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Government commits to increase budgetary location to health sector

Bwalya Ngandu
Bwalya Ngandu

Finance Minister Hon. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu says the Zambian Government has committed itself to progressively increase the budget allocation for health care services.

Dr. Ng’andu indicated that this year, 13.43% of the budget allocation for health care services is for the primary health care needs.

The Finance Minister said this at the official signing ceremony between Zambia and Japan for the exchange of notes on the project for Japan’s Grant Aid “Economic and Social Development Programme” – procurement of health centre kits.

“Firstly, allow me to express our gratitude to the government of Japan for the continued support to the Zambian government in efforts to uplift the health and living standards of our people. Your support as reflected in this project is yet again a clear indication of your unwavering commitment,” he said.

“You may wish to note that; the government of Zambia has in the past benefited from a similar grant where the Japanese government procured health centre kits for the ministry of health and the support went a long way in addressing the shortages of medicines. I wish to state that the commodities were equitably distributed.”

He further indicated that through the signing of these exchange of notes, Japan will provide a grant of 300 million yen or US$2.82 million to finance, the procurement of health centre kits to respond to the immediate primary health care needs of the citizens.

Dr. Ng’andu stated that the Government recognizes that strong health systems, through use of primary health care approach, is a cornerstone to meeting vision 2030 aspiration.

“My government has further acknowledged that kits are an effective solution to healthcare challenges because they provide a guaranteed package of key essential medicines in the right quantities at the right time for most people especially in rural areas,” he said.

“To adequately carter for primary health care needs of the present Zambian population, about 2,500 health centre kits is required per month. Therefore, the procurement of health centre kits by the Japanese government will assist the Zambian government through the ministry of health to respond to the immediate health commodity needs.”

He reiterated government’s commitment to ensuring that the kits will be put to good use and ensure all provinces benefit.

“I am confident that through this support of health centre kits will make a real socially desirable impact on the health of the Zambian people. The health kits will indeed go a long way in achieving the universal health coverage. Let me simply end by thanking the government of japan once again, and most sincerely for the support they continue rendering to the government of the Republic of Zambia,” said Dr. Ng’andu.

[Smart Eagles]

Lusambo warns Longlihua for labour violations

Copperbelt Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, addresses mourners at the burial of former Cabinet Minister in Kenneth Kaunda’s government, Cosmas Chibamba at Nakatungu Farm in Mpongwe District on Friday. Picture by TISA BANDA-NKHOMA/ZANIS.
Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo,

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has issued a seven day ultimatum to a Lusaka based Chinese company for failure to adhere to labour laws.

Longlihua a company specialised in the manufacturing of iron sheets and ceiling boards has been paying its workers as low as K25 per day and with no proper protective clothing.

This came to light when Mr. Lusambo paid an impromptu visit to the company.

And the Minister has warned that failure to respect the labour laws is a serious offense and it shall not be taken lightly by government.

I’ll Close Munda Wanga, Warns Chitotela


Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has warned management at Munda Wanga Sanctuary that he will be forced to close the park if they do not improve its operations in the third quarter of 2019.

Mr. Chitotela says it is unfortunate that there has been no development despite concerns expressed by President Edgar Lungu when he visited the facility earlier this year.

The Minister said this when he made an impromptu visit to the sanctuary and botanic garden in Chilanga.

Mr. Chitotela said transformation at Munda Wanga has potential to generate substantial amounts of income for the treasury if it is well stocked and managed.

Munda Wanga Sanctuary and Botanic Gardens has been well known as a home for ambassador wildlife species and rehabilitation center for injured animals or those recovered from pet traders.

This is according to a statement made available to ZNBC news by Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Tourism and Arts Sakabilo Kalembwe.

Chef 187 unveils collaborations with Nigerian artists

Chef187 released two singles from his upcoming album ,Bon Apetite ,which is scheduled to drop on 31st August 2019 .

The singles are One More featuring Nigerian music star Mr P (from Africa’s highly rated singing duo, P Square) , and Coordinate featuring Nigerian music star – Skales.

