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UNHCR Chief arrives in Zambia

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr Filippo Grandi,
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr Filippo Grandi,

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Fillipo Grandi has commended the Government of the Republic of Zambia for the exemplary role played in the protection of refugees.

Speaking upon arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport today, Mr Grandi said Zambia has been generous over the decades, as seen through the hosting of refugees from several countries that have undergone trouble and instability especially the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Angola.

He explained that over the years, Zambia has been a safe haven for these people, and it should be commended, adding that refugees and persons of concern have continued to find solace in the various settlements dotted across the country.

Mr Grandi further commended government for being one of the few countries in Africa that has adopted the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) which is being piloted at Mantapala Refugee Settlement in Luapula Province.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, is in Zambia for a three-day working visit, and is expected to visit Mantapala Refugee Settlement in Luapula Province, where Congolese refugees are being hosted.

He is also scheduled to visit the actual refugee settlement in Luapula, where the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework is being implemented to see how the programme has been rolled out.

First ever early Childhood centre launched

FILE: First Lady Esther Lungu with Minister of General Education David Mabumba (R) and Save the Children Operations Director Chilobe Kambikambi (C) during the commissioning and handover of the 20 early childhood centres that were constructed by Save the Children Foundation in Western Province to the Ministry of Education at Kanyonyo Primary School

First Lady Esther Lungu said there is need to invest more in the training of teachers that provide early childhood education.

Mrs Lungu said training early childhood education teachers, is critical to laying a strong foundation for the country’s education sector and attainment of the 7th National Development Plan, Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals.

She urged government to scale up the training of teachers for Early Childhood Education to ensure that children are handled by qualified teachers.

First Lady was speaking when she launched the Early Childhood Education Centre at Chalimbana University in Chongwe District.

Mrs Lungu who was accompanied by her Senior Private Secretary Florence Chawilwa, was received by Chongwe Mayor Geoffrey Chumbwe, General Education Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba, and senior government and Chalimbana University officials.

The First Lady praised government for implementing early childhood education in all public schools countrywide, as this will enable more children access pre-school and enhance child development.

The Early Childhood Education Centre is a demonstration school consisting of a learning centre and pre-school for trainee teachers to practice from and have hands-on experience.

Mrs Lungu also praised the University for its Corporate Social Responsibility, recognising the 20 free places reserved at the pre-school for children, from surrounding villages.

She urged other partners to emulate the Flemish Office for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance who supported the establishment of the centre.

And Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba praised Chalimbana University for innovating and pioneering early childhood education in the country.

He however warned that teachers who report late for work and fail to provide and convey correct information to pupils, should not claim to be educated because education does not promote indiscipline.

The Permanent Secretary said government will prioritise the recruitment of Early Childhood Education teachers in the next recruitment in order to enhance provision of education to children at an early age.

Dr Kalumba said once government will abolish the grade one enrolment system and instead promote children from early childhood education.

He challenged Chalimbana University management to intensify in service training programmes in order to enhance the capacity of early childhood education teachers.

Meanwhile University of Zambia Vice Chancellor Luke Mumba whose institution superintend Chalimbana University praised government for recognising and investing in early childhood education.

Professor Mumba said the university developed a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education programme in order to improve the quality of early childhood education teachers with relevant skills and knowledge.

He said the launch of the centre of excellence will change the face of early childhood education in Zambia.

The University of Zambia Vice Chancellor disclosed that Chalimbana University will also offer 20 free slots for early childhood education at the centre of excellence for children from surrounding villages.

Professor Mumba said government’s shift and recognition of early childhood education will strengthen the development of children and their subsequent contribution to the country’s development.

He said Chalimbana University has grown into an institution providing tailor-made programmes to over 9,900 students enrolled in its 7 schools compared to 2 schools ten years ago.

And Country Manager for the Flemish Office for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB) Nico Vromat said there is need for Zambia to have more early childhood education centres of excellence and requisite teachers.

He said his organisation remains committed to supporting the establishment early childhood education centres in the country.

Dr Vromat said trainee teachers will be accorded practical learning and teaching experience in offering early childhood education in the country.

