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NISIR workers demand payment of salary arrears


Unionised and Senior Management Employees at the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research have staged a peaceful protest demanding payment of two months’ salary arrears.

The Workers are owed salaries for August and September 2019.

On 20th September, a General meeting was held at the NISIR Offices and the affected employees resolved to demand the payment of the two months’ salary arrears.

Speaking on behalf of the affected workers, The University of Zambia and Allied Workers Union General Secretary Mulabika Willa said the workers are displeased with the continued delay by government to pay salaries since October last year.

Mr Willa said the employees have noted with annoyance the trend where they now have to hold general meetings in order for them to plead with management to pay them salaries.

He has since given government a two days ultimatum to pay the two months’ salary arrears failure to which any action deemed appropriate will be taken.

Mr. Willa said the Employees are further demanding that going forward, NISIR Management should be paying their salaries on 21st of every month in line with the agree conditions of service failure to which action will be taken.

PF sacrifices Constituency/National development for luxury automobiles


In January 2017, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia – Prof. Mumba, had decided to buy himself a K1.13 million Toyota Prado VX under the guise of institutional privilege, claiming that it was his entitlement.

My argument then, in response to what I thought was a clear institutional absurdity, was that Prof. Mumba was/is not an institution in himself. Therefore, we could not and still cannot hold to ransom, the ability of a public institution to function in the name of rewarding institutional office holders. At the time, UNZA was failing to pay staff emoluments, retirees’ benefits, as well as failing to meet some of the basic academic environment requirements.

And my sentiments to revelations that the PF government, in the midst of an austerity program, have gone out to spend several thousands of US dollars on luxury 4 x 4 vehicles for high ranking civil servants; among them judiciary officers, are exactly the same.

This is nothing short of an institutional absurdity.

Also rumoured to be in line to receive these vehicles are some top PF party officials, although this remains unverified.

What is evident, however, is that looking at the opportunity cost associated with such extravagant, avoidable public spending, it is hardly surprising to note that real growth and development under the PF has not only been sluggish, but also selective; principally because public resources have often, and still continue to be applied for the benefit of only a very small group of people at the expense of the majority.

With close to 8 million Zambians living on the margins of possible every single day, with no guaranteed access to decent housing, water and sanitation, difficulties accessing affordable energy, health, education and other social amenities, it is a travesty and an insult to our collective intelligence for this PF government under President Edgar Lungu, to continue savaging our very thin public resources only for the benefit of their friends in high places.

As we continue having this discussion, each one of these vehicles is worth the entire CDF allocation to each Constituency, at over K1.4 million; money which most of our Constituencies have yet to receive from previous budget periods.

The PF must come clean on this issue and demonstrate the required and expected sobriety, and explain why they have continued down the path of reckless public spending while critical social services continue to suffer.

Is it not possible, to require public officials, if they so desire to be driving expensive vehicles, to get market loans from commercial banks the same way all other citizens do; and pay for these loans using their emoluments. We cannot expect the public, who are already out of their depths thanks to endless taxes under the PF, to continue SUBSIDIZING the expensive lifestyles of a few public officials.

We have to make it stop.

We have to make it stop now.

However, the process of making it stop means the PF must be shown the exit door.

What a bunch of irresponsible, conniving individuals.

By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member and Aspiring Candidate for Kabushi.

Zimbabwe’s Jazz Prosper and Zambian Hip hop pioneer Holstar, present ‘Mosodu’


Zimbabwe’s Jazz Prosper presents ‘Mosodu‘ featuring Zambian Hip hop pioneer Holstar. The music video which premieres today was filmed in Lusaka, Zambia by Director Chris Shoca. The record and the video are a raw depiction and celebration of the African hustle, with Jazz Prosper and Holstar combining with ease to deliver a classic cultural fusion. The record was produced by the prolific Youngnash with additional production by South African based Kudzayi Daniel Mhlanga. ‘Mosodu’ is available for free download and on all digital streaming platforms.

Social Media: @JazzProsper on Instagram/Twitter | @TheHolstarMusic on Twitter/ @HolstarMusic on Instagram

Why Tribalphobia is Zambia’s biggest threat?

