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Civil servants warned over theft


Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba has warned civil servants in the province to desist from stealing public resources.

And Mr. Chomba has given a one-week ultimatum to all teachers that have deserted their schools in the province to return or face removal from the payroll.

He disclosed that some civil servants benefited from government programs such as the Farmer Input Support Program (FISP) meant for the vulnerable when they were ineligible.

Addressing civil servants in Kapiri Mposhi Mr. Chomba warned that disciplinary action will be taken against civil servants mismanaging government resources.

Over 150 civil servants were found to have been benefiting from FISP in Kapiri Mposhi district.

And Mr. Chomba noted that the absence of teachers and other civil servants especially from rural areas had created an artificial shortage of human resource and denied the general public of government services.

He challenged civil servants who were not interested to work in rural areas to resign so that government can engage other people who are on the employment waiting list.

PF sucessfully digs 100% debt to GDP sinkhole


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

They will not want you to hear this, but the real total public debt has now eclipsed our national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Here is rundown of disclosed public debt so far: External = $10.23bn, Internal: Guarantees = $1.2bn, Securities = K60.7bn, Domestic arrears = K20.2bn, VAT refunds = K22bn.

The aggregate of these liabilities is just a few notches shy of $20bn, while our real GDP, if we factor in exchange losses associated with a dipping Kwacha will not beat $26bn as at December 2019. The public are cautioned to be extremely weary of further undisclosed debt, especially from China, as well as debt held by our various parastatals. This is why the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) must be as transparent as possible in making public the aggregate debt figure attributable to SOEs.

All the foregoing taken into account point to a debt mountain that is now above 100% of our GDP.

We are here today because the PF’s claim to superstardom has been a poorly orchestrated infrastructure development narrative whose funding has been nothing short of dubious, while the workmanship across many of our public projects has been woefully poor.

Let us be clear: Zambians want good infrastructure for development. But Zambians want these to be executed sustainably, to the extent that the projects should be able to yield the required return to be able to pay off it’s associated debt money. Zambians also want quality workmanship, as opposed to substandard, cheaply acquired works who lifespan falls way short of the life of the debt associated with these projects.

And this has been the failure of the PF around infrastructure development. They have failed to project fund sustainably and they have failed to ensure quality workmanship across many of the projects.

This is nothing short of criminal and economic espionage against the Zambian people.

Today, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) are saying the PF owes close to $2bn in VAT refunds, while an aggregate $10bn has been sucked out of the local economy in local borrowing. The tragedy of this story is that only a very small fraction of this debt money has actually gone into productive areas of our economy. One only has to take a look at successive Auditor General’s Reports, FIC and other barometers to draw the conclusion that much of this money has actually been stolen!

And thanks to the duplicity and conniving conduct of PF leaders, including State House, Zambians will now have to pay a very heavy price for the poor, selfish decision making of the PF government.

We have to be weary, that a vote for the PF in 2021 will be an endorsement of what has been their diabolical inability to do a very simple job – to take care of Zambians.

We need to have a new and honest national conversation around social and economic reforms. For example, how have the PF allowed NAPSA to continue sitting on piles of cash while consistently failing to pay retirees’ benefits? How has the PF continued to allow President Lungu, the Veep and government Ministers to enjoy health tourism services abroad, while lying to Zambians that they are making “massive, unprecedented” investments in the health sector?

And how has this tinkering, inept PF government allowed for the rule of law to be applied selectively to different citizens and societal stakeholders, leading to the creation of a class society?

What a joke of a government!

The foregoing sits at the heart of the poor and general lack of community development across our vast country.

The macro economy is broken and it has sucked the life out of the micro economy.

In 2021, we must be bold and decisive and not blink in booting the PF out of power.

We cannot afford another lost 5 years. We simply cannot. The damage will be impossible to undo in our lifetime.

Rugby legend gives local kaleza boots the thumbs up

Former England Rugby Union International and World Cup winner Jason Leonard impressed with the quality of Zamleather’s Kaleza football boots

