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Kalulushi Modern Stars in K1 Million Boost


Kalulushi Modern Stars players have saluted the sponsorship deal their FAZ Copperbelt Division One side has secured from Kalulushi Municipal Council.

Modern Stars and Council on Saturday signed a memorandum of understanding that will see the local authority pump into the club a grant worth K1,000, 000 in the first year.

The initial grant will go toward players welfare and rehabilitation of Independence Stadium, the home of Modern Stars.

Club Captain Misheck Mweetwa said the sponsorship will motivate players to win promotion to the National Division One and later to the Super Division.

“We are very happy to receive this sponsorship.We have suffered for a long time. I came here in June, 2018,” Mweetwa said.

Mweetwa said players faced many challenges at Modern Stars owing to lack of sponsorship.

“Salaries were not coming. We used to beg money for survival,” he said.

“As long as we have sponsorship we can do it. We will do better than we have been doing without sponsors.The main reason council has come in they want us to go to Division One and Super Division. We know we can do it. We just have to work together,” Mweetwa said.

ZCCM used to sponsor Kalulushi before privatisation.

Swedish, Finnish Embassies in Zambia fly gay pride flag as Emmanuel Mwamba demands answers from Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Swedish and Finnish Embassies in Lusaka on Tuesday flew the Rainbow flag, a symbol of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBTQI) movement on their premises.

Tuesday, May 17th is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide.

In a Facebook post, the two Embassies stated that they flew the Rainbow Flag in support and commitment to LGBTQI rights.

“LGBTQI rights are human rights, always and everywhere,” the caption read.

But former Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union Emmanuel Mwamba has demanded answers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation over the matter.

Mr Mwamba charged that Zambia has not recognised LGBTQI rights and the practice of homosexuality remains a criminal offence in Zambia.

“This issue raises serious traditional, cultural and religious concerns and the Zambian people have constantly rejected this matter every time it has come up for both debate or policy consideration. It is therefore surprising that these embassies chose to fly these flags at their premises without due regard to the law and cultural sensitivity of Zambians and Zambia on the matter,” he stated.

He said Under Article 20 of the Vienna Convention, the Mission is only allowed to fly the flag and emblem of their country on their premises and on the vehicle.

Mr Mwamba said the Article is very clear when it states that, “the mission and its head shall have the right to use the flag and emblem of the sending State onthe premises of the mission, including the residence of the Head of the Mission, and on his means of transport”.

He added, “It is not provided for that they should fly emblems or flags for their chosen causes or campaigns. Under the 1961 Vienna Convention guiding Diplomatic Relations, Diplomats are mandated to respect the law of the receiving State and it is a serious breach of the Convention to break the law of the host country.”

“Similarly their premises, although enjoying immunities and privileges, must not be used for other purposes other than the approved and agreed purposes as guided by the Convention and host country.”

Article 41 of the Vienna Convention provides that;

(1.) “Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State. They also have a
duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State.”
(3) “The premises of the mission must not be used in any manner incompatible with the functions of the mission as laid down in the present Convention or by other rules of general international law or by any special agreements in force between the sending and the receiving State.”

He said it is imperative that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation resolves this blatant disrespect of Zambian laws and the culture of its people and the utter disregard by these Embassies for the Convention regulating Diplomatic Relations between Zambia and their States.

Every Big Heist has a Diversion: Questionable Secret Deals being done under HH’s administration


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

I have seen this script before. While we were chasing the wind, they stole the mines. When Zambians were being shown a tantalising movie about the ZAMTROP, designer suits, shoes from croc leather, and jet skiis, the biggest scams in oil, maize and mine deals were being done.

In 2003, while they were chasing Frederick -Jacob Titus Chiluba for alleged theft, they were engaged in some of the biggest frauds of the land. Konkola Copper Mines, valued at $650million was being sold to a little-known Indian mining firm for $25million. The theft was so sophisticated that the World Bank pledged $20million in development finance to support the orchestrated transaction!

At the time there was State House linked scandals, an oil scam involving Trans Sahara Trading oil imports which were guaranteed by ABSA and ZANACO where $100million was lost. There was also the scam involving the importation of maize worth $7.5million by alleged friends of the President while Zambia had a bumper harvest.


President Hichilema poses with staff at Royal Zambezi Lodge after he attended a meeting organized by the Brenthurst Foundation on AFRICOM.
President Hichilema poses with staff at Royal Zambezi Lodge after he attended a meeting organized by the Brenthurst Foundation.

