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Chinese President to visit Zambia


Chinese PresidentCHINESE President, Hu Jintao is expected in Zambia next month on a state visit. Chief Government spokesperson, Vernon Mwaanga, announced in a statement yesterday that the Chinese leader would arrive on February 3, accompanied by his wife, Liu Yongqing.

Amend articles of association


GOVERNMENT has directed water utility companies to amend their articles of association to incorporate new management concepts such as board composition and corporate governance.

Kitwe Town Clerk, Ali Simwinga, told a special full council meeting in Kitwe that he was in receipt of a circular from the Ministry of Local Government and Housing through which participating local authorities in the establishment of water utility companies had been directed to amend articles of association.

Mr Simwinga said government wanted amendments so that water utilities could maximise the existing organisational structures.

“The strategy of allowing councils to run water supply and sanitation services were to encourage groups of local authorities to establish commercial utilities.

This is why government started the implementation of the water policy, which promoted decentralisation, and commercialisation of water supply and sanitation services to promote efficiency and sustainability in service delivery,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Simwinga revealed that government had disbursed K120 million for pothole mending and marking of Kitwe urban roads.

Mr Simwinga thanked government for the money, which he said would go a long way in improving the road network.

“We have also received another K5 million under the Lands Development Fund from the Ministry of Lands.

The money will help the council to construct drainages and prepare layout plans.

MPs seminar closed


THE five-day post election seminar for members of Parliament came to a close on Thursday.

The seminar, which was officially opened by Speaker of the National Assembly, Amusaa Mwanamwamba last Sunday was closed by his deputy, Mutale Nalumango.

During the official opening, Mr Mwanamwambwa urged MPs to uphold the principles of democracy if they were to positively contribute to good governance.

Mr Mwanamwambwa called on MPs to show commitment and belief in the principles of democracy and express them in an open and sincere manner.

He was satisfied with the content of the seminar, which he described as important to the life of MPs who sought to be effective in their parliamentary careers.

The seminar was attended by Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, Baleka Mbete, Senior Advisor Parliamentary Reform Project Zambia, John Bosley and Registrar of Members’ Interest in the House of Commons, Alda Barry.

Jobs Will be on Merit-Mwanawasa


PRESIDENT Mwanawasa says he will only appoint people in the public service on merit and not because of their tribe.

And Mr Mwanawasa said there was a lot of misuse of public funds and warned erring officers that they would be punished accordingly.

He said this during a swearing-in ceremony at State House yesterday.

“All appointments I make, especially those where I directly superintend, will be done on merit and in good faith. I am not so backward or primitive like some people are, that I should engage in acts of tribalism.

“I do not believe in segregating somebody on tribal lines. All the appointments that I make are done on merit, so no one can say that Bembas are being marginalised,” Mr Mwanawasa said.

Mr Mwanawasa said this when he swore in former Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development, George Chulumanda, as Zambia’s Ambassador to Mozambique and Mr James Mulungushi as Permanent Secretary for Planning and Economics in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning.

The President also swore in Mr Emmanuel Ngulube as Permanent Secretary for Budget Affairs in the Ministry of Finance.

Mr Mwanawasa explained that in exercising his duty of appointing people to various offices, he looked for experience from all over the country and that it was, therefore, in bad faith for anyone to insinuate that some tribes were marginalised.

ministers to submit monthly reports to the Ministry of Finance and National Planning detailing how funds released for projects were being used.

He also directed that the Ministry of Finance should inform members of Parliament when money is released for a specific project in their constituencies.

“Any public officer who pocketed such monies should be prosecuted or reported to my office so that I can retire them in the national interest.

For the time being, I will refrain from saying that my government is zero-tolerant to corruption, until all those culprits who thought they were more important than the people they were appointed to serve by stealing public funds are caged,” he said.

Mr Mwanawasa urged Mr Ngulube to ensure that every ngwee was accounted for.

He told Mr Mulungushi that he believed that he was the best person to manage the new division at the Ministry of Finance and wished him well in his new appointment.

On Mr Chulumanda, he said he worked well with him both in MMD and in government and that he was satisfied that he was capable of executing his duties well.

He said Zambia enjoyed good relations with Mozambique and urged Mr Chulumanda to represent the country well in all aspects of development.

