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Misinformation on Covid 19 vaccine worries Church


Mansa Catholic Bishop Patrick Chisanga has urged the clergy in the country to help in dispelling myths and misinformation surrounding the Covid 19.

Bishop Chisanga observes that it is surprising that some of the clergy are the ones who are discouraging people from getting the Covid 19 Vaccine instead of giving people correct information on the Covid vaccines.

Speaking during the Covid 19 virtual meeting for the religious in Luapula Province, Bishop Chisanga indicated that it becomes a challenge to dispel misinformation concerning the Covid 19 Vaccine when it is coming from the clergy hence the need to issue that the clergy help in giving the correct information to the public concerning the Covid vaccine.

Bishop Chisanga explained that the fight against Covid 19 needs concerted efforts from all the stakeholders which includes the church and not for the church to be promoting superstition on the vaccines which are currently being administered.

“The clergy should take a leading role in encouraging their church members to get the vaccine as opposed to them promoting falsehoods on issues surrounding Covid 19 Vaccine,” says the Bishop.

He pointed out that the church should instead work closely with the Ministry of Health in ensuring that more people get the Covid 19 Vaccine.

The Bishop revealed that the Catholic Church in Luapula is committed to ensuring that more members get the vaccine hence the move to allow vaccination activities taking place at church premises during the Weekend.

“It is the desire of everyone to see to it that this pandemic is controlled and one way of achieving that is when more people get the vaccine,” noted the Bishop.

And Bishop Robert Mumba of the Anglican Church in Mansa says the church has continued working with the Ministry of Health in sensitizing the congregations on the importance of getting the vaccine.

Bishop Mumba revealed that he and her wife were among the first ones to get vaccinated as a way of encouraging church members to get the vaccine.

” The Anglican church in Luapula wants to see to it that measures put in place such as the Covid 19 Vaccine are supported so that people can be protected from the pandemic, ” explained Bishop Mumba.

He has since urged the Ministry of Health in the Province to continue engaging the church in addressing various health issues which affect the people.

Meaning Luapula Province Health Director, Saimon Kunda says the Province still has a long way to go in meeting its target of vaccinating 70 percent of the eligible population before June this year.

The Director explained that the Province is still at 32.5 percent in terms of people who have received the vaccine.

“This meeting was organised so that the clergy can support the current vaccination campaign which started on 14th May, 2022 and it will go up to 23 May,2022,” says Dr. Kunda.

The Provincial Health Director notes that with the concerted efforts of various stakeholders such as the church the province will be able to meet its target.

Dr. Kunda has since thanked the church for their support which they have continued to give to the Ministry of Health.

Legal education important in fighting financial crimes – ZIALE


The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) has reaffirmed the importance of Legal Education on Corporate governance and in the fight against financial crimes in the respective organisations.

ZIALE Council Secretary, Leah Ngulube, represented ZIALE Director, Ann Ononuju and says the promotion of the rule of law in the governance of private and public Institutions is critical in the development of institutions.

Ms Ononuju explained that the aim of the training was to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of corporate governance and the law.

Speaking during the closing ceremony of corporate governance and the law training which started on May 18, 2022 to May 20, 2022 held at Bonanza Resort, Ms Ononuju said the training has enhanced understanding in corporate governance among participants.

She said that the objective of the training was based on the general core principles or pillars of transparency accountability, efficiency and effectiveness in respective organisations that participated in the training.

“There is indeed plenty to reflect upon and if this in any way enhances our individual and collective contributions to meeting the corporate governance challenges and agenda, then the training can truly be termed as successful,” she said.

Ms Ononuju noted that the training did provide a platform for the participants who were drawn from both public and private sectors to update and sharpen their skills, exchange information, ideas and experiences for professionalism in organisations.

She was hopeful participants had acquired a full knowledge of how to run their respective organisations.

“This useful and relevant information should be used and implemented to assist in the sustainable governance of the organisations you are representing,” she said.

