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Linda Kasonde launches NGO to fight human rights abuses in Zambia

Chapter One Foundation Executive Director Linda Kasonde with musician Pilate at the launch of the Foundation last week
Chapter One Foundation Executive Director Linda Kasonde with musician Pilate at the launch of the Foundation last week

Former LAZ President Linda Kasonde has announced the formation of a new organization called Chapter One Foundation which she says will be used to promote human rights, constitutionalism and the rule of law in Zambia.

Ms. Kasonde who is Executive Director of the Foundation stated that Chapter One Foundation has been born from the growing threat on the rule of law in Zambia.

In a statement, Ms. Kasonde noted that the goal of the Foundation was to see a Zambia where citizens are freely and actively participating in the governance of the country.

Ms. Kasonde noted that Increased inequality, growing populism and weakening of public institutions and public accountability were affecting the country’s ability to deliver on the sustainable development goals.

“Chapter One Foundation is pleased to announce that it was officially launched at an event on Thursday 5th September 2019. Chapter One was founded to promote and protect human rights, human rights defenders, constitutionalism and the rule of law through litigation, advocacy and civic education in a sustainable manner. Chapter One Foundation is named after Chapter One of the Laws of Zambia which contains the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law by which every Zambian, regardless of status is bound. We at Chapter One Foundation take our constitutional duty to uphold and defend the Constitution very seriously,” said Ms. Kasonde.

She disclosed that her organisation was funded by the Swedish government, ActionAid and Caritas Zambia among others.”

“Chapter One Foundation is financially supported by the Swedish Embassy, the National Endowment for Democracy, ActionAid Zambia and Caritas Zambia who all recognise the growing need to defend the civic space in Zambia. It is these principles that guide the work of Chapter One Foundation, our goal is to see a Zambia where citizens are freely and actively participating in the governance of Zambia, and where “we the people” take our rightful place as the authors of our own destiny.”

She said, “to achieve this, we recognize that we have to put the individual at the heart of our work, that is why human rights are at the core of what we do.”

“Human rights, the people that defend human rights, constitutionalism and the rule of law are facing a growing threat the world over and Zambia is no exception. Increased inequality, growing populism and weakening of public institutions and public accountability is affecting our ability to deliver on the sustainable development goals that Zambia has signed up to. The mere existence of public institutions is not enough to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights; these public institutions must also be guided by certain principles that ensure the institutions truly function for the benefit of society,” she stated.

Fitch expects tighter cash squeeze, interest rates to reach above 11% in 2020


Fitch Solutions Group Ltd, a UK affiliate of Fitch Ratings has projected that the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) will implement further monetary tightening over the coming quarters in an effort to contain inflationary and exchange rate pressures.

In a note, Fitch also forecast that the Central Bank will hike its policy rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 10.75% by end-2019, before raising it again to 11.25% in 2020.

It however said while greater-than-expected kwacha weakness could trigger a more hawkish response from the BoZ, more aggressive monetary loosening in developed markets than they currently anticipate could ease pressure on the BoZ to tighten in the short term.

“We at Fitch Solutions expect that the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) will implement further monetary tightening over 2019 as the pass-through effect of kwacha depreciation will keep inflation elevated over the remainder of the year. While the kwacha has pared back some of its losses since falling to an all-time low of ZMW14.1/USD on May 17, it has lost 28.5% of its value against the dollar in the year to date due to fragile investor confidence in Zambia’s debt market,” it said.

It noted that continued exchange rate weakness over the coming months will feed through to most components of the consumer price index, keeping price growth elevated.

“Moreover, food price inflation, which climbed from 7.7% y-o-y in February to 9.3% in July, will continue to rise as drought weighs on crop yield prospects for the year. Against this backdrop, we expect that headline inflation, which reached 8.8% y-o-y in July, will remain above the upper bound of the Bank of Zambia’s (BoZ) 6.0-8.0% target range. This will motivate the BoZ to raise its policy rate by a further 50 basis points (bps) by end-2019, following a previous 50 bps hike in May, bringing the rate to 10.75%.”