Similarly, Zambians may take interest in the recent Mining Agreements being signed especially the new one between Zambia and First Quantum Mine. On 1st April 2022, President Hakainde Hichilema was at the Royal Zambezi Lodge in Lower Zambezi attending a “secret” meeting in which the extremely high-level guests were not disclosed and were kept out of the public’s eye. This meeting was so secretive that it was NOT reported by both ZNBC, or the President’s social-media pages.

If it were not for the excited staff at the Lodge who took a group memorabilia photo, we wouldn’t know anything about it or the secret presence of the President in Lower Zambezi. The Lodge is owned by First Quantum Minerals, who also own Royal Zambian Airlines. What are the details of this new mining agreement especially in relation to taxes? If you have nothing to hide, publish the Mining Agreements.

We may take interest in what will happen to Mopani Copper Mines and Konkola Copper Mines especially in the absence of a transparent process detailing how government is handling these national strategic assets.
Because the commodities; copper, lithium and cobalt present the immediate future of the world electric motor vehicle industry, there is heightened commercial and global interest about them. The global electric vehicle market was valued at $163.01 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $823.75 billion by 2030.


Zambians may also take interest in the recent signed Bulk Supply Agreement (BSA) between ZESCO Limited and the Copperbelt Energy Corporation. How much will it cost for ZESCO to supply power to CEC? What’s the duration of this Agreement? We remember that CEC was a subject of a UK state-owned development finance institution, the Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) Group’s plans to acquire the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) for US$450million.

CDC expressed interest to acquire controlling shares of the utility. CEC is majority owned by Zambian Energy Corporation (“Ireland”) Limited (“ZECI”) which holds 52% shareholding whilst the balance of 48% is held by various institutional and retail investors. The bid failed because CEC couldn’t obtain a new Bulk Supplier Agreement with ZESCO. But now this has been done and on 1st April 2022 ZESCO and CEC jointly announced the completion of successful negotiations.

Shortly after the ZESCO and CEC Agreement, the UK’s Minister for Africa, Vicky Ford visited Zambia from 5th to 7th April 2022. She stated that she was in Zambia to continue building the “modern partnerships” between the United Kingdom and Zambia. If you have nothing to hide, publish the new Bulk Supplier Agreement between ZESCO and CEC.


You may not know! The Ministry of Justice has become the biggest hub of suspected corruption and probably the new cost centre against government domestic revenue as numerous and strange out-of-court settlements are being made, compensating huge sums of money to individuals and entities. If you have nothing to hide, publish the Consent Judgements and out-of-court settlements being made since September 2021 so that Zambians can understand what they are paying for.

While we are preoccupied with trivialities, side-shows and diversions, some things of critical national interest are being perpetrated under the radar. Under Ministry of Justice, Agro Fuel, owned by a well-known close business associates of President Hakainde Hichilema, has been paid in excess of $26million.  This payments relates to a court dispute on the cancellation of the concession and expulsion of Agrofuel from Mpulungu Harbour in 2005. The Concessioning of Mpulungu Harbour Corporation was done in the year 2000 to Agro Fuel Zambia for a period of 25 years.

In 2005, Government cancelled the Concession citing exploitation, breach of the Agreement and general poor performance. Remember, under the privatisation programme, state-owned enterprises and public utilities that government had reservations to privatize, were encouraged to enter into public-private-partnership concessions. Hence the concessions of; Zambia Railways to Railways Systems of Zambia and Mpulungu Harbour to Agrofuel.

According to the Zambia Development Agency 75% of the PPPs that were entered into by the government of Zambia prior to the promulgation of the PPP Act of 2009 were all cancelled. These include: the Kasumbalesa Border Post, Mpulungu Harbour and Railways Systems of Zambia with an exception of the 65 year concession of the Luburma Market (popularly known as Kamwala Market). The cancelations were all attributed to failure to fulfil pledged investments, failure to disclose incomes and general poor performance.

Since the enactment of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Act of 2009, there has not been a single successful PPP transaction entered into between the Government of Zambia and any private sector entity under the PPP Act of 2009. The Act has defined the types of PPPs to be implemented in Zambia and are; Concession, Build Operate and Transfer (BOT), Build Own and Operate (BOO), and Supply Operate and Transfer (SOT). It is for this reason that the naive optimism being displayed by the Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Charles Milupi over PPPs believing that the private sector will deliver infrastructure development, is amusing to watch.

And while our attention is focused elsewhere, matters of interest are brewing at ZESCO, Department of National Parks and Wildlife and in the Mining Sector.


Of worry is the role of Brenthurst Foundation and its Executive Director, Dr. Greg Mills and his influence on President Hakainde Hichilema. Dr. Gregory John Barrington Mills popularly known as Greg Mills, heads the Brenthurst Foundation, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Brenthurst Foundation was established in 2005 by the Oppenheimers ( of the fame of Multibillion dollar corporation; Debeers and Anglo-American Corporation) to strengthen “African economic performance”.

