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Provisional KCM Liquidator Pleages to Support Blades and Nchanga


Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) Provisional Liquidator Celine Nair has pledged the mining firm’s commitment to continue supporting Nchanga Rangers and Konkola Blades.

Nair has further saluted Nchanga for winning promotion back to the FAZ Super Division.

She said football clubs always bring joy to miners and their families.

Nair was speaking when meeting Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe and Chingola Town Clerk Namukolo Kalufyanya separately.

“These football Clubs always bring joy to miners and their families as well as communities and the nation. We will continue to provide support to the Clubs,” Nair said in a media statement released by KCM General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda.

“Even in difficult times, KCM will not forget the communities in which it operates and support will be directed at various CSR programmes that the mine has been financing,” Nair said.

Zambia Airports Corporation slashes small aircraft parking fees


The Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) has reduced parking fees for aircrafts of five tons and below, effective 1st June, 2022.

ZANIS reports that ZACL Communications and Brand Officer, Monde Yamalezi, said the parking fees have been revised from US$5.00 per hour to US$10.00 per day with the first six hours free.

Ms. Yamalezi said the reduction has been necessitated by the corporation’s quest to support growth of business for small, medium, and private aircraft operators that are operating at its airports.

She said in a statement that the move is also aimed at improving the country’s competitiveness in terms of airport fees both regionally and globally.

“Take notice that this reduction is applicable at all designated international and domestic airports, namely Kenneth Kaunda, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula , Mfuwe ,Solwezi Airport. Kasama, Mbala (Samora Machel), Kasaba Bay, Mansa, South Downs, Chipata, among other airports,” she said.

Ms. Yamalezi stated the gazette notice effecting this change shall be circulated as soon as it is published.

Workers bemoan the phasing out of switchboards in government and parastatals


The Communications Workers Association of Zambia (CWAOZ) has bemoaned the lack of switchboards in government and parastatal institutions in the country.

Speaking during a meeting for CWAOZ in Kabwe, Vice Chairperson, Cecilia Bwalya, said the non-availability of switchboards has negatively affected the performance of people living with vision loss and other various disabilities.

Ms. Bwalya said the advent of the use of cell phones is a threat to the work of switchboard operators because most institutions, which were conducting business through switchboards, are now using the portable and mobile gadgets.

“In developed countries, switchboards are still effective because everyone leaves their mobile phones at the reception and any communication within the organisation is done through the switchboards. But we are concerned here in Zambia where cell phones are used for communication within organisations, a thing that has put our jobs on a thin line,” Ms. Bwalya explained.

She observed that most switchboard equipment is obsolete in most institutions.

She has since called on government to consider procuring state of the art switchboards in order to secure jobs for people who are visually impaired.

Ms. Bwalya has however applauded the new down government for demonstrating an exceptional spirit in the provision of employing citizens who are differently abled.

She said the demonstration by government to employ people living with disabilities has given them the hope of contributing to the nation’s economic growth.

Meanwhile, Central Province Permanent Secretary (PS), Milner Mwanakampwe, who officiated at the meeting, reaffirmed government’s commitment to support associations for people living with various disabilities.

Mr. Mwanakampwe said the new dawn government will ensure that there was inclusiveness in awarding contracts and jobs to all citizens.

“For society to work well, it needs different bodies to support its work just like the human body. We are therefore committed as government to work and support the CWAOZ,” he said.

He said people with disabilities have been overlooked by many institutions hence the need to realise their importance because they are equal to any person and can contribute to the development of the country.

Mr. Mwanakampwe has also called for the installation of switchboard machines and renovations of office space in various places of work to motivate people living with disabilities to work hard in fostering development.

21 Peace Corps volunteers sworn-in to help rural communities

Peace Corps has sworn in 21 volunteers who will help rural communities in the country in addressing aquaculture and forestry challenges.

Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary, John Msimuko said the volunteers will serve various rural communities to address issues especially those on fish farming and forestry.

Mr Msimuko said this in a joint speech with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries during the swearing-in ceremony of the Peace Corps volunteers in Lusaka yesterday.

He said that the forestry department in the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment strives to promote sustainable utilization of natural resources.