In 2020, Fitch says it expects that the BoZ will enact another 50 bps hike in the face of sustained inflationary pressures and declining foreign reserves.

“We forecast average annual inflation will rise slightly from 8.3% in 2019 to 8.5% in 2020. Increased electricity charges-deferred in May – are likely to come into effect over the coming quarters given the need for utility firm Zesco to move towards more cost-reflective tariffs, thus driving higher inflation next year,” it said.

“Moreover, we do not expect significant progress on fiscal consolidation over the short term and see the kwacha weakening further in 2020, keeping imported inflation elevated. That said, our Oil & Gas Team now forecasts Brent prices to fall from USD67.0/bbl in 2019 to USD65.0/bbl in 2020, which, compounding the base effects of sharp currency depreciation this year, will overall limit the extent to which inflation accelerates in 2020.”

It added, “Furthermore, we expect that rising public external debt will continue to weigh on the country’s stock of FX reserves, which declined from USD1.6bn at end-2018 to USD1.4bn in June 2019. We believe that above-target inflation and the need to attract foreign investment to support reserves will press the BoZ to raise the policy rate again next year, to 11.25%.”

Fitch also notes that Zambia’s foreign reserves will continue to decline.

“That said, concerns over muted GDP growth will limit the scope for more aggressive tightening over the coming quarters. We forecast real GDP growth will slow from 3.7% in 2018 to 1.5% in 2019, and while we expect it to rebound to 3.1% in 2020 – due to a likely return to positive growth in the mining and construction sectors – this remains well below its 2010-18 annual average of 5.2%.”

It says it believes that the central bank will adopt a cautious approach to raising interest rates given a weak macroeconomic backdrop.

“Moreover, a dovish turn in developed markets monetary policy will limit the BoZ’s need to tighten more aggressively to keep interest rates attractive. We nonetheless highlight risks to our interest rate forecasts.”

It says a significant deterioration in investor sentiment towards Zambia remains a possibility, particularly if the government shows only limited signs of fiscal restraint over the coming quarters.

Fitch says this could weaken the Kwacha more than we currently anticipate, leading to higher inflation and a sharper decline in FX reserves, thus posing upside risks to our interest rate forecast.

“On the downside, should the US Federal Reserve implement more aggressive cuts than we currently expect this could ease pressure on the BoZ to tighten in H219 given the potential for a short-term rally in emerging market assets.”

Catholic National TV station goes on air

Zambian Catholic Bishops
Zambian Catholic Bishops

Catholic Bishops of Zambia have launched test broadcast of their television station Lumen TV Zambia.

Lumen TV in on Topstar channel 101 and will initially broadcast to Lusaka city only.

Zambia Conference Bishops (ZCCB) Secretary General Father Cleophas Lungu on behalf of Bishops’ Conference has since hoped that Lumen TV will be a source of hope in the midst of many troubles that the Church or the nation is going through.

“As a Church, [and as a] nation, we may be going through so many troubles. May Lumen TV Zambia be a source of hope to the nation [by] giving light to the nation. [Let it be] a ministry of enlightening the world”.

Speaking in his homily during mass to launch the test broadcast of Lumen TV Zambia today on the feast of the birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary which fell on Sunday 8th September, 2019, Fr. Lungu likened Lumen TV Zambia to mother Mary who is referred to as the dawn of human salvation.

“As we celebrate the birthday of Virgin Mary who is ascribed to as the dawn of Salvation, the launch of Lumen is a new dawn, a new era of evangelization in the Church here in Zambia,” he said.

And likening Lumen TV Zambia to mother Mary who is also referred to as a star of the Sea, Fr. Lungu hoped that Lumen TV will shine and cast out elements of confusion, disaster and destruction done in the dark.

And Zambia Conference Bishops (ZCCB) Director for Communications Fr. Winfield Kunda thanked the Holy Father, Pope Francis for facilitating the acquisition of TV equipment.

