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TAZARA to be recapitalized-Ministers


The Council of Ministers from Zambia and Tanzania has resolved to finance the re-capitalization of the Tanzania-Zambia Railways.

During a meeting held in Dar-es-salaam, the Council of Ministers notes that the performance of Tazara remained below break-even point and therefore requires immediate action to improve the situation.

In a joint communique the Council Ministers notes the need to review the Tazara Act as it was nearing final conclusion and the Bilateral Agreement to pave way for the revision of the Act which will be signed by the end 2019.

The Council of Ministers are targeting to develop a bankable business plan by March 2020 and also resolved the need to restructure the Authority once the Tazara Act is reviewed.

It was also agreed that in order to foster business for Tazara, preferential policies will have to be passed in the respective countries for at least 30 percent of bulky cargo to be transported by rail.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya represented Zambia as chairperson while Engineer Isack Kamwelwe Tanzania’s Minister of Works, Transport and Communications, signed on behalf of Tanzania as co-chairperson.

Why Youth Development Fund has failed to create jobs and changes needed

File:Youths queing for Police recruitment at Sikanze Camp

Analysis by Mwansa P. Chalwe Snr

The 2020 Budget presented by Minister of Finance, Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu on September, 27, 2019 did not cover the issue of Youth unemployment comprehensively as one would have expected. There were a few theoretical and cavalier sentences in budget that the minister read like: “ With regard to skills development, support to technical, vocation and entrepreneurship development as a means for job and wealth creation will remain a priority”, which did not inspire confidence about its practicality and impact. Youth unemployment is an issue I consider as the number one social, political and economic problem facing Zambia to day but one gets the impression it is no getting enough attention.
The practical aspect of Youth empowerment that the Minister should have addressed in the budget was the reform of the moribund Youth Development Fund. In the current article, I will address factors that have contributed to its failure to achieve job creation. The next one will provide comprehensive and practical solutions on how the Fund can be redesigned to create jobs for young people.

The Republic of Zambia government created the Youth Development Fund (YDF) in 2000 in order to address the issue of Youth unemployment through encouraging young people who could not find formal salaried employment to pursue entrepreneurship and self-employment. This option to employment is one of the universally and internationally recognized solution to youth unemployment.

However, 19 years down the line, there is nothing much to show for it. This article will address the reasons why the programme has miserably failed and why it needs to be revisited and refined as it still offers hope to the issue of solving youth unemployment if innovatively implemented.
According to the study and evaluation of the programme done by the Zambia Institute for Policy analysis and Research (ZIPAR) in 2018, they concluded that the programme failed to achieve its objectives

“The evaluation found that the YDF created a total of 742 paid jobs from 2011 to 2015. Compared to the amount of resources that were invested in the YDF, the jobs did not sufficiently contribute to reduction in the high youth unemployment rate. Additionally, the welfare of the beneficiaries did not improve compared to that of the non- beneficiaries”, ZPAR study concluded.

The intentions of the policy were noble but any knowledgeable person would have predicted or foreseen that the programme was destined to fail from the word go. The reasons why the programme was not going to achieve its objectives was because of flaws in its design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation.

In the first instance, the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child development was charged with the task of managing the fund – loan assessment and disbursement of funds – for Youth empowerment. It is curious how one could have expected a line ministry to all of sudden become a financial institution and expected to carry out the complicated task of loan assessment, disbursement and recovery. It is obvious that issues of capacity, skills set, and experience were certainly going to arise in the administration of the fund.

The Youth Development Fund Programme (YDF), was premised on the flawed assumption that money was the panacea to youth unemployment and is the only impediment to youth going into business. And as such, once funds were provided, Youth were going to set up businesses and create jobs. But if any comprehensive independent research had been done, the programme would have been designed in such way that other resources like business development services, practical youth entrepreneurship training, information dissemination, mentoring and coaching and the use of 21st century digital tools would have been incorporated in the programme. These were clearly absent.