Former England Rugby Union International and World Cup winner Jason Leonard has been knocked sideways by the quality of locally produced Kaleza football boots.
The popular Z-12 boots made by Zambeef division Zamleather are already scoring hits with players across the country.
Now they have caught the attention of the sporting legend, who is founder of the Atlas Foundation, a non-profit organisation imparting life skills and values such as education, teamwork and discipline to children in underprivileged areas in 16 countries around the world.
He was so impressed that his foundation bought 60 pairs of the boots to distribute to youngsters in Zimbabwe.
During a visit to Victoria Falls recently, Zamleather presented him with the customised Atlas Foundation boots, and Leonard found himself on the front cover of African Business Network magazine giving the boots the thumbs-up.
“The leather rugby boots were nothing short of world class, and Jason was delighted with the quality and the brand of the leather boots which will be used for all matches and key training practices. It would make sense that all further orders go through you so that this quality boot takes its place across many more clubs and schools throughout Africa and other regions,” said tour organiser Sue Anderson.
“The Kaleza Z-12 boots were borne from the desire to have a sports boot on the market that is designed, manufactured and packaged locally as well as suited to our terrain, and is not only affordable but of international quality,” said Zamleather General Manager Richard Franklin.
“It is important for us to be involved at the grassroots as a local sports shoe brand, as a way of reinforcing our commitment and also to communicate the values of quality, discipline and determination among the upcoming generations. It is possible for Zambia to produce quality in terms of talent as well as other products and that is what value addition is all about for us here at Kaleza and Zamleather,” noted Mr Franklin.
Over the years, Zamleather, through Kaleza, has lent its support to little leagues and community initiatives by donating football boots and footballs. It supports the NGO Alive and Kicking, an HIV/AIDS and malaria awareness project, whose stitching centre is based at the Zamleather premises in Lusaka.
Zambia’s leather industry holds much promise, and growth in the sector can be spurred by building markets for local finished leather products that ride on value addition, added Mr Franklin.
“What we need is for local entrepreneurs to look at leather as a readily available natural, local product that provides infinite business opportunities for value addition to our local hides,” he explained.
Zamleather operates the country’s largest operating tannery, with subdivisions that produce protective clothing and safety boots, Zamshu school and sports shoes, and wet blue hides and finished leather material that can be used for upholstery.
“Africa, and the world at large, is striving for a green industrialisation through the use of local raw materials with a view to zero waste. Zamleather embodies this principle in that it takes raw hides from the Zambeef Group’s beef division, adding value,” said Mr Franklin.
One product fast gaining popularity in local sporting circles is its line of Kaleza Z-12 football and Astroturf boots. From the onset, Kaleza models were made to stand out on the market in more ways than one. First released in 2013 they have since gained a reputation on football pitches across the country as the Zambia’s quality affordable lightweight football boots.

Chisamba Farmer in Court For a Homosexual Offence



A 53-year-old farmer has appeared in the Lusaka Magistrates court for having canal knowledge of a male grade twelve pupil against the order of nature.

Douglas Quentin of Chisamba is also charged with being in possession of obscene pictures that allegedly have the potential to corrupt morals.

When the matter came up the suspect pleaded not guilty to the two counts.

He took a plea before Lusaka Magistrate Lameck Mwale.

Earlier, the state discontinued the matter for the victim who was jointly charged with Mr. Quentin.

Magistrate Mwale asked the minor to leave the accused’s dock after the State entered a Nolle prosequi in the matter.

The matter has been adjourned to November 5, 2019.

First Lady urges youths to desist from being used as tools of political violence

she is involved in charity work donation for rural Zambians that sometimes cannot be reached via conventional government channels
she is involved in charity work donation for rural Zambians that sometimes cannot be reached via conventional government channels

First Lady Esther Lungu has urged youths to desist from being used as tools of political violence. Mrs. Lungu says it is not right for politicians to use youths to promote violence in whatever form.

She noted that most of the politicians promoting violence have had their time adding that they must allow youths to positively mature into leaders.

Mrs. Lungu told ZNBC News in Kitwe that a bigger part of the Zambian population is made up of youths hence the need for them to play a meaningful role in governance.

Mrs. Lungu said that she was also concerned that women and the girl child in Zambia have continued to face gender-based violence and sexual abuse.

The First Lady was in Kitwe to lobby for support to enhance service delivery at the Kitwe teaching hospital and donate to two service organizations.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has warned that there is no need for violence in politics, adding that innocent people are killing themselves while the politicians remain comfortable in their homes.

The President said that no politician, including himself, is worth dying for.

President Lungu implored parents to inculcate values that teach young people that there is no need for violence and said that he has instructed his party members to be peaceful and go out in communities to spread the good policies of the party.

The President was speaking when he addressed a meeting at Kaoma Resource Centre grounds, at which several members from the opposition also defected to the ruling party.

Government to roll out electronic platforms in Zambia to ensure accountability and transparency in public service delivery

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu
Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu

Government says it will continue to roll out electronic platforms across the country to ensure accountability and transparency in public service delivery.