Malawi’s warm heart of Africa under siege:Pre-lessons for Zambia in election year 2021

Malawi opposition supporters march to the Malawian parliament during a demonstration against the re-election of the president, which protestors say was due to fraud, on July 4, 2019, in Lilongwe, Malawi. / AFP / AMOS GUMULIRA

By Aristide Bance


Malawi has claimed to be ‘The Warm Heart of Africa’ for decades now. The marketing slogans of countries can be far from the truth, but Malawi’s case is a title that is well articulated and is well deserved. When you visit Malawi, one thing that will strike you most is the friendliness and somewhat timid nature of citizens of Malawi. In my view, these two aspects are what earns Malawi their ‘Warm Heart of Africa’ title because Malawians are naturally humble people.
Malawi held its election on the 21st of May 2019 and a total of ten candidates were contesting for the post with incumbent president Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vying for a second term in office. Other notable candidates were Lazarus Chakwera (Malawi Congress Party) and Atupele Muluzi (United Democratic Front). Former first female president of Malawi Joyce Banda of the People’s Party planned to run but later withdrew and endorsed Lazarus Chakwera as her preferred candidate. Ras Chikomeni Chirwa another candidate was disqualified due to lack of funds and falling to collect enough signatures.

The Electoral system of Malawi

To set the context of this article, it is imperative to understand the electoral system of Malawi. The president of Malawi is elected using the first-past-the-post system or winner takes all system where the candidate that receives the most votes is the winner of the election. The one hundred and ninety-three Members of Parliament (MPs) are also elected by the first-past-the-post voting in single member constituencies.

Countries of the world using the first past-the post

The following countries of the world that practice the first-past-the-post are the following: Antiqua and Barbuda, Azerbajan, Bahamas, Barbados, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda (United Kingdom), Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil (Federal Senate), Canada, Cayman Islands(United Kingdom), Cote D’Ivore, Cook Islands (New Zealand), Dominica, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, India, Indonesia (Regional Representative Council, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Liberia Marshall Islands, Malaysia, Mauritius, Micronesia, Myanner (Burna), Nigeria, Niue, Oman Pakistan, Palau, Philippines, Poland (Senate), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Virgin Islands (United Kingdom and United States of America), Yemen and Zambia (yes, our Zambia).
In my opinion, the first-past-the-post system works better in countries that have a two party system that dominates the political landscape because you hardly hear of election contestations. For example, the United States of America (Republicans and Democrats), Jamaica (Peoples National Party and Jamaica Labour Party), Trinidad and Tobago ( Peoples National Movement and Peoples Partnership) the United Kingdom (Conservative Party and Labour Party), Belize (United Democratic Party and Peoples United Party), and although Canada has a multi-party system similar to many African countries, the first-past-the-post works well there.

Malawi disputed election results and Jane Ansah must fall campaign

The May 2019 election results in Malawi were highly contentious and opposition leaders led by Lazarus Chakwera and Saulos Chilima disputed the results in court. This was followed by nationwide protests in May, June and July with fresh planned protests for August aimed at staging protests at the countries Airports and country borders (So much for the timid nature of Malawians!!!!!). The Government of the Republic of Malawi has, through the courts, ordered a ban on protest action at the country’s airports and border crossings on Friday, August 23rd, 2019.
This makes for interesting reading because for the past three months, Malawi as a stable ‘Warm of Africa’ environment has not been at peace. What the Government of the Republic of Malawi has miscalculated is the people’s intent to remove them and the government relying on the usual Malawian timid nature. They have it wrong and of late, we have seen even the most oppressive leaders over-thrown. A case in point, Omar al-Bashir( Seventh president of Sudan- 1989- 2019) who in December of 2018 faced large scale protests which wanted him out of the presidency and in April 2019, he was removed by the army. So, if you look at the will of the Sudanese people, they started protests in December of 2018 and despite the government harassments and all, in April 2019, they succeeded (Other African Leaders, watch out!!!).
Coming to the case in hand, the chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission Jane Ansah and the incumbent president Peter Mutharika were accused of having rigged the 2019 elections. The Malawian Youth organised a ‘Jane Ansah Must Fall’ campaign. This sends strong signals to other leaders of Africa. Remember, the number of youths in the developing world far out numbers the old rugged leaders we have in Africa. If I am an old president or even a president who has overstayed their welcome, I would be thinking carefully for my next election movements. The women of Malawi on the other hand, held the ‘I am Jane Ansah’ campaign alleging, Ms. Ansah was a victim of gender discrimination.

