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Mongu Mayor Nyambe Muyumbana calls for prudent utilisation and management of CDF

Newly installed Mongu Mayor Nyambe Muyumbana has called for prudent utilisation and management of the increased Constituency Development Fund for the benefit of the general public.

After his installation at the Mongu Council Offices this week, Mr. Muyumbana, a journalist by profession, said he expects the majority of people to benefit from the up-scaling of CDF from K1.6 Million to K25.7 Million per constituency.

He emphasised that each and every ngwee of the CDF resources will have to be accounted for and there will be strict monitoring on the usage of these development funds.

Mr. Muyumbana further pledged to provide servant-leadership which is people-centred following his recent election on the ruling UPND ticket in a by-election.

“Kaniti lubata kufa likute ku kaufela mina babakopani fa kacenu mane nibabaluteleza mwa maneku kaufela mwa sikiliti sa Mungu. Kibakeng’isa mina, kikabaka la mina, katakazo yakuli lushenye niti amoho, kuli kacenu le lwa shumwenena mushukwe wa ku ba mueteleli wa mulonganyana wa mungu. I would like to repeat, that indeed, the shoes that I am getting into are too big for me. We will need the support and solidarity of each and every citizen of Mongu for us to achieve the goals that saw us cast a vote on the UPND ticket last month. your vote, brothers and sisters, shall not be in vain but a gain for all of us. Thus, we wish to thank ourselves, as the people of Mongu, for electing me as mayor in the recently held by-election,” Mr. Muyumbana said in Lozi and English.

“We wish to state here that we will work at providing servant-leadership; one that is context-specific and people-centred. Our great leader, who is my personal inspiration, His Excellency the president of the republic of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema has told us that we seek public office: To serve not to be served .To work hard, not to be lazy around. To give, not take to include, not exclude and to unite not divide our leadership shall be an open cheque, with our primary aim being that of ensuring that the living standards of all of us the people of Mongu are enhanced,” Mr. Muyumbana added.

“I further pledge to work closely with the people in order to achieve set goals and bring about the much needed development in Mongu, in line with the UPND manifesto and the well-defined new dawn government policies. I am coming into this office, your office, at a time when the new dawn administration has scored several milestones in terms of moving our people from a state of abject poverty to social economic growth. Yet, we are alive to the fact that our communities still have a wide range of basic needs which require the intervention of the council.”

Mongu Mayor Nyambe Muyumbana
Mongu Mayor Nyambe Muyumbana

Mr. Muyumbana said his office would prioritise the prudent management of CDF monies.

“The provision of quality social services requires a multi-sectoral approach so as to attain the goals and objectives that we have set for ourselves. To this end, councils countrywide, Mongu council inclusive, are orienting key stakeholders on the 2022 CDF guidelines. These stakeholders include ward development committees (WDCs), CDF committee members, zonal representatives and civil society organisations. We expect the majority of our people to benefit from the up-scaling of CDF which was k1.6million previously and now raised to k25.7million per constituency, in line with the decentralization agenda,” he said.

Mr. Muyumbana concluded:”In this vein, the prudent management of these CDF monies will be top priority on our agenda in that mayoral office. It will no longer be business as usual. Each and every ngwee of the CDF resources will have to be accounted for and there will be strict monitoring on the usage of these development funds. Join us in the fight against corruption by reporting any unusual utilisation of CDF, because public funds belong to all of us, not to a few individuals.”

Detentions without bond


By Isaac Mwanza

Police bond is, among other reasons, usually denied to people who are flight risks but the courts would not deny bail for bailable offences unless a compelling reason has been provided to show the person will jump bail.

When His Excellency, President Hichilema announced, during his first press briefing, that denying people bond or bail will be a thing of the past in this regime, the public felt he made a serious policy pronouncement and the country was going to see some significant change with the manner suspects are handled.

But does the President really know that the opposite of what he wanted to see for Zambia is happening? From the look of things, the ACC is now competing with and trying to outdo the ZP in making it difficult for people, especially for those who are politically aligned, to get bonded. They are all in that period of impress the new administration or prove a point that we are the good guys to the new dawn?

