunday’s final leg decider in Agadir.

Zesco take command of FAZ Super Division after Kansanshi victory


Zesco United on Sunday went top of the 2019/2020 FAZ Super Division log for the first time this season following a 2-1 away win in Solwezi over promoted side Kansanshi Dynamos.

The defending champions had Lusaka Dynamos to thank for their status after they held early pacesetters Red Arrows in Lusaka.

A rare Anthony Akumu goal put Zesco ahead in the 31st minute and Thabani Kamusoko sealed he 3 points after halftime.

Emmanuel Phiri scored Kansanshi’s consolation goal.

Arrows meanwhile, dropped to second, exchanging places with Zesco, after blowing away a one-nil lead in a dramatic last minute dash for the three points to finish 1-1 at Nkoloma Stadium against Lusaka Dynamos.

Veteran striker James Chamanga struck in the 85th minute for Arrows to score his fifth goal of the season but Dynamos equalized in stoppage time through Baba Basile.

Zesco lead on maximum 21 points from seven games with a match in hand while fellow unbeaten side Arrows have 20 points.

Napsa Stars, who were not in action on Sunday, are a distant third on 14 points.
Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy 2-Power Dynamos 0
Kabwe Warriors-Lusaka Dynamos
Green Eagles-Green Buffaloes
Kansanshi Dynamos 1-Zesco United 2
Lumwana Radiants 1-Forest Rangers 0
Nakambala Leopards 0-Kabwe Warriors 1
Green Buffaloes 2-Nkwazi 0
Lusaka Dynamos 1-Red Arrows 1
Mufulira Wanderers-Green Eagles
Power Dynamos-Buildcon
Napsa Stars-Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy

PF members urged to emulate the Late President Sata’s forgiving and reconciliatory attitude

President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

The Patriotic Front Central Committee has directed that the noble way to honor the legacy of the Patriarch and PF founding President Michael Sata who died in 2014, on 28th October is for all leaders and members to promote unity of purpose by embracing discipline, reconciliation, forgiveness and promoting public service above self.

The directive was made during a Caucus Meeting held at State House with Patriotic Front Members of Parliament.

The meeting heard how on several occasions President Sata forgave and reconciled with individuals that had differed with him, including some who had previously physically attacked him.

The Central Committee received a report from the Local Government Committee on operationalisation of Statutory Instrument number 12 of 2018 which empowers Local Government in appointing markets and bus stations boards to run markets and bus stations.

After receiving the report, the Central Committee assured that it had noted concerns raised by marketeers and transport operators during their consultative meetings with the Ministry of Local Government.

The Central Committee further noted that the process which began in 2017 to look at the effective running of Markets and Bus Stations must be concluded.

It in this regard directed a taskforce comprising of the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Local Government to present recommendations in the next 14 days aimed ensuring high standards of public health, orderly and lawful management of markets and bus stations.

In a statement issued by Party Secretary General Davies Mwila, the Central Committee commended Minister of Local Government Charles Banda for his Ministry’s continued efforts to improve service delivery at local level.

President Lungu to commission Great East Road


President Edgar Lungu is this week expected in Eastern province to Commission the Great East Road.

Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu said the Great East Road is one of the Legacy Projects by the PF Government and the President is expected to drive on the road from Luangwa to Mwami Boarder.

Mr Zulu said the provincial administration wants the President to have a feel of the road which has no potholes by driving on it.

He boasted that business for people selling suspension parts for vehicles are complaining that there is no business in Eastern province because the roads have improved in the province.

And Mr Zulu said there has been increased investment in Eastern Province since Chipata was declared a City.

He said the declaration has attracted incentives which have seen the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission build an industrial Yard which will create employment for the people.

Mr Zulu speaking at the PF Media Interactive Forum said the construction of the One stop Boarder Post and a Dry Port is also underway and will increase trade between Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.

He said an investor has also committed to set up a 300 megawatts thermal power plant that will stabilise power supply in the province among other developments.

ZNBC land encroached


The Kitwe city council says it will demolish all structures that have been built on the ZNBC transmitters land in Kitwe.

Town clerk Seke Mbulo said the council has already issued notices to the developers on the ZNBC land saying that any time the local authority will move in to demolish the structures.

But one of the developers Abyudi Matimba has told ZNBC News in an interview that it is unfair for the local authority to demolish their structures when they acquired the plots in a legal manner and have documentation to prove that fact.

Hillcrest Technical Secondary School Alumni awards scholarships to needy students

Hillcrest Secondary School
Hillcrest Secondary School

By Pezzy Kudakwashe

Hillcrest Technical secondary school Alumni have awarded scholarships to needy deserving students in a move to alleviate some of their financial problems.The monetary scholarships were awarded by the Association of Hillcrest Alumni USA whose members live in America.

Incoming president,Robert Williams said his association raised US$2000 which was given to the school to assist students at their alma mater in Livingstone.During The General Body Meeting at fortnight ago, the association announced that a total of S$2000 was raised by Hillcrest Alumni living in America.

Mr William said his education at Hillcrest in the class of 1977 was free and did not take that for granted and realized that the same school he graduated and for the same education, students have to pay to attend.

‘It is our hope that the scholarship fund will help ease the financial burden for deserving students”, he added.On receiving the monetary award, headmistress Ms Rose Miyombo said she was humbled by the donation. She said there were many struggling students especially those whose parents worked on the mines and lost their jobs.

Ms Miyombo said the struggles were worse off for those coming from rural areas in the provinces dependent on agriculture but affected by drought.

She said the drought has severely impacted the education of the students and the alumni’s financial help would go a long with helping the less privileged