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Monze Town Council Starts Impounding Trucks Parked In Unauthorized Areas


Monze Town Council has started impounding trucks found parked in unauthorized areas as a way enforcing SI 20 of 2018.
Task force Chairperson Justin Chombo explaind that the local authority in July embarked on a sensitization program on the need for Truckers to park their vehicles in designated parking areas and warned that once the grace period had elapsed trucks found parked in town would be impounded and would only be released after paying a penalty fee.

Mr Chombo who is the Chief Human Resource Manager at MTC said the truckers who had earlier obliged with the directive recently started abrogating the law and returned to their old ways of indiscriminately parking of their vehicles in the CBD prompting the council to swing into action on Wednesday.

“We have impounded a number of trucks since we commenced our night patrols on Wednesday. The trucks are only being released upon payment of the penalty fee. We are following up on some drivers who did not only break the law but went further to maliciously damage government property by destroying the clamps and going away with them. We have contacted their respective offices to ensure that the clamps are returned and the penalties are paid.

“We have to thank members of the the public who continue to report to us that trucks have returned to parking in the CBD. This shows that we are together in this process of ensuring that there is sanity in our CBD.

“However, we have also made a serious observation which is that the perpetrators of this lawlessness are people who were once residents of the district or have relatives within. As a council we expect everyone to comply with the SI and no vehicle is exempted regardless of your connection to the district,” he said.

SI 20 of 2018 prohibits heavy vehicles from parking in any unauthorized area and a charge of 2,500.00 penalty units is imposed on those found wanting

PF complains to ZICTA


The Patriotic Front has written to the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority to complain over the short mobile code being aligned with the party.

In a letter dated 21st October 2019 addressed to ZICTA and accessed by Hot FM News, Party Director for Administration Alick Tembo has complained of the short code *373# purporting to recruit members and acquire personal details on behalf of the PF without the authorization of the party secretariat.

Mr. Tembo in the letter has requested that ZICTA provide the party and all law enforcement agencies the details under which the shortcode was obtained.

He has further requested that all concerned government law enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate the matter.

Bank of Zambia places Zampost Micro Finance Limited into Compulsory Liquidation

Bank of Zambia
Bank of Zambia

The Bank of Zambia has with immediate effect placed Zampost Micro Finance Limited into Compulsory Liquidation.

Central Bank Deputy Governor Operations Dr Francis Chipimo said this is in line with the requirements of section 127 (2) of the Banking and Financial Services act.

Dr Chipimo has advised shareholders, Directors, depositors creditors and any other interested party that they may within 30 days from the date of this notice file an appeal against the liquidation order to the Court stating the grounds for objection in accordance with section 127(30 of the Banking and Financial Services Act.

He said during the liquidation period the activities of the Zampost Micro finance Limited will be restricted to the realization of Assets and discharging of the institution’s obligation.

Dr Chipimo said in a statement that the Bank has since appointed a Liquidation Manager to overseer the activities of the Liquidation process.

He explained that the Bank of Zambia has prepared a statement of Affairs of the Assets and Liabilities within the 90 days stipulated in section 72 of the Banking and Financial Services Act 2017 following the possession of the Zampost Micro finance Limited on 19th July 2019.

Dr Chipimo said the statement of the Affairs has determined that the Zampost Micro finance Limited was indeed insolvent as defined by the Banking and financial Services Act at the time of possession.

The high failure rate at ZIALE is a source of worry, and should be addressed


Lusaka Lawyer Tutwa Ngulube has urged the Zambia Advanced Institute for Legal Studies to call for a stakeholder meeting to discuss the poor performance of students during examinations, adding that the failure rate at ZIALE is a source of worry which should be addressed.

Mr Ngulube said that ZIALE should engage Universities and advise them on how best to prepare their students and that as much as ZIALE is not entirely to blame, the institute should restrict the number of student in class.

Mr Ngulube said that having too many students in one class may compromise service delivery .

Mr. Ngulube was however quick to mention that most students coming out of Universities are allegedly half baked.

Mr. Ngulube who is also Kabwe Central Member of Parliament told ZNBC News that some of the graduates who go for attachment at his law firm cannot even draft a letter.

He said the quality of students and lecturers in various Universities also need to be checked.

Mr. Ngulube said instead of attacking ZIALE, Zambians should put pressure on Universities so that they start doing the right thing.

