Mansa Catholic Bishop Patrick Chisanga has urged the clergy in the country to help in dispelling myths and misinformation surrounding the Covid 19.
Bishop Chisanga observes that it is surprising that some of the clergy are the ones who are discouraging people from getting the Covid 19 Vaccine instead of giving people correct information on the Covid vaccines.
Speaking during the Covid 19 virtual meeting for the religious in Luapula Province, Bishop Chisanga indicated that it becomes a challenge to dispel misinformation concerning the Covid 19 Vaccine when it is coming from the clergy hence the need to issue that the clergy help in giving the correct information to the public concerning the Covid vaccine.
Bishop Chisanga explained that the fight against Covid 19 needs concerted efforts from all the stakeholders which includes the church and not for the church to be promoting superstition on the vaccines which are currently being administered.
“The clergy should take a leading role in encouraging their church members to get the vaccine as opposed to them promoting falsehoods on issues surrounding Covid 19 Vaccine,” says the Bishop.
He pointed out that the church should instead work closely with the Ministry of Health in ensuring that more people get the Covid 19 Vaccine.
The Bishop revealed that the Catholic Church in Luapula is committed to ensuring that more members get the vaccine hence the move to allow vaccination activities taking place at church premises during the Weekend.
“It is the desire of everyone to see to it that this pandemic is controlled and one way of achieving that is when more people get the vaccine,” noted the Bishop.
And Bishop Robert Mumba of the Anglican Church in Mansa says the church has continued working with the Ministry of Health in sensitizing the congregations on the importance of getting the vaccine.
Bishop Mumba revealed that he and her wife were among the first ones to get vaccinated as a way of encouraging church members to get the vaccine.
” The Anglican church in Luapula wants to see to it that measures put in place such as the Covid 19 Vaccine are supported so that people can be protected from the pandemic, ” explained Bishop Mumba.
He has since urged the Ministry of Health in the Province to continue engaging the church in addressing various health issues which affect the people.
Meaning Luapula Province Health Director, Saimon Kunda says the Province still has a long way to go in meeting its target of vaccinating 70 percent of the eligible population before June this year.
The Director explained that the Province is still at 32.5 percent in terms of people who have received the vaccine.
“This meeting was organised so that the clergy can support the current vaccination campaign which started on 14th May, 2022 and it will go up to 23 May,2022,” says Dr. Kunda.
The Provincial Health Director notes that with the concerted efforts of various stakeholders such as the church the province will be able to meet its target.
Dr. Kunda has since thanked the church for their support which they have continued to give to the Ministry of Health.