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Why the Copperbelt remains Zambia’s factory of political change

Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa
Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa

By Sishuwa Sishuwa

Since its emergence in the 1920s as the site of Africa’s most rapid and large-scale industrialisation and urbanisation outside of South Africa, the Copperbelt has occupied a central place in Zambia’s political imagination. Its importance stemmed from the revenue generated by copper mining, an industry that nationalists like founding president Kenneth Kaunda and his United National Independence Party (UNIP) sought to take control of after independence in 1964. It was also the hub of organised labour and developed a significant formal economy owing to the great number of unionised workers. Despite declines in revenue (less profit/lower tax rates/tax avoidance measures etc.) and the number of mining jobs in recent decades, the Copperbelt remains the focus of intense competition among successive major political parties. Why is this the case? Two key factors help to explain this.

The first is that despite fluctuations and slumps in the region’s economy, the Copperbelt remains central to Zambia’s economy. The rapid urbanisation and industrialisation that occurred on the Copperbelt was not repeated elsewhere in Zambia. The growth of Lusaka means that the capital is now the largest urban centre, but collectively the Copperbelt towns have a higher population and it makes sense to consider them as one unit rather than discrete towns. The Copperbelt therefore has no obvious competitor in terms of economic and demographic clout. Even in a diminished form, the continued failure of economic diversification means that there is no other sector capable of challenging mining.

As a result, the health of Zambia’s economy remains closely tied to that of the Copperbelt, and the wellbeing of both still rests on the fortunes of copper on the international market. When metal prices fell in the early 1970s for instance, they dragged down Zambia’s economy for the next 30 years. It was not until 2005 that the price of copper recovered and the country found new mine owners following privatisation in the late 1990s. What happens on the Copperbelt therefore has wider consequences. Its centrality to political life in Zambia should be understood as a consequence of successive governments’ failure to divest the country of its dependence on a single commodity.

The second factor that explains the Copperbelt’s importance to Zambian politics over such a long period is its history of strong associational culture. The relatively dense patterns of urban settlements and industrial organisation of the Copperbelt workforce during the colonial period gave rise to an enduring associational culture that is absent elsewhere. The Copperbelt was the birthplace of Zambia’s labour movement and most of its significant political parties. The country’s two most powerful and best-organised labour movements, the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) and the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), were founded (in their original form) on the Copperbelt in 1949 and 1951, respectively. Most political parties that have gone on to either achieve a transfer of power or play a leading role in opposition politics were also founded there.

Spatial policing that characterised public life during the colonial period loosened after the achievement of independence, allowing for more open and wider interaction, which, in turn, facilitated the expression of collective political sentiment. Associational networks, both formal (as in the case of trade unions) and informal (e.g. trade associations for marketeers and the small-scale miners popularly known as jerabos)make it easier to disseminate political messages and organise activities. Successive political leaders have relied on such networks and sites of informal interaction to campaign and capture the political imagination of Copperbelt residents. Political sentiment across the Copperbelt’s various associational networks provides a coherent way for the region’s residents to interact across class and ethnicity identities – a reflection of the Copperbelt’s cosmopolitan heritage.

The dominant political views on the Copperbelt have also been influenced by its political and economic history. As a result, most residents believe that politicians should deliver some level of economic redistribution, and that Zambia should have a strong public sector that delivers social and physical services. The most successful national politicians are those who perceive of this, and are able to tap into these sentiments. The same associational culture is yet to take root in other urban areas. Lusaka’s civil society organisations are sustained more by donor money than by their members’ social connections. This explains why most new political formations and political transitions in Zambia have emerged from the Copperbelt. Three separate examples reinforce this point.

The first was the formation, in August 1971, of the United Progressive Party (UPP) led by former Vice-President of Zambia Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. The UPP, mobilising in Bemba-speaking rural communities and articulating populist concerns in urban centres such as the Copperbelt, rose to become the first serious opposition to UNIP’s assertion of national authority. So threatened was President Kaunda that he quickly banned it over alleged violence in February 1972 and arrested several of its leaders, including Kapwepwe who remained in prison until December that year, when Zambia was declared a one-party state.