Earlier, Chalimbana University Vice Chancellor Wanga Chakanika appealed to the First Lady to help the institution develop and expand in order to develop the country through provision of relevant and quality educational programmes needed to develop the country.

And the First Lady Esther Lungu commended Dr Chakanika for ensuring that government’s vision of increasing access to university education is being realised.

Sunday Sinyangwe accused of hate speech against HH, forced to apologize

Lusaka clergyman Sunday Sinyangwe
Lusaka clergyman Sunday Sinyangwe

Lusaka clergyman Sunday Sinyangwe has been forced to apologize after a video in which he declared that Hakainde Hichilema will never enter State House went viral.

Sinyangwe of Shalom Embassy is heard in the video making a declaration that Mr Hichilema will never be President of Zambia if he does not repent and ask for forgiveness for parading a coffin of late UPND member Lawrence Banda who was murdered in Kaoma.

Sinyangwe also of the Standing in the Gap fame claimed that God has spoken to him that Mr Hichilema must apologize or forget about entering State House.

But many Zambians took to social media to denounce Sinyangwe for allegedly defaming Mr Hichilema and accused the clergyman of using the pulpit to spread hate speech.

Activist Laura Miti condemned Sinyangwe accusing him of abusing the Church and advised Mr Hichilema to sue him for defamation.

“Sunday Sinyangwe is the result of the Pentecostal section of the Zambian church-going absolutely rogue. Anyone can stand up, declare themselves Pastor, Bishop, Prophet – any fancy title – and start frisking congergants for all manner of offerings for a living,” she wrote on her Facebook page.

“Then the dramatics to keep the money flowing start – God, told me this and that, I saw this and that, I can heal, raise the dead know what people are thinking – I sit in heaven’s meetings.”

She added, “Beyond that, these Pastors, Bishops must do all they can to catch the attention of the governing party and its brown envelopes.”

“That is how Sunday Sinyangwe ends up defaming HH in a very juvenile but hateful manner. It is how few, if any, in the Pentecostal movement will correct him. I hope HH sues Sinyangwe,” she said.

Sinyangwe, however, urged members of his Church not to react to the insults and ridicule that his video message has provoked.

“This goes to all the Shalom Embassy sons and daughters as well as the Standing in the Gap. I urge you not react to anything, do not respond to any comment, the battle is of the Lord,” he said.

“Please stay away from anything to do with this matter that has risen up. Nevertheless, our God is not dead, He is not man that He should lie, He is still on the throne and He is in control.
Righteousness on the throne
wickedness shall not enter 2021.

And Keyso Chikopabantu Hamz posted on Facebook that Sinyangwe is causing divisions in the Church.

“It shall not stand because it was all a lie and very much in the flesh. This country is hurting and divided and you dividing it further because of Petty jealous and hatred for HH. You were offside. Go before God and repent and go and apologize to HH in person. You see what lies do. You were saying HH must apologise but now because of foolishness you are the one apologising and if I heard you right. You just endorsed and called him “Mr President HH” God is wonderful. The same mouth.”

Proud Musamba disqualified Sinyangwe’s apology.

“No this is not an apology. “if” disqualifies it all together. Typical of Paparism where he is standing is not an Altar. Altars are old testament concept that denotes the places God reveals himself. The new testament altar is calvary and Christ the perfect sacrifice.”

“He is controlling the intellect of his sons and daughters to not respond. Clearly the institutionalized religious reduces people to zombies. He has no right to tell people how to think and what to say in a public discourse. This form of Paparism is dictatorial. This is not an apology.”

Musamba charged that Sinyangwe’s theology is deeply superstious.

“The Jews themselves mourn like that. In South Africa during apartheid coffins were carried like that. There is no Biblical passage that says this is how to Carry a coffin,” she stated.

And Jimmy Maliseli said Sinyangwe is an incompetent clergyman.

“On the claim that this apostle makes by calling himself a watchman, a Godly watchman over Zambia, what a joke!Those close to him, please tell the man to stop wasting his sleep, let him reunite with his bed and blankets because it is open season in Zambia and if we had real watchmen and women, they would have long stood up and taken on the leadership on the many evils happening in this country.”