Fr. Kunda further thanked the Lumen TV Zambia Management Board of their effort in making a dream of Catholic National Television become a reality and paid tribute to the late broadcaster Ben Kangwa for his contribution.

Mr. Kangwa was a board member of Lumen TV Zambia.

Suspend all ‘Romantic’ Programmes, Resolve Electricity Crisis, Nevers Mumba tells PF Government

Nevers Mumba
Nevers Mumba

MMD president Nevers Mumba has urged the PF-led government to suspend all “romantic” programmes and focus on resolving the crippling and chaotic energy crisis in the country.

Zambia is undergoing an economic debilitating energy crisis blamed on drastically reduced water levels in the Kariba Dam that has affected electricity generation.
Zesco initially started with a 4-hour load management which it doubled to 8 hours and even more.

The government is considering importing electricity from South Africa to cushion the deficit, which has taken a toll on micro, small-scale businesses for citizens.

Commenting on the energy crisis, Mumba said the country could not afford another week of “these eight-hour load-shedding experiments”.

He said the projection of the crisis threatens everything that makes a nation to survive.
He said leadership was the ability to anticipate disasters and to mitigate such disasters well before they happen.

“America is anticipating Hurricane Dorian in Florida. President Trump has cancelled his trip to Poland so that he can concentrate on mitigating the impact of the threatening hurricane. This is how you govern and this is why people vote for leadership, to avert national catastrophes,” he said.

“Zambia is facing the biggest energy crisis since independence. The projection of this crisis threatens everything that makes a nation to survive. PF government’s justification of our current crisis includes reasonable causes like low water levels at Kariba Dam and global climate change.

Unfortunately, none of these will shield the government from an imminent revolt by citizens if a solution is not found soon. The greatest fear is that we are still months away from the next rainy season. This means that load-shedding could extend from eight hours to twelve hours per day. The economic implication of such a development are too ghastly to contemplate.”

Mumba said productivity in all sectors shall be curtailed and the end result was a stagnant economy which has the potential to bring about political instability.

He said it was for that reason that MMD was calling upon the PF-led government to suspend all “romantic” programmes and focus on resolving the energy crisis.

Mumba said all efforts of the government must be targeted at solving the energy problem, not in months but in days.

He said during the president Levy Mwanawasa days, Zambia was faced with a huge debt crisis which had immobilised growth in the social sector.
Mumba, one of the Republican vice-presidents at the time, said Mwanawasa decided to focus his attention on resolving that threatening situation.

He said Mwanawasa cancelled most of his international trips, restricted the travel of ministers and permanent secretaries and allowed ambassadors and high commissioners to handle all international engagements.

“He further negotiated with the Public Service Unions to freeze salaries for civil servants. He also cut fuel and telephone benefits from senior government officials, including ministers. This was in addition to several other cutbacks made. The end result was that Zambia attained a debt free status since independence.

President Mwanawasa applied political will to achieve this great milestone on behalf of the Zambian people. Alongside these austerity measures, president Mwanawasa publicly and viciously tried to fight the scourge of corruption,” said Mumba.

“Zambia cannot afford another week of these eight-hour load-shedding experiments. It is unsustainable. Government must act now.”

Matate humbled by Luapula Honour


Athletics icon Samuel Matete is pleased with the decision by the Luapula Provincial administration to honour him.

Matete will be honoured next month alongside soccer icon Kalusha Bwalya for their contribution to sport.

The province has lined up sports events in honour of Matete and Kalusha who will have their pictures kept in the Luapula Museum.

“It’s quite an honour. This has not been done before and it has come at the time when I have retired and I am coaching,” Matete said.

“It is a great moment for me and my family. To be honoured when myself I am alive is something you cannot describe,” the former 400 meters hurdles World champion said.

Luapula has started honouring individuals who trace their roots to the province among them deceased music stars PK Chishala and Nishel Pitchen Kazembe.