The second key moment was the emergence of a pro-democracy movement, the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), in the early 1990s that successfully challenged UNIP and ended one-party party rule. With a legal road to political change blocked by single-party rule, opposition to Kaunda and UNIP’s formal hegemony found expression in institutions such as the Copperbelt-based MUZ and ZCTU. These two organisations served as the backbone of the transition to multiparty democracy that orchestrated Kaunda’s removal, the country’s first leadership turnover since independence. As well as providing the MMD leader Frederick Chiluba, these institutions put their structures at the disposal of the opposition party ahead of the landmark 1991 elections.

The third key moment was the rise of Michael Sata’s Patriotic Front (PF), whose successful mobilisation in the early 2000s ended the MMD’s 20-year-old hold on power in 2011. Following the example of Chiluba, Sata mobilised the associational networks of Copperbelt inhabitants to establish a new party and capture the ruling party’s support base. This sequence has not been replicated elsewhere in Zambia: other regions follow the lead of the Copperbelt, which continues to be a weathervane for the future political direction of the country.

As Zambia heads towards a general election in 2021, it will be interesting to see if the National Democratic Congress (NDC), a breakaway opposition party formed in 2017 by former PF strongman Chishimba Kambwili, will be able to replicate this established pattern of achieving national power by first establishing a strong political base on the Copperbelt. A skilled grassroots mobiliser and an effective populist with a gift for oratory and the common touch, Kambwili previously worked on the Copperbelt mines and in its union structures. He therefore has access to the associational networks and links that previous successful politicians drew upon to launch their careers. Amidst Zambia’s mounting economic challenges, the Copperbelt’s urban constituencies are likely to be receptive to a new populist party.

The NDC has already demonstrated its capacity to hurt the PF electorally. In April 2019, the NDC – drawing on workers’ growing frustrations against the ills of foreign, mainly Chinese, investment – defeated the PF in a parliamentary by-election in the Copperbelt mining town of Luanshya. To put the result in context: this was the PF’s first loss to another political party in a competitive election, at parliamentary level, in the urban Copperbelt since the 2001 election. In an action that bears a striking resemblance to Kaunda’s banning of Kapwepwe’s UPP, the PF government responded to the defeat by deregistering the NDC for alleged undemocratic tendencies and having an ‘inoperative constitution’ – a move that Kambwili’s party has since formally challenged.

As long as industrial mining remains the mainstay of the economy, the Copperbelt will remain the political factory that produces most of Zambia’s leaders and parties and even political culture. Of the six individuals who have led Zambia during the first 55 years of its existence, four received their political training and education on the Copperbelt, three of whom were born there. These Copperbelt ‘graduates’ include Chiluba, Zambia’s president from 1991 to 2001; Levy Mwanawasa, who succeeded Chiluba in 2002 and remained in office until his untimely death in 2008; Sata, who led the country from 2011 to 2014 before dying in office; and incumbent Edgar Lungu, in power since 2015. Their formative experiences in the country’s wealthiest province helped them later to launch successful careers in Zambia’s political life.

The fact that many of today’s influential Lusaka-based politicians, trade unionists, civic actors, musicians and others with the capacity to shape public opinion trace their roots to the province shows that the Copperbelt has effectively exported itself to Lusaka. As a result, the region will remain central to Zambian politics for the foreseeable future.


Chitotela calls for support towards the development of the creative sector

Ronald Chitotela
Ronald Chitotela

Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela has called for support towards the development of the creative sector in the quest to sell Zambia as a tourism destination of choice.

Speaking at Lusaka’s Government Complex when he graced the media launch for the Samfya Arts Festival as part of the summer festivals, the Minister said Zambia has a unique nature and cultural tourism offing.

Mr Chitotela said the festival is the first-ever, and the domestic tourism sector as its target, and that in future; the Ministry targets the international market as part of the potential audience.

He said the tourism sector has been magnified and placed as the second most important economic sector in the country and that his Ministry is committed to making this vision a reality.

The Minister said in line with the Seventh National Development Plan, the Ministry is working closely with other line Ministries such as Youth and Sport in recognizing that sport too is an economic force that can be touristic value and create jobs.

Mr Chitotela said Luapula is home to legends like Kalusha Bwalya, Samuel Matete, Peter Kalumba Chishala and Nashil Pitchen Kazembe who proved to the nation that the economy is diverse and Art and sport can make economic difference.