For the police, the practice of denying people bond can be understood: since colonial times, police officers have worked under instructions from politicians and the training of junior officers who daily interface with the public is very short as compared to training ACC and DEC undergo.

An example of a politically motivated instruction and charging was the arrest of Mr Hichilema himself. We know from that leaked audio how the then Police IG was instructed to arrest and given some leads as to what the charge should be.

The Commissions are nevertheless involved in investigating white collar crimes among those who allegedly wear white collars. Usually, people they investigate, like Chitotela and Lusambo, are not flight risks. They have lots of investments made and appear determined to defend their investment or the country benefits if everything is seized and forfeited to the State.

There was thus no need for ACC to be dramatic by going to Kawambwa to ferry Chitotela or to deny both Chitotela and Bowman bond if they really have a good case to make in court. ACC simply used old terror-instilling methods which the President is against.

What ACC must be more concerned with is not a temporal appeasement of politicians and a section of the public but the end game of each case. My instincts tells me that the ACC feels that when they lock up people, deny them bond or make it hard for suspects who have been given bail to be released, they are seen to be working, regardless of how the cases will end up.

Already, we have been reading on how a good number of accused persons have shown a lack of confidence in the new administrative arrangement at Subcourt where few selected or preferred magistrates have lined up to try them. Then you have these manoeuvres by the Commission of making it hard for persons whom the Court has granted bail to go out. This is not good for the impartiality of the criminal justice system.

I think a distinction must be seen in the manner Commissions handle suspects and in the manner the police have been and continue to do so. For the police, it is really understandable, looking at their history and training.

Today, President Bally just need to undertake a random visit to any police holding cells and see how many people are incarcerated, denied bond and indefinitely languish in congested holding cells and prisons on minor offences without even smelling a court room.

It appears detentions without bond has become a uniform tool for LEAs to help politicians punish each other.

Copperbelt Province records 88 maternal deaths in 4 months


The Copperbelt Province has recorded 88 maternal deaths in the last four months, Provincial Permanent Secretary, Augustine Kasongo, has disclosed.

Mr. Kasongo said this translates into a ratio of 128 per 100,000 live births hence the need to work extra hard to reduce this mortality ratio to less than 100 per 100,000 live births.

He said the government was working on interventions to ensure that the country trains, deploys and retains midwifery professionals to avert maternal deaths.

“The government believes that failure to invest in midwifery implies failure to address maternal and neonatal mortality,” he said.

Mr. Kasongo said the available global data indicates that a well-supported midwifery and family planning interventions can avert a total of 83 percent of all maternal deaths, stillbirths and neonatal deaths.

Mr. Kasongo said the government is committed to addressing the challenges in the health service delivery hence it is employing over 11,000 health workers in the country.

He added that the government is also committed to ensuring that human rights in childbirth are respected to enable women to have access to maternal health.

Mr. Kasongo said this when he officiated at the Copperbelt Province commemoration of the international midwifery day in Luanshya yesterday.

The day was celebrated under the theme “100 years of progress”.

And Midwifery Association of Zambia Copperbelt Acting Chairperson, Major Mweemba, challenged midwives to take a lead in reducing maternal and neonatal deaths.

Mr. Mweemba observed that the statistic of 88 maternal deaths recorded in the province in the last four months was unacceptably high.

“That is too many as birthing is not an illness, not one woman should die during childbirth hence the need for midwives to take centre stage in this fight,” he said.

He further implored the government to increase the number of midwives in the recruitment of health workers to address the current deficit and avert maternal deaths.

He added that the deficit has compromised the quality of care and service delivery in maternal health.

Meanwhile, -Government is working on interventions that will ensure that the country trains, deploys and retains midwifery professionals, Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Augustine Kasongo, has disclosed.

Mr. Kasongo said the government is alive to the ever increasing demand for midwifery services in the country hence the midwife/clients ratio should be improved.

He said not investing in midwifery implies failure to address maternal and neonatal mortality in the country.

