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Kabwe MMD welcomes Nyirongo’s dismissal


The Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD, in Kabwe is happy with President Levy Mwanawasa’s decision to dismiss Gladys Nyirongo as Lands Minister.

This is according to two press statements separately released to ZANIS in Kabwe this
afternoon and signed by Bwacha Constituency Chairman Gibson Kunda and Kabwe Central Vice Chairman George Chewe.

“As a party in Bwacha Constituency we are happy the move our beloved president has taken to remove Honourable Gladys Nyirongo from her position as Lands Minister,” theBwacha statement read.

The party stated that the decision is a clear indication of President Mwanawasa’scommitment to fighting corruption at all levels of society.

The party has since called for thorough investigations into Reverend Nyirongo’s alleged illegal dealings relating to land allocation in order to ensure justice prevails in the matter.

“Most MMD members in Kabwe have always raised concern about the conduct of Reverand Gladys Nyirongo against her fellow party members whom she exhibited a superior moral attitude,” the Kabwe Central Constituency statement read.

Unemployment level in Zambia rises to 16 per cent


The Central Statistical Office( CSO)  says 16 percent of the 4.9 million persons available to engage in the labour market are unemployed.

CSO Acting Director, Modesto Banda, says according to the 2005 Labour Force Survey,
more males are currently unemployed in the country.

Addressing the Press during the presentation of the CSO monthly bulletin in Lusaka
today, Mr. Banda said 86 percent of males and 74 percent of females above the age of
15 are unemployed.

Mr. Banda said the majority of the unemployed people are in rural areas.

He said analysis by employment status and literacy shows that 29 percent of the
working persons in the labour force are illiterate while 71 percent are literate.

He noted that 44 percent of the literate persons were self-employed, 1 percent were
employers, 20 percent were paid employees and 35 percent were unpaid family workers.


Wrestling Foundation appeals to President Mwanawasa for support.


The William ” Tiger boy ” Wrestling Foundation has appealed to President Mwanawasa, bushiness houses and individuals to support its HIV/AIDS sensitization programme through wrestling for youths in the country.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, Nkandu said President Mwanawasa should
come to the aid of his foundation by supporting its programme of HIV/AIDS
sensitisation among youths in Zambia.

Nkandu said his foundation has set up a deliberate programme of sensitising youths
on the dangers of HIV/AIDS, alcohol and substance abuse.

Nkandu said his foundation was concerned at the high youth unemployment rate in
Zambia which has made youths to resort to beer drinking, promiscuity and other
anti-social vices that are breeding grounds for acquiring HIV/AIDS.

” It is for this reason that the Foundation has initiated a sensitization programme
through wrestling because the sport is good for self discipline and esteem,” he

The country’s long standing wrestler who started the sport in the early sixties,
said his foundation was also aiming to use wrestling to create jobs for the majority
of the unemployed youths in the country.

Nkandu , who said wrestling was now a growing sport among youths in Zambia, added
that his foundation cannot carry out  its  programme because of lack of support.

He explained that the general public, corporate world and the general public should
stop thinking and saying his foundation was a one man foundation as it was a
registered foundation, with six executive members and four committee members.

The wrestler cum wrestling coach has also appealed to business houses with unused
ware houses to consider letting out the structures to his foundation for gymnasiums.

He said any concerned company, government department and individuals could contact
his foundation on mobile number 097 534 560 or 095 871 058.

And Nkandu has appealed to the Sport, Youth and Child Development minister Gabriel
Namulambe to sanction his re-match against Congo DR wrestler Mulonji Mulonji.

Nkandu said it is unfair for the government and the country as a whole not allow a
re-match with Mulonji on suspicion that he would get  killed.

He said he was ready to face Mulonji adding that if the minister sanctions the
re-match he would teach Mulonji a lesson that would convert him to Christianity in
the end.

The match last year between the two rival wrestlers was discontinued after the
Congolese wrestler had allegedly used suspected juju that made Nkandu appear

He said the re-match would also allow his foundation to build on its finances for
its HIV/AIDS sensitization through wrestling.

PF Luwingu councilors condemn Sata, PF CC for suspending Nakazwe


Some opposition Patriotic Front councilors in Luwingun district have condemned party leader, Michael Sata and members of the central committee for suspending Lusaka Mayor Susan Nakazwe from the party.

The councilors charged that it is wrong for the party to suspend the councilors from
the party for merely executing the civic duties mandated to them by the electorates.
The three councilors, who sort anonymity for fear of victimization, told ZANIS in
Luwingu today that councilors have been elected to serve people in their wards
regardless of political affiliation.

