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Chiyangi feels fans wrath despite CHAN qualification


Chipolopolo unconvincingly toiled to 2020 CHAN qualification after eSwatini held them 2-2 at home in Lusaka on Saturday.

The result saw Zambia qualify 3-2 on aggregate but the qualification was met with a hail of bottles and objectiles from dissatisfied fans after the final whistle at National Heroes Stadium.

” Well to be honest I feel some of these fans need to be questioned why they want to kill the players? Yes we accept we didn’t play well, but why stone us?”Chipolopolo coach Aggrey Chiyangi said.

Meanwhile, a brace by Emmanuel Chabula in the 4th and 56th minutes salvaged the home draw.

But Dlamini Phinda struck in the 58th minute while Sifiso Matse equalized in the 76th minute to stugger and pin Zambia to the final whistle.

A change of Government Will Come with a Lot of International Goodwill

HH meeting with investors in the US after he concluded his presentation on State of Play in Zambia
HH meeting with investors in the US after he concluded his presentation on State of Play in Zambia

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The recent invitation of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND), to speak at the Woodrow Wilson Center and address an audience of esteemed leaders from.the world of politics and business, is a clear demonstration of the confidence and the highest premium the international community continues to place on his ability to provide leadership at the highest level of government.

The invitation of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema also underlines the desire by the international community for there to take place constructive and productive political and economic change in Zambia, the kind of change that would benefit both the citizens of this country, as well as our international partners.

It is also important to note, that serious investors will always put a heavy premium on sound political leadership that guarantees adherence to the rule of law, consistency around macro economic policy, guarantees a respect for human rights and leadership that is committed to stamping out grand and political corruption as these pose and impose a danger on the credibility and integrity of the investment environment.

The $25bn in active investment pledges are a further unequivocal endorsement of the quality and standard of public leadership the International community expects Mr. Hakainde Hichilema to enforce should Zambians trust his enough to form and lead the next government post 2021.

These $25bn investment conversations should in essence be taking between investors and the PF government of PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu, but that is not the case. And I do not want to leave Zambians in any amount of doubt about why this is not the case – Investors cannot and will not trust their big money projects with the PF government. It will cost investors anything between 10% – 25% on top of the actual investment value to invest in Zambia, owing to corruption and bad business environment managing practices being perpetrated by the PF government.

But what is heartwarming to note, is that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema emphasized to our international friends that while Zambia remains open for business, we seek constructive and actual business partnerships between our local and international investors.

We cannot build long-term resilience within our local economy by settling for 20%.

We need investment partnerships that will substantively enhance capacity and confidence within our local investor community. This is why the UPND is keen to reinvigorate the capacity of our local banking system to fully respond to this strategy by reposition the balance of resources away from government control and much towards individuals, households and SMEs.

As citizens, we must never underplay the value of sound political LEADERSHIP.

Everything rises and falls on it.

Future opportunities for the next generation of Zambians firmly rest on what we will do at the ballot in 2021.

Mabvuto Chipata is new ZCCM-IH CEO


The Board of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc has announced the appointment of Mr Mabvuto Chipata as Chief Executive Officer of the Company effective 11 October 2019.

Mr Chipata replaces Dr Pius Kasolo who was sacked in February this year.

He joined ZCCM-IH in July y2012 as Chief Financial Officer, the position he held until early 2018 when he was appointed Chief Investments Officer responsible for the Company’s investments function.

He has over the years been involved in a number of strategic developments in the Company leading different project teams.

Prior to joining ZCCM-IH, Mr Chipata worked in various senior management positions in sectors such as money and capital markets, insurance, and manufacturing.

He has worked as Managing Director for Intermarket Securities Zambia Limited, Finance Director for ZAMPOST, Chief Operating Officer for Intermarket Banking Corporation Zambia Limited, among others.

He currently serves as a Non-Executive Director on a number of companies including Kansanshi Mining Plc and Lubambe Copper Mines Limited.

Mr Chipata is an accomplished finance and investments professional with over 20 years’ experience.

He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy Degree from the Copperbelt University and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants.

He is also a trained Stockbroker.

The Board says it is confident that with his experience, Mr Chipata will make a valuable contribution to the success of the Company.

Engage profitably with IMF/World Bank, no time for shopping-Chibamba

Chibamba Kanyama
Chibamba Kanyama

Economist Chibamba Kanyama has urged the Zambian delegation attending the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in Washington DC to approach the meetings seriously.

