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President Lungu congratulates Ethiopian Prime Minister for Winning the Nobel Peace Prize

President Edgar Lungu (right) with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn (left) at the State Banquet held on Wednesday at Pamodzi Hotel in honour of the Prime Minister who is in the country on a State Visit.
FILE: President Edgar Lungu (right) with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn (left) at the State Banquet held on Wednesday at Pamodzi Hotel in honour of the Prime Minister who is in the country on a State Visit.

Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu Zambia has congratulated Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed for winning the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

President Lungu commended Dr. Abiy for his tireless efforts to bring peace in Ethiopia and the neighbouring states.

President Lungu said Dr. Ahmed joins other notable Africans such as Mr. Albert Luthuli, former President Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who earned the prestigious prize for their work. He said the prize awarded to Dr. Abiy for bringing an end to a 20-year border stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea, was a recognition that Africa can resolve her internal conflicts and challenges using her own home-grown mechanisms.

He said the recognition of Dr. Abiy by the Nobel Committee will encourage other African leaders to pursue Peace and Security as a foremost priority.

President Lungu said it was commendable that the peace, security and stability that Dr. Ahmed was pursuing in the region was a foundation for both his economic and democratic reforms he has undertaken in Ethiopia that would help deliver national development.

This is contained in a letter of congratulations written to Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia by the President.

COSAFA U17 PREVIEW: Junior Chipolopolo face South Africa in grudge clash


Junior Chipolopolo hope to secure semifinal qualify to the 2019 COSAFA U17 Cup tomorrow with a match to spare when they face South Africa in their penultimate Group A game in Blantyre.

Oswald Mutapa’s side made a lightening start at the tournament Malawi is hosting from October 11-20 after a 6-0 win over eSwatini in Blantyre on Saturday.

The victory sent Zambia top of Group A on goal difference ahead of Malawi who beat South Africa 3-0 in the second Group A kickoff.

“We watched them (South Africa) play; they are equally a good side. They had their chances but couldn’t take them. We had a training session looking at the strongest points of the opponents but we will also not neglect our strong points,” Mutapa said.

“We are ready to meet them but we feel tomorrow’s game should make us qualify to the next round.”

South Africa coach Velo Khumalo remains optimistic his charges will rebound on Monday from that stunning loss by the record two-time COSAFA U17 winners to the hosts.

“The stage is set for the boys,” Khumalo said.

“We cannot get intimate because this is the platform for all the U17 teams to build on for the 2021 U17 AFCON qualifiers.

“I didn’t see Zambia’s game but we are analyzing how they are playing and we take it from there.

“But this is a development stage; this is the stage for them to express themselves so we cannot come here and get afraid.”

It is the third successive time Zambia and South Africa will meet at the group stage.
Firstly, Zambia has some revenge on their minds heading into the game after South Africa ended their reign and semifinal hopes at the 2018 tournament when they beat Junior Chipolopolo 2-1 in a crunch Group B match to finish on 7 and 4 points respectively.

Junior Chipolopolo’s last tournament win over South Africa was in 2017 when they beat the latter 3-2 in another Group B match en route to lifting their debut COSAFA U17 crown.

The PF and UPND Bloody Combat—Who is to Blame?

UPND cadres
UPND cadres

Each election cycle, blood is spilled like dirt water. We mourn in rage until another election, while politicians drink beers together. Each election cycle, we employ democratic freedoms to indulge in violence rather than “serve one another humbly in love,” as Paul said to the Galatians. As Christians, we forget that “the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.”

Paul’s picture of devouring is that of a lion tearing helpless lamb to pieces—it is ugly. The shooting of Lawerence Banda, aka Gaddafi in Kaoma, the funeral at the Cathedral of Holy Cross and subsequent violence that ensued following his death and final service was ugly. But it also suggests the disconnect between politics and Christianity. In a country where more than 90 percent self-identify as Christian and politicians and cadres frequent churches, it is evidently clear that Christians are among those engaged in politically-sanctioned violence.