A Tonga warrior welcoming the president.
File:A Tonga warrior welcoming the president.

By Chimwemwe Mwanza

Whip-up a lie so hard, it will turn into truth. Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels of the Nazis and his master Adolph Hitler adopted this maxim to greater efficiency leaving in their trail, a wrought of historic devastation.

Across the Great Lakes region, the Hutu’s decades – long hate filled propaganda premised on creating an ethnic inspired political hegemony, nearly succeeded in wiping out Tutsis from the face of Rwanda. Kenya, has had a fair share of ethnic violence as well – except this was disguised as protests resulting from a disputed election. Fact is, this violence pit losing Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga’s Luo tribe against then President Mwai Kibaki’s Kikuyus.

The irony in these tragedies is that, the perpetrators of genocidal acts took advantage of an uncritical backing from a society that seemed all too pedestrian but cheered these despicable acts at every whim. It’s a fact that tribal skirmishes don’t spring from nowhere. They are crafted in the comfort of boardrooms, beer parties and most of all, in various political platforms to achieve a specific outcome.

Which brings us to this conversation. The inflammatory language characterising our political discourse is toxic. Heading into the 2021 Presidential and Parliamentary elections, rhetoric about competing candidate’s ethnicity or tribal background is likely to worsen. In fact, it has already kicked – up a notch raising the possibility that the build up to the polls will transcend into an ugly specter of violence, politics of personality and by extention tribalism.

In this era of social media, masters of bluster are taking to this platform to peddle conspiracy theories inspired by tribalism in manner that has far-reaching ramifications on our social fabric. Never mind the reasons, but the fact that the Lundas and Luvales, including the Ngonis and Chewas are engaged in tribal clashes, is an apt reminder of what could become of Zambia if a people’s tribal conscience is consistently stirred for political mileage.
Any notion therefore that we could be sitting on a precipice fueled by our politician’s reckless gambit on tribal politics, couldn’t be further from the truth. Against this background, is there a reason then for this desperation to ethnicise our political terrain or even worse, politicise ethnicity?
To re-phrase the question, should it even matter that the PF’s Presidential candidate is Nsenga or that the UPND leader is Tonga. Put differently, should the electorate even care that the NDC’s Chishimba Kambwili is of Bisa ancestry?

Why the tribal card?

It’s a fact that our politicians as a collective, have long abdicated responsibility for the country’s economic malaise. This is mostly evident in the alacrity with which they blame everyone but themselves for Zambia’s multiple social failures including, the ballooning debt crisis, the unabating load and now water shedding, wide-spread and rising taxes and most notably the escalating cost of living.

One might argue – off course depending on their objectivity – but truth is that the current state of economic paralysis is weighing heavily on the minds of the electorate. Tribalism is now being used to steer the electorate towards a very narrow type of conversation on why enthroning a certain tribe to the Presidency could prove detrimental to Zambia – in a way instilling a phobia or resentment of a certain people that are meant to be our kith and kin.
For the crafty, the way to win the polls will be to fight hard and demonise their opponents in the hope that, scare-mongering will ultimately discourage voters from carefully interrogating what is at stake. Therefore, diversion from reality and the tribalism mantra has somewhat become another default explanation for the country’s ills. The tragedy though with manipulating reality is that those who are doing it, have ultimately started believing their own lies.

Stigmatising Tribe

It’s debatable but could well be true that Easterners are Zambia’s worst tribalists. In fact, tribal aligned slogans such as “Umozi Kumawa, Mwana Wakwitu and Wako ni Wako,” were specifically coined by Easterners to reinforce the notion of tribal unity – which at best, attests to a tribal superiority complex that Easterners sought and still seek over other tribes.

Yet, it’s the Tonga tribe who have largely borne the most brunt of resentment and this problem is emblematic of our obsession with tribalism. What is even more worrying is that this resentment has become all too naked to the eye. Failure to acknowledge this problem won’t make tribalism go away and neither will it help to bury our heads in sand. We‘ve got to start talking about this by asking the most obvious but tough questions.

