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President Lungu directs RTSA and Zambia Police to quickly remove broken down vehicles from Roads

President Lungu
President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has directed the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and the Police force to frequently check on the roads, and ensure that all broken down vehicles are cleared from the roads, as they pose a danger to other motorists.

“RTSA and Police must develop a culture of clearing roads of vehicles that have broken down. It’s sad that people perished because a truck was left on the road for a long time,” the President said.

This follows the accident involving a broken down vehicle on the road which led to the deaths. President Lungu expressed sadness over the death of Catholic Choir members who perished in a road traffic accident along the Kitwe Chingola road yesterday.

The President who described the death as tragic and disturbing has since sent a message of condolence to the bereaved families and the entire Catholic fraternity.

The Head of State has further extended a message of goodwill to families of those who are nursing injuries and has since wished the injured a quick recovery.

And the President Lungu has sent a message of condolence to the family of Patriotic Front (PF) member, Petronella Bowa who died on Monday, after an illness.

Dr Lungu said Ms Bowa was a dedicated member of the party who will be missed for her commitment and contribution to national development.

“Ms Bowa was a hardworking and passionate woman who died at a tender age. She was a good party mobiliser who will be greatly missed,” the President said.

This is contained in a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Special Assistant to the President Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe.

Calm has returned to Kaoma town


Calm has returned to Kaoma town following clash between ruling Patriotic Front(PF) and the United Party for National Development( UPND) supporters which left two people seriously injured.

A check by ZANIS in the central business town found tight security by officers from Zambia police and other security wings to ensure law and order.

Traders are also carrying out their usual business.

Police picked a suspected UPND supporter in connection with the violence that took place in site and service area.

A pistol was also recovered from the suspect and the suspect is still in police custody.

Kaoma district electorates will be going to the polls on October 10th, to vote in a new Council Chairperson following the resignation of Mutti Bindundu.

The PF candidate is 65-year-old retired teacher Ngebe Ngombo,while the UPND picked a 55-year-old business man Austin Muneku and the United Peaceful and Prosperous Zambia-UPPZ candidate is Chuulu Maseka.

President Lungu Orders Zambia Police Service to Charge Civilians Found with firearms

President Lungu with Zambia Police Chief Kakoma Kanganja
President Lungu with Zambia Police Chief Kakoma Kanganja

President Edgar Lungu has directed the Zambia Police Service to ensure that civilians found in possession of firearms in Kaoma District in Western Province, are punished before elections are held on Thursday, October 10th, 2019.

The President has also warned that he will not allow the repeat of what happened during the Sesheke by-elections, as well as the happenings that occurred during the Kuomboka traditional ceremony a few years ago.

President Lungu said he was aware of the presence of the Opposition leader in Kaoma District respected the situation, adding that he, however, called for respect of the law.

President Lungu was speaking at Kaoma airstrip as he addressed scores of residents who welcomed him.

The President added that Zambia will remain a peaceful country, for as long as he was in charge of the country, adding that he will not allow the country to degenerate in lawlessness.

Meanwhile President Lungu reiterated that the Patriotic Front remains a peaceful party and he will endeavour to ensure that it remains so.

The President called on Kaoma residents to reject violence and embrace peaceful campaigns.

And President Lungu further urged the police to ensure it extensively investigates the recent incidence which happened in Kaoma and bring the culprits to book.

The President called on the police command to also ensure that order is maintained, and fairly address all matters reported to the department.

The President is in Kaoma District, where he is this afternoon expected to address two public meetings in Mangango constituency, to drum up support for PF candidate Ngebe Ngondo, who is contesting in the Council Chairperson by-election slated for October 10, 2019.

The other contestants include United Party for National Development (UPND) candidate Austin Muneku, as well as United Peaceful and Prosperous Zambia (UPPZ) candidate, Chuulu Maseka.

The rising tide of militarized politics of the gun under the PF regime

PF Cadres with Guns in a public place Guns
PF Cadres with Guns in a public place Guns

By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Yesterday, President Edgar Lungu again went on the record in his usually muted, badly choreographed Statehouse Press Statements; in which he practically made the problem of armed violence in the political arena a “problem for all Zambians”, as opposed to taking absolute responsibility that this is fundamentally a Patriotic Front (PF) creation, which now has the main opposition UPND having to make a decision around whether or not such barbaric, militia tactics by the PF should be repaid with the force it deserves.