“I am going to Luapula for the games. You have to know that my mother is still Mbereshi and it has always been my home. So to go back it’s like going back home,” the 1996 Olympics Silver-medal-list said.

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Chambeshi: I Trust My Zambia U23 Team


Beston Chambeshi says he never doubted his Zambia Under 23 sides’ resolve to qualify for the 2019 U23 AFCON finals.

Zambia rallied twice away in Pointe Noir on September 8 to draw 3-3 with Congo-Brazzaville and qualify for November’s finals in Egypt 5-4 on aggregate.

That result also saw Zambia as the first team to qualify for the tournament while the other seven finalists will be determined in final leg matches on September 10.

“I had faith and confidence in the team; I know this is a working team. We had to push them, they came strong and had to push themselves,” Chambeshi said.

“Our aim was to qualify by all means. Our boys had to listen to advice and fought to the last minute.

“We have to look at the team we played, it was not an easy game, at one time I thought it the senior team but I said let us believe in ourselves. We conceded goals, but we played a good team, they had to put us under pressure.

“We had to make sure we built our defence and remained strong to stand enough pressure.”

Meanwhile, the top three finishers in Egypt will represent Africa at the 2020 Olympic Games Football tournament in Japan.

2019/20 FAZ Super Division
Week Two
Zanaco 2(Chitiya Mususu 12′,Rogers Kola 53′)- Green Eagles 0


-National Heroes Stadium,Lusaka
Zambia 2(Fashion Sakala 7′ 88′)-Congo Brazzaville 1(Jacques Temopele 47′)

-Pointe Noir
Congo Brazzaville 3(Guy Mbenza 15’pen, Jacques Temopele 75′, Gaius Makota 80′) Zambia 3(Enock Mwepu 33’85’, Patson Daka 51′)

2019/2020 TOP SCORERS
Idris Mbombo (Nkana):2
Chitiya Mususu (Zanaco):1
Roger Kola (Zanaco):1
Chris Mugalu (Lusaka Dynamos):1
Bruce Musakanya (Red Arrows):1
Isaac Ngoma (Kansanshi Dynamos):1
Bornwell Mwape (Napsa Stars):1
Danny Silavwe (Napsa Stars):1
Enock Sabamukumana(Zesco):1
Alidor Kayembe(Buildcon):1
Biramahire Abeddy (Buildcon):1
Erick Chomba (Nkwazi):1
Kennedy Musonda (Green Eagles):1
Ian Sililo(KYSA):1
Spencer Sautu(Green Eagles):1*
*Denotes own-goal

Ziyo Tembo (Zanaco):1
Amity Shamende (Green Eagles):4
Kennedy Musonda(Green Eagles):3
Spencer Sautu (Green Eagles):2
Jesse Were(Zesco United):1
Kayembe Alidor (Buildcon):1
Omaru Kasumba (Zesco United):1
John Chingandu (Zesco United):1
Shadreck Mulungwe (Green Eagles):1
Edward Mwamba (Green Eagles):1
Tapson Kaseba (Green Eagles):1
Boniface Sunzu (Green Eagles):1*
*Denotes one own goal

Emmanuel Chabula(Nkwazi):1
Bruce Musakanya(Red Arrows):1
Kelvin Mubanga(Nkana):1
Under 23:
Enock Mwepu (RB Salzburg,Austria):2
Patson Daka (RB Salzburg,Austria):1
Fashion Sakala (KV Oostende,Belgium):1

President Lungu will not tolerate abuse of South African businesses in Zambia

South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr. Naledi Pandor
South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr. Naledi Pandor

South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr. Naledi Pandor has said that President Lungu has been clear that he will not tolerate disorder and abuse of South African businesses in Zambia

Speaking to SABC Morning live today and monitored by the Zambian Mission in Pretoria, South Africa, Dr. Pandor said no report of further attacks on South African business had so far been recorded in Zambia.