Since President Hakainde Hichilema’s election, Mills has been a constant feature at State House. President Hichilema even travelled to South Africa to launch Greg Mills’ book; “EXPENSIVE POVERTY; Why Aid Fails and How It Can Work”.

Information has emerged that a team of private advisors and private media outfit are on a private payroll at State House and BRENTHURST Foundation is being named as one of the organisations funding this.  State House and the Presidency are sacred institutions, and a seat of power in Zambia but appear to have been defiled by the presence of these private activities. Kindly publish the details of the role of Brenthurst Foundation at State House and these private activities.

All biggest heists have a diversion, and therefore don’t fall prey.

Lusaka Province records the highest number of child defilement cases

Zambia Police has revealed that it recorded 540 cases of child defilement from 6,915 cases of Gender Based Violence reported countrywide in the first quarter of 2022.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 145 cases followed by Eastern Province with 92 cases.

Mr. Hamoonga said GBV cases recorded in the first three months of 2022 have risen by 2,661 cases compared to the records for the first quarter of 2021.

“During the first quarter of 2022, 6,915 cases of Gender Based Violence were reported Countrywide compared to 4,254 recorded in the first quarter of 2021 showing an increase of 2,661 cases translating to a 62.5%.From the total number of 6,915 reports recorded 4,740 were Criminal cases while 2,175 were non-criminal cases translating to 68.5% and 31.5% respectively. The First quarter of 2022 Gender Victim Disaggregated Data indicates that 1,769 child victims were abused countrywide representing 25.6% of which 1,284 were girls representing 72.6% while 485 were boys representing 27.4% while ,4,058 women and 1,088 men were abused representing 58.7% and 15.7% respectively. Gender vulnerability, a total number of 5,342 were females representing 77.3% while 1,573 were males representing 77.3% and 22.7%,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

“During the period under review, Victim Support unit counselled a total number of 5,724 or 82.8% of which 4,053 or 70.8% counselled were under criminal cases while 1,671 or 29.2% were counselled under the non-criminal offences. Out of the 4,053 criminal cases reported, 2,579 or 63.6% were victims comprising of 384 or 14.9% men, 1,456 or 56.5% `women, 150 or 5.8% boys and 589 or 22.8% girls. 1,474 or 36.4% were offenders in which 231 or 15.7%were men, 792 or 53.7% women, 94 or 6.4% boys and 357or 24.2% girls.Under non –criminal offences a total number of 1,671 were counselled in which 918 or 55% were women, 367 or 22% were men and 193 or 11.5% were boys and girls respectively.Under Physical Abuse, a total number of 2,641 cases were recorded translating to 55.7% compared to 2,403 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 238 cases or 9.9% increase,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga added that Lusaka Province recorded the highest GBV cases with 1,108 translating to 23.4% of the total cases followed by Copperbelt Province with 662 cases.

“1,071 Economic Abuse cases were recorded translating to 22.6% compared to 932 recorded in 2021 showing increase by 139 cases or 14.9% increase. 764 Sexual Abuses cases were recorded translating to 16.1% compared to 713 cases recorded in 2021showing an increase by 51 cases or 7.2% while 259 were Emotional Abuse cases translating to 5.5% compared to 201 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 58 cases or 28.9%.Lusaka Province recorded the highest GBV cases with 1,108 translating to 23.4%, followed by Copperbelt Province with 662 cases translating to 13.9% while Tazara Division recorded the lowest GBV cases with 44 cases translating to 0.9% and Statistics from the rest of the Provinces were as follows; Central Province had 611 cases translating to 12.9%, Eastern Province 532 translating to 11.2%, Western Province 511 cases translating to 10.8%, North-Western Province 41 cases translating to 8.7%, Southern Province 311 cases translating to 6.6%, Mchinga Province 263 cases translating to 5.5%, Northern Province 141cases translating to 3%, Airport Division 90 cases translating to 1.9% and Luapula Province 56 cases translating to 1.2%,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

He said from 6,915 GBV cases 19 were murder cases in the period under review.

