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Submissions of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Bill No 10

Vice President Inonge Wina (r) interacts with Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) Indunas shortly after the burial of His Royal Highness the late Chief Lukama Meebelo Sekeld of Sioma and Shangombo Districts at Ibolokwa area of Nalolo District in Western Province
FILE: Vice President Inonge Wina (r) interacts with Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) Indunas shortly after the burial of His Royal Highness the late Chief Lukama Meebelo Sekeld of Sioma and Shangombo Districts at Ibolokwa area of Nalolo District in Western Province

Submissions of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) to the Parliamentary Select Committee to Scrutinise the Constitution of Zambia Amendment bill no. 10 of 2019

The United Liberal Party would like to thank the Chairman of the Select Committee and the Committee for according the party an opportunity to submit a memorandum on ramifications of the proposed amendments on behalf of the BRE.

We wish from the onset to state that the BRE have only issue with three articles in the bill namely, articles 149, 165 and article 4(3).

On August 27, 2019, the Barotse Royal Establishment requested the United Liberal Party to present on its (BRE’s) behalf to the parliamentary select committee various concerns on proposed amendments to articles in the constitution of Zambia as contained in the constitution of Zambia (amendment) bill no. 10 of 2019.

Article 149

The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) is of the view that the proposed amendments to this Article could give the President excessive and unilateral powers to create, divide or merge provinces with recourse to and approval or consultations with the traditional stakeholders and parliament. The excessive power may be used for the alienation of parts of Barotseland and merge them with lands outside the jurisdiction of His Majesty the Litunga. The BRE considers the proposed amendment unconstitutional and a threat to the integrity of Barotseland and direct affront to the authority of the Litunga;

Article 165

The BRE considers the proposed repeal of this article and its substitution with a provision that effectively requires ‘chiefs’ to be recognized by someone or some entity under an Act of Parliament the President and in turn empowering the person or entity to withdraw that recognition as unsuitable to the values and norms of Barotseland. The contention in this article is that it does not recognize or support the traditional structures of Barotseland, as there is no uniformity among traditional societies in Zambia; it denigrates the supremacy of His Majesty the Litunga of Barotseland of his territory. The provision would engender confusion, insubordination and lawlessness among some ethnic peoples that seek to rebel against established authority by declaring oneself as ‘chiefs’ when not a ‘chief’; thus creating and promoting insecurity.

The BRE feels that this Article even in its present state offends, violates and undermines the customary, traditional, legal rights and authority of the Litunga and National Council. The BRE resolved to advise strongly that this provision be withdrawn.

Article 4 (3)

This Article proposes to state that ‘the Republic of Zambia is a Christian, unitary, indivisible, multi – ethnic, multi – racial and multi – party democratic state. The BRE believes that the word indivisible defeats the spirit and purpose of a unitary state. The BRE wishes that this Parliamentary Committee will ensure that Bill No. 10 of 2019 includes Articles that acknowledge the fact that Zambia is a creation of two nations that agreed to unite into one nation and one people under the Barotseland Agreement of 1964. In this regard the BRE feel that the word “indivisible” be deleted.

The BRE also wants to bring to the attention of this committee the centuries long traditional government system of Barotseland, were the Litunga is an institutionalized symbol of authority and unity among the 38 ethnic groups and is the established medium of preserving the diverse cultural heritage. Traditions, customs and the cultural values of all the ethnic groups comprised in Barotseland revolve around the Litungaship.

The Litunga ensures that people in Barotseland choose their chiefs in accordance with their peculiar hereditary succession systems. Once correctly selected and chosen, chiefs are brought before the Litunga to be installed and given the instruments of power. Anything to the contrary constitutes a serious breach of our traditional values and cultural norms.

Arising from this background the position of the Barotse Royal Establishment and the people is that Barotseland shall remain united and all its thirty – eight (38) ethnic peoples remain one people under the leadership and direction of His Majesty the Litunga.

The Barotse Royal Establishment, further wishes to present to the Parliamentary Committee that it upholds and reminds the Government of Zambia of the provisions of Article 8 of the Barotseland Agreement 1964. This Article, inter alia, states unequivocally that; “the Government of the Republic of Zambia shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that the laws for the time being in force in the Republic are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Barotseland Agreement 1964”.