He added, “Claiming to be a watchman at someone’s house while not stopping people employed by the owner to look after the property from looting it, starving and causing the death of many children and not alerting the boss or calling the police is incompetence of the highest order.”

“Such a guard is useless! If Zambia belongs to God, then those who rule over it are stewards who must be held accountable for all their decisions and actions.”

“While we must scrutinize anyone who puts up their hand to become the new servant, our first duty is to ensure that the current servant is doing their job properly! You cannot blame a job applicant for the poor performance of the current employee!”

“Where are these watchmen when public money is stolen and God’s children end up dying from treatable diseases, avoidable hunger and masses are condemned to live in abject poverty while those connected to power compete with the sheikhs of Dubai for opulent lifestyles?” He asked.

“There is need for this apostle and his fellow so called watchmen to distinguish between watching and securing their seat at the high table from being watchmen over Zambia. I work in some of the most deprived areas in Zambia and I can tell Apostle Sinyangwe that, its open season for looting in this here country. There is little evidence of any religious guards watching over this nation’s resources and people and its not from him!”

He continued, “What I see is a few men and women of the cloth, politicians, both from the ruling party (they get expelled), civil society and individual citizens watching over Zambia. Daily they cry out over the plight of the poor, calling out the corrupt and compiling evidence for future use. These lone voices in the wilderness are easy to pick out for anyone who wants to see.”

“For those with access to the apostle, please remind him for me that, Isaiah 58:1-11 is still part of the Bible and I highly recommend that he reads it in the Message Bible Version. Also let him know that there is now a breed of Pentecostal believers who are ready to question our own ways.”

“We are not going away anytime soon and we are not afraid to die, if that be a consequence for calling out this kind of jokers! That is why you will see us take on the powerful, the abusive police and the corrupt. And our own brethren!!! For Zambia, we shall not stand idle – lest our descendants spit on our graves.

About 111 refugees return home

Congo DRC refugees family meal time at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge
Congo DRC refugees family meal time at Kenani camp transit centre in the Nchelenge

About 111 refugees and other persons of concern have this year returned to their homes of origin spontaneously, from refugee settlements and urban areas.

The United Nations high Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in a statement made available to ZANIS that of the 111 refugees, 51 were Congolese, 32 Angolans, 13 Burundians, 9 Somalians, 4 Rwandese, 1 Namibian and 1 Zimbabwean.

UNHCR Public Information Associate for Zambia Kelvin Shimoh said the UN refugee agency has also assisted 13 refugees, to voluntarily repatriate from 2018 to date.

Mr Shimoh said seven refugees who were all of Burundi origin were assisted this year while six Zimbabweans were assisted to return home in 2018.

“As of August 31 2019, a cumulative figure of 363 refugees have been resettled to third countries from Zambia, with 14 persons having departed in the month of August this year,” the statement reads in part.

Mr Shimoh said of the 363 refugees who were resettled by UNHCR to third countries, 218 were from Meheba, 73 from Mayukwayukwa as well as 72 from urban areas.

He disclosed that 153 of the total 363 refugees were settled in the United States of America, 128 in Finland, 70 in Sweden, 8 in Canada and 4 in Norway.

Recently the Zambian Government expressed concern over the spontaneous return of refugees who left the country without following the established procedures.

Zambia is currently hosting 84, 500 persons of concern who include 61,300 refugees and over 23,200 former refugees from Angola, Rwanda and other countries.

The refugees and persons of concern are hosted in the three refugee settlements namely Mantapala in Luapula, Mayukwayukwa in Western and Meheba in North-Western Provinces, while others are in urban areas.

Private sector is struggling – Zambia Tax Platform

Minister of National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme handing over awards to various recipients on behalf of Government institutions and private sector companies during the Labour Day Celebrations in Mbala on 1 May 2018. – PHOTO | CHIBAULA D. SILWAMBA | MNDP
File:Minister of National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme handing over awards to various recipients on behalf of Government institutions and private sector companies during the Labour Day Celebrations in Mbala on 1 May 2018. – PHOTO | CHIBAULA D. SILWAMBA | MNDP

The Zambia Tax Platform is concerned with the measures set out in the 2020 national budget aimed at stimulating the domestic economy.