Mr Msimuko said the work of the forestry volunteers will go a long way in reducing poverty and improving food security in the rural communities, whilst maintaining the natural resources base.

He further said the volunteers will help to promote the expansion and intensification of fish farming across the country especially among women and youths.

Mr. Msimuko added that they will also help promote the establishment of hatcheries in the country to facilitate growth of the aquaculture industry as directed by President Hakainde Hichilema.

‘’This will not only improve the livelihoods of our people but also meet the growing demand for fish in Zambia. It will also help to bridge the extension service delivery gap as you may note that the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has a lean staff at district and camp level,’’ he said.

And Peace Corp Charge’ d’Affaires, Martin Dale said the group of volunteers is among the first volunteers in the world to return to services since Peace Corps’ unprecedented global evacuation in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Dale pointed out that in collaboration with the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries the volunteers will build capacity of rural community members to improve their food security while conserving natural resources.

‘’They will help build the livelihood of rural households by improving and increasing fish production, organizing farmer groups, establishing local fish seed production centers and helping families increase their income from the sale of fish.

Meanwhile, Peace Corps Country Director, Brad Favor urged the volunteers to participate in fish farming training and forestry as it will have a lasting impact on individuals and communities for many years to come.

Chibombo teachers cane, send pupils away for not paying volunteers’ fees

Some teachers at Chipili primary school in Chibombo district are allegedly beating pupils and sending them back home for failing to pay fees meant for emoluments for volunteering teachers.

The concerned parents have told ZANIS that the school charges each pupil a termly fee of K30 towards the emoluments for the teachers who are not on government payroll.

The parents have complained that some named teachers at the school have now started beating pupils whose parents have not yet paid the prescribed amount for this term.

One of the parents, Prigo Hanimba, wondered why the school has continued to charge such fees when the government has introduced free education in all the public schools.

Mr. Hanimba has also condemned the teachers for allegedly chasing away the pupils from school, who have not yet paid the money this term.

Another parent, Judith Phiri, said the school should scrap off the fees as they are disadvantageous to the pupils whose parents are unable to pay.

And some parents have accused the teachers at the school of poor working culture.

Beauty Mwiinga said some teachers spend most of the working hours drinking beer in the community, leaving the pupils unattended to.

Another parent, a Mrs. Mweemba, complained that her children’s academic performance has continued to deteriorate because the teachers at the school have allegedly failed to deliver quality education.

And when contacted for a comment, Chipili primary school head teacher, Muyagwa Munalula, confirmed that the school charges pupils fees in order to pay the two teachers who are volunteering at the institution.

Mr. Munalula also confirmed that the children were sent back home from school and some beaten for not paying the fees by a teacher who was reportedly drunk whilst on duty.

He explained that the incident happened on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, when he was out of the station for other official duties.

“When I returned, I found that the school had been deserted and when I inquired, I was told the same teacher had chased all the children,” he said.

Mr. Munalula explained that it is against the school policy to either chase or beat pupils whose parents fail to contribute the prescribed amount.

He said the named teacher therefore acted without the knowledge and the authority of the school management.

Mr. Munalula further said the teacher in question has not even been reporting for work following the incident but he emphasised that disciplinary action will be meted out on him.

Meanwhile, Chibombo District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Berlina Moono, said it is unacceptable for schools to charge pupils fees in order to pay teachers who are working as volunteers in public schools.

Ms Moono explained that the government provides grants to schools from which a certain percentage should be spent on emoluments for employees who are not on government payroll.

She said she will therefore make a follow up on the case at Chipili primary school and take appropriate action.

AI project vastly increases HIV patients on sustained treatment in sub-Saharan Africa


The burden of disease and treatment challenges in sub-Saharan Africa has made it especially crucial to use technology and partnerships to improve the care process

Keeping the world’s estimated 38 million HIV positive people on effective and sustained treatment is one of the most critical parts of controlling the global HIV epidemic. Now a collaboration between health technology innovators Vantage Health Technologies (https://VantageHealth.Tech) and the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) (http://IHVNigeria.org) has led to a breakthrough and new hope for patient retention in the region.