Mr Kanyama said the team led by Finance Minister Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu and his counterpart at Planning Alexander Chiteme should not use the opportunity to be in the USA for shopping.

He said the trip is an opportunity for Dr Ng’andu to demonstrate to those international analysts that doubted his economic credentials that he has the acumen to strike a deal with cooperating partners.
“When such a huge delegation travels for such meetings, a lot is expected in terms of outcomes especially given our current need for a financial bailout. I am confident Dr Ng’andu and his assembled team of technocrats has sufficiently prepared itself with a data-backed narrative that will prove to various international stakeholders that Zambia is this time more than serious to engage the IMF,” Mr Kanyama said.

He added, “A number of economic watchers for Zambia, particularly investors in our sovereign bond, want assurance that the ‘stabilization trajectory’ Zambia has been preaching lately will be more than rhetoric.”

He said the cost of sending this large delegation is significantly huge and coming back empty-handed but for simple assurances is not in the interest of the nation.

“In certain previous engagements, corridor gossip in those institutions during similar meetings was about how huge the Zambian delegation was meeting only one person the other side of the table but without a clear engagement strategy, ‘They had no data whatsoever to back up their narrative, why did they all come here?’ a mission chief once whispered to me.,” Mr Kanyama narrated.

“I have confidence in Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu and am sure he is leading a highly focused team that seeks to redeem Zambia’s economic fortunes.It is simply not business as usual for them. If possible, Dr Ng’andu should divide the team into groups, each team focused on meeting strategic counter-parties so that we do not fill boardrooms with a large number of people who just take notes.“

He said, “ Everyone must possess the necessary collaborated data and articulate the economic stabilization strategy with clearly defined outcomes. We should prove to the IMF that the measures we have taken are not only there to massage negative investor sentiment but that we have the discipline and commitment to implement them.”

“There must never be time for shopping, we have enough malls back home. It sends a bad message to the partners when they see us in embassy vehicles visiting malls just after communicating to them about our commitment to austerity measures. Those little things are always observed and get talked about in those corridors. Come back with something Minister and make a difference. We are here to support you 100 percent in every way we can.”

HH thanks US for aid, refuses to support sanctions on Zambia as he attracts US$25.8 billion in investment pledges from US investors

HH with US Investors
HH with US Investors

Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema used his trip to the United States to thank that country for assisting Zambia in various sectors of the economy.

And Mr Hichilema has revealed that private investors from the US have pledged to invest over US$25.8 billion in Zambia in the first 5 years of his administration.

Mr Hichilema was speaking in Washington DC at the Woodrow Wilson Centre where he discussed the State of Play in Zambia.

When asked if he would support sanctions through withholding aid, Mr Hichilema noted that this support to the Zambian people remains critical and should continue.

He said withholding such assistance would only harm poor Zambians.

Mr Hichilema thanked the America taxpayers for supporting Zambia’s HIV and AIDS programme.

“Aside from promoting investment opportunities available in our country, we thanked the American taxpayers for their engagement through successive governments on HIV/AIDS through its PEPFAR program that has benefitted and continues to save lives of many Zambians,” he said.

“We also acknowledged the Millennium Challenge Compact in Zambia through which the U.S. government invested in water supply, sanitation and drainage infrastructure to decrease water-related diseases and flood losses.”

“On the security front, we noted with gratitude the role that the State Department and Department of Defense have played in training Zambia Defence Forces through the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) and the Africa Contingency Operations Training Assistance (ACOTA) program,” he stated.

He said the engagement has been central to Zambia Defence Forces deployment for United Nations Peacekeeping missions.

“As of August 31, 2019, Zambia was the 22nd leading contributor in the world to UN peacekeeping missions with 1,025 personal. It was humbling meeting with some of the previous American Ambassadors to Zambia.

He said the audience’s main interest were the human rights and economic situation in the country.

Mr Hichilema said the audience were also interested to know what the UPND would do differently if it were in office.

“On the human rights abuses, we assured them that we as opposition charged with the responsibility of providing checks and balances will continue holding the PF government accountable.”

He reiterated the party’s resolve to amend certain pieces of legislation such as the colonial Public Order Act that limits people’s freedoms of assembly and does not conform to the current international standards and norms.