Of course, in the UPND, the consensus is such that once, if, when and should our constitutional liberties to assemble, associate and speak freely come under such unsolicited attack at the hands of a heavily weaponized, armed, gun wielding PF militias, we will and shall defend our rights without reserve BUT have committed to doing so with caution, restraint and with such utter respect for the rule of law and human life – including the lives of our adversaries.

As a party, the UPND and it’s leadership have always held, that the primary responsibility to maintain law and order, and that of keeping all of us safe, irrespective of our political affiliations, rests with the police. And this is why we have kept on reminding our men and women in uniform to guard against executing political orders that fly in the face of constitutionalism, the basis of our collective nationhood.

Military grade, armed political violence under the Patriotic Front (PF) and the Presidency of Edgar Lungu has not only surged. It has also found institutional legitimacy and protection.

The level of armed militia tactics being employed by the PF to routinely intimidate members of the main opposition UPND and it’s leadership cannot be executed without the blessing and financial backing of Statehouse. These have become highly sophisticated, organized and bold.

The militiamen are acting for and on behalf of Statehouse and President Edgar Lungu’s illegal bid to remain in power post 2021.

Zambians must be reminded, that the UPND has been in existence for many years. And before the PF came into power in 2011, there was never heard of or seen the level of big money, assault weapons based political violence in Zambia. Never.

Zambia has lost more young men to political violence in the period 2011- 2019 than it did in the 20 years post the rebirth of multipartism in 1991. This is not a coincidence and records are there for all of us to tap into and verify.

The main worry in the UPND is that political violence on the scale we are witnessing under the PF always distorts national conversations and the erodes the credibility of our national elections as more and more people choose to keep away and stay alive, than lose their lives at the hands of what is evidently a criminal gang of corrupt, power hungry degenerates mascarading as political leaders.

And as has been warned by various respected international research organisations, the focus of the PF regime has invariably moved away from realistically and logically serving the Zambian people. Their conversation has moved towards consolidating their power base for themselves at the expense of Zambians.

This is why they are unapologetic about commiting the country to a mountain of public debt we can never pay, because in the short run, it allows them to artificially hoodwink the public into submission.

Except, not anymore.

Zambians will and shall not be cheated.

Zambians will and shall rise to the challenge and defend the integrity, unity and togetherness of our shared nationhood until we get the sound political leadership we deserve.

Zambians do not want guns in politics.

Zambians want ideas for INCLUSIVE development, ideas that will help us resolve the corruption question, growing income and wealth inequalities, joblessness, pensions insecurities, poor education standards, the land question, substandard public healthcare and restoration of the rule of law and our constitutionalism.

This is the Zambia we want, and this is the Zambia we all should and must fight for and defend.

Over 100, 000 hectares of land offered for refugee settlement

Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district Zambia
Congolese refugees at Kenani transit centre in the Nchelenge district Zambia

Zambia has allocated more than 100,000 hectares of land to refugees, former refugees and persons of concern, Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo has disclosed.

Mr Kampyongo revealed at the 70th Plenary Session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, that Zambia has given huge pieces of land to refugees in the refugee settlements, resettlement and transit centres.

Zambia has three Refugee Settlements namely Mantapala in Luapula, Meheba in North-western and Mayukwayukwa in Western provinces, plus refugee transit centres in various locations, which include Lusaka.

The Minister stated that in addition to land allocation to refugees, Zambia has maintained an open door asylum policy that has over the past 50 years ensured that thousands of refugees are received, protected and assisted in safety and dignity.

Zambia, which currently hosts over 84,500 persons of concern, refugees, and former refugees, has a total area of 752,618 square kilometres of land of which 9,220 square kilometres is water.

Mr Kampyongo told delegates at the Executive Committee of the UNHCR that 76 percent of the refugee population is from the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), who live in refugee settlements and urban areas.

Mantapala which is the latest Refugee Settlement to be established has over 6,000 hectares of land in Chieftainess Kanyembo and was originally meant to host about 20,000 Congolese refugees.

The settlement was set up in 2018 as an integrated refugee settlement to enable refugees become self-reliant and develop their livelihoods.

And the Minister of Home Affairs has further disclosed that Zambia spends at least US$2 million per annum in personal emoluments for its officers, in charge of providing services to the refugee settlements.

He stressed that for many years, refugees have been part of Zambia’s national agenda, benefiting from a whole of government approach in the delivery of services.

And High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi commended Zambia for being one of the champions of the practical application of the global compact on refugees.

Mr Grandi stated that although most countries have made strides in responding to emerging needs of refugees, there was still need for close collaboration in finding long-lasting solutions to some of the refugee crisis.