Lessons from the warm heart of Malawi

The fight in Malawi is dragging on and the youth are demonstrating their power and with enough pressure, they will get to their intended goal. It is becoming an unbearable environment for the people of Malawi and the year is almost over and the government of the day is sweating over protests and using courts to ban them. It is a bad thing because the country is put on hold in terms of developmental matters. Critics may not support the protests based on the fact that nothing is happening in terms of moving forward but if the will of the people is not with the government, then its time to listen. The so-called timid nature of Malawians is what the government relies on and I am pretty sure they are surprised that the people are uprising. I am an avid movie watcher and I enjoy Sci-Fi movies and old Sci-Fi movies used to predict uprisings, mass demonstrations and fighting of limited resources amongst people. I think people should pay attention to movies and learn a lot. As we approach, 2021 and it is election year in Zambia, an awareness of the so-called friendly people of Zambia and their patience with their leaders is a good indication to the leaders on how to handle the situation. The Government of the Republic of Zambia should not rely on the idea that Zambians will never get up in arms. The government will get a rude awakening (Remember: former President Rupiah Bwezani Banda crying on national television after losing in 2011). My fear is that, in Zambia we have an idea that Zambians are peaceful people and fear war and fighting, but remember, we are living in a world where resources are becoming limited and the population is growing. That idea of peace loving Zambians can disappear when people are left fighting for scraps, and we will be left surprised with events that may ensue in 2021. My humble plea is for our leaders is not to be selfish. Look what’s happening to Omar al-Bashir, he is behind bars. Just across the border, in Zimbabwe, though not an appropriate example, we witnessed Uncle Bob (Robert Gabriel Mugabe) taken out and though Mnangagwa is also facing the headache of protest action day in and day out in Zimbabwe of late due to worsening economic conditions in that country. In Zambia, as we approach 2021, the pre lesson we can learn from Malawi is that, the Electoral Commission of Zambia must exercise impartiality otherwise, ‘Electoral Commission of Zambia Must Fall’ will be loaded.

African deposed presidents

Africa is a continent with great potential, but the leadership is a curse. My fear is it will only get worse as the young people have picked up selfish motives and learnt from their selfish leaders. However, I still have hope if we have countries where the youth stand up and show that they will live with the repercussions of decisions and selfishness of old presidents who would have been long dead.
Here are a couple of African presidents that have been deposed of and it should serve as a lesson for modern day presidents that after you are gotten rid of, it’s not all rosy. In Gambia, President Yahya Jammeh came to power in 1994 through a bloodless coup and ruled for more than 22 years amid human rights abuses to silence opponents. In 2017, Gambians elected an opposition coalition candidate Adama Barrow who was at the time in neighbouring Senegal. Barrow had to wait for weeks during a stand-off between himself and Jammeh until Jammeh flew into exile to Equatorial Guinea with his family and has not been heard of since.
Chad’s Hissene Habre’s rule from 1982 to 1990 was marked with Human rights abuses that eventually saw him forced from power by current president Idriss Delby. For more than 20 years, Habre lived in luxury while in exile in Senegal until paramilitary police took him into custody and has been sentenced to life in prison making him the first conviction of a former head of state by an African Court for crimes against humanity. The other African head of state worth mentioning is Ethiopia’s Mengistu Haile Mariam who ruled from 1974 to 1991 and is blamed for the killing of hundreds of students. He has since fled to Zimbabwe and was hosted by former president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe. Mengistu was convicted in absentia by an Ethiopian court in 2006 of genocide and later sentenced to death, but Zimbabwe has refused to extradite him. One last mention and a good example of a president trying to hold on to power is that of Burkina Faso’s Blaise Compaore who came into power through a bloody coup in 1987 that killed that country’s revolutionary leader, Thomas Sankara. After ruling for more than 27 years, Compaore, tried to change the constitution to seek another term in office (Does this sound familiar in a Zambian context: Remember F.T.J Chiluba’s third term bid?). Faced with a popular uprising, he was forced to step down in 2004.


Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Malawi had served one term prior the 2019 elections and despite him being declared winner which enables him to go for a second term, the people are protesting. Mutharika may be delaying the inevitable, that is, his removal from office. The people of Malawi are saying, ‘Mr. Mutharika, you served one term, please go!’ The same message may be echoed in 2021 in Zambia and if the will of the people is not with the government, no matter what you do as a government, it will never be good enough because the citizenry do not want you. Let us be careful as we approach 2021 for ‘The One Zambia, One Nation’ we so love will disappear and that will surely break Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda’s Heart.

Donashano calls for hard work in 2021 AFCON qualifiers


South Africa-based Chipolopolo midfielder Donashano Malama is upbeat ahead of the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying campaign.