“On the economy the various stakeholders we engaged in a side event, especially investors, are very worried about the mounting debt. We requested that the investors in the room could begin to speak to their fellow private sector players on possibility of debt restructuring. They made a commitment that once they see a serious commitment to fiscal discipline, they are willing to help the country to renegotiate the debt held by private sector.”

“We spoke about the opportunities for the investors to come and partner with our Zambian businessmen. They had no objection to creating joint ventures. They pledged investment of about US$25.8 billion over a period of 5 years. They are interested in electricity, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, infrastructure and mining. The bulk of their investment will be in electricity generation and portfolio diversification, they also see agriculture and tourism as main foreign exchange earners.”

He said the investors believe that reliable infrastructure will also provide dividends to their investment.

Mr Hichilema stated that the investors repeated the pledge for joint ventures as long as the government has policy consistency and fiscal discipline.

“Ultimately the stakeholders we met are very optimistic about the country after we shared our plan for revitalising the economy. They placed the onus of creating a Zambia we want, on ourselves as citizens of the country.”

He added, “Our appeal to all Zambians is that we need to work together and ensure a peaceful and democratic transition by massively voting for UPND in 2021 so that these investment pledges can come forth. We have a great plan and vision for Zambia. Let us all seize the moment to rebuild our great country.”

HH’s investment pledges from US investors
HH’s investment pledges from US investors

HH shunned national prayers to go and meet his Freemansonry friends in the US-Malama

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Dr Martin Malama
Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Dr Martin Malama

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Dr Martin Malama has charged that opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema sneaked out of the country to avoid attending the National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation.

Dr Malama said Mr Hichilema conveniently left Zambia for the US to avoid attending the prayers.

He said the UPND is using his time in the USA to meet his friends form the Freemanson society.

Mr Malama was speaking in Parliament on Thursday evening when he contributed to debate on estimate of expenditure for the office of the Vice President.

Mr Malama wondered what kind of a leader Mr Hichilema is to leave the country at a time when Zambia is going through a number of challenges.

“Mr Speaker, the leader of the largest opposition political party in this country has decided to sneak out the country at a crucial time. He is in the US at the invitation of his friends the Freemasons leaving behind a lot of challenges here. What kind of a leader is he?”

He added, “Mr Hichilema is in the US now, he should ask for a lady called Oprah and she will tell him that when there was a crisis in New Orleans, Oprah left her house with her hair undone and in shabby clothing to go and help out the people. That is leadership Mr Speaker and Mr Hichilema is abandoning his people at a crucial time.”

Dr Malama said Mr Hichilema’s trip to the USA was part of benefits of belonging to the African Liberal Network which he said promotes gay rights.

“He has traveled to America because he wants to go and meet his friends from ALN where they promote the gay agenda.”

Mutapa sets his sights on COSAFA U17 glory


Zambia coach Oswald Mutapa has set his sight on winning the 2019 COSAFA Men’s Under-17 Championship after storming the final on Friday afternoon.

Junior Chipolopolo will tackle Mozambique in Sunday’s final at Mpira Stadium in Blantyre, Malawi.

Unbeaten Zambia are in the final after thumping holders Angola 2-0 in the semifinal on Friday while Mozambique ejected Eswatini at the same stage on the same day.

‘We are happy that we will be playing the final,’ Mutapa said.

‘Since are in the final we will go for the trophy. We told people back home that we are going back with the trophy,’ he said.

Mutapa is now plotting Mozambique’s downfall in the final.

‘We watched them briefly and I think we have some videos for them. We are going to watch the videos and plan for them (Mozambique),’ he said.

Zambia last won this competition in 2017.

Zambia’s Finance Minister in Washington for IMF and World Bank Annual Meeting

Finance Minister Dr BWALYA NG'ANDU says observations raised by the public on the 2020 Budget have helped to structure and sharpen Zambia's resolve to address public concerns ahead of the planned engagements with bilateral and multilateral cooperating partners at the ongoing 2019 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) in Washington DC, United States of America
Finance Minister Dr BWALYA NG’ANDU  at the ongoing 2019 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) in Washington DC, United States of America


Finance Minister Dr BWALYA NG’ANDU says observations raised by the public on the 2020 Budget have helped to structure and sharpen Zambia’s resolve to address public concerns ahead of the planned engagements with bilateral and multilateral cooperating partners at the ongoing 2019 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) in Washington DC, United States of America.