There is also the big and persistent mistake that Government bureaucrats make by thinking that they can come up with private sector policies including those relating to job creation to the exclusion of the people with the expertise and who know how jobs are and be created – the private sector. It is crystal clear that one of the major reasons why the YDF failed is the fact that the Private sector was not involved by government in the design of the programme, its implementation and its monitoring. There was need for the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development to involve the private sector by tapping into private sector expertise and possibly out sourcing some of the services as well as entering into some form of Public Private Partnerships (PPP).The line Ministry would still have been able to be in charge of the overall management of the programme.

The Youth Development Fund started in 2000 but there was no strong formal Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework in place to find out how the fund was performing and whether it was achieving its objectives. The first M& E was contracted in 2017 which is 17 years after its commencement. It was, therefore, impossible to track and measure the impact the fund was making so that improvements could be made.

The other major problem that contributed to the fund failing to achieve its objectives is the fact that it is highly politicized. The various administrations under the MMD and PF have abused the Fund for political purposes and the Zambia Institute for Policy analysis study alludes to this.

”The involvement of politicians in the disbursement of funds has negatively influenced the public perception of the Fund and its potential as a youth economic empowerment vehicle. This is because the Fund is highly linked to the political structures, which make youths think the funds are a political reward or benefit, and this perception could have significantly affected repayments”. ZIPAR study observed.

The idea of solving youth unemployment with entrepreneurship and self-employment initiatives is a noble one and can achieve its intended objectives but the big question is the vehicles and tools used to implement the policy. If innovatively designed, and in tandem with the knowledge and ICT economy of the 21st century, entrepreneurship and self-employment can solve the youth unemployment problem. The government should rethink the design of the Youth Development Fund.

It is imperative that the promotion of youth entrepreneurship should be approached comprehensively in order to achieve lasting impacts. A mix of financial and non-financial support as well as partnership with the private sector can influence the success and sustainability of such policies.

The Author is a former financial specialist advisor to the USAID funded Botswana Private Enterprise Development Project (BPED), an entrepreneur and founder of Prosper Knowledge Solutions. He has a passion for solving the Youth unemployment problem using his vast hands on international private sector experience. (Send comments and suggestions on this article to pmchalwe AT gmail DOT com)

Kalusha: We Should Honour More of Our Football Legends


Kalusha Bwalya says there was need to recognise and honour more retired footballers.

Football icon Kalusha was at the weekend honoured by the Luapula Provincial administration together with athletics great Samuel Matete.

The ceremony culminated into a football match between Kalusha’s peers and other past national team players led by 2012 Africa Cup winning captain Christopher Katongo played in Kitwe on Sunday.

‘I want to thank Honourable Nixon Chilangwa for doing the Luapula Expo. This game was played because of the Luapula Expo. Also Honourable Ronald Chitotela thought we play on the Copperbelt that is why we had a lot of players from 1994 going up until the young boys like Christopher Katongo,’ Kalusha said.

Linos Chalwe and Nchimunya Mweetwa scored as the Katongo led team thumped the Kalusha captained side 2-0 at Arthur Davies Stadium.

‘Yes lovely moment. Most of the boys have done Chipolopolo very proud I hope Zambia being a Christian nation they will always be remembered,’ the 1988 African Footballer of the Year said.

‘This game was also played because of Samuel Matete and the people who are not here today. We are thankful to the people for coming and you the media for supporting the game.’

Continued Political Violence Clear Sign of Lack of Reasoning Capacity of Political Players-GEARS

Gears Executive Director Macdonald Chipenzi
Gears Executive Director Macdonald Chipenzi

GEARS Initiative Zambia says the violence that occurred on 6th October, 2019 in Kaoma District which left one person dead and several injured was uncalled for and unnecessary.

And the Organisation says the arrest of United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia Leader Charles Chanda though on electoral unrelated matters, at the height of the campaigns could have a tow on his party’s poor showing in Kaoma.

Organisation Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi said the continued violence during by-elections is a clear sign of lack of reasoning capacities of political players leading to intolerance.

Mr Chipenzi said after a careful analysis of the by-elections, GEARS Initiative’s observation is that playing field in these local by-elections wasn’t leveled.