Over 800,000 farmers adhere to FISP guidelines

Zambian Peasant Farmer standing in Front of his Maize harvest
Peasant Farmer standing in Front of his Maize harvest

Over 800,000 out of the 1 million targeted farmers across the country have deposited their K400 to access the farming Inputs for the 2019/2020 Farmer Input Supply Programme (FISP) for both the direct input supply and the Electronic Voucher system (E-voucher).

Ministry of Agriculture Michael Katambo has disclosed that government has also extended the deadline for depositing the FISP contributions up to October month end, to give chance to the remaining over 100,000 farmers, to make the contributions and access the inputs.

Mr. Katambo explained that government is committed to address all the challenges that farmers incurred in the last farming season, caused by late distribution of inputs and the implementation of E-voucher system in some places.

Mr Katambo was speaking in Chilanga today when he officially launched the issuance of FISP for the 2019/2020 farming season.

He assured farmers that during the current farming season, the authority will effectively address all the challenges and advised farmers who made contributions but did not receive the inputs, to get in touch with the office of the district agriculture coordinator in respective districts.

And the Minister noted that the operations of most agro dealers have been affected by delays in payment of arears owed to them, adding that this is why government will continue to settle the outstanding balances.

Mr Katambo said his ministry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance have put in place mechanisms to ensure that all agro dealers are paid on time, during the 2019/ 2020 FISP implementation exercise.

He further warned the participating agro dealers to refrain from invoicing government for inputs that have not been issued to farmers, adding that farmers also should not surrender their codes to dealers without getting inputs.

And Deputy Secretary to Cabinet and Coordinator for Smart Zambia Martin Mtonga said over 7,600 Civil Servants countrywide have illegally registered to benefit from FISP.

Dr Mtonga stated that through the Zambia Integrated Agriculture Management System aimed at managing FISP, it is easy for government to detect any corrupt activities in the system.

Meanwhile a representative of farmers Agnes Ndhlovu thanked government for the timely distribution of the farming inputs for this season.

Ms Ndhlovu said the early distribution will help farmers prepare adequately in the wake of climate change.

Sumaili encourages participation in Day of Prayer celebrations


Government has called on cross sections of society who include political parties, civil society organisations and the general public, not to shun the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and reconciliation, set for October 18, 2019.

Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili said the National Day of Prayer is not a Patriotic Front event, but a church driven national day for prayer and reconciliation.

Reverend Sumaili said political parties and other stakeholders should not refuse invitations from the church, who have been mandated to organise and prepare the prayers.

She said the national day of Prayer, Fasting and reconciliation is church driven and that government is only facilitating, to ensure that preparations are done without logistical hindrances.

The Minister further explained that the national day of prayer offers politicians an opportunity to bury their differences and reconcile with their political opponents.

Reverend Sumaili disclosed that President Lungu is ready to meet with any opposition politician and civil society activists unconditionally to reconcile and reflect on the needs of the country.

She added that in the wake of climate change, the country needs to come together on this National Prayer day and humble itself and seek God on the Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation.

The Minister disclosed that President Edgar Lungu will grace the National Day of Prayer activities at the show grounds in Lusaka while Vice President Inonge Wina will officiate and attend the prayers in Ndola, on the Copperbelt Province.

The day of prayer will be held under the theme “Receiving Times of Refreshing from the presence of the Lord through Reconciliation with one another and the environment for a prosperous Zambia.”

And Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) Board Chairperson David Masupa said the 2019 National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance is unique in that the country is faced with climate change and a resurgence of political violence.

Bishop Masupa said Zambians need to find the will, strength and conviction to reconcile with each other and seek God in order to unleash blessings on the land.

The Clergyman acknowledged that while government has put in place macro-economic measures to address the power deficit and curb political violence, there is need for Zambians as a people and a Christian nation to repent and pray to God to intervene.

Bishop Masupa said a lot of Zambians are faced with hunger as a result of the drought, as well as reduced economic production, due to reduced electricity generation caused by the adverse effects of climate change.

2021 AFCON Group H Friendly Preview


The 2021 AFCON qualifiers kick off next month and we take a sneak preview of how Zambia’s Group H opponents are preparing ahead for their opening matches during the October FIFA International Match Window.


The Zebras are on the road this weekend to play a premium friendly against record seven-time African champions Egypt.

The match will be played in Cairo on October 14.

Botswana will face Zambia on match-day three and four in a Group H doubleheader home and away date during the September 2020 FIFA Match Window.