The Minister has stated that Zambia’s wish to strengthen cooperation with local and international development partners is a key factor in ensuring the achievement of sustained economic stability and growth.

He was speaking during a brainstorming session with the Zambian delegation to the 2019 Annual Meetings of the IMF and WBG.

Dr Ng’andu is leading a delegation that includes Minister of National Development Planning ALEXANDER CHITEME, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Finance and Economic Development) CHRISTOPHER MVUNGA, and Secretary to the Treasury FREDSON YAMBA.

Others representing the country at the IMF/WBG Annual Meetings are Bank of Zambia Governor Dr DENNY KALYALYA, Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Monitoring and Evaluation) DANIES CHISENDA, Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary (Economic Management & Finance) MUKULI CHIKUBA, and Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr SIMBYAKULA, SC, respectively.

The Minister of Finance emphasised that highlights of the vision and aspirations of the Government stated in the President’s State of the Nation Address and the 2020 Budget, should anchor policy discussion points during the delegations engagements at the annual meetings.

Dr Ng’andu also took the opportunity to reiterate that for the avoidance of doubt, the stabilisation measures listed in the 2020 Budget such as restoring debt to sustainable levels; dismantling of domestic arrears; enhancing domestic resource mobilisation; effectively managing public expenditure; increasing the efficiency of government; and reducing resource wastage in the public sector, should clearly be explained to stakeholders in the international financial market and in Zambia.

“The measures are expected to activate the necessary socio-economic adjustments and put the country on a sustained growth trajectory.

“This is the assurance our people and the international market need from us,” said Dr. Ng’andu, adding that, “our plans for the near term as stated in the 2020 Budget are realistic and so should not raise false expectations or unwarranted doubt.”

He stated further that Zambia must not be shy to learn from others and benchmark her performances against best practice.

The Minister said this has to be done within the context of the country’s policy framework for next year and the medium term.

The delegation acknowledged in unison that one of Zambia’s main objective at the 2019 Annual Meetings is to strengthen cooperation with development partners and investors.

Citizens should begin to see consistent policy implementation and positive outcomes from the outlined measures in the 2020 Budget, the delegation agreed.

Next year’s budget targets fiscal health and consolidation, economic stabilisation, and growth of local enterprises.

“I am confident that working together as a people, but of course with support from our development partners, we can achieve the targets we have set for ourselves,” Dr. Ng’andu reiterated.

In 2020, the following will be Zambia’s macroeconomic targets:

1. Achieving a real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of at least 3%;

2. Achieving and maintaining inflation within the target range of 6 to 8 percent;

3. Increasing International reserves to at least 2.5 months of import cover;

4. Reducing the fiscal deficit to at least 5.5% of GDP; and,

5. Increasing domestic revenue mobilisation to at least 22 percent of GDP.

“This is why we need to optimise the networking dividend that these Annual Meetings provide ,” Dr. Ng’andu told his delegation.

The Minister of Finance arrived in Washington DC, United States of America, last night and was met on arrival at Washington’s Dulles International Airport by Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr. NGOSA SIMBYAKULA, SC and other Embassy officials.

Dr Ng’andu assured the receiving party that the Zambian Government stands on firm ground in its resolve to focus national priorities towards stimulating, stabilising and growing the domestic economy.

He called on Zambia’s diplomatic staff, not only in Washington DC, but in all other missions abroad, to consistently sell the country’s good stories so that tourists and investors could sustain their positive interest in Zambia.

The Zambian delegation is today scheduled to attend the International Monetary and Finance Committee (IMFC) Plenary. The IMFC is the highest organ of the IMF and consists the Board of Governors (Minister’s of Finance and Central Bank Governors of Member States) and the IMF Executive Board.

Dr Ng’andu is Zambia’s Governor in the IMF Board of Governors and his alternate is Dr Kalyalya.

Apart from attending the IMFC Plenary, Dr Ng’andu and his delegation will attend the IMF African Caucus Meeting with the new IMF Managing Director KRISTALINA GEORGEVA; attend the IMF Africa Group 1 Constituency Meeting; and, hold bilateral talks with the IMF (African Department).

They are also scheduled to attend the WBG Development Committee (WBG-DC) Meeting; the highest organ of the WBG which consists the Board of Governors (Minister’s of Finance, Planning, Economy, Development, Heads of Treasury, and Central Bank Governors of Member States) and the WBG Executive Board.