“During this period under review, 764 Sexual offenses were recorded representing 16.1% of the cases reported compared to 713 cases reported in 2021 showing an increase by 51 cases translating to 7.2%. Out of these 764 cases, 567 victims were girls translating to 74.2%, 184 victims were women translating to 24.1%, 10 victims were boys translating to 1.3%, whilst 03 victims were men translating to 0.4%. 540 cases of Child defilement were recorded translating to 70.7% Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 145 cases translating to 26.9% followed by Eastern Province with 92 cases translating to 17 %, Southern Province had 89 cases translating to 16.5%, Central Province 60 translating to 11.1%, Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces recorded 45 cases each translating to 8.3%, Northern and Western province recorded 22 cases each representing 4.1% while Mchinga Province recorded 15 translating to 2.8%, Luapula Province recorded 05 representing 0.9%, Airport and Tazara Division didn’t record any cases,” Mr. Hamoonga stated.

He concluded:”Under Sexual Offences; 106 rape cases were recorded while 20 cases of attempted rape were recorded during the period under review. 49 cases of indecent Assault were recorded of which 31 victims were women, 15 girls one man and two were boys also 20 cases of incest were recorded in which four victims were girls and 16 were women.Under Physical Abuse,we recorded 2,641 cases translating to 55.7%, 460 victims were men translating to 17.4%, 1,925 cases were women translating to 72.9% ,112 were girls translating to 4.2%, 144 were boys translating to 5.5% compared to 2,403 cases recorded in 2021 first Quarter showing an increase by 238 cases translating to 9.9% increase. Out of 2,641 Physical Abuse cases reported 2,305 were Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm representing 87.3%, 1,878 were women translating to 81.5% while 427 were men translating to 18.5%.”

Applications for Ndola CDF low – Mayor

Ndola Mayor, Jones Kalyati has encouraged residents of Ndola to apply for the Constituency Developed Funds (CDF) as there is a low turnout of applicants applying for projects in various constituencies.

In an interview with the media, Mr Kalyati said the residents of Ndola should visit their parliamentary committee offices and get more information on how to access Constituency Development funds.

He noted with sadness that there are some constituencies that have only 9 applicants under the bursary category and only two have qualified, hence encouraging more people to apply, especially those in need.

“In this year’s CDF we have different categories to accommodate the people in communities.

We have 60 per cent for development, 20 per cent for bursaries and 20 per cent for empowerment mainly for the youths and women,” he mentioned.

Mr Kalyati has called on people mostly women and youths to choose one category and apply so that they benefit from the funds.

He said he does not want a situation that will result in funds being sent back to the central government because the people have not accessed the funds.

“In the past, we have had a situation where funds have been sent back because they were not used by the community members, “he said.

And some Ndola residents had recently called on the government to sensitize them on how to apply for funds under (CDF).

Mercy Mwamba a resident in Ndola said she has heard of the government empowering women and youths but does not know how to access those funds.

She said the government through civic leaders should move into communities and educate the people on how to access these funds.

Government formulating art policy to support local industry – Nkandu


The government has encouraged young people who are in the music and arts industry to take part in the formulation of the art policy meant to support the industry.

Minister of Youth, Sport and Arts, Elvis Nkandu says the policy once formulated and implemented will help to address some of the challenges that the industry faces.

He said this when he toured the Odini Art Centre in Chelston, today in Lusaka, accompanied by the Special Assistant to the President for Politics, Levy Ngoma and the Permanent Secretary, Kangwa Chileshe.

Mr. Nkandu observed that the industry has a lot of potentials to help young people have a source of income and thrive through creative arts once it is harnessed.

“We are ready to support the art industry and very soon we will disburse the money to support the art and music industry as a way of empowering young people who are involved in music and art.

“We encouraged all arts to come up with ideas of how art can be improved in Zambia. We are also going to ensure that we support visits to various countries such as Nigeria in order to exchange ideas and learn more,’’ he said.

And Special Assistant to the President for Politics, Levy Ngoma said the government stands ready to improve all sectors of the economy including art and music.

He noted that it is important that artists are supported because the creative arts industry is one of the sectors that play a role in the economic growth of the country.

“We want all arts to thrive and grow for the development of our economy because it is the desire of the government to see young people thrive and support themselves through various means,’’ said Mr. Ngoma.

Meanwhile Odini Art Centre, Moses Sakala appealed to the government to help in the rehabilitation of the art center which is meant for a multipurpose studio and an art school.

He indicated that once the center is rehabilitated, it will help in the preservation of the Zambian heritage and culture.

“It is important that we uphold our values and principles through music and arts which speak of unity and peace.

Once the center is fully rehabilitated and furnished we hope to see our culture and heritage preserved for the benefit of the young people,’’ said Mr.Sakala.

Mentally disturbed girl shies away from testifying in defilement case

A 15-year-old mentally challenged juvenile who was allegedly defiled by a 31-year-old man of Chikaza Munyama chiefdom in Itezhi Tezhi district in Southern Province in March of this year has failed to testify before the Itezhi Tezhi Magistrates’ Court.

