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Secretaries are key to business development – Kitwe DAO


Kitwe District Administrative Officer Stephen Lindunda has said mishandling of customers by secretaries is contributing to organisations losing billions of kwacha.

Speaking when he officially opened a professional secretaries workshop on the theme ‘Quality,Excellence and Professionalism’ at Kitwe’s Edinburgh Hotel today, Mr Lindunda said there was need for secretaries to develop good communication skills in order for an organisation’s business operations to run smoothly.

Mr Lindunda said when an organisation is separated from the public, it risks losing a lot of potential business partners critical to its development.

He said secretaries are the first door of entry to every organisation and should therefore not act as barriers to customers. “Personal barriers such as emotions,moods,poor listening skills,pride, psychological complexes should be avoided at all times,” he said.

He said a lot of organisations were losing out on profit in their businesses because of the way some secretaries respond to business clients.

“This needs to change because it is also affecting the development of the entire nation,” he said.

He added that the secretarial profession has in recent years taken a broader dimension and is not only linked to someone behind a computer, but also to being a dependable,reliable and equal management partner with the boss.

Mr Lindunda said a secretary must also be of good conduct in order to reflect the employer’s and company’s image even under intense pressure during or after working hours.

And Mr Lindunda has appealed to employers to recognise the contribution secretaries make to the success of a business.

He said companies should reward secretaries with conditions of service in order to motivate them.

Mr Lindunda added that government will continue to support institutions offering secretarial functions and has placed no restrictions to private enterprises to fill the gaps where need arose.

And speaking at the same function, Secretaries Association of Zambia Coordinator Christabel Musefwe urged secretaries to strive to be good administrative business professionals as this is what their work entailed.

She urged secretaries to also take time to know their organisations well if they were to deliver effective services.

Ms Musefwe added that secretaries should be exemplary as they were the key to the success of any business entity. ZANIS

2007/2008 farming inputs to start flowing to farmers soon


Farming inputs for the 2007-2008 farming season will soon start being dispatched to various parts of the country in readiness for the coming farming season.

Livingstone district commissioner Francis Chika disclosed this when he officiated at the launch of the alternative livelihood programme at Mahululo programme against malnutrition satellite yesterday.

Mr Chika said government was committed to ensuring timely distribution of farming inputs to enhance food security in the country.

Mr Chika called on the district agriculture and cooperatives coordinators to start sensitizing farmers in the area on what type of seed to buy to suit the changing weather patterns.

He noted that early maturing varieties were more preferable for the southern region as the rain period had drastically reduced in recent years.

And in another development, Mr Chika called on Zambia wild life authority to seriously address the issue of elephants as they were destroying people’s crops in the district and endangering people’s lives.

The district commissioner suggested that there was need to crop the animals which include crocodiles as their population had swelled significantly posing a danger to people’s lives.

He called on the authority to sensitise people on how best to handle the animals to minimize crop damage and to save lives.


It is not yet time to search for Levy’s successor in the party


The MMD in Mufulira has advised that it is too early for the party to start searching for a presidential candidate for the 2011 general elections. MMD Mufulira chairman Harrington Mambwe says premature campaigns for President Mwanawasa’s successor would divide the ruling party ahead of 2011.

Mr Mambwe said this in an interview with ZANIS in Mufulira today during the MMD party’s card renewal exercise.

Mr. Mambwe said the MMD in Mufulira will only start discussing the issue of president Mwanawas’s successor after the ruling party’s NEC gave a go ahead .

Meanwhile, the MMD in Mufulira has hailed the business community for the support they have continued to render to the ruling party.

Acting MMD District Secretary Dickson Chibekete said the support from the business sector to the ruling party was commendable.


Time Out!


All moms have an office that never closes and an inbox that never empties, whether we work outside the home or not. This daily grind can put us all on the fast track to burnout. If motherhood were a pet, and you were writing a manual for the Care and Feeding of Your motherhood, what advice would you give? The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. Often our most important priorities are intangible or considered unproductive. That fact makes it very tempting to allow more urgent tasks to rise to the surface and overtake what is ultimately of more eternal value. Moms need time management tricks as flexible as their schedules, since there will always be those days when your infant gets a diarrhoea,your kindergartner announces that he needs 48 cupcakes by noon and your second hand Japanese car won’t start!
Here are some time management tips especially for moms.
Good organization is a stepping stone to time management.

