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PF leader Michael sata and UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema
The Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has observed that bickering in the UPND/PF pact is diverting attention from the real values of the pact.
The PF leader said the two political parties should promote unity and fight the challenges that are facing the pact.
He, however, said the pact is intact despite the news that it is under pressure and that he would not be distracted from the real objectives of the pact.
Speaking on the platform programme on Joy FM today Mr Sata further observed that most people have felt the impact of the pact and there are trying by all means to destabilize it.
There have been continuous attacks among the members of the pact and the MMD party that the pact is crumbling owing to their failure to choose one presidential candidate.
[ QFM ]
Speaker of the National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa
Speaker of the National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwambwa wednesday castigated Kafulafuta Member of Parliament for calling President Rupiah Banda a liar, in wednesday’s Post newspaper.
Mr Mwanamwambwa said it is un parliamentary and a breach of the parliamentary code of conduct for Mr Mpombo to ridicule the Presidential speech in the press.
The speaker said it is an offence for a Member of Parliament to refer to the head of state by his name only and also to call the head of state names.
Mr Mwanamwambwa said insulting the head of state is not a sign of heroism and political championship but, just wrong.
The Speaker was making a ruling on a point of order raised by Bahati Member of Parliament Besa Chimbaka who rose on a point of order and wanted to know whether Mr Mpombo was in order to call the President a liar in the Press.
Mr Mwanamwambwa appealed to Members of Parliament to discuss parliamentary issues in parliament instead of rushing to the press.
He told the house that MPs should take advantage of Parliament and their immunity in the house to debate the Presidential address and other matters.
[ ZNBC ]
Former Finance Minister Ngandu Mangande
The ruling MMD in Lusaka province has charged that expelled Chilanga Member of Parliament Ng’andu Magande’s acceptance of his expulsion from the party proves that he went against the party rules.
MMD Lusaka Province Deputy Chairperson Henry Mutiti also said the MMD is looking forward to retain the Chilanga parliamentary seat.
Mr Magande has since fallen out of favor from the party following his alleged insubordination against high ranking party leaders.
Mr Mutiti was speaking during a news conference in Lusaka today.
And MMD Lusaka province women chairperson Jean Mkalipi has warned former Defense Minister, George Mpombo against continuing attacking President Rupiah Banda.
Ms Mkalipi said Mr Mpombo misled himself when he resigned as defense minister.
She warns Mr Mpombo, who is also Kafulafuta MP, of what she terms, stiff consequences from MMD cadres if he continues attacking President Banda.
Ms Mkalipi also reminded Catholic priests to clear their names of sex abuse rather than commenting on Zambia?s political activities.
[ MUV TV ]
A Siavonga magistrate court has sentenced a Zimbabwean woman to 12 months simple imprisonment for trafficking in marijuana.
Magistrate Bathromeo Kaonga today slapped the 12 months jail sentence on Ndaizivei shumbayaonda, 23 a resident of Malongwana village in Zimbabwe after convicting her of the offence of trafficking in psychotropic substances contrary to section 6 of the narcotic drug and psychotropic substance act chapter 96 of the laws of Zambia.
Facts before the court were that on August 16 this year in Chirundu, Ndaizivei did traffic in marijuana weighing 50 grammes without lawful authority.
The court heard that Ndaizivei was found by Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) officers from Chirundu under a tree at Tukamona area where she was selling Mazoe juice and the said marijuana
DEC officers conducted a search and found a transparent plastic which contained a green vegetable substance which was later tested at a laboratory and found to be canabis weighing 50 grammes.
In passing judgment magistrate Kaonga said from the evidence on record, it was clear that Ndaizivei did traffic in marijuana.
The magistrate noted that the offence committed was a serious one but pointed out that being a first offender, Ndaizivei was entitled to leniency.
And in mitigation, Ndaizivei pleaded for the court’s leniency on the ground that she was a first offender and did not traffic in the substance deliberately.
She said she has a problem of evil spirits and therefore uses marijuana when the spirits attack her and she also uses the drug for her chest problems.
Consumer Unit Trust Society (CUTS) international has warned the Zambian government against effecting price controls as it introduces the uniform pump prices of fuel on the market.
CUTS centre coordinator Patrick Chengo said that if government allows its own price controls to flood the market, it is clear that the UPP will only cause more harm than good.