The Zambian delegation will also hold high level talks with the WBG Vice President (Africa Region) HAFEZ GHANEM and his team.

Dr Ng’andu is Zambia’s Governor in the WBG Board of Governors and his alternate is Mr Chiteme.

Yesterday, the delegation, led by Minister Chiteme, attended the WBG Africa Group 1 Constituency Meeting and held bilateral talks with the World Bank Executive Director for the Africa Group 1 Constituency.

On the sidelines of the IMF/WBG Annual Meetings, the delegation will also address Investors Forums, heads of financial institutions, and hold bilateral discussions with the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Dr. AKINWUMI ADESINA and with several other bilateral and multilateral delegations.

High-level meetings already attended by the delegation include the Commonwealth Ministers of Finance Meeting, and the SADC Ministers of Finance Meeting at which Mr. Chiteme, who arrived in Washington on Wednesday, led the Zambian team.

This is contained in a statement availed to Smart Eagles by Ministry of Finance Spokesperson Chileshe Kandeta.

Zambians mark the day of National Prayers

President EDGAR LUNGU shakes hands with leader of the opposition party FDD Edith Nawakwi at the prayer service in Lusaka
President EDGAR LUNGU shakes hands with leader of the opposition party FDD Edith Nawakwi at the prayer service in Lusaka

Zambians are yesterday observing the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation. This year’s theme is “receiving times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord through reconciliation with one another and the environment for a prosperous Zambia.”

President Edgar Lungu has joined hundreds of people at the Lusaka Show grounds in observing the day.

And in Kitwe, Vice President Inonge Wina is among several Christians who have gathered at Nkana stadium to pray. Mrs. Wina says Zambians have many economic hardships that need God’s intervention.

The Vice President says today’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting must be used to unite the nation and ask for blessings from the Almighty God.

She was speaking when she addressed hundreds of Kitwe residents at Nkana Stadium during commemorations for the National Day of Prayer and Fasting.

And Bishop Steve Safwali from the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia said Zambia’s problems can only be solved through prayer.

And Fr Japhet Ponda said politicians must repent for using young people as tools of violence. Fr Ponda said it is wrong to arm the young people and make them shed blood.

In Petauke, Chief government spokesperson Dora Siliya has urged all Zambians to carry on with a spirit of prayer and not only unite during National Day of Prayer.

Speaking when he officiated at the National Day of Prayer celebrations, Ms. Siliya said only prayer and unity can help Zambia gain God’s favour to improve the country’s economic stability.

Ms. Siliya, who is also Petauke Central Member of Parliament, said Zambia is a united nation with cases of violence reducing rapidly. She said all Zambians must work together as one regardless of tribe, religious or political affiliation.

Ms. Siliya was accompanied by Petauke District Commissioner Valenesi Moyo, Chief Nyampande, PF Eastern Provincial Chairperson Andrew Lubusha, and Petauke Council Chairman James Lungu.

And St Oscar’s Parish Priest Andrew Pumula urged all Zambians to look to God for solutions to their problems. Fr Pumula praised the PF administration for letting the church have a say in the governing of the country.

In Mansa, Mansa Central Member of Parliament Chitalu Chilufya said that Zambia will remain a blessed nation because of its leader President Edgar Lungu who has put God first in his leadership.

Dr. Chilufya has since called on all Zambians to remain united, peaceful and tolerant to each other for the nation to realise meaningful development.

Dr. Chilufya, who is also Minister of Health and PF Member of the Central committee, further appealed to all Zambians to say no to alien practices being promoted by some people because Zambia is a Christian Nation. He said this when he graced this year’s National Day of Prayer, reconciliation and fasting.

Speaking earlier, Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa thanked the people of Mansa for attending the prayer day in numbers.

Mr. Chilangwa further appealed to the people to remain hard workers and prayerful for the success of the area and the nation.

In a vote of thanks, Bishop Maxwell Mumba of Shekaina Gospel Ministry called on the people in the country to support the day as it is not political.

Meanwhile, Chief Mabumba who was also in attendance declared Luapula province an area that will remain peaceful and prosperous forever.

The theme for this year’s National Day of Prayer, reconciliation and fasting is: receiving times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord through reconciliation with one another and the environment for a prosperous Zambia.