Zambia are in Group H together with Zimbabwe, Botswana and newly-crowned AFCON champions Algeria.

Chipolopolo will kickoff their Group H campaign with a November doubleheader away to Algeria on November 11 and later host Zimbabwe on November 19.

Malama of Black Leopards said qualifying for 2021 AFCON is a must for Zambia.

‘Whoever is called in camp, it is just a matter of working hard to ensure that we get positive results and maximum points,’ Malama said from his Limpopo base.

‘We just have to work very hard because there are no easy games now. All the games are tough,’ he said.

Malama was part of the Zambia team that made the last AFCON appearance at the 2015 edition in Equatorial Guinea under coach Honour Janza.

‘We have not been to the Africa Cup since 2015. This time around qualification is a must. For a team like Zambia it is always supposed to there at the Africa Cup.

Deregistration of the National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) by the Registrar of Societies


The Democratic Party (DP) has condemned the deregistration of the National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) by the Registrar of Societies.

DP Spokesperson Judith Kabemba says the decision taken by the Patriotic Front government is a recipe for dictatorship.

Ms Kabemba has wondered why the PF government is so scared of leaving Statehouse in 2021 to the extent of resorting to deregistering opposition political parties in the country.

She says the deregistration of the NDC is part of plans aimed at getting rid of all competition before 2021 general election.

Ms Kabemba states that PF should realise that NDC President Chishimba Kambwili is a Zambian who should be allowed to exercise his democratic right of belonging to any political party without fear or intimidation.

The rise in criminal gangs in Kitwe is a threat to national security-Sumaili

Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili at a press briefing flanked by PR Girl Media partners Chishimba Nyambe and Monde Nyambe
Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili at a press briefing flanked by PR Girl Media partners Chishimba Nyambe and Monde Nyambe

National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister Godfridah Sumaili has said that the rise in criminal gangs in Kitwe is a threat to national security.

Reverend Sumaili was reacting to a briefing from Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu who earlier informed her of the upswing in criminal gangs in Kitwe.

Mr. Mpundu said his everyday interaction with communities still indicates that the situation is getting out of hand.

Reverend Sumaili is in Kitwe to meet the clergy on the Copperbelt to discuss the National Dialogue Forum resolutions and proposed self-regulation framework for the church.

She is also interacting with the clergy to update them on the National House of Prayer as well as the forthcoming National Day of Prayer on October 18.

Government Must Compel ZRA To Fully Disclose the Settlement Amount Involving $7.6 billion With FQM

ZRA Headquarters
ZRA Headquarters

By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Last year, the Zambia Revenue Authority had made a lot noise about how First Quantum Minerals (FQM) owed the tax authority, and by default Zambians, an amount to the tune of $7.6 Billion in unpaid taxes.

At the time, many of us wondered how, under the watch of a competent tax authority, such an amount could go undetected under existing customs clearance mechanisms, let alone go unpaid. We had further sought clarification around how this tax dispute between the ZRA and FQM had arisen in the first place to help us get a good sense of the balance of tax and customs expectations from both ZRA and FQM’s perspective.

This information was critical to help the public make a judgment as to whether or not the mining house was being deceitful in it’s import declarations, or it was in fact officials at the ZRA making false customs assessment in respect of big money businesses for private gain to themselves.

As usual, this information was never given and thus the public up to now is not able to determine who the enemy of the Zambian people truly is.

Now, we have reliable information to suggest that FQM has settled this tax dispute by paying much less than 1% of the total amount under dispute. And ZRA has rolled out their red carpet of secrecy and deceit by refusing to disclose the settlement amount, using the preposterous excuse of taxpayer confidentiality. And yet, this issue is a subject of such prime public interest that warrants the public to know the details of whether or not we are getting a fair share out of our mineral resources.

At a time when the PF government is making noise about how much of a corporate bandit Vedanta’s KCM has been over the years, and the vigor with which they have been washing KCM’s dirt in public, we have always (well I have always asked) whether the much talked about bad business, dubious business practices by Vedanta and KCM were only unique to this particular investor; and that the others have been playing by the rules.

The PF have allowed the ZRA to breach the so-called taxpayer confidentiality code in respect of Vedanta and KCM, but are quick to hide behind the same facade in protecting FQM.

So, in the spirit of transparency and trust, and for purposes of building sound investor – citizen relationships, can the PF government order Mr. Kingsley Chanda and the ZRA, to furnish the Zambian public with the full details of this once $7.6 Billion tax dispute with FQM, as well as details of how we eventually decided that FQM should only pay less than 1% of this amount.