Over the years ZIALE has been branded as an institution where you do not expect more than five percent of the students to pass the law practice examination.

Out of the hundreds of students that enrol at Zambia’s only law practice institute each year, only a few are admitted to the Bar. The trend has been consistently so over the years. In 2017/2018 intake, only 4 out of 384 were admitted to the bar.

This year, the pass rate is not any different from the precedent set over the years. Only 5 out of 355 students who sat the 2019 final exams have passed, representing 1.4 percent.

Various stakeholders have raised concern, and justifiably so, over the consistently low pass rate at ZIALE.

Students, universities, non-governmental organisations, politicians and parents have all been unamused by the incredibly low pass rates at the institution.

Stakeholders including the Ministry of Justice have called on ZIALE to review its curriculum.

However, according to ZIALE, there was nothing wrong with their examinations except that students needed to work extremely hard.

ZESCO expects load-shedding to end by the close of 2020

ZESCO MD Victor Mundende delivering his remarks.
ZESCO MD Victor Mundende

ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende says he expects load-shedding to end by the close of 2020. Mr. Mundende says ZESCO is diversifying its energy sources and will start construction solar plants that will by the end of next year bring on board about seven hundred megawatts of power.

He says the power utility firm also expects to bring on board the Kafue Gorge lower power station which will have the capacity of producing 7-hundred and 50 mega watts of power.

Speaking when he featured on ZNBC’s Sunday Interview programme, Mr. Mundende said it is regrettable that citizens are being subjected to long hours of load-shedding which he has attributed to low water levels caused by climate change.

He is however hopeful that with good rains expected during the 2019-2020 rainfall season, the country will see reduced load-shedding.

Mr. Mundende said the company has several potential sites for electricity generation which if implemented could make Zambia a hub of electricity in the region.

On the planned importation of power from South Africa, the ZESCO Chief said ESKOM South Africa is demanding advance payments for two months which is in the range of about 40 million dollars.

Luo challenges professionals to fully utilise their skills to resolve problems

Fisheries and Livestock Minister, Nkandu Luo
Fisheries and Livestock Minister, Nkandu Luo

Fisheries and Livestock Minister, Nkandu Luo has challenged professionals in her ministry to fully utilise their skills to resolve problems affecting the fisheries and livestock sector.

Professor Luo says it is a shame that problems affecting fisheries and livestock development remain unresolved when her ministry has qualified staff such as doctors at all its district and provincial offices.

She has called on staff to be innovative and add value to the Fisheries and Livestock sector by providing solutions such as livestock production, disease control and marketing.

Speaking when she toured Mwase Livestock breeding centre in Lundazi, Professor Luo wondered why the facility at Mwase should be called a breeding center when her staff are not breeding the necessary numbers of improved breeds.

Mwase breeding Center has only managed to produce one hundred and five improved cattle breeds from the 42-breeding stock and sold 21 to the farmers.

Government to launch the Biometric System for Social Cash Transfer

Community Development and Social Services Minister, Kampamba Chewe
Community Development and Social Services Minister, Kampamba Chewe

The government will before the end of this year launch the biometric system which will be used for disbursement of funds under the Social Cash Transfer.

This is to avoid the bottlenecks that affected the successful implementation of the programme.

Community Development and Social Services Minister, Kampamba Chewe has disclosed this in Luanshya today.

Mrs. Chewe said the Ministry working with Smart Zambia is looking for a sustainable way of disbursing the funds and avoid physical contact with officers.

She said in the recent past the government experienced a lot of challenges where the money was not reaching the intended recipients.

Mrs. Chewe disclosed that the Biometric system will be replicated in other social programmes like the Food Security Pack among others.

She said the system will capture all beneficiaries and will be monitored from the Head office to make sure beneficiaries get their money.

And Mrs. Chewe said President Edgar Lungu has given a go ahead to increase the number of beneficiaries from the current 6-hundred and 30 thousand to 7-hundred thousand before the end of the year.

Kanyama residents damage Fire Engine, blame LCC for contributing to load shedding

The Damaged 1 Million dollars Fire Truck
The Damaged 1 Million dollars Fire Truck

Lusaka City Council (LCC) has said that it is saddened by the damage to one of it’s fire trucks by some Kanyama residents last night. The incident happened when fire fighters went to Kanyama’s Shula area to quench the reported fire.

