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Changala appeals President Hichilema to use Press Conference opportunity to provide solutions


Human Rights Activist Brebner Changala has appealed to the President to use the opportunity to provide solutions to the many challenges the country is faced with.

President Hakainde Hichilema is set to address the nation today through a press conference.

Mr Changala is concerned that the President has for some time distanced himself from the public at a critical point when public hospitals have run out of medicine, the cost of living has been increasing and senior government officials have been embroiled in alleged scandals.

He has since urged the media to take advantage of the opportunity to ask pertinent questions that will define the future of the country.

And Mr Changala said Zambians are eagerly waiting to see how the President will handle the alleged granting of immunity to former KCM provisional Liquidator Milingo Lungu.

Meanwhile, Heritage party Leader Chishala Kateka says President Hichilema has not been communicative to the Zambian people for a while now and issues that he should have addressed have gone begging.

She said this has resulted in the Zambian people, making their own conclusions on matters where the President was expected to provide guidance as it was not forthcoming.

Ms Kateka said the Head of State has finally been forced by ‘issues’ that he can no longer ignore and announced that he will be holding a Press Conference.

PF Details Issues they Want President Hakainde Hichilema to address

The former ruling party, the Patriotic Front(PF), has said that they are glad to hear that President Hakainde Hichilema has come out of what the party termed as self-imposed seclusion to address the nation via a press briefing.

In a statement released to the media yesterday, PF acting Secretary-General Nickson Chilangwa said that the party hoped that today’s press conference will not be another motivational talk show aimed at self-praise and bragging at a time that our people have lost hope in the capacity and sincerity of this Government to deliver any meaningful change.

PF said that they expect the high cost of living, corruption and the erosion of public trust, the KCM and Milino Saga and the continued caderism in the country.

Below is the full statement


24th April, 2022

We are glad to hear that President Hakainde Hichilema has finally decided to come out of his self-imposed seclusion and will tomorrow address the nation via a press briefing. Mr. Hichilema on several occasions boasted that he would regularly be holding press briefings to update Zambians on pertinent national issues. In fact, after his first and second international trips in August and September of last year, Mr Hichilema held two press briefings at which he spent over four (4) hours praising himself and boasting on how he met President Biden at the White House. However, after that he went into seclusion, leaving the people wondering whether or not he is aware or let alone cared about the many agonising economic challenges that our people are going through.

We sincerely hope that tomorrow’s press briefing will not be another motivational talk-show aimed at self-praise and