The BRE states that it shall not accept any constitutional provisions, which are inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the Barotseland Agreement 1964, more so that we are in the process of healing the wounds that Barotseland suffered in the past by acknowledging its constitutional status within a United Zambia.

The United Liberal Party believes that the concerns raised by the Barotse Royal Establishment are genuine and requires the serious attention of the Chairman and the Parliamentary Committee.
We would propose on behalf of the BRE that in order to take into account the concerns of the BRE, a Proviso be put to Article 149 that will make it clear that Political boundaries of districts and provinces do not affect customary and tradition boundaries and jurisdictions.

We therefore propose inclusion of a proviso with wording to the effect,

“Provided that no creation or merger of a district or province shall affect the traditional or customary authority or jurisdiction of existing customary traditional Paramount Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Chiefs authorities’ existing jurisdiction or physical boundaries”.

We further suggest that upon creation, merger or division of a province or district the traditional and customary authorities be consulted to take into account and peculiar local issues that may be relevant.

With regards to the preamble Article 4(3) the BRE seek to have recognition of the unitary status of Zambia being based upon the BAROTSELAND Agreement of 1964. For this reason the BRE would propose that the Barotseland Agreement be recognized in the Constitution as the basis for Zambia being a unitary state

We feel that these proposals will enhance the Bill which is before your committee.

Residents up in arms with Investor after being denied access to the Luombwa River for fishing.


Residents of Kaundu and Miseshi communities in Mpelembe ward are in a dispute with Zain Amir, the owner of Nsofu Ranch, over access to the Luombwa River for fishing.

The residents who are a fishing community claim that Nsofu Ranch Manager Sandra Bwembya and scouts who work at the Ranch deny them access to fish in the Luombwa River adding that their fishing nets, boats and other personal belongings are often confiscated.

Speaking during a meeting held at Miseshi Primary School to resolve the matter, one of the fishermen Hezekiah Mambwe said there was need to find an amicable solution to the conflict so that members of the community can have free access to the Luombwa River.

“This problem is very serious, we want relevant authorities to quickly come in before it gets deadly because the scouts patrol the river banks even at night,” he said.

Mr Mambwe said community members welcomed Amir when he came to the area in 2016 and promised to never deny them access to the river having observed that they were a fishing community.

But Nsofu Ranch Manager Sandra Bwembya said the fishermen are denied access to the river because they practice wrong methods of fishing as they are fond of using mosquito nets adding that the fishermen do not only come to the river for fish but hunt for animals as well.

And Chitambo District Town Council Chairperson, Laston Chibuye advised Mr. Amir and his workers to desist from being Livestock and Fisheries officers and concentrate on their Ranch.

He said it was wrong for the workers to stop the indigenous people from accessing the river for fishing adding that the river and 50meters away from it belongs to no one.

ECZ urges stakeholders to be impartial as they submit their delimitation proposals


Chibombo District Electoral Officer (DEO) Emmanuel Sikanyika has urged stakeholders participating in the delimitation exercise of the electoral boundaries in the area to be impartial as they submit their proposals.

Mr Sikanyika, who is also the Council Secretary, says the purpose of delimitation will only be attained if stakeholders deliberate in a non – partisan, objective and independent manner.

ZANIS reports that the DEO was speaking during the official opening of a four day district delimitation sittings at Chibombo Secondary School.

Mr Sikanyika told the stakeholders that delimitation exercise should be taken seriously because it is the only way that will make electoral services more accessible to the people in the district.

He said in addition to creating boundaries for a new constituency and three wards allocated to the district, the stakeholders are also required to consider reallocating some polling stations to more suitable and conducive venues.

Mr Sikanyika said the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has observed that some polling stations are located in places which are not convenient for conducting elections.

He added that stakeholders are also expected to rename some constituencies, wards, and polling stations where necessary.

Meanwhile, some stakeholders have expressed dissatisfaction that ECZ has allocated only one constituency and three wards to the district.

James Ntalasha, who is also the District Council Chairperson, said the district currently has only two constituencies despite its geographical vastness and growth in population size.