“This is because price controls will limit the benefit of the consumer and affect the competitiveness the sector,” Mr Chengo said
Mr. chengo said that there is need for government to realize that both the consumer and those competing for the same market benefit from its decision to unify the pump prices.
He said it is possible that if government’s decision affects the competitiveness in the fuel market, the demand might go high but the supply will drop owing to the fact that companies will decide to pull out.
[pullquote]”This is because price controls will limit the benefit of the consumer and affect the competitiveness the sector,” Mr Chengo said[/pullquote]
Mr chengo also noted that currently, the urban consumer has been forced to subsidize the rural consumers because government did not implement its mechanism properly.
He has,therefore, called for a further reduction of the prices to ensure that the benefits are felt by everyone across the country.
Mr Chengo noted that with the threats that the price controls under the uniform pump price poses on the competition, there is need to drop the prices further down.
[ QFM ]
President Banda, flanked by First Lady Thandiwe reads his speech during the opening of Parliament
By Henry Kyambalesa
Compared to the speech President Rupiah Banda delivered in 2009 to the National Assembly, the recent one was more comprehensive and informative about government projects and programs, especially if the cited accomplishments in healthcare, education, vocational training, and transportation infrastructure are actually true. The speech could serve well as a persuasive appeal to voters to give the President and the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) another term of office.
However, I believe the President made a false claim in his introductory remarks that Zambia was reeling from the effects of the global financial and economic crisis when he addressed the National Assembly in 2009, and that the country has made a remarkable recovery from the crisis. [pullquote]the President needs to wean our beloved country from its current addiction to loans, and its dependence on foreign aid that is generally variable and unreliable in nature
There was no single sector of the Zambian economy that was adversely affected by the global financial and economic crisis. In fact, the unprecedented socio-economic problems which faced our country before the global financial and economic crisis have continued to haunt the country today. They include widespread unemployment, an educational system that casts nearly half of Grade 7 and Grade 9 students onto the streets every year, a healthcare system which cannot meet the basic needs of the majority of citizens, and a critical shortage of decent public housing nationwide.
Moreover, public infrastructure and services have continued to be deficient, civil servants are still not adequately compensated for their services, a lot of civil service retirees cannot get their hard-earned benefits, and, among a host of other socio-economic ills, crime is still rampant.
Besides, it would have been more appropriate for the President to thank and specifically mention the cooperating partners whose support of government projects and programs over the years has been indispensable – especially bilateral cooperating partners like China, Canada (CIDA), Denmark (DANIDA), France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan (JICA), The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden (SIDA), USA (USAID), and the United Kingdom (DFID).
Also, it was disingenuous for the President not to have acknowledged the fact that most of the projects and programs he cited in his speech were actually initiated before he assumed office as President. For example, the Chipata-Mchinji railway project was initiated in 1982 as a joint venture involving Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique during the UNIP administration.
And the President needs to wean our beloved country from its current addiction to loans, and its dependence on foreign aid that is generally variable and unreliable in nature. He can do so by creating a smaller government that will largely live within its means – a government designed to perform existing and planned essential government functions with the 12 ministries I have suggested below, which is slightly larger than my initial proposal for 10 Cabinet-level portfolios.
Education, Training and Sport:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: general and tertiary education; vocational training; the training of teachers; adult literacy programs; matters concerning remuneration for teachers, lecturers, trainers, and researchers; and sporting programs in all educational and training institutions. And coordination of national programs and activities pertaining to education, training and sport with those of private institutions, as well as local governments nationwide.
Public Health and Sanitation:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: medical care, medical research, child health and development, family planning, disease control and prevention, food safety (local and imported foodstuff), drug safety (local and imported medicines), safety of herbal medicines, public health education, public health inspections, and matters concerning remuneration for public health personnel. And coordination of national public health programs and activities with those of private health care facilities and local governments.
Agriculture and Food Security:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: sustainable agricultural development and long-term food security – including the provision of agricultural incentives, support to agribusiness establishments and agricultural research centers, damming rivers, and construction of irrigation canals. And coordination of national programs and activities pertaining to agriculture and food security with those of the private sector and local governments.
Finance and Revenue:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: financial matters and monetary issues, including the stock / securities market; national debt management and external debt resolution; management of all state-owned enterprises; administration, dispensation and recovery of loans granted to students and trainees admitted to institutions of higher learning, and management of a government scholarship fund through a new Loans and Scholarships Committee; and revenue generation through taxation, customs and excise duties, service fees / charges, superintendence over the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA), and provision of postal services through the Zambia Postal Services Corporation (ZAMPOST).
