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Demolition of illegal structures will cause trauma-Clergyman


The Christian Faith Misson Centre has said the planned move by Government to demolish illegal structures would cause trauma, psychological effects to people whose structures would be razed down.

The Church has since asked President Mwanawasa to prevail over this decision to avoid anarch in the country.

In a Statement to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Founder President Pastor Peter Chanda said
this would also create confusion, enmity and discontent between Government and the
Zambian people whose structures would be pulled down.

Pastor Chanda described the intended move as a recipe for anarchy adding that people
would not allow Government through the State machinery to harm innocent citizens.

The clergyman questioned why the local authority did not move in at the time they
saw people possessing illegal plots and only to clamp down on them after they had
already put up structures.

Pastor Chanda recalled a number of instances when some citizens complained about
illegal allocation of land but wondered why Government had remained mute over the

He noted that the MMD Government was a Government of rules and laws saying
demolishing people’s structures at this hour would be retrogressive and criminal.

He said two wrongs could not make a right and urged Government to rescind its

On Wednesday, Chief Government Spokesperson Vernon Mwaanga who is also Information
Minister at a Press briefing announced that Government would demolish unplanned
settlements throughout the country. Lusaka City Council has since swung into
action demolishing over 100 illegal structures in Kalikiliki township yesterday. A
similar exercise took place in Solwezi.

Meanwhile Pastor Chanda has appealed to Government to allow a deliberate policy for
vendors to sell in the evening from 17:00 to 19:00 hours when people knock off from
work to afford them a chance to earn an income.

He said Government must empower its citizens by allowing them to trade and to earn a
living hence leading a decent life.

The 2007 Junior Tennis Championship attracts new entrants.


The 2007 Junior Tennis Championship entered its secondday and has attracted new entrants mostly from private schools in Lusaka.

The development has forced the organisers, the Zambia Tennis Association ( ZTA) to
extend the tournament by another day to accommodate the growing number of

ZTA Secretary General Oliver Mulenga confirmed this to ZANIS in an interview adding
that the new participants were as young as eight years old.

Mulenga said the new entrants were mainly from the Lusaka International Schools and
the French Schools, respectively.

He however appealed to stakeholders and individuals to help ZTA overcome the various
challenges that it has been facing in the development of the sport.

He said one of these challenges was building popularity in the sport which was being
undermined by video technology as it was making most people to enjoy watching the
sport from their homes instead of actualising it by playing the sport.

The tournament , the first this year, is going to be monthly and targeting young
people to take keen interest in the sport.

The tournament which is being played in different age categories had attracted by
press time 50 participants.

And some players interviewed urged youths in the country to take up Tennis as it was
good for character building and self confidence.

17 -year- old Godfrey Gondwe said in his Youth Day message that youths should
seriously take up Tennis as it was good for reducing HIV/AIDS infections and other
social misfits among youths in Zambia..

Florence Bwalya on the other hand reiterated her call for Government and
stakeholders to increase funding on the sport.

She also urged Government to introduce the sport in the school curricular as part of
physical education.

Division one promotion side Communite football Club targets promotion to KCM Premier


Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Division onepromotion side, Communite football Club says it was just sailing through the division to the KCM premier league.

Team Manager Aiden Kambunga in an interview with ZANIS cautioned other division one
teams of giving them a good run for their money this season.

Kambunga said that his coaching bench has drilled the team well to give surprises
for its division one opponents and ensure promotion.

He also cautioned local football scouts not to take advantage of his team’s
promising players and buy them off cheaply for greater profit to bigger teams.

Kambunga said although every player has the right to choose to play for any team, he
urged the local scouts to give players time to play at their native clubs before
exposing them to bigger teams.

The Communite football Team manager was speaking during the second division-one
match with Young Buffaloes played at Napsa grounds, behind Show grounds.