Who is to blame for this violence? PF says it is the UPND, while UPND says it the PF. As this finger pointing continues, blood overflows within our streets, provinces, and nation. Our democratic elections are won with human blood. The PF and the UNPD are equally responsible for this violence. Of course, the PF has state machinery to carry out its schemes. In its strongholds, however, UPND is as violent as PF.

To think that UPND will become peaceful once in power is a myth. HH will employ the same tactics the PF government employs today, should he by divine intervention, win the bloody 2021 elections. If history has something to teach, wait until 2021. When UNIP ruled, MMD cried foul. When MMD got power, most of us thought the violent nature of the UNIP regime would be history—unfortunately not. MMD became even the more violent than the very party it replaced. PF and UPND cried foul, and we thought PF would change things. Sadly, PF became worse than the MMD. Today Kambwili can cry aloud, but he was among the most violent politicians Zambia has seen. It is time for us to change this sad history.

The funeral house which was ransacked in Friday by PF cadres in Kanyama1
The funeral house which was ransacked in Friday by PF cadres in Kanyama

Political inspired violence benefit from the cult of the “big” man. To be recognized in Zambian politics, one must shed blood. The most violent and vicious cadres are the very ones rewarded, while the peace loving political cadres are sidelined. William Banda, Willie Nsanda, GBM, Kawimba, Mumbi Phiri—count them one by one, and it will surprise you what makes honorable MPs and ministers. The more brutal, the better the prospect of entering the 2021 race to Parliament.

Politics is often described as a dogfight, but in Zambia, it is now a bloody combat. The useless and immoral phrase “peaceful campaign” as declared by the toothless Electoral Commission of Zambia in every election makes me wonder if we live on the same planet. The number of people who died or had their behinds and faces sliced by opposing cadres should not be a norm in our election. Violence is not the norm in the democratic process. Yet it is an established pattern–poor people’s blood is the fuel that drives cars to Parliament and State House.

The toothless Electoral Commission of Zambia and our politically influenced courts have the power to nullify election results of MPs and Councilors. Yet it is presidential candidates who endorse political violence. As sad as the death of Mr Banda is, it is suggestive nonetheless. Until Lungu and HH bussed Lusaka cadres to Kaoma, no violence was reported. Is it not time to outlaw the bussing of political cadres from other parts of Zambia?

Besides, why should we nullify parliamentary elections based on the free and fair rule, but count the presidential results? We cannot honor the 50+1 clause, while counting results from nullified constituencies. Until presidential candidates know that they will lose their power should results from one constituency be nullified, they will ride on innocent blood to get to Plot One. After all, the big man has the power to appoint even the disqualified individual as MP.

The funeral of Gaddafi at our Cathedral is an invitation to the church to address political violence in the nation. The Church’s failure to hold cadres and politicians accountable for political violence will lead to more funerals. The church must not wait for another coffin to enter our sacred spaces. We cannot sing the hymn of “Christian nation” and reward politicians with big chairs whenever they visit churches when their hands are socked in innocent blood. When will churches boycott the national day of prayer, stop politicians from entering churches until they pledge to non-violent campaigns? Are brown envelopes more important than human blood? It is shameful that we have exchanged God’s people with gold. Shame and shame on us men and women of the cloth!

Lucky Dube’s “War And Crime” bellows from the grave:

I’m not saying this

Because I’m a coward

But I’m thinking of the lives

That we lose everytime we fight

Killing innocent people

Who doesn’t know about the [PF]

Who doesn’t know about the [UNPD]

Your mother didn’t tell you the truth

Cause my father did not tell me the truth.

Unless we collectively address political violence, come 2021, our beloved Zambia is on steroids!

By Rev. Kapya Kaoma

Who shot UPND’s cadres in the Head?

The UPND leadership led by Secretary General Steven Kakunta at UTH awaiting for news on the condition of cadre Lawrence Banda who shortly died


FOLLOWING the fatal shooting incident involving rival campaign teams from the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) and opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) conflicting statements have flooded the media.

Two versions have emerged: the first is that a known PF cadre shot the UPND cadre while the second is that a UPND cadre who was firing at a motor vehicle carrying unarmed PF officials, mostly women, accidentally shot his fellow UPND cadre who had stolen a hand bag from a female PF official and was trying to flee with it.