HH’s Prayer on the Day of National Prayers

HH at the New Apostolic Church Divine Service at Nakatindi Church grounds
FILE: HH at the New Apostolic Church Divine Service at Nakatindi Church grounds


On this day of prayer, our heavenly father we call upon your holy name to prevail on the nation. Our God and father we know and acknowledge that as a Christian nation, you alone are our sanctuary. That on this day we submit the country of Zambia to you for abundant blessings.

Heavenly father we understand and acknowledge that indeed you have bestowed the leadership of earthly beings to man. Man has his own frailties and fallibilities. It is for this reason God that we call on you to provide the guidance to the men and women who are in charge of the affairs of the state to live by your calling. We therefore call upon you Lord to give the leadership wisdom that goes beyond their own understanding. We call on you Lord that you will give them the wisdom to resist the temptation to use their power for their own benefit but rather for the service to your people our God. Heavenly father we ask that you humble their hearts.

Heavenly father I pray for the people of Zambia. Father we may falter from time to time, but father we ask that as a nation collective you give us the wisdom to discern good from evil. Give us the courage Lord to call evil by its name and make a commitment to address it. May you fill the nation with peace, love and harmony, may you deliver us from the clutches of hate that threaten the unity of your people and the motherland Zambia. Father we ask that as a people you give us leadership that will deliver this country closer to you. A leadership that will ease confusion. A leadership that will commit to address and heal delusion. Father we ask for a leadership that will expose illusion that takes advantage of your children. Father we submit to glory and your honour.

Father God as you guided us in 1 Timothy 1:1-3 and you said “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people; for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness; This is good, and pleases God our Savior,”

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the healing of the nation.



Non-compliance to the country’s labour laws in Zambia has increased-Labour Minister

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Joyce Nonde - Simukoko says her Ministry is aware that most employers have not implemented The new Employment Code Act, No. 3 of 2019
Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Joyce Nonde – Simukoko says her Ministry is aware that most employers have not implemented The new Employment Code Act, No. 3 of 2019

Labour and Social Security Minister Joyce Simukoko has bemoaned the high levels of non-compliance to the country’s labour laws especially among employers from the informal sector.

Mrs. Simukoko says the government is aware that most employers have not implemented the new employment code Act.

She says government’s decision to revise labour laws and further extend social security to the informal sector is meant to codify and consolidate employment law principles thereby altering the employment landscape in the country.

Mrs. Simukoko was speaking when she met International Social Security Association – ISSA Secretary General Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano on the sidelines of the World Social Security Forum in Brussels, Belgium.

And Mr. Caetano applauded government for its commitment towards the International Social Security Association as well as promoting conducive working conditions for employees.

The Labour Minister is in Brussels attending the fifth World Social Security Forum -WSSF- which is being hosted by the public social security institutions of Belgium.

This years’ forum which is being held under the theme “Protecting people in a changing world’ has attracted more than one thousand participants from more than 1-hundred and 50 countries.

This is according to a statement released to ZNBC News by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations, at the Zambia Embassy in Brussels Belgium, Phyllis Chilekwa.

Malawian And Zambian Youths Bemoan Lack of Political Will On Climate Change


Youths from selected political parties from Zambia and Malawi have bemoaned the lack of political will from both government and opposition leaders in the two countries in addressing climate change related issues.

Speaking on the sidelines of the ongoing leadership training workshop for youths from the two countries taking place in Siavonga, Zambia’s Prince Ndoyi and Yongo Wa Yongo of Malawi said they have seen the effects of climate change first hand at Kariba Dam and that it’s high time that political parties put climate change issues high on their agenda.

Yongo who is a National Executive Committee member for Malawi Congress Party MCP observed that political parties have not fully addressed issues of climate change and environmental Sustainability in their manifestos as they find it difficult to craft a message for a citizenry that doesn’t understand the topic.

“As you have rightly put it climate change is not fully being addressed like it should be by politicians because among the main reasons lack of understanding by citizens. Citizens don’t understand what climate change is all about so it becomes difficult for politicians to focus on that message but then on the surface political parties talk about climate change in their manifestos,” he said.

He said as young politicians it is their prerogative to take back the message to their mother parties and ensure that political party manifestos elaborate clear strategies of how they will address the issue of climate change.

“It is important that we came here with our colleagues from Zambian political parties and we have been grilled in so many topical issues but what has struck me most is the issue of climate change. I have come to realize that it’s important that as young people we need to start having conversations about climate change.