The fire brigade received a phone call around 22:00 hours from a concerned resident that one of the houses in the area was on fire.

The fire truck and a team of firefighters was immediately dispatched to the scene, but upon arrival, it was discovered that in fact what was on fire was the Zesco transformer.

The team managed to quench the fire but no sooner than they did that residents who came to witness the incident started pelting stones at the officers and equipment.

The irate residents demanded that firefighters should restore electricity supply in the area. The residents also accused firefighters of contributing to the Zesco load shedding in the area.

The incident resulted in the windscreen of the cabbin crew of the fire truck being shattered and three (3) fire fighters sustaining injuries.

The team, however, managed to flee the scene with the help of state police.

LCC said that it wished to remind Kanyama residents in particular and Lusaka residents in general that the hostility being exhibited towards Council officials on flimsy grounds during their conduct of duty is not healthy.

Kanyama residents know very well that it is not within the mandate of the fire brigade to restore the supply of electricity neither do they have anything to do with load shedding.

LCC further said that the mandate of the fire brigade was to save lives and property from fire and fire-related incidences wherever and whenever duty calls, and appealed to all Lusaka residents to refrain from acts of violence and destruction towards Council officials and property.

The Council urged Residents to instead work with the Council to safeguard Council properties for the public good.

The Damaged 1 Million dollars Fire Truck
The Damaged 1 Million dollars Fire Truck

There is no need for people to panic over the hunger situation in some parts of Zambia

This is in reference to reports that five people have died of hunger in Shangombo district of Western province
DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe says there is no need for people to panic over the hunger situation in some parts of the country as there are enough stocks to feed the 2.3 million people in need of relief food.

Speaking when he featured on Pan African Radio’s News Feedback Programme, Mr. Kabwe said as indicated by President Edgar Lungu, no one will die of hunger as the government is on course in distributing the relief food.

Mr. Kabwe also indicated that the government is investing massively in research in trying to understand the climate shocks.

“I visited Shang’ombo a few weeks ago. I went to the same chiefdom, the same ward where there said five people had died of hunger. There were no such deaths recorded. Some people are just trying to mislead the nation and this is why I always say there is no need to politicize the hunger situation in some parts of the country,” he said.

“I also went to Gwembe. I and my team visited the clinics, privately owned and those owned by the government. There were no records of people dying of hunger.”

He advised stakeholders not to attach politics to serious matters such as the hunger situation.

Mr. Kabwe disclosed that very soon, Vice President Inonge Wina will be launching Risk Profiles for each district in the country which will help farmers and citizens as a whole in planning well in view of changes in the weather patterns.

He emphasized that only 2.3 million in the country are currently in need of relief food and that there are enough stocks to feed them.

He further disclosed that the unit has secured 5, 000 metric tons of beans to be distributed to the people in need.

The DMMU National Coordinator further indicated that teams from DMMU are in Siavonga and Mpulungu trying to secure Kapenta which will be distributed to the 2.3 million people as a way of improving nutrition

Zambia at Fifty Five


By Evaristo Mupeta

Part 1:A Creation Of Beauty And Bosom Of Minerals

Zambia is your name

You have an identity of a high spiritual connotation:

Zambia the Christian Nation.

We belong, we stand, we walk, we serve

A people liberated:men, women and the children

In this land of our birth and upbringing

The land we are proud of.

This nation our land

The land of awesome physical features

The land far beneath full of copper and other minerals with richness and glowness any daring miner would love.

The land of meandering rivers that flow and gush out water in enthralling loudness like the rhythmic beats of the traditional Zambian drum.

The land of game parks, their brown soils and natural scented tropical vegetation with wild animals that lull and amaze many tourists.

In you Zambia, the sun rising in summer a large orange ball glowing in beauty.

In you Zambia, the sun in its fading moments like a rich weary traveller going to lodge in an inn equal to his noble status.

Zambia, you are truly a creation of irresistible beauty and splendour.

To Zambia, my patriotism and loyalty I reaffirm

To Zambia, my energies to expend on

To Zambia, my sacrifices to sow

To Zambia, my creativity to channel

To Zambia, my toils to toward.

All you that till the land

All you that excavate the minerals Zambia is endowed with

Those in offices as much those in other spheres of life

Great you all are, you are the resource that pulsate the land with life

More of your hard work the land is calling for

The land we love, the land we cherish.