Commerce and Industry:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: trade and industrialization strategy, tourism, mining, the energy sector, business and investment promotion, regulation of imports and exports, trade relations, registration of foreign companies, research and development (R&D) support for local manufacturers, and superintendence over the operations of the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA). And coordination of national commercial and industrial programs and activities with those of local governments.
National Defence and Security:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: enhancement of national defence and security — including the issues of training, equipment and matters concerning remuneration and housing for defence and security personnel.
Public Safety and Security:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: the protection of life and property; the preservation of law and order; the detection and prevention of crime; and cooperation with other security organs of the government and local communities in dealing with public safety and security. And coordination of these functions with related functions of private security companies and local governments.
Works, Supply and Transport:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: utilization and management of State-owned pieces of land; provision and maintenance of vital infrastructure nationwide – including an efficient, inter-modal and safe network of ground and air transportation; development of malleable stretches of the Zambezi, Kafue, Luangwa and other sizable perennial rivers for water transportation – including the proposed Shire-Zambezi Waterway involving Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique; and construction, renovation and maintenance of government facilities and pieces of property nationwide. And coordination of these functions with the related functions of local governments.
Lands and Public Housing:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: delineation, administration and development of state and customary lands; issuance of title deeds; resolution of land-related disputes; provision of consent in the acquisition, transfer and leasing of lands; implementation of home ownership schemes for all civil servants; provision of low-cost rental housing units for low-income families; management of a home-ownership scheme for low-income families to be financed through low interest mortgages; stipulation of fair eligibility requirements to be met by applicants for low-income rental public housing; generation of rules of occupancy, and determination of rental and other related charges; and derivation of a grievance procedure and guidelines for resolving any and all the issues and matters relating to non-compliance with rules of occupancy.
Culture and Community Services:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: preservation of the country’s national treasures, including national monuments, museums, historical sites, cherished traditional and cultural values; promotion of traditional music and culture-related crafts; House of Chiefs and traditional leaders; national unity and patriotism; religious harmony; national ceremonies and festivals; and issues relating to women, children, disabled citizens, and retirees and the aged. And coordination of national cultural and community programs and activities with those of local governments.
Justice, Prisons and Immigration:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: legal matters (including representation of the Government), protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms, administration of the Zambia Prison Service, legal aid, title deeds, national registration, passports and immigration, citizenship and naturalization, work permits, treaties and agreements with other countries, intellectual property rights (patents, copyrights and trademarks), and remuneration for judicial personnel and support staff.
Foreign Affairs:
To be directly responsible for advising the President on, and spearheading the implementation of policies relating to, the following: foreign political relations, including conflict resolution and peace-keeping efforts; consular affairs and services; profiles of foreign countries; services and vital information to Zambians in, or traveling to, foreign countries; publicizing Zambian society abroad; and management of a program which shall confer rare and special Zambian Residency status upon a selected number of distinguished foreigners.
The foregoing functions need to be performed by technocrats, not figureheads! And we should guard against establishing new government ministries for the purpose of creating jobs for friends, such as the splitting of the Ministry of Agriculture into 2 ministries. It would have made a bit of sense if this was a “line” rather than a “staff” ministry. The United States, for example, has only 1 solid Federal Department of Agriculture – a country with around 310 million people and a much, much larger agricultural sector.
In addition to the smaller number of Cabinet Ministers, there is a need to abolish the positions of Deputy Minister and District Commissioner, as well as reduce the number of Zambia’s foreign embassies by having clusters of countries to be served by single embassies. Further, we should not entertain any calls for the creation of the position of Prime Minister.
And there is a need to go through government expenditures line by line, program by program, agency by agency, department by department, and ministry by ministry in order to eliminate unnecessary application of public funds.
Civil servants in ministries to be abolished or merged should be encouraged to seek early retirement with full benefits. Professional and skilled civil servants should be re-deployed in the new government ministries and agencies.
MMD cadres
The MMD has said Mongu Diocese Catholic Bishop Paul Duffy is safe and does not need to worry about being attacked by the party’s youth wing.
Speaking in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, MMD deputy national chairperson Chembe Nyangu maintained the party was not violent, as purported by some sections of society.