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu says Financial Inclusion remains low in the country hence the need for all stakeholders to get involved.

Dr. Ng’andu says therefore it is important for financial institutions to partner with government in order to increase financial inclusion.

He says Digital services also help financial institutions to easily interact with clients and meet the diverse needs of customers.

Dr. Ng’andu said this in a speech read on his behalf by Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Economic Affairs Mukuli Chikuba at the 2019 Zambia Institute of Banking and Finance Annual Conference.

Meanwhile, Zambia Institute of Banking and Finance Services President Moses Shuko said Financial service providers should pass on the benefits that comes with digitization to their clients.

And Bankers Association of Zambia Chairperson Kola Adeleke said the banking sector is cognizant of the linkage between Financial strength and prosperity at individual level.

He said it is therefore the associations aspiration to develop innovative products and solutions that will drive the country towards achieving the targets of a green economy.

Three Parties Challenge LAZ over decision to sue President Lungu and National Assembly over the Constitutional Amendment Bill


The three political party leaders have submitted that the Constitutional Court has jurisdiction to preside over their matter in which they have challenged the Law Association of Zambia- LAZ.

The three parties and two individuals have challenged the decision by LAZ to sue President Edgar Lungu and National Assembly over the Constitutional Amendment Bill.

The five litigants have contended that their matter relates to the interpretation of the Constitution.

The five have consequently asked the Constitutional Court to dismiss with costs, a notice of motion by LAZ where the association is seeking an order to throw out their case.

These are Zambia Republican Party-ZRP President Wright Musoma, New Congress Party -NCP- President Peter Chanda, Citizens Democratic Party-CDP President Robert Mwanza and sympathiser’s Richard Mumba and Mwanalushi Mulemwa.

They are seeking a declaration that LAZ’s decision to sue President Lungu, is illegal and contravenes Article 98 sub-article one of the Constitution.

The litigants further want an interim order to stay proceedings in which LAZ has sued President Lungu, the Attorney General and the National Assembly to withdraw the Constitutional Amendment Bill Number 10 of 2019.

They are also seeking, among other reliefs, an order declaring that LAZ’s decision to sue the National Assembly is illegal and contravenes Section 12 sub-section one of the State Proceedings Act, and therefore null and void.

LAZ had asked the court to dismiss the litigant’s matter with costs on the ground that it is illegally before the Constitutional Court.

MP moves Motion in Parliament to Ban Political Parties that support Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender rights

President Edgar Lungu delivers his speech during the State of the Nation address at Parliament Buildings
FIle:President Edgar Lungu delivers his speech during the State of the Nation address at Parliament Buildings

Kanchibiya Member of Parliament Martin Malama yesterday moved a private member’s motion seeking Parliament’s support to ban political parties and organisations that support Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender rights in Zambia.

And tempers flared among Opposition Members of Parliament after Mr. Malama mentioned that the UPND is among the 30 political Parties that are affiliated to the African Liberal Network.

Mr. Malama who laid a copy of African Liberal Network- ALN – Constitution and other documents on the floor of the House said the UPND was a member of the Network.

He explained that to join the Network, Party President, Secretary-General and International Relations Chairman need to sign the constitution.

Mr. Malama said Zambians cannot allow political parties to introduce Liberal values in the country, which seeks to allow Homosexuality.

He said that no one inclusive of the Church and Chiefs across the country can allow such values to be inculcated into the country.

Mr. Malama said that Zambia is a Christian Nation and people must not subscribe to such liberal values.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition Jack Mwiimbu said a similar pattern of accusing political opponents that they supported gay rights, failed in the past.

However, First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Catherine Namugala had a tough time trying to calm the two sides as Mr. Malama debated.

The motion however lapsed because of time.

UTH Eye hospital improves service delivery


Senior Medical Superintendent at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Eye Hospital in Lusaka, Grace Mutati, says the division of the University Teaching Hospital into five hospitals has helped in providing enhanced service delivery to the Zambian people.

Dr Mutati says the development has made it possible for the Eye Hospital to plan adequately for quality service delivery to patients than it was previously done.

The Doctor says the eye hospital is also able to assess where it is lacking in terms of service provision, in order to make improvements.

And Dr Mutati told ZANIS in Lusaka that the health facility now boasts of adequate equipment that has been recently procured as well as specialised staff which is helping with surgeries.

The Doctor has since urged members of the public to always seek medical attention from an eye specialist at the hospital unlike waiting for the problem to worsen.

