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Dr Guy Scott has been vindicated about his remarks on South Africa

Dr Scott addressing faculty and postgraduate students


By Prince Ndoyi

6 years ago


Zambia’s Vice-President Dr Guy Scott doesn’t like South Africa or South Africans. In an otherwise hilarious interview with the Guardian, Scott flouted the rules of diplomacy to launch a full-fronted assault in foreign policy, on South Africa’s President Zuma and their general disposition (arrogant and overbearing, apparently).

In an astonishingly frank and frequently hilarious interview with the Guardian’s David Smith (worth reading in full), Scott dispensed with all diplomatic niceties to offer his opinion on Robert Mugabe, gay rights, his government’s human rights record and – most interestingly for us – South Africa and South Africans.

“The South Africans are very backward in terms of historical development,” he told Smith. “I hate South Africans. That’s not a fair thing to say because I like a lot of South Africans but they really think they’re the bees’ knees and actually they’ve been the cause of so much trouble in this part of the world…I have a suspicion the blacks model themselves on the whites now that they’re in power. ‘Don’t you know who we are, man?’”

He continued in this vein: “I dislike South Africa for the same reason that Latin Americans dislike the United States, I think. It’s just too big and too unsubtle.”

But Scott’s was not yet finished with his South Africa-bashing, going on to question the holy grail of South African foreign policy: our BRICS membership. “They think in Brics that the ‘s’ actually stands for South Africa whereas it stands for Africa. Nobody would want to go in for a partnership with Brazil, China, India and South Africa for Christ’s sake.”

Scott’s final attack was even more personal, and won’t make him any friends in the Union Building. He compared President Jacob Zuma to another South African president – and no, it wasn’t Mandela.

“He’s very like De Klerk,” Scott said. “He tells us, ‘You just leave Zimbabwe to me.’ Excuse me, who the hell liberated you anyway, was it not us? I mean, I quite like him, he seems a rather genial character but I pity him his advisers.”


I say so because Scott’s most telling point is his position on who liberated South Africa. A number of factors went into the dismantling of the apartheid state in 1994, and a major one was the support of other African states for the anti-apartheid movement. Zambia, in particular, played a hugely significant role, hosting the ANC’s head office-in-exile where, for a time, a certain Jacob Zuma found a home.

For this, South Africa owes Zambia a debt of gratitude, but it’s a debt that Dr. Scott clearly felt has not been paid and what manner of showing gratitude and paying back the Zambian people and the rest of Africa. This should have been the underlying cause of his resentment, with these spates of Xenophobic attacks on fellow Africans, I can only conclude that Dr. Guy was a guy enough to call a spade a spade. This brash behavior only makes things worse.

Zambia invests K1.4 billion in digital infrastructure

Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Christopher Mvunga
Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Christopher Mvunga

The government has reaffirmed its commitment towards embracing digital technology in an effort to accelerate economic growth in the country.

Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Christopher Mvunga said the government has so far invested over K1.4 billion in digital infrastructure development with a view of being in tandem with digital technology.

Mr. Mvunga explained that in achieving the vision 2030, Zambia has embraced technology enhancement through Smart Zambia.

He was speaking in Lusaka today when he officiated at the validation workshop on the Digital Economy Diagnostic for Zambia.

Mr. Mvunga cited commerce, social welfare, health, and agriculture as among the sectors that are benefiting from the country’s digital economy transformation agenda.

The Deputy Secretary to Cabinet underscored that the government has massively made progress in the installation of communication towers, installation of security cameras along some streets in Lusaka, partnership with Smart Zambia who is part of the digital infrastructure development.

“It is critical for us to work together both the private and public sectors so that we achieve elements of a digital economy. The elements of digital technology are; digital infrastructure, digital platforms, digital financial services, digital entrepreneurship, and digital skills and as a government, we remain committed to actualizing these elements,” he said.

And World Bank Country Manager Sahr Kpundeh said his firm is committed to harnessing the opportunities of digital technologies, in order to achieve Africa’s transformation.

Mr Kpundeh explained that the World Bank is actively working with more than 17 countries across the continent to support the digital transformation strategies.

He emphasized that the World Bank is delighted with Zambia’s commitment as it was amongst the first countries to take part in the digital transformation of the economy.