And Luapula Province Minister Nixon Chilangwa said the programme to promote the province and attracting investments would not be a one off but a continuous process.

Mr Chilangwa called for the need for continuous innovativeness and the need to stay ahead of the competition from other regions.

He said tourism appears to be at the bottom of the seven pillars of the province’s development agenda hence the for tourism product development initiatives.

Livingstone residents to oppose the construction of a Golf course, Hotels in the Mosi-O-Tunya National Park

Mosi o Tunya road
Mosi o Tunya road

Several residents of Livingstone are today expected to oppose plans by Mukuba Property Development Company to develop the Mosi-oa-Tunya Livingstone Resort that will comprise two hotels, a 600-seater conference centre and a Golf Course inside the national park.

The residents who have grouped themselves together will air their concerns today at a Public Hearing on the proposed Mosi-O-Tunya Livingstone Resort to be organized by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA).

The project is being pushed by Mukuba Property Development Company who are proposing to develop a 16.85-hectare piece of land in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Livingstone.

The proposed development will comprise a 126-key 5-star hotel with three floors, a 182-key 3-star hotel with three floors, a 600-seater conference centre, a Mashee Golf and Putt Course, a kids club, Twelve staff accommodation units, Three swimming pools, a slipway, two jetties, two water features, a maze, two tennis courts, a pump station and other ancillary facilities.

According to a notice from ZEMA, the public hearing will be held at Falls Park Shopping Mall at 10:00 hours.

Livingstone resident Margaret Whitehead who is opposed to the project said residents should come out in numbers and oppose the venture.

“All concerned citizens should be there. This is a revival of the Legacy Project from 12 years ago. Different company name, same people. Given land in park which was not advertised or put out for tender and will disrupt wildlife especially elephants. Propose to put a hotel below flood line,” she said.

And Claire Whitehead, another Livingstone resident and wildlife activist says the project should be rejected.

“Let’s take action on this and make submissions. Do we want to lose this last elephant corridor in the area? Do we want to lose our elephants? Do we want yet more fenced developments inside the national park, on the border of the World Heritage Site? What effect will it have on the already stressed elephants? How many more lives will be lost? What effect will it have on the birds and other wildlife in the area? Please take action if you care.”

In November 2007, the then Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) rejected an appeal by Legacy Holdings to carry out a similar project in Livingstone ahead of the 2010 World Cup which was held in Livingstone.

Government restricted the proposed development in the Mosi-O-Munya national park because it was in a protected area, a pathway for elephants and was part of a world heritage site.

UNESCO had lambasted the governments of Zimbabwe and Zambia, threatening them with a world-wide campaign to discourage tourists from coming if Legacy Holdings’s development was not stopped.

The UN agency also mentioned that the two countries had manifestly failed to implement agreed protocols for the management of the World Heritage Site as a whole.

The agreement between Legacy Holdings Zambia and DNPW was nullified due to no activity.

The shareholders of Mukuba Property Development company and directors are Mr. Renatus Mushinge – 33.33% Shareholding held under African Eagle Hotels & Resorts, Valentine Chitalu – 33.33% Shareholding and Jacob Jone Sikazwe – 33.33% Shareholding

The proposed project cost is estimated to be $149 million and the construction works will commence in the third quarter of the year 2019 projected over a 2 year completion period.

Mukuba Property Development Company plans to develop 16.85ha allocated to them in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Livingstone.

The company is expected to sign a 50-year lease agreement with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to kickstart the project.

The resort will be operated by Hilton Worldwide, a world class hotel operator.

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu to present the 2020 National Budget in Parliament


Bwalya Ngandu
Bwalya Ngandu

Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu is today expected to present the 2020 National Budget in Parliament.

Over the last four months, the Ministry of Finance has been conducting budget consultations with all stakeholders and the general public throughout the country.

In the coming weeks and months, the Ministry of Finance will conduct post-budget dissemination and sensitization programmes.

However, the opposition UPND says today’s budget will increase poverty among the already impoverished Zambians.

UPND National Chairperson Mutale Nalumango said with over 90 percent of the budget going towards emoluments and debt servicing, poor people should not expect anything better from the budget.