It is estimated that 25 million – or 67% – of all people living with HIV, live in sub-Saharan Africa, and 8.1 million of these people are virally unsuppressed. Through Vantage’s artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled Patient Retention Solution, the IHVN team – funded through a grant from the United States’ Centres for Disease Control and Prevention – has been able to predict and positively influence the behaviour of high-risk HIV/AIDS patients.

The Patient Retention Solution was developed by Vantage Health Technologies, a company in the BroadReach Group (https://BroadReachCorporation.com), a social enterprise focussed on innovation and health technology that empowers human action. The collaboration with IHVN includes a pilot implementation in three sites – where the implementing teams were able to retain 91% of the high-risk patients they engaged with on HIV medications.

Annika Lindorsson Krugel, Solutions Manager of Vantage Health Technologies, says collaboration between public health partners, combined with the use of state-of-the-art AI technology, is proving to be a highly effective strategy for improving retention for HIV/AIDS out-patients. “The burden of disease and treatment challenges in sub-Saharan Africa has made it especially crucial to use technology and partnerships to improve the care process.”

Krugel explains how the programme works: “The Patient Retention Solution is an AI-driven model that uses data from patient history to predict if patients will miss their next clinic appointment with the assumption that missing the appointment means the patient will drop off treatment as they are not present to collect their medication. The solution uses a machine learning model to identify patients at high-risk of missing their next appointment and produces patient lists that are given to clinical staff to conduct various interventions to prevent patients from missing their next appointment. SMS messages, calls and home visits for those without phone numbers are then arranged to provide personal attention to each patient ahead of their scheduled clinic appointments.”

Mercy Omozuafoh, Programme Manager for Care and Support with the IHVN, and her teams have been using the Patient Retention Solution as a tool to prioritise existing interventions for high-risk HIV/AIDS patients in Nigeria. The predictive model was rolled out to about 30 000 patients at the General Hospital Kudwa at Bwari in the Federal Capital Territory, the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital in Lafia in the Nasarawa State, and General Hospital Ahoada in the Rivers State. “The project has demonstrated the effectiveness of proactive tracking of Patients Living with HIV (PLHIV) and has made us understand the importance of interventions we are implementing. It has broadened our minds and we are able to scale up the solution to include more facilities,” says Omozuafoh.

The Patient Retention Solution algorithm was trained on 330 000 IHVN patients, and this pilot project was focused on the approximately 5 000 identified at-risk patients. Of these, 91% of patients on the predictive list who received an intervention (SMS, phone call or home visit) were up to date in the month of intervention, meaning that they were retained in care. This compares to 55% retention in a comparison group who did not receive the intervention.

The Patient Retention machine learning model was independently validated by Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. A case study by the Dartmouth Institute, which looked at eight months of data from the three Nigerian locations, found that the main barriers to treatment adherence included stigma, side-effects, logistical challenges, economic barriers and forgetfulness. The study found that caregiver support, peer support and understanding one’s status helped patients overcome these barriers. The institute also found that cultural sensitivity, ongoing patient connections with trusting relationships at its core, and the facilitation of large-scale improvement efforts by local teams, contributed to the success of the programme.

The Vantage Patient Retention Solution has been implemented in HIV treatment and care programmes across Nigeria and South Africa and is yielding similar successes. “The solution is an innovative example of what can be achieved when artificial intelligence truly powers human action,” says Krugel.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of BroadReach.

UPND Members do not look happy despite winning the 2021 General Elections

Former Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila has said members of ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) do not look happy despite winning the 2021 General Elections.

Mr. Mwila said it is the vanquished PF members who appear happy and united despite losing elections.

The former Chipili Member of Parliament said PF members have even become fat after the election loss.

Mr. Mwila was speaking during the burial of PF Kitwe District Secretary Lungo Kawaya at the Kitwe Memorial Park on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Kawaya, 44, died on 29th May, 2022 at Kitwe Teaching Hospital after an illness.

In his remarks during burial, Mr Mwila paid tribute to Mr. Kawaya, a staunch PF official.

Present during burial was Mr. Kawaya’s close friend Thabo Kawana, the Ministry of Information and Media – Director.

Mr. Mwila told PF members to support the bereaved wife and children.