The two teams drew 0-0 at half time. Young Buffaloes were hoping for an outright
second win after beating Kambuku Warriors 2-1 in the first division one match last


FAZ Division 1 Week 2 Match Reports


Mufulira Blackpool continue to set the early pace in Faz division 1 north after week 2 matches played this Youth Day holiday weekend following their 1-0 home victory over demoted Kitwe United on Saturday at John Kachofa stadium in Mufulira.

Blackpool are on maximum 6 points, level with 2nd placed Nkana whom they beat to the number spot thanks to a superior goal difference despite the latter also winning their second successive league match today.

Chisha Kalaba’s 83rd minute goal for Blackpool help secured their early status as leaders at the end of week 2 and send United to its first defeat after an encouraging start in week 1..

At Wusakile stadium in Kitwe today, Nkana also made it two wins out of two with a convincing 2-0 home win in al local derby clash over their across the road rivals Afrisports FC.

Afrisports fielded a team comprising mostly of their youth squad with the only three experienced players led by their inspirational midfielder Mwila Kabwe, on loan from Chiparamba, who returned to the club after a season away in South Africa at TUKS academy.

However, there was little Kabwe could do to help Afrisports inexperienced defenders who failed to challenge any of the crosses or set-pieces Nkana hauled at them inside the box the entire 90 minutes.

Moreover, both of Nkana’s goals came from set-pieces with the first coming in the 19th minute when Fortune Mauonga headed-in Zambia international midfielder Mark Sinyangwe’s corner.

Nkana wrapped up the points on the hour-mark through their DR Congo and former Kitwe United striker Patrick Kabamba who popped up unimpeded with a bullet header to convert a Levy Zulu free-kick.

The victory was Nkana’s first league win over Afrisports a from three derby matches played between the two Kitwe clubs so far on record.

Sundays result should give Nkana some much needed confidence ahead of their battle of fallen giants next weekend at Shinde where they face Mufulira Wanderers in week 3.

Wanderers meanwhile lost by an embarrassing 1-0 away today to newcomers Chindwin Sentries on Kabwe -the latter picking up their first 3 points after losing 2-0 away to Afrisports last weekend on day 1.

And in the other one of two games played on Saturday, Chambishi FC got their quest for a quest return to the top-flight on a poor note losing 1-0 away to Kalewa in Ndola despite their hosts playing most of the match with 10 men.




Kalewa 1- Chambishi FC 0.

Mufulira Blackpool 1- Kitwe United 0.


Police Blues Eagles o- Prison Leopards 0.

Nkana 2- Afrisports FC 0.

Chindwin Sentries 1- Mufulira Wanderers 0.

Muchindu 3-Konkola Mine Police FC 1.

Medical Stars 2- INDENI 1.

Lime Hotspurs 3- Ndola United 1.



Lusaka Tigers 1- Riflemen 2.

Lusaka City Council 2- Kambuku Warriors 1.

Livingstone Pirates 1- Nkwazi FC 1.

Young Buffaloes 0- Communite 0.

Kalomo Jetters 1-Chilanga Heroes 3.

Zamcoal Diggers 3- ZNS Green Eagles 3.

Nampundwe 1- Profund Warriors 0.

Lusaka Celtic 3- Builders Brigade 1.

Choma authorities respond to State Land Ward security concerns


Authorities in Choma have responded to calls for improved security in State Land ward of the district where villagers have been living in fear of increased banditry activities.

Acting Choma District Commissioner Mungoni Simulilika yesterday convened an urgent
meeting with the Sibanyati community to look into their security concerns.

The meeting was also attended by police led by District Police Chief Chibesa Musa
and other security wings.

Stateland ward Councillor Fair Hachilili told ZANIS in Choma today that he is happy
with the outcome of the meeting.

Last week, Mr Hachilili made a passionate appeal to the Zambia Police Service to
intervene as the security situation had gone out of hand in the area.

However, acting District Commissioner Mungoni Simulilika could not however be
reached for comment on the outcome of the meeting with the State-Land ward

State dispatches K6bn for Youth development


Government has disclosed that it has so far dispatched a total of K6 billion to various constituencies country wide to enable youths venture into developmental projects.

