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Zambia Police deny PF permit to match Against Kambwili

The Event where PF Cadres Presented a Petition against Kambwili
The Event where PF Cadres Presented a Petition against Kambwili

Zambia Police has rejected the application for a permit by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to match and deliver a Petition to National Democratic Congress (NDC) Leader Chishimba Kambwili.

In a letter released to the public, Zambia Police said that the security situation in the capital was not conducive and could put law and order in danger.

All throughout the week, PF members have been matching to their secretariate in protest against Mr. Kambwili for allegedly insulting the president.

Meanwhile, opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Stephen Katuka has said that the planned protest by the Patriotic Front against defunct NDC president Chishimba Kambwili over his alleged insults against President Edgar Lungu was not necessary because the matter is already before the courts of law.

Mr katuka added that there was no need for the ruling Patriotic Front to start protesting against an individual when the country is faced with a lot of challenges ranging from high mealie-meal prices to load shedding among others.

Mr. Katuka stated that the planned protest by the ruling party will not benefit anyone.

No deaths of any Zambian nationals have been recorded as a result of the violence in South Africa


Shouting “abahambe, badayisa ama’drugs,” translated they must go, they sell drugs .Courtesy ENCA

The Zambian Mission in Pretoria has dispelled social media reports that indicate that 39 Zambians have been killed in different parts of South Africa as a result of the current wave of violent attacks against foreigners in the country.

The mission said that no deaths of any Zambian nationals have been recorded as a result of the violence and found it regrettable that some of the social media reports circulating have not been verified as they are false and alarming.

The mission urged social media enthusiasts to stop spreading fake news so as not to alarm the public and further advised the public to follow updates on the current situation in South Africa from official statements issued by Zambian Mission in Pretoria or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters to avoid being misled or being fed with fake news.

The Mission said that, so far, only one incident involving Mr. Daniel Lupiya was officially recorded and the victim was discharged from Gemiston Hospital on the same day after being treated for injuries he sustained.

Additionally, the Mission said that it was actively pursuing reports that another Zambian Truck driver identified as Mr Siachingi Sialubaya working for a named cross-boarder trucking company registered in Zambia was attacked in KwaZulu, Natal Province and that the nation will be informed on this matter as soon as facts are verified.

The Mission maintained its earlier advice to Zambians living in South Africa to continue being extra cautious so as not to compromise their safety and security and strongly advised that hotspots should be avoided and movements in and around some identified troubled cities should be avoided except where it is absolutely necessary.

“The Public should remain confident and be assured that the Mission is actively monitoring the situation and will advise accordingly whenever need arises,” concluded the statement released to the media by Mrs Naomi Nyawali the First Secretary Press and Public Relations at Zambia High Commission Pretoria South Africa

Zambia to import Power from South Africa to ease load shedding

Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa
Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa

Energy Minister, Mathew Nkhuwa has said that Zambia will next week start importing power from ESKOM at a cost of $13.5 million. Mr. Nkhuwa further disclosed that with the inclusion of transmission charges the cost will go up to $21 million.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC News today, Mr. Nkhuwa said that the importation of power from ESKOM will cushion and reduce on load shedding hours from at least eight to six hours.

Mr. Nkhuwa said government will continue engaging various counterparts to address the power deficit affecting the country.

Meanwhile, Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya says normal to above Normal rainfall is expected for most parts of Zambia except for the north-eastern areas of Isoka, Chama, Mpika, Mbala, Nakonde, Mpulungu, Chinsali, Mungwi and Lundazi districts which are likely to receive Normal to Below Normal rainfall.

Mr Kafwaya says in November, December and January the southern half of the country is likely to receive Above Normal Rainfall while the northern half has a high chance of receiving normal to above normal rainfall with the exception of the north-eastern areas where there is a likelihood of Normal to Below Normal rainfall.

He said in December, January and February there is a high likelihood of receiving Normal to Above Normal rainfall for the southern half of the country while the northern half has a high chance of recording Above Normal Rainfall.