When the case was called back for a continued trial before Magistrate Mugala Chalwe, the victim was called to the stand to testify about how Gift Kainde allegedly defiled her.

However, in the witness stand, the court noticed that the victim was unable to speak and appeared to be extremely shy and despite numerous attempts to persuade her to testify, she refused.

Magistrates Mugala Chalwe stated that this could be because victims are sometimes afraid to confront their assailants.

Instead, the court requested that she be given more time to try again later.

As a result, the prosecution decided to call the two parents first to testify

The first witness was the mother, Maureen Chipali, 24, of Shinyambo village, who testified that on the material day, around 22:00 hours, there was a musical function at a Mr. Kasale’s bar.

She stated that she was tipped off to go see who his daughter was with, and when she arrived at the function, she saw the accused with his trousers pulled down to his knees and his arms around her daughter.

She claimed that when he confronted him, he became enraged and almost beat her, at which point she grabbed her daughter and took her home.

She testified that when they arrived at home, her daughter informed her that she had sex with Kainde and then she contacted the neighborhood watch.

Kainde was apprehended by the neighborhood watch and taken to the Chief’s palace, where he was later relayed to the Itezhi Tezhi police station.

At the police station the police issued a medical report form which she took Itezhi Tezhi District Hospital.

Mr. Milan Tentabunga, aged 42 of the same village in Chikaza Munyama Chiefdom, the victim’s father, testified that his daughter was born with a mental illness on March 18, 2007.

On 11 March 2022, he was informed by his wife that someone had carnal knowledge of his daughter and that the assailant had been apprehended and was at the chief’s palace.

He told the court that after being informed, he went to the location where he found the assailant, who was later driven to Itezhi Tezhi police station.

In this case, Gift Kainde aged 31 a farmer, is charged with defilement of idiots or imbeciles, which is a violation of Section 139 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Zambian laws.

Particulars of the offense allege that , on 11th March ,2022, in Itezhi Tezhi district of Southern Province , he had carnal knowledge of a named mentally ill juvenile , a girl he knew to be an imbecile or idiot.

Kainde was arrested without a warrant on 15th April 2022 after guardians to the victim reported him to Itezhi Tezhi Police station.

When the matter came up for plea before Itezhi Tezhi magistrate Mugala Chalwe last week, Kainde said he understood the charge and pleaded not guilty.

The matter has been adjourned to 23 May 2022 for continued trial.

New Investor to run KCM must Prioritise the interest of local people


Chingola District Chamber of Commerce and Industry has said the government must ensure that the next investor to run Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) prioritises the interest of local people.

Chamber President Freddie Musonda said the government should find an investor who will have the interest of Zambians when running KCM which has operations in Chingola, Chililabombwe and Nampundwe.

Mr. Musonda said the local community must be involved in the signing of license agreement with the investor in KCM especially on corporate social responsibility.

He said local contractors and suppliers equally want an investor who will be giving them jobs at KCM.

Mr. Musonda acknowledged that KCM needs urgent recapitalisation to return to full capacity as a copper mining firm.

He disclosed that currently mining infrastructure at KCM is rundown a situation he said was negatively affecting efficient copper production at the mine plants.

“Our interest when we hear what is going on that there must be a fresh investor to recapitalise the mines. We have seen the state of the mines now. Mine plants are run down, capacity for a plant to run efficiently is not there. The mine needs recapitalisation and this of course is an opportunity for us contractors and suppliers when there is a need on the plant. The problem for the management that is operating Konkola Copper Mines is that they need fresh capital for them to recapitalise the mines and also restore the capacity on the plant for them to produce copper,” Mr. Musonda said.

“So we are saying when the government makes a decision now on who should be the investor that is taking over the mines. We want as contractors, the community to be involved in the license agreement especially on the corporate social responsibility. As stakeholders we want to see that our interest is looked at. It must be enshrined in the license agreement on things we expect to see as stakeholders. We want to have a good share of jobs that are available to us. We want to see that this investor will be able to pay us on time for jobs done,” he said.

Mr. Musonda recalled that in the past KCM used to put local contractors and suppliers in problems by failing to pay them on time.

“We want to see that we eliminate the problem where contractors where left with overflow of arrears that accumulated from not being paid. We want that the situation that arose because contractors could not pay NAPS, ZRA on time. This problem was not coming from the contractors and suppliers, this was generated by KCM,” Mr. Musonda said.

Indian investor Vedanta Mineral Resource has reportedly expressed interest to return to KCM.