According to a statement released to the media by the Zambia Embassy in Pretoria, Dr. Pandor said that the South African embassies that were closed across Africa will soon be opened.

Dr Pandor said her Ministry will be meeting diplomats today accredited to that country to find lasting solutions to the violent attacks against foreign nationals in that country.

Yesterday, fresh wave of violent attacks erupted in Johannesburg CBD, where two deaths of unknown nationals have been recorded and shops looted overnight.

Police was forced to separate foreign nationals from their apartments to prevent attacks.

Zambia Chamber of Mines says that Zambia’s Copper Production will drop by 100, 000 tonnes

Chamber of Mines Chief Executive Officer Sokwani Chilembo
Chamber of Mines Chief Executive Officer Sokwani Chilembo

The Zambia Chamber of Mines has projected a 100,000 tonnes drop in copper production this year. Chamber of Mines Chief Executive Officer Sokwani Chilembo adds that Zambia’s mining industry is also expected to drop-off the global top ten Copper producers list.

He says the forecasted drop in copper production is a distant continental second behind the Democratic Republic of Congo who trailed Zambia’s volumes for 75 years until 2013.

Mr. Chilembo says Zambia’s mining industry has been battling to sustain production levels, to contain cost escalation and to maintain asset quality after over a decade of near biennial tax burden increases.

He adds that non-tax revenue measures have rapidly accumulated and electricity tariff increments.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News in Lusaka.

And The Zambia Chamber of Mines has challenged stakeholders in the mining sector to fully exploit the extractive industry in Northern Province.

Chamber of Mines Deputy Chief Executive Officer Talent Ng’andwe said small-scale miners and other players should actively take part in mining activities in the province which has some mineral deposits.

Mr. Ng’andwe said mining must not only be limited to copper production adding that there is need to explore the potential for other minerals and precious stones within the province.

And Mr. Ng’andwe has urged local authorities to take advantage of the extractive business to raise revenue.

He added that increased quarrying activities due to construction, provides an opportunity for councils to generate funds.

Mr. Ng’andwe said this in Kasama during a stakeholders’ dissemination meeting organized by Zambia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.

Earlier, Northern Province Assistant Secretary Sineva Kambenja said government remains resolute to ensuring that the country benefits from the mining sector in line with the Seventh National Development Plan.

Polish firm aids Esther Lungu foundation

First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Diana Zulu who has Burkitts Lymphoma on arrival in Petauke on Monday, August 5,2019 in Eastern Province.The First Lady is in Petauke for a three day working visit -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

A Polish company has offered to donate about 1,000 safe birth delivery kits to First Lady Esther Lungu in order to help save more lives of women in rural parts of the country.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany who also oversees Poland Anthony Mukwita disclosed that a Polish-based organization, Yorghas Foundation has appreciated the First Lady’s charity work and has decided to render support towards her noble cause.

Mr Mukwita praised the Polish Consul in Zambia, Bartosz Brusikiewicz for working closely with the Zambian mission, towards ensuring that Mrs Lungu’s charity work receives polish support.

According to a press statement issued to ZANIS by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in Berlin, Kellys Kaunda, Yorghas Foundation is also expected to donate safety lancets and sterile single medical devices, to women in rural areas.

Mr Mukwita said the embassy has since communicated to Mrs Lungu with regards to the donation.

And Mr Mukwita added that the First Lady resents the thought of rural Zambian women dying during childbirth and wants her work to be positively associated with saving the lives of mothers and infants during childbirth.

Over the last 15 years, government has worked towards preventing premature deaths from 75 per 1,000 live births to 43 per 1,000 births.

Rising cases of GBV worrying-Ponga


Ministry of National Planning and Development Permanent Secretary Dr. AuxiliaPonga (r) inspects the embankment of Fisheries Cannel, a 9.4km stretch worth US $1, 625, 273 from Namushakende area to Zambezi River in Mongu on Wednesday. Behind is China GEO Site Manager Chen Fuqiang (c) explaining to Western Province Senior Planner IlwaleMwanamuke (l) the work progress of the Clearing and Rehabilitation of the cannel supported by the World Bank under the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience

Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary Auxilia Ponga says the high number of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases which Zambia continues to record every year, contradicts the country’s reputation as a peaceful nation.