Speaking at a media briefing, Mr. Kafwaya said in January, February and March, the northern half of the country has a high chance of receiving Normal to Above Normal Rainfall while the southern half is likely to received Normal to Below Normal Rainfall.

He said this part of the season will be characterised by reduced rainfall due to dry spells around February.

Mr Kafwaya however said there is a likelihood of dry spells around February especially over the Southern half of the country.

I take a lot of consultations before appointing controlling officers, President Lungu tells new Permanent Secretaries

President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has urged the newly appointed Permanent Secretaries to take their work seriously and to take charge of all the assets and public resources as controlling officers of the Ministries and Provinces where they have been assigned to serve.

President Lungu said as controlling officers, Permanent Secretaries should be ready to explain to the Public Accounts Committee at Parliament on the expenditures of their ministries and provinces.

The President said he takes a lot of consultations before appointing controlling officers, in order to ensure that the people appointed have the capacity to oversee government resources and serve the people of Zambia diligently.

The Head of State was speaking when he swore in three new Permanent Secretaries at State House this morning.

The Permanent Secretaries who were sworn in are Chanda Kaziya for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Danies Chisenda for the Ministry of National Development Planning and Daniel Bukali for Western Province.

President Lungu further urged the appointed Permanent Secretaries to dedicate time to supervise the officers under them, in the Ministries and provinces where they have been assigned to serve.

He said is hopeful that Mr Kaziya’s expertise in labour matters will help address labour issues which he noted have continued to confront the people of Zambia.

He stressed that the elevation of Mr Kaziya will give him leverage to ensure that contentious labour matters are resolved.

On the new National Development Planning PS, the President expressed confidence that with his wealth of experience in the public service which spans over 30 years, will make valuable contributions to the implementation of the country’s Seventh National Development Plan and the Vision 2030.

And the President has also urged the new Western Province PS to ensure that he performs in his new role, in order to open up more opportunities for youths to be appointed in decision making positions.

President Lungu said he has confidence in young people and urged Mr Bukali not to let the youths down in his role as Permanent Secretary.

Speaking after the swearing in ceremony, the three new Permanent Secretaries thanked President Lungu for the appointment and pledged to work hard in their new roles.

Mr Kaziya said among the things he will work on is the sector based minimum wage which has been an issue in the labour industry and pledged to engage all labour movements and unions in various matters that affect the Zambian workers.

And new National Development Planning PS Danies Chisenda said he will prioritise climate change programmes, noting that Zambia has been affected in a number of ways by climate change.

He said he will work with the department in charge of climate change programmes to ensure they look at mitigation measures that include tree planting among others.

ZLDC directed to spearhead review of laws


Government has directed the Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) to take a leading role of reviewing the country’s laws, in order to meet the changing needs of society.

Permanent Secretary for Parliamentary Business in the Office of the Vice President, Juliana Shoko said there is need for the commission to initiate and be the driver of legal reforms in the country.

ZANIS reports that Ms Shoko said this when she opened a meeting for Cabinet and Parliamentary Liaison Officers on ZLDC public engagement.

The Permanent Secretary advised the Commission to discharge its law reform mandate by conducting research and engaging in wider public consultations with stakeholders.

Ms Shoko stressed that there is need to include and promote public participation in the formulation of the country’s laws in order to avoid inadequately drafted laws.

She commended the ZLDC for spearheading the review and enactment of a number of key legislation, such as penal code amendment act 15 of 2008, matrimonial causes act 20 of 2007, anti-human trafficking act 11 of 2008 and anti-gender based violence act no. 1 of 2011.

The Permanent Secretary assured that government will support the Zambia Law Development Commission’s efforts in enhancing public and civil society engagements in the legislative reform process.

And Chairperson of the ZLDC Justice Roydah Kaoma said the commission intends to enhance the participation of the public and civil society in the country’s law reform process.

In a speech read on her behalf by Commissioner Shilambe Mwanga, Justice Kaoma regretted that the commission’s work has not been fully utilised in the country’s law reform process.