The shot UPND cadre was found lying on the ground with the hand bag he had allegedly snatched.

A UPND cadre only identified as Gadhafi died after being shot in the head during the fracas as the two parties campaigned in the Thursday Kaoma council chairman by-election.

A private tabloid gave a UPND member of Parliament a free full page on which he gave his lengthy version of the shooting story.

In his sympathy-seeking account, the MP accused the PF of killing his party’s member.

While in Kaoma, President Edgar Lungu condemned the violence and directed police to arrest and prosecute those involved regardless of which political party they belonged to.

Shortly after the incident, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema issued a scathing statement in which he called the PF “thugs” and ordered his cadres to “kindly defend” themselves should they come under attack from the ruling party.

Many people have, however, condemned Mr Hichilema’s statement saying it has the potential to fan more political violence. They have urged him to tone down and promote peace.

Hot FM radio station belatedly gave the PF a chance to give its side of the story.

During the Breakfast Show programme the presenters called PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri, who was at the scene and was caught up in the skirmish.

Here are excerpts of a distraught Ms Phiri’s eyewitness account:

Hot FM: We have on the line PF deputy secretary general madam Mumbi Phiri. Good morning.

Phiri: Good morning mwebana (children).

Hot FM: Good morning.

Phiri: Aha, nimwapusukeni (it was a narrow escape).

Hot FM: Madam, you were in Kaoma on Sunday when the incident happened. Just run us through. What exactly happened?

Phiri: I was there. We moved from Mongu at 06:00 hours to go to Kaoma and we arrived around 03:00 hours, and we divided ourselves. We were the three of us: myself, Honourable Kampamba Chewe, Honourable Olipa Phiri. The two, Honourable Kampamba Mulenga and Honourable Olipa Phiri, went to the Catholic Church.

I went with the candidate to UCZ where to congregate from. We prayed; we went back to our campaign centre, and we started now going where we were supposed to address a rally.

Me, Hon. Kampamba and Hon. Olipa we were in the third vehicle. You know kulya kumushi kwalibo tushila twatondo (in the village there are bush tracks). You give each other way.

We saw a UPND branded vehicle and we just heard gun shots, we started scampering in different directions, running for our lives.

Hot FM: And you were in the car still?

Phiri: We were in the car. Me, Hon Kampamba and Hon Phiri we were in the same vehicle, which was the third. The UPND blocked us because we were in the third vehicle.

The first vehicle, it was blocked and that’s when we heard gun shots. So we had to run for our lives.

It was in the morning. It was before 12(:00 hours], somewhere there. Yes.

One was shot in the leg, and the other one was shot in the head.

The police were having a meeting somewhere with the Electoral Commission of Zambia. Because it was not far from town they also heard gun shots. That’s how they rushed to the scene beside where those shots were coming from and they picked those two people because the one who was shot in the head and in the leg, they couldn’t walk.

They were picked and taken to the hospital. The others who were injured were taken.

There were no exchange of fire. There was one person who was firing indiscriminatoy [indiscriminately]. Just one from the UPND. There was no exchange of fire. The locals who were there, they know each other. That is why it is not good to bring people from outside because they will know that you, you are new there. So, the locals knew the person.

Later, this guy disguised himself, moved out of the vehicle, and got on a Honda (motor cycle) and because the locals knew him, a Mr Chola, an ex-soldier he was followed.

It was citizen’s arrest. They caught him, and guns were recovered from him.

And those people who were not there who are saying what they are saying, that guy who was shot in the head, I am sure the bullets are still in the head.

I am sure the police will match the guns which he had and our group is the group that picked even the magazine because it was dropped and we handed it over to the police.