“Fwebali close kuli Lungo let us help the family. In any way possible let us help Lungo’s family. Once Lungo’s family is helped people will appreciate that belonging to PF is a good thing. Ififine nga twashika Lungo bonse tupasangane tubutuke abantu they will not appreciate us. This young man was good. I used to call him Lungo Malanji because he was close to Malanji. Ba Malanji nabo baleaba abati no ni Lungo Mwila so twalelwishanya but naishibe ati ni Lungo Malanji.Let us do something for this young man as a party. Elyo twalisashika Mwanga Sata, elyo twashika Chile One, nomba twaiisashika na umwaice wesu Lungo,” Mr. Mwila said.

Mr. Mwila said in his dreams he wonders why the UPND do not look happy after forming government.

He said PF members appear as if they are the ones governing.

“Ba PF mulemoneka abaikatana, elyo mulemoneka kwati nimwebo muleteka.
PF you look united as if you are the ones ruling. Sometimes when I am asleep I tell myself that maybe they stole our votes because the winners (UPND) do not appear happy. We are even fat despite losing the elections. God is preserving us,let us remain united. We will not retire and we achieve Lungo’s vision.Elyo limo nganindala njeba ati awe aba limbi batwibilefye ama vote. Pantu aba winine tabamoneka abasansamuka. Fwebalusa natwina nokwina fwebalushile,” Mr. Mwila said.

“Na ba District Commissioner (Lawrence Mwanza) tatwabeshiba twaishibafye Mayor wesu (Mpasa Mwaya), twaishiba na Malanji, twaishiba na Pavyuma (Kalobo – Wusakile PF Member of Parliament), twaishiba na Kang’ombe, twaishiba na cela moce Mulenga Kampamba, na Allen Banda na Chiteme. Nalebeba ati mukamulila Chiteme. Chiteme uyo mulemulila. Nomba ifi fyonse Lesa aletusunga tufwile twaikatana pamo nga ma bans. Ifwe epo tuli tatwachite retire mpaka ifyo Lungo alefwaya fikafikilishiwe. Mukwai kuti nalombafye ukweba ati umupashi was kwa Lungo ulale mu chibote. Thank you very much,” he said.

Other mourners included former Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji, PF Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Nathan Chanda, former Nkana MP Alexander Chiteme, PF National Women Chairperso Kampamba Mulenga, PF National Youth Chairman Christopher Kang’ombe, Chishimba Kambwili and former Kwacha MP Boniface Mutale.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kawana paid a moving tribute to Mr.Kawaya earlier during Church service.

“The good die young indeed. Over the years, we rode together, played together, worshipped together and shared moments together. We cried, argued, laughed and went through our high and low moments together. No matter what life threw at me, I always knew I had a friend and brother to turn to and to share my high and low moments with.Politically, we always stood on different stand views. He was PF all his political life, he believed and held strong in PF in opposition, in office and in opposition again. This never affected our bond at all, infact, it strengthened our bond as we could argue and laugh at our leaders and political views we held different as it where. Rest in peace my dear friend and brother Lungo Kawaya (Bashi Muzo). Go well until we meet again, you have run your race well and you have been good and faithful through it all,” wrote in his earlier tribute.

AgriTech Expo-Zambia plans to expand the show


AgriTech Expo-Zambia has announced intentions to expand the show and includes eight additional new crop trials for the eighth edition that is scheduled for 20th to 22nd April 2023.

DLG International Head of Communication, Martin Botzian said this will bring the total of crop trails to the 33, which will be the most ever featured and the crop trials showcased at an agri-show in Africa.

This is contained in an online communiqué issued by Mr. Botzian and accessed by ZANIS in Kabwe.

“With the demand and popularity of the crop trials at this year’s show being so high, the team has decided to expand the show and include an additional eight new crop trials to the field,” Mr. Botzian said.

He said this gives more suppliers the opportunity to showcase their seeds and inputs in real time, while enabling the farmers attending the show to see more, learn more and purchase the right product available on the market.

He explained that apart from a new site layout for the additional crop trials, AgriTech Expo-Zambia 2023 will also feature the all-new drone zone.