Justice Kaoma said the commission will scale up the establishment of platforms for cooperation and information exchange between government and stakeholders to promote an inclusive law reform process.

And the German Development Cooperation under its Civil Society Participation Programme said it will continue to render support to Zambia’s law reform process.

Leader of the Political Participation component Johanna Strohecker said the project presents government with an opportunity to promote inclusive legislative reforms that meet people’s needs.

Students warn South African Government over xenophobic attacks

Intervene to Avoid Further Protests Says Lusambo
Lusambo Addressing UNZA students

The Zambia National Students Union (ZANASU) has officially written to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, warning him that the inaction by the ANC Government over the ongoing xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals is threatening the South African investment and business interests in other countries.

In his letter delivered on Monday at South African Embassy in Lusaka during the demonstrations by students, ZANASU Vice President, Steven Kanyakula, said the patience by students is faster running out against inaction from the administration of the African National Congress since the party resumed power at the end of Apartheid.

“We believe that, unlike the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who have come out strongly against these barbaric attacks by those ruffians, you administration had taken a lukewarm approach to dealing with xenophobic attacks which may be due to political expedience,” said Kanyakula

He reminded President Ramaphosa that and the people of South Africa that their country is not an Island and the actions of South Africans is posing a serious risk to the South African investment and businesses in countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and everywhere as discontent continues to grow among our students.

He said students will be tempted to respond with equal militancy so as to send a strong message to the South African Government and leaders in the region whom he accused are treating South Africa with kids’ gloves that people are losing patience against your inaction

Mr. Kanyakula told President Ramaphosa that the people who are being killed today in South Africa are the very people from countries who sacrificed for its liberation and hosted them as brothers and sisters.

However, Zambia’s Republican President Edgar Lungu has restrained students against engaging in similar criminal acts as South Africans by looting and causing any public damage to property. He said it was sufficient for students to deliver their petition to the South African Government and no Zambian must be engaged in criminal acts against South Africans or any foreign national.

Unlike EFF the ANC has a lukewarm approach to xenophobia – ZANASU

File:President Edgar Lungu with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

The Zambia National Students Union (ZANASU) has officially written to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, warning him that the inaction by the ANC Government over the ongoing xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals is threatening the South African investment and business interests in other countries.

In his letter delivered on Monday at South African Embassy in Lusaka during the demonstrations by students, ZANASU Vice President, Steven Kanyakula, said the patience by students is faster running out against inaction from the administration of the African National Congress since the party resumed power at the end of Apartheid.

“We believe that, unlike the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who have come out strongly against these barbaric attacks by those ruffians, your administration had taken a lukewarm approach to dealing with xenophobic attacks which may be due to political expedience,” said Kanyakula

He reminded President Ramaphosa that and the people of South Africa that their country is not an Island and the actions of South Africans is posing a serious risk to the South African investment and businesses in countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and everywhere as discontent continues to grow among our students.

He said students will be tempted to respond with equal militancy so as to send a strong message to the South African Government and leaders in the region whom he accused are treating South Africa with kids’ gloves that people are losing patience against your inaction

Mr. Kanyakula told President Ramaphosa that the people who are being killed today in South Africa are the very people from countries who sacrificed for its liberation and hosted them as brothers and sisters.

However, Zambia’s Republican President Edgar Lungu has restrained students against engaging in similar criminal acts as South Africans by looting and causing any public damage to property. He said it was sufficient for students to deliver their petition to the South African Government and no Zambian must be engaged in criminal acts against South Africans or any foreign national.

South Africa, O South Africa


The rainbow nation art thou,
admired by masses, until now.
The peaceful dream of Azania,
Our motherland dreamt,
A people of all shades,
In harmony to dwell,
Honouring the ancestral value of ubuntu
I am because we are!

Mayibuye, Mayibuye Africa!
Thousands of Kilometers away,
African kids shouted
Release Nelson Mandela!
The death of Steve Biko we heard;
with our ancestors mourned.
In untold childlike rage we shouted,
Ubuntu, O ubuntu,
where art thou?