Daily Nation

Today’s Message: Be Generous


Today’s Scripture

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed…”
(Proverbs 11:25, NIV)

Be Generous

Do you need refreshing today? So many people go around overwhelmed, tired, worn down, and barely get by. But that’s not God’s best. He wants us to prosper. He wants us to be refreshed. Here’s the key: be generous and refresh others. Is there someone at the office that you can be a blessing to? Can you lighten someone’s load? Maybe a family member is going through a hard time. Can you help them out? Can you cook them a meal? Refreshing someone can be as simple as a smile or an encouraging word. Don’t wait until you feel like doing it; that day may never come! Do it because the Scripture tells us to. Do it because it blesses the Lord.

It’s easy to get so busy and think, “I don’t have time to help others. I have my own problems.” Helping others can be the key to seeing your situation turn around. The people you see who need encouragement, who need a ride, who need a hand, who need help accomplishing a dream—they are opportunities for you to go to a higher level. Step out and refresh others; live a life of generosity. As you do, you will be refreshed in return and experience His blessing in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today

“Father, I choose to put my trust in You. I press forward in faith so I can overcome fear. I believe You have my best interest at heart and know that You are leading me in the paths of righteousness all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

We have to make Political Violence Stop Collectively

The funeral service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross of the murdered UNPD Cadre
The funeral service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross of the murdered UNPD Cadre

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

To PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema of the UPND, I want to say this: I can see and feel the pain in your eyes. But in that pain and suffering, rests your love for your country and it’s people. That will always be your greatest victory.

I also want to be clear and on the record from the onset on a number of things:

Firstly, that the UPND holds a very clear agenda for change and reform; an agenda we wish to use in interrogating what we believe has been a failed PF development agenda, as well as their legacy and culture of corruption and bad leadership whose results are evident in all of our homes and communities.

Secondly, the UPND as an organization does not espouse, promote or encourage political violence. The tenets that gave birth to the party, the same tenets that has held it together for so many years, are very clear in focus. It is about creating a rule of law that works for all of us, restoring the credibility, quality and standard of life for our people by reducing poverty and putting people back at the center of national development and growth.

Thirdly, the UPND has no policy of arming or encouraging it’s members to carry or brandish assault, military grade and other offensive weapons. The UPND continues to emphasize the primary responsibility for the police to maintain law and order and keep all of us safe and to effect the law with impartiality.

Also important to note, is that the call by the UPND leadership for it’s members to defend themselves when attacked, is often done so reluctantly and with such dejection and despair, and as a rallying cry for help and for the police to do their job. The UPND always encourages it’s membership, even under the most intense of provocation, to respond with the utmost restraint, caution and with such complete and total respect for human life.

Further, that the UPND remains committed to collaborating with all stakeholders and political actors in working through all available options and alternatives, to ensure that we retain order to public life, and rid our politics of rapidly degenerating culture of political violence.

The UPND does not want the country to lose focus of the critical conversations around jobs, education, government corruption, poverty, inequality, healthcare, land administration, the economy etc.

These are and will remain our primary areas of focus of engagement as we enter the crucial period leading up to 2021.

But we also take great exception to the deceitfulness of our colleagues in the PF. Yesterday, while Hon. Kelvin Samoa was on Let The People Talk purportedly talking peace with our Gilbert Liswaniso, PF CADRES were in fact mobilizing and preparing to ambush, attack and disrupt the UPND in their process of mourning and remembering the life of Lawrence Banda, slain by paid political assailants.

That was disingenuous on the part of the Patriotic Front leadership and it raises questions around their willingness and commitment to decist from any conduct which may be understood as promoting and sponsoring political violence.

We also think it is distasteful for the PF Deputy Secretary General Madam Mumbi Phiri to wantonly and without an ounce of caution, level Lawrence Banda a criminal who died while trying to steal a bag. That is not how leaders communicate. Her remarks were nothing short of inflammatory and caused anguish to the entire UPND family, but even, to the family and children of Lawrence Banda.

Violence cannot and must never be adopted as the principal medium of communicating our political differences and disagreements. It overshadows and undermines our collective ability to focus on the right sort of developmental, progressive, productive and constructive conversations.

It is sad, that instead of the country discussing the state, quality and standard of public education and healthcare, so that my son can have a fighting chance at a decent future, the country is firmly gripped into a discussion of violent political party politics and polarisation.