Let me end by saying, that we have a government and government institutions, that are conniving to defraud our country.

The price of mealie-meal will stabilize-Kasolo

Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo
Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo

The government has said that it was confident that the price of mealie-meal will stabilize because of the numerous intervention’s being taken with support from stakeholders like the Zambia Cooperative Federation (ZCF).

Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo said that the move by ZCF to reduce the price of a 25-kilogram bag of mealie meal to less than a 100 Kwacha will help normalize the price of the commodity.

And ZCF Executive Director James Chirwa has attributed the high prices of mealie-meal to high maize prices, which came as a result of statements from Zambians that the country has a shortage of maize when not.

Mr. Chirwa said this caused panic in the maize marketing business causing both the price of mealie meal and maize to go up.

A check by ZNBC News at the ZCF mealie meal deport in Lusaka’s Chawama township found a 25 kilogram of breakfast and roller meal selling at 105 Kwacha and 90 Kwacha respectively.

It’s Fake News at it Again, PF media refutes story of Agriculture Minister Blaming HH on Mealie Meal Crisis


The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Media team has refuted the story published by Lusaka Times yesterday alleging that Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo believed that opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema was conniving with milling companies to hike the price of mealie meal.

In a statement released to the media and signed by PF Media Director Sunday Chanda, the ruling party described the story as Fake News being at it again. Mr Chanda further said that he had called the Minister of Agriculture and PF Member of the Central Committee Hon Michael Katambo who expressed ignorance of the story and said that he had not given any such interview to any media house neither did he utter any such remarks.

Lusakatimes can confirm that the story that was published yesterday DID NOT  quote Hon Katambo or report that the Minister had given an interview to any media house, but rather quoted people close to him, who have thus far maintained that the version of their story is true.

According to people close to Mr Katambo, the Minister said that he had evidence to link Mr Hichilema to the mealie meal price hikes.

“Minister Katambo is convinced that HH is the one behind this whole thing saying he wants to use the mealie meal situation to make the PF government unpopular. The Minister says HH is hoping the PF will go out of government because of mealie meal after a public revolt,” the sources revealed.

The sources who work with Mr Katambo at the Ministry of Agriculture Headquarters revealed that the Minister has been going around claiming that Mr Hichilema is one of the major investors in most of the big milling plants in the country.

They disclosed that Mr Katambo is also accusing Mr Hichilema of conspiring with rich commercial farmers to hold Maize and starve the milling plants in order to cause an artificial shortage.

“The Minister is telling everyone that HH is an investor in these milling plants such as Simba Milling and that he is now using his business muscle to trigger price hikes.”

Below is the full media response from PF Media Team



Following several queries from the media and general public, I have called the Hon Minister of Agriculture and PF Member of the Central Committee Hon Michael Katambo who has expressed ignorance regarding this story.

The general public is therefore informed that remarks attributed to Hon Minister of Agriculture and PF Member of the Central Committee Hon Michael Katambo in the attached article are false as he has not given any such interview to any media house neither did he utter any such remarks.

The Minister believes that this fake story is a product of pure malice by high priests of falsehood and fake news.

Hon Katambo, MCC, regrets that a credible platform such as Lusaka Times could allow itself to play the role of conveying fake news of this magnitude even after being reminded that the story was nothing but another politically engineered hogwash.

The Minister has, therefore, demanded that Lusaka Times retracts this story and corrects the wrong impression created immediately.

He is further disappointed that some people have attempted to score cheaply by posting this fake story to their Twitter accounts. These are the same people who sponsor and generate falsehoods they later consume in order to dupe the unsuspecting masses of our people.

Issued by:

Sunday Chilufya Chanda
PF Media Director
Party Headquarters

Registrar of Societies has no Powers to de-register my party-Kambwili

Chishimba Kambwili.
Chishimba Kambwili.

The National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) has commenced judicial review proceedings in the High Court to challenge the Registrar of Societies’ decision to de-register the party.

Registrar of Societies has canceled the registration certificate of the NDC following a High Court ruling of 16th, July 2019, in a matter where some members of the NDC took each other to

But NDC Leader Chishimba Kambwili says the Registrar of Societies has no powers to deregister his party, adding that the party has not received the deregistration letter, but only came to know about it on social media.

Dr. Kambwili says the decision by the Registrar of Societies to de-register his party is illegal and an abuse of authority.