In the deep valley of death again,
In 2019 as in the apartheid era,
Luck Dube prophetically warned;
“Not every white person is my enemy,
Not every black person is my sister or brother,”
In his memory we ask,
Ubuntu, O ubuntu,
where art thou?

The evil Apartheid
A pan-African battle was,
Our continent together fought.
Not knowing; among our own,
Black blood like that of Abel,
from the African soil
again—again still cries,
O ubuntu, O ubuntu,
where art thou?

We kill each other like flies,
For chickens pity I have.
But my fellow African,
So proud to slaughter.
In their sacred graves,
my ancestors cry,
O ubuntu, O ubuntu,
where art thou?

By Rev Kaoma

Kansanshi cyclist, administrator Anthony Malambo to be interred today

Anthony Malambo


KANSANSHI Cycling Club cyclist and administrator Anthony Malambo, who died in a road traffic accident on Tuesday will be put to rest in Luanshya tomorrow (Friday 6th September).

Kansanshi Mining Plc public relations manager Godfrey Msiska who announced the burial date, said Malambo’s body was transferred from Solwezi to Luanshya today for tomorrow’s burial.

Malambo, 37, who joined Kansanshi Cycling Club was hit by a bus on Kansanshi Mine road, when he was cycling from work on Tuesday evening and was pronounced dead on arrival at Solwezi General Hospital.

Msiska said Malambo, a keen cyclist, took part in many Mountain Bike competitions and Road races around Zambia, which include the internationally acclaimed Kansanshi Mine2Mine, Kansanshi MTB Race and the famous FQM 1Zambia MTB annual race in Lilayi, whose title sponsor is First Quantum Minerals.

“I am deeply saddened by the untimely death of Anthony Malambo. In addition to Anthony’s valuable contribution to Kansanshi Mining Plc’s commercial team, Anthony’s dedication towards the Kansanshi’s cycling development team has been a critical element to their success. Anthony will be dearly missed,” said Kansanshi Mining Plc general manager David De Vries.

Anthony Malambo (left) pictured with former world athletics champion, Samuel Matete during the Kansanshi Mountain Bike event two years ago.

Msiska explained that Malambo had been playing the key role as Kansanshi Cycling Club administrator and was a vital link between the sponsors, Kansanshi Mining Plc, the cycling fraternity in Zambia and the media.

Malambo, who joined Kansanshi Mining Plc in April 2008 and held the position of procurement officer in the commercial department at Kansanshi Mine, was also an inspiration to the many members of the Kansanshi Cycling Development Team, who later became fully fledged members of the Kansanshi Cycling Club and have competed in major international cycling competitions in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and Rwanda.

Msiska said the company will miss Malambo’s services, as he was the main person who coordinated logistics for major cycling competitions sponsored by Kansanshi Mining Plc and represented the company in May 2019, at the FQM 1Zambia Mountain Bike race in Lilayi, the biggest and most prestigious international Mountain Bike Race in Zambia. The event was won by a team of two cyclists from the Kansanshi Cycling Club.

“I will personally miss him and his ever friendly and warm disposition; always willing to invest his time in developing the sport of cycling among the youth in Solwezi,” Msiska said of Malambo, who is survived by a wife Annie, and two daughters, 10 and four. – Courtesy of SUMA SYSTEMS.

Fordson Kabole: Why I dumped Power Dynamos


Experienced trainer Fordson Kabole says he resigned as Power Dynamos coach after the club failed to give him a contract and the players he wanted ahead of the 2019/20 season.

Power re-engaged Kabole earlier in April after firing Kelvin Kaindu during the 2019 transitional season.

‘Yes it is true I have resigned. I am not happy with the conditions,’ Kabole, who quit last Tuesday, said in Kitwe.

Power lost their opening league match to promoted Kansanshi Dynamos by 1-0 away in Solwezi last Saturday.