When will we have a discussion around how we collectively resolve the question of securing long term land rights for Zambians when current public policy places a demand for hefty payment against it, against a heavily impoverished local population whose ability to buy has been eroded by a fast collapsing economy?

When will we have a productive, honest conversation around public sector grand, political corruption and state capture; all of which have ocassioned such incalculable damage onto our people, irrespective of political party affiliations?

I am proposing a crisis meeting between PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu of the PF and the Republic, and PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema of the United Party for National Development (UPND), and the leadership of the police, to be mediated by the Church, to kickstart a different conversation around how we will make violent politics stop.

Teenage Pregnancies in Chaidiza hit 1,020 from January to October this year


Plan International Eastern regional manager Richard Kalyata has said that statistics for teen pregnancies in the Eastern Province are still very alarming with Chadiza recording 1,020 from January to October 2019.

Speaking at the event to mark the girl child which fell yesterday, Kalyata said Plan International would continue cooperating with the government in the fight against early marriages and teen pregnancies to ensure the girl child excel in life.

“When you look at the statistics of teenage pregnancies, which are coming out, the other time I remember we had statistics for Chipata, they were quite alarming. Currently, we have statistics for Chadiza district. In 2015 we had 468 girls who fell pregnant, in 2016 we had 336, in 2017 we had 336 then in 2018 the number grew to 1,601. You can imagine from 336 to 1,601. This year from January to October we have already recorded 1,020 teen pregnancies and these statistics are coming from Ministry of Health,” he said.

Kalyata said the figures were coming from the communities and not schools.

“It’s like there is a lot of awareness to the school going girls but we have neglected those girls who are not in school, meaning that there is a gap which has been created and needs to be addressed by us stakeholders so that those girls in the community are also able to get the message on issues of sexuality and be able to change the way they look at things,” he said.

Kalyata said the international day was being commemorated under the theme ‘empowering a girl for a brighter tomorrow’.

“When a girl is educated, her future is brighter, no wonder they say when you educate a girl you educate the nation. We are happy that Mitchell has taken over the office of the mayor today and this is going to inspire her. If she will continue working hard. one day she is going to become a mayor. As Plan International, we are working with government, traditional leaders and other stakeholders to ensure we empower the girl children,” he said.

Copperbelt has enough essential drugs-Health Director


ARV Drugs

Copperbelt Provincial Health Director, Dr Robert Zulu has dispelled reports that some health facilities in the region have run out of essential drugs. Dr. Zulu said he is taken aback that some people have been widely spreading unverified information that some health institutions in the area have run out of essential drugs. He said the claims are not true because all health facilities in the province are fully stocked with drugs.

Dr. Zulu said drugs such as antiretroviral (ARV) which are part of the essential drugs are available across the province. He noted that people should not mistake standard drugs such as Panadol for essential ones which have substitutes and end up complaining that there no drugs in clinics and hospitals. Dr. Zulu has urged residents to consult relevant authorities on any related matters than alarming the nation.

He said despite not commissioned, the provincial medical stores hub is functioning well and the storage and distribution of drugs in health facilities across the province is constant. There have been complaints from members of the public that most health facilities in the province have run out of essential drugs and they are allegedly being served with prescriptions

UPND condemned for parading the Coffin of the deceased in the streets, it’s UnZambian says Dora Siliya

UPND cadres taking the coffin of the deseased after parading it in the Streats of Lusaka
UPND cadres taking the coffin of the deseased after parading it in the Streats of Lusaka

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya has questioned the rationale of moving with a coffin in town by suspected by United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres.

Reacting to action by UPND cadres to parade the coffin of their deceased colleague in the streets of Lusaka, Ms Siliya said that what happened yesterday was unZambian because funerals are supposed to be respected.

Ms Siliya said funerals are solemn occasion where the dead should be respected as opposed to what happened.

And PF Secretary General Officiates Davies Mwila is expected Hon Mwila will also call on the Church to speak against what he termed as the ungodly behavior that would cause the UPND and its leader to support and parade a dead body through the Lusaka Central Business District in what he described as an unthinkable procession.