He observed that the exciting addition to the show brings new technologies and capabilities to the farmers, as drones are becoming more and more utilised in the industry.

“These lightweight, highly maneuverable machines can pick up diseases, pests and also be used for input applications, in turn saving time, energy, resources and capital,” he said.

Mr. Botzian further disclosed that the maize wall that surrounded the show during the 2022 AgriTech Expo after harvesting was donated to Samuel Orphanage, a local project, to assist in feeding the children and offering some relief to the caregivers.

Meanwhile, AgriTech Expo Zambia Head Agronomist, Shadreck Mubanga, said farmers should always be wary of how much they invested in their crop production and the losses they may incur during and after harvesting.

Mr. Mubanga has since reminded farmers that farming is a business and the aim is to maximize profits.

He further advised the farmers to always remember to cost every activity and record in order determine whether the business is profitable or not.

President Hichilema urges India to establish farm equipment plant


President Hakainde Hichilema has called on the Indian investors to consider establishing a local manufacturing plant of farm equipment.

President Hichilema has observed that most farming equipment being used by small and large scale farmers in Zambia are Indian brands, an indication that they are easily accessible by many.

He explained that this is why there is need for Indian investors to cease the readily available market for the product and establish an assembling plant for not only the Zambian market but for the region as well.

” I must say Indian farm equipment here are popular at all levels, be it small, medium and large scale everywhere you go you will find at least an Indian brand of farming equipment like John Deere, Mahindra tractors and other irrigation equipment. this is why we are saying we need to domestic this, we need Indian investors to come and produce this from here,” he said.

He added that this will also go a long way in enhancing job creation and economic development for the country.

The Head of State said this in Lusaka yesterday when Indian High Commissioner to Zambia Ashok Kumar paid a courtesy call on him at State House.

President Hichilema said the government is committed to further strengthen the strong and long existing bilateral relationship between the two countries in various areas of cooperation.

He cited health, agriculture and infrastructure as some of the sectors that the two countries have continued to enjoy cordial relations for the benefit of the people.

President Hichilema admired India’s advancement in the health sector, a situation he said has led to most people from Zambia traveling to that country to access health care services.

He noted that it is in this vein that there is also a need for India to consider putting up a state of art medical center in Zambia so that people can easily access the needed services opposed to traveling all the time.

” We appreciate your support in different areas, more especially health, we know that your health sector is quite advanced, and people from here go to India for various services, it cannot be a bad idea if you just set up one of two of your best hospitals right here so that people do not need to always travel when they are not well and need advanced services,” he stressed.

And in the area of infrastructure, President Hichilema explained that there is need for Zambia and India to embrace the Public Private Partnership model of support for infrastructure development.

He explained that doing so will help Zambia avoid acquiring loans for infrastructure development as a way of not over burdening the already stressed national balance sheet.

He also commended India for its plans to assist Zambia construct a Mahatma Ma Ghandi conversational center noting that the move will go a long way in boosting the country’s intentions of hosting international events.

And Indian High Commissioner to Zambia, Ashok Kumar commended Zambia for nurturing the bilateral ties with India dating back as far as 1964.

Mr. Kumar explained that this is evident by the various visits done by all previous Zambian Presidents and India’s Prime Ministers to Zambia and India respectively.

He stated that the relations have continued to grow in political, cultural and economy among many other sectors.

He further pledged his country’s continued support to Zambia in order to improve the lives of many people in the country.

“Our relationship between Zambia and India have been long standing from 1964 to date, our founding leaders built this relationship that needs to be strengthened further, for us we will continue to work with you in different areas of economy for the benefit of the people of this country,” he added.

Transport and Logistics Minister, Frank Tayali Accepts invitation to visit Angola

Transport and Logistics Minister, Frank Tayali says the lack of access to roads and border infrastructure between Zambia and Angola is acting as an impediment to completing the circuit that will enable Zambia to achieve its goal of becoming a regional hub for transport and logistics.

Speaking when he presented the invitation letter by Angolan Ambassador to Zambia, Mr Tayali said the invitation was timely as the government has been planning to engage with the Angolan government on matters of mutual interest between the two countries.