“We are impressed by the commitment government has shown by engaging Cabinet as a coordinator and the designation focal points in five-line ministries to form part of the diagnostic team. Conducting the diagnostic has truly been a team effort. We thank you for the collaboration and look forward to working closely together, “he stressed.

He further said the purpose of the digital economy diagnostic being carried out in Zambia and other countries is to better understand what is working well and what needs to be improved which will lead to the proper integration of digital technologies.

In April 2018, the World Bank Group launched the Digital Economy for Africa initiative and to achieve this, African countries will require key foundation elements of a digital economy.

25 billion dollars was announced by World Bank as a financing commitment over the period 2019-2030 towards advancing the digital transformation agenda across the continent.

UNZA Council denounces student Anti Xenophobia demos

UNZA students burning the sign outside the South African Embassy in Lusaka during a demonstration to protest against xenophobic attacks in South Africa
UNZA students burning the sign outside the South African Embassy in Lusaka during a demonstration to protest against xenophobic attacks in South Africa

The University of Zambia Council and Management has condemned UNZA students for demonstrating against the fresh wave of Xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

In a statement, UNZA Council Acting Chairperson Namucana Musiwa said the students used a wrong mode to air out their grievances.

“University Council and Management condemns the mode of action taken by its students in their attempt to express their dissatisfaction with the current developments in South Africa. The University of Zambia upholds high ethical standards for both its students and staff,” Ms. Musiwa said.

She said UNZA believes that conflicts are resolvable in all cases through mutual dialogue.

“UNZA is therefore guided by the current diplomatic engagements taking place among the Government of the Republic of Zambia, the Republic of South Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and is optimistic that an amicable solution to circumstances that have led to the current threat to peace and national security in the region will soon be found.”

“University Council and Management wishes to encourage its students to abide by the national guidance from His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu who, in his Press Statement issued on 4th September, 2019 has directed that we all show class and exemplary behaviour.”

UNZA students burning the sign outside the South African Embassy in Lusaka during a demonstration to protest against xenophobic attacks in South Africa
UNZA students burning the sign outside the South African Embassy in Lusaka during a demonstration to protest against xenophobic attacks in South Africa

Earlier, President Edgar Lungu has condemned the Xenophobic attacks in South Africa and what he called lawlessness by the students to engage in the protests.

The students clad in Black T-shirt’s who marched from the Great East Road Campus started their protest at East Park Mall before marching to Manda Hill Shopping Mall.

The students targeted South African owned shops such as Pick N Pay, Shoprite and MTN forcing such stores to shut down.

MultiChoice closed its Manda Hill and EastPark outlets for security reasons.

Some ordinary members of the public joined the students march past and almost brought down the steel doors at Manda Hill Shoprite in an attempt to force entry.

In a brief statement, Manda Hill managed confirmed that the protest disrupted business.

“At approximately 9AM on Wednesday 4 September 2019, a small group of protectors launched a protest at Manda Hill. Similar protests took place at some of the other malls across Lusaka. The protest was largely peaceful and the Manda Hill security team along with Center Management, rapidly resolved the situation. The atmosphere is currently calm and in an abundance of caution, as well as for cleaning post the protest, the mall has been closed for the day.”

“The mall would like to thank its valued customers for their support, and we assure you, our patrons, that the mall will be re-opened for you to enjoy your shopping in a safe environment.”

And the students later marched to the South Africa High Commission in Kabulonga via Addis Ababa road holding placards and denouncing South Africa for promoting Xenophobia.

At the High Commission, the students demanded to be addressed by the officials who refused to come out and meet them forcing the some students to start burning tires.

At this point, police officers who were keeping vigil fired tear gas in the direction of the students forcing them to scamper for safety in every direction.

The situation was only normalized after Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo arrived on the scene and helped calm the situation.

Mr Lusambo directed the Police to use their riot vans to transport the students back to Campus much to the delight and joy of the students who started chanting his name.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has condemned the actions of the students describing their actions as unacceptable.

President Lungu said the actions by the students amounted to lawlessness.

He said strings being from the highest learning institution, they are expected to show class and exemplary behavior to other youths in the land

“I have been informed that they presented their petition to the South African Embassy. How then can they engage in the same acts they are condemning?” President Lungu asked.

He added that the students actions are not only criminal but affect the livelihoods of Zambians earning a living by working in those targeted shops.