Speaking at a media briefing, Dr. Kambwili says the registrar’s pronouncement is not supported by any law in Zambia.

He has wondered why the Registrar of Societies has de-registered the party without engaging the aggrieved parties as stipulated under section 13 of the Registrar of Societies Act.

Dr Kambwili has directed his lawyers to sue the Registrar of Societies Thandiwe Mhende in her own capacity for what he has termed as misbehavior in the public office.

He states that there is no law backing the registrar of societies to deregister a political party if there is a lacuna in its constitution.

Meanwhile Mr. Kambwili has condemned President Edgar Lungu’s unending international trips amidst high prices of mealie-meal and other challenges facing the country.

Decision by India to donate Rice and Milk to hunger-stricken areas is an embarrassment-UPND

UPND Chairman for Rural Reconstruction and Development Moono Mapani
UPND Chairman for Rural Reconstruction and Development Moono Mapani

The opposition United Party for National Development [UPND] has described the decision by the Indian government to donate 1,000 metric tons of rice and 100 tones of milk to hunger-stricken areas in the country as an embarrassment.

Recently the Indian government donated 1,000 metric tons of rice and 100 tones of milk to hunger-stricken areas in Zambia.

And commenting on the gesture by the Indian government, UPND Chairman for Rural Reconstruction and development, Moono Mapani tells QTV news that it is shameful for the government to receive a donation after exhibiting reluctance to declare the current hunger situation a national disaster.

Mr. Mapani has stressed that accepting the donation from India is evidence enough for President Edgar Lungu to declare the hunger situation, a national emergency so that other countries can come on board.

Mr. Mapani has advised the government not to be ashamed to tell other countries about hunger situation in the country but instead, put the interest of the people first as many Zambians are not affording three decent meals a day as per requirement

Meanwhile, Governance Activist Leslie Chikuse has predicted that many Zambians will die of hunger if nothing is done to address the hunger situation facing the country.

Mr. Chikuse says President Lungu and his ministers should humbly swallow their pride and declare hunger a national disaster to allow other countries to respond to hunger-stricken areas to ensure that those affected receive assistance in good time.

90% of farm inputs distributed countrywide


Government has distributed about 90 percent of the farming inputs countrywide, for the 2019/2020 farming season.

Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo says the distribution of farming inputs has is almost complete in the countries ten provinces.

Mr Katambo told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that his office, working closely with Smart Zambia Institute has further captured on record, all the one million farmers expected to benefit from the input distribution this year.

He disclosed that small scale farmers across the country are expected to start redeeming the farming inputs in the first week of September.

“The distribution of farming inputs is progressing well and we are 80 to 90% done in all the Provinces. My office is working closely with Smart Zambia and all the 1 million farmers have been captured,” he said.

“I would like to encourage farmers to continue depositing their K400 in order for them to redeem their product in the first week of September.” He added.

And Mr Katambo underscored that the government will use two modalities of distributing farming input in the 2019/2020 farming season.

He emphasized that his ministry will use direct- deduct in Eastern, Muchinga, Northern, Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces, which are also expected to record a normal rainfall pattern.

The Minister of Agriculture was quick to point out that Southern, Western and some districts in Lusaka Province, will use the electronic voucher system, in order to give farmers a broader choice on crop variety.

He further explained that the weather focus for the coming rainy season projects that Southern, Western and Lusaka Provinces will receive below normal rainfall, hence putting the farmers under e-voucher to give them a wider choice of seed variety selection.

Green Eagles striker looking forward to Agosto CAF date


Green Eagles striker Kennedy Musonda says his side is ready to face Angolan side Desportivo de 1Agosto in the CAF Champions League pre-group stage next month.

Eagles advanced to the first round last Saturday after eliminating South African side Orlando Pirates via a 2-1 aggregate victory in the preliminaries.

‘I feel very good and very excited. We believed in ourselves that was the key thing,’ Musonda said.

Eagles will host the Angolans on September 14 in Lusaka before travelling to Luanda on September 24 to decide who goes through to the league phase of the competition.

‘We will just keep on pushing from where we have left off. We are very ready for any team,’ he said.

‘At least we have gained the experience from the CECAFA Cup to playing a big team like Orlando, so we are ready for any team,’ Musonda added.

And the striker said he is not under pressure to score in the Champions League.

‘The most important thing is helping the team win,’ Musonda said.

He is yet to score in the competition.