Mr. Kasongo was speaking in Luanshya yesterday when he officiated at the commemoration of the international day of the midwife.

He disclosed that available data indicates that a well-supported midwifery can avert a total of 83 percent of maternal deaths, stillbirths and neonatal deaths.

“As a province, we recorded 88 maternal deaths in the first quarter this year, translating into a ratio of 128/100,000 live births.

He pointed out that the government is strengthening the health system in order to address the current and future challenges by employing over 11,000 health workers countrywide.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kasongo has commended the Midwives Association of Zambia (MAZ) for their strong partnerships and for mobilising resources to train midwives in essential competences.

He has however challenged the Ministry of Health to ensure that no woman loses a life while giving birth.

He said newly born babies should also be given a healthy start.

This year’s midwives day was being commemorated under the theme “100 years of progress”.

And Midwives Association of Zambia (MAZ) Copperbelt Province Acting Chairperson, Major Mweemba, has appealed to the government to deploy more midwives to rural health facilities if the country is to reduce maternal mortality rates.

Mr. Mweemba noted that many midwives that are deployed to rural areas are burning out because they are overwhelmed due to the high number of clients.

Improper nutrition cause of malnutrition in Lusaka-Civic leader

Mwembeshi Ward Councillor, Crispin Kabole, has said the continued problem of malnutrition among children in the area was due to lack of access to proper nutrition among households.

Speaking during a sensitisation meeting in Matero ahead of the Scaling Up Nutrition First 1,000 Most Critical Days II Programme Midline Survey slated for this month, Mr. Kabole said poor nutrition in communities is as a result of lack of income among many families.

He observed that this economic situation is contributing to stunting in Lusaka.

He however expressed confidence that the midline survey will assist the government and its partners on how best to improve nutrition status on individuals in the community, especially women and children.

And National Food and Nutrition Commission Provincial Nutrition Support Coordinator, Fanwel Kabbila, said government remains committed to fighting malnutrition in Lusaka.

Mr. Kabbila said this is why various interventions and initiatives such as the Midline Survey among others, has been put in place.

He stated that tackling the challenge of malnutrition requires coordinated and concerted efforts from different stakeholders.

The objectives of the midline survey is to assess progress of the SUN II programme addressing under nutrition which includes stunting, wasting and underweight among children under two years of age from the baseline conducted in 2019.

The study will be conducted from May to July 2022 targeting 250 households in 10 wards of Lusaka district.

The wards include Mwembeshi, Muchinga, Nkoloma, Kamwala ward 10, Roma, Justine Kabwe, Mtendere, Kanyama, Harry Mwaanga and Munkolo.

Ministry of Land issues over 26,000 certificates of title to land owners

The Ministry of Land and Natural Resources has disclosed that it has far issued over 26,000 certificates of title to land owners under national land titling programme.

Government in 2018 embarked on a national land titling programme aimed at improving land tenure security and increasing transparency in land allocation.

The national land titling programme involves a systematic registration of all property in the country in order to provide security of tenure to property owners.

Speaking during the certificate of title handover ceremony in Lusaka on Thursday, Ministry of Lands permanent secretary Daphne Chabu said the ministry has approved the electronic signature developed by Medici land governance for land owners to get certificate and title for their land.

Mrs Chabu said that the use of the electronic signature will expedite the issuance of offer letters and certificates of title that will enable them to reach their target of issuing 4 million titles deeds to land owners by 2027.

“There will be a quick turnaround in the titling Programme with the use of E-signature which is a great milestone in the production and storage of land records,” she said.

Mrs Chabu said the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources will continue to explore ways in which they can leverage technology to increase efficiency in the Titling process.

Speaking at the same event, Medici Land Governance CEO Ali El Husseini said a title deed is an investment in the future generation.

“It’s empowerment and unlocking capital from your property. Paying for the title will have long term effects on all of Zambia,” he said.

In the past some people have expressed their concerns over the pace at which the national land titling programme was moving.

Some stakeholders say this process needs to be expedited so that all those that own land can start enjoying the full benefits.