And in his vote of thanks, Charles Sichangwa, a participant, said the knowledge acquired will help to turn around the economy of the country if organisations which participated in the corporate governance training implemented the learnt knowledge.

Mr Sichangwa also called on his fellow participants to guard against money laundering activities as the vice retards economic development.

They’re abusing the criminal justice system to fix political opponents, critics


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

We are witnessing a very worrying abuse of the criminal justice system by the UPND leadership, its cadres and the police under its control and direction.

In a clearly coordinated manner, some cadres of the UPND are made to launch complaints of defamation of the President in far flung areas of our country against individuals living in Lusaka. These individuals are then arrested in Lusaka and transported to these areas where they have no lawyers, family or friends. This was the case with Raphael Nakachinda who was arrested in Lusaka and transported to Solwezi and made to find his way back to Lusaka. It’s now the case with Chilufya Tayali who has been arrested in Lusaka and taken to Lukulu in Western Province. We hear there are plans to arrest Sean Tembo and take him to Ikelenge in North Western Province.

We know they are relying on the argument that the alleged defamation was committed on social media which can be accessed anywhere in the country. But this not the rule of law, which they had promised us; this is rule by law.

What is the difference between rule by law and rule of law? Briefly, rule by law indicates that decisions are forced upon a citizenry, while rule of law is to control the unlimited exercise of the power by the supreme lawmaking authority of the land. It is a just application of the law for everybody, keeping in mind that the law doesn’t go against basic precepts of humanity.

Rule of law empowers the citizens to live and work safely. Citizens will not be subjected to arbitrary laws of the government and are protected against any abuse of power by the state.
What they are doing is actually punishing these individuals before they are convicted by making them suffer unnecessarily.

What they are doing is not different from what the PF government did to them and many other citizens. In principle, this not different from what the PF government did to them in those road traffic treason charges.

This is all about ego – ‘I am the President! How dare you say such things about me? I will fix you so that you know where power lies.’ But as we have repeatedly warned, the exercise of power must be a constant practice of self limitation and modesty.

These abuses of our criminal justice system are unacceptable and must be opposed and stopped. As we have repeatedly stated, it is a well-known fact that throughout history, those who administer or control the criminal justice system hold the power with the potential for abuse and tyranny.
The statutory powers to arrest and prosecute those who commit crimes should be reasonably exercised and in good faith. By allowing people to be unjustifiably arrested, detained and prosecuted, those in power are sending a dangerous signal that the criminal justice system can used to persecute and fix opponents of the President.

There’s need to administer justice fairly and impartiality.

In Freedom under the Law, Lord Denning wisely remarked, “All power corrupts. Total power corrupts absolutely. And the trouble about it is that an official who is the possessor of power often does not realise when he is abusing it. Its influence is so insidious that he may believe that he is acting for the public good when, in truth, all he is doing is to assert his own brief authority. The Jack-in-office never realises that he is being a little tyrant.”

We should at all times uphold the rule of law, integrity of the criminal justice system and the right to a fair trial.

UPND cadres’ conduct amounts to intimidation and harassment of judges and magistrates


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

The UPND cadres’ holding of a press briefing at the court’s premises to call for changes in the judiciary amounts to unacceptable intimidation and harassment of judges and magistrates. This barbarism undermines the independence of our judges and magistrates and the rule of law in general.

Do they want our judges and magistrates to behave like Pontius Pilate who abdicated his responsibility, washed his hands and allowed Christ to be crucified, nailed to the cross?

Do they want to see legitimate, fair trials – with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty – of crime suspects or crucifixion? This is gross intimidation, threatening or blackmail of judges and magistrates which seriously undermines their independence. With this act, the UPND has seriously undermined their fight against corruption.

Let our judges and magistrates decide cases in an impartial manner. The way to achieve this impartiality – to allow judges to decide cases based on what the law actually requires, and on nothing else – is to ensure that judges and magistrates are independent, or, put differently, not subject to reprisals for decisions they make on the bench.