She further encouraged everyone to develop a habit of going for regular checkups once a year particularly those that suffer from diabetes.

The Eye Hospital Senior Medical Superintendent, also advised that people with family history of glaucoma or a family member who lost sight for some unknown reason must visit the facility for a checkup.

Dr Mutati stated that patients who visit the facility with a referral letter from a clinic or any first level hospital are attended to without incurring a cost.

She however pointed out that the hospital expect people who decide to go direct to pay a certain amount which is affordable.

Meanwhile, Dr Willard Mumbi, who is a pediatric, Neuro and Strabismus ophthalmologist at the Eye Hospital, said the hospital also has a component of pediatric health care where children below the age of 18 are attended to.

Dr Mumbi indicated that apart from cataract surgeries, the health facility also attends to eye cancers and other related eye abnormalities.

Multi-million solar energy project earmarked in Western Province


Government says it will soon launch a multi-million solar energy project in Western Province, aimed at cushioning the effects of energy shortages in the country. President Edgar Lungu says his administration is doing everything possible to ensure that dependency on hydro power is reduced, through alternative energy sources.

President Lungu said it is in the interest of his administration to ensure that there is more investment in other sources of energy.

The Head of State said government has lined up a number of solar projects countrywide and will not allow the power shortage to continue.

And President Lungu reiterated government’s continued engagements such as the South African power deal, which is also aimed at addressing the power deficit.

He said it was better for the country to have expensive power, and have the economy run as opposed to having no power at all.

The President said his administration is aware of the critics of government and will not divert from implementing what is right for the people.

The President said this yesterday at Kaoma Trades Training Institute in Kaoma District in Western Province when he addressed the business community.

President Lungu also said he is aware of the dwindled resources which have resulted in a number of projects not been completed.

He recognised that because of this development, projects such as roads and infrastructure have been redesigned to suit the available resources.

The President assured the business community that his office will continue engaging respective wings of government to support their needs.

Zesco to meet TP Mazembe in CAF Champions League Group Stage


Zesco United face familiar company in Group A of the 2019/20 CAF Champions League who include five-time champions and next door neighbors in DR Congo, TP Mazembe.

Premiero de Agosto of Angola is the other foe but Zesco will have to wait until Independence Day to know who will join them in Group A when the delayed final leg date between five-time champions Zamalek and Generation Foot of Senegal is decided.

Mazembe eliminated Zesco from the 2018/2019 CAF Champions League pre-group stage last December after a 2-1 home win in Lubumbashi and 1-1 draw in Ndola that saw George Lwandamina’s side relegated to the CAF Confederation Cup where they advanced to the group stage.

Zesco will host Mazembe on match-day-two in Ndola on December 7.

De Agosto renew rivalries with Zesco for the first time since the 2018 CAF Champions League ,again at the same stage.

Zesco drew 0-0 in Ndola but lost 2-1 away in Luanda of their Group D encounter.

Agosto will host Zesco in their opening Group A match during the weekend of November 29-30 in Luanda.

Agosto,meanwhile, make a quick reunion with Zambian opposition barely a month after ejecting Green Eagles from the pre-group stage after beating the latter 2-1 in Lusaka but lost 1-0 in Luanda to advance on away goals rule.

Zesco’s match-day-three prospective opponents at home in Ndola over Christmas will be Zamalek or Generation Foot whose tie will be decided on October 24.

This is after their September 28 match was abandoned when the Egyptians moved the match from Cairo to Alexandria less than 24 hours before the match citing security concerns.
The Senegalese boycotted the match and returned home in protest over the short notification of the venue change.

Zamalek lost the first leg 2-1 away in Senegal.

CAF, who will foot Generation Foots’ logistics, have directed Zamalek to name the venue by October 12.

Meanwhile in the CAF Confederation Cup, Green Eagles and Zanaco also know their pre-group stage opponents.

Eagles have been draw against HUS Agadir of Morocco.

Eagles will host the 2018/19 CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinalist in the first leg on October 27 before travelling to Morocco for the last leg on November 3.

Zanaco will kick off their pre-group stage race away with a debut trip to Equatorial Guinea to play Cano S.A on October 27 and will be home on November 3.

The Bankers are chasing a third continental group stage appearance since making their league round debut in the 2010 edition of the same competition.

President Lungu welcomes over 300 UPND defectors in Kaoma

PF Kaoma Rally
PF Kaoma Rally

About 380 members of the United Party for National Development (UPND) have defected to the Patriotic Front in Kaoma’s Chitwa ward.