‘I wasn’t given the players I needed. I gave them a list of players I needed but they didn’t bring any. They brought players from Division One,’ he said.

After the transitional season, Power had extended Kabole’s stay up to December 2019.

‘I also don’t have a contract. I can’t continue working with a without a contract or good conditions,’ he said.

‘You can only work well with a contract and good conditions. People can laugh at you in future,’ Kabole said.

Kabole, 73, has won FAZ Super Division titles with Nchanga (1998) and Power (2011).

When asked on his next move, Kabole said: ‘For now only God knows.’

Xenophobia, the ugly outcome of poverty and our inherent identity crisis.

Emmanuel Mwamba

By Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba

Okey people, let’s gather here and discuss.

By now you have been numbed by the numerous horrific videos shared on social media depicting the ghastly attacks against foreign nationals.

Some are new, others are old but are circulated during this period.

They cause the same outrage as when they occurred in 2008 or 2015.

And then there is the rise of fake news during this period, which causes similar outrage and tensions.

But first things first.

We must condemn using the inerrant truth, without hesitation and without resorting to excuses, ablution of facts or entertaining justifications, the recent xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals occuring in South Africa.

Our condemnation should be in an unequivocal and unambiguous voice.

The senseless loss of precious lives, the wanton looting and damage to property is totally unacceptable.

This also violates fundamental human rights such as right to life, and right to property.

Life is sacred, foreign or local, documented or undocumented, illegal or legal, it remains so.

Further the sense of deep fear, trauma and uncertainty caused to foreign nationals by these attacks during this period is unimaginable.

We are all troubled that no one seems to held accountable, or given punitive and deterrent measures for the killing of innocent lives and the pillaging of property from innocent people.

Causes and reasons of xenophobia advanced in South Africa include socio-economic reasons such as high unemployment rate(foreigners are taking our jobs ), poverty and inadequate or lack of provisions of social services and crime.

South Africa has a population of over 56million and contrary to what is asserted has actually a small number of foreign nationals of about 2.1million (including Africans, Chinese, Indians, Pakistans and others).

South Africa has the most industrialized economy and its manufacturing sector is the largest in Africa(and as an export country, relies on the rest of Africa’s market).

The size of its economy is only comparable to Nigeria and Egypt

How is Zambia affected by the attacks?

In the case of Zambia, only two Zambians out of 15,000 of those residents in South Africa, have been directly affected by the recent xenophobic attacks.( a truck driver and one resident in South Africa).

Of course we are not denigrating the sense of fear by those Zambians resident in South Africa.

We must begin to put things in perspective so that we don’t encourage disproportionate or unwarranted retaliatory responses and reactions, in both Zambia and South Africa.

It must be said with reference to our rich struggle history, that Zambia stands in solidarity with the rest of Africa and should never allow the injury, maiming and killing of any African and the dispossession of one’s hard-earned property.

But we must strike the balance.

Zambia is among the few states that have her nationals in the smallest number.

Zambia has engineers, doctors, nurses, bankers, accountants and others earning a livelihood in South Africa’s business entities.

We also have a number of small and medium entrepreneurs and those in the informal sector.

Further, Zambians have a good record in the country and are law-abiding residents and only a handful are in prison.

However Zambia is one of the largest trading, economic and investment partner with South Africa in the region.

Zambia hosts over 120 South African companies that have invested in Zambia including giants like MTN, Shoprite, Standard Bank and FNB Bank.

South African Airways flies more frequently to Lusaka, Ndola, and Livingstone than it does to the rest of the world.

There are hundreds of trucks moving up and down and numerous buses per day transporting people between the two states every day.

It is for this reason that this particular wave of attacks against foreign nationals affected Zambia more, as it initially was focused on trucks.

This threatened Zambia’s sea route for its imports (Durban), and also threatened the trade between the two states as protesting truck drivers were threatening to blockade and destroy any foreign truck or that driven by a foreign national.

It must be emphasised that Zambia shares this corridor with our neighboring states, Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) and Malawi.