He said other than violence, the by-elections in Kaoma, Mwinilung’a and Kabompo were characterized by all sorts of malpractices such as abuse of state resources by the party in power and selective application of the law.

Mr Chipenzi said Joint agreed Campaign schedules were threatened by the wanton behaviour of the executive who could fly into the campaign and out of Kaoma at will even when it was not their day to do so, a potential act of provocation and violence during campaigns.

He said the Electoral Commission of Zambia despite its failure to have its Voter Education Facilitators reach out to each and every Polling Station in Kaoma District, for example, Maheba, its decision to proceed with the by-elections on 10th October, 2019 must be commended with sincerity.

However, Mr Chipenzi said the failure by those tasked to enforce the electoral Code of Conduct led to the ruling PF wantonly abusing state resources with senior civil servants such as Permanent Secretaries, some District Commissioners and some Provincial Medical Officers all visibly providing a helping hand to the ruling party to PF Kaoma campaign team.

Mr Chipenzi said his organization noticed high activities in the distribution of food stuffs, bicycles or their spares and the use of government vehicles whose number plates were removed in all the by-elections especially Kaoma.

In Mwinilunga’s Samuteba ward, Mr Chipenzi said relief food in 12.5 kg mealie-meal bags were ferried by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit to the ward for distribution despite the district being declared food secure.

He said it has become clear that DMMU has become an effective arm used in elections through food distribution by those in power to canvass electoral support.

“We also noted the uncensored use of blackmail language by government and ruling party officials such as no development for voting the ruling party’s opponents in a by-election. GEARS Initiative observed that opposition agents lacked food and campaign materials such as wrappers (chitenge) for their members which their opponents exploited to an extent where even the President could throw these wrappers to the people through the window”, he added.

Mr Chipenzi said the ECZ should provide guidance on whether or not the ruling party is now allowed to employ and deploy government officials and state utilities thereof as part of the ruling party electoral campaign resources base!

In Kaoma District, Mr Chipenzi said his Organisation saw more state officers involved in partisan politics openly canvassing electoral support for the ruling party through driving “unregistered” vehicles or removed number plates.

He said the Road Traffic and Safety Agency and the Road Traffic Section of Zambia Police Service should explain to the nation how and why it has been allowing unregistered vehicles to flood by-elections areas without them taking action.

He said from the just-ended local government by-elections and those before the country, it seems clear that RTSA and Road Traffic section of Zambia Police Service are now an accomplice to encouraging electoral malpractices in the electoral process by tolerating use of unregistered vehicles just like what has become of DMMU with relief food.

“Sadly, we also observed the ugly face of violence with the UPND supporters damaging windscreens of two vehicles of some PF supporters and also the windows of the PF District Office which was unnecessary and uncivil”, he said

And Mr Chipenzi said some parties did not deploy their party agents in some polling stations such as Mangango’s Chilombo, Maheba and Kashinzi remained unmanned by some political parties and those deployed were never looked after well by their respective parties in terms of logistics such as food, water, transport which is a recipe for maimed and vulnerable observation.

He has since demanded explanation and position from the ECZ on the alleged Ballot Boxes with ballot papers found at the collation centre during tallying process which almost disrupted the process in Kaoma.

“If true the ballot boxes were not part of the ordinary ones as alleged by the opposition, our question is who wanted to sneak them into the collation centre and what did the Commission do to the people involved? Such scenarios if went unexplained has potential to dent the commission’s reputation and the integrity of an election process”, he added

Mr Chipenzi said as long as the code of conduct remains a redundant electoral law and regulation, Zambia should not expect any integrity in the electoral process.

He said the country’s electoral process shall remain a highly contested arena years to come.

Relief maize in Southern and North Western being resold by unscrupulous individuals

Central Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe
Central Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe

Disaster Management and mitigation Unit National coordinator Chanda Kabwe has expressed disappointment with some unscrupulous individuals who are reselling the maize accessed from the food reserve agency to fight hunger.