If judges misconduct themselves, there’s the Judicial Complaints Commission to deal with that – make your complaints there, don’t resort to anarchy.


UPND Lusaka Provincial youth chair Mr Anderson Banda
UPND Lusaka Provincial youth chair Mr Anderson Banda

Yesterday United Party for National Development youths in Lusaka called for a complete overhaul of the Judiciary. UPND Lusaka Province Chairperson, Anderson Banda said that the judiciary is a disappointment, looking at how it is handling various cases of alleged corruption.

He made the remarks when he led a team of party supporters in what he termed as solidarity with President Hakainde Hichilema, at the Magistrate Court where Bowman Lusambo, Raphael Nakacinda and Given Lubinda were appearing for various cases.

The trio had to be whisked away by police after their court cases were adjourned.

PF member, Raphael Nakacinda; who appeared for the defamation of the President’s case, to have his matter referred to the Constitutional Court, was rejected and as of now, the matter has been adjourned to 20th June for possible commencement of trial.

Chilufya Tayali Charged for publishing defamatory remarks against the President on his Facebook page

Police in Lukulu has formally charged and arrested Chilufya Tayali aged 47 of house number 38 Ngwezi road in Roma township of Lusaka for the offence of Defamation of the President Contrary to Section 69 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

According to Zambia Police Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga, the brief facts of the matter are that the accused did publish defamatory remarks on his Facebook page on 13th May 2022. The suspect has been detained in Police custody and will appear in court soon.

Meanwhile, there has been outrage in the manner Zambia Police is dealing with United Party and National Development (UPND) cadres’ complaints against opposition leaders.

Jackson Silavwe, President of the Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ) said that the President, and Inspector General of Police will be held accountable should something tragic happen to any opposition political party leader.

Mr Silavwe said that the transferring of opposition political leaders by the Zambia Police to different parts of the Country where UPND members have lodged complaints is retrogressive, repugnant and nauseating and questioned if the UPND now following a colonial script in dealing with the opposition.

Mr Silavwe said that this action is reminiscent of the colonial days before our Country’s independence when our freedom fighters such as Dr Kaunda, Mr Kapwepwe and others were restricted to different parts of the Country by colonialists and wondered whether this is the UPND Government the new colonial replica in town.

“In an event where something tragic happens to any opposition political leader (God forbid), President HH, the IG and his Government will be held responsible. President HH and his IG are compromising the security of opposition political leaders in our Country.

” Any person who has a complaint against any opposition political party leader must travel to where they are domiciled and lodge a complaint period. This behaviour is sinister and borders on the infringement of human rights.

“This abuse of the police by the ruling party is appalling and regresses our democratic gains. I call on President HH and his IG to end this practice immediately. It does not make them look good in the minds of well-meaning Zambians and stakeholders, ” he concluded.

Adding his voice to the outrage, former Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba said that Zambia Police is struggling to patrol townships to curb the unprecedented high levels of crimes in townships and compounds because of a lack of vehicles and operational fuel, yet they are quick to execute a complaint by UPND cadres in Solwezi against Raphael Nakacinda or Lukulu districts against Chilufya Tayali.

Mr Mwamba said that there is now information that PEPE leader Sean Tembo will be taken to Ikelenge District.

Mr Mwamba said that despite established law and practice that persons are prosecuted from the area or jurisdiction where the crime was suspected to have been committed, the Police in close collaboration with the UPND are abusing the complaint process.
“Dictatorship is always bred by leadership but implemented by defence and security wings. Dictatorship doesn’t appear to be so because it appears to target other people, ” he concluded

The President must get rid of his anger issues and focus on running the Country-PF

Patriotic Front Secretary General Hon. Nickson Chilangwa has advised President Hichilema to focus his energies on emancipating the people of Zambia from poverty stating that is the reason they voted him into office in the first place.

Chilangwa said he and his colleagues in the PF and indeed the nation at large have been taken aback by the Presidents anger against his political opponents which is clearly derailing him from focusing on important issues of governance.