Home based centre caregivers should be on government payroll-MPs


A parliamentary committee on Youth, Sport and Child Development says the government should help reduce challenges faced by some home based care organisations that are taking care of vulnerable children.

Committee Chairperson, Edgar Sing’ombe, suggested that the government should consider putting most of the caregivers and general workers serving in home based care organisations on government payroll to reduce challenges the homes are facing.

Mr. Sing’ombe said this after receiving complaints from various home based care organisations in Ndola yesterday.

And St. Anthony Children’s Village Coordinator, Lucia Mucherenje, told the parliamentary committee that her organisation has over 35 workers who do not have stable salaries.

Sister Mucherenje said these workers depend on donations from well-wishers.

She has since appealed to parliamentarians to ask the government to consider putting most of the caregivers at the facility on government payroll.

She said putting caregivers on a salary will reduce the burden the home based care centres are currently facing.

Sr. Mucherenje further said the centre, which currently has 118 children, requires more funding, adding that currently, the funds from donors and government are not adequate to cater for the increasing children needs and wants.

And Sr. Mucherenje revealed that the number of children with cerebral palsy is also increasing.

She said the government should therefore create a facility that has specialised health personnel who will be able to treat the children.

“The children need special care from specialised health personnel which we currently do not have as an institution,” she said.

The parliamentarians have since thanked non-governmental organisations such as St. Anthony Children’s Village and Child Life Touch for helping vulnerable children in society and providing education to them up to university level.

Chikwanda to be buried on May 7

President Hakainde Hichilema has accorded an official funeral to former Cabinet Minister, Alexander Chikwanda, who died in Lusaka two days ago after an illness.

President Hichilema has also declared one day of national mourning in honour of the late Mr. Chikwanda and in recognition of his enormous contributions to Zambia.

The late Mr. Chikwanda will be buried on Saturday, May 7, 2022 at Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka.

According to the statement released to the media by Acting Secretary to Cabinet Patrick Kangwa yesterday, the late Mr. Chikwanda’s official funeral programme will begin with a requiem church service at the Catholic Cathedral of the Child Jesus at the Pope Square, Long Acres in Lusaka at 09:00 hours.

“Members of the public are requested to observe the one (1) day of national mourning from 06:00 hours to 18:00 hours on Saturday, 7th May 2022,” Mr. Kangwa said.

He further advised that during this period, entertainment activities must be postponed or cancelled while flags will fly at half-mast.

“The government also wishes to remind mourners attending the funeral gathering to observe the Covid-19 guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health to avoid the spread of the disease,” he said.

The late Mr. Chikwanda was one of the longest serving Cabinet Ministers in the Government of Zambia.

He was first appointed into government as Minister of State in the Office of the First President Kenneth Kaunda in 1970 and served until 1971 and later as Minister of State for Development Planning from 1971 to 1972.

His first appointment as full Cabinet Minister was in 1972 when he was promoted to the position of Minister of Health, a position he held until 1973.

From 1973 to 1976, the late Mr. Chikwanda served as Minister of Planning and Finance after which he was transferred to serve as Minister of Local Government and Housing from 1976 to 1977.

He was in 1977, transferred to the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture in the same capacity until 1978 and in 1979 and 1980, he worked as Minister of Agriculture and Water Development.

Under the Patriotic Front (PF) government, the late Mr. Chikwanda was nominated Member of Parliament in 2011 by the late fifth President of Zambia, Michael Sata, and subsequently appointed as Minister of Finance.

In 2015, President Sata died and Mr. Chikwanda continued to serve as Minister of Finance, this time under the sixth President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu until 2016.

The funeral gathering for the late Mr. Chikwanda is at his residence along Kanyanta Drive, State Lodge in Lusaka.

Zambian among 8 trapped in Burkina Faso zinc mine

Hope is slowly fading that the eight workers, including a Zambian, trapped inside a flooded mine in Burkina Faso will be rescued alive, a diplomat has said.

The eight—a Zambian, a Tanzanian and six locals—have been trapped for two weeks at the Perkoa zinc mine.