Sadly, Zimbabwe are battling to put together a friendly programme and nothing has so far been confirmed by ZIFA by the first day of the FIFA Match Window that opened on October 7 and ends on October 15.

Zimbabwe will be Zambia’s second Group H opponents on November 16 at home in Lusaka.


Defending AFCON champions Algeria have two friendly matches lined-up for this month.

Algeria will host two-time AFCON champions DR Congo on October 10 in Blida and later travel to France to face Colombia on October 15 in Lille.

Algeria will host Zambia in their opening Group H match on November 11 in Blida.

Campaign in peacefully, Davies Mwila pleads

PF Secretary General Davis Mwila
PF Secretary General Davis Mwila

Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila has advised party members to ensure that campaigns being carried out are issue based.

The PF Secretary General has further extended the same message to other political players, adding that issue based politics yield positive results as opposed to acts of violence, which only hinder on national peace and security.

Mr Mwila, who was speaking when he addressed journalists in Kaoma District this morning says political campaigns have continued to bare a wrong tag, due to some members who are not following the right channels.

Mr Mwila said that the incidence that happened in the area on Sunday, October 6th, where a cadre was killed is very unfortunate, and must be dealt with, with the urgency it deserves.

And Mr Mwila has dismissed stories suggesting that the PF clashed with the UPND, adding that there was no occurrence of such nature.

He said it was important political parties based their campaigns on issues that affect the entire nation, as they prepare for the 2021 General elections, adding that it was cardinal at this stage to refrain from all forms of violence.

This week on Thursday October 10, 2019, the people of Kaoma District will vote for a Council Chairperson, in a by election, where the incumbent UPND’s Bindundu Mutti resigned to join the Patriotic Front in July, this year..

Police block HH from campaigning in Kaoma

Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma

Heavily armed police officers in Kaoma are blocking UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and his entourage from campaigning ahead of Thursday’s elections in the area.

The electorate in Kaoma will vote for a new Council Chairperson on Thursday.

This morning, Mr Hichilema was blocked by police officers from proceeding with his campaign programmes in the area because of the presence of Vice President Inonge Wina and President Edgar Lungu who is expected to join the PF campaigns later.

“As usual and under instructions from the PF, heavily armed State Police are blocking us from heading to our campaign areas approved by the Electoral Commission of Zambia. For the record, the Kaoma Council is a vast area covering two constituencies, being Kaoma Central and Mangango Constituencies,” Mr Hichilema said.

“It is therefore unreasonable that the entire province can be shut down because of another competitor, in total disregard to the approved ECZ campaign programme that allows us to be in a completely different place.”

“It is absolutely uncalled for and like always, we want peace and no one should provoke the people from standing up for their votes,” he said.

The PF must remember that a wound against one Zambian is a wound against all of us, so stop it. This country belongs to all citizens regardless of political affiliations and all of them have a right to associate and assemble freely.”

Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma
Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma
Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma
Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma
Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma
Police preventing UPND from campaigning in Kaoma

Cecilia Musonda becomes Miss Africa Great Britain 2019

Crowning of Cecilia Musonda as Miss Africa Great Britain 2019.
Crowning of Cecilia Musonda as Miss Africa Great Britain 2019.

Cecilia Musonda, a postgraduate student from Zambia has been crowned Miss Africa Great Britain 2019.

She beat 23 other girls in what was a very close competition to clinch the crown.

The Grand Finale took place on Friday, the 4th of October 2019 at the Royal Regency Hall in London.

Vanessa Naddamba from Uganda was 1st Runner Up with Gracia Susuzande from the Democratic Republic of Congo finishing as 2nd runner up.

Cecilia will now assume her role as the ambassador of Miss Africa Great Britain’s Queens for a Reason program and will be embarking on a charity mission to her home country Zambia.

Cecilia will now assume her role as the ambassador of Miss Africa Great Britain’s Queens for a Reason program and will be embarking on a charity mission to her home country Zambia.

Cecilia Musonda crowned Miss Africa Great Britain 2019.
Cecilia Musonda crowned Miss Africa Great Britain 2019.

No Zambian deserves to die for Politics-President Lungu

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu speaks during the official opening of National Assembly at Parliament Building in Lusaka on Friday,September 13,2019.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu 

President Edgar Lungu has described the death of a UPND Member in Kaoma and the wounding of others amidst political violence as numbing and detestable.

Commiserating with the family of the deceased and the wounded, the President said no Zambian deserves to die for Politics.

The President has since directed Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja to take full control of the Mayoral election in Kaoma and other areas where the elections are taking place.