Zambia Tax Platform Coordinator Ibrahim Kamara says it is evident that the private sector in the country has continued to struggle despite being recognized as the engine of growth.

Mr Kamara said government arrears have contributed to tight liquidity in the economy, while borrowing from the domestic market has crowded out access to finance for businesses to expand.

He said the long term pressure placed on the private sector by the accumulated domestic arrears has also contributed to the declining growth rate of the economy.

“Domestic arrears have increased to K20.2 billion Kwacha in 2019 from K15.6 billion in 2018, a staggering 29 percent rise given the already struggling economy”, he said.

Mr Kamara sais government has proposed to spend only K2.3 billion in 2020 toward the dismantling of domestic arrears which means only 11 percent of the bill will be settled by end of year 2020.

He said this amount is not sufficient considering that suppliers have been affected and their businesses slowed down due to non-payments by Government.

Mr Kamara said it is therefore critical that government prioritizes a consolidated approach to creating an enabling environment for the private sector to flourish especially SMEs who constitute more than 90 percent of the formal sector.

He said to achieve this, government must increase allocation for dismantling domestic arrears to not less than 40 percent of the total arrears to mitigate the slow-down in investment into the productive sectors.

Mr Kamara said government must also consider offering SMEs rebate on turnover tax against potential jobs created such as a 1 percent rebate on tax for every 5 formal jobs created to promote job creation while according government an immediate increase in revenue from PAYE.

He said government should further consider immediately setting up an SME Development Fund to spur economic recovery by directing 2 percent of corporate tax into the fund.

ZRA pleased with new VAT measures

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda
ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda

The Zambia Revenue Authority is pleased with the new VAT measures proposed in the 2020 budget by the Minister of Finance Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu.

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said the decision by Government to maintain the Value Added Tax will be implemented by the Authority with renewed vigor and initiatives based on smart technologies.

Mr Chanda said to ensure the effective implementation of VAT, the ZRA will immediately undertake to address the compliance and administrative challenges especially falsified refund claims, double claims and transfer pricing through over invoicing.

He said as the body charged with the responsibility of administering tax policy on behalf of Government, the Authority fully supports all government policies including the maintenance of VAT.

Mr Chanda said to this end, the Authority will upgrading the Tax Online system for domestic taxes and interface it with customs system to ensure that all claims of refund for import VAT paid to Customs Services during importation of goods are validated through systems based controls against data in the customs system;.

He said the Authority will also undertake measures to ensure the mandatory use of Electronic Fiscal Devices for VAT and other tax types and facilitate accreditation of additional EFD distributors and Virtual EFD software suppliers and vendors.

Mr Chanda added that making it mandatory to capture and electronically transmit to ZRA the Taxpayer Identification Number and the Names of both the buyer and seller of goods and services in all Business to Business and Business to Government transactions has already been implemented across businesses that include chain stores and other VAT registered suppliers.

He said two new units have already been set up to enhance data analytics and bulk data matching with third party institutions and to enhance enforcement and compliance activities, Implementation of stiffer penalties for evasion including prosecution and ensure timely audits of VAT claims, including outsourcing services of external forensic auditors whenever necessary.

Mr Chanda said the Authority believes that the comprehensive tax review of the tax system which the Government intends to undertake as pronounced in the 2020 Budget will promote investment and broaden the tax base through increased economic activities.

He said in a statement that the Authority shall continue to take actions to ensure that Zambia’s tax regime is transparent, professionally managed and sustainable.

Police deployed in Lusaka to block UPND youth

File picture

Police in riot gear have been deployed in Lusaka to block UPND youths led by their Deputy National Youth Chairperson Gilbert Liswaniso from removing PF cadres from Markets and Bus Stations.

Acting Inspector General of Police Eugene Sibote yesterday directed Police Officers to be on high alert and deal with any UPND Member that will dare to go ahead with the activity.

Mr Sibote advised the UPND youths not to go ahead with their planned activity and warned that Police will not allow any lawlessness to take place.

A check in the Central Business District found Police Officers patrolling the targeted public places ready to deal with what they termed as law breakers.

According to Mr Liswaniso, the UPND youths will protect the suffering masses and ensure sanity is restored in public places by Wednesday this week.