Vedanta which used to run Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), recently said that it is committed to investing a USD 1 billion towards capital mine development and other infrastructure to increase KCM’s integrated production.

In a letter addressed to Mines Minister Paul Kabuswe, the Group CEO, Sunil Duggal said further said upon return Vedanta shall implement a salary increase across the board.

In November, 2020, a Zambian court ordered a halt to liquidation proceedings for Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) to allow owners Vedanta and ZCCM-IH to proceed to arbitration, the provisional liquidator said in a statement.



Zambia made a good finish at a UEFA U16 Developmental tournament in Georgia while the senior Chipolopolo team kicks-off its 2023 AFCON Group H qualifiers camp.


The Zambia U16 are on their way back to Zambia after a week in Georgia where they took part in a three-nation UEFA U16 tournament there from May 11-16.
Zambia finished runner-up behind hosts Georgia on 4 and 5 points respectively.
Georgia clinched top sport after beating Azerbaijan 1-0 in the tournament’s final game on May 16.
Zambia lost 4-3 on post-match penalties to Georgia after a 1-1 draw on May 11 and later beat Azerbaijan 3-1 on May 134.

Chipolopolo are checking into camp on Tuesday afternoon ahead of the start of the start of training on Wednesday in Lusaka.
The home-based call-ups under coach Aljosa Asanovic will be joined by the foreign-based call-ups as the oversea s players systematically conclude their respective league seasons over the next fortnight.


Striker Fashion Sakala is in Spain with his club Glasgow Rangers ahead of Wednesdays 2021/2022 UEFA Europa League final date against Bundesliga side Eintracht Frankfurt.
Rangers head into the final in Sevilla battling to make amends after failing to defend their Scottish Premiership title that they surrendered to arch foes Celtic with a game to spare.

New dawn Government needs reliable civil service – Kasamabala

Chirundu District Commissioner Patrick Kasambila has advised public service workers in the area to work extra hard and be ready to serve in any part of the Town on deployment.

Mr Kasambila explains development in the area will be actualised if public service workers in the area diligently serve even in far-reaching areas of the Town.

ZANIS reports that Mr Kasambila said this during the requiem mass for the late Billy Munthali, held at the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Chirundu Congregation.

He described the late Munthali as a dedicated civil servant who readily accepted a transfer from Choma District to work in Chirundu which was shunned by most civil servants then due to lack of social amenities.

The District Commissioner observed that development would be enhanced if all public service workers emulated the late Munthali’s example of hard work and selfless service.

“ The “New Dawn” government is in a hurry to improve the lives of ordinary Zambians hence the need to have reliable public service workers who are ready for public service, “Mr Kasambila said.

And in her homily, the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Chirundu Congregation Reverend –In-charge, Royce Siuluta, said although death still remains a mystery, the family should not despair but seek solace in God.

Earlier, the deceased’s brother, Panji Munthali, said his late young brother was instrumental to the unity of the family.

Late Billy Munthali, 44, is survived by a widow, Mervis Namukonda-Munthali and nine children.

He died in Mtendere General Mission Hospital after an illness.

Alleged plunderers’ outburst surprises Kasanda

Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says Government is amused that those who plundered public resources through mismanagement are the loudest to accuse the UPND Administration of favouring foreigners in the management of the economy.

Ms. Kasanda  who is also Information and Media Minister says contrary to the misguided accusations, the Government has placed Zambians as prime drivers and beneficiaries of the country’s resources.

She says this is evident in the increase in Constituency Development Fund (CDF) from one point six million Kwacha to 25.7 million Kwacha per Constituency.

Ms Kasanda  noted that those accusing Government of favouring foreigners are recipients of the 25 point 7 million Kwacha in their Constituencies as Members of Parliament, money being used to complete projects they failed to do when they were in office.

The Minister said in a statement that  money went into their pockets while the current Government is taking the money to the people to improve roads, schools, hospitals, and to pay bursaries and provide free education.

She said the Government is realigning the mining and other natural resources that the country is endowed with to generate more resources for the benefit of the people of Zambia.

The Chief Government Spokesperson pointed out that it is the basic function of Government to serve the people and not selfish individual interests.

Ms. Kasanda has since advised Mporokoso Member of Parliament Brian Mundubile  to desist from uttering baseless statements.

She said the construction of the FTJ University saga confirms the extent of the loot of public resources that the country was subjected to during the Patriotic Front Government.

Ms. Kasanda said PF Acting Secretary General Nickson Chilangwa must not attempt to distance the PF Government from the matter as it is clear that money was disbursed for the construction of the university but nothing was done.

She pointed out that government will ensure all that was stolen is recovered and given back Zambians who are the owners of the resources.