“It is now our priority as young politicians to go back to our mother parties and try to influence the messaging for coming elections. Our Zambian counterparts they have an election in 2021 and as for us we are heading for a re-run maybe in the January 2020 so as young leaders to be in the for front championing real causes that are affecting our societies,” he said.

He added that climate change is not a myth as he had seen it first hand at the Kariba Dam where the water levels have drastically gone down thereby affecting hydro power generation at the dam.

“Climate change is not a myth. Climate change is here, we have experience it, we have been here in Siavonga and we have seen the effects with our own eyes. I have got to learn about the lake Kariba and about the water levels and how it has affected the hydro power generation and this hydro power from lake Kariba contributes 40% of our energy in Malawi so we really have to look at ways of how to control this climate change and take the environment back to where it’s supposed to be,” he said.

And Ndoyi from MMD called on all stakeholders to find common ground and ensure that preventive measures and solutions to the challenge of climate change are found.

He expressed shock that despite Siavonga being one of the hottest places in the country, surprisingly residents and business houses in Siavonga continue to depend on ZESCO for energy a sign that the country is not taking advantage of the most important resource as regards energy diversification.

“We are gathered here in Siavonga just seconds from the Kariba Dam and i think that the initiative of us young politicians from both Malawi and Zambia was obviously for us to take advantage and see the effects of climate change and by virtue of what we have seen I think that as young politicians in different political parties we have come to a common ground that there is indeed lack of political will from both governments in terms of seriously mitigating the effects of climate change and investing heavily in preventing the consequencies that we are seeing.

“I think that Malawi and Zambia share in the energy crisis that is obtaining in both countries and by virtue of being here we are able to see that the main component in the advocacy to Go-Green is only vested in our politicians that are in government. It’s suffice to state that we are in Siavonga where temperatures are so high but at the hotel where we are there is no solar panels on any rooftop. It goes to say that we need consented efforts, we all need a common a ground in finding solutions in mitigating the effects of climate change, we can’t continue with business as usual,” he said.

The young leaders have been selected from political parties with representation in Parliament in both countries by the “Program For Young Politicians In Africa (PYPA)” with the objective of increasing the influence of youths and women in the politics of the two countries.

The topics covered among many other topics includes environmental sustainable development, a concept of ensuring that the country balances it’s development agenda without destroying the Eco-system.

Nevers Mumba’s full Prayer of Rededicating Zambia to the God

Nevers Mumba

Our father and our God, in the name of your son Jesus, we now present our nation Zambia before you.

We re-dedicate our country and renew our vows to govern ourselves by the statutes of God’s Word.

We are grateful for the firm Strong Christian values upon which our nation was founded. We thank you for choosing Zambia to be the beacon of light for the rest of the continent. We honor the work of God’s servants who have gone before us in declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the years.

We affirm the prayer of David Livingstone that, “On this land where I rest my bended knees, let it become a mighty Christian Nation.” A beacon of hope to the African continent and a light to the rest of the world.”

We affirm the prayer of our first President Dr Kenneth David Kaunda who said: “Zambia shall honor and uphold the Christian faith.”

We further affirm the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation by our second President Dr Fredrick Chiluba.

We affirm and celebrate the declaration of October 18th as a Day of Prayer, Fasting, Reconciliation, and Forgiveness as announced by the sixth President Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Today, we hold ourselves accountable to the solemn vows we made to you. We promised to govern ourselves under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We dedicated the Presidency, Cabinet, the Civil service, the legislature, the Judiciary and the people of Zambia to the Lordship of Christ. We vowed to end corruption. We vowed to be just and defend the weak. We vowed to govern this country in morality and integrity of heart.

Today, 28 years later we come to give an account before you. As national leaders, we repent for failing to honor our vows. We seek your forgiveness.
Instead of propagating peace, we have propagated hate, division, violence and bloodletting. We have oppressed the poor and glorified the powerful.

Our nation bleeds from greed and corruption. Our people carry the unyielding yoke of poverty. We repent for failing to create unity amongst ourselves. We have turned our backs against the vows we made to you. The result of our disobedience has been hunger, poverty, joblessness, violence, deaths of our youth. We are at war with ourselves.

As Church leaders, we have failed to play our prophetic role of guiding the nation in a non-partisan manner. We have failed to be the prophetic voice for the masses.