Speaking on tommorrow’s Youth Day celebrations, Sports Youth and Child Development
Permanent Secretary Bobby Samakai who confirmed that all was set for Youth Day told
ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that Government had so far disbursed K6
billion for Youth projects to various constituencies.

Mr Samakai said youths should work towards this year’s theme dubbed Youths Rise To
The Challenges of Job and Wealth Creation.

He also said youths should venture into developmental projects that would empower
them economically.

The Permanent Secretary challenged youths to always be creative and not only wait
for the Government to provide them employment.

He said youths should come up with projects that the Government through his ministry
will fund to improve their welfare.

On celebrations to mark Youth Day tommorrow, Mr Samakai said Government has put in
place all necessary logistics needed for the event.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary said his ministry was waiting for the last bus of
vulnerable youths and some street children to be taken to Zambia National Service
(ZNS) camps for training.

He said the group expected to be taken to the camps during the course of this week
would be the last to be taken.

Ambassador Samakai said a total of 300 boys and 200 girls have so far been taken to
Katete and Kitwe ZNS camps.

Government this year targeted to take into training 600 street kids and other
vulnerable children to empower them in different skills.


Chief Mwanachingwala queries Health Survey


Chief Mwanachingwala of Mazabuka says the Zambia Demographic and Health survey being jointly conducted by the Ministry of Health and Central Statistical Office may not achieve its intended goals because of lack of seriousness.

The Chief told ZANIS in Mazabuka today that it was unreasonable for the Ministry of
Health to embark on such a sensitive survey where people would be required to test
for HIV and sexually transmitted infections without sensitisation.

He said people in his chiefdom who have been targetted under the survey were not
ready to be tested adding that forcing them to test for HIV would be a violation of
human rights.

Chief Mwanachingwala was reacting to his subjects at Shimungalu fishing camp who
told ZANIS that they would flee their villages once the survey starts.

The villagers who sought anonymity told ZANIS that the survey being conducted was
meant to obtain blood for ritual and satanism purpose.

And Chief Mwanachingwala said he would not allow the Ministry of Health and Central
Statistical Officers to conduct HIV or STIs tests because such tests were
voluntarily done.

Meanwhile, the sensitisation programmes on the Zambia Demographic Survey have hit
snag in Mazabuka because of lack of funds.

University seeks partnership with Malaysian investors


Proprietors of Victoria Falls University of Technology have implored the Malaysian businessmen to partner with the institution in providing quality education to Zambia.

Proprietor of the University Akapelwa Ehueni said the shareholders of the university
were interested in private investment and hoped the Malaysians would come on board
and help in the completion of the campus.

Ms Ehueni said the completion of phase one of the university which is located at the
old Livingstone Trades School required an estimated K11.7 billion.

She was speaking last night at a Business Dinner at Zambezi Sun hosted in honour of
the visiting Malaysian businessmen.

Ms Ehueni said the move to put up a univesrity in Livingstone was in line with the
Government policy which called for increased university education in the

She said the proprietors were also responding to calls to establish a university in
Livingstone and noted that the school programmes would meet the labour
market demands.

”Iam inviting Malaysian businessmen to partner with us and succeed in this
programme,” she said.

Ms Ehueni said the proprietors included seven Zambian shareholders who were looking
for partners to partner with and be able to produce high calibre intellectuals in

Ms Ehueni said the university would also offer degree programmes in tourism since
there was no university in the country which was offering such services and people
in the hospitality industry ended at diploma

She said renovations to the university had already started and the institution was
expected to be expanded up to Kazungula.

She further said once operational, the university would cater for Botswana, Namibia,
Zambia and Zimbabwe.

UPND Councillor hails Mwanawasa administration for new health centre


An opposition Councillor in Mazabuka has commended the Mwanawasa administration for funding the construction of a new rural health centre in his ward.