Reacting to concerns raised by Non-Governmental Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC) executive director Engwase Mwale’s calls that the MMD should come out in the open to denounce the Copperbelt youth wing militia allegedly threatening to travel to Mongu to sort out Bishop Duffy, Mr Nyangu said there would be no harm on the cleric.
“Bishop Duffy is safe as far as our position is, the MMD is not a violent party, all we are asking of him is to tone down, our stance is clear as a party, we do not condone violence,” he said.
[pullquote]“It does not mean that we have not taken any action against our members who made threats against Bishop Duffy, we do not need to go to the media to announce what course of action we took,” he said.
“We are the same people who have taken the United Party for National Development (UPND) to court for alleged violence during the Mufumbwe by-election, this is because we do not condone violence, so how can we turn around and change our position today?” he questioned.[/pullquote]
He said the party leadership counselled its youth wing on the Copperbelt, and assured the public that no harm would be done to Bishop Duffy.
Mr Nyangu said there was no way a party that strongly condemned violence, would change its stance in order to harm people in the country.
“It does not mean that we have not taken any action against our members who made threats against Bishop Duffy, we do not need to go to the media to announce what course of action we took,” he said.
“We are the same people who have taken the United Party for National Development (UPND) to court for alleged violence during the Mufumbwe by-election, this is because we do not condone violence, so how can we turn around and change our position today?” he questioned.
Mr Nyangu said the party leadership in Western Province would seek audience with the Bishop, to reach an amicable agreement.
This follows calls by both Mrs Mwale and Fr Patrick Chibuye of Mpika who called for action to be taken against the MMD militia for allegedly threatening violence on Bishop Duffy.
The two were quoted in Tuesday’s edition of The Post newspaper as having said that any form of violence would impact negatively, and called on the MMD to discipline those championing such causes.
Last week, Copperbelt MMD information secretary Chiko Chibale was quoted as having said the MMD in the province would not condone the continued attacks on the party and Government by Bishop Duffy, and the party would constitute a crack squad to manhandle the clergyman.
[ Times of Zambia ]
President Rupiah Banda
President Rupiah Banda yesterday launched a personal website, which he intends to use to communicate his personal and official messages to the wider public.
According to a statement issued by the president’s special assistant for Press and public relations Dickson Jere in Lusaka yesterday the website – – will be financed by a group of his supporters.
He said the site would also contain political messages and samples of his approved campaign regalia, which cannot be posted on his official State House website.
“It is another great way to help me keep in contact with you,” President Banda said in his welcome message to the website.
“It will show many of the things that I am doing for us, the people of Zambia, to make our country better and more prosperous for the future, ensure peace, security and stability for all our children,” the president said.
Mr Jere said the new website will complement the official State House website where his official messages and programmes will continue to be posted.
[pullquote]“It is another great way to help me keep in contact with you,” President Banda said in his welcome message to the website.
“It will show many of the things that I am doing for us, the people of Zambia, to make our country better and more prosperous for the future, ensure peace, security and stability for all our children,” the president said.[/pullquote]
Meanwhile, President Banda arrived in Pretoria South Africa yesterday where he made a stopover before proceeding to Mozambique.
Mr Jere said yesterday that the president left for South Africa and Mozambique for consultations on a number of issues.
First Lady Thandiwe Banda and other senior Government officials have accompanied the president.
[ Times of Zambia ]
UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma (R) and Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba (l)
THE United Party for National Development (UPND) has described Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Wynter Kabimba as the enemy of the PF/UPND pact.
UPND chairperson for energy Garry Nkombo said in Lusaka yesterday that the party was shocked to hear of the statement by Mr Kabimba that the PF/UPND pact working group was yet to meet to decide which party would represent the pact in the Chilanga by-election.
Meanwhile, the PF has distanced itself from the statement made by Mr Kabimba in relation to the adoption of the candidate for the Chilanga polls.
Mr Nkombo told Radio Phoenix in Lusaka yesterday that the PF should come out in the open and state whether Mr Kabimba made the statement in his personal capacity or was doing so on behalf of the party.
He urged PF leader Michael Sata to educate Mr Kabimba on the ‘spirit of the pact’.
“If he (Mr Kabimba) is not interested in the pact he must come out openly. They must come out and say if this is the PF position. This clearly shows that Mr Kabimba is the enemy of the pact,” Mr Nkombo said.
Mr Kabimba told Radio Phoenix in an interview on Tuesday that the pact was yet to decide on a candidate to contest the October 28 Chilanga by-election when in fact the pact’s working group met on Monday and unanimously resolved that the UPND would field a candidate for the by-election.