As a result, the truck traffic between Zambia and South Africa is huge.

It is also for this reason that we are investing in the US$259million Kazungula Bridge project, over the mighty Zambezi River.

Until Zambia improves tremendously our other sea routes (TAZARA, and Great North Road, Nakonde-Daresalaam Port, Chingola-Lubumbanshi-Bengwela rail to Lobito Bay Port, Livingstone-Sesheke-Walvis Bay Port, and Chipata-Lilongwe -Nakala Port, and Beira Port), Durban so far remains our reliable port.


We must find a lasting solution to these xenophobic tendencies have become cyclical and seasonal.

Many africans express indignation that South Africans have shown lack of gratitude to the immense sacrifices made by countries such as Zambia, Tanzania, Nigeria and ensuring that it attained its Freedom.

This is attributed to South Africa’s youth that are form a large population of the country and might not be intimately aware of these facts or the facts appear distant to them.

This is the load of work that leaders of South Africa have to do.

This has to be done by writing its recent history, memorializing the struggle and by introducing these facts through film, art and other popular forms of education.

We should also remember that to achieve its Freedom, many South African leaders that prosecuted the struggle were in 3 categories.

Those that went into exile (Oliver Tambo, Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma and others), those that were jailed and were in prison (Nelson Mandela, Govani Mbeki, Walter Sisulu) and others like President Cyril Ramaphosa, Albertina Sisulu and Winnie Mandela that waged the struggle on the streets.

Many pillars were used to wage this long and relentless struggle that included; the liberation parties and its military wings, trade unions, the Church and external support from countries like Zambia, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana and others.

Zambia has been lucky and is also respected for her role during the liberation struggle.

It must be noted that no Zambian has died so far from the xenophobic attacks that occurred in; 2008, 2015, 2016, 2018 and the 2019.

But Africa is matching towards free movement of people and goods.

Africa is moving to a borderless, and barrier-free Africa.

African member states have since implemented the Africa Continental Free Trade Area(AfCFTA) agreement.

Africa has achieved so much for its progress to be negated by xenophobia and xenophobic tendencies.

The author is Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union and previously served as High Commissioner to South Africa

Fred M’membe joins in condemning attacks on South African Businesses in Zambia


The Socialist Party Presidential candidate for the 2021 Elections Fred M’membe has joined in condemning what he described as criminal acts of destroying assets, businesses belonging to South African companies.

In a statement released to the media condemning the South AfricaXenophobic attacks as barbaric, Dr M’membe said that the distressing xenophobic attacks we are seeing in South Africa should not turn us into animals.

Below is the full statement

By Fred M’membe on behalf of the Politburo of Socialist Party

September 4, 2019

Garden Compound, Lusaka

The barbarism going on in South Africa must be condemned in the strongest terms and those responsible brought to book immediately. But it cannot be answered with barbarism, with criminal acts of destroying assets, businesses belonging to South African companies.

We all have every right to be angered by the xenophobic attacks on fellow Africans being carried out by ignorant and criminal elements in that country.

But the distressing xenophobic attacks we are seeing in South Africa should not turn us into animals.

We, therefore, urge all our leaders, political or otherwise, to avoid inflammatory statements that can easily encourage weak souls to resort to criminal acts against South Africans, their assets and businesses in this country.

The challenges of unemployment, poverty, hunger, ignorance, and disease facing our people on this continent cannot be solved through violence, counter-violence or vengeance. There’s no sense to revenge. On whom are you taking revenge? History? The apartheid society that engendered these monsters? What are you avenging?

It is possible to denounce xenophobia without preaching hatred, vengeance.

We who are revolutionaries, socialists, Christians don’t preach hatred, vengeance.

What we preach is the repudiation, rejection, and hatred of xenophobia and the system that breeds it, that is neoliberal capitalism.

We cannot be preaching hatred among human beings, because in the final analysis human beings are victims of the system.