  1. Firstly try have some quiet time with the Lord in the morning before the kids wake up.
  2. Have things packed and ready to go. Pack the kids lunch boxes the night before.
  3. Organize your house
  4. Write all of your appointments on one calendar.
  5. Stick to a routine.
  6. Know yourself. If your mind shuts off at 20hrs schedule your biggest tasks first thing in the morning.
  7. Make a to-do list before you go to bed so you won’t waste that precious morning time.
  8. Try to do something fun with your children every day. Sometimes it is reading aloud from a good book, at other times it is a board game, or a quick trip to the shops to pick up supplies and an ice cream.
  9. Getting to bed early enough to have “Window Time” with your kids on the edge of their beds is an investment in your relationship. Kids will remember the times you played and talked with them long after they forget how clean the house was or how delicious the meals.If your kids’ disruptions are frequent, give them what they want. Spend at least 20 minutes offering them your undivided attention. No TV, no radio, just toys and books (depending, of course, on their ages). Play with them, read to them. Often, these disruptions are just a sign that they need a little one-on-one time.

Exercise to energize. Spending an hour a day on exercise can actually save you time. You’ll feel more energized and productive throughout the day, and you may even require less sleep at night. Cut the time spent working out by boosting the intensity. Don’t cut the workout itself.

As moms, we dash from one responsibility to another, but there is an alternative that we often forget: Give yourself less to do.The first step is to figure out what’s really important to you. Schedule several key tasks and outsource the rest.

Delegating is difficult, but it will get easier with practice. If a plumber would cost less than it would for hubby to take the time to fix the bathroom leak,call the professional! Ask the maid or your dependant to wash and cut the vegetables for you.

Taken one step further, if you enjoy your work and would earn more money if you spent more time at it, why not give yourself that extra time (and money) by hiring someone to do the tasks you don’t enjoy?

Just Say No
We are here for our children. We are here for our husbands, our parents, our siblings, and our friends. But nowhere in the mommy manual does it say we always have to be here for the lady in the next block of flats who is having a kitchen party. Nowhere does it say we have to spend all our Saturdays at weddings, unless, of course, we want to.

Some experts say “no” is the only word you need for effective time management. We moms want to please, to help, and to make life easier for everyone around us.

The next time someone calls to ask for your help, agree to think it over. When you no longer feel pressured for an answer, ask yourself if you really want to help. Make sure you aren’t agreeing solely to please the person on the other end of the phone.

When we learn to respect our time, others will respect it, too.

Slow down
Learn how to take life as it comes. When you’re faced with a seemingly daunting task, promise yourself to take your time and enjoy it rather than rushing through. Time to cook dinner?Prepare your favorite meal.Put in your favorite spices and savor the moment!

Sinazongwe Veterinary arrests illegal cow dealer


Sinazongwe Veterinary officers have arrest an illegal livestock dealer and burnt all the animals he was carrying.

The arrested was effected following the suspension of the issuance of stock movement permits owing to a fast spreading disease called Pluro- pneumonia from Kazungula that has already reached Kalamo.

Sinazongwe Livestock Officer Jericho Sakwanda said the District Veterinary Officer Dr Ernest Ndalama impounded the light truck registration number AA 260 88 at Zenga where it was destined to Siansowa.

Sakwanda disclosed that  Deene Simugande of Village Kasompela in Chief Mweemba area had carried one cow and six goats.

He said upon examining the animals the goats had a disease called Manje and the cow was infested with ticks.
“The man was trying to move at night without any proper documentation,”  Sakwanda said.

The Livestock officer disclosed that  Simugande had been dealing in selling of diseased animals for a long time without getting permit from veterinary officers but this time he was nabbed.
The impounded animals were burnt from Maamba in the presence of police officers after obtaining a court order from Choma magistrate.

Sakwanda said the vehicle would remain at police until further notice from the court and he has warned all cattle dealers to observe the ban that the Department of Veterinary in Southern Province had put in place to safe guard their animals.

According to the circular made available to Sinazongwe district, no live cattle would be allowed to move into and out of the Southern Province.

The ban has also been extended to district in which no cattle would be allowed to move between districts.

“The department of veterinary has put the following measures to in place with immediate effect to facilitate the control of diseases,” the circular read.

Businessman commits suicide for wife’s infidelity


A prominent Mufulira Business man who owns a popular  night spot in the border town has allegedly committed suicide.