United Party for National Development (UPND), Musaya ward Councillor, Timothy Chipolyonga told ZANIS in Mazabuka today that the new deal Government deserved praise for responding to the villagers’cries whom he said had never seen development since independence.

He said delivery of health care in the Simwambwa hilly area had in the past been a
nightmare because health workers could not visit the area due to its remoteness and
poor roads.

Mr Chipolyonga observed that President Mwanawasa had truly shown the people of
Musaya ward that he was a servant of the people as evidenced by the quick response
to the problems facing villagers.

He said the Government through the Ministry of Health has since engaged a contractor
and allocated K 700 million for the project.

Mr Chipolyonga said the construction of the health centre would reduce disease
outbreaks such as Cholera which last year claimed more lives adding that this would
also help expectant mothers and under five children to receive quality health care.

Government begins demolition of illegal houses


zambiahead.jpgThe government has begun demolishing illegal houses in Lusaka, in a move aimed at ending corruption in the distribution of plots of land, police said.

Officials say the demolitions will gradually be rolled out across the country, raising the prospect of millions of people being made homeless.

Bonny Kapeso said police moved in to raze houses in an exercise which started late on Friday night and ended in the early hours of Saturday.

“We carried out a successful operation with the council and a number of houses were demolished. The police officers were involved in the operation in order to safeguard the security of council officers,” Kapeso told Reuters.

Witnesses said council officers using sledgehammers knocked down about 100 houses under construction in an area where some people had seized plots without official approval.

Most of the houses were still under construction and not yet inhabited.

“We saw about 450 state police officers and policemen from the Lusaka City Council destroying houses from about midnight on Friday until the early hours of today,” one resident told Reuters news agency.

Opposition parties often accuse senior members of the ruling MMD party of taking bribes from people in exchange for land. Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) party leader Michael Sata, pledged to demolish illegal houses to pave the way for new ones during last year’s presidential elections.

President Levy Mwanawasa sacked Gladys Nyirongo, the lands minister, two weeks ago, after accusing her of handing out plots of land to her family. Nyirongo, who is currently under investigation, has declined to comment on the matter, saying she wanted investigations to be concluded first.

Several senior ministry officials have been suspended on corruption charges involving land distribution.

The government has said it intends to destroy all illegal and unplanned homes and shops, starting in Lusaka where many impoverished informal settlements infringe on roads, railways, power lines and government-owned land.

Henry Nachina, co-ordinator of the Land Alliance, a Zambian non-governmental organisation that deals with land issues, told The Associated Press earlier this week that the situation was “scary” because people do not know how the government is going to proceed.

Nachina said he was hopeful that the government would avoid a “Zimbabwe-type” demolition where thousands are made homeless.

Nachina said that the government should not be punishing the people who build illegal settlements, but rather target politicians who hand out land to supporters without following city guidelines.

“We know very well the reason why we have illegal structures: Because local politicians are the ones who are giving that land illegally,” he said.

However, a government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, told The Associated Press that “the (demolition) process is not meant to be done indiscriminately,” and added that in some cases the government may allow families living in illegal housing to remain in their homes, while “formalising” the arrangements.

“It’s nothing like what happened in Zimbabwe,” the official added.

FAZ Premier League Week 2 Match Reports



Young Arrows bounced back from their opening day 4-1 away defeat to Konkola Blades to draw 2-2 at home with visiting Kabwe Warriors at Nkoloma stadium in Lusaka this afternoon.

Sam Gondwe and Lottie Phiri each scored for the hosts while Felix Simukonda got one for Warriors.

Emmanuel Mayuka meanwhile continued with his prolific form scoring his third successive competitive goal for Warriors of the season.


Nchanga Rangers remain unbeaten for a second successive league game after defeating Red Arrows 2-0 at Nchanga stadium in Chingola.

A brace in each half from new signing and former Forest Rangers striker Lyson Sikaonga secured the hosts first 3 points after drawing away at Warriors in week 1.


