By Azwell Banda,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) director Kristalina Georgieva, President Hakainde Hichilema and finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane know and understand the majority of Zambians’ conditions of life were far worse than European and US conditions of plummeting standards of living today, well before the pandemic.
And yet the IMF Staff Level Agreement with Zambia was also premised on the removal of fuel, electricity and food subsidies. Why? Because the IMF is also a White US racist organisation created to protect the wealth of the money rich scum bugs in the US and Europe, and the living standards of the people of those countries.
Will Hichilema and Musokotwane abandon the IMF, in the face of the IMF itself conceding that governments must make poor people a priority, and Zambia is a poor country? At the very least, will they revise the IMF agreement? I do not think so. They are convinced Zambians are used to suffering and they can easily be pacified by preaching peace and frightening them with images of war.
For any system of human domination, oppression, suppression and exploitation to succeed must manufacture lies, repeat them frequently and consistently, turn the lies into propaganda and inevitably convert propaganda into beliefs, false faith and a way of life. Proof that the lies and propaganda have been converted into beliefs and a system of false faith is when the dominated, oppressed, suppressed and exploited begin not only to parrot the lies and propaganda, but actually defend and promote these lies and propaganda, and live accordingly. When this happens, the project of enslaving others is complete. The enslavers now have to demonise and destroy all those whose sanity they have failed to corrupt, to sustain their system! This is how any dominant ruling class sustains itself, as an oppressor class.
A great lie and propaganda of capitalism are that private greed for constantly accumulating money, profits, and wealth is the greatest good and source of happiness for the individual and all human society and that this insatiable greed is actually freedom and democracy.
Everything in a capitalist society is then subordinated to this one fundamental lie and piece of evil propaganda, including, sadly, faith in God. We are told that those whom God favours, He has made rich, and those whom he does not, he punishes with poverty, defeat in war and diseases. Prosperity Christianity flourishes where the masses are extremely poor, such as in Zambia. God is thus also reduced to a capitalist.
Our current leader of the Zambian capitalist class, President Hichilema and his chief disciple, finance minister Musokotwane, typical of capitalist liars and propagandists, have been consistently singing that because Zambia is extremely indebted, we cannot do without the IMF. We need to become further indebted by borrowing from the IMF in order for us to be able to ‘sustainably’ manage our debt. Note how the truth is perverted in this warped logic.
This is how lies are manufactured: a poor over-indebted country needs to borrow more from a vicious financial organisation of the rich that will take away its right to manage its own finances and determine its own economic policies, all the while apparently miraculously causing the poor indebted country to resolve its debt crisis.
Now, when Hichilema, Musokotwane and the IMF peddle this lie and propaganda, they are fully aware of whose interests they are championing: Zambia’s and foreign money rich scum bugs.
To buttress this obviously blatant lie that Zambia has no alternative to the IMF as Zambia’s poor people are punished with the removal of subsidies from fuels, electricity and food, Hakainde, Musokotwane and the IMF then manufacture the lie that in order to have public-funded lower education and for the government to employ a few of the badly needed teachers and health workers, Zambians must suffer higher fuel, electricity and food prices. Repeated countless times, by well-dressed women and men who speak convincingly and look quite educated, millions of Zambians are co-opted to serve the interests of the money rich at their own expense!
Once in a while, even the most ardent disciples of capitalism slip up on the lies. And so, it has happened that Chibamba Kanyama, our overzealous preacher of “private investors” (read: bloodsuckers, looters and plunderers of our labour and natural resources!) expressed surprise that prices of most things Zambians needs are going up, but the government claims to be well on its way to reduce inflation to a single digit, very soon! Chibamba could not bring himself to utter the logical conclusion from his correct observation: if low inflation means the rising cost of living and doing business for the majority, then we need to raise inflation!
The truth is, the IMF has demanded a certain inflation rate to be achieved by a certain time so that foreign money in Zambia can be guaranteed certain levels of stable accumulation rates, even if such an inflation rate (whose basket of goods upon which it is calculated are favourable to foreign money) will mean killing some impoverished Zambians! Without achieving this band of the inflation rate, Zambia may not get IMF loans!
Well, in a reasonably sane world, Hakainde, Musokotwane and Chibamba would respect that if economies must serve people and not money, and higher inflation is what makes the cost of living and doing business low for the majority, then Zambia must have high inflation and the IMF should eat its low inflation statistics!
Just like before the First and Second World Wars, there is very visible growing restlessness, frustrations, rising anger and protests among the ordinary working people of the whole world over the rising costs of oil, gas, food, medicines, rent and many essentials for life, causing massive deterioration in standards of living. Instead of economic recovery from the pandemic, the working people of the world are being punished for having allowed their governments to protect the wealth of the super-rich while not saving millions of workers’ lives from the virus.
Globally, the cruel hybrid moronic economic war the US and it’s EU puppet colonies have unleashed on Russia is heating hardest US and EU working people as oil, gas and food prices rise and inflation bites. Africa will be hardest hit by the hybrid war the US is waging in Ukraine against Russia (another excellent example of how successful capitalist lies and propaganda can be: Hakainde’s government voted with the US against Russia, even as the economic bullets the US is firing are already wounding the Zambian economy, currently largely through high pump prices of fuels and rising imported fertilisers and food prices!)
The world super-rich is aware that the world people may turn violent against a system that, for example in the US, starves babies of milk while pumping billions of US dollars’ worth of arms in Ukraine. In the UK, oil companies have reaped record supper profits as oil and gas prices have risen beyond the reach of ordinary household incomes. It is in this context that we must understand the strange shrill advice from all supper power finance ministers and managing directors of global financial institutions that governments must do something to alleviate especially the rising hunger situation in the whole world: the scum bugs are worried about a world revolution which may overthrow their carefully crafted world of economic enslavement of the majority of the peoples of the world.
Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, does not hide the reasons for her call on countries to make a priority of supporting poorer people: the IMF, World Bank, and all supper power banks are fully aware that the looming world hunger situation and the incredibly cruel mindless US war against Russia in Ukraine will trigger global protests against a world capitalist system that invests more in war than human lives. They are fully aware that their lies and propaganda to their own people in rich countries are fast failing to sustain the false reality they have constructed for the whole world. There is absolutely no sympathy or genuine empathy with the suffering the US hybrid war has unleashed on the peoples of the world. It is to act to save their rotten deadly capitalist system from being destroyed by a global revolution that they are acting.
Capitalism is more than a pathological craving and prioritising money above everything itself, including God. Like all slave societies, capitalism is lies and propaganda – the evil art of substituting reality with lies and falsehoods. Capitalism, therefore, is most successful when the poor, the true victims of capitalism, start to worship, defend, and practice it; voluntarily!
In order for the majority of Zambians to free themselves from the extreme poverty they suffer every second, Hakainde and all his disciples must be removed from power by the very poor Zambians whom they lied to, to assume office. To achieve this is the task of every Zambian not yet deceived by, or who manages to recover, from the cheap lies and propaganda of Zambia’s extremely backward capitalism.
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