Zambia forward to propel

Prosperity in its distance from Zambia near than the great distances in the land.

Part 2:A Dream Deferred -Poverty And Its Pangs

Now, mother Zambia.

At fifty five:

Your eyes as porous to tears and tension as tumbled borders left to a mass of illegal immigrants

Need I you tell mother the cause of your troubled conscience?

Me, who has now matured to manhood.

At fifty five:

When celebration and acceleration to be the hall marks in the halls of our cities

It is a month of polar contrast-of grief

A time of sorrowfully commemorating

A dream deferred

The dream of what by far should have been.

The woe of poverty must be wiped out of our land

Being indexed as a poor nation

Must not in any way be our permanent and proud status

This is the battle we must viciously fight

As we valiantly fought for political independence.

Oh, mother Zambia

Who of many of your people are not pricked by poverty and its pangs?

Pangs with sharpness equal to the “pangas” in viciousness clenched into the hands of some party cadres during some by elections.

Oh, mother Zambia

The struggles of your people daily encounters and experiences:

Mini bus drivers restlessly swerving their vehicles and hooting repeatedly in congested stations to beat their cash targets

Men, women and youths like high drilled soldiers trooping from compounds at dawn for their legal and illegal points to transact until evening.

Many conditioned to labour: they laboured yesterday, they labour today, they may labour tomorrow.

Oh, mother Zambia

I now tell tales of your residents of proximity to shopping malls

The malls are to them monsters to mauling their existence.

Too close to the mega shops

Too poor to purchase from there.

At fifty five:

Mother, you who was born a victor

They have thrust you into the victim hood of load shedding

One moment there is power, the next there is none

Subjected to waiting that is frustrating and seemingly long as though the clock set back to the medieval ages

Affected are all persons and plans.

The barber shops, the hair saloons, the restaurants – many other informal businesses

Indispensable businesses the owners cherish like their own hearts.

The mining industry-the main foreign exchange, adversely affected

The agricultural, manufacturing and other key economic sectors, adversely affected

The projected economic growth , adversely affected.


Less energy.

Less income.

No money in people’s pockets.

At fifty five:

I have yet many things to tell you

Mother, now you have become the best than before in the art of borrowing

Begging with a bowl in your hands for huge sums of money from rich nations your routine, your relief

You fear the sharks in the oceans than you fear the loan sharks with their debasing and devouring conditions

Oh mother Zambia, some loans could be two things in one: buttered bread and a doubled edged sword

Oh, mother Zambia, I dread being cumbered with more debts as I dread the chilly winter season of Lusaka

I fear the future generations being in perpetual bondage to debts

As I fear being recolonised by those you owe the much money

Mother, watch out, lest our land, this our land,

be taken away by those you owe moneys by the gross

But of groceries few Zambians can afford.

Our land, this land, her soul and resources controlled from other capital cities

Oh, mother Zambia, do not auction our sovereignty, our pride, our destiny, just like that.

At fifty five:

See now the dangers you are now in, deeper than the depth of the Zambezi River

Always with shoe string budgets

The budgets of recurrent expenditures and consumption

Huge amounts on public workers’ salaries and servicing the huge external debt

Little on development and the welfare of the majority.

I have said to you mother before, in whispers and loudness

This gullibility of yours , often deceived by some of those who promise they can salvage you

To make the people savour every of your moment;

Some of those you tell to serve and save you

Theirs are motives of insincerity

The charlatans ,the corrupt

They have wormed their way into your great space

Some only after plundering the vast wealth beneath your ground.

Do you not discern mother?

Do you not see mother?

At fifty five:

I will listen to their rhetoric at the arenas they have arranged for us to be addressed

We the common who take seats that expose us to October’s scorching heat

I will listen out of patriotism-and because I am a good listener.

You seem not to have any more plans for economic correctness

Your words to me like chaff or puffs of thick white smoke blown from a tobacco pipe

Slowly coiling up, forming rings and disappearing in the air

Your speeches and flattery I know.

So I ask again: where from here do we go?

Part 3:God My Truth And Trust

Have I not spoken? Have I not seen?