Mr Ntalasha said the commission should have therefore allocated three more new constituencies to the district to ensure that electoral services are made more accessible to the people.

And Keembe Member of Parliament, Princes Kasune, said creating just one more constituency in the district may not help much in addressing the challenge of long distances to the polling stations covered by some electorates.

Meanwhile, ECZ advised the stakeholders to submit all their proposals and concerns for further considerations.

3 file in ahead of Kaoma by-election


Three candidates have successfully filed in their nominations for the Kaoma Council Chairperson in Western Province, and two other ward by-elections in North-Western Province.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Public Relations Manager Margaret Chimanse says the candidates were validly nominated following the lodging in of nominations on Tuesday 17th September for the polls which will take place on October 10th 2019.

Ms Chimanse named the three candidates for the Kaoma Council Chairperson by-election as Maseka Chuula for United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ), Muneku Austin, for the United Party for National Development (UPND) and Ngombo Ngebe of the Patriotic Front (PF).

And Ms Chimanse disclosed that two candidates were also validly nominated to contest the Simutemba ward in Mwinilunga district in the North-Western Province.

These are Kanyimbo Mutende, contesting on the UPND ticket while Kasungulu Harry will stand on the PF ticket.

She further noted that Kaambeu Musole and Kalwilji Mervis for the PF and UNPD respectively, are contesting the ChiKonkwelo ward by election in Kabompo.

This is according to a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday by ECZ Public Relations Manager Margaret Chimanse.

Kalahari Geo Energy Project A Catalyst For Development In Monze-Yaluma

MTC Socio-Economic Planner Jack Deka explaining the Bweengwa Industrial Park concept to Commerce Minister Christopher Yaluma
MTC Socio-Economic Planner Jack Deka explaining the Bweengwa Industrial Park concept to Commerce Minister Christopher Yaluma

Commerce Minister Christopher Yaluma has encouraged Monze Town Council to ensure that the envisaged benefits of the geothermal energy project in the district materialise and improve the living standard of the people in the surrounding areas.

And Kalahari Geo Energy Director Dr Moses Banda says the company will start a pilot power generation at their Bweengwa project by 2020.

Speaking when he toured the stands at the on going Southern Province Tourism and Investment Exposition in Livingston, Yaluma said the geothermal project is a catalyst for development in the district.

He said the first-ever industrial park in the province will be located in the district and that the council needs to ensure that companies which can utilize the by-product from geothermal energy project can be engaged.

“Let’s make the project work. This is a good project for the community of Bweengwa and Monze as whole. As government we want to see this project materialize and we want you to make sure that it does. So Monze you have a lot of work to do and we are with you.”

And speaking during a Business Clinic on Energy, Dr Banda said the company will start its pilot power generation by 2020 which will lead to the setting up of the power generation plant in 2021.

He said the company has spent over $7million so far on the project and that it is expected to increase to $10million by the time it sets up it’s pilot generation plant.

He said his company has done all the necessary feasibility studies including safety assessment to ensure that all the security measures are in place and that it is satisfied with all the assessments.

He further said Kalahari Geo Energy will not go into the businesses associated to their project but that the industrial park which will be belt in the area will house different industries will give opportunities to different investors both local and international to invest in their area of interest.

Meanwhile Jack Deka the Socio-Economic Planner at Monze Town Council said the Bweengwa Industrial Park will open up the district to new business opportunities including local people.

He said the District is proud to be associated with the Geothermal Project because it will bring about an environment that will better the lives of the local people.

Justine Trudeau – “I am very sorry”

Canadia Prime Minister Justine Trudeau
Canadia Prime Minister Justine Trudeau

By Charles Mwewa

He is one of the youngest and privileged Prime Ministers. He is the Prime Minister of Canada. Eighteen years ago, he did something that can only be labelled, “racist.” He has apologized. Meanwhile, the photos and a video where he is clad and painted in “Black/Brown” and wearing an Islamic religious symbol, silhouetted among beautiful women, mostly White, have gone viral, both local and worldwide.

Is Trudeau really that bad a person? Is he a moniker of the prevalent White privilege? Is he truly sorry or he is simply pandering to political fallout? Will it cost him the Prime Minister’s office? Will he recover, and still clinch the October election and emerge a winner?