The councilors reminded Mr. Sata and the members of the central committee, that
councilors were duty bound to work with the government of the day in ensuring that
development is achieved in their respective wards.

The opposition PF has 18 councilors while the ruling MMD has only two in Luwingu

Govt. scouts for K12 billion for floods disaster


Works and Supply Minister, Kapembwa Simbao, has disclosed that Government is scouting for K12 billion towards assisting flood victims in various parts of the country.

Speaking in a telephone interview, Mr. Simbao told Zambia News and Information
Service that the flood situation in the country is under control and that the
Disaster Management Team is doing a commendable job on the ground.

Mr. Simbao said he was happy with the response that local and international
humanitarian organisations towards mitigating the impact of the disaster on affected

Meanwhile, Mr. Simbao disclosed that Government has already spent about K5 billion
kwacha, in form of relief aid material supply, towards the flood victims.

Mr. Simbao has since called on the donors not to relent but continue assisting
saying Government alone cannot manage to address the problem without their support.

Doctors visit


Don’t laugh!” said the patient, Titus.

“Of course I won’t laugh,” the doctor said. “I’m a professional. In over twenty years I’ve never laughed at a patient.”

“Okay then,” Titus said, and proceeded to drop his trousers, revealing the tiniest ‘whoo-ha’ the doctor had ever seen. It couldn’t have been bigger than the size of a AAA battery.

Unable to control himself, the doctor started giggling, then fell laughing to the floor. Ten minutes later he was able to struggle to his feet and regain his composure.

“I’m so sorry,” said the doctor. “I really am. I don’t know what came over me. On my honor as a doctor and a gentleman, I promise it won’t happen again. Now, what seems to be the problem?”

“It’s swollen,” Titus replied.

The Doctor fainted

courtesy of Dr.O Malokota

The Speaker orders a stop to skirmishes between MPs and the media


Speaker of the National Assembly Amussa Mwanamwambwa today ordered a stop to the continued skirmishes between Members of Parliament and the media fraternity.

Mr. Mwanamwambwa charged that MPs and the media should stop provoking each other on
matters of national interests.

He warned that the recent continued skirmishes between the MPs and the media if not
checked will not end peacefully.

“Arising from the symbiotic relations between the media, MPs and members of the
press I call for the immediate stop of these continued skirmishes. When such a thing
continues there will be no winner or loser,” he said.

Mr. Mwanamwambwa was making a ruling on a point of order raised by Namwala UPND MP
Major Richard Chizyuka regarding the editorial comment by the Post Newspaper, which
focussed on MPs.

Major Chizyuka wanted to know whether the Editorial comment in the Saturday,
February 24 issue of the Post Newspaper was in order to attack the legislators and
cast aspersions on the integrity of the august House.

The Speaker stressed that Zambia is governed under a number of laws which have been
passed in the past and now designed to ensure that citizens are given sufficient
room to live and operate without fear of intimidation from any quarter.

He said equally, the House was guaranteed with the freedom of speech from the
Republican Constitution.

“This specific article gave birth to the Act of Parliament Cap 12 of the powers and
privileges of MP’s to ensure that what they say inside the House is protected,” he

“Other laws protect the freedom of speech and other freedoms that protect persons
who are outside the house.”

Mr. Mwanawmambwa however stressed that the media should not consider themselves to
be enjoying a field day by issuing scathing attacks on MPs in the name of freedom of

He said that the media has to be objective when talking about issues regarding
parliamentary debates because it equally needs to make money from the same

The Speaker said the media and Newspaper publications in particular, make more sales
when parliament was sitting because the public was eager to know about the
proceedings in the House.

He urged members of parliament and the media not merely to observe truce but to make
an end to the hostility which, he said, was not helpful to the nation.


Chief Matanda goes for VCT


Chief Matanda of the Ushi people of Mansa district has yesterday led scores of his subjects to undergo Voluntary Counseling and Testing, VCT.

Chief Matanda volunteered to be tested for HIV as a measure of encouraging his
subjects to know their HIV status in efforts of curbing the further spread of the
disease in his chiefdom.

The ministry of health in partnership with other non governmental organisations
involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS embarked on a mobile VCT programme in Chief
Matanda’s area.

The venture took shape after Peace Corps Volunteer Lauren Schroeda based at Paul
Mambilima earlier spoke with the chief who volunteered to be the first  to undergo
the mobile VCT initiative.

Presenting a certificate of appreciation to Chief Matanda after he had taken the
VCT, Ms Schroeda said by being the first person to take the test, the chief
exhibited true leadership through his willingness to lead by example.