President Lungu has asked law enforcement agencies to swiftly move in and address the situation.

And President Lungu has reminded criminal gangs engaging in brutalizing innocent people that their actions may cause the isolation of South Africa from the rest of the civilized world.

He has prodded the South African government to do more to not only arrest the carnage but to also bring the culprits to book before this Xenophobia degenerates into full scale genocide.

President Lungu has also asked the SADC and the African Union to intervene in the worsening situation in South Africa as the carnage has the potential to destabilize African Unity.

“I call on all Zambians both locally and abroad to remain calm and disengage from acts of violence as they voice out their grievance. I wish to assure you all that together, we are working on solutions to combat these acts of violence and bring back the spirit of Ubuntu. Let us continue praying for peace and unity across the region,” President Lungu said.

And popular radio station Hot FM has with immediate effect banned South African music on its channel.

In a statement, Hot FM said the station Presenters will not play South African music until further notice.

“In light of the current events unfolding in South Africa of the attacks on african migrants resident in that nation, Hot FM will cease to play music by South African artists on our airwaves until further notice. All African nations, whether Frontline states or not, stood by our South African kindred during their time of need, and together we embraced UBUNTU,” the statement read.

“Africa is one, and until such a time that our South African counterparts embrace UBUNTU again, our stand will be with all our African brothers being attacked and terrorized in that country. Humanity first!-I AM BECAUSE WE ARE.”

President Lungu condemns UNZA students’ lawlessness

UNZA students march to the South African High commission in protest against Xenophobic attacks on Africans in South Africa

President Lungu has described as unacceptable that University of Zambia students can engage in acts of lawlessness while at the same time condemning criminal acts in South Africa.

And the President is deeply concerned at the escalating violence targeted at foreign citizens in south Africa ,including Zambians.

The President says being from the highest institution of learning, students are expected to show class and exemplary behaviour to other youths in the land.

“I have been informed that they presented their petition to the South African embassy. How then can they engage in the same acts they are condemning?” the President asked.

He added that the students’ action are not only criminal but affect the livelihoods of Zambians earning a living by working in those targeted shops.

The President has asked law enforcement agencies to swiftly move in and address the situation.

Meanwhile, the President, as before wished to remind criminal gangs engaged in brutalising innocent people that their actions may cause the isolation of South Africa from the rest of the civilised world.

The President has prodded the South Africa Governement to do more to not only arrest the carnage , but to also bring the culprits to book before this xenophobia degenerates into full scale genocide.

The President further asks the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union to intervene in the worsening situation in South Africa as the carnage has potential to destabilise African unity.

And the President wishes to commiserate with families that have lost their loved ones in these unacceptable attacks and wishes the wounded quick recovery.

The President urges Africans in other States,Zambia included to exercise restraint and not to indulge in any acts of violence in the wake of these sad happenings in South Africa.

Issued by Isaac Chipampe
Special Assistant to the President
Press and Public Relations

South African business in Lusaka close today amid security concerns

Pick N Pay store closed
File:Pick N Pay store closed

South African Businesses in Lusaka closed today following protests by students as a security measure to avoid looting.

Students from various institutions of Higher Learning matched to the South African High Commission to deliver a petition over the continued xenophobic attacks in that country.

The students gave the South Africa government 2 days in which to stop the attacks on foreigners failure to which they will continue demonstrating.

At Manda Hill, Kabulonga Shopping Mall and East Park among others, shops were found closed as a security measure despite the protests by students having been peaceful.

And at the Embassy, the students mostly from the University of Zambia led by Zambia national Students Union President Misheck Kakonde chanted slogans denouncing the attacks on foreigners in South Africa.

However, no official was available to receive the petition.

Meanwhile President Edgar Lungu has condemned the ongoing xenophobic attack in South Africa in all its forms and manifestations.

The Head of State says attacks of this nature targeted at foreign nations call for urgent concerted measures by the South African Government and the regional bodies.

He has called on all Zambians both locally and abroad to remain calm and disengage from acts of violence as they voice out their grievance.

President Lungu assured Zambians that together, government is working on solutions to combat xenophobia and bring back the spirit of Ubuntu.

He also urged Zambians to continue praying for peace and unity across the region.

Meanwhile, the Economics Association of Zambia says it will not participate at the World Economic Forum scheduled to start today in Cape Town in South Africa.