Is it a crime to be born Tonga? If true, why is Southern Province – which is the heartland for Tongas – one of the least developed regions in the country? And, as the Ministry of health continues to build new healthcare facilities, are there any such infrastructure projects lined up in Southern Province? Is it possible for a Tonga speaking person to hold a dissenting view to that of government without being branded an agent of regime – change or a pariah of the state?

Rewriting history

As propagandists continue in their daily quest to rewrite history, the biggest casualty of this false narrative being perpetrated against the Tonga tribe is truth. What the millennials are not being told is that the Tonga are a good nurtured people and like any other tribe, played a huge role in the liberation of this country.

It was that selfless but great son of the soil Mainza Chona who relinquished his leadership position to pave way for Kenneth Kaunda’s subsequent ascent to the highest political office of the land. What of the role that the old lion of Zambian politics, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula played in the fight against colonial rule? Are we to simply discard his role and service to the scrapheap of political history?
Further to this, are we being asked to conveniently ignore the selfless contribution that the likes of Robinson Nabulyato, Mungoni Liso, Daniel Munkombwe, Elijah Mudenda and Kebby Musokotwane made towards the unity and economic development of this country?

In the early 90’s, it’s gallants such as Benny Mwinga, Joshua Lumina, Dr Luminzu Shimaponda, Fitzpatrick Chula, Baldwin Mwanakumabu Nkumbula and Vernon Mwaanga, among others that stood up to power and helped curve a new path to multi-party democracy.

But herein lies another caveat: This strategy of burning to ashes, an entire house to supposedly kill one rat might be working but at what cost to unity given Zambia’s well documented ethnical diversity and intolerance to tribalism. Are we sacrificing the slogan “One Zambia, One Nation,” to the altar of political expediency?

Mwanza is an avid reader of political history and philosophy. A lifelong supporter of Liverpool FC and Kabwe Warriors, he enjoys his Nshima with game meat. *Disclaimer, he is of Ngoni and Namwanga ancestry.


The Independent Church of Zambia opposes to the Deletion of word Christian from the Constitution

FILE: Independent Churches of Zambia President Bishop David Masupa
FILE: Independent Churches of Zambia President Bishop David Masupa

The Independent Church of Zambia has reiterated its position on the need to maintain Zambia as a Christian nation in the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019.

Recently the Ruling Patriotic Front recommended the deletion of the word Christian in article 4 of the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019.

Appearing before the Parliamentary Select Committee scrutinizing the Constitution Amendment Bill no.10, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said while his party supports the idea that Zambia remains a Christian nation, it still believed that other minority religions in the country should be protected.

“As Patriotic Front, however, we fully support Zambia’s declaration as a Christian nation, we are alive to the fact that Zambia is a multi-religious society. Therefore, we submit that the words multi-religious be retained, ” PF said in its submission and that the Bill of Rights still guarantees freedom of worship and conscience.

But ICOZ Board Chairperson Bishop David Masupa has said that there is no need to remove Christian in the constitution amendment bill no.10 of 2019 stressing that this is because Zambia like any other counties has its own spiritual nature and character and that there is no need to remove that preamble from the constitution.

Reverend Kageya attributes Human Trafficking to ignorance, laziness

President Edgar Lungu chairing a meeting on Human Trafficking and forced Labour with the British Prime Minister Theresa May
FIle: President Edgar Lungu chairing a meeting on Human Trafficking and forced Labour with the British Prime Minister Theresa May

Saint Pauls United Church of Zambia Minister in Charge Reverend Vincent Kageya says ignorance, laziness and failure to be content with what one has have been some of the
leading contributors to human trafficking in Zambia.

And Reverend Kageya has called on the Government to introduce in the school syllabus a subject on Human Trafficking which must be taught in schools beginning with early education.

Speaking when he delivered a homily at the commemoration day on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons organised by the Council of Churches in Zambia at Saint Pauls UCZ in Kabwata on Sunday afternoon, Reverend Kageya said the problem Zambia has is that people did not read even when they know how to read.

Reverend Kageya said this led to ignorance and left people vulnerable to harmful vices such as human trafficking as they became easily duped by fraudsters who make millions of dollars out of them.