And speaking when he received the new members, President Edgar Lungu who is also PF party President, encouraged the new members to feel free and join in the country’s developmental agenda.

And President Lungu further urged voters in Chitwa ward to turn up in numbers in tomorrow’s Council Chairperson By-elections, to vote for the PF candidate Ngebe Ngondo.

Speaking during a public meeting at Chitwa Primary School today, in Kaoma constituency, the President also urged the residents not to involve themselves in acts of violence, adding that PF is a peaceful party.

President Lungu also lashed out at individuals who are fond of blocking development were it is most needed.

The President has assured the people of Kaoma that he will work closely with Ms Ngondo, once she is voted in office, in order to continue with the desired developmental progress.

The President also reminded party members to ensure that they welcome and work with new members, in order to strengthen the party structures in the area.

And PF candidate Ngebe Ngondo has promised to work with the people of Kaoma and government once voted into office, towards ensuring that all developmental projects lined up are delivered.

Meanwhile Sub Chief Josephat Situnya of the Nkoya speaking people appealed to government to upgrade the local school which has been neglected for years.

He expressed optimism that the voting of a PF candidate will lead to the overall development of the area.

Tomorrow Thursday October 10, 2019, Kaoma District goes to the polls to vote for a new Council Chairperson.

Candidates from three political parties are contesting the seat, namely Maseka Chuulu of the United Peaceful and Prosperous Party (UPPZ), Austin Muneku of the United Party for National Development (UPND) and Ngebe Ngondo of the Patriotic Front (PF).

#SexForGrades Scandal reaches Zambia


Higher Education Minister Dr Brian Mushimba
Higher Education Minister Dr Brian Mushimba

Higher Education Minister Dr Brian Mushimba says his Ministry has noted a growing number of reported cases of sexual harassment in institutions of higher learning against female students by Lectures.

Dr Mushimba’a comments follows a month long investigation by the BBC cases of sexual harassment of female students in Nigeria and Ghana in what has become to be known as #SexForGrades scandal.

In a statement, Dr Mushimba said the Ministry has in the recent past, noted with grave concern, the growing number of reported cases of sexual harassment in institutions of Higher Learning against female students by those entrusted with the responsibility of protecting and nurturing them.

“As a Ministry, we wish to encourage these students not to feel constrained to report cases of sexual harassment immediately, as a matter of urgency. It is only through such reports that immediate interventions and actions can be taken and victims protected and perpetrators severely punished,” Dr Mushimba said.

Dr Mushimba said the Ministry of Higher Education condemns, in the strongest terms, this harassment of students in universities and colleges.

He has since directed that all forms of harassment must cease as the Ministry and Government has zero tolerance to such vices.

Dr Mushimba has further warned that those identified as perpetrators of these vices will be brought to book under the full extent of the law.

He further stated that harassment of any form, especially sexual, has no place in institutions of Higher learning as these institutions are the epoch of human development and that is why these vices will be dealt with severely under a new enhanced surveillance program against these vices in universities.

The Minister has assured the victims of the Ministry’s total support and the creation of a safe environment through which to report sexual harassment.

According to the Zambian laws, Criminal Sanctions are provided under the Penal code and a person convicted of Sexual harassment is liable to imprisonment for a term not less than 3 years.

Dr Mushimba has directed all heads of institutions not to protect perpetrators of sexual harassment as doing so is a serious offence and in the same vain urged protection of the victims at all costs.

Nchanga smelter intact, undergoes planned shutdown



Nchanga smelter. Picture taken Thursday 9th October, 2019.

Nchanga smelter this morning had a slag run out and not a fire as earlier reported. This is according to KCM General Manager Eugene Chungu. A slag run out is when molten material containing cobalt abruptly flows out of the furnace. It was all contained within the bunded area. At around 6:00hrs KCM engineers noticed elevated temperatures near the tapping area prior to the event and as per risk-based emergency protocols ensured that all the people working in the area were evacuated, thus preventing any injuries.


Below is the press release on Nchanga Smelter Operations

Konkola Copper Mines Plc would like to announce that an incident occurred at the Nchanga Smelter at around 6:00hours of this morning that resulted in a run out of slag material, although no injury occurred.

The incident occurred at the Cobalt Recovery Furnace of the Nchanga Smelter. The smelter had been scheduled to undergo a planned shutdown this Friday, which has now been brought forward by 48 hours.