She noted that with the countries debt having continued increasing this year, it is expected that the 9.9 percent allocation to social sectors will reduce further in the 2020 national budget.

Mrs Nalumango has advised the PF to reduce its appetite for borrowing as it risks plunging the country into a debt crisis.

And the Zambia Tax Platform says the budget consultation process for the 2020 national budget was not done adequately and may not reflect the wishes of the people.

The Organisation however expects government to increase budgetary allocation towards social protection which has seen a reduction in spending thereby affecting the quality of life of poor Zambians.

The Zambia Tax Platform Coordinator Ibrahim Kamara said that the marginalized groups must be targeted for social cash transfers and the funds must be disbursed to the planned beneficiaries.

Mr Kamara said the platform is concerned with the current debt situation in the country which has impacted on government spending towards other sectors.

He said the platform expects government in the 2020 National Budget to produce a clear plan on how it will mitigate the impact of debt accumulation on the country’s economic integrity.

And Mr. Kamara said the country will need liquidity and should seek to engage the IMF for support with measures also needed to address climate change and increased allocation to the Agriculture sector as set in the Malabo Declaration.

Zambia’s Inflation jumps into double digits


Zambia’s annual inflation rate for the month of September 2019 has risen to 10.5 percent from the 9.3 percent in August the same year.

Central Statistical Office(CSO) Interim Statistician General Mulenga Musepa has attributed the increase to food items price movements.

At a monthly bulletin briefing held in Lusaka Mr. Musepa has disclosed that from the 10.5 percent inflation rate, food and non alcoholic beverages, accounted for 6.6 percentage points.

Mr. Musepa stated that non-food items accounted for 3.9 percentage points out of which transport contributed the highest of 1.3 percentage points.

He says transport was followed by clothing and footwear, and housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels that contributed 0.7 percentage points each.

The Interim Statistician General has also disclosed that Zambia’s trade deficit decreased by 42.5 percent from K786.2 million in July 2019 to K451.9 million in August 2019, meaning the Country imported more than it exported in nominal terms.

Dora Siliya says she is shocked over reports linking HH to support for same sex marriages

Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya
Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has said that the government is shocked over reports alleging that opposition (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema with other political leaders in the Southern African attended a meeting to discuss issues among them gays rights and same sex marriage.

Ms. Siliya, who also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, said that the people of Zambia have always refused gay rights and same sex marriages.

In a statement made available to the media, Ms Siliya stated that government will continue to stand with Zambians who have consistently denied change to the constitution to include gay rights and same sex marriages.

And the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has challenged UPND Spokesperson Charles Kaoma to deny that the UPND is not a member of the Africa Liberal Network an organisation of 44 liberal political parties in 30 countries in Africa.

PF Media Director Sunday Chanda said that liberal political parties in Africa such as the Democratic Alliance of South Africa and UPND of Zambia are part of the ALN.

Mr. Chanda challenged Mr. Kakoma to deny that the UPND was not represented by himself and Mr. Muzungu in Ghana in 2018 at the meeting for ALN where more than 30 countries met.

He said that the UPND must come out clean on its connections with the ALN, gayism and same sex marriages as opposed to dragging innocent names.

Mr Chanda in a statement to ZNBC News said that Zambians want to directly hear from the UPND leader on the matter.
He said the Church and other political parties raised serious concern by what appears to be UPND’s desperation that they can champion gay rights and same sex marriages in Zambia in the hope of gaining power.

However, the UPND President yesterday posted the twitter message below on his twitter account and he is also now being accused to have pulled down his pictures of his Italy visit from his facebook page.


UPND’s Panicking over HH and his alleged support for Homosexuals further Exposes the Party’s Duplicity

President Hakainde Hichilema in a group photo with other eminent and distinguished personalities attending a meeting organised by the Brenhurst Foundation at Lake Como, Italy to discuss Africa's economic trajectory under a theme, “Can Africa be the Next Asia?”
President Hakainde Hichilema in a group photo with other eminent and distinguished personalities attending a meeting organised by the Brenhurst Foundation at Lake Como, Italy to discuss Africa’s economic trajectory under a theme, “Can Africa be the Next Asia?”