On Tuesday, Dr Benson Bana, Tanzania’s High Commissioner to Nigeria and the entire Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), said the rescuing mission was still ongoing.

He said rainwater began filling the mine when the workers were 500 metres below the ground.

“The embassy is still following up very closely on the rescuing mission. Burkina Faso Prime Minister visited the site recently and he also expressed concerns about the safety standard of the mine even before the disaster happened,” said Dr Bana.

Sources said the trapped people could be running out of oxygen and water, and that it was also difficult to supply food them.

The accident, which occurred on April 16, 2022, was accelerated by the heavy rainfall, which caused flooding at the mine.

The mine is owned by a Canadian-based firm Trevali Mining Corp. Sources say that officials from the firm have been barred from leaving the West African country as investigation into the incident are conducted.

ACC disobeys court orders to release Lusambo, claims they need to verify who his sureties, Miles Sampa and Chama North MP are

In a desperate attempt to continue keeping Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo behind bars, the Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday objected to his bail claiming that they need to verify his sureties.

PF Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa and his Chama South counterpart Davison Mung’andu were brought before Court as the Mr Lusambo’s sureties.

But officers from the ACC communicated with Mr. Lusambo’s lawyers that they do not know the suerites and rejected the Letters of Introduction saying they needed to accurately verify with the National Assembly.

And Mr. Sampa confirmed that he spent the entire day on Thursday trekking from the Courts in Kabwata to Parliament at Manda Hill to obtain introduction letters.

“Spent the entire day trekking to ACC offices in town Kulima tower (to be seen in person). Then inbetween had to locate Lusaka Water and ZESCO pay points so as to obtain a receipt in my name to act as proof of residency in Lusaka.”

“This was in order to help Hon Ronald Chitotela and Hon Bowman Lusambo obtain bail out off police cells they have been held last few days. 50% progress was made by end of daylight.”

And PF Acting Secretary General Nickson Chilangwa has described the action of President Hakainde HICHILEMA through the ACC as is sadistic and a travesty of justice.

“It is absurd that the ACC can claim that they don’t know whether or not, Hon Miles Sampa and Hon Davison Mung’andu are Members of Parliament. What kind of buffonery is this? Do these officers at ACC have any personal conscience or they are under remote control or are under a spell?”

Mr Chilangwa said any officer at that high level who does not know that Miles Sampa and Davison Mung’andu are representatives of the people in Parliament must immediately resign.

“They don’t deserve to occupy the offices they are occupying,” Mr. Chilangwa said.

“With such ignorance at ACC, the country is in trouble and no one who appears before the ACC is safe. Hon Miles Sampa and his Chama South counterpart, Hon Davison Mung’andu were brought before Court as Hon. Bowman Lusambo’s sureties. But the ACC told Hon Lusambo’s lawyers that they do NOT know the sureties and rejected the letters saying they needed to verify with the National Assembly whether it is indeed true that Miles Sampa and Davison Mung’andu are MPs. This is clearly wanton and excessive abuse of the law and the court processes.”

He added, “We have said time and again that this crusade is not about corruption, no, it is about revenge, persecution and fixing political scores and we have been vindicated.”

“Mr Hichilema is so obsessed with his bitter desire to fix PF members and kill PF. But we have word for Mr. Hichilema, badala power comes and goes and the very things you are doing to others shall be done to you when you leave that office. Let go of your anger and bitterness; you are in that office to serve the people of Zambia and not to punish your perceived political enemies.”

NHIMA Board Tours Levy and Pearl of Health Hospitals


The new National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) Board Chairperson, Richard Mwiinga has implored the Authority management and NHIMA registered health care facilities to create a systematic channel of communication so that health care services are efficient and effective.

Dr Mwiinga observed that one of the main challenges faced by health care facilities involves the rejection of financial claims and pre-authorization code approval at the Authority level which impacts on service provision.

He, therefore, implored the Authority to look into the matter and come up with possible solutions as a stepping stone to a better health care system in the country.