The mobile VCT programme was launched to create an alternative for the permanent VCT
facilities placed at Matanda Rural Health center situated 35 kilometres from the

During the launch Chief Matanda encouraged his subjects to undergo VCT as that would
help them plan their future.

About 90 people in the area emulated the traditional leader to test for HIV.

The chief thanked the various stake holders involved in the campaign for coming to
implement their programme in his area saying the initiative would cater for people
living in far lung areas.

Mansa District Health  manger for planning and development, Rhoda Buleze, speaking
on behalf of the district Director of Health said government was committed working
with partners in addressing the HIV/AIDS problem in the country.

HCP District Programme Officer, Francesca Tembo, expressed gratitude at the active
participation of other stakeholders in the implementation of the project in the

Girl 16, commits suicide in Luwingu


A 16-year-old girl grade nine pupil of Mufuli basic school in Luwingu district has committed suicide following a domestic dispute.
The deceased,  Florence Mukuka Chisanga, committed suicide over the week by hanging
herself in he parents’ house after her mother advised her to stop having an affair
with a boy of the same village.

The mother to the deceased confirmed the incident to Zambia News and Information
Services, which happened in the early hours of Saturday at Lima village in Chief
Chipalo’s area.

Florence was allegedly angered by her mother decision to stop her from seeing her
lover whom she had promised to marry.

According to her mother, she was just trying to advise her daughter to stop the
affair so that she could concentrate on her education, as she was still young to
have a boy friend.

The deceased has since been buried.

Meanwhile, police in Luwingu are holding a 22-year-old woman of Ndeketeya village in
Chief Chipalo’s area in Luwingu district for dumping her newly born infant last

Police sources confirmed the arrest of Florence Chanda to ZANIS.

Chanda will appear in court soon.

Govt. to support valuable investment


Government says it would support investments that  are inclined to providing solutions to the complex issues that have fuelled stagnation of  the development efforts in various sectors of the economy.

And Celtel managing Director, David Venn, says his organisation has invested over
K60 billion on the development of latest technology to address the need to improve
network quality on the Copperbelt province.

Speaking during the official opening of the Celtel Northern Region Head quarters
Offices in Kitwe today, Copperbelt Acting Permanent Secretary, Macdonald Mtine, said
Government is happy with the steady development strides that have occurred in the
telecommunications sector.

Mr Mtine said reliable communication is critical in the development process of the

He said it was interesting to note that Zambia is now able to keep pace with
technological advancements in the telecommunication sector through innovative
products and services such as mobile access that enables people to access mail
through a cellular phone or lap top computer.

He further said Government would make use of the new GPRS Technology  to monitor the
activities of their vehicles and ensure they were not subjected to abuse.

Mr Mtine also commended Celtel for sponsoring traditional ceremonies which were
aimed at uniting the nation.

And speaking earlier, Celtel Managing Director, Mr. Venn said his organisation is
now moving its focus to the Copperbelt to push for economic development in North
Western, Luapula and Northern province.

Mr Venn said Celtel has embarked on major rehabilitation of infrastructure on the
Copperbelt which has seen the construction of 36 new Towers while 20 more would be
constructed before the end of the year.

He said so far his company has put up 84 towers on the Copperbelt with a clientele
of 1.5 million people through out the country making it one of the leading mobile
phone service provider in Zambia.

And Kitwe Mayor, Maleta Kasonde, has called on other corporate organisations in the
telecommunication industry to emulate Celtel’s investment strategies.

Mr. Kasonde said Celtel has embarked on a number of programmes that have added value
to the lives of the Zambian people.


PF MP still wants US$53, 000 car loan


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Mufulira Central Member of Parliament Majory Masiye has insisted that the US$ 53, 000 car loans are necessary for individual MPs.

Ms. Masiye has advised public service union to stop politicising the
parliamentarians’ demands for the car loans because they are meant to enhance their
mobility when addressing issues affecting their constituencies.

Ms. Masiye told ZANIS in Mufulira that better incentives would enable the MPs
execute their duties properly.

She stressed the need for the members of public to realise that the MPs would pay
back the loans.

But a Mufulira resident John Kapesa, told ZANIS that it was morally wrong for the
MPs to demand for the controversial  car loans when such colossal sums of money
could be used to improve productivity in key areas of the national economy.

Mr. Kapesa noted that the money alternatively could be spent on recruiting the
unemployed school teachers or improving the conditions of service for public service
employees like nurses and the security forces.

He added that parliament should not be used as a platform for individuals to amass


F.O.I bill vital for promoting democracy-MISA


The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA Zambia) says freedom of information (F.O.I) bill is vital in promoting democracy, transparency and good governance.