Mr Nkombo who attended the meeting of the working group in his capacity as secretary said the meeting was also attended by Mandevu MP, Jean Kapata, Kanyama MP, Gerry Chanda, UPND secretary general Winston Chibwe and Siavonga MP, Douglas Syakalima.
Mr Nkombo wondered where the secretary general of the PF got the courage to continue to mislead the ‘spirit of the pact’.
And when contacted for a comment, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said he had listened to what Mr Nkombo had said and added that what Mr Kabimba said did not reflect the position of the party.
He said it was true that the working group meeting met and that probably Mr Kabimba was speaking from the point of ignorance.
“Probably Wynter made that statement out of ignorance. My assumption is that he was making the statement out of ignorance,” he said.
Mr Lubinda referred all queries to Mr Kabimba, but attempts to contact Mr Kabimba failed as his mobile phone went unanswered.
The Ila cultural group for Chief Mungaila performing at his installation in Namwala
The Shimunenga Organizing Committee has announced October 16 and 17, this year as the dates when the Shimunenga ceremony of the Ila speaking people of Namwala District would take place.
In a letter obtained by ZANIS today, committee chairman Mr. Amos Kaande said the annual event this year is expected to be more colourful and extended the invitation to all Zambians and people from all over the world to join in the celebrations.
The Shimunenga is an annual ceremony of the Ila people of Namwala to pay respects to their ancestors at the shrine and culminates in the showing of cattle wealth.
Meanwhile, the ministry of Agriculture in NAMWALA District has called for tenders transporters for the distribution of the 2010/2011 fertilizer and seed maize within the District.
Speaking to ZANIS today, Acting Districts Agriculture Coordinator Mr Godwin Chate said preparations to start the Distribution exercise under the Farmers Input Support Programme [ FISP] has reached an advanced stage.
He emphasized that the Ministry in the District want to expedite the distribution exercise to enable farmers prepare adequately for the 2010/2011 farming season.
The government through FISP has allocated 32,720 by 50 kilogrammes of fertilizer and 32,720 by 10 kilogrammes of seed for Namwala District for the 2010/2010 farming season.
A dance troupe entertains guests during the opening of Parliament.
Kasama central Member of Parliament Geoffrey Mwamba and the his wife Chama, whom he battered arrive for the opening of parliament
Energy deputy Minister Friday Malwa and his wife arrive for the opening of Parliament
Vice President George Kunda and his wife Irene arrive for the opening of Parliament
Second republican President Frederick Chiluba and his wife Regina greet guests when they arrived for the opening of Parliament
Tourism deputy Minister Vera Tembo talks to her counterpart from Sports Angela Cifire
President Banda arrives to open Parliament
President Banda, flanked by First Lady Thandiwe reads his speech during the opening of Parliament
Labour Minister Austin Liato (l), Gladys Lundwe (c) from Gender and Bradford Machila for Livestock during the opening of Parliament
ZAMBIA Army Commander, Lt. General Wisdom Lopa, salutes Paramount Chief Mpezeni when he visited Ephendukeni palace in Chipata.
Onlookers watch the mangled remains of a Cetina Transport truck after it was involved in an accident with a Railway Systems of Zambia goods train at a rail crossing in the early hours of Saturday in Kafue on the Lusaka-Kafue road
The accident scene
Workers remove cement bags from a Cetina Transport truck after it was involved in an accident with a Railway Systems of Zambia goods train at a rail crossing in the early hours of Saturday in Kafue on the Lusaka-Kafue road.
Onlookers watch as a crane lifts the mangled horse of a Cetina Transport truck into the trailler of another truck after an accident which involved a Railway Systems of Zambia goods train at a rail crossing in the early hours of Saturday in Kafue on the Lusaka-Kafue road.
Some players from the Zambia national soccer team wait for exit formalities on arrival from Yemen where they played a friendly match and won 1-0 arive at Lusaka international airport
Some players from the Zambia national soccer team on arrival from Yemen where they played a friendly match and won 1-0 arrive at Lusaka international airport
Some physically challenged people dancing during a community meeting addressed by MMD Copperbelt province taskforce chairman Joe Malanji
The installed Chief Mungaila and his wife raising his shield of power that was handed to him by government
Young boys elude the crowd to watch the Budima dancers at Chief Sinazongwe's palace
Young cultural dancer at Chief Sinazongwe's palace
President Banda with in-coming United States Ambassador Mark Storrela at State House
President Banda and in-coming Malawian High Commissioner David Bandawe receive drinks after Ambassador Badawe presented credentials at State House
British High Commissioner consular officer Karen Michelle van Boxtel with lawyer Chifumu Banda in Lusaka. Mrs Boxtel and her lover are charged for assaulting her husband at a bar in Lilayi
A three-man Lusaka band playing at a pub during the weekend.