“The letter, in essence, is an invitation that I as Minister of Transport and Logistics in Zambia together with my key Ministry staff are being invited to Angola for the purpose of reviewing a number of agreements that may have been signed-in the past. And this is areas of aviation, roads, maritime, border infrastructure and even the possibility of pipeline infrastructure” he said.

He said he has accepted the invitation as it provides an opportunity for the two countries to review agreements that were made in the past the two countries that are yet to be completed.

Mr Tayali further expressed hope that Angolan airlines whose operations in Zambia have ceased will resume operations in the country.

Meanwhile, Angolan Ambassador to Zambia Azevedo Francisco expressed gratitude that the Minister has promptly accepted the invitation and hoped that the Minister once in Angola will have an opportunity to visit all the harbours in the country.

The invitation was sent by his Angolan counterpart and the Minister has committed to formally respond in a few days.

Focus on progressive issues not trivial matters, Commerce Minister tells Journalists

Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Chipoka Mulenga says government is keen to work closely with the media. Mr. Mulenga said government does not want to work in isolation but work with the media as it embarks on the journey of rebuilding the country’s economy.

He said government will embrace and engage both public and the private media. Mr Mulenga said the new dawn government will work with all media houses without being selective of which ones to work with.

The minister said this today when he officiated at the Public Private Dialogue Forum Media engagement in Lusaka today.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mulenga has counselled journalists to focus on progressive issues not trivial matters saying the media should strive to report on issues that will promote national development and not divide the country.

Mr Mulenga expressed concern with some media houses who opt to report on trivial matters that have no bearing on the country’s development agenda.

He urged journalists to be agents of change by reporting objectively.

Mr. Mulenga further urged journalists to acquaint themselves with the developmental programmes that government is implementing stating that they will only provide checks and balances if they are fully aware of the development taking place in the country.

And Ministry of Information and Media, Kennedy Kalunga has challenged media houses to be ethical as they disseminate information to the public.

Mr Mulenga said the only way that fake news is going to be countered is when media houses report objectively and factual.

He noted that the media has a huge responsibility of ensuring that the public is well informed on important national matters.

“More so, in view of fake news which is on the rise. We need ethical journalism to counter fake news so that people are well informed and not misled and misinformed on important national matters.”

Mr Mulenga has since implored the media to place high premium on reporting economic and developmental issues that improve and impact the lives of the people.

And Public Private Dialogue Forum Director General, Andrew Chipwende said the media is key in bringing to light the successes and challenges being addressed by the creation of the PPD Forum.

Kapiri Mposhi Residents up in arms against decision to re-locate Sweet Potato processing factory to Lusaka


Various stakeholders in Kapiri Mposhi district have rejected the relocation of a multi-million dollar sweet potato processing factory from the district to Lusaka.

This is because over 700 smallholder sweet potato farmers engaged on an out-grower arrangement to supply sweet potatoes to the factory this year stand to lose out on the ready market if the plant is relocated.

Mahur Investments, a private sector investor was empowered to set up the factory by Musika Development Initiative, a Swedish supported organisation in Zambia, at the cost of 150,000 United States dollars (USD) to provide a ready market for smallholder sweet potato farmers in the district.

Mahur Investment Managing Director, Sunil Patel said during a stakeholders meeting attended by Central Province Chiefs’ Council Chairman, Chief Chibale, government officials and some affected sweet potato farmers to discuss the investment options and a way forward of the potato processing plant, explained that the company has since resolved to relocate the factory to Lusaka due to high operational costs involved in running the factory.

Mr Patel disclosed that the company requires over 200,000 USD to operationalize the factory which has remained dormant after its installation in 2020.

“It won’t be a viable project if we open. We need the farmers to benefit and the company to benefit but this won’t be due costs, we can do it if we move it to Lusaka,” Mr Patel said.

Mr Patel however assured the local sweet potato farmers that the company will still honour the market linkage contracts of buying sweet potatoes from them to be used in the production of sweet potato chips and crisps.

But Kapiri Mposhi Town Council Chairman, Brilliant Munyeke complained that relocation of the factory to Lusaka will deprive locals of job opportunities.