Meanwhile, the government has said that requested for a full report of what happened yesterday in Lusaka’s Central business district where one person was shot by suspected UPND cadres.

Acting Home Affairs Minister Dora Siliya said that the police will have to explain what measures were put in place to prevent the fracas.

Ms Siliya said that the police will also have to state what is being done to prevent such from happening again, adding that party cadres cannot be allowed to disturb the public by conducting unauthorized processions in the Central Business District.

Ms Siliya, who is also chief government spokesperson, said that the culture of using guns by cadres should also not be allowed to continue and that it is for this reason that the police should deal with the culprit whether they belong to PF or UPND.

Police in Lusaka have instituted investigations in a matter where unruly UPND cadres allegedly shot at a trader during an unlawful procession in the central business district yesterday.

Thomas Chibilika, 42, who was shot while at Intercity Bus terminus in his boutique is admitted to University Teaching Hospital.

Forest Rise To Third, Eagles Win


Forest Rangers ghosted into third place on the FAZ Super Division table following a 2-1 home win over Nakambala Leopards at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola today.

Perry Mutapa’s side jumped from sixth to third on 11 points, one behind second placed Zesco United and two adrift of Red Arrows.

Webster Muzaza put Forest ahead in the 12th minute but Elias Maguli head-in Nakambala’s equalizer and his third of the season on the stroke of half time.

Patrick Ilongo snatched the three points for Forest in the 62nd minute to hand the Ndola side its third successive league victory.

Elsewhere, Green Eagles moved up from ninth to sixth after a 1-0 away win over bottom placed and winless Lumwana Radiants.

Spencer Sautu scored the games only goal in the 79th minute to lift Eagles to 10 points after five games played.

Eagles are tied on 10 points with Napsa Stars and Kansanshi Dynamos who are fourth and fifth respectively.

Sumaili urges Councils to drop “Evil Names”.

Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with Religious Affairs Minister during the renaming of the road

Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili has urged communities and local Councils in the country to consider changing names that have bad connotations.

Speaking on Saturday during the renaming of Devils street in Emmasdale area to its original name of Florida Street, Rev. Sumaili said it is important to take in consideration the implication and effects that names of on communities and people.

Rev. Sumaili said she would like to see other councils in the country identify names of streets and communities that deserve to be changed.

Commenting on the nickname of Florida Street to Devils street, Rev. Sumaili said it was not right to have anything named after the devil in a nation that its proudly Christian.

She added that for Zambia to actualize its Christian values, the nation has to have sanity in the moral standing of people and communities.

Rev. Sumaili urged communities to report issues of brothels, underage drinking and drug abuse in their communities for sanity and peace to prevail.

And Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa said it was high time the city changed its face starting with names of the streets.

The Mayor added that it was a sorry sight to realize that many people have lost lives, marriages have been broken and many other bad vices have been conducted on Florida street.

Mr. Sampa said it was sad to see young people patronize bars and engage in dangerous vices.

He further explained that despite the street having businesses operating, there is need for everyone to abide by the laws of the land and not allow immorality on the street.

Meanwhile Lenard Mayaka a resident of Florida street in Emasdale has thanked government for renaming the street to its real names as opposed to the nicknamed known by many.

Mr. Mayaka said names have impact on people and community and hence should be considered carefully.

He explained that many illegal vices have been conducted on the Florida Street due to the impact its nickname.

The street renaming exercise was preceded by a walk to denounce the bad things that have happened on the street and declare the new good things to happen.

Zambia Make Thundering Start At COSAFA U17 Cup


Zambia on Saturday morning made a roaring start to their 2019 COSAFA U17 Cup campaign with an emphatic 6-0 win over eSwatini at Mpira Stadium in Blantyre, Malawi.

The 2017 champions routed eSwatini 6-0 to go top of the pool ahead of the second Group A match today between hosts Malawi and South Africa.

Zambia cruised to a 4-0 halftime lead when csptain Moses Mulenga led by example when he put the side ahead in the 7th minute.