17 MPs back Barotse Royal Establishment


ABOUT 17 Western Province members of Parliament (MPs) have supported the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) that Oblate Radio Liseli in Mongu should broadcast more local programmes and songs.
That, the MPs said, would help preserve the diverse Barotse cultural heritage.
The MPs said the BRE acted properly in responding to numerous complaints of the local population about the amount of time allocated to music in a particular language from outside the province.
This is according to a statement the17 MPs from the province released in Lusaka yesterday.
The parliamentarians said it was common knowledge that the essence of community radio stations including Liseli was cultural promotion, education, news dissemination and entertainment through, more importantly, local music.
They called on Zambians to condemn reporting which promoted one language at the expense of others.
And the acting Ngambela, Imbuwa Imwaka, said the BRE has no apology to make over its principal function of enhancing, protecting and preserving the Lozi tradition and culture.

Chilanga Cement stops exports


Chilanga Cement says it has stopped exporting the commodity, in order to meet the increasing local demand.The company says demand for cement in the country is increasing rapidly by the day.

A company Sales Officer told ZNBC news, that the cement company has halted exports, to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

Mr. Banda said last year Chilanga sold 550,000 metric tonnes of which only 130,000 was for export.

UNZA Students Jeer Mwanawasa


President Levy Mwanawasa has been jeered by UNZA students angered by the sale of shares in the state bank Zanaco to a foreign buyer, witnesses said on Saturday.

Mwanawasa, who has come under fire for his economic policies, was booed by University of Zambia students late on Friday when he visited the campus to lay a foundation stone for the construction of more hostels.

“The students jeered the president over the sale of Zanaco (Zambia National Commercial Bank). It was so embarrassing that at one point he was forced to stop speaking,” said a witness.

“The students shouted that it was shameful for the president to agree to International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposals to sell Zanaco shares to a foreign bank.”

Earlier this month some 4,000 protesters demanded the government set aside IMF proposals for tax increases and the reversal of the sale of 49 percent of shares in Zanaco to Rabobank of the Netherlands.

Zambia’s economic growth has accelerated in recent years thanks to an increase in copper production and prices as well as the strength of the agricultural sector. It has also won praise from Western governments for prudent economic policies.

But Mwanawasa has battled a growing public perception that his strong fiscal record has done little to benefit most of the 10 million people in the copper-rich nation.

Poverty remains widespread and critics say Zambia should be reaping bigger benefit from its resources.

Mwanawasa narrowly won a second five-year term last year in a campaign which largely revolved around economic policy.

The sale of Zanaco shares was part of a larger government drive to privatise some state assets under a programme agreed with the IMF.

The privately-owned influential Post newspaper carried a front-page photograph of students demonstrating at the university.

“I and my ministers have listened to you and I do not expect you to interrupt me when I am speaking. I came here to (state) the long term measures and I can only (speak) if you listen to me,” the Post quoted Mwanawasa as telling the students.

University students in Zambia have regularly carried out protests over what they say is the government’s failure to improve their allowances and construct more hostels amid regular strikes by lecturers demanding better pay.

Zambia Launches $15 bn Economic Plan


Zambia, Africa’s biggest copper producer, planned to spend $15bn over the next five years to develop its economy, President Levy Mwanawasa said yesterday.

The country would use the money to reduce unemployment, boost the education and health industries, and reduce poverty, Mwanawasa said in a speech in Lusaka.

The programme would form part of a plan to turn Zambia into a middle-income country by 2030, he said.

The government would raise 48-trillion kwacha for the project, known as the Fifth National Development Plan, and had asked donors to help finance the remainder, the president said.

Zambia’s economy is benefiting from higher investment after copper prices surged to a record and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and African Development Bank cancelled the country’s debt.

Zambia’s economic growth would probably rise 6% a year in the “medium term”, the IMF said in November last year.

Debt relief and a “substantial” improvement in government finances had enabled Zambia to focus its resources on social development, health and education, said Phumelele Mbiyo, a bonds analyst at Standard Bank in Johannesburg.

“The prospects for Zambia look good,” Mbiyo said.

“Zambia is enjoying a period of recovery following the privatisation of many of its industries. Investment has revitalised copper output.”

Zambia’s government is targeting economic growth of at least 7% a year over the next five years. Mwanawasa, who was re-elected president in September, pledged to cut taxes, introduce incentives for investment in agriculture, and increase spending on infrastructure such as roads, rail and bridges.

Zambian Football Tuesday Update


The Zambia under 23 national team enters residential camp tomorrow Wednesday afternoon in Kitwe ahead of their February 7, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 1st round, 1st leg football tournament qualifier at home against Malawi.26 players in all have been called up with the new inclusion being former Under 20 defender Davies Nkausu of South African 2nd division club University of Pretoria FC.

Nkausu is one of two foreign based call-ups together with striker Given Singuluma of Bay United in the South African 2nd division whom he joined this month from National Assembly.

The duo is expected to camp at least five days before the match against Malawi.