Mr Munyeke wondered why the investor wanted to relocate the factory when its establishment through Musika was aimed at helping the local people and farmers in Kapiri Mposhi adding that the area needed such investment to help in reducing poverty.

“Speaking on behalf of government, I can’t allow this factory to be relocated from Kapiri because we also need investors. We don’t want to see these investors only in Lusaka. Our youth don’t have employment and where are they going to find employment if you take such a big investment to Lusaka,” Mr Munyeke wondered.

And potato farmers in the district have rejected the relocation of the factory noting that there is no guarantee the investor will maintain market linkages with them in the event the plant is moved to Lusaka.

Lazarus Chitambo, a potato farmer, also wondered where farmers, recruited by the company to produce sweet potatoes in the 2021/2022 farming season, will find a market for their sweet potatoes produced as feedstock for the factory.

” Farmers signed contracts with Mahur to grow potatoes and we went out to recruit women and youths who don’t have jobs to grow sweet potatoes but now we are worried because in the first place this factory is not operating up to now and secondly we don’t know where to take the sweet potatoes because we produced for this factory,” Mr Chitambo said.

In response , Musika Head of Corporate Affairs, Pamela Hamasaka disclosed that the company partnered with Mahur to support procurement of the potato processing equipment on a cost sharing arrangement after the company responded to a challenge fund that Musika had publicized in 2019 to support its objective on sweet potato agriculture diversification in order to help sweet potato farmers in Kapiri Mposhi with ready market for their produce.

Ms. Hamasaka further explained that under the partnership Musika also provided support to Mahur Investments to commence provision of extension services and training of smallholder farmers as well as setting up aggregation sales points for sweet potatoes in the district.

“The struggle for the smallholder farmers has been access to markets and most of the sweet potatoes have been going to waste and when Mahur Investments responded to a challenge fund that Musika had publicized in 2019 they came up with this project and we were happy to support it as Musika because it was answering to the objectives of agriculture diversification,” Ms Hamasaka said.

“What it is that every investment that we put in when we have partnered with these private sector entities is that they should be able to demonstrate that the projects will benefit especially the smallholder farmers because at the end of the day we want to lift these farmers out of poverty through improved market for their produce and agronomic information so that they can be able to meet the supply capacity,” Ms Hamasaka said.

Government is working to restore public confidence in Civil Service

Civil Service Commission Chairperson, Peter Mumba, says the new dawn government wants to restore public confidence in the civil service which people had lost due to rampant corruption in the past.

Speaking in Kitwe today when he paid a courtesy call on Kitwe District Commissioner Lawrence Mwanza, Dr Mumba promised to solve operational challenges faced by various government offices.

“We want to restore the dignity and the credibility of the civil service. In the past, you will agree with me that people lost confidence in the system because of the rampant corruption that used to occur and being practised in the past,” Dr Mumba said.

He noted that everybody will have an opportunity to be selected for public service jobs because of the positive strides made in fighting corruption in the civil service.

And Dr. Mumba commended the Kitwe district team which was involved in the selection of health workers for involving officers from the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the President to ensure transparency.

He noted that the selection of health workers was a tough responsibility because of the competitiveness that was created by the overwhelming number of applicants jostling for 196 slots against a total number of 4,293 applicants in Kitwe alone.

Earlier, Kitwe District Commissioner, Lawrence Mwanza, described the selection process of health workers as transparent and fair.

Mr Mwanza explained that the team worked even throughout the weekends.

He however stated that there were a few challenges arising from not funding the recruitment process.

The government is currently working on the recruitment of over 11,000 health workers, which is being undertaken in districts.

Meanwhile, the Civil Service Commission is happy with the health worker recruitment exercise in Northern Province.

Civil Service Commissioner Wendy Mulenga, who is leading a team that is conducting the monitoring and evaluation exercise in the province, said the process is on course.

Speaking when she paid a courtesy call on Northern province Permanent Bernard Mpundu, Ms Mulenga reiterated that successful applicants will start receiving their appointment letters within the course of next week.

She expressed happiness that decentralization has been actualized in the ongoing recruitment process, through the delegated powers.

Ms Mulenga noted that the decentralized recruitment process will also help create confidence in the system, among local people.