Dr. Ponga observed that the cases of GVB Zambia has been recording are too high for the country which is known for peace and tranquillity on the African continent.

She disclosed that despite the enactment of various pieces of legislation, the country has continued to witness a huge increase in the number of Gender Based Violence Cases (GBV).

In the first quarter of 2018, the country recorded 5,940 cases of GVB while in 2019, 5584 cases were reported.

Dr Ponga however regretted that the country has no data on the cases of sexual harassment at workplaces, apart from the information reported to the Victim Support Unit of the Zambia Police Service.

She expressed sadness that sexual harassment cases are taking place in various workplace with very little attention of redress provided to the victims.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking at a stakeholder workshop for developing a National Framework on Sexual Harassment and disciplinary code taking place at Waterfall Hotel in Chongwe District.

She urged the stakeholders at the workshop to ensure that they come up with a document, to be submitted to Cabinet for consideration within the next two months.

And Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes (ZCCP) Executive Director Johans Mtonga noted that sexual harassment is a serious manifestation of sex discrimination at the workplace and violation of human rights.

In a speech read for him by ZCCP Deputy Chief of Party Doreen Manda, Mr Mtonga stated that sexual harassment undermines gender equality that begs the question of integrity, dignity, physical and psychological well-being of workers especially women who are mostly vulnerable.

He stressed that the burden of preventing sexual harassment rests on the employer in public, private and civil society institutions stating that enforcement of policies should be monitored by all stakeholders.

What business is President Lungu doing with a wanted Drug Dealer-Kambwili

Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili
Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili

National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has challenged President Edgar Lungu to tell the nation what Business he is doing with Valden Findlay.

Mr Kambwili said the nation must be told what relationship exists between the President and Mr Findlay who is a wanted drug dealer in the United States of America.

He wondered why the President has continued to associate with a man despite being mentioned in the drug deals in the USA.

“Wherever the President goes, Findlay is the first man to jump out of the Plane, maybe this explains the Presidential Empowerment Fund”, he said.

Mr Kambwili said by indicating the truth, President Lungu will also diffuse the nation in the nation that he is also involved in drug dealing.

Kambwili appeals to Minister of Home Affairs over his party deregistration


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

The National Democratic Congress has appealed its deregistration with the Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo.

And the party has discontinued any court proceedings on the deregistration until further notice following extensive consultations with the party.

Party President Chishimba Kambwili says in accordance with section 23 (1) of the Societies Act, the NDC will continue with its activities as long as the appeal remains pending with the Minister.

Speaking at a media briefing, Mr. Kambwili said he has been advised by his legal team that the appeal will act as a stay of the decision by the Registrar of Societies to deregister the party.

Mr Kambwili said the party will continue with its activities until they hear otherwise from Mr Kampyongo.

He has since directed his Secretary General Bridget Attanga to call for an urgent national coordinating committee meeting on 11th September to attend to urgent matters affecting the party.

Mr Kanbwili has also urged party members to continue mobilizing the party as it is legally existing.

Meanwhile Mr Kambwili has lashed out at Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Habazoka for opposing calls to declare the hunger situation a national emergency.

He challenged Dr Habazoka to to resign his position as he is not fit to steer such an organization in the right direction.

Mr Kambwili accused Dr Habazoka of using his position to negotiate for favours from President Edgar Lungu.

He said he has information that Dr Habazoka is pushing for a job in the foreign Mission.

Mr Kambwili wondered whether it was wise for government to respect investors at the expense of people dying of hunger.

BOZ objects to removal of clause requiring Parliament Approval to get Debt for the Country


Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya displays a Kwacha note to Journalists during a news briefing
Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya displays a Kwacha note to Journalists during a news briefing
The Bank of Zambia has opposed the proposed constitutional amendment to remove the National Assembly’s oversight role on the contraction of public debt.