Ms. Kasanda has also advised former Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba to stop misleading the public over his statements regarding AFRICOM.

Kakoma, Moono rejoin UPND

Former UPND National Spokesperson Charles Kakoma and Former Chilanga Member of Parliament Cosmas Moono have rejoined the UPND.

Speaking during a press briefing where the UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda received them, Mr. Kakoma said his decision to rejoin the party is because it is living up to its promises and manifesto.

Mr. Kakoma said even after he left the UPND to join the PF, he failed to fit in because he could not oppose what the UPND stood for as he played a part in the party’s manifesto.

The Former National Spokesperson disclosed that he has joined the party without any conditions attached but merely to work for it and ensure more members are mobilized.

Mr. Kakoma also said the UPND is the right party to lead the country as has been witnessed in the few months they have been in power.

He said Zambians should be patient with the UPND Government as it strives to uplift the lives of the people.

Mr. Kakoma also praised Government for the free education policy, and the creation of employment for the health workers and teachers.

He has since apologized to President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND for having injured them by betraying the party when they needed his presence.

And, Captain Moono  said he wants to rejoin the party so that he can actively work to recruit more members.

He said the country under the UPND has seen peace and calm because there are no cadres causing trouble.

Meanwhile, Mr. Imenda welcomed Mr. Kakoma and Captain Moono to the party and has since urged members to work with them to grow the party.

Mr Imenda said he understands that people may have issues with the return of the two but they should welcome them and others for the sake of growing the party.

Sylvia Masebo Compound Residents in Chongwe cry for water


Residents of Ngwerere east compound popularly known as Sylvia Masebo compound in Chongwe district have appealed to government to expedite efforts to supply the area with clean water.

Speaking to ZANIS in an interview, Community chair lady Josephine Mwanza stated that the area only has two functional boreholes servicing a large population, a situation which she says has proved to be a challenge as some households are far from the two facilities.

Ms. Mwanza said the other two boreholes present in the area cannot be used because they supply water which is brown in colour.

She revealed that the two functional boreholes are located close to some pit latrines as houses are built close to each other with no space for such water facilities.

“Our homes are so close to each other and pit latrines have been dug close to the boreholes because there is no space where such facilities can be drilled away from our homes. This worries us a lot because we don’t know if the water, we are consuming is safe,” Ms. Mwanza said.

She called on Chongwe Municipal Council and Lusaka water and sanitation company (LWSC) to find a lasting solution to address the lack of clean water and good sanitation in the community.

Grace Tembo who resides in the area called for the construction of improved toilet facilities for residents adding that the current pit latrines in the area are likely to contaminate ground water.

Ms. Tembo said residents dig their pit latrines anywhere because the area is not properly planned.

She also called for more boreholes to be drilled to carter for everyone in the compound.

“We only have two functional boreholes but the problem is our compound is big with a large population. There are times when one borehole becomes faulty and the whole area has to depend on it leading to residents queuing up for water for the whole day. This kind of life is unacceptable. We also deserve access to water like other people in other areas,” Ms. Tembo said.

Ms. Tembo implored the Ngwerere ward councillor and the ward development committee to make efforts to ensure that they lobby for more boreholes to be drilled for people in the area.

Meanwhile, Community chairman Dixon Tembo assured residents in the area that Chongwe Municipal Council and LWSC are making efforts to address the problem of water supply in the area.

Mr. Tembo explained that the two authorities have since drilled a borehole to carter for part of Kabanana compound of Lusaka and Ngwerere east compound of Chongwe.

He disclosed that the Water resources management authority (WARMA) also took samples of water from the boreholes in the area which revealed contamination from some boreholes and residents have been advised to avoid using the contaminated water.

Mr. Tembo urged residents to be patient with the local authority in Chongwe as it is working tirelessly to address water and sanitation issues affecting people in the area.

Southern Province records gain in Covid-19 vaccine campaign – Mweetwa

Southern Province Minister, Cornelius Mweetwa says the Province has continued to record gains in the number of vaccination against COVID-19 with 33 percent of the target 70 percent of vaccinations having been reached.

The Minister this as a results of robust strategies that have been employed by government to control the spread of COVID 19 in the Province.

He says the involvement of all stakeholders including traditional leaders remains key in mobilizing the community towards increased uptake of the COVID 19 Vaccination.

Mr. Mweetwa is convinced that through concerted effort that targeted 70 percent mark will be reached.

“If we work together we shall surely win this fight against COVID-19,” he said.

He was speaking in Kalomo yesterday in a speech read for him by Southern Province Permanent Secretary, Namani Monze at relaunch of the COVID 19 vaccination campaign for the Province.