Trudeau was raised wealthy, White, and privileged. Trudeau is the son of one of Canada’s decorated Prime Ministers, Pierre Trudeau, who patriated the Constitution from the British Parliament in 1982 and gave to Canada the most coveted Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Trudeau rose to power, chiefly, riding on his father’s fame. Without his father and the name, he carries, Trudeau would not have arisen, in all reasonableness, to the throne of Canada, probably.

However, we should not be blinded by the unpalatable commentaries that have blanketed the Internet. Trudeau is a decent human being – and he has also evolved, contrary to expectation, into a very good Prime Minister. He has done one thing that every politician should learn: He has publicly, and contritely apologized. I believe that his apology is sincere.

Those who are rushing to indict Trudeau and wish his political career ends here, should be educated of the history of racism. Racism was not just a personality trait; racism was a politically-correct ideology. It built nations, created enormous wealth for most, and was seen as norm in the old days. The more racism one was, the more privileged and accepted they were. Racism built the “White” House. Racism conquered distant and colonial territories. Victims of racism, mostly Blacks, were not seen as humans; they were things, properties to be owned and free labour to be manipulated. Even the Great Canadian, John MacDonald, was a seasoned racist. And yet, and ironically, it was because he was racist that he probably became a successful Prime Minister. The mentality of that ancient society was born, nurtured and fashioned in a racist eon.

Canadia Prime Minister Justine Trudeau wearing a Blackface costume to a party
Canadia Prime Minister Justine Trudeau wearing a Blackface costume to a party

I should submit, nevertheless, that the story of Trudeau does not even come close to a moment of “We catch him.” At the time, eighteen years ago, it was probably even socially expedient so to do. Society now has changed. Blacks and most visible minorities have increased acquired rights and freedoms they were denied. The “Me Too” movements has continued where the Rights Movement left. There is now more awareness of the inviolable and inherency of the equality of all races. And most people would find it repugnant to even contemplate racist – honestly speaking, it isn’t profitable or funny any longer.

Trudeau has demonstrated, in his tenure as Prime Minister, that he is above that childish schemer he was eighteen years ago. Admittedly, he was 29 years old and a teacher (and so, he should have known better), but he was also a victim of a society that celebrated privilege and Whiteness. He was, in that sense, a victim of his own social milieu.

What we all need to do is to reflect – most of the mentality that informed the 1980s and early 2000s are now obsolete. Trudeau is embarrassed, he would not have, had it not been due to the progress that has been made in the race relationships across the globe. We are all sinners, we may not be racists, but we may be liars or worse. We need to remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Indeed, we should not encourage behaviours and actions that disparage others or belittle or downgrade the minorities, but we should not be hypocrites, either. We may be pointing our single finger on Trudeau but the four fingers may be casting a spell on our own secret deeds. This even or discovery should not cost Trudeau the office – the voters should vote their consciousness.

Trudeau is a good leader – because he has a sense of repentance, even for the deeds that happened years before. Bad leaders think they are always right, even when they do despicable acts in secret. Good leaders own their mistakes and change. Bad leaders condemn others while they themselves are simply white-washed tombs!

President Lungu visits drough hit areas in Southern Province and donates Mealie Meal


President Lungu dinating a Melalie meal bag to a draght viction
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in SOuthern Province

Zambia’s President Edgard Lungu has visited Simukombo and Simoonga villages in Kazungula District of Southern Province both areas hard hit by drought.

According to a statement released to the media by by his special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe, the President received praise from the people of Simukombo Village in Kazungula District, for being the first Head of State to visit the area.

Last week, President Lungu themed his speech around climate change when he opened Parliament and today visited two areas affected by the adverse climatic conditions.

Boswell Mutafela Sianga, Headman of Simukombo was delighted to meet the President.

“We are not going to die, President Lungu is here,” Mr Sianga said amid ululation from hundreds of people who had come to receive relief food from the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).

The food has been donated by cooperating partners through the DMMU which falls under the Office of the Vice-President.

The Headman said water is scarce in the area and apart from people, animals have also been left with no water.

President Lungu assured that no one will die from hunger because Government will provide food.