President Lungu is concerned that political activists suddenly are carrying guns and has directed that all the armed should be disarmed and all the culprits of the Sunday’s ugly events must be apprehended and prosecuted regardless of their political affiliation.

The President said Police should also get ready for the General elections in 2021 saying people should respect democracy and let popular candidates take the day instead of intimidating people to vote for their candidates.

He said all Zambians should be concerned about frequent violence each time elections are held.

And Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya says Government says it regrets the loss of life in Kaoma District of Western Province, where election campaigns for council chairmanship are taking place.

In a statement issued to Hot FM News, Ms Siliya urged members of the public to reject violence in all its forms in maintaining the country’s status as an oasis of peace.

Physically defend yourselves if attacked by PF, HH tells his cadres

HH addressing Kaoma residents on Monday
HH addressing Kaoma residents on Monday

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has commanded his party members to defend themselves physically if attacked by PF cadres saying that is the only language PF understands.

Speaking in the wake of the murder of a UPND member identified as Lawrence Banda in Kaoma, Mr Hichilema said UPND members should no longer be scared.

“Fear not, your vote is your weapon to kick out the corrupt and violent unruly PF thugs led by Mr Edgar Lungu. If they come to attack you physically, kindly defend yourselves because that is the only language they understand,” Mr Hichilema said.

Mr Hichilema charged that Zambia is fast degenerated into a gun culture society brought by the PF but advised that they remember that if one lives by the sword, they will die by the sword.

“We hate violence and seeing citizens being killed by the PF-funded militia groups. As commander of our party, I will not sit silently while PF lie to the Zambians. No citizen should be cheated by the PF lies that they are Christians because if they were, they would not be killing others.”

He added, “Typically, the PF has continued asking citizens to close their eyes in prayer while they steal public resources and kill in cold blood but not anymore. If it means any of you who trust us to deliver development to remain with one eye watching over their evils, then be it so.”

“And remember: the darkest hour comes before dawn and no one should stop any citizen from enjoying their democratic rights.”

Mr Hichilema stressed, “Always remember that a wound against one Zambian by the PF thugs, is a wound against all of us.”

HH arriving in Kaoma on Monday afternoon
HH arriving in Kaoma on Monday afternoon
HH arriving in Kaoma on Monday afternoon
HH arriving in Kaoma on Monday afternoon
HH greeting Senior Chief Muneku of Kaoma
HH greeting Senior Chief Muneku of Kaoma
HH greeting Senior Chief Muneku of Kaoma
HH chats with Senior Chief Muneku of Kaoma

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Chipolopolo Arrive in Niger For Friendly Date


Chipolopolo midfielder Cletus Chama believes this week’s West African friendly Tour is the perfect platform ahead of next month’s 2021 AFCON qualifiers.

Aggrey Chiyangi’s side arrived in Niger on Monday on the first stop of a two-match friendly tour that will see them take on Benin in their last game.

“They are quite important, as we all know, we have our AFCON qualifiers coming up so the friendly’s will help us gel to work together, make us united and focused for what is ahead of us,” Chama said.

Zambia will play Niger on October 10 in Niamey and Benin on October 13 in Cotonou ahead of their 2012 AFCON Group H doubleheader qualifier against champions defending Algeria away on November 11 and Zimbabwe at home on November 16.
“Obviously and the most important one is to win these friendly’s. We won’t say that because it is a friendly we won’t win. We are competitors and we are here to obviously win, that is our focus,” Chama said.

“Apart from that, we also want to see where we are lagging or how far we have gone in terms of readiness towards the AFCON qualifiers that are coming up next month.”

And Chama said the friendly’s are also very critical for the fourteen home-based players in the team ahead of their 2020 CHAN final round, last leg qualifier against eSwatini in Lusaka on October 19.

Zambia beat eSwatini 1-0 away in the first leg on September 22 in Manzini.

“To them it is also part of preparations towards the second leg of the CHAN qualifiers and my word of encouragement to the team is we need to be focused because we also need to qualify for CHAN and should use this platform genuinely,” the midfielder from Tanzanian club Simba SC said.