Speaking during the familiarisation tour at the Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital, Dr Mwiinga said NHIMA has set as a priority, government’s desire to achieve universal health coverage by 2030.

Dr. Mwiinga explained that government wants increased coverage of the health insurance scheme, especially to the informal sector so that all citizens receive affordable but quality health care services.

Dr. Mwiinga added that in an effort to enhance stakeholders’ interests in the scheme, it was therefore necessary for the board to familiarise itself with accredited health facilities and understand both the wins and challenges faced.

“Effective governance requires that we provide good service without leaving any gaps so that our key indicators are achieved and beneficiaries satisfied,” Dr. Mwiinga stated.

Meanwhile, Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital Acting Senior Medical Superintendent, Jackson Chipaila indicated the need for more sensitization among the public.

Professor Chipaila explained that some patients tend to know about the scheme once they visit the health facilities.

He however noted that the financial assistance from NHIMA has helped many vulnerable people who can’t meet the cost of health services.

Professor Chipaila said most patients have received easy access to drugs and other services.

The Board also toured Pearl of Health Hospital where the Executive Chairman, Ershad Shikder expressed gratitude to the Authority for having confidence in a private health care institution.

Mr. Shikder disclosed that the response from the public has been overwhelming and the facility assured quality service provision to NHIMA members.

Govt. commends USAID, IDE on nutrition interventions

The government has commended the USAID Scaling Up Nutrition Technical Assistance (SUN-TA) project and the International Development Enterprise (IDE) for the various nutrition interventions they are implementing to reduce stunting in Central Province.

Provincial Permanent Secretary, Milner Mwanakampwe has noted that interventions such as livestock rearing, community loan savings groups, agriculture input support and many others being supported by the two organisations through the first 1000 Most Critical Days Programme (MCDP II) aimed at reducing stunting in children aged below two years are bearing fruits.

Mr. Mwanakampwe who is also the Provincial Nutrition Coordinating Committee (PNCC) Chairperson, said the interventions are helping in raising incomes, food security and supplementing the nutritional needs of households.

He further observed that the nutrition interventions targeting children under two years, expectant and lactating mothers and women of reproductive age have greatly helped in reducing stunting levels in the area.

The PS said this in Kapiri Mposhi during the PNCC nutrition stakeholder mapping exercise and monitoring of various nutrition interventions being implemented by the two organisations through various line government ministries in the district.

” What SUN-TA and IDE are doing in Central Province is something very commendable because it complements government’s efforts of supporting households’ nutritional needs to reduce stunting which is still high in the province and to improve the wellbeing of the people,” Mr Mwanakampwe said.

Mr. Mwanakampwe has since called SUN-TA and IDE to expand their operations to other districts in the province as they are currently only in Kapiri Mposhi, Chibombo, Mumbwa and Kabwe districts.

” As government, we really feel indebted to the two organisations especially with what they are doing but we feel they should also extend this to other especially more rural districts where stunting and malnutrition levels are higher otherwise stuntedness should be fought tenaciously and we think that this battle will be won,” he said.

And Kapiri Mposhi District Nutrition Coordinating Committee (DNCC) Chairman, Kanyata Muchula disclosed that through the nutrition interventions, the district has recorded a reduction in the stunting prevalence levels among children aged under two years from 34.5 percent in 2020 to 30.5 percent based on the current baseline.

Meanwhile, PNCC Co-ordinator, Sylvester Mwale has called for the mapping of all nutrition stakeholders in Kapiri Mposhi to avoid duplication of interventions.

Mr. Mwale noted that there is need to ensure that partners do not target the same beneficiaries to ensure a wider coverage and impact of nutrition interventions to combat malnutrition in the area.

“We have noticed that stakeholders are capturing the same people with same interventions and targeting the same areas of operations, but this can be avoided to ensure that we cover more beneficiaries,” Mr. Mwale said.

He has since called on the Kapiri Mposhi Coordinating Committee to create a data base of stakeholders to prevent duplication of interventions targeting the same beneficiaries.