He said laziness is also a contributor to human trafficking in that people tend to sleep as though they were in competition with the dead, yet were expectant of becoming rich

Reverend Kageya said it was such expectations which were making people desperate and vulnerable to fraudsters who were duping them into jobs or scholarships which are non-existent and end in becoming victims of human trafficking and forced labour.

He called on the Church and the general public to go out in the communities and spread the word on the causes and dangers of human trafficking in an effort to eliminate it.

Reverend Kageya said people must begin to spread the message through discussions, chats either in person or in writing, failure to which more people would continue becoming victims of human trafficking.

He said the Church is called to liberate those that needed help and victims of human trafficking both in Zambia and beyond where some of the people that needed the help.

Reverend Kageya pointed out that it was for this reason that both the Church and Government must wake up and begin a vigorous fight against human trafficking and forced labour.

He added that people must also develop interest in reading widely so that they would become informed on a wide range of issues affecting humankind, stressing that ignorance was the best enemy to the human race.

Meanwhile, Reverend Kageya called on the Government to introduce in the school syllabus a subject on Human Trafficking which must be taught in schools beginning with early education.

He said if a subject was introduced in the school syllabus and begin to be taught from the time a child is enrolled into school that human trafficking and forced labour were a taboo, such children would do everything possible to defend each other when they grow up.

Reverend Kageya said the Government must work together with the Church and other relevant stakeholders to bring this vice to an end.

He also called on the Council of Churches in Zambia General Secretary Fr Emmanuel Chikoya to consider commemorating the day against trafficking in persons every quarter in order to increase awareness raising among the people in the country.

Meanwhile, The Salvation Army Chief Secretary Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Hawkins who officiated as Guest of Honour called on the Zambian Government to increase its efforts in combating human trafficking and forced labour.

“I wish to call on the Zambian government to more action by echoing the UNHCR recommendations that the following must be considered and implemented: Proactively identify trafficking victims by accurately distinguishing between migrant smuggling and trafficking victims and refer them to protective services; Amend the trafficking law to define
child sex trafficking and vigorously investigate and prosecute sex and labour trafficking cases within Zambia involving both children and adults; Formalize and implement victim identification and referral procedures, and train law enforcement and social welfare officials on their use, including among vulnerable populations; Involve religious leaders in the planning and training on the identification, investigation and prevention of human trafficking;

Expand the availability of shelters; train police, immigration officials, prosecutors, and judges on investigating and prosecuting trafficking crimes; Increase the number of labour inspectors and ensure they are trained on trafficking indicators; strengthen coordination and collaboration efforts between relevant ministries; Finalize an updated multi-year national anti-trafficking strategy and action plan and continue to conduct public awareness campaigns; Compile and make public information on trafficking cases and trends,” said Col. Hawkins.

Colonel Hawkins also took time to acknowledge the efforts Government was making to meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking in persons.

“However, the church is aware that even though the government of Zambia does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking in persons, it is making significant efforts to do so. As at the last reporting period, the government demonstrated the following in an effort to eliminate human trafficking: The government increased its efforts to address the problem compared to the previous reporting period, earning Zambia an upgrade to tier 2, meaning that the Zambian government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking and made efforts to address the problem”, he said.

Colonel Hawkins The government identified more victims and referred all the identified victims to protective services.

He said the government revived the national secretariat as well as its inter-ministerial the committee, which met on December 1, 2017, and cooperated with neighbouring governments to share expertise as part of a southern African development community (SADC) regional cooperation initiative.

Kamanga Salutes Chipolopolo CHAN win


FAZ has hailed Chipolopolo for beating eSwatini 1-0 in Sunday’s 2020 CHAN qualifier in Manzini.

Green Eagles midfielder Amity Shamende scored the goal in the final round, first leg qualifier in Manzini.

“We are very proud of the team’s victory on foreign soil. It is a result that takes the team closer to the dream of CHAN qualification,” FAZ President Andrew Kamanga said.

“Ours is only to urge them to remain focused and finish off the job in the second leg and grab the ticket to Cameroon. We are working to qualify another team to a major tournament after the Under-23 qualified to the AFCON in Egypt,” Kamanga said.

The final leg is scheduled for October 19 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola where a draw will suffice to see Chipolopolo through to January’s CHAN finals in Cameroon.