And Kalomo Member of Parliament, Harry Kamboni is disappointed that some health practitioners are in one’s in the forefront discouraged people from getting the COVID vaccine.

Mr. Kamboni wondered how health experts who are supposed to be role models in encouraging community members to get vaccinated could the ones frustrating government efforts to reachout to the people in the vaccination drive.

He said educated individuals must use their knowledge to better the health of the people by giving them correct information on the efficacy of the COVID 19 vaccine instead of encouraging them to seek services of traditional healers to seek remedies for COVID 19 related illnesses.

“Why are you encouraging people to seek remedies from witch doctors?,” he asked.

Mr. Kamboni said President Hakainde Hichilema has worked very hard to mobilize COVID 19 Vaccines but that it would be sad for Kalomo residents to disappoint him by shunning the relaunched vaccinations campaign.

Meanwhile acting Provincial Health Director, Clive Banda said the Ministry of Health will ensure a sustained supply of COVID 19 vaccines to all eligible age groups starting from 12 years.

Dr. Banda said relaunched vaccination campaign has brought on board all stakeholders to ensure wider reach to the targeted populations.

“The Ministry is ready to supply the vaccination what is needed is the uptake,” Dr. Banda said.

At the relaunch, Chief Chikanta who received a booster shot said he was leading as an example not only to his subjects but the entire province and the country at large the importance of COVID vaccines.

“I am leading by example, this is my booster shot, I did all the jabs,” he said.

Zambia’s Economic situation under UPND has worsened more than ever-Socialist Party

Socialist Party (SP) Copperbelt spokesperson Joseph Kangwa has questioned whether the New Dawn government has shown potential to address hunger, poverty and economic challenges facing the nation in its first nine months.

Mr. Kangwa said President Hakainde Hichilema and the United Party for National Development (UPND) were ushered into office to save Zambians from poverty, hunger and free them from the economic quagmire.

He said even though poverty, hunger and economic challenges cannot be solved overnight the economic situation under UPND has worsened more than ever.

Mr. Kangwa observed that the cost of living is rising every day and millions of citizens are moaning due to skyrocketing prices of essential commodities.

He charged that poor citizens, who depend on government health services, are still dying every-day because public hospitals have continued lacking essential medicines despite the new dawn administration bragging about addressing such issues.

“Nine months ago the people of Zambia went to the polls and did what they thought was right by voting out the Patriotic Front (PF) regime. President Hakainde Hichilema and the United Party for National Development (UPND) were ushered into office so they could save Zambians from poverty and hunger, and free them from the economic quagmire which had run deeper.I am fully aware that the subject matter cannot be solved overnight, but the question is; are there any symptoms showcasing the hope to address these critical issues in these nine months of the UPND government? I am not bound by my point of view but the fact is that the economic situation has worsened more than ever,” Mr. Kangwa said.

“The cost of living is shooting up every day and millions of citizens in this country are moaning due to skyrocketing prices of commodities essential for living. The poor citizens who depend on government health services are still dying every-day, because public hospitals have continued lacking essential medicines despite the new dawn administration bragging about addressing such,” he said.

Mr. Kangwa added that President Hichilema has not kept his promise of reducing the cost of living.

He said the UPND has abandoned the promises it made to the people of Zambia before elections.

“It is probably too early to insinuate that President Hakainde Hichilema’s administration has failed to address the said social and economic challenges but the thesis here is that it indicts the failure of the government to address, let alone resolve, these problems.President Hichilema who had promised the Zambian people to reduce fuel pump price by K4 per litre has for the most part not kept his word. For example the price of petrol which was K17.62 and diesel K17.82 respectively, according to his promise, could have been selling at an average of K13.72 once they were voted into government. Howbeit, the same pump prices have soared more than three times, selling at an average of K24.89 from K17.72 per litre which gives us an average of K7.17 increment in nine months of UPND being in government. This has had a ripple effect on the already high prices of goods and services such as mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar, salt inter alia. This state of affairs has exacerbated the suffering of the poor people. The silence we have observed and abandonment of the promises made to the people of Zambia by the UPND before they were elected is too immense to ignore,” Mr. Kangwa said.

He said there is a need for urgent action against social and economic situation by the government.

“That said, an urgent action to the current devastated social and economic situation by the government cannot be overemphasized. The chronicle shortages of essential medicines in public hospitals should be treated as an emergency as millions of people depend on those life-saving services and medications. As such, no economy the world over can recover without prioritizing the health and human development of its people and Zambia is no exception, period! The people have the power,” Mr. Kangwa concluded.