Section 13 of the constitutional amendment Bill number 10 proposes the amendment of Article 63 of the constitutional Act by the deletion of provisions requiring National Assembly oversight over contraction of public debt and ratification of agreements and treaties.

Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya said that the National Assembly’s oversight role on the contraction of public debt is critical in a democratic dispensation like Zambia.

Dr. Kalyalya said that the Central bank feels people’s representatives in parliament should have an opportunity to scrutinize the intended purpose of any debt and any international treaties.

The Governor was speaking when he made submissions on behalf of the Bank to the Parliamentary select committee to scrutinize the constitution amendment bill number 10 of 2019
And in response to Lusaka Central Member of Parliament Margaret Mwanakatwe who wanted to find out what would happen if there is an emergency to borrow and parliament was not in session, Dr. Kalyalya said parliamentarians can still be recalled when there is an emergency.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kalyalya opposed the proposed amendment of article 60 which deals with political parties because it will remove provisions requiring parliament to prescribe management issues of political parties which include an obligation to disclose the source of funds.

Dr. Kalyalya said it is important for political parties to state their source of funds so that it is clear to the public that it is not from proceeds of crime.

He further proposed that the requirements for a candidate to the office of secretary to the cabinet should be maintained to the requirement of at least having served 10 years as Permanent Secretary or equivalent rank before being appointed

The Central Bank also rejected the proposal to re- introduce deputy ministers.

Maize smuggling is a serious threat to national food security-Katambo


Ministers- Katambo, Chiteme and Mwakalombe, PS Mushuma and Director Lishomwa, 21-02-2019. MNDP
Ministers- Katambo, Chiteme and Mwakalombe, PS Mushuma and Director Lishomwa, 21-02-2019. MNDP

Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo says his Ministry is closely monitoring maize stock levels to ensure that the country has sufficient grain to last us until the next harvest.

Mr. Katambo said his Ministry is not allowing the export of maize and maize products and other wings of government are working with the ministry to ensure that all available stocks remain in the country.

He said smuggling is a serious threat to national food security as it has the potential of creating maize shortages and higher mealie meal prices in the country.

And Mr. Katambo said in a statement that based on the analysis conducted by the ministry, some business houses have been taking advantage of the situation and are adding an abnormal mark upon the wholesale price or rather than the order price of mealie meal.

He says some have been adding between K3 to K4 per 25 kg bag of mealie meal, whereas others are adding more than K50 per 25 kg bag of mealie meal.

Mr. Katambo said this is the major challenge that government is currently addressing and his Ministry has been engaging millers, and from the discussions, millers have agreed to meet this week and strategize on how they can bring the wholesale price of mealie meal closer to consumers.

Meanwhile, Mr Katambo says his ministry has done an analysis that shows that offloading maize by FRA to millers does not benefit consumers.

He said FRA needs to offload huge quantities of maize to have an impact on mealie meal prices a situation that is not sustainable and will deplete the much needed strategic reserves.

Mr Katambo said the government is aware that there are some market players and some sections of society who have caught onto the habit of requesting for supplies from FRA strategic reserves under the pretext that the stocks will reduce mealie meal prices for consumers.

He, however, said despite accessing strategic reserves cheaply, it has not translated into low mealie meal prices.

Mr Katambo said the FRA has very limited stocks, which need to be offloaded prudently and in anticipation of any supply challenges that may arise after February 2020.

He has indicated that the lasting solution to high mealie meal prices is to increase maize production and the ministry is working closely with maize industry stakeholders to ensure they begin to have bumper harvests starting from 2020 and beyond as directed by President Edgar Lungu.

And on the Farmer Input Support Programme, Mr Katambo said the distribution of inputs commenced way before the 1st of September, 2019 and is hopeful to complete this exercise within the month of September.

He said this is a remarkable achievement and has encouraged officers involved to continue working hard.