14 models vie for 2019 Miss UNZA crown


On 28th September ,14 beautiful young models will vie for the 2019 Miss UNZA crown. The pageant will be held at Radisson Blue Hotel. The theme for this years event is “keeping Zambia clean green and healthy”.

The pageant will have 5 categories;

1. Introduction
2. Express Yourself
3. Theme Representation
4. Around The World
5. Evening Gown
The headline artist at the pageant will be Chef187 , one week removed from the release of his 4th album ‘Bon Appetit‘.
The 14 models competing for Miss UNZA 2019 are:
Visit the official facebook page for more information about the pageant : Miss UNZA pageant 2019

It’s regrettable that the NDC has been strangled to death

Gears Executive Director Macdonald Chipenzi
Gears Executive Director Macdonald Chipenzi

GEARS Initiative Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says it is regrettable that the National Democratic Congress has been strangled to death.

Mr Chipenzi says it is unfortunate that the party with a promising future has been killed due to interest from outside the party.

He said the death of the NDC is an assault on Democracy and competitive electoral democracy in Zambia.

Mr Chipenzi has regretted that the party leadership could not agree on various issues that have led to the dissolution of the party.

In an interview Mr Chipenzi has urged the party Leadership to sit and resolve their issues to salvage the party from total collapse.

On Saturday 21st September 2019, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo rejected the request by the National Democratic Congress to have the party re-registered using the same name.

This was after Party President Chishimba Kambwili appealed to Mr. Kampyongo on 9th September against the de-registration of the party by the Registrar of Societies.

Mr. Kampyongo explained that in the appeal, the NDC was not contesting the cancellation of the certificate of registration but requested to be allowed to register the party by changing the constitution, office bearers and maintaining the same name.

FIRST Quantum Minerals opens its doors to key stakeholders in an information sharing initiative



FIRST Quantum Minerals (FQM) is opening its doors to key stakeholders in an information sharing initiative being conducted both on its mining sites and surrounding communities.
The development is aimed at clearing the misrepresentation of facts about mines, and at ending speculation based on rumours and hearsay.

Speaking in an Interview, FQM Kalumbila Minerals Limited Public Relations Coordinator Miriam Harmon has said the mine decided to have the information-sharing meetings with stakeholders on core operations and community development programmes.

“We have realised that most people, especially stakeholders, do not have the true information on what the mine is doing in terms of its contribution to the development of the communities. They only think the mine is only focused on making profits for itself and not ploughing back,” Ms Harmon explains.

She says this scenario is what prompted FQM to share information with stakeholders, through a plan to meet key Government departments, district administration, heads of departments, senior council officers, the church, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) as well as the media.

“Since the inception of this project, we have so far met with the CSOs in the extractive industry and the NGOs. We have met the district administration in Kalumbila headed by the district commissioner and Heads of Department for community development, education, health, and the council to clear the air by responding to all the pending questions they may have.”

Ms Harmon adds that FQM has opened its doors to the public and its communities to be part of its growth and create transparency, hence engaging departments from ministries of health and labour; environmental agencies and senior human resources officers to elaborate on work permits among other related matters.

“We have realised that most people do not have the time to read about what we do on social media or see on television; so we have decided to meet them face to face and talk in person through these information-sharing meetings scheduled with different stakeholders.”.

She further adds that it is not correct to assume that the mine does not encounter any challenges in its operations; especially with the power deficit that the country is grappling with, introduction of new taxes on mining and securing work permits for its expatriates with specialised skills.

“Out of all the challenges we are facing as First Quantum Minerals, we have continued working and not even considered laying off any workers to meet up with the demanding cost of production, we have strived to remain above the waters despite the circumstances.”

Kalumbila District Commissioner Robinson Kalota says the decision taken by FQM to embark on this initiative was a welcome strategy as it will promote transparency and enhance coordinated partnerships in development.

Mr Kalota adds that such initiatives should be emulated by all business entities in the district to avoid a situation where companies hide what they do in terms of operations and intentions for the host communities.

“It’s encouraging to see FQM take on this strategy of opening its doors to Government and give a clear picture of what they do and intend to do especially when it comes to projects such as the construction of classroom blocks or teachers’ houses which can be planned in tandem to some Constituency Development Funded projects than crashing on site,” he observed.