And police sources both in Mufulira and Ndola have confirmed the death of  Mr Joseph
Mwape, aged 51 years of  Kansuswa compound.

The business man is alleged to have killed himself yesterday morning at Kasunswa grave yard.  

According to a death note found  beside his body, Mr Mwape said he took his life  because his wife was allegedly committing adultery with a named Mufulira man.

Police sources also revealed that the body of Mwape was picked up around mid day today.

A senior police officer opted for anonymity confirmed the death in an interview with
ZANIS, today.


More HIV/AIDS herbal remedies still welcome for testing


The national Aids Council (NAC) is still open for every one who hopes to have their medical remedies tested in the AIDS cure clinical trials.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, NAC, Donor Coordinator and Public Relations Manager, Justin Mwinga said the three herbal remedies which were submitted by traditional healers should not be described as a failure because they only failed in the cure of HIV.

Mr. Mwinga said government is open, through NAC to all those who come up with remedies for the cure of HIV to take them for clinical testing.

He noted that the government is working towards finding the cure of HIV and will
protect members of the public from untested herbal preparations which may be toxic
and threaten lives.

Mr. Mwinga pointed out that there is need for further research and study of the remedies.

KCM to spend K400m on sinking 12 boreholes in Chingola


Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) is to spend over K400 million on sinking 12 bore-holes in areas which were affected by the pollution of the Kafue river in Chingola last year.

KCM spokesperson Sam Equamo told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka that the boreholes
will be sunk in Kafue, Mushishima and Hippo-pool areas which were the most affected
by the pollution.

Mr. Equamo said KCM’s decision to sink 12 boreholes in the three areas is part of its contribution to the provision of safe and clean drinking water which is one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that Zambia has to achieve by the year 2015.

And Mr. Equamo disclosed that the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ and KCM have amicably resolved the Kafue river pollution which happened in October last year when a KCM pipe burst spilling its mineral waste  into the Kafue river.

He said KCM has since replaced all the pipes in the area with new ones adding that
KCM will be more careful in future to avoid any other accident happening again in
the district.

In October last year, a KCM pipe burst spilling its mineral waste into the Kafue
river, thereby contaminating the river and killing most of aquatic life such as fish in the river.

The development caused a lot of public outcry with  the Environmental Council of Zambia threatening court action over the matter.

British Airways to respond to Sata’s concerns when letter is received


British Airways says it will respond to Patriotic Front (PF) President Michael Sata’s allegations of inhumane treatment of their passengers once the company has officially received his letter.

Public Relations officer Andre Makulu said British Airways is aware of the letter from Mr Sata to British High Commissioner to Zambia Alistair Harrison over their alleged inhumane services to passengers.

He said this in a stament released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.

Mr. Makulu added that British Airways is concerned with the issues raised by Mr. Sata and will respond to the concerns once the letter has been received.

He disclosed that British Airways has been flying between Zambia and UK for 70 years
and remains committed to its operations in Zambia.

Mr. Makulu further said British Airways is proud of the relationship they have with
the Zambian government and is pleased with its  performance on the Zambian market.

Last week, Mr. Sata wrote to British High Commissioner protesting  that prospective
passengers were served on a pigeon hole meant for a cashier and alleged that the Airline had a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude because it is the only air line serving
the Lusaka-London route.

Work with the government, opposition parties urged


Kabompo West member of parliament Daniel Kalenga has urged leaders in the opposition political parties ton partner with the New Deal administration in taking develoment to the people.

Mr. Kalenga says time for politicking is gone until 2011 wheen the country goes to
the polls.

Mr. Kalenga who is also agriculture and cooperatives deputy minister said this when he addressed two separate public meetings at Kavungu and Pakasa basic schools in
Kabompo yesterday.

The area member of parliament said people in the district should refrain from tribalism because it was the major social evil derailing development in the region

He said time has now come for people in the province to develop by educating their
children to  take up challenging jobs  in the new mines of Lumwana, Kasanshi and
also the oil and gas industries that the government intends to set up on the Zambezi
west bank.

Levy arrives in Dar’ for SADC meeting


President Mwanawasa has arrived in the Tanzanian capital Dar Es-Salaam to join other SADC heads of state and government for an extra ordinary summit designed to thrash out a number of outstanding political and security issues in the region.