Rickson Ngambi added the second in the 16th minute while Miguel Changa Chaiwa converted a 32nd minute penalty.

Chipoyoka Songa saw Zambia go into the break 4–0 with a goal on the stroke of halftime.

Julius Kumwenda and Charles Mumba struck in the 60th and 86th minutes respectively to send Junior Chipolopolo to the summit.

Zambia return to action on October 14 against South Africa in a penultimate Group A match at the same venue.

Algeria Announce AFCON Date For Chipolopolo Clash


The Algeria Football Federation has confirmed the date of their 2021 AFCON Group H qualifier against Zambia.

FAF said the defending AFCON champions game against Chipolopolo will be played on November 14 at 21h00.

But FAF added that the venue will be communicated to later.

Meanwhile, Algeria head to France on a charter flight on Sunday ahead of their final friendly on October 15 against Colombia in Lille.

The game will come days after Algeria was held 1-1 at home by DR Congo in their first friendly game on October 10 in Blida.

UPND is Violent Party, Maybe I Should Consider Dragging the Registrar To Court for her to Act on UPND

UPND cadres
UPND cadres

By Chilufya Tayali

We can try to be diplomatic, civil or whatever way you try to sugar quote it, the fact of the matter remains that UPND is the most violent party in Zambia and they are a danger to our peace.

To start with, how come we have violence, during campaigns, in their strongholds? It is because they are intolerant to other political parties. They declare their strongholds as a no go area for other political parties.

It is a fact that, as EEP leader, I would be on a suicide mission to go to Southern province for campaigning. Edgar Lungu and other PF members go to Southern province under heavy security otherwise they would come back naked.

The other point is that, how come we have violence free elections when UPND has not participated.

While I still maintain that, the man who fired at the UPND cadre must be arrested by the police, I strongly believe UPND provoked the situation when they attacked the PF campaign team.

Today was another day of violence and abomination by UPND in their desperation for political mileage to run with a coffin in the road. That is violence.

I wonder why BaKanganja is treating these cadres with kids gloves. Why are police making excuses, instead of just sorting out these cadres firmly.

We can’t keep on witnessing anarchy that happened today when the police had intelligence information.

I will not apologise for expressing myself albeit the abuse of the UPND. But maybe I should consult lawyers to summon the Registrar to court so that she can explain why they have allowed such a party to continue operating when it is clear this party too violent.

I know PF is also violent but trust me, their violence is nothing compared to UPND. These guys are something else.

HH, shame on you, how many people do you want to bury before you accept that Presidency is not for you, otherwise based on the violence that comes out of your party, you would resign, but you seem to be willing to see more blood shed for you to be President. What happened today was very bad.

Government is doing everything possible to address Zambia’s power deficit-President Lungu

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (centre) accompanied by Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo (left) and National Milling Corporation Managing Director David Bosse tour the Ultra Modern New Mill in Lilayi, Lusaka on Friday, October 11,2019 .
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (centre) accompanied by Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo (left) and National Milling Corporation Managing Director David Bosse tour the Ultra Modern New Mill in Lilayi, Lusaka on Friday, October 11,2019 .

President Edgar Lungu says government is doing every possible to address the power deficit the country is experiencing.

The President has observed that the power deficit is impacting negatively on agricultural production and other economic sectors.

Meanwhile, President Lungu says the Zambian government has embarked on the commercialisation of cassava production.

He also reveals that the Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC- government has made a request for Zambia to export cassava to that country.

The President has further implored farmers to enhance the production of wheat to satisfy both the local and international demand.

President Lungu said this in Lusaka’s Lilayi area before Commissioning the New Ultra-modern National Milling Plant, which has a capital investment of 37 point five million dollars.

At the same function, Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo said the investment that National Milling has so far pumped into Zambian is testimony of the country’s favourable investment climate.

And United State of America -USA’s- Seaboard Corporation, the owner of National Milling has praised Zambia and President Lungu for attracting various forms of foreign investment.

Seaboard Vice President Ralf Moss also said the newly constructed Ultra -modern National Milling Plant is unique in the African region.

The plant has capacity to process 600 metric tonnes of wheat every day.