05 /10/2019
Forest Rangers 2(Adams Zikiru 24, Laurent Muma 50′)-Kabwe Warriors 0

Buildcon 0-Zanaco 0

Nkana 1(Idris Mbombo 70’pen)-Kansanshi Dynamos 1 (Lazarus Zulu 64′)

Green Eagles 3(Kennedy Musonda 38′ 42′,Shadreck Mulungwe 76′) -Power Dynamos 1(Martin Kayuwa 88′)

Red Arrows 2(Evans Musonda 27′, James Chamanga 38′)-Green Buffaloes 0

KYSA 0-Nakambala Leopards 2 (Elias Maguri 59′ 85′)

Nkwazi 0-Lumwana Radiants 0

Lusaka Dynamos 3(Marvin Jere 2′, Chris Mugalu 43′ pen, Moussa Lemisa 52′)- Mufulira Wanderers 0

Zesco United 3(Umaru Kasumba 18,Clement Mwape 65′, Quadri Kola 81′)-Napsa Stars 2(Bornwell Mwape 30′ 85′)

2019/2020 TOP SCORERS
Idris Mbombo(Nkana):5

Kennedy Musonda (Green Eagles):4
Jesse Were (Zesco):4

Bornwell Mwape (Napsa Stars):3
James Chamanga(Red Arrows):3
Chris Mugalu (Lusaka Dynamos):3
Eric Choomba(Nkwazi):3

Adams Zikiru (Forest Rangers):2
Elias Maguri(Nakambala Leopards):2
Royd Alfonso (Kansanshi Dynamos):2
Junior Zulu(Nakambala):2
Jeff Banda (Nkwazi):2
Charles Zulu (Zanaco):2
Alidor Kayembe(Buildcon):2
Biramahire Abeddy (Buildcon):2
Kwame Attrum (Mufulira Wanderers):2
Ian Sililo(KYSA):2
Roger Kola (Zanaco):2

Evans Musonda(Red Arrows):1
Laurent Muma (Forest Rangers):1
Marvin Jere(Lusaka Dynamos):1
Moussa Lemisa(LUsaka Dynamos):1
Clement Mwape (Zesco):1
Umaru Kasumba (Zesco):1
Quadri Kola (Zesco):1
Martin Kayuwa(Power Dynamos):1
Lazarus Zulu (Kansanshi):1
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):1
Peter Mwangani(Forest Rangers):1
Moonga Chilimba (Buffaloes):1
Leonard Mulenga(Buffaloes):1
Felix Bulaya (Nakambala):1
Joseph Mwandilila(Green Eagles):1
Tafadzwa Rusike (Zanaco):1
Norbet Chisala (Kansanshi Dynamos):1
Chisenga Lukwemba(Nakambala):1
Patrick Ilongo(Forest Rangers):1
Andrew Kwiliko (Green Eagles):1
Daniel Chama (KYSA):1
Tresor Ilunga(KYSA):1
Derrick Mwansa (Kabwe Warriors):1
Patrick Kasunga (Kabwe Warriors):1
Emmanuel Manda(Lumwana Radiants):1
Andrew Tololwa (Red Arrows):1
Thabani Kamusoko(Zesco):1
Linos Makwaza Jnr(Power):1
Obeddy Masumbuko (Nkana):1
Thomas Banda(Napsa): 1
Davies Kamanga(Mufulira Wanderers):1
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):1
Simon Nkhata (Napsa Stars):1
Ali Sadiki (Kabwe Warriors):1
Larry Bwalya (Power Dynamos):1
Benson Sakala (Power Dynamos):1
Chitiya Mususu (Zanaco):1
Bruce Musakanya (Red Arrows):1
Isaac Ngoma (Kansanshi Dynamos):1
Danny Silavwe (Napsa Stars):1
Enock Sabamukumana(Zesco):1
Erick Chomba (Nkwazi):1
Spencer Sautu(Green Eagles):1*
*Denotes own-goal

Government deeply regrets the loss of life in Kaoma District-Dora Siliya

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya
Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya

Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya says the government deeply regrets the loss of life in Kaoma District of Western Province, where election campaigns for council chairmanship are taking place.

Ms Siliya says President Edgar Lungu has made it clear that he does not condone violence, whether perpetrated by the ruling party or the opposition parties.

She called on the Police to investigate the killing, without fear or favour, and bring the perpetrators of the violence and the killing to book.

Ms Siliya said the police command is further called upon to intensify searches to ensure that no civilians are moving with guns and other offensive weapons in the area.

She reiterated the government’s position that time for election campaigns is a time to compete with ideas and not with violence.

Ms Siliya said violence is not a way of solving any problem.

She has called on members of the public to be on high alert and help the police by reporting any civilian who will be seen with a firearm or any other offensive weapon in the area.

Ms Siliya further urged members of the public to reject violence in all its forms in maintaining the country’s status as an oasis of peace for which it is renowned world over.