Mr Kalota has since urged all investors in Kalumbila district to consider engaging Government at all levels of planning than run back when difficulties arise, such as where to locate projects and what is most important for the people.

“It is important to involve Government from the initial stage of all projects so that there is no confusion in the process of handling issues in the spirit of transparency and orderliness,” he added.

In April of 2019, FQM held its first ever consultative meeting with CSOs in the extractive industry where some recommended that Government should consider engaging in more consultative and participatory processes when developing taxation regimes that affect all parties including the wellbeing of the host communities.

Among the objectives of the FQM information-sharing campaign is to increase engagement between the civil society and the mining sector through mining indabas; to offers new opportunities for dialogue on natural resources, governance and environmental management, labour and employment, local procurement, conflict resolution, information disclosure and how CSR generally can develop and prioritize the capacity of the community to participate in local resource governance and benefit from revenue generated in the sector. – Courtesy of SUMA SYSTEMS.

Kambwili insists NDC is not disbanded, Home Affairs Minister dealing with an illegitimate group

Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili
Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili

National Democratic Congress President Chishimba Kambwili has challenged Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo to respond to the letter written to him by NDC secretary general Bridget Atanga, appealing against deregistration of the party.

Addressing the media yesterday after reports of the disbandment of his party, Mr Kambwili said that Menye Musenge, the founding Secretary-General, had no authority to write to the Registrar of Societies and that Mr Kampyongo was dealing with an illegitimate letter and group because Musenge was an expelled member.

“They have not responded to our appeal and the contents of that letter are not the contents of our appeal. Mwenya Musenge, who is no longer a member of NDC wrote that letter and why should the ministry respond to Mwenya Musenge? As far as we are concerned, that NDC Kampyongo has responded to is not the actual NDC and we do not know it,” Kambwili said.

“We are still waiting for the minister to respond to NDC. If they have responded to Mwenya Musenge’s letter then he is dealing with Mwenya Musenge and not NDC. And ask Mwenya Musenge who gave him the authority to write to the registrar because a secretary general only writes to outside bodies with the mandate from the party, through a resolution but who signed that resolution authorising Mwenya Musenge to write to the minister? For us, the letter we wrote to the minister was signed by all office bearers. A secretary general as an individual has no right to write anywhere; he is only a secretary to the National Management Committee. Mwenya Musenge in not a secretary general and is no longer a member of the party, remember we expelled him,” Kambwili said.

“They were dealing with an illegitimate letter from Mwenya Musenge, we need them to respond to our legitimate letter but we know all this has been orchestrated by Mwenya Musenge and Kampyongo, that’s the way they planned it but they are wasting their time because NDC will never die.”

On Saturday former NDC secretary general Mwenya Musenge told the media that NDC has been dissolved after two years of existence, following the rejection by the Ministry of Home Affairs of an appeal by the NDC party for the minister to consider the party’s deregistration for non-adherence to its constitution.

Mr Musenge said that he will soon form a new political party that will carry on with the vision of the NDC, adding that he has not abandoned the vision of the NDC but will use the New political party as a fresh start for his political ambitions.

He said his role in the new political party will be to look for a suitable leader that will lead the party.

Mr. Musenge has urged his followers to remain loyal to the vision of the NDC and said the new political party will be announced soon.

Chipolopolo beat eSwatini in 2020 CHAN qualifier


Chipolopolo on Sunday moved one foot closer to 2020 CHAN qualification after beating hosts eSwatini in their final round, first leg qualifier in Manzini.

Aggrey Chiyangi’s side beat eSwatini 1-0 to collect their first away win the qualifiers after drawing 0-0 away to Botswana in the last round in July.

Green Eagles midfielder Amity Shamende scored the game’s only goal in the 84th minute.

The final leg is scheduled for October 19 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola where a draw will suffice to see Chipolopolo through to January’s CHAN finals in Cameroon.

Jonas Chanda warns Politicians not to politicise the hunger situation and climate change

Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Hon. Jonas Chanda.
Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Hon. Jonas Chanda.

Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda has called on some opposition political party leaders not to politicise climate change and the hunger situation in some parts of the country.