Me who sees everything in the CBD from the floors of the city’s tallest buildings

From the tower I can see the Kulima Tower bus terminal

I am profound, prophetic and poetic

I see and perceive with prayers and precision

The energy, the expectations of the people

People burdened, people who do not know where their next meal, even without tomato sauce, to source.

Yet, their faces gleaming with joy and laughter characteristic of the godly and good Zambia spirit

Yes, the people have the inalienable and great yearning:

In you Zambia to live better than the struggles and squalor daily they go through

In you mother Zambia.

At fifty five:

I have another thing to tell you.

Transience every person’s friend ;leaders come and go

Today in power; tomorrow gone, gloriously or ingloriously

This mother you must inculcate into them

Do not just include them on the programme for no purpose

In Zambia the Christian Nation

Faith evoked in me as in numerous others

Of the nation’s possibilities of earth shaking victories

Only in God my entire trust I place.

To the mountains as varied, valleyed, and valued in Zambia

As in other parts of the world mine eyes I raise

Where shall my deliverance come from?

Only from God my whole salvation comes

Not in the lies and purposes of men and women

Mother Zambia, in you I still believe as when in you I was gracefully birthed

I am a patriot of your whole being.

Zambia, my mother Zambia.

ZCCM-IH Shareholders welcome appointment of Mr.Mabvuto Chipata as CEO


The minority Shareholders of ZCCM-IH have welcomed the appointment of Mr Mabvuto Chipata as the new Chief Executive Officer. In a statement released to Lusakatimes the Euronext Minority Shareholders said they are relieved that the Pius Kasolo page has been definitively turned.

Below is the full press statement

The minority Shareholders of ZCCM-IH welcome the appointment of Mr Mabvuto Chipata as the new Chief Executive Officer. We are relieved that the Pius Kasolo page has been definitively turned.

After several years of hazardous, inconsistent and disastrous investments, in a few months as acting CEO, Mr Chipata has refocused investments on our core business, mining operations as an operator. This is the only way to no longer depend on our indelicate and unfair partners. We encourage him to continue along this path.

The challenges facing Mr Chipata are many: managing the KCM case in the best possible way,twisting the arm of many mining companies that have supposedly made no profit all these years and are not paying ZCCM-IH any dividends, recovering our share of Kansanshi retained profits from First Quantum Minerals, intervening in the Zesco/CEC/Maamba case where ZCCM-IH is involved and weakened.

In addition, despite current overcapacity in cement production, fierce competition between the various players, the construction of new cement plants by competitors by 2022 doubling production capacity in Zambia, a difficult economic situation in the country and more generally worldwide, the majority shareholder of ZCCM-IH, the Government of Zambia, has nevertheless decided to complete the $600 million CAC cement plant project.

We estimate ZCCM-IH’s share of CAPEX required to be between $50 million and $60 million while ZCCM-IH injects its last meagre resources into KCM. How will our company be able to finance this cement plant? After the bankruptcy of Ndola Lime, the bankruptcy of KCM, various disastrous investments, will we see another bankruptcy? We fear this very much.

We rely on our CEO’s sound knowledge of the company, his skills and his teams in order to pursue this project without economic rationality and the future business as little damage as possible to our company, which is already in a very delicate financial situation.

Thierry CHARLES on behalf of Euronext Minority Shareholders of ZCCM-IH
FRANCE, October 20th 2019

Local Authorities Workers Union want the removal of Bishop Ed Chomba as Permanent Secretary

 Bishop Ed Chomba as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government
Bishop Ed Chomba as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government

The Zambia United Local Authorities Workers Union has called for the removal of Bishop Ed Chomba as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government because he lacks the vision of transforming the Local Government system.

ZULAWU President Kingsley Zulu said due to nonpayment of salaries it upholds the resolution made by its members to withdraw labour and workers will only resume work upon the clearance of the unpaid salaries.

Mr Zulu said Councils are in three months salary arrears and should equally step up efforts to maximise revenue collection and dismantle the arrears.

It’ll be difficult for Zambia to meet sustainable agriculture production with inadequate funding


The Food and Agriculture Organization says it will be difficult for Zambia to meet sustainable agriculture production with inadequate funding to the agriculture sector.

FAO Country Representative Dr George Okech said Zambia’s funding to the sector is still way below the Maputo declaration which requires about 10 percent of the budget to be allocated to the agriculture sector.