Smelting and Refining Unit Head, Enock Mponda remarked; “At around 6:00hrs our engineers noticed elevated temperatures near the tapping area prior to the event. As per our risk-based emergency protocols we ensured that all the people working in the area were evacuated, thus preventing any injuries. The slag runout was contained within the limited bunded area. Although there is a standby furnace which we could bring, online we have decided to bring forward the planned shutdown by 48 hours.”

The smelter normally undergoes a major shut down every two years and thus was scheduled for 2018 but was postponed to this year. The shutdown is planned for a duration of 39 days. During this time all operations at Konkola, Nchanga and Nampundwe Mines will continue to run normally.

The Company is committed to ramping up operations at Konkola Underground and Nchanga Underground mines, and stabilize operations across the Company.

Eugene Chungu

Corporate Affairs General Manager

Nchanga smelter intact after slag run out
Nchanga smelter intact after slag run out
Nchanga smelter intact after slag run out
Nchanga smelter intact after slag run out
Nchanga smelter intact after slag run out

Chipolopolo’s Thursday Test Against Niger Looms


Chipolopolo kick-off their two match friendly tour of West Africa this Thursday with a date against Niger in Niamey.

Aggrey Chyangi’s team are in West Africa to play Niger on October 10 and Benin on October 13 in Cotonou.

Chipolopolo is using the friendlies to prepare for their three qualifying matches coming up over the next four weeks.

The first one involves the fourteen home-based players in the 23-member team away in West Africa who will return home and straight into 2020 CHAN qualifying action on October 19 against eSwatini in a final round, last leg match enjoying a 1-0 away first leg win in Manzini.

The other two competitive dates are in November away to Algeria on November 11 and Zimbabwe at home on November 16 in Zambia’s opening 2021 AFCON Group H qualifiers.

Thursday’s match will be Chipolopolo and Niger’s third-ever meeting since the 2015 AFCON qualifiers that Zambia won 3-0 at home and drew 0-0 away under ex -coach Honour Janza.

“The game against Niger is very important for us especially that we are preparing for two games of which the first one is the CHAN qualifier on the 19th and the AFCON qualifiers coming later in November,” Chiyangi said.

“The reason why these games are important is the players should get a feel of playing away from home especially that our first (AFCON) game will be away (against Algeria).”

Critical in the friendlies for Chiyangi will be to look at other combinations in the absence of strikers Patson Daka and Fashion Sakala and midfielder Enock Mwepu who will miss the Group H qualifiers due to 2019 U23 AFCON tournament duty in November away in Egypt.
“As for the AFCON qualifiers we are trying to see the best players that we can come up for the games. So to those that have been given a chance to play, you just have to do your best and prove that you deserve your position,” Chiyangi said.

“These friendly games are very important for us. We really need to get the best out of every player that we have here.

“For those that are with the Under-23, we excused them because it is important for them to qualify for the Olympics since we believe we have a team that came go to the Olympics.”

Midfielders Larry Bwalya, Bruce Musakanya and Kelvin Mubanga, who have enjoyed COSAFA and CHAN mileage but have been on the fringes of the main team, are all hoping to impress for next November’s Group H doubleheader.

Strikers Emmanuel Chabula and Mwape Musonda should continue to put their hands up after impressing at the 2019 COSAFA Cup and during June’s Morocco friendly tour camp respectively.

However, Chiyangi faces a frantic tactical juggling act following the late arrival today on the eve of game of two-thirds of his defensive anchors Mwila Phiri, Clement Mwape,Simon Silwimba,Tandi Mwape and Kabaso Chongo due late club commitments.


GOALKEEPERS: Sebastian Mwange (Green Eagles), Lawrence Mulenga (Power Dynamos), Toaster Nsabata (Zanaco)

DEFENDERS: Simon Silwimba, Mwila Phiri, Adrian Chama, Clement Mwape (all Zesco United), Lawrence Chungu (Zanaco), Isaac Shamujompa (Buildcon) Tandi Mwape, Kabaso Chongo (both TP Mazembe, DR Congo ), Salulani Phiri (Polokwane City, South Africa)

MIDFIELDERS: Bruce Musakanya (Red Arrows), Kelvin Kapumbu (Zanaco), Larry Bwalya (Power Dynamos) Kelvin Mubanga (Nkana), Donashano Malama (Black Leopards, South Africa), Clatous Chama (Simba SC, Tanzania)

STRIKERS: Emmanuel Chabula (Nkwazi), Augustine Mulenga Justin Shonga (both Orlando Pirates, South Africa), Lazarus Kambole (Kaizer Chiefs, South Africa),Mwape Musonda (Black Leopards, South Africa)