He said the Press Conference that the Head of State held not so long ago exposed the President’s deep-rooted anger because instead of talking about the economy, he focused on speaking about his political opponents and lost an opportunity to give direction to the many issues that are affecting the ordinary Zambians.

Chilangwa said this on the Round Table Talk this evening.

“Am shocked at the levels of anger being exhibited by the President. During the Press Conference, he expressed so much anger. He is President now. He won the elections. Mr President release that hate in order for you to lead this nation properly.” He said

” We need you to have a clear and focused mind as you run the affairs of this nation. Yes, you were arrested. But that is now history. Shake it off. Let it go. Focus on leading,” he added .

He gave an example of how late President Sata forgave all those that had wronged him, scandalised him and mocked him when he was in opposition.

“President Sata said if I start to focus on pursuing those that hurt me, what time will I have to lead this nation. That’s what a leader should do. Focus on his mandate which is to provide leadership, ” Chilangwa said.

And Chilangwa says there is no genuine fight against corruption that the New dawn administration is engaging in and has described the constant persuing of the PF Members by the ACC and other law enforcement agencies and investigative wings as pure persecution.

He expressed disappointment at how the ACC was seizing properties of PF leaders without following proper procedure. He also wondered why it was impossible in the eyes of the new government for people who had served as Ministers in the previous regime and had worked for many years and owned businesses to own property genuinely.

“We are not opposed to the ACC doing their investigations and asking relevant questions where genuine need be. But what we are seeing now is nothing but persecution. It is not a genuine fight against corruption at all,” he said .

Hon. Chilangwa who is also Member of Parliament for Kwambwa constituency in Luapula Province has since vowed that the PF will not be intimidated and that it will continue to provide checks and balances stating it is a duty they owe to the Zambian people .

USAID happy with Zambia’s Covid-19 vaccination drive


United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is impressed with Zambia’s Covid-19 vaccination programme.

Visiting USAID Covid-19 Taskforce Executive Director, Jeremy Konyndyk says if Zambia continues with the current momentum in vaccinations against Covid-19, the country stands a chance of becoming a model for the rest of Africa.

Speaking during a briefing after touring the Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) office to witness the Covid-19 response firsthand, Mr. Konyndyk said the government has shown political will to tackle the pandemic.

He said this is evidenced by having a Special Assistant for Covid-19 at State House.

Mr. Konyndyk observed that the biggest obstacle to the fight against the pandemic in the country is access to the vaccine and not resistance from the public.

He said there is therefore a need to make the vaccine more accessible to citizens by taking it to public places.

And Mr. Konyndyk has praised Zambia for targeting to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the eligible population by June 30, 2022.

“It is a good target, it is a great target. It is a very ambitious target,” he said.

And Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Emmanuel Qua-Enoo, disclosed that in the last three years, USAID provided over US$20 million to CIDRZ to run three different projects.

Mr. Qua-Enoo said recently that USAID pumped in an additional US$3.9 million through the Tuberculosis Local Organisations Network (TBLON) project, which supports TB care and treatment in nine districts in Lusaka and Southern Provinces.

“This funding has enhanced bedside care of Covid patients. The project has contributed to increasing the capacity of frontline health workers treating Covid patients by employing 170 short term nurses who were deployed in various parts of the country,” he said.

And Lusaka Provincial Health Office HIV/TB Lead Mentor, Francis Mwape, called for concerted efforts to fight the pandemic.

The USAID delegation’s visit to Zambia follows the announcement that Zambia is one of the 11 countries earmarked to receive surge Covid-19 funding of US$28 million from the United States.

Meanwhile, The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has pledged continued support towards the fight against Tuberculosis, maternal child health, HIV/AIDS among other diseases.

USAID COVID-19 Task force Executive Director, Jeremy Konyndyk acknowledged the need to support the fight against the said ailments simultaneously with COVID -19.

Mr. Konyndyk said in Ndola yesterday after inspecting some COVID- 19 vaccination centers that fighting disease will reduce the pressure health authorities’ face in managing COVID- 19 patients with other chronic illnesses.