Dr Okech noted with sadness that only a few countries on the continent have met the Maputo declaration on the budgetary allocation to the agriculture sector.

Speaking at the commemoration of this year’s world food day organized by Global Citizen, Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance and Hivos Southern Africa, Dr Okech advised the Zambian government to put more money in the agriculture sector to guarantee food security.

And Dr Okech said FAO is working with government and other stakeholders to develop the Post Harvest Loss strategy that will help minimize the loss of agriculture produce.

He said the strategy if implemented will ensure that Zambia produces post harvest loss of grain including tomatoes, mangos and other produce which goes to waste every year.

Dr Okech regretted that a lot of food goes to waste every year in Zambia when some people are going hungry.

Speaking at the same event, Global Citizen Lead Zambia Campaigner Mwandwe Chileshe noted with concern that hunger has continued to be on the increase in Zambia.

Ms Chileshe said the high food insecurity risks reversing the gains made in reducing malnutrition cases in Zambia.

She said the World Food Day commemorated last week should be used to get government and other stakeholders on board to start taking action to address the hunger situation.

And the Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance says government needs to put in place policies that will support diverse food production.

CSO-SUN Country Coordinator Mathews Mhuru said there is need for reforms in food production policies to encourage production of food at lower levels.

Ronald Chitotela says Conservationist Nsama Learns is wrong


Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela says the Black Lechwe is not endemic to Bangweule Wetlands as reported by Conservationist Nsama Learns.

Mr Chitotela said the Black Lechwe can survive in various parts of the country and not in the Bangweulu wetlands alone.

Appearing at the PF Media Interactive Forum, the Tourism and Arts Minister said Ms Learns misled the nation when she said the Lechwe is endemic specie.

He said the country has over 90 000 Black Lechwes contrary to assertions that the country only has about 35 000 animals.

Mr. Chitotela reiterated that the misinformation about the Black Lechwe will raise alarm among stakeholders among them the African Parks headed by Price Harry of the United Kingdom.

According to Ms Learns, the Black Lechwe loves water and when threatened, they stand in deep water completely submerged leaving only their nostrils exposed.

She said the Black Lechwes are good swimmers and they run faster in water than dry land which is why in the dry season they migrate for up-to 80 kilometers in search for flooded areas.

She challenged the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Authority whose mandate is to protect Zambia’s wildlife species to make the ecological assessment report public for review on whether Langani and Kiwisoko private ranches in Chisamba and Kazungula are suitable for the habitation of the Black Lechwe.

Independent Media Continue to Face Friction in Zambia

Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Stephen Kampyongo has said Africa has an opportunity to resolve the crisis of children born without being recorded or accounted for through crafting mechanisms that will provide birth records
Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Stephen Kampyongo has said Africa has an opportunity to resolve the crisis of children born without being recorded or accounted for through crafting mechanisms that will provide birth records

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo advise to Zambians in the diaspora to rely on government owned mesia for facts is a continuation of PF government assault on independent media. For Hon Kampyongo to cite Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) and Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), which are government departments, and electronic versions of the local newspaper organization Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily mail, which are also under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, without mentioning at least one independent media is an implication that independent media is a source of fake news.

Abash spirit of favoritism. Fake new is real out there, and collectively we must fight it. The fight starts by viewing all media equal. No media is above the other in Zambia as portrayed by Hon Kampyongo.

Don’t get me wrong, the minister makes a very important point. Zambians living abroad need to make an effort to verify news they read on social media as social media platforms have now become a source of fake and unverified news. The problem is that Kampyongo avoid to give example of unreliable source of news. Instead, he goes on to mention ZANIS, ZNBC and electronic versions of the local newspaper organizations Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily mail as reliable sources of news. All of them government departments. What is going on in his mind?

I want the people of Zambia to look at this kind of language from another angle. Independent media is not fully welcome in Zambia. I hope one can see that through Hon Kampyongo’s language. It is full of bias and I wouldn’t be surprised if others see hate too. The language has potential to evoke hate and violence against private journalists as people don’t want to be associated with liars. In case one misses it, Kampyongo is simply saying independent rather privave reporters are liars.

Hon Kambyongo may not be aware, Zambians in the diaspora want to hear how far Chalala 48 houses investigation has gone. They want to hear explanation why the country is experiencing restriction in freedom of assembly, movement, and expression under his leadership.

By Venus N Msyani