Anyone who engages in criminal acts in the name of avenging the xenophobic attacks going on in South Africa should be arrested and prosecuted as an outright criminal.

Situations like these call for cool headedness, sober mindedness and not recklessness. They call for strong and clear leadership in all the affected countries, for a strong application of law and order.

PF didn’t listen to us over reckless borrowing-HH

HH speaking during a radio programme on SUN FM
HH speaking during a radio programme on SUN FM

The huge foreign debt that Zambia has would have been avoided had the PF heeded our warning not to borrow for wrong purposes, UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged.

Mr. Hichilema said the failure by the PF to listen to him when he warned of an impending drought as well as the subsequent mismanagement of the country’s water bodies has led to shortage in electricity, food and subsequently led to widespread hunger and starvation in the country.

He said proper utilization of debt would have prevented the country from attaining a junk status.

Mr. Hichilema said the accusations leveled against him that his economic forecasts has led to the Zambian economy performing badly were as a result of his timely foresight on a number of economic issues that has left the country reeling on the verge of total collapse.

He was speaking when he featured on Sun FM’s “Public Forum” radio Programme Wednesday morning.

Mr. Hichilema said the huge debt that the PF has
acquired has gone to public service wages and debt reservicing, a situation he described as similar to “borrowing in order to pay back debt”.

He said had the PF taken preventive measures to combat economic downturn eventualities such as banning the export of maize to neighboring countries, the country would have been food secure.

On PF refuting that there was hunger in the country, Mr. Hichilema stated that those who denying the existence of hunger in the country are those who are beneficiaries of the loot from the country’s meagre public resources.

He said the high price of mealie-meal was the clearest sign that there was a shortage of the staple food available for the poor majority.

He also said the arrest of Chishimba Kambwili and subsequent firing of Wakunguma Wakumelo, a police officer who arrested PF cadres during the Sesheke election, was similar to Xenophobia, further adding that restoring the rule of law and freedoms of citizens was the only way to end State sponsored terrorism of Zambians.

Mr. Hichilema further stated that the reason why he was seeking public office was to bring back the equitable distribution of public resources; ending tribal divisions, create jobs and ensure respect for citizens’ freedoms and liberties.

Zambia U23 Beat Congo 6


Zambia have beaten Congo-Brazzaville 2-1 in the 2019 Under-23 Africa Cup final round, first leg qualifier played at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

Striker Fashion Sakala scored a brace on Wednesday evening.

Zambia took a 1-0 lead into the half time break thanks to Sakala’s 7th minute close range tap in after being set up by Patson Daka.

Congo scared the home side with an equalising header poked in by Jacques Temopele seconds into the second half.

Sakala eased pressure on Zambia when striking the winner a minute away from 90 minutes after benefiting from Harrison Chisala’s short pass.

Wasteful Zambia could have beaten Congo by a higher margin.

Sakala himself and Daka missed countable opportunities in both halves.

The teams meet in the return match on September 8 in Pointe Noir.

Bowman Lusambo advises foreign businesses that closed today in Lusaka to open tomorrow

Lusaka Province Minister , Bowman Lusambo with his acting Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Edith Muwana during a press briefing at his office
Lusaka Province Minister , Bowman Lusambo with his acting Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Edith Muwana during a press briefing at his office

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has advised foreign businesses that closed today in Lusaka to open tomorrow.

Mr. Lusambo said government has put in place adequate measures to protect all South African businesses from being looted by Zambians who are aggrieved with xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

He assured that foreign investments are safe as adequate security personnel have been deployed to police the situation.

Mr Lusambo said government will not allow the destruction of property or disruption of businesses as it continues to monitor the situation in South Africa.

And Mr Lusambo says he had to intervene during this morning’s protests by the University of Zambia Students in order to avoid further protests.

He has assured Lusaka residents and the business community that calm has returned to the Capital City.

Mr Lusambo said in as much as the students needed to express their grievances, government does not support destruction of public or private property.

And Minister Lusambo has denounced the acts of xenophobia targeted at foreign nationals in South Africa.