“It’s really important that we are fighting all these things at once. If people with other chronic diseases get COVID-19 their bodies become weak and this makes it hard to fight COVID-19 easily,” he said.

He said the agency will continue providing a comprehensive range of health support to the people of Zambia aside the COVID -19 pandemic.

And Presidential Advisor on COVID-19, Roma Chilengi implored health authorities to ensure the vaccines are not stockpiled in the fridges but rather injected in people’s bodies.

Professor Chilengi assured that government has made sure that the supply side of vaccines is sustained.

Professor Chilengi said that government has also made necessary arrangements to ensure the momentum in the supply of vaccines is maintained.

He warned of the anticipated fifth wave as the country enters winter season and that people should troop to the various vaccination centres and protect their lives.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Augustine Kasongo commended USAID for the continued support to the Ministry of Health.

Luapula Province records highest female-headed households

Luapula Province Social Welfare Department has disclosed that the region has 89 thousand female headed households listed on the social cash transfer programme, making it the highest in the country.

And the Social Welfare Department in Luapula says the new Zambia Integrated Social Protection Information System which the department is using will ease the scrutiny process as it is able to automatically remove people on the social cash transfer who do not meet the criteria.

Luapula Provincial Social Welfare Officer Enock Sakamuna explained that social welfare officers are currently conducting an enumeration in the field so as to update the database for social cash transfer beneficiaries in the Province.

In an Interview with ZANIS in Mansa, the Provincial Social Welfare Officer explained that through the social welfare community workers, they are able to take note of those who get married and follow ups are made where if confirmation is done they are also removed from the program as they become ineligible beneficiaries.

Mr. Sakamuna stated that the current enumeration exercise in the Province is not aimed at removing beneficiaries on the program but to confirm if they still meet the criteria which have been put in place.

“For female-headed households we target females who are without husbands and once someone gets married then they stop being part of the program,” he said.

He pointed out that under the female headed household, a beneficiary is supposed to have at least three children who are below the age of 19 years old if they are to continue to be on the program.

Mr. Sakamuna also revealed that there are led down guidelines which are followed for someone to be put on the cash transfer program and once someone does not meet those guidelines then the new system automatically removes them.

“Previously we were just using paper work to capture these social cash beneficiaries which was a bit difficult to ascertain if someone really qualified for the program but with the new system it is very easy now to know who really qualifies,” he said.

Mr. Sakamuna added that the new system is also able to pick if two people are sharing the same national registration number (NRC) which can be an audit query once such people are paid the money.

“However, no beneficiary can be removed from the program as long as they continue to meet the criteria which have been agreed upon as the system is ready to pick any new information which might emerge,” notes Mr. Sakamuna.

Luapula Province currently has over 125 000 households under the social cash transfer program whose beneficiaries are getting K 400 by-monthly for those who are above 64 years old, female headed household and Children headed household.

For persons with disabilities and those who are chronically ill they are paid K 800 by-monthly.

Prisons Care and Counselling Association happy with pro bono framework policy

Prisons Care and Counselling Association (PRISCCA) has commended the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) for launching the framework for the provision of pro bono legal services to Zambians.

PRISCCA Executive Director, Godfrey Malembeka said that pro bono in the criminal justice system is a timely step in the right direction and will change Zambia’s human rights profile.

Dr. Malembeka explained that the framework policy has been PRISCCA’s wish for many years as it appreciates the importance of legal representation for incarcerated inmates, suspects and remandees.

Dr. Malembeka told ZANIS in Lusaka that there can never be a good justice system with an absence of speedy and easy access to justice.

He explained that the framework is a vital tool that will obligate all LAZ members to represent at least one person free per year, considering the expensive legal services which an average Zambian cannot afford which has impacted negatively on access to justice.

“We appreciate the efforts of the Legal Aid Board (LAB) in providing legal representation to the indigent at a small fee (legal contribution) and are glad this will now be supplemented by pro bono services from private law firms,” Dr. Malembeka noted.