The President said officers are on the ground and will continue assessing the situation.

“I can assure you, we will not abandon you. We shall continue bringing food until the situation normalises,” the President said.

The President later handed some bags of maize from a truck and trailer to the residents.

The President later visited Simoonga where Headman Makwaza said Government needs to provide seed and fertiliser.

The President promised the residents inputs.

“It is our responsibility to support you,” the President said and told the residents that the food was not for sale.
Later, the President participated in the hand over of food to the residents.

President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in SOuthern Province
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in Southern Province
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in Southern Province
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in Southern Province
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in Southern Province
President Lungu donating a Mealie Meal bag to a draught victims in Southern Province

Chipolopolo CHAN captain Chama positive ahead of eSwatini clash


Chipolopolo captain Adrian Chama says they aiming for a very favorable away result in Sundays’ 2020 CHAN qualifier away date against eSwatini.

Zambia arrived in eSwatini on Wednesday ahead of the September 22 final round , first leg qualifier in Manzini.

Chipolopolo are also chasing their first away win in the 2020 CHAN qualifiers after starting the race to Cameroon on July 27 with a 0-0 away draw against Botswana before winning 3-2 to advance to the final round.

“Preparations are going well and we are looking forward to the game. We are also aware of what eSwatini have to offer and it will not be an easy game,” Chama said.

“But the trend of enjoying a home ground advantage in football is gone; crowds now turn up to cheer the best team and we hope to produce a performance that fans will enjoy.”

Chama said team spirit is high with Zambia now at full-house following his and Zesco United club-mate Clement Mwape’s arrival in camp on Thursday after attending to club duty on Wednesday.

“Pressure is there in every industry. We believe pressure should build us as a team. And should not break us,” Chama said.

The final leg is set for October 19 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Cassava farmers not happy with the Floor Price


Cassava Farmers in Mansa District have bemoaned the low price at which they are selling their Cassava in this year’s marketing season.

Juliet Mwansa, a Cassava farmer from Chief Chisuka’s Chiefdom, says farmers did not expect to be selling their Cassava between the ranges of K 1.00 to K 1.30 per kilogramme.

She points out that the price is too low considering what farmers go through when growing the crop.

ZANIS reports that Mrs Mwansa explains that there is a lot involved in growing the commodity and the best a farmer can expect is a good price.

She discloses that the price this year is very demotivating unlike in the last year’s marketing season when they were able to sell at K 1.40 per kilogramme.

Mrs Mwansa says Cassava Farmers are hoping for something to be done to improve on the pricing if farmers are to make a bit of profit from their produce.

And another farmer, Lawrence Mwila from Matanda area says government should come up with a standard price for buying Cassava.

He observes that this will bring uniformity in the Cassava market as all the companies will buy Cassava at the same price.

Mr Mwila points out that with the current situation Cassava farmers will not be able to benefit more as they are forced to sell their Cassava as low as K 1.00 per kilogramme, which he said is not fair.

He indicates that the issue of price has been talked about for a long time and it is high time that something is done so as to help Cassava farmers in Luapula Province.

Mr Mwila notes that the survival of most people in the province depends on Cassava farming hence it is important that serious attention is given to the issues of pricing.

Fish on verge of extinction in Kafue flats


Over 36 fish species are on the verge of extinction in the Kafue Flats in Monze District if the Lower Kafue Fisheries Management Plan meant to regulate fishing is not implemented soon.

The Fisheries Department has since called for the promotion of aquaculture in the district to reduce on pressure on the Kafue River as the only source of fish.

Speaking in an interview today, District Fisheries Officer, James Mukosa said besides the annual fish ban there was need for both government and Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) to support small scale farmers to venture into fish farming to reduce over fishing in the Kafue basin and allow the fish to breed.

He added that lack of implementation of the Kafue Management Fisheries plan has contributed to the reduction of fish stocks as fishermen as free to use any bad fishing methods without much restraint.

Mr Mukosa expressed fear that in few years’ time all the fish species on the Kafue flats might be depleted due to lack of a robust measures put in place to allow fish to breed and multiply.