By Canisius BANDA Development Activist

As if caught in an embarrassing unnatural sexual act, the UPND now has egg on its face.

It is ashamed.

Aware that a most terrible political mistake, faux pas, has been made by its life leader Hakainde HICHILEMA, the UPND now is at great pains to correct this calamity which has, per adventure, befallen the party.

Seeing its likelihood of seizing State power now wane following its exposed support for sodomy and other homosexual acts, extreme panic has now gripped this political party.

And like anyone in panic often behaves, this party is now making more mistakes.

Here is a list of some of the new mistakes this party has now made.

As if a show of utter contempt for Jesus CHRIST and our own Republican Constitution, which declares the Zambian nation Christain, here is what one Gilbert LISWANISO, a youth activist in UPND [National Youth Spokesman] and distant confidant of HICHILEMA’s, in a statement, in part, is said to have said:

‘We as UPND youths we wish to state that despite President HH FULLY supporting gay rights, he remains an elder at the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) and therefore a Christian.

President Hichilema is of the view that gays and lesbians are part of us and must be allowed to do what they want.

Zambia does not belong to Christians only. We have Muslims, Hindus and many other religions so we should seek to respect people’s choices of what they want to be.

As youths of the UPND we endorse President HICHILEMA”s stance and ask well meaning Zambians to fully respect rights of gays and lesbians people.

We stand UNITED for gays and lesbians.’

Now, ladies and gentlemen, what sane politician would make such a statement? This is akin to putting out a fire using petrol, a most foolish thing indeed.

Tell me, which SDA member, anywhere in the world, supports same-sex marriages?

This utterance is as if Gilbert LISWANISO has taken complete leave of his mind.

But then I hear this is all fake news. I really do hope and pray that indeed that is the case.

Nonetheless, there is nothing fake with what follows below. Read on.

Trying to cleanse his boss, Charles KAKOMA, the spokesperson of the UPND, in a statement entitled ‘Stop Your Lies; Clean Up Your Mess’, clearly aimed at the PF, he did the opposite, he further soiled his boss.

In this statement, Charles KAKOMA wants Zambians to believe that Hakainde HICHILEMA did NOT leave Zambia and go to Italy [and mix with people who support the rights of homosexuals].

Here is what he wrote:

‘…In any case, Mr HICHILEMA is not outside the country attending an international conference where he is alleged to have issued a statement supporting gay rights. Mr HICHILEMA is at his home in Lusaka. Yesterday, he wanted to go to Kafue to interact with the people but was stopped by the police. So what time did he attend the international conference in Italy yesterday?’

Yes, it is true that Mr Hakainde HICHILEMA is at his home in Lusaka.

But this is because he has returned from Lake Como, Italy.

In case Charles KAKOMA is not aware, his boss Mr Hakainde HICHILEMA at about 19:00 hours on 23 September 2019 was in the company of like-minded Africans Morghalu KINGSLEY, a Nigerian, Zito KABWE of Alliance for Change of Tanzania and Nelson CHAMISA, a Zimbabwean belonging to the political party MDC in Italy.

Yes, Charles KAKOMA, Hakainde HICHILEMA attended the conference dubbed ‘Can Africa Be The Next Asia’, at Lake Como in Italy.

Charles KAKOMA, in case your boss lied to you that he wasn’t in Italy, ask for, and check his passport.

Further, a short while ago on Prime TV, in another show of emotional drama, drama devoid of research and reason, at about 20:05 hours to be exact, Cornelius MWEETWA, deputy to Charles KAKOMA, seemingly addressing the press, said the following:

‘HH is NOT an advocate of gay rights. HH and the UPND do NOT advocate gay rights in Zambia or globally.’

To say that Cornelius MWEETWA lied would be unfair to the man.

What is fair is to say to this graduate of UNZA is that Cornelius MWEETWA is an ignorant man.

Cornelius MWEETWA clearly does NOT know the whole truth about his boss, Hakainde HICHILEMA and the UPND.

The truth is that Hakainde HICHILEMA, by being President of the UPND, a party that belongs to ALN [Africa Liberal Network], a collection of 44 political parties in 30 countries in Africa, is an advocate of the rights of homosexuals both in Zambia and globally. This is the truth.