He said that pro bono will act as an effective decongestion strategy and will also go a long way in enhancing non-custodial options such as community service, suspended sentences or fines.

Dr. Malembeka hopes that all LAZ members will respect the pro bono framework guidelines and contribute towards speeding up access to justice for all in Zambia.

He further called for more sensitization across the country so that many vulnerable citizens can access free legal services.

Currently Zambia has more than 25,205 (Zambia Correctional Service, 19 May 2022) incarcerated inmates of which 4,000 are pre-trial remandees.

Perpetrators of Corruption may flaunt short-lived Victory, but justice will catch up with them- HH


After a series of defeats suffered by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in courts, sparking a public outrage on the competence of the commission, president Hakainde Hichilema has assured the nation that the wheels of justice will surely catch up with the people that seemed to have secured what he described as a short-lived victory

In a post on his Facebook, the president said that he understood the Zambians’ anger, frustration and the collective resolve to rid our society of the intolerable culture of corruption, especially among those that should be servants of the people.

The president said that, like drug trafficking, corruption is a scourge capable of destroying communities, increasing inequality among our people, distorting and exploiting public investments and reducing public revenues.

The president said that the perpetrators of the vice may flaunt short-lived victory, play the victim and mock the institutions of law and order, but assured that the long arm of the law and the wheel of justice will surely catch up with them.

The President assured Zambians that Corruption will be fought against, with everything that is legally at his government’s disposal, vigorously, relentlessly and the lawbreakers will be brought to book.

Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe
Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe

Meanwhile, Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe has said that the fight against corruption has not been lost, as assumed by some sections of society. Mr Haimbe said that corruption and financial crime cases that commenced are still ongoing and that it would therefore be premature to assume that the fight against corruption has been lost.

Speaking when he addressed the Media in Lusaka, the Justice Minister said the Courts have shown that they operate independently with the recent court decisions such as the reinstating of seized property to Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo. Mr. Haimbe noted that it is also an indication that the accused persons will receive fair trials before the courts.

He said what the country has seen are temporary decisions and that does not mean that the accused persons have been acquitted. Mr. Haimbe also said it is wrong to assume that law enforcement agencies are ill-prepared to handle investigations as financial crime matters are complicated and need to be given diligence in handling them.

And the Justice Minister reiterated that Government remains committed to judicial reforms and that this will be anchored on the rule of law. Mr. Haimbe said judicial reforms will always be driven by the Judiciary itself and that the Judiciary is equal to that task.

Meanwhile, Mr. Haimbe has with immediate effect, dissolved the National Prosecutions Authority (NPA) board. Mr Haimbe said the dissolution of the board was in accordance with article 270 of the Constitution of Zambia.

“I would like to bring it to the attention of the nation that I have taken the decision to immediately dissolve the board of the National Prosecutions Authority pursuant to section 7 of the National Prosecutions Act number 34 of 2010 as read together with section 26 of the interpretation and the general provision Act 2, ” he said

FQM Hosts One-Day Junior Golf Tournament at Kalumbila


Over 60 junior golfers in Kalumbila area on Thursday took to Kalumbila golf course to compete in the one-day junior golf championship organised by FQM Trident Limited.

The boys and girls were selected from communities around the Kalumbila Mine.

Most of the youngsters are part of the newly formed junior golf academy being spearheaded by the mine.

Gabriel Khumalo scooped the championship in category A after finishing 18 holes.

Tinovimba Muzinda emerged second overall followed by Abraham Mukaso.

Xholani Nhlani won category B of the championship followed by Emmanuel Zulu and Nathan Kumanda after finishing three holes.

FQM Trident Limited assistant general manager Junior Keyser pledged the mine’s commitment to supporting junior golf.

“Golf is such a good sport to teach young people not even young people but people discipline, integrity and sportsmanship so that is why we support initiatives like these. Today we are rewarded with over 60 kids and most of them are from our local community,” Keyser told reporters.