He said the struggling marketers, bus drivers, and their conductors, and the traveling public are suffering a lot of humiliation through unnecessary levies and taxes from these PF hooligans.

Mr Liswaniso said the starting point will be Lusaka’s Intercity Bus Terminus, City Market, Katondo and Lumumba bus stations and make sure that these are handed over to the Lusaka City Council who can run them effectively and enhance revenue collection.

But some UPND Officials have vowed to go ahead with the activity on the day Police do not suspect.

In a statement on his facebook page UPND president Hakainde Hichilema thanked marketeers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, members of the general public, and local authorities on the positive response and cooperation wthe UPND have been receiving over their intention to get rid of the PF thugs from public places.

“We are now calling on our citizens to refuse to pay illegal levies to these PF thugs as that amounts to daylight robbery and should not allow anyone to displace them from their trading places as they have the right to be there.

Our marketeers, bus drivers, conductors, taxi drivers, and members of the general public should only pay appropriate fees to legal entities such as local authorities that are taking care of these places.

We must all unite and refuse by not promoting hooliganism in the country. We should all ensure sanity is restored in these public places for our citizens to trade freely,”Mr Hichilema said.

Media encouraged to take interest in financial reporting

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya
Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya

Government says lack of training and specialization in financial and economic reporting amongst journalists in Zambia have impacted negatively on the dissemination of factual information on statistics and figures to the public.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya has observed that business and economic reporting has remained under-developed in the country due to lack of training and specialization in financial and economic reporting amongst journalists.

Ms Siliya noted that most journalists do not make any efforts to add value to their stories by analyzing the underlying facts and factors beyond the figures and statistics provided.

She said this has resulted in shallow and half-backed information being fed to the public.

Ms Siliya added that the media have more appetite for political issues, at the expense and exclusion of more urgent and important issues of the economy that are pertinent to the public.

She said this in speech read for her by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services, Acting Human Resources Director, Derrick Wina at the awards presentation ceremony of ABSA Data Journalism Masterclass held at Hilton Gardens Hotel in Lusaka.

The Minister commended ABSA and its partners, Rhodes University for building the capacities of the Business and Sports journalists which she said is in line with government’s agenda to grow a highly skilled and professional media that contributes effectively to the national development.

And Barclays Bank Head of Marketing and Corporate relations Mato Shimabale disclosed that the bank has been in the last 5 years sending two Zambian journalists each year on a fully sponsored trip to South Africa to attend the Highway Africa Conference.

Mr Shimabale disclosed that the rebranding of Barclays Bank to ABSA is expected to be concluded by June 2020 adding that most of the Automated Teller Machines in Zambia are slowly being changed in readiness for the transition.



Here is a wrap October engagements involving Zambia’s 2021 AFCON qualifiers and U23 AFCON opponents.

Zambia 2021 AFCON Group H opponents Botswana were in Cairo on Monday where they lost 1-0 to Egypt in a friendly.
Botswana were using the game to prepare for their opening Group H qualifier against Zimbabwe and Algeria.

Zimbabwe did not have any friendly arranged ahead of their November dates against Botswana and Chipolopolo .

Zambia’s first Group H opponents away on November 14 Algeria played two friendly games during the October FIFA break.
The African champions first match was on October 10 at home where they drew 1-1 against DR Congo.
Algeria wrapped up their friendly dates with a 3-0 away win over Colombia on October 15 in France.

Zambia u23’s 2019 U23 AFCON Group B opponents South Africa were in Egypt during the October FIFA break to play two friendly’s against their hosts.
South Africa drew the first match 1-1 on Friday but lost 1-0 in game two on Sunday.

Chiyangi happy with debutant goalkeeper Mwenya


Chipolopolo coach Aggrey Chiyangi says South African-born new call-up goalkeeper Mwenya Chibwe has potential.

The 25 –year-old goalkeeper from South Africa PSL club Polokwane City made his Chipolopolo debut on October 13 in a friendly match away against Benin that finished 2-2 in Cotonou.

Chibwe came on in the 79th minute for Sebastian Mwange with Zambia leading 2-1 at that point.

“I think so far from what we have seen, there is a lot of potential,” Chiyangi said.