EAZ President Lubinda Habazoka said the decision has been taken in view of the xenophobic attacks in that country.

And Africans have come out to boycott South Africa after days of looting and violence targeting foreigners in which five people died.

Nigerian singers and Zambia’s football team are among those in the boycott.

South Africa’s Minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu told the BBC the rioters feared losing their jobs to foreigners.

The country has become a magnet for migrants from other parts of Africa.

Nigerian Afrobeats star Burna Boy vowed to never go to South Africa again until the government “wakes up”.

He tweeted that he himself had had his own “xenophobic experiences at the hands of South Africans” in 2017.

Another Nigerian singer, Tiwa Savage, announced on Twitter she was pulling out of a concert she had planned to perform at in South Africa in September, condemning “the barbaric butchering of my people”.

Students in Peaceful Protest at the South African High Commission in Lusaka

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

Students from various institutions of Higher Learning will this morning conduct a peaceful protest at the South African High Commission in Lusaka against the continued xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals in that country.

The Protests are in view of the casual manner in which the South African government is handling the matter which has seen five foreigners killed so far.

Zambia National Students Union President Misheck Kakonde says it is disappointing that the South African Government does not want stop the madness exhibited by its people.

Mr Kakonde said all student leaders will convene this morning as they take the petition to the South African embassy.

He has asked all Zambian students to wear black attire to show displeasure over the killings happening in South Africa.

Chipolopolo’s September FIFA Match Week in Limbo


Zambia’s September FIFA International Match Week plans are in limbo after the Bafana-Bafana friendly cancellation while alternative Namibia date is on official competitive duty.

FAZ on Tuesday cancelled the September 7 friendly against Bafana that was scheduled for National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka due to security concerns for the visitors because of the xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

Chipolopolo entered camp in Lusaka on Monday to prepare for the friendly.

But the Plan B friendly announced by FAZ on Tuesday night against Namibia on September 9 in Windhoek is also not feasible.

This is because Namibia are away to Eritrea today and at home on September 9 against the latter in a 2022 FIFA World Cup knockout round qualifier.

Namibia insist the friendly date against Chipolopolo will be on November 9 but Zambia will be away in Algeria on that day and at home on November 18 against Zimbabwe in a 2021 AFCON qualifier.

Bafana were actually the only COSAFA zone team free of any competitive engagement this week.

The only other nearest common denominator in terms of a friendlies are Congo DR and Congo Brazzaville while Kenya and Uganda have a friendly date on September 8 in Nairobi.

Patients being sent back to die at home by medical personnel due to load shedding

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, conducts a Minor Surgical Procedure of incision and drainage of an absess(boil) in the left armpit of a woman at Chilenje 1st level hospital in Lusaka.
Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, conducts a Minor Surgical Procedure of incision and drainage of an absess(boil) in the left armpit of a woman at Chilenje 1st level hospital in Lusaka.

Patients at George Clinic in Lusaka’s Matero Constituency are being sent back by medical personnel due to load shedding.

Residents in the area have complained that their relatives are being sent to die at home whenever there is a power outage at the institution.

Those talked to have expressed displeasure at the government’s failure to provide an alternative source of power to prevent unnecessary deaths.

And Minister of Health Dr Chitalu Chilufya has assured Zambians that Government will endeavor to address patients’ complaints in health facilities countrywide in an effort to provide quality health care services.

Dr. Chilufya said the government will not be defensive but use the feedback from the public to inform policy and decision making towards the attainment of Universal Health Coverage.

He said this when he led 40 principal tutors from various nursing schools in the country to have a spot check on service delivery at Chilenje Level One Hospital.

Dr. Chilufya urged health workers to improve attitude towards their clients.

He said the tour of the facility will help the tutor to appreciate areas that need improvement in nursing care.

I’ll will not be silenced by the recent incarceration on charges of defamation-Kambwili

Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili
Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili

Opposition National Democratic Congress Leader Chishimba Kambwili has said that he will not be silenced by the recent incarceration on charges of defamation.

Mr. Kambwili who was recently released on bail by Lusaka Magistrate Lameck Banda said he will now increase his volume is condemning corruption happening in the PF government.

He said he cannot allow a situation where Ministers are getting more than twice the salaries of Members of Parliament in a clear case of corruption.