Briefing the Zambian press ahead of the president’s arrival, Zambia’s High Commissioner to Tanzania Professor Royson Mukwena said the meeting arises from a recommendation of a SADC foreign ministers’ meeting held in Maseru on March 21 and
22 this year.

Professor Mukwena said the two-day summit to be chaired by Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete at Kempiski Kilimanjaro hotel, starts tonight with the Double Troika meeting to prepare the agenda for the main summit tomorrow.

The double troika is a combination of the sub-committee of the SADC responsible for defence, security and peace under the chairmanship of Tanzania. The other members of the Troika are Namibia and Angola.

The High Commissioner explained that the main Troika comprises Lesotho, Zambia and Botswana.

Professor Mukwena said the political situation in Zimbabwe is expected to feature prominently on the summit’s agenda.

Meanwhile, the local media here have praised President Mwanawasa for being the only head of state in the region who has spoken openly on the Zimbabwean situation so

A columnist in the citizen newspaper has described Mr. Mwanawasa as a true friend of Zimbabwe and that Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe would do well to listen and appreciate what Mr. Mwanawasa has said about his country.

On arrival at Julius Nyerere International Airport, Mr. Mwanawasa was warmly received by Dr. Batilda Burian who is minister of state in the office of the Prime Minister.

Also on hand to welcome the Zambian leader who is accompanied by foreign affairs minister Mundia Sikatana, was Zambia’s High Commissioner to Tanzania Professor Mukwena and other senior embassy officials.


Sinazongwe Cops arrest Head Teacher


Sinazongwe Police have arrested Makonkoto Basic School Head teacher for alleged theft of Parents Teacher’s Association (PTA) Funds.

Police arrested the Head teacher last week Wednesday for allegedly stealing three million Kwacha meant for PTA funds but was later released after a named United Party for National Development (UPND) Member of Parliament ordered them to release him.

But he was later re-arrested on Monday pending investigation into the matter.

When they searched his office police found that in the same drawer there was money meant for examinations but it was not touched.

Sinazongwe District Commissioner Laiven Apuleni said no one was allowed to interfere with the operation of the law enforcement officers adding that a MP has no right to give orders to police to release a suspect.

Mr. Apuleni said police should be left alone to do their professional duty without any interference from anybody.

Makonkoto Basic School Head teacher Stephen Mweemba told ZANIS before he was picked up for questioning that he discovered that money was missing in his office on Wednesday last week and that thieves broke into his office.

Mr. Mweemba said he convened a meeting with his members of staff until they concluded to take the matter to police but when they reported he was arrested as the first suspect.

“We are not sure of who store the money as I am the last person to leave and the first one to open the door to my office.

But when police visited the School they discovered that all the doors to the Head teacher’s office were intact and there was only a small hole made in one window and a person could not pass through.

Girl 14, 15 defiled in Sinazongwe


A 14 year old girl and a 15 year girl have been repeatedly defiled in Sinazongwe district.

Both incidents occurred at Nangombe Basic School in Buleya Malima and the defilers have not been arrested despite the head teacher’s reporting the matter to police.

Nangombe Basic School Headmaster Edmond Hakalembe told ZANIS who visited the School that a 30 year old man of Mwaalede village was having an affair with a 14 year old girl.

Mr. Hakalembe said the named man was having an affair with a minor School girl who is in grade six.

He said there were many cases of love affairs at the School that were resulting into early marriages and pregnancies.

The headmaster disclosed that the parents to the 14 year old girl Mr. Orbet Siavuula came to report the matter to School and to seek assistance.

Mr. Hakalembe disclosed that the alleged defiler was above 30 years, was married, and has three children.

He said the wife of the alleged defiler has on several occasion confronted the 14 year old girl at the School so that they could fight.

The Head teacher said the girl who was below 16 years was in grade seven and she was defiled and married to a named man of the same village at Mwaalede.

Mr. Hakalembe noted that despite sensitization campaigned that were being conducted at the School and the community, cases of defilement, early marriages, and pregnancies have continued.

Records from Nangombe Basic indicated that in 2005 two grade six girls were married and three grade eight girls.

The Head teacher noted that last year they had workshop with the community to sensitize them on the evils of early marriages, defilement, and pregnancies but nothing has changed.

“The situation is still uncontrollable parents have continued to report cases of defilement and early marriages , the only good thing is that the community is now able to report such cases,” Mr. Hakalemba said.

Sinazongwe Police have failed to follow up the cases despite receiving the reports because of the lack of transport and their only vehicle is consistently on breakdown.