USAID SUN-TA project and IDE are supporting nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions aimed addressing both immediate determinants and underlying causes of malnutrition in children under the age of two years in four selected districts in the province.

The multi-sectoral programme involves working with different line ministries along four themes that include agriculture and livelihood, Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH) as well as Health and Nutrition.

The new Kenneth Kaunda International Conference Centre set to host the AU meeting

Government says the new Kenneth Kaunda International Conference Centre (KKICC) will be handed over to government on May 16, 2022 in readiness for the upcoming African Union (AU) meeting slated for July this year.

Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister, Charles Milupi, said the facility is at 99.9 percent completion and only final touches are remaining.

Mr Milupi explained that after the handover of the conference, testing of equipment will commence to ensure that all facilities such as water, ablution blocks among others are working.

Speaking when he inspected the KKICC to check on the progress so far, Mr Milupi said the installation of equipment and landscaping will follow in a bid to promote a green environment around the multi-million facility.

He noted that the first meeting that will take place in the new conference is the African Union (AU) mid-term Coordinating conference earmarked to take place from July 14 to 17, 2022.

“I can confidently say that this facility is ready in every aspect for Zambia to host the conference in July this year looking at the progress so far,” he said.

Mr Milupi further added that the conference which is a gift from China to the tune of $60 million, can accommodate over 2,500 delegates at one sitting.

The Minister also urged the people that will be in charge of looking after the state of the art facility to guard it jealously so as to avoid vandalism and that constant maintenance must be there in order to preserve the centre.

“There is a tendency to build good infrastructure, but lack of maintenance, is a sad state of affair, but with the new dawn administration, the narrative will change,” said Mr Milupi.

“The only way our building such as this one, as well as other infrastructure can last longer is by constantly doing routine maintenance on them, he added.

He said after the AU mid-term Coordinating conference, the facility will continue to host important summits both from SADC and the world at large as the centre will be available to both public and private entities.

The Minister also took the occasion to urge the hospitality industry to up their game to serve the people that will be coming to use the Conference Centre by improving the standard of the hospitality sector.

And Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Permanent Secretary, Danny Mfune said his Ministry is happy that the conference is completed to the expectation of the Ministry.

He also said plans are underway to expand the roads near the Conference to reduce on congestion at the centre during meetings.

Zambia is this year hosting the AU mid-term Coordinating conference in July, hence the construction of the facility.

New TAZARA Board unveiled

Transport and Logistics Minister, Frank Tayali today unveiled the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA)Board following the dissolution of the previous Board in October last year.

Mr Tayali named Frederick Mwalusaka, Musokotwane Sichizuwe and Ireen Lumbwe as the three board members from the Zambian side to join three others from the Tanzania side.

He said the three have been carefully selected and has expressed confidence that the team will use their expertise to efficiently operate the institution.

“The board for Tazara were carefully selected in order for them to fully utilize their expertise to help the institution operate more effectively. To you the newly appointed members of the board, much is expected of you and I have no doubt that you will execute your duties to the best of your abilities” he said.

Meanwhile, the Minister has appealed to the TAZARA members of staff to immediately call off their strike and has assured that government is working tirelessly to resolve the issues at TAZARA, including salary arrears.

He said most of the problems currently faced by the company stem from the disruption on operations caused by the accident that occurred at Chambishi Bridge which has resulted in loss of income and disclosed that government has since released a sum of 1.9 million US dollars towards repair of the bridge.

“Allow me to take this opportunity to address the workers at TAZARA who have engaged in an illegal strike that basically, they are pushing an open door. It is the policy of this administration and my Ministry that we are doing everything possible to address their plight. I urge them to call off their strike as government is looking for lasting solutions to end their problems” she said.

The minister has since called for public private partnerships for investments in the rail transport sector for them to accommodate heavy equipment which he said is currently causing damage to roads.

President Hichilema calls for enhanced bilateral relations


President Hakainde Hichilema has called on Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia to join hands in the country’s agenda of economic transformation as they carry out their work.

President Hichilema said it is important for them to acquaint themselves with government’s ambitious goal of growing the country’s economy as they work to enhance bilateral relations between the countries.