Zesco maintained their three-match unbeaten run this season in all competition after beating former early leaders Konkola Blades 2-0 in Ndola this afternoon.

Rainford Kalaba and Clifford Chipalo were both on target in the 6th and 67th minutes respectively to give Zesco their opening 3 points of the season.


Power Dynamos recorded a fortunate 1-0 win at home over a resilient Zamtel who again today held out before conceding a 75th penalty to gift their hosts the 3 points after captain and midfielder Kondwani Mtonga handled the ball in the area.

Defender Francis Kasonde stepped up to convert the resultant penalty that gave Power their first points of the season.

Power striker Isaac Lungu saw his 90th minute header hit the right angle a few seconds before referee Evans Menda blew the whistle for fulltime.


Sydney Nteke scored the games lone goal to give Lusaka Dynamos their first 3 points of the season after drawing 0-0 away to promoted Zamtel in week 1.


City of Lusaka are the new leaders at the end of week 2 after crushing Nakambala Leopards 4-1 away in Mazabuka this afternoon.

City are also the only side to have played two league games so far this season with a 100 per cent win record.

The promoted side secured their second successive league victory with goals from Oswald Kalamba, Marvin Chipampe, Mazuba Mukandawire and ex-Zambia international striker Edward “Bubble Brown” Kangwa.

Signs Chibambo scored Nakambala’s consolation goal.


Zanaco begun their league title defence scoring the fastest goal this season through striker Ignatius Lwipa with just 15th second played on the clock.

The Bankers remain unbeaten against Assembly in five top-flight outings with the latter last league win over Zanaco recorded on October 30, 2004.


Roan are yet to get into gear after now two successive top-flight defeats for last seasons’ runaway division 1 north champions.

Today, they lost 2-0 to Green Buffaloes in their first home game of the season.

2006 Footballer of The Year Sebastian Mwansa scored a brace with 10th minute penalty before adding his second five minutes after the half-hour mark.

Roan are bottom of the log with no points from the first two matches.

UTH Pool club leads the 2007 Zambia Breweries (ZB) Zambia Pool Union Championship.


The 2006 Zambia Breweries (ZB) Zambia Pool Union Champions University Teaching Hospital (UTH) kicked off this year’s Pool championship beating Snookers Pool Club of Mutendere 7-3, today.

UTH made its intension to defend the Pool Championship by beating Snookers who were
the 8th  position of the 2006 Zambia Pool Union championship, by beating the
Mutendere side 4-3 in the first half.

And speaking after the game at UTH club, UTH pool club lead player  Demissie Tesfa
told ZANIS that today’s win was a warning to other clubs that his side intends to
return the 2007 pool championship.

Tesfa, who is also the Club’s Treasurer and a fourth year student at the University
of Zambia, said although his side’s win was expected, it should be a signal to other
teams contesting the 2007 ZPU championship that his team will defiantly return the
championship one more time.

” UTH is a team to reckon with. We are a strong side and we are going to defend the
championship again, ‘ he said.

The 2006 Zambia Breweries (ZB) Zambia Pool Union Champions lifted the ZPU charity
shield last weekend after beating Castle Embassy 3-1 at UTH club.

And Snookers Pool Club patron Alick Phiri said he was happy with his team’s
performance despite the loss.

Phiri said he has prepared his team well for the 2007 pool championship. He however
blamed the loss due to the immaturity of his team as it is made of school going

He however said the team is made up of last year’s players with an infusion of new

And the ZPU spokesperson Morris Malungo said his union was happy with the manner the
2007 pool season has started.

Malungo told ZANIS in an interview that his association has worked on various areas
he could not elaborate on to improve the sport in Zambia.

The organisation is looking for sponsors to award the game’s lead winners , top
scorer and the most disciplined team as way of motivating interest in the game.

The spokesperson urged the business community and individuals to support ZPU ‘s
efforts to improve Pool in Zambia.