“We just need more time to be with him so that the goalkeeper coach can assess him properly and see where he is strong or where he is weak so that his weaknesses can be worked on.

“But otherwise from what we saw in him is very good.

“He is going to be part of Chipolopolo but as for being number one, he has to compete and the best player will be there.”

Chitotela orders Luapula Police Commissioner to summon conservationist over the 80 “missing” Black Lechwes

Ronald Chitotela
Ronald Chitotela

Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela has directed the Police Commissioner for Luapula Province to summon conservationist Nsama Learns over the alleged 80 missing Black Lechwes in Bangweulu Wetlands.

Mr Chitotela said Ms Learns having started the story must provide more information on how the animals were moved from the Wetlands to wherever they have been taken.

He said the conservationist must further provide information on who did the head count to determine that 80 Lechwes were missing.

Mr Chitotela said government and President Edgar Lungu have developed interest in the revelation and more information is needed.

And Mr Chitotela has described the allegations that 80 black Lechwes are missing as propaganda meant to turnish the image of President Edgar Lungu and his government.

He said there are some people that are targeting strong people surrounding President Lungu who they want to push out before they start fighting him.

Yesterday his Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga refuted reports that 80 Black lechwes are missing in Bangweulu Wetlands.

Mr Malupenga called on Ms Nsama Learns who raised alarm that the animals were captured from the Bangwelu Wetlands during the banned exercise to help the police and other investigative wings with facts on what she knows about the ‘missing’ animals.

He said the truth of the matter is that former Minister Charles Banda, then Minister of Tourism and Arts in March 2019 did issue a capture permit for 50 Black Lechwe to Langani Game Ranch in Kazungulula and 30 Black Lechwe to Kwisoko Game Farm in Lusaka.

The PS said following the authorization, the animals were captured and translocated to the two farms on 10th September 2019.

Why did PF Cadres mobilize at a UPND Funeral


By Andrew Nkhata.

It is clear that the PF had a well orchestrated plan, and approved by their leaders, to attack the UPND mourners, who of course were at their most vulnerable point because of the situation on their hands of mourning a loved one.

This writer proposes that the Police where very much part of this orchestration and knew exactly what would happen, when and where.

It must be appreciated that the PF camp had no reason and no business whatsoever, to mobilize themselves on this particular day, had no reason to march across Lusaka town, and had no reason to clash with UPND mourners. PF had no political function anywhere in the City yesterday, how would they suddenly spring out from nowhere unless they was a prior well laid out plan to ambush the mourners.

The funeral home of late Lawrence Banda was attacked, looted and ransacked while the mourners were at the graveyard. Ben Bella Road was sealed by hundreds of panga wielding PF cadres waiting for the return of the mourners, and Police did not intervene whatsoever, why?

Once this is appreciated, one quickly asks why the Police did not act to disperse these machete wielding cadres because it was part of bigger plan

It is quite shocking to actually hear some leaders of the Patriotic Front, like madam Mumbi Phiri, complaining about how her “boys” were attacked without her actually saying what her boys were doing in a UPND procession in the first place. What were they doing in Cairo and Ben Bella Roads? Was there a PF rally or carnival yesterday? Was there a Police permit for a PF presence in the streets yesterday?

We have seen this before, and the Madam, Mumbi Phiri, somehow is always at the centre of this all the time.

In Kaoma, Mrs Phiri was in the forefront. At the funeral of Clance Zulu where mourners were hacked Mrs Phiri was present and watched everything unfold as a matter other accounts say she was the one commanding it. At Grazier Matapa’s funeral, again Mumbi Phiri was in the forefront.

The violence by the PF cadres seems to carry special blessings from somewhere above otherwise how would they suddenly appear from nowhere at short notice in their hundreds and start closing roads under the nose of the Police?

We therefore wish to advise our Police service, who swear to serve and to protect, to stop bending to unlawful instructions and uphold nothing but the law and order as professionally as possible. Being part of such programs will not hurt anyone but the entire country they wish to serve and to protect.

If this goes unchecked, the Police will have nothing to protect and will remain subjects to the orders of PF cadres. Let them uphold the rule of law and apply law enforcement freely and fairly because there seems to be a silent civil war going on here.