As citizens, we have failed to hold our leaders both in politics and the church accountable. We have failed to place demands on those who lead us.
Lord, Zambia is no ordinary nation. This is your inheritance. It is your lighthouse for the continent. You chose this land before anyone of us was born. We fear and tremble to be found guilty of frustrating your eternal plans for this land.

Therefore today, we willingly choose to rededicate our nation Zambia to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
We repent as political leaders for taking your people for granted. We repent as Church leaders for not speaking loud enough for the poor and the weak.

We repent as a nation for the innocent blood that has been spilled and for engaging in witchcraft and demonic activities.
We turn to you with tears in our eyes and grief in our hearts. We seek your forgiveness.

We now rededicate every sector of the Zambian community to you Lord Jesus. We accept our failures and weaknesses. We seek your forgiveness.

We rededicate our selves to live in love and at peace with each other.

Lord, we renew our vows to live in harmony, in love and in the fear of the Lord. To govern ourselves in equity and the fear of the Lord. We further declare that Zambia shall be led by leaders of integrity and morality in line with our declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation. We pray so for President LUNGU and his government and we pray so for all governments to come. May the leadership of morality and integrity be the flagship of our Christian nation, Zambia today and always.

We re-dedicate the President, the Government of Zambia, the Opposition Parties, the Church and the people of Zambia to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, now and forevermore. We sing the all-time hymn, “Bind us together Lord..”
Zambia shall be saved.

In Christ’s Name we pray.


Leaders Arrows visit ailing Mighty


Red Arrows head to Shinde Stadium in Mufulira this Saturday looking to consolidate their stay at the top of the FAZ Super Division log.

The 2004 champions have made their best start to a season since 2011 when they finished second.

Arrows is currently one of only two unbeaten sides this season with four wins and a draw with 13 points.

Defending champions Zesco United, who are second, and they enjoy a one hundred record from four matches with a game in hand on
12 points.

On Saturday, Arrows visit nine-time champions Mighty Mufulira Wanderers who are currently third from bottom at number 16 with just 3 points from their opening five matches that they have sandwiched with two defeats on each side of that 3-2 away win over Nkana on September 22.

Those defeats have led to the sacking of Elijah Chikwanda and he has been replaced by former club hero Anderson Phiri who won two league titles as a player at Shinde in 1995 and 1996.

Victory will see Arrows move to 16 points, four more than Zesco who only play on Sunday away in Lusaka against Green Buffaloes in a lunchtime kickoff at Sunset Stadium.

Third placed Forest Rangers, who have 11 points, are also away in Lusaka on Sunday to play Zanaco in the late kickoff of the Sunset Stadium doubleheader.

2019/20 FAZ Super Division
Week Seven
Kabwe Warriors-Nkana
Kansanshi Dynamos-Lusaka Dynamos
Mufulira Wanderers-Red Arrows
Nakambala Leopards-Buildcon
Power Dynamos-Nkwazi
Mufulira Wanderers-Red Arrows
Lumwana Radiants-Kabwe Youth Soccer Academy
Napsa Stars-Green Eagles
13h00: Green Buffaloes-Zesco United
15h00: Zanaco-Forest Rangers

Chipolopolo hoping to confirm CHAN qualification on Saturday


Aggrey Chiyangi has issued a rallying call to his boys ahead of Saturday’s 2020 CHAN final round, last leg qualifier against eSwatini at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

Chipolopolo heads into the match leading 1-0 from the first leg played on September 22 in Manzini.

Victory will see Zambia secure an unprecedented third successive CHAN qualification spot after missing the 2011 and 2014 tournaments following their third place finish at the inaugural tournament hosted by Cote d’Ivoire in 2009.

“The game on Saturday is very important and one thing you have to realize is we have not yet qualified,” Chiyangi said.

“Winning on Saturday is what will make us qualify to the CHAN tournament.

“I expect the best; I want all the players to give the best.

“We just have to give the best because we are not yet through. We haven’t yet qualified so we have to make sure at home that we give the best as a team.”

The match will also mark Chiyangi’s tenth game in interim charge of Chipolopolo since March after his predecessor Sven Vandenbroeck‘s contract was not extended.

Meanwhile, Chiyangi is so far unbeaten in all his last nine games, a very rare feat for a Chipolopolo coach in recent memory, with a record of four wins and five draws.