“We want to bring this lovely sport to the people of Kalumbila. We are having some of the best coaches available teaching them (junior golfers) the right techniques, the right discipline,” he said.

This is the second edition of the junior golf championship organised by the mining firm.

UPND youths bemoan low sensitization on accessing CDF

The United Party for National Development (UPND) youths in Kitwe district have appealed to the Town Clerk to quickly develop a strategy of highlighting the procedure for accessing the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) to youths and the vulnerable in the district.

UPND Kitwe District Youth Chairman Bowas Kapata noted that councilors and ward development committees in the district have not done enough to educate the people on the grass root on how to access the CDF.

He has since challenged the councilors to conduct sensitization meetings in their communities where people can be guided on how to access the CDF and other empowerment opportunities that government is providing.

“We are very concerned with the existing ignorance among youths on how to access the funds which government has rolled out to benefit the youths and other vulnerable people in society,” he said.

Speaking to ZANIS in Kitwe today, Mr. Kapata said without a proper sensitization strategy, youths and several vulnerable people will not access the increased CDF money which people are supposed to benefit through developmental projects.

Mr. Kapata has however announced that the youth wing will soon initiate sensitization meetings to try and educate their colleagues on the available government empowerment programs especially those under CDF.

Several stakeholders have expressed worry on the lack of information on the procedure to access CDF and other empowerment opportunities that the government is providing which has resulted in a lot of people failing to access these empowerment initiatives.

On Tuesday this week, Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Augustine Kasongo directed Heads of Government departments in the province to ensure that they remove all bottlenecks to the access to CDF.

This was in response to the low number of people that have applied for CDF funds in various councils, a situation that has been attributed to the cumbersome procedure and lack of information among the general public on the procedure.

Private, and public sectors urged to join in implementing e-government plan

The government has called on the public and private sectors to participate in the development and implementation of the national electronic government plan.

Acting Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, explained that the national e-government plan will form the basis for providing a unit of purposes in addressing multi-sectoral information communication technologies (ICT) programmes in both the public and private sector in the country.

Mr. Kangwa said this when he officiated at the validation meeting on the implementation of the national e-government plan in Lusaka today.

He stated that the government is open and ready to partner with the private sector in supporting the development of home-grown digital solutions that promote job creation and socio-economic development of the country.

“I encourage the private sector participation through various incentive schemes, promoting diversification and innovation of ICT products and provision of ICT infrastructure to support effective electronics that serve the delivery of services to the citizens,’’ said Mr. Kangwa.

He noted that ICT is critical in accelerating public service management to achieve the strategic goals enshrined in the vision 2030 and the eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) of social economic transformation for improved livelihoods.

“I invite the private sector and all ICT and tech start-ups to engage and collaborate with the government in the area of digital innovation and development research. I also wish to direct the National Coordinator, Electronic Government Division Smart Zambia institute to ensure that a mechanism for monitoring ICT implementation and performance across government ministries, provinces, other institutions and sectors is defined and put in place,’’ said Mr. Kangwa.

He added that once validated, the national electronic government plan should provide strategy direction regarding all ICT based implementations across sectors.

And Smart Zambia National Coordinator, Percy Chinyama, explained that the national electronic (NEGP) government plan is intended to achieve strategies and projects for reducing paper documents in public bodies and strategies and projects for the management of administrative resources by public bodies.

Mr. Chinyama pointed out that the NEGP is aimed at providing projects for installing an information and communication network among public bodies and securing safety among other things.

“The draft plan was developed in consultation with Cabinet administration, policy analysis and coordination at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, selected government institutions, Tony Blair Institute and Smart Zambia office.

The national e-government plan is not only intended to address public ICT initiatives but also bring on board the needs of the private sector and other key external stakeholders who have a stake in the operation of government,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, Management Development Division Permanent Secretary, Kusobile Kamwambi, said that the e-government plan should focus on a whole of government and holistic approach ensuring that all the implementation of ICT projects and initiatives are in conformity to the laid down standards and regulations.