“We are facing a serious risk of all fish species depleting in the lower Kafue flats if robust measures such a Fisheries Management Plan, and promotion of aquaculture in the District among others are not implemented,” he said.

He also called on the government for resources to enable the Department to ensure effective enforcement of fish ban, and total compliance on fishing regulations.

Mr Mukosa noted there was need for intensified surveillance to ensure compliance adding that fishermen take advantage of lack of presence of the fisheries Department in the Kafue flats to contravene the Fishing regulations wantonly.

He however, said the Department managed to arrest and prosecute over 97 people for contravening the fish ban during the 2018/2019 annual fish ban running from 1 December to 1 March.

Zanaco Wary of Stubborn Nkwazi


Zanaco are looking forward to a reunion against their local rivals Nkwazi for the first time in nearly a year in Saturday’s Lusaka derby.

Zanaco and Nkwazi have not met since October 2018 after they were separately drawn in the 2019 transitional season in Pool A and Pool B where they finished second and third respectively.

Results in the 2018 season saw Nkwazi win 1-0 at home on October 13 after losing 2-1 away at Zanaco earlier in June that season.

Nkwazi have been handed the advantage this weekend, albeit at home away from home, when they host Zanaco in a doubleheader lunchtime kickoff at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka.

“Nkwazi are a stubborn team, and it is not a pushover team, and we just need work our cards well to overcome them,” Zanaco assistant coach Dabid Chilufya said.

“They also played well in the transitional league. But we don’t know how their team is and how they are playing now but we know Nkwazi how do things; they are too stubborn so we must work our cards well to overcome them.”

Nkwazi and Zanaco each have 3 points with a win and defeat after two rounds played this season.

Zanaco head into the match with other goalkeeper Toaster Nsabata, defender Lawrence Chungu and midfielder Kelvin Kapumbu who are all away on 2020 CHAN qualifying duty with Zambia in eSwatini.

Nkwazi, on the other hand, have no such worries and have a full team at their disposal.

But Nkwazi have another interesting reunion in store this Saturday with Zanaco defender Kebson Kamanga facing his former club for the first time since moving from Sikanze to Sunset Stadium in the off-season.

Opposition leaders must engage in issue-based politics – ZANASU

Zambia National Students Union President Misheck Kakonde
Zambia National Students Union President Misheck Kakonde

Students are concerned with failure by opposition parties to provide an alternative form of governance in Zambia, says Zambia National Students Unions (ZANASU).

In an interview today, ZANASU President Misheck Kakonde says it was saddening that National Democratic Congress (NDC) Party leader, Chishimba Kambwili, has focused his politics on slandering others, spreading hate and falsehood as opposed to good politics where leaders must engage into real-based issues.

“For instance, instead of constantly condemning things he was once part to such as debt contraction by the PF administration, we as students would like to hear the alternatives that his party offers, the NDC manifesto on things such as the provision of quality education, healthcare, etc. It appears we all don’t know what Mr. Kambwili stands for on these matters since he has concentrated his politics on spreading bitterness against the administration than giving the alternative policy direction,” said Mr. Kakonde.

Mr. Kakonde questioned about activities Mr. Kambwili can could not which he couldn’t do until at a time he was expelled from the ruling party.

“Mr. Kambwili is himself not holier than those he is accusing because if he was and no one would accuse him as he does to people, he wouldn’t have been in court himself for a number of cases. The same allegations he makes are also being made against those who have dragged Kambwili to court,” Says Kakonde.

Meanwhile, the ZANASU leader has taken a swipe at United Party for National Development (UPND) leader, Hakainde Hichilema, for declaring hunger situation in Zambia as a national disaster.

“We also want to advise Mr. Hakainde Hichilema that while we commend his past politics based on issues, we are saddened to note that he would go out of his way to make a pronouncement of hunger as a national disaster. How can hunger be a national disaster when the shelves in all stores still have mealie meal, though expensive for an ordinary man?” he asked. 

Mr. Kakonde said Mr. Hichilema’s declaration of hunger as a national disaster is mere political rhetorical and a source of anarchy and said the man who seeks to lead this country should not be this desperate for political power that he would start doing things without following laid down procedures and laws.