Government will not allow any law enforcement officers to harass street vendors and marketers

Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba
Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba at at a meeting with Street Vendors

The government has said that it will not allow any law enforcement officers to harass street vendors and marketers as long as they trade in an organized manner.

Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba has observed that despite government reserving certain routines for vendors and marketeers in Central Business Districts most of them have continued trading in an uncoordinated manner.

Dr. Chomba stated that some businesses are lucrative for Zambians but as long as they continue conducting their businesses in an uncoordinated manner they risk being in conflict with the law, a move he said can be avoided.

He has since urged market managers countrywide to ensure that those trading in reserved routes conduct their businesses in an orderly manner.

“Market managers should start doing the right thing and ensure that everyone follows orders.” Dr. Chomba stated.

He stated that despite their businesses being lucrative, Marketeers and street vendors risk losing most of their clientele if they trade disorderly.

“Stop Chasing people who are buyers due to disorderliness, buyers should follow you, but they can’t follow you if you go near drainages.” Dr. Chomba added.

Dr. Chomba further stated that marketeers and street vendors ought to dignify themselves if they are to get the most out of their businesses.

“This is not even a political statement, this is not to appease anybody. We need to dignify our selves,” he said.

Dr. Chomba was speaking when he listened and spoke to street vendors and marketeers at Nakatindi hall at the Lusaka’s Civic center.

He has since confirmed his availability for the traders to hear their challenges and how best to go about them.

The street vendors and marketeers at Nakatindi hall at a meeting with Government
The street vendors and marketeers at Nakatindi hall at a meeting with Government

Government must balance the distribution of teachers in the country


A Mansa based educationist has called on Government to evenly redistribute teachers among urban, peri-urban and rural areas if the pupil to teacher ratio is to effectively be attained.

And Government has been commended for introducing revised curriculum and local language teaching phonetics meant to effectively impart reading skills and knowledge among young learners.

Sun Riverside School Proprietor and Head Chishimba Mutale in an interview yesterday said authorities must balance the distribution of teachers with respect to demand for their services in various areas.

The biggest challenge for public schools has been the crowding of teachers in peri-urban and urban areas against the service to rural areas which equally deserve and need teachers, Mr. Mutale noted.

“Government has over the years heavily invested in the education sector through infrastructural growth in the form of learning facilities it is building, recruitment of teachers and provision of learning materials,” he said.

He said the uneven distribution in the education sector equally extends to learning facilities constructed but added with the non-availability of learners from the respective area.

“We have witnessed a similar situation in some areas or schools where some schools have 110 or 70 pupils in one class and on the other end of it all, only 12 or so pupils would be in class,” he said.

Mr Mutale has also hailed government for its commitment to providing education for all through syllabus revision, school fees reductions and creating an enabling environment for private educators to complement its efforts in the sector.

He said the quest to provide quality education is a cause that needs the support of all and not left for the government to undertake alone.

“A good example is a local language phonetic syllabus introduction which is now making pupils effectively know how to read even before they learn English and this will ease their understanding of complexity in various topics they are taught as they academically progress,” he said.

Mr. Mutale observed that there is a need for the education system to now strengthen the ability to derive practical solutions or innovations from the locally educated citizenry in fields of engineering, science and entrepreneurship excellence as a lot of learners are educated through it.

Examinations Council of Zambia opens fifth service centre in Chipata


The Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) has opened its fifth service centre in Chipata District to cater for the correction, verification and combination of examination results.

Speaking when Eastern Province Education Officer (PEO) Dr Allan Lingambe toured the facility housed at Hillside Girls Secondary School, ECZ Assistant Director for Certification, Kunda Kuku said the Council has decentralised its operations in order to effectively service the public.

He said the move will help de-congest the Lusaka offices and most importantly draw services closer to the public, unlike in the past where all services were only offered in Lusaka.

Mr Kuku added that the Chipata Service Centre, like other centres opened so far, is systematically connected to Lusaka and will be fully executing the duties of the Examinations Council locally.

And Dr Lingambe has commended ECZ for decentralising its operations, saying his office used to receive many cases from the public to forward to Lusaka.

He said the move will also relieve members of the public from the trouble of travelling to Lusaka to have their examination cases resolved.