Ms. Kamwambi noted that the plan should address the new dawn priorities of decentralisation by ensuring that all districts in the country are interconnected and have access to electronic government services.

Copper exploration commences in Kapiri Mposhi


A Zambian firm , Mwashia Resources Limited based in Kitwe, says it has commenced explorations for a large scale copper mine in Kapiri Mposhi Town, Central province.

The local mining firm says this follows the Zambia Environmental Management Agency’s (ZEMA)’s approval of the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) on the project, last October.

The proposed mining project sited in Kabwale area in Chief Chipepo’s Chiefdom has met requirements under the ZEMA Act Number 12 of 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment requirements.

Geo Quest, a company analysing the ore samples from the explorations for copper, on behalf of Mwasha Resources Limited , says it is certain of the potential for a copper mine in the area.

The Firms Geologist, Fortson Chisenga disclosed that so far the drilled samples are presenting between 1.5 and 2.5 percent grade of copper at the depth of less than 60 meters.

Updating Kapiri Mposhi District Commissioner, Francis Hasalama during a conducted tour of the site, Mr Chisenga stated that there will be potential for an open pit mining in the area.

” We are getting something like one and half percent to two and half percent in this mineralized zone so probably the next hole we drill maybe we are on the middle maybe the zone might be wider and the grade might be enhanced to something above three percent and if we get that there is potential for an open pit mine,” Mr Chisenga said.

And Kapiri Mposhi District Commissioner, Mr Hasalama has implored the mining firm to restrict its activities to approved exploration area and environmental requirements.

Speaking during his fact finding tour at the exploration site, Mr Hasalama advised the mining firm to formalize its presence in the Town by notifying his office and the traditional leadership where the said mine is domiciled.

” We have just come for a fact finding because there was an oversight on the part of the investor to notify the traditional leadership and government that he had started this venture but all is well.

“ …. We are looking forward to a positive outcome from these explorations because the benefit will accrue to the community, the mine itself and government,” Mr Hasalama said.

And Kapiri Mposhi Town Council Vice Chairman, Steadwell Magumbo is excited over the project noting the economic and social benefits to accrue to the locals once the mine is operationalized.

Mr Magumbo, who is also Kabwale Ward Councilor notes that the mining investment will be a life changer in the area as it will offer both direct and indirect job opportunities to the local people.

” If this mine exploration gives a positive result then we are assured of having employment to the local people and also the economic benefit will be there schools roads and health facilities could be built by the mine through its social corporate responsibility,” Mr Magumbo said.

Anti-Corruption Commission says it is still in charge of Bowman Lusambo’s Property


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has said that it is still in control of the properties of former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo situated in Chamba Valley by way of the Restriction Notice which is in force.

Lusaka Resident Magistrate Albert Mwaba yesterday set aside the Warrant of Seizure on Lusambo’s properties on account that it is an abuse of court process as there was a Restriction Notice which was already in place on the same properties.

In a statement released to the media, ACC said that the Restriction Notice is still in force as there has been no decision of any competent court to reverse or vary it, adding that the Commission is dissatisfied with the ruling of the Court to set aside the Warrant of Seizure as provided under the Anti-Corruption Act no. 3 of 2012 subsection 58(1) which provides for the seizure of properties under investigation.

The Commission further noted that, while it respects the decision of the Court, there is no legal requirement for the Commission to cancel a Restriction Notice before a Warrant of Seizure can be obtained and that the two actions can be enforced without any repercussions to the other as they each serve different purposes, adding that the provisions under Section 58(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act states:

“Where in the course of an investigation into an offence under this Act, an officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that any movable or immovable property is derived or acquired from corrupt practices, is the subject matter of an offence or is evidence relating to an offence, the officer shall, with a warrant, seize the property.“

The Commission concluded the statement by saying that it believes that it is on firm ground in the actions it is taking in its quest to investigate and prosecute matters relating to the corrupt acquisition of property.

Below is the full statement