The ALN supports the rights of LBGTQ communities all over Africa.

Further, liberal parties all over the world support the rights of LGBTQ communities. It is part of their main mission.

May his soul rest in peace, the then deputy secretary-general of the UPNS Kuchunga SINUSAMBA, explaining UPND liberalism, made this truth clear to me as the then UPND Vice President for Politics, and I, vehemently, was of the view that this must be dropped.

The meeting Hakainde HICHILEMA attended a few days ago at Lake Como in Italy included like-minded political organisations in Africa that constitute ALN. All of these organisations are in support of liberalism – gay rights and all.

And by affiliation, all members of ALN, to which the UPND belongs, support same-sex marriages, and gay rights in general if you like.

You see, as the UPND now tries to cover its exposed ass, it is inadvertently exposing other offensive private parts, adding insult to injury.

This is what panic does. This is what happens when one is caught cheating.

Sober up, balombwana! Stop being emotional as if muli ba mbulamano! Get your act together. You still have time. Just be careful now. The Christians will now come heavily on you. The teaching of the adulterous woman will NOT matter to them, they might just stone you to death. Be warned.

In life you see, we must always be truthful in our dealings, and the need to cover up will never arise.

And in a quick and timely manner, the Republican President, His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa LUNGU, whilst in New York, United States of AMERICA, inspired by the seriousness of the matter, sounded a dire warning shot to anyone intending to promote this culture which remains at variance with Zambia’s, he warned Zambians and their political parties to desist from any sexual behaviour which at present remains criminal in our country.

Gayism is illegal in Zambia. That is what Lungu echoed. Take heed.

If I were Hakainde HICHILEMA I would tremble at this warning, and offer a quick explanation by way of apology. Asking too much perhaps.

President LUNGU is NOT alone on this matter as a most venerated court of justice in Europe recently also ruled that the DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE REMAINS THE UNION OF MAN AND WOMAN.

It follows then that the West also behave. The West must never tie their aid to gay rights as their own courts of law do NOT sanction homosexuality as a legality requiring international enforcement but as a practice to be tolerated by individual and willing State parties.

This here ain’t fake news, my bululu. It is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In this so declared Christian nation, the UPND is now on the ropes!

You see now, mapenzi yabola! Kwamana, balombwana!

Kabwe High Court blocks NDC de-registration


The Kabwe High Court has granted the National Democratic Congress party (NDC) a stay of execution pending judicial review.

This is in a matter was the NDC Secretary General Mrs. Bridget Atanga is seeking a judicial review against the deregistration of the party.

The party was deregistered by the Registrar of societies about a month ago.

However, the party appealed to the Minister of Home affairs who a week ago upheld the deregistration.

With the status quo, the party shall continue to carry out it is countrywide mobilization activities pending the High Court hearing.

UN appoints Monica Musonda, Dangote, Adesina to battle global malnutrition

Monica Musonda

The United Nations has appointed leading business executive Monica Musonda, Dangote Group President Aliko Dangote and African Development Bank President Akinwunmi Adesina as part of 27 global leaders to combat malnutrition across the world.

The appointment was made by António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations, as part of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement committed to fighting malnutrition in all its forms.

According to a statement released by SUN to this effect, the leaders will meet on September 24 to take a decision on the continuation of the SUN Movement into its third phase (2021-2025).

The leaders will also make commitments to achieve their objectives – looking toward the 2020 Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit.

One in three people suffer from malnutrition the world over and 149 million girls and boys are stunted, a trend the group is set up to stop and reverse.

President Lungu concludes UN General Assembly Visit and heads back to Zambia

President Lungu leaving New York for Zambia
President Lungu leaving New York for Zambia

President Edgar Lungu has left New York for Zambia after attending the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

President Lungu addressed the UN General Assembly, attended High-Level side meetings and held bilateral talks with Heads of State and government officials.

Speaking when he addressed the media shortly before departure at Palace Hotel in New York today, Thursday, President Lungu said “My outing to the UN General Assembly in New York has been a success. We tackled all the important issues that were on the agenda what remains now is for us leaders to begin implementing resolutions of the outcomes of the various meetings that we had.”