The Under 23 team will be camped at Power Dynamos camp house for the next two weeks and will train from Arthur Davies during their fortnight stay in Kitwe.

The squad will be under the helm of Peter Kaumba and his assistant Dean Mwiinde.


Goalkeepers: Rabson Muchelenganga (Power Dynamos), Kelvin Mulenga (Kitwe United), Fred Silwamba (Nchanga Rangers).

Defenders: Field Chipungu (Forest Rangers), Naphtali Chimbwalume (Nakambala Leopards), Maybin Chishimba, Thomas Nyirenda (Both Konkola Blades), Clive Sichondwe (Kabwe Warriors), David Nkausu (University of Pretoria FC, South Africa), Aaron Sichilima (Lusaka Tigers), Phumulo Simioti (Zanaco), Eugene Shamakamba (Kitwe United), Charles Siyingwa (Afrisports).

Midfielders: Chibwe Chileshe (Nkana), Chabusha Malumani, Simon Bwalya (Both Lusaka Dynamos), Mazuba Mukandawire (City of Lusaka), Oliver Mukuka (Forest Rangers), Chanda Mwaba (Power Dynamos), Mwape Mwelwa (National Assembly), Simon Nkole (Kitwe United).

Strikers: Brian Chilando (Nchanga Rangers), Christopher Musonda, Collins Mwanza (Both Forest Rangers), Chipili Mungule (Chambishi FC), Felix Nsunzu Jr (Konkola Blades), Given Singuluma (Bay United South Africa)

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumiana

Zambian Football Pro’s hit list


FRANCE.Striker Jacob Mulenga on Friday started for his 7th positioned French Ligue 2 club Chateauroux in their 1-0 home win over 14th placed Creteil.

Mulenga was not on target and was substituted in the 66th minute.


Striker Collins Mbseuma started for 5th-from-top Maritimo on Friday in the clubs 1-0 win over 11th positioned Boavista.

Mbesuma did not score and was replaced deep into the 90 minutes of the match.


Striker Songwe Chalwe played but did not score for 8th placed Moroka Swallows on Sunday in their 1-0 home win over leaders Silver Stars.

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumiana

Kapya rated best 2006 rally driver


Lusaka, January 15, ZANIS —- Charles Kapya is the 2006 driver year, according to overall results of the Zambia Motor Sports Association (ZMSA). According ZMSA overall results obtained by ZANIS sports, Kapya beat his closest rivals Rammy Sing and Kenny Mukosa by 37 points against the duo’s 29 and 28 points respectively.

Gary Ishmail scooped the Navigator category with 29 points. However Nash Chisenga and Abel Nyakunzu closely followed him with 28 points apiece. The manufacturers category was scooped by Subaru beating Landrover and Toyota by a wide margin of 96 against 30 and 28 points apiece.

David Reeve won the Senior riders category with 505 points against Dale Holliday and Russel Foyle’s 477 and 275 points, respectively. They trio were all competing on Honda 4 bikes. Micheal Hacking won the 125 Class category with 499 on a Honda 2. He was closely trailed by Warren Lionnet and brother Graham, with 464 and 368 points.

In the Veterans category, Dale Holliday scooped the Veteran’s category on a Honda 2 with 500 points. He was closely followed by Alan Ellis and Nick Frangeskides with 410 and 405 points each respectively.

Micheal Lionnet, Costa Becker and Costa Frangeskides came out first, second and third respectively with 408, 397 and 309 points. Young Francesco Sciarrino scooped the junior riders category with 525 points. Ryan Ellis and Dalton Wadey came out second and third, with 373 and 358 points, respectively.

The mini Cross was scooped by Billy Dean who scored 451 points and was closely followed by his brother Thomas and James Riddle who scored 418 and 264 points apiece.

Zambian Football Monday Update


ZAMBIA UNDER 20 WINS FINAL TRAINING GAME.The Zambia Under 20 today beat South African premier league defending champions Mamelodi Sundowns 4-3 in a training match.

Goals from Sebastian Mwansa, Simon Lupiya, Yorum Mwila and William Njobvu gave Zambia the win.

The victory wrap-ups George Lwandamina’s squads 12-day training camp in South Africa ahead of the participation in the 2007 Caf Africa Youth Championship final in Congo-Brazzaville that kickoff this Saturday.

Zambia depart South Africa for Congo on Thursday instead of today as earlier scheduled, two days before the tournament kicks off on Saturday, January 20.

Zambia play defending Africa Under 20 champions Nigeria on the 21st in both sides opening Group B match.