MEF launches HIV/AIDS policy


Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (MEF) has launched an HIV/AIDS work place policy.

Launching the policy in Kitwe last evening, MEF Executive Board member Lucy Kasanga
said the launch of the policy would be an extension of the foundation’s preaching
and teaching about HIV/AIDS and other issues.

Ms Kasanga hoped that the policy would help MEF resolve to make a difference in
their attitudes and actions towards HIV/AIDS.

She said even though MEF was not an expert and had no capacity to resolve all the
challenges related to the pandemic, it was committed to fighting HIV/AIDS.

She said the institutions’ response to the pandemic has been through training
programmes and seminars as well as projects on HIV/AIDS.

Levy hails Celtel


lpm.JPGPresident Levy Mwanawasa has hailed Celtel’s developmental activities in the country.

President Mwanawasa said Celtel has contributed greatly to the improvement of the tele density in the country which he said has risen from three percent in 2001 to 16 percent todate.

Mr. Mwanawasa hoped the company would keep growing and affording Zambians effective
and improved network infrastructure in the country.

President Mwanawasa was speaking in Lusaka today when MTC Chief Executive Officer
Saad H Al Barrak paid a courtesy call on him at the State Lodge.

MTC is a telecommunication company that bought Celtel Africa 18 months ago.

President Mwanawasa also commended Celtel Zambia for introducing the bursary fund
which will target vulnerable pupils in grades eight through to grade 12 for a period
of five years.

The President assured Celtel of Government’s full support in its efforts to improve
the welfare of Zambians.

And President Mwanawasa has said that there was a lot of under development in Zambia
which needed to be tackled by every developmental-oriented organisations and

He pointed out that it was unfortunate that people have a feeling that Government
should provide everything for them saying Government would be pleased to see
organisations or individuals contributing towards the development of the country.

Meanwhile, MTC Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Barrak has revealed that Celtel will
invest a total of US$100 million for improvement of network services in Zambia.

Dr. Barrak who revealed that the company has so far invested over US$250 million
said the proposed US$100million is meant to improve the capacity of the network

The MTC Chief further assured the President that Celtel is committed to adding new
features and products to make the services more reliable.

Dr. Barrak noted that he was in the country to show commitment and appreciation to
President Mwanawasa’s guidance and conducive environment which had given the company
hope and trust to stay on track.

He said Celtel is committed to listening to advise on how best to develop the
telecommunication sector in the country.

And speaking earlier, Celtel Zambia Director, David Venn said Celtel has set aside
K1 billion towards the ‘ Build Our Nation’ bursaries fund.

Mr. Venn revealed that Celtel bursaries project will run for five years and will see
a full sponsorship of vulnerable pupils from grade eight through to grade 12.

He said his company would work with the Ministry of Education to ensure transparency
of the distribution of the funds to vulnerable pupils.

Dr. Barrak arrived in the country yesterday.


Our business is to provide conducive environment for business- Magande


Government says its role is not only to do business but also to provide a good and conducive environment for conducting business and

Speaking when the 18 member Malaysian delegation that is in the country to look at
investment opportunities paid a courtesy call on him today, Minister of Finance and
National Planning Ng’andu Magande said the role of government through his ministry
is to identify potential sectors for investment and potential investors.

Mr. Magande said the current environment in the country is right for more productive
activities such as investment.

He said Zambia’s economy is performing well after most of the debt was written off
adding that only $625 million remains as sovereign debt.

He noted that his ministry is working towards tightening management to ensure that
the economy continues to perform well.

And delegation leader Siew Soong Hoong said there is need to develop the small and
medium enterprises as they form a core for a country’s ecomomic development.

Mr. Soong said the small and medium enterprises are source of various resources for
other bigger enterprises.

He also encouraged Zambia to increase its quality and yield of agriculture produce
to bring in more income for development.

He added that his country has 35 years of experience of manufacturing saying
Malaysia has machinery and technology that can used to assist Zambia develop its
manufacturing industry.