The Head of State explained,” Personally, I can focus on the Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III and IV) High-Level meeting where we all came to the conclusion that we have to do more to bring Africa to the level of industrialization it needs to be. This requires a concerted effort, we need to find the various factors that can make this a reality such as Investment in Infrastructure, Energy and so on…”

The IDDA meeting was held on the sidelines of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) under the theme, “Promoting Innovation and Infrastructure Development: A Pathway for Boosting Manufacturing in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Meanwhile, President Lungu has called on Zambians in the Diaspora to seriously consider investing some of the resources back home.

He said he is aware of some economies that thrive because of the wealth that citizens in the diaspora send to their country of origin in the form of investments.

“Zambians in the diaspora need to be our Economic Ambassadors, they need to bring people to come and invest back home. With the dual citizenship in place, they don’t necessarily need to come back home to stay but can influence the development of the country by investing and bringing investors,” he said

Ministry of Home Affairs refutes story About Money spent on Blocking HH in Kafue

Nephas Chifuta Public Relations Officer Ministry of Home Affairs
Nephas Chifuta Public Relations Officer Ministry of Home Affairs

The Ministry of Home Affairs has described the statement circulating on social media as an act of desperation by a known political party who schemes to ascend to power through media propaganda and political anarchy.

Reacting to a story that the Government only Spent K65 000 instead of K80 000 in blocking the opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema from donating food to a community, Nephas Chifuta, the Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Home Affairs said that the Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo did not offer an interview to any media institution and the Ministry Public Relations Officer did not issue any press statement pertaining to the operation of the police in Kafue town as alleged

Mr Chifuta disassociated the Ministry of Home Affairs from the false story purporting that Hon. Stephen Kampyongo clarified that Government has spent K65,000 and not K80,000 as reported by some media houses.

“The unprofessional journalists claim to have quoted the Minister of Home Affairs during an interview and at the same time attributed the same statement to a press release issued by the Ministry Public Relations Officer, ” the statement read

Mr Chifuta further said that the criminal scribes engaged to publish false articles about Government will soon be exposed and dealt with as investigations in all the reported false publications have advanced.

“We further wish to thank the Zambia Police Service Command for being proactive and ensuring that law and order is maintained,” concluded the statement.

LAZ loses another Constitutional battle over Bill Number 10.


The Constitutional Court has dismissed the application by the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) to dismiss the motion to raise preliminary issues by the State in a matter in which LAZ has petitioned against the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill No. 10 of 2019.

In a ruling delivered today, the Constitutional Court stated that Order 14(A) of the Rules of the Supreme Court applies when the Constitutional Court is exercising original jurisdiction.

The Court has also heavily frowned upon the Practice of raising a Preliminary Issue upon another preliminary Issue.

The dismissal of the application means the Court shall proceed to hear the State’s motion to raise Preliminary Issues to dismiss the whole petition by LAZ

The Court has also allowed the LAZ to file Arguments in opposition to the State’s motion to raise preliminary issues by Monday.

The State’s motion to raise Preliminary issues will be heard on Friday next week.

LAZ suffered another setback earlier this week when the Court also dismissed the application to restrain Parliament from considering the Constitution Amendment Bill

Siwale Queries About Chipolopolo Coach


Chingola football administrator Blackwell Siwale is advising FAZ to clear the uncertainty surrounding the pending hiring of the new Chipolopolo coach before the 2021 Africa Cup qualifying campaign begins in November.

Green Eagles coach Aggrey Chiyangi is currently acting as Zambia coach after the departure of Belgian Sven Vandenbroeck earlier this year.

FAZ last month abandoned its decision to hire Serb Veseline Jelusic as Zambia coach after the Government rejected his appointment.

‘FAZ is not helping by keeping quiet, we need to be told what the association is planning or doing about it. I am afraid the silence from FAZ is not helping anybody. We have little time left before our first game in the qualifiers,’ Siwale said.

The 2021 AFCON qualifiers are starting early in November with Zambia travelling to Algeria on day one of the qualifying campaign.

‘There should be flow of information on the issue of the coach. They need to show if they will hire an expatriate coach, continue with local coaches or local coach. They wanted to head hunt a coach when the employment act does not allow,’ Siwale said.