ANDRE MTINE RESIGNS AS FOREST TECHNICAL ADVISOR. Forest Rangers technical advisor Andre Mtine today announced that he had quit his post at the Ndola club.

Mtine leaves the club by mutual consent after two seasons as Forests’ technical advisor. He cited family commitments and the pressure of work running his business as the reasons for ending his two-year old affair with Forest.

During his two years at the club, Mtine was instrumental in Forests’ first ever major cup triumph with the lifting of the 2005 Coca Cola Cup that they unsuccessfully defended last season after losing to Kabwe Warriors in the finals.

Mtine also helped Forest gain promotion to the top-flight following their Coke Cup win in 2005 that same year.

Last season Mtine oversaw the side finish 5th, the best placing of the three promoted clubs that survived the drop in the 2006 campaign ahead of Konkola Blades and Nakambala Leopards who ended their year in 6th and 7th positions respectively.


The Zambia Under 23 squad goes into camp in Kitwe this Thursday to start preparations for their 2008 Olympic Games 1st round, 1st leg qualifying tie against Malawi scheduled for early next month.

Peter Kaumba”s side will reside at Power Dynamos camp house and training from Arthur Davies stadium. Further details will be released by team manager Lusekelo Kamwambi on Tuesday.

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumina

Zambian Football Sunday Update


Zanaco wrapped-up their opening pre-season doubleheader weekend with a second successive emphatic win when they beat Zimbabwean visitors Mwana Africa 3-0 in an international club friendly played at Sunset stadium Lusaka this afternoon.Zanaco went 1-0 up into the break through new signing and Zambia Under 17 international striker Chisamba Lungu in the 32nd minute.

Midfielder Martin Daka made it 2-0 four minutes after the hour-mark.

Mwana defender Chipo Tsodzo turned the ball into his own net not long after that on 67 minutes to see Zanaco complete a double over Zimbabwean opposition in a space of 24 hours.

On Saturday, Zanaco crushed Zimbabwean top-flight champions Highlanders 4-0 at the same venue in another international club friendly.

Meanwhile, Highlanders’ second game today against Green Buffaloes was cancelled after the Zimbabwean champions decided to return to their Bulawayo base this morning.

Zanaco and Buffaloes are using their early pre-season games as part of the two teams participation in the 2007 Caf Africa Champions League and Confederations Cup’s respectively.

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumina

Zambian Football Saturday Update


Zanaco’s pre-season preparations got off on a high today when they beat Zimbabwean league champions Highlanders 4-0 in an international club friendly played club at Sunset stadium in Lusaka.And on the other side of the Capital at Independence stadium this afternoon, Green Buffaloes were held to a 1-1 draw by another Zimbabwean club Mwana Africa in another international club warm-up.

Zanaco’s win over Highlanders was secured thanks to a hat-trick from Winston Kalengo with goals in the 35th 48th and 63rd minutes of the match.

Ignatius Lwipa helped Zanaco go 2-0 up into the break with the Bankers’ second goal in the 42nd minute.

At Independence, Buffaloes rallied late from 1-0 down thanks to an 87th minute goal from Ezekiel Lungu after Mwana had taken the lead seven minutes earlier through Cleophas Charera.

On Sunday, Buffaloes host Highlanders while Zanaco take on Mwana at Sunset.

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumiana

Zambian Football Friday Update


The Zambia Under 20 team wrap-up their 12-day training camp in South Africa on Monday with a morning warm-up match prior to departure on the same day for Congo-Brazzaville to take part in the Caf Africa Youth Championship.The squads earlier announced training match against Jomo Cosmos scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled because the club has a league commitment this Sunday.

Zambia will instead play defending South Africa top-flight champions Mamelodi sundowns on Monday just before taking off for Brazzaville later in the day.

George Lwandamina’s squad open their Africa Youth Championship on January 21st against the tournaments defending champions Nigeria.

In other local football news, defending league champions Zanaco this weekend play two international friendly matches against Zimbabwean opposition on Saturday and Sunday at Sunset stadium in Lusaka.

On Saturday, Zanaco host Zimbabwean champions Highlanders and 24 hours face Mwana Africa at the same venue.

Elsewhere, Power Dynamos have confirmed caretaker coach Lawrence Mweembaas the Arthur Davies clubs head trainer for the next two years.

Mweemba has been handed the post permanently after earlier taking temporal charge at Power following the departure of Englishman Eddie May last September following six months at the helm.

Mweemba, a former Power and Circuit Chiefs player, joined the Power bench in 2005 after he was fired at Afrisports during the latter clubs’ debut top-flight campaign that season before being relegated.

Courtesy of Kalumiana Kalumiana