Mr. Kambwili accused President Edgar Lungu and his government of selfishness and neglecting the needs of the poor people.

He has since demanded that the government must immediately reduce the cost of mealie meal to avoid an increase in poverty levels.

“If you think by throwing me in detention for two weeks you will silence me you are lying to yourselves, am increasing the volume. More volume until you reduce the price of mealie meal and stop corruption”, Mr. Kambwili said.

Meanwhile, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said the PF will on Friday deliver a petition to Mr. Kambwili’s home demanding an apology for his continued insults on President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. Mwila said the PF will not sit idle and allow the opposition leader to be insulting the Head of State.

Council of Churches in Zambia rejects invitation to Parliament to discuss Amendment Bill No 10

CCZ General Secretary, Emmanuel Chikoya
CCZ General Secretary, Emmanuel Chikoya

The Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) has rejected an invitation to appear before the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinize the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019.

The CCZ was supposed to appear before the committee on Monday, 2nd September 2019 at 14:00 hours.

In a statement made available to media, CCZ General Secretary Fr Emmanuel Chikoya says the council will not make any submission towards the Constitution of Zambia amendment bill as doing so will appear as though they are giving legitimacy to the proposed controversial Bill.

Fr Chikoya said that it has been the view of the CCZ from inception that the whole bill has too many unfair, ambiguous and undefined pieces that are not serving the interests of majority Zambians.

He said that the bill takes away the right of the people to chart their own destiny and instead it is promoting the notion that Zambia politicians feel the right to govern is the right to change the Constitution as it suits them.

Fr Chikoya says the CCZ therefore, suggests that the best course of action is to withdraw bill no.1o immediately and allow the country to continue with the current 2016 amendment of the Constitution.

He states that a good constitution must never be one that is imposed on the people by force, but rather the people themselves must be involved in the formulation and promulgation of their constitution.

He has stressed the importance of involving the people in the process of making changes to their Constitution, stating that a Constitution should reflect the people’s ideas, values, interests, and aspirations.

Fr Chikoya notes that unless a number of points of concern the CCZ has highlighted are considered, the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment bill 2019 into law will not be serving the interests of majority Zambians.

He adds that the Church has the obligation to ensure that a Country’s Constitution is clear and easy to understand.

UNZA students stage a mid night protest against SA Xenophobia, cancel today’s lectures

UNZA students are currently mobilizing at monk square
UNZA students

Some University of Zambia Students at the Great East Road staged a peaceful protest at Pick N Pay EastPark Mall on Tuesday night in the wake of Xenophobic attacks happening in South Africa.

The students led by their President president Warran Hamusanga walked from their campus to the nearby EastPark Shopping Mall where they sang songs denouncing Xenophobia.

The students took the closed Pick N Pay under siege but police quickly moved in and quelled the situation.

In an interview, Hamusanga announced that the students will on Wednesday continue with their students by marching to the South African High Commission in Lusaka.

He said UNZA students cannot sit and watch acts against humanity happening in South Africa.

Hamusanga said the demonstrations will help send a strong message to the South Africans that Zambians are not happy with Xenophobia.

Zambia mining firms say mineral royalties should be capped at 7.5%


Reuters reports that Zambia should keep mineral royalties capped at 7.5% in the 2020 budget to safeguard the health of the mining sector and promote additional investment, the Chamber of Mines said on Tuesday.

The mining body said in proposals submitted to the finance ministry that the 2019 mining tax regime had raised the tax burden on mines to unsustainable and uncompetitive levels.

Africa’s No.2 copper producer increased its sliding scale for royalties of 4 to 6% by 1.5 percentage points and introduced a new 10% tax when the price of copper exceeds $7,500 per tonne.

The scale is adjusted so that royalties are paid at higher levels as commodity prices climb and are reduced as prices fall.

“If the 1.5% increment on each band of the sliding scale is to be maintained, the maximum rate should be capped at 7.5%, for an LME copper price equaling or exceeding US$7,500/tonne,” the Chamber of Mines said.

The mineral royalty tax should also be tax-deductible for mining firms as making it non-deductible as Zambia does amounts to taxation on revenue not received, it said.

“Zambia is the only mining jurisdiction not allowing a deduction for these costs,” it said.

The Chamber said a proposed switch to a non-refundable sales tax from a refundable value-added tax should be delayed for at least two years until it is refined.