The Head of State said this when he received letters of credence from Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia at State House in Lusaka today.

The Head of State said government has set out ambitious targets at achieving socio-economic growth, poverty reduction and the improvement of the lives of the people.

He said such development can only be fully realized if the countries firmly commit to ensuring peace, security and stability at the regional, continental and global levels.

“On many occasions we have spoken about the importance of changing the narrative that has shaped our development process for far too long”, he said.

The Head of State expressed confidence that the cooperation of each of the respective governments will further strengthen the relations and together achieve the needed development for the betterment of the lives of the people.

Among the people that presented their letters of Credence include Russian Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Azim Yarakhmedov, Democratic Republic of Algeria, Ambassador to Zambia Ahmed Saadi, Sudanese Ambassador to Zambia Abadi Nureldin, Bulgarian Ambassador Maria Kaymaktchieva.

Others include Hungarian Ambassador to Zambia, Attila Horvath, Peru Ambassador to Zambia, Jorge Correa, New Zealand High Commissioner to Zambia Dr. Emma Benet, Trinidad and Tobago High Commissioner to Zambia Dr. Lovell Francis and Seychelles High Commissioner to Zambia Mr. Claude Morel.

In addressing the Russian Ambassador, President Hichilema called on the Russian and Ukrainian Governments as well as the international community to find ways of ending the ongoing war between the two countries.

President Hichilema said the ongoing war is of great concern to the Zambian Government as a proponent of peace.

“As a proponent of peace, Zambia wishes to encourage both Russia and Ukraine to continue pursuing the available diplomatic solutions to include dialogue and ensure a peaceful and swift resolution to the conflict”, he said.

He has encouraged all countries to work together to bring the war between Russia and Ukraine to an end as no development can take place in the absence of peace.

President Hichilema said Zambia and Russia have enjoyed cordial relations that date back over a long period of time and that the country is committed to consolidating the ties in many sectors.

And Mr. Yarakhmedov said Russia will continue to enhance relations with Zambia in fields such as military, technical and culture.

President Hichilema urged the diplomats to enhance bilateral relations and also enhance cooperation in various sectors for mutual benefit of the countries.

He also encouraged them as they carry out their mandate to explore Zambia and invite citizens from their respective countries to come and visit.

The President further urged the diplomats to interact with Zambian citizens in their tours of duty to enable them to have a better understanding of the country’s cultures as they enhance people to people relations.

Zambia and Namibian Govt to sign MOU for gas, oil pipeline construction

The Zambian and Namibian governments are next month expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of a Gas and Oil pipeline from Windhoek into Lusaka.

Energy Minister Peter Kapala disclosed this when he paid a courtesy call on Siavonga District Commissioner Geoffrey Jakopo at his office.

Mr.Kapala said the oil pipeline will help reduce the cost of petroleum products in the country.

He disclosed that the project, which is expected to take three to four years to be complete, will have its main gas and oil power station in Lusaka.

Mr. Kapala has also called for the prudent management of water resources following the poor rainfall recorded this year.

Mr.Kapala said the rainfall pattern did not perform as expected and this could result in the Kariba Dam recording water levels three meters lower than last year.

He, however, said the government is keen in ensuring that the resource is well managed so that it does not affect the production of electricity.

“We will ensure that we engage Zimbabwe on how well we can manage the resource equitably because if we do not do so this could cost hydro power production.” he said.

Meanwhile, Siavonga Member of Parliament Darius Mulunda has called on the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) through the office of the Energy Minister to help connect the villages to electricity.

Mr.Mulunda said it is sad to note that while Siavonga District houses the biggest power station in the country, many rural households are not electrified.

“When the Lake Kariba Dam was being built, one of the things promised to those who were displaced from the lake area was electricity in their homes, but up to now that commitment has not been actualized,” he said

The Siavonga lawmaker also called on the minister to engage ZESCO on the lighting of the central business district.

He said the district needs street lighting and this can only be achieved if ZESCO could come on board and provide lighting at no cost.