“Our observation is that we have enough food in the country but the Government must find a way of ensuring that they find means to reducing the costs of mealie meal and other essential goods for citizens to afford,” he said. 

Mr. Kakonde said the current hunger situation obtaining in selected parts of the country such as Southern Province are a result of adverse effects of climate change which has affected our water levels

Mr. Kakonde has meanwhile advised Government to only contract new loans for things which are very essential and not avoidable expenditure. 

HH Risks Going back to Jail if he Continues Misleading Zambians-Tutwa

Lusaka Lawyer, Tutwa Ngulube
Lusaka Lawyer, Tutwa Ngulube

Deputy Parliamentary Chief Whip Tutwa Ngulube has warned UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema that he risks going back to jail if he continues misleading Zambians on various issues affecting the nation.

Mr Ngulube says the declaration of hunger a national disaster by Mr Hichilema was unlawful because he does not hold any public office in the country.

He said when he appeared on the Hot Seat Programme on Hot FM that Mr Hichilema’s lawyers must start advising him as he risks committing treason if he continues on the path he has taken.

Mr Ngulube said the declaration of a national disaster is a preserve of the Republican President and not an ordinary citizen like Mr Hichilema who is just an opposition Leader.

“He risks going back to Mukobeko where he spent months if he does not change his ways, why has he chosen to ignore authorities in his quest donate stuff. This will land him in problems”, he said.

And on the mealie meal donated to Bauleni by Mr Hichilema, Mr Ngulube challenged the opposition leader to take the food to Southern province where people do not have food.

He said there is no farmer in Bauleni who did not harvest anything in the 2018/2019 farming season because of climate change for him to donate the food.

Mr Ngulube accused the opposition Leader of politicking over the food shortages which have affected Zambians in various parts of the country.

“Let him take the food to people who voted for him and are keeping him in the opposition. Leave the Bauleni people alone”, Mr Ngulube said.

Junior Shepolopolo Draw in 2019 COSAFA U17 Womens Cup opener


Junior Shepolopolo on Friday made a modest start at the inaugural COSAFA U17 Women’s Cup in Mauritius with a 1-1 draw against Uganda.

But Shepolopolo rallied after Uganda had taken the lead just after the hour-mark to snatch a late equalizer to earn a vital point in the tournament’s opening game.

Captain Juliet Nalukenge put Uganda ahead from the penalty spot in the 62nd minute following a foul on Kevin Nakacwa.

But it took the last five minutes of the match for Junior Shepolopolo to equalize through a stunning effort from 64th minute substitute Shelly Masumo.

Shepolopolo and Uganda have a points and are two points behind leaders and host Mauritius who beat Comoros 5-1 in the days second game.

Shepolopolo will face Comoros in their penultimate Group A match on September 22.

UN expresses solidarity with Zambia over current food insecurity


The United Nations has expressed solidarity with the people of Zambia following a sharp rise in food insecurity in the country due to drought during the 2018/2019 farming season.

According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis, undertaken by the Government of Zambia, about 18 percent of the rural population in the country translating into 1.72 million people is already in Phase 3 and Phase 4 levels of food insecurity between May and September 2019.

United Nations Resident Coordinator for Zambia, Dr. Coumba Mar Gadio says the figure is expected to grow during the lean season October 2019 to March 2020 to 2.3 million people in the country.

Dr Gadio said prolonged dry spells affected Southern and Western provinces, as well as parts of Lusaka, Eastern and Central provinces between January and March 2019, while flash floods, water logging and leaching have affected the northern and some part of Eastern province.

He said in the most-affected districts, this is the second consecutive season where prolonged dry spells are affecting households that already had limited cereal stocks before these latest shocks.

Dr Gadio said most of these households rely entirely on crop production for food and income and the combination of dry spells and flooding has also increased the risk of malnutrition, communicable diseases and protection concerns for the most vulnerable.

He said the prevalence rate of stunting is 35 percent in Zambia, and nearly 12 percent of children under age 5 are underweight.

“The United Nations stands with the people of Zambia in these difficult times,” said Dr. Gadio adding that the UN is committed to working closely with the Government and Cooperating Partners to support the delivery of assistance to people in urgent need as the lean season approaches.”