Dr. Chanda says the current hunger situation in some parts of the country is due to the harsh effects of climate change.

He says government is however coming up with interventions to address climate change while the opposition has engaged in cheap politics.

Dr. Chanda says President Edgar Lungu was very clear in his recent address to the National Assembly that government is committed to achieving sustainable development through climate smart methods.

He says it is unfortunate that most politicians and civil society organizations do not take time to read and understand President Lungu’s speech.

Dr. Chanda was speaking when he featured on the PF Interactive Forum to make a review of President Edgar Lungu’s speech during the official opening of the 4th session of the 12th National Assembly.

And Dr Chanda has urged politicians not to attach partisan interests in the constitution refinement process.

Meanwhile, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda has called on Zambians to support government’s development agenda.

Mr. Chanda said Zambians must disregard politicians who only want to gain political mileage over serious issues.

President Lungu arrives in New York for UN General Assembly

President Lungu Arrives in New York and Being Welcomed by Lands Minister jean Kapata
President Lungu Arrives in New York and Being Welcomed by Lands Minister jean Kapata

President Edgar Lungu has arrived in New York to join other World leaders at the United Nations headquarters in New York for high level debates as part of the 74th session of the General Assembly in the United States of America.

The United Nations General Assembly provides a platform for discussing global developmental agenda, challenges, opportunities and a window for countries to promote their national interests and influence the global development agenda.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, President Lungu will participate in a number of important meetings convened by the President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Tijjani Muhammad-Bande and the UN Secretary General António Guterres which include, Climate Action Summit and High Level meeting on Universal Health Coverage, High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development.

Mr Malanji said that President Lungu is also expected to hold bilateral meetings with other foreign Heads of State and Private sector representatives to maximize Zambia’s benefit from participating at the Forum.

“President Lungu will hold discussions with President Trump’s representatives from State Department while in New York and His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan.” He said.

He said the President will also hold discussions with representatives from General Electric the American company implementing the Batoka Gorge Hydroelectric project together with Chinese company Power China which will provide 2,400 MW to Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The President Lungu is accompanied by Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya, Minister of National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme and Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Jean Kapata.

The President will return to Zambia immediately after attending the scheduled meetings and delivering his statement during the general debate at the United Nations.

The theme for this year’s session of the General Assembly is, “Galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate change and inclusion”.

The United Nations General Assembly provides a platform for discussing global developmental agenda, challenges, opportunities and a window for countries to promote their national interests and influence the global development agenda.

Zambia loses 63 cents of every $1 borrowed to corruption

Zambia Total External Debt Servicing
Zambia Total External Debt Servicing

As the debate around the infamous Bill 10 rages on, one of the issues being hotly contested is the proposal by the PF that Parliamentary oversight on respect of debt contraction must be relinguished.

They want to enjoy the latitude to borrow and plunder as they please. Simple.

The public may wish to know, that the expensive market loans the PF have been contracting are motivated by the Two (2) C’s: Commission and Corruption.

These market loans, alongside the avalanche of opaque Chinese loans – Chinese loans whose terms remain unknown, have the least due diligence requirements in and around procedure for contraction, as well as how the debt money is subsequently applied.

There remains very strong indications, to the effect that much of the $20 billion the PF have borrowed has in fact been borrowed illegally. Not only this, there are strong signs that only a very small proportion of this debt has actually gone into public projects such as building roads, hospitals and enhancing public service delivery.

The Americans and other sound financial jurisdictions where much of corporate debt is issued are contemplating a system that will hold INDIVIDUAL governments, and NOT the people of their respective countries, accountable for ALL loans obtained against requisite procedural requirements in those countries.

This is key in holding corrupt governments and the officials that serve therein accountable.

An estimated 63% of this debt money has either already gone or will eventually be sucked out by self-interested political actors and their business associates in private assets within 5 years of project implementation.

This is why in Zambia, there is a huge mismatch between economic growth and debt.

Primarily, for every $1 Zambia has borrowed, 63 Cents is stolen.

This means many, if not all of the projects linked to the $20 billion debt, will never be able to repay their own debt!

Question is, who will?

By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Aspiring Candidate for Kabushi.