It also urged a waiver on import duty on copper and cobalt concentrates, saying Zambia has excess smelting capacity which should not be forfeited to competing neighboring states.
Zambia should also keep mining energy tariff increases in step with inflation over the next three years until a cost of service study is completed and a new tariff plan agreed with industry, it said.

A ministry of finance spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

Foreign Mining companies operating in Zambia include First Quantum Minerals, Barrick Gold and Glencore.

President Lungu is doing everything possible to reduce mealie meal prices

 PF Secretary General Davis Mwila
PF Secretary General Davis Mwila

Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davis Mwila has said that President Edgar Lungu is doing everything possible to reduce mealie meal prices. Mr. Mwila said that PF is a pro-poor party which is concerned with the cost of living for the masses.

Addressing Munali Constituency PF members in Lusaka at the Secretariat yesterday, Mr. Mwila said the head of state will not allow citizens to spend a lot of money on the staple food.

And Mr. Mwila said the PF will be presenting a petition to Former Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili’s residence on Friday on his continued insults on President Lungu.

Receiving the petition from Munali PF Members, Mr. Mwila said the biggest organ of the PF is the Presidency hence it will not allow the office to be disrespected.

The Secretary General also thanked the PF leadership in Lusaka for ensuring that demonstrations are peaceful.

And PF Lusaka Province Chairperson Paul Moonga said the ruling party will not allow anyone to disrespect the President.

And PF Lusaka Province Youth Chairperson Daniel Kalembe said most leaders want to divide the country, but PF youths will not allow it.

And Munali Constituency Chairperson Thomas Kaluba said the constituency will not allow continued disrespect of the ruling party’s President.

Chipolopolo – Bafana Friendly Postponed


Zambia’s friendly against South Africa that was scheduled for September 7 at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka has been postponed.

The friendly has been postponed due to security concern due to the xenophobic attacks currently taking place in South Africa.

“The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) wishes to inform members of the public that the international friendly match between Zambia and South Africa that was scheduled for National Heroes Stadium on Saturday, September 7, 2019 has been rescheduled to the next FIFA window,”FAZ spokesperson Mwazi Chanda said.

” FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala made the announcement in a statement saying that the decision was arrived at in consultation with the South African Football Association.”

But Zambia has a plan B friendly away to Namibia in Windhoek on September 9.

Chipolopolo are currently in camp in Lusaka under Aggrey Chiyangi ahead of departure for Windhoek on September 7.

FAZ cancels Friendly Match With South Africa’s Bafana Bafana

MORULENG, SOUTH AFRICA – JUNE 13: Justin Shonga of Zambia and Andile Jali during the International friendly match between South Africa and Zambia at Moruleng Stadium on June 13, 2017 Moruleng, South Africa. (Photo by Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images)

The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has announced that the friendly match between Zambia’s Chipolopolo and South Africa’s Bafana has been canceled.

In a statement made available to the media, FAZ said the match has been scheduled to the next FIFA Window and that the Zambia National Soccer team will instead travel to for a Friendly Match on Sunday.

Earlier in the day, South Africa media reported that Bafana Bafana’s friendly against Zambia could be called off this weekend due to xenophobic attacks.

According to SABC Sport’s journalist Thabiso Mosia, the encounter could be hanging in the balance due to the xenophobic attacks that have affected Johannesburg, where protesters and looters have targeted foreigners in different parts of Johannesburg over the past few days.

According to Mosia, the attacks had put pressure on Zambia Football Association ahead of Saturday’s match and that SAFA was currently trying to find a replacement opponent for this weekend if the match does not take place.

Below is the full statement put out by FAZ

FAZ cancels Bafana friendly

Press Statement
(For Immediate Release)
Football Association of Zambia
Football House, Lusaka
3rd September, 2019


The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) wishes to inform members of the public that the international friendly match between Zambia and South Africa that was scheduled for National Heroes Stadium on Saturday, September 7, 2019 has been rescheduled to the next FIFA window.

FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala made the announcement in a statement saying that the decision was arrived at in consultation with the South African Football Association (SAFA).
For the current FIFA window, Zambia will play Namibia on September 9, 2019 in Windhoek.

The Chipolopolo is expected to leave for Namibia on Saturday 7Tth September 2019 and will return

For and on behalf of:
Mwazi Chanda