Sinazongwe Chief calls for toughening of royalties


Chief Sinazongwe of the Tonga people has charged that the investors exploiting the natural resources in his chiefdom will have to start paying royalties to ease the high poverty levels in the district.


The Chief said at the launch of the MALIKO Community Development Trust at his palace that he could not continue to be a beggar to the investors.


“I have been a stupid chief without having a tradition constitution, from now no investor will get free land and they will be paying royalties either monthly or yearly. All business of any kind will have to pay royalties,” the Chief said.


He said he could not be a proud chief because of the poor infrastructure in the district which has not been developed for the past 48 years.


Chief Sinazongwe noted that his chiefdom lacks a hospital, a high School, good roads, good government infrastructure, and electricity in the villages.


 The chief pointed out that the only infrastructure that the district has was the Boma offices and the fisheries Training centre


Chief Sinazongwe bemoaned that out of the 1,500 people in his chiefdom he was the only one enjoying electricity while the rest were in darkness.


“I can not be happy I have no power in my villages, I can not go to Kafwambila because the road is impassable, I cannot cross the Lake Kariba to visits my brothers because I have no means and we have no boarder,” Chief Sinazongwe said.


He urged the investors to view the MALIKO Community Development Trust that would be in charge of collecting royalties on behalf his chiefdom from a different point of view because they were in partnership.


Chief Sinazongwe explained that the money realised from the royalties would not be dipped into someone’s pocket as he always ensured that funds were disbursed to the intended purpose.


He said the district should not continue to wallow in poverty when there were many investors reaping the natural resources without paying back to the owners of the land.


“Why should we be suffering, don’t we have natural resources in the chiefdom, even in villages you will be paying royalties, because you brew ‘Kachasu” a local bear that distruct our people and two percent of it should  be for royalties,” the Chief said.


The Chief noted that it had taken time to come up with the trust which was started in 2004 and was now registered under the Registrar of Societies.


The chief who has traveled to Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, and Israel with the help of Woman Change said he gained a lot on how other chiefdoms were using their natural resources to develop their areas through royalties.

Kapenta Fishing Association Chairperson Johann Jordann noted that there was need to change, to start paying royalties for the sake of security, and for the wellbeing of the district.

Mr Jordann who is also the proprietor of Zongwe Farming Enterprise urged the Trust to avoid overcharging them as this would hinder future development in the district.


“I hope MALIKO will achieve its intended purpose and acknowledge that the district is underdeveloped,” Mr. Jordan said.

He urged parents in the district to educate their children because the launch of the trust would have not taken place if their pioneers were not educated.

Greedy Investors urged to leave Sinazomgwe


The newly formed MALIKO Community Development Trust in Chief Sinazongwe has warned that investors failing to share their wealth with the community were at liberty to leave the district.


MALIKO Community Development Trust Chairperson Alfred Siachaluza said investors in Sinazongwe district were failing to pay royalties as was being done in other provinces.


Mr. Siachaluza said only one named investor in the district was paying royalties to the chiefdom while the rest were pocketing all their resources to themselves.


“We have watched closely the activities of our esteemed investors, hoping that they will one day remind themselves to remit royalties to the Chief as done in other provinces but nothing has been done for the welfare of the community,” Mr. Siachaluza said.


He said the trust was a non-political organisation and has opened up their minds to ensure that they were the proper custodians of their wealth and they deserved a share from investor within the chiefdom.


“This is not a threat but a friendly reminder, that we deserve royalties also here,” the Chairperson noted.

Mr. Siachaluza explained that the trust’s objective was to uplift the living standard of the communities through regaining the lost wealth that has been drained by investors without paying royalties.

Women for Change field Animator Vincent Akamandisa said he was glad to be part of the MALIKO Community Development Trust because it would benefit the rural people.


Mr. Akamandisa said Woman for change initiated and supported the same activity in Chief Bright Nalumamba’s area.

He disclosed that through their efforts they have managed to create SADC council for traditional leaders.

The field Animator noted that despite having a lot of natural resources in Chief Sinazongwe’s area poverty levels were still high.

He reaffirmed that little has been done to raise the living standards of people that were displaced since Lake Kariba was belt in 1967.

“How much money has been raised to develop the displaced people, they have not benefited even from the coal being mined in their area, the trust will help the chief to manage the social capital we wish them the best,” Mr. Akamandisa said.