Speaking during a MISA consultative workshop for Members of Parliament (MPs) on the need for a freedom of information act in Lusaka today, MISA Zambia Chairperson Fr. Frank Bwalya said it was sad that the F.O.I bill that was drafted 15 years ago has not yet been enacted.

Fr. Bwalya said the Media is saddened with the manner in which government has been
consulting on the F.O.I bill because there were reports that government had circulated
a discussion paper among selected individuals and institutions for their input
ignoring the Media.

He refuted government claims that the F.O.I which became operational in the United
Kingdom is causing problems saying there was evidence that the act has brought benefits to that country and the UK government is happy.

Speaking at the function Lusaka Lawyer Patrick Matibini said the provision of
adequate information would lead the public to participate more effectively although
indirectly to the process of policy making and governance.

Dr. Matibini said access to public or official information enhances the enjoyment of
freedom of expression which is an indispensable element in the successful working of

He said the F.O.I bill is potentially an important tool to redress the imbalance in
power and effective supervision of the executive branch of government by both the
legislature and the public.

And Livingstone Member of Parliament Sakwiba Sikota said the F.O.I bill would present
better opportunities to MPs to get information than even questions raised in
parliament in certain cases.

Mr. Sikota who is also United Liberal Party President said a good F.O.I bill will give
time limits within which information should be made available with adequate
sanctions for obstructing the act because government would not be in a position to
defer answering or providing information as they sometimes do in parliament.

And Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) Vice President Amos Chanda said the absence
of a FOI law places a lot of information necessary for democratic dispensation
outside the public domain.

Mr. Chanda said that the F.O.I is not exclusive to journalists but only seeks to
acquire quality information to pass on to the public so they can make informed
decisions on a wide range of national issues.

He said there is need for a mass movement that must speak for the interests of all
Zambians on the importance of the F.O.I.


There is need for an informed leadership in church


The Reformed Church In Zambia (RCZ) says there is need for a well-informed leadership if Church matters were to be administered properly.

Speaking at a one day Seminar Organized by the Synodic Committee at Buchi
Congregation in Kitwe over the weekend, R C Z Rev. Isaac Banda said the Church
needed the leadership that will move with time and teach the truth and support the
government in power.

The participants were drawn from Solwezi, Mansa, Chililabombwe, Mufulira, Kalulushi,
Chamita and Kitwe Congregations.

Rev. Banda said where there was good leadership people sit together and accommodate
other people’s views for the smooth running of congregations.

He said the Church needs the Leaders in order to give guidance, teach and to be
sensitive with the plight of the people they were leading in the


And speaking at the same seminar Elder Ruben Banda said the church needed financial
discipline and transparency in handling church finances.

He added that at times financial problems arose in churches especially when you have
treasurers who did not know how to handle church money.

He said treasurers running Church Accounts should be Men and Women with the full
spirit, wisdom, faith, High integrity and sincere.

Meanwhile, Rev. Thomas Khosa urged the church to give to the poor and not only
expect to receive handouts from members.


Torrential rains destroy property in Samfya


Torrential rains have continued to wreck havoc in Samfya district, leaving a trail of destruction on health, education and church infrastructure.

Mushili health centre collapsed last Friday night following a heavy down pour.

District health director, Thomas Tembo, confirmed the disaster to ZANIS in Samfya

The rains also destroyed Chisale basic school in the Bangweulu swamps a situation
that left pupils to learn under trees.

District Education District secretary, Bartholomew Tembo, confirmed the collapse of
the school.

At Itala Island in the same area, a church building belonging to Christian Mission
in Main Lands (CMML) Church also collapsed.

Lunga ward councilor Esther Mwelwa confirmed the collapse of the CMML church.

Ms. Mwelwa said three families have also been left homeless after their houses

Magoye farmers worried over bridge


Farmers in Magoye constituency have cried foul over the bridge which is at the verge of collapsing.

Dumba Settlement Farmer  Association  representative Ackson Mainga  said the bridge is
on the verge of collapsing  due to heavy rains experienced in the area.

He disclosed that more than 1,000 farmers will be affected if the bridge is not
attended to on time.

Mr. Mainga said the bridge which is on Magoye-Chivuna road is a busy road Which  needed urgent attention by government.

He has since  appealed to government to repair the Magoye bridge.

And farmers talked to by ZANIS said they are looking for a donor or non governmental
organization willing to work with the local community to work on the bridge.

They said if the bridge is not be repaired,  it will be difficulty to transport
their farming produce to Food Reserve Agency (FRA) sheds.