Expelled Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo arrives for the opening of Parliament
The Ila cultural group for Chief Mungaila performing at his installation in Namwala
There was drama in Livingstone magistrates court when a suspect claimed that the police stole his pants and household goods while he was in custody pending court appearance.
The 36 years old Francis Simuhata of Zecco Compound is in court on charges of burglary and theft of goods from two shops belonging to some renowned Kazungula Businessmen.
This was heard in a trial continuation of the matter between Francis Simuhata versus the People.
Facts before Court are that on June 12, 2010 Simuhata connived with two others and stole goods ranging from cell phones, laptops and groceries worth K42million altogether from two separate shops in Kazungula where they had camped for a week.
The two people who were with Samuhata pleaded guilty on June 23, 2010 and have been convicted for five years each while Samuhata still denies the charge.
First witness in the matter, Fred Joe Mukuwa, 26, of Plot Number 72, Makalanguzu Area, and Kazungula said in the Morning of June 13, 2010 he found his shop in a mess, the door open and some empty carton boxes littered outside with Shop’s poster razed down.
Mukuwa said when he entered the shop he discovered that the shop was empty with only carton boxes left.
Mukuwa, who was apprehended in possession of the items later led the Police to the people he was with at a time of offence.
Appearing before Magistrate Ernest Kabungo, Samuhata lifted up his hand and asked for an application.
“My Lord the Police are stepping on my Human Rights they have stolen my property and my pants and so I can’t proceed with trial before my items are returned to me,” Samuhata said.
Magistrate Kabungo asked the prosecutor why the Police seized Samuhata’s pants and furniture.
The prosecutor refuted that his pants where not gotten but property from his home was seized as part of evidence.
During cross-examination Samuhata asked the witness where he together with the Police took the property they stole from his house.
The Magistrate discontinued Samuhata from asking question and told him to shut because his questions are irrelevant.
The case is adjourned to October 11,for commencement of defence.
In the same Court, another man shocked people who attended the session when he decided not to take oath.
Godson Mlakutse, 32 was charged with unlawful possession of prescribed trophy after being found having five pieces of Ivory.
Magistrate Kabungo asked him to choose one way he would defend himself among the options of to remain silent, take Oath or remain in the doc.
“The evidence you give when you remain in that docket does not carry weight but the evidence you give in when you take oath carries more weight,” Magistrate Kabungo said.
Defending champions Power Dynamos have been drawn against Nkwazi in the quarterfinals of this years Barclays Cup to be played this Saturday.
Power will travel to Lusaka to face Nkwazi in a doubleheader at Woodlands Stadium in what will be the latter’s first appearance in the Barclays Cup.
The match will kick off at 14:00 after two-time winners Zesco United take on division 1 south leaders Nakambala Leopards at the same venue in the other quarterfinal match that will kick off at 12:00.
Respective winners in that doubleheader will clash in the semifinals next month.
And in the other quarterfinal doubleheader at Arthur Davies stadium in Kitwe, Zanaco take on Green Buffaloes in a 13:00 kickoff while Nchanga Rangers take on Lime Hotspurs from division 1 north who led their league by week 15.
Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) law maker has charged that the current mining tax regime is malfunctioning.
Mazabuka central Member Of Parliament, Garry Nkombo said only the windfall tax would bring sanity to the mining remittance of taxes.
Mr Nkombo said that revenue collection from the mining sector would continue to remain a stumbling block and a serious huddle on the part of government because the current tax regime is defective.
Mr Nkombo said that the windfall tax is a docile law until the mining companies start to rake in supper profits.
He said it is not useful for government to become diplomatic and favour more of the foreign and new mine owners at the expense of its own people.
Mr Nkombo said it is vital that government allows its people to benefit more when the companies are making profits by activating the windfall tax at whatever points the prices and profits are high.
He said with such a scenario t every stakeholder would benefit from the proceeds of the mining industry at the same time.
[ QFM ]