Mr Kabwe says unknown people have been buying maize from Food Reserve Agency purporting to be vulnerable but instead they are replenishing their stocks with the government maize sold under what is called “community sale”.

He said the community sales initiative is a strategy government has devised to enable vulnerable households access maize at affordable prices considering the hunger situation ravaging the area and should not viewed as a business opportunity for others.

Mr Kabwe has warned that if the act continues, government will have no choice but to revisit the system of community sale of maize to the people.

He observed that the scourge is not only happening in Southern Province but western province as well.

Mr Kabwe described the situation as a betrayal to government.

He was speaking in Choma today when he paid a courtesy call on southern province Permanent Secretary Mwangala Liomba.

And Southern Province permanent secretary Mwangala Liomba requested the DMMU national coordinator to quickly attend to some bridges that have outlived their lifespan.

He says most bridges leading to key areas might be washed away once it rains.

Mr. Liomba cited the crossing point leading to Macha Mission Hospital, the school of nursing and connecting through chief Chikanta’s area in Kalomo district to be one of those that need immediate attention.

The PS says if they are left unattended to it may be difficult to distribute the farming inputs to those areas.

Government Bailiffs pounce on Mr. Charles Chanda’s offices


Bailiffs this morning pounced on United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia President Charles Chanda’s Offices in Rhodes Park.

Staff and Clients at Brook Cherith Offices, a company owned by Mr. Charles Chanda, were greeted by a rude shock when government bailiffs pounced on the offices and grabbed Chairs, tables, a TV, a computer, landline line telephone and other items worth about K15,000.

Bailiffs turned the place upside down as they collected the property.

When talked to by staff and clients who had come to the office the bailiffs answered arrogantly that they were working under instructions.

And workers talked to said they expected that any action to recover the alleged stolen money would wait until the case involving Mr. Chanda is disposed of by the courts which is not the case.

Mr. Chanda and his daughter Esther have remained locked up at Lusaka Central Police since Monday last week.

The duo was picked up from the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court after Mr. Chanda had taken plea in 22 out of 120 civil charges of fraud brought against him by people who say paid for plots that have never been given to them.

Chanda and his daughter were then driven to Central Police where they were warned and cautioned on 160 counts of obtaining money by false pretenses.

Digitalising issuance of civil registration underway

Dr Liya Mutale speaking at the launch event
Dr Liya Mutale

Ministry of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Liya Mutale says civil registration plays a key role in generating essential statistics that are vital for policy formulation.

ZANIS reports that Dr. Mutale explained that Zambia has continued to learn from other countries on how they are implementing civil registration and registration of vital statistics in their respective countries.

She underscored that in line with this, the country has embarked on a serious agenda which involves digitalising the issuance of civil registration in the country.

Dr. Mutale emphasized that this is in line with the 2030 Africa Union Agenda of the Africa.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking when she officiated at the opening 5th conference of African Ministers responsible for civil registration, currently running from October 14 to 18th, 2019.

The Permanent Secretary pointed out that the over 600 delegates that have converged in Lusaka for the conference, will share ideas, that will help in the implementation and monitoring of different civil registration related programmes.

“Civil registration and registration of vital statistics play a key role in generating essential statistics that are vital in policy formulation. As Zambia we are excited to host this memorable event which is important to the country and the continent as a whole,” she stressed.

And African Union Commissioner for Economic Affairs Victor Harrison said the continent has embarked on the technological revolution in the civil registration and registration of vital statistics.

Professor Harrison explained that going forward, civil registration should include the data from the refugees, displaced persons and all citizens, noting that it is part of human rights.

He said the AU has re-positioned itself as the body that will guide member countries in order to speed up the modernization of civil registration among member countries.

Zambia Roar To 2019 COSAFA U17 Semi’s


Junior Chipolopolo on Monday produced another resounding victory at the 2019 Cosafa U17 Cup in Malawi were they crushed South Africa 7-0 in a penultimate Group A game in Blantyre to qualify to the semifinals.

The rest saw record two time champions make a shock early exit from the tournament Malawi is hosting from October 11-20.