The FAZ aspiring Presidential candidate underscored the importance of ACON qualification.

‘If we don’t qualify for the Africa Cup we will be losing revenue. Qualifying to AFCON guarantees you $800, 000. Our failure to qualify for the last two AFCON on has made us lose over $1000, 000,’ he said.

“We should employ the coach, work with the coach, psyche the players and motivate the players. We wish we could have more information flowing from them regarding preparations for the AFCON qualifiers.”

Zambia will also face Zimbabwe and Botswana in the 2021 AFCON qualifiers.

ZICTA cancels Vodafone licence


The Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) has cancelled the network and service licences issued to Mobile Broadband Limited trading as Vodafone Zambia Limited.

The cancellation is on the grounds that Vodafone has ceased to fufill the eligibility by not being technically and financially capable of meeting the obligations and the terms and conditions of the licence.

According to ZICTA Board Chairperson Emmanuel Musonda, the decision to cancel the licence was arrived at during a special meeting held on September 12, 2019.

Below is the full Press Release

Statement on cancellation of Network ,Service and Spectrum Licences for mobile Broadband limited

Notice is given to the general public that following the resolution of the Board of the Authority at its Special meeting held on 12th September 2019, the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority(Authority) has cancelled the Network and Service Licences issued to Mobile Broadband Limited trading as Vodafone Zambia Limited.The cancellation is on grounds that Mobile Broadband Limited has ceased to fulfil the eligibility requirements under Section 12 of the information and Communication Technologies(ICT) Act No.15 of 2009 by not being technically and financially capable of meeting the obligations and the terms and conditions of the licence. The cancellation shall take effect 30 days from the 20th September 2019.

The cancellation of the licences entails that Mobile Broadband Limited will cease to operate as an Electronic Communication Service and Network Provider under the ICT Act,2009 after the expiry of the thirty day notice.This publication is in line with Section 18(8) of the information and Communication Technologies Act,2009 which obligates the Authority to publish the suspension or cancellation of any licence which was issued under the ICT ACT.Further Notice is given that the frequency bands that were assigned to Mobile Broadband Limited have been withdrawn.

The Authority is aware that the cancellation of the licences held by Mobile Broadband limited comes with great inconvenience to alot of consumers that have subscribed to the network.We expect that Mobile Broadband limited will address all consumer issues as a result of this cancellation.

Issued by Emmanuel M.Musonda

Board Chairperson

HH gay support story is fake-UPND


The UPND says the story doing rounds on social media quoting President Hakainde as supporting lesbians and gays is fake.

Party Spokesman Charles Kakoma said Mr Hichilema did not grant an interview to The Associated Press in Italy.

“In any case, Mr Hichilema is not outside the country attending an international conference where he is alleged to have issued a statement supporting gay rights. Mr Hichilema is at his home in Lusaka,” he said.

“Yesterday, he wanted to go to Kafue to interact with the people but was stopped by the police. So what time did he attend the international conference in Italy yesterday? This is a concocted story by PF Media Director Sunday Chanda who has issued a statement challenging President Hakainde Hichilema on the matter.”

He added, “As UPND, we urge members of the general public not to fall for it as it is a PF scheme to divert public attention from the ever escalating high mealie meal prices and annoying electricity black outs.”

Mr. Hichilema is an upright man who supports Christian values.

“He strongly believes it is immoral and unbiblical to allow same sex marriages or indeed gay and lesbian rights. As a political party, UPND is not receiving any funding from organisations promoting gay rights.”

Mr Kakoma said the UPND challenges Sunday Chanda to provide the evidence.

“The PF should be reminded that telling lies about President Hichilema will not reduce the mealie meal prices nor will it avert the hunger situation that has been exercebated by the inept and thieving PF government. Mr Chanda should know that the people of Zambia want to hear what his PF will do to reduce the cost of living.”

“We also wish to remind Sunday Chanda and his team that surely the day of reckoning is coming. The citizenry may wish to be reminded that it is Sunday Chanda who mounted the same propaganda on gay rights against President Michael Sata but failed.”

“unfortunately, he seems not to have learnt a lesson from what his colleague Chanda Chimba III went through after the change of government because of promoting fake propaganda.”