The Commissioner added that it is the aspiration of the government to address the high levels of unemployment in the country, as could be seen from the overwhelming number of applications.

And Mr Mpundu explained that the process has been conducted smoothly in the region, despite a few challenges.

He said the human resource committees in the province is equal to the task and has drawn a number of lessons from the exercise.

The Permanent Secretary has since urged applicants that will not be selected, to remain positive and look out for other recruitments in the near future.

CSOs calls on Government to halt discussions on draft mineral policy


A consortium of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Northwestern province has called on the government to halt the stakeholders’ consultations on the draft mineral resources and development policy to allow for wider discussions.

The consortium says the consultation process lack information because the government has not made available the draft policy to the stakeholders before engaging them

Publish What You Pay National Coordinator Nsama Chikwanka said the CSOs in the province have jointly resolved that if the policy and the process continue as it is, the challenges the sector has been facing will remain unresolved.

Mr Chikwanka said this during a press briefing in Solwezi today following a Provincial consultative meeting on the new draft policy for chiefs and Mining in Indaba.

“Many people are learning about the draft policy while they are already in the meeting and the criteria used to identify stakeholders who are invited to these consultations are unclear,” he said.

Mr Chikwanka further suggested the translation of the policy into local languages to ensure no one is left behind.

He said in view of the concerns, the CSOs are not convinced that the new draft mineral resources policy will meet the aspirations of the Zambians.

“It is yet again a government centred and driven activity which in its current format is far from serving the interests of Zambians who have for a long time been calling for an equal share in their natural resources,” Mr Chikwanka said.

Mr Chikwanka said the significance of mining to the social and economic development of the country cannot be over emphasized, therefore there is a need to respond by putting in place a befitting policy and legal framework.

Govt. committed to attract more investment- President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has reaffirmed the government’s resolve to create an enabling investment environment to attract more investment into the country’s economy.

President Hichilema said this is an effort to build a strong economy that will benefit all the people in the country.

He explained that currently the government is preoccupied with measures aimed at securing the social and economic development of the country.

He, however, noted that for this to be attained there is a need to put in place mechanisms that support more investment and business transactions with various partners.

The President noted that the country will also enhance its bilateral relations with different countries in different areas of interests and attract more investment into the country’s economy.

The Head of State was speaking at State House in Lusaka today when Israeli Ambassador to Zambia Ofra farhi paid a courtesy call on him.

“Since assuming office nine months ago, providing an enabling environment to attract more investment and business transactions has been our core to rebuild a strong economy as we govern the country, “he explained.

President Hichilema said there is need for the two countries to work together and identify areas of interest that can benefit both countries.

He added that the enhanced bilateral relationship between the two countries should also be used for the benefit of other countries in the region and the world as a whole.

The President also hailed Israel for the continued support to Zambia through offering scholarships for students in various skills of expertise through the Israel Zambia student exchange programme.

He noted that the programme has benefited a lot of Zambian students in the agriculture and technology sectors.

He added that due to Israel’s advancement in technology, the country should consider investing more in Zambia, adding that Zambia is endowed with vast land and a lot of natural resources that can support such investments.

The Head of State further expressed optimism that the bilateral agreements that were signed between Zambia and Israel yesterday at the first ever Israel-Zambia economic conference will materialize to further enhance the investment potential of the two countries.

“We would like to see a lot of Israel business people invest here, we have a lot of available natural resources that can be tapped, we have enough land so come, bring your capital and technology, we will provide the natural resources required, “,he said.

President Hichilema also praised Israel for the support in the fight against COVID-19 by donating medical equipment and supplies.

Israeli Ambassador to Zambia, Ofra Farhi
Israeli Ambassador to Zambia, Ofra Farhi

Earlier, Ambassador to Zambia Ofra Farhi called on the need for the two countries to accelerate their mutual relations for the benefit of their people.

Ms. Farhi said Israel has discovered that Zambia has a lot of investment potential that her country would like to exploit.

She explained that this is why the two countries yesterday held an Israel-Zambia economic conference where a number of areas of investment cooperation in trade, commerce and agriculture among others were established.

She further added that her country has also made a donation of water purifiers to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit to help Zambia effectively combat COVID-19.