Zambia, though, qualify to the last four with a match to spare and now await the result between eSwatini and Malawi to know their top two classification thanks to their emphatic goal difference.

Oswald Mutapa’s side took a 3-0 halftime lead through Miguel Chaiwa, Joseph Banda and Rickson Ngambi in the 10th,20th and 38th minutes respectively.

Moses Mulenga added the fourth in the 50th minute to score his second of the tournament.

Ngambi completed his brace two minutes later to take his tournament tally to three.
Charles Mumba struck in the 68th minute just eight minutes after coming on the pitch.

Peter Chikola wrapped up a productive Monday in the 72nd minute.

Junior Chipolopolo play Malawi in their final Group A match on October 16 ahead of the October 18 semifinals.

Council Workers have gone for over 3 months without pay-HH

HH speaking during a radio programme on SUN FM
HH speaking during a radio programme on SUN FM

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says he has noted with dismay the PF regime’s failure to pay council employees and other public sector workers their salaries, allowances and benefits for long periods of time.

Mr Hichilema says the current situation indicates that council workers have gone for over 3 months without pay and yet the PF have funds to bribe voters in unnecessary by-elections.

He said this is uncalled for and a great injustice to families that are already struggling under the economic hardships brought about by the corrupt and failed PF, Mr Edgar Lungu and his friends.

Mr Hichilema said in view of the above, the PF administration should immediately pay outstanding salaries and allowances to all council and other public sector workers who have not been paid.

“We also direct that Mr Edgar Lungu’s PF administration must mmediately release the equalization funds and other grants meant to help run the local authorities and other public sector institutions without any further delay. It is absurd for the PF to keep using council, government and other public sector workers without paying them but funding their PF thugs during election campaigns. A salary is a human right which must be received on time”, he said.

He also directed the President to remove PF thugs from bus stations, markets, taxi ranks and several other public places and replace them with local authorities so as to restore order.

Mr Hichilema said this will save the public from the PF thugs’ harassment and being overcharged for using public facilities.

He said further, this will enable local authorities to properly manage these facilities and collect fair revenue that will facilitate their smooth operations, especially as the rain season draws near.

Mr Hichilema said currently, the PF thugs are collecting high and illegal levies from members of the public in the above stated areas and sharing among themselves at the expense of the councils and the public.

He lamented that this lawlessness and violence with impunity must end now and the councils must without further delay reclaim their mandate to properly manage these public facilities and collect fair levies on behalf of our people.

“As UPND, we would like a situation where ordinary citizens are able to freely use these public facilities without fear of being overcharged, harassed, robbed, beaten or killed by these unruly gun trotting PF thugs”, he added.

And Mr Hichilema has challenged the PG Pay retirees all their benefits immediately because they worked for these benefits, in some cases, for many years and the PF must not be diverting these monies to reward their militias that are harrassing, maiming and killing citizens with unbelievable impunity.

“Lastly, we would like to assure council, government and other public sector workers that are not receiving their dues and other benefits from the PF, that when in government, the UPND undertakes that your salaries and all other benefits including those relating to retirement will be paid on time”, said the opposition Leader.

He said not only will the retirees be paid promptly, but their conditions of service will be improved in line with the party policy of ensuring motivation of all workers.

Mr Hichilema said in addition, the UPND in government will ensure that funding (grants, equalization funds and others) will be paid on time to allow for smooth operations.

UPND cadres threaten to remove PF cadres by force from Markets and Bus Stations

UPND Cadres at the Court to offer Solidarity to GBM
UPND Cadres

UPND Youths have challenged the PF regime to immediately remove their cadres from bus stops and markets failure to which they will be removed by force.

UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson Gilbert Liswaniso says the struggling marketers, bus drivers, and their conductors, and the traveling public are suffering a lot of humiliation through unnecessary levies and taxes from these PF hooligans.

Mr. Liswaniso said UPND youths will protect the suffering masses and ensure sanity is restored in public places by Wednesday this week.

He said the starting point will be Lusaka’s Intercity Bus Terminus, City Market, Katondo and Lumumba bus stations and make sure that these are handed over to the Lusaka City Council who can run them effectively and enhance revenue collection.

“We cannot have a situation where public facilities are being abused by a few thugs stealing money from struggling bus drivers, marketeers and traveling public while councils are struggling with resources, failing to pay workers and maintain these places”, Mr. Liswaniso said.

He lamented that what is even worse is that the Zambia Police is failing to deal with these criminals, but instead they are harassing innocent masses.

Mr. Liswaniso said UPND is a party of order and will ensure sanity is restored in these public places starting this week on Wednesday.

Nevers Mumba challenges Church Leaders to start engaging government on the evils happening in Zambia

Nevers Mumba at a Press Briefing

Leader of the MMD faction Dr Nevers Mumba has challenged Church Leaders to start engaging government on the evils happening in the nation.

Dr Mumba said his heart is burdened with what is happening in the country among them killings and the Church has a solution to the problem.

Addressing congregants at Matero United Church of Zambia where he congregated yesterday, Dr Mumba said the hope for Zambia is not in politicians but the Church hence the need for the church to get involved in Politics.

And Dr Mumba said only the Church can unite Zambia which has been divided by politicians.

He noted that the Church does not change despite the change of governments and embraces everyone regardless of their political affiliation and tribal grouping.

Dr Mumba regretted that because of Politics and in the name of Democracy, young people are being encouraged to kill each other like was the case in Kaoma.

He said if not stopped, killing each other will become a tradition in Politics mainly because it is not the relatives of politicians who being killed.

Dr Mumba said God fearing people must start aspiring for leadership positions in order to clean the governance of the nation.

He said the difficulties Zambia is currently going through such as unemployment, hunger, poverty and poor economy among others will continue as long as the church does not start up to get involved in politics.

80 Black Lechwes have gone missing in the Bangweulu Wetlands in Luapula Province

A fish cages used to hold fish on Lake Bangweulu under the Kambashe Bream Fisheries pilot project in Chilubi District in Northern Province

80 Black Lechwes have gone missing in the Bangweulu Wetlands in Luapula Province, a Conservationist working in the northern circuit, Nsama Musonda Learns has said.

Ms Learns says the animals were captured from the Bangwelu Wetlands during the now banned exercise where the Department for National Parks and Wildlife began capturing wildlife species from their natural habitats to private ranches.

She has appealed to all concerned Zambians, Civil Society Organisations and Media and Human Rights activists to help locate the Lechwes which are endemic to the Bangweulu Wetlands.

Ms Learns said no one knows where these species have been taken, what the objective for their capture was and whether they survived the transportation and if they have adapted to the new home.

“As the Northern circuit we are demanding for their return as the operations officers at Bangwelu wetlands were not involved in the process, no ecological report was produced and the community was not involved”, she lamented.

Ms Learns said these species are a pride and heritage of the Bangwelu wetlands and they don’t deserve to be robbed of their natural home.

Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela on 2nd October 2019 announced the suspension in the movement of animals from National Parks to Private ranches.

The suspension came a few days after controversy surrounded the movement of animals in Mfuwe where trucks were turned back by residents.

He said it was alleged that one of the Directors at the Ministry of Tourism and Arts signed a certificate of movement of live animals from one national park to a private ranch.

Bangweulu Wetlands is the only place in Africa where the Black Lechwe still occurs in significant numbers.

The population in 2005 was estimated at 35,000 but the area has the potential to carry up to 350,000 Black Lechwe.

African Liberal Network does not support gay rights, stop the propaganda, PAC President tells PF

Mr Banda speaking at one of the Africa Liberal Network events
Mr Banda speaking at one of the Africa Liberal Network events

Peoples Alliance for Change President Andyford Banda has admitted being a member of the African Liberal Network, a controversial Organisation accused of advocating for Gay rights in Africa.

The opposition UPND has come under intense criticism particularly from the ruling Patriotic Front for allegedly belonging to the grouping that has a huge membership on the continent interested in pushing for gay rights.

Mr Banda says his party is a member of the African Liberal Network and the ignorance being peddled to just injure people’s reputation without facts won’t take Zambia anywhere.

“We are being attacked indirectly and we shall not sit quietly seeing our characters being assassinated by power hungry and ignorant politicians”, he said.

Mr Banda said he is even shocked that out of ignorance, Kanchibiya PF Member of Parliament Dr Martin Malama proposed a Bill in Parliament to ban political parties that belong to the ALN.

“Why can’t you introduce bills that would give loans to small businesses to access solar energy? I must say that your ignorant propaganda won’t change people’s lives”, he added.

Mr Banda said from now onwards, the People’s Alliance for Change will defend the membership of the African Liberal Network which is the biggest political network in Africa.

“We have political parties coming from countries were LGBT rights are a crime and they are not in the Network to change course but to discuss policies that would help create jobs and to strengthen political parties”, said Mr Banda.

He said through the years PAC has been a member of the ALN, he does not remember gay rights being on the agenda.

Mr Banda and UPND Chairperson for International Relations Ambassador Mulondwe Muzungu at one of the Africa Liberal Network events
Mr Banda and UPND Chairperson for International Relations Ambassador Mulondwe Muzungu at one of the Africa Liberal Network events

PF continue to challenge HH to disown the African Liberal Network if he does not support Homesexuality

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President Hakainde Hichilema

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. Martin Malama has challenged UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to come out clearly on statements attributed to him, as being part of the African Liberal Network, which promotes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) rights.

Dr. Malama has challenged Mr. Hichilema, to clearly state whether or not he is part of the organization rather than accusing people of politicking whenever they raise the issue.

“Look him straight in the eyes and ask him whether he is not part of the African Liberal Network.” Dr. Malama stated.

Speaking when he featured on the Patriotic Front’s weekly Interactive Forum, Dr. Malama urged the Nation to be weary of organizations such as those “allegedly” sponsoring the UPND they could distort the morals of the country’s future generations.

Dr. Malama lamented that it was against the Zambian laws and nature, men could have sex with each other and women in the same manner.

And Deputy government Chief Whip Hon. Tutwa Ngulube indicated that Mr. Hichilema, may not state whether he could be part of the Organization because they come with so many incentives like Elections Funding.

The Patriotic Front Media Director Mr. Sunday Chanda also challenged Mr. Hichilema and his senior party officials to clearly state their position and Stance on the organization.

He said if they were part of the organization, the best they could do is tell Zambians that they have pulled out of the organization.

Benin Crawl Back To Hold Chipolopolo


Chipolopolo on Sunday wrapped-up their October international duty unbeaten following a 2-2 away draw against Benin in Cotonou.

The result came three days after they were held 1-1 away in Niger on the first stop of their two-match friendly tour of West Africa.

Coach Aggrey Chiyangi started ten domestic-based players in today’s game with a clear eye on this Saturdays 2020 CHAN last round, final leg qualifier against eSwatini in Lusaka whom they beat 1-0 away on September 22 in Manzini.

Chiyangi had in the Niger match started the core of the probable’s for next month’s 2021 AFCON Group H doubleheader qualifier against Algeria away on November 14 and Zimbabwe at home during the weekend of November 16.

Orlando Pirates striker Justin Shonga scored a brace for Chipolopolo in a match Benin rallied twice to snatch a home draw.

Shonga, who was the only foreign-based player in the starting XI, put Chipolopolo ahead in the 21st minute.

But Benin striker Kevin Mounie equalized in the two minutes before the break to send the teams tied into halftime.

Chipolopolo then breathed a sigh of relief in the 67th minute when Sebastian Mwange saved Stephane Sessegnon’s penalty.

Shonga then completed his brace in the 79th minute, and a minute later, Chiyangi brought on South African-born goalkeeper Mwenya from Polokwane City for Mwange to see the 25-year-old make his Chipolopolo debut.

However, Benin midfielder Souleymane Adeoti equalized in stoppage time to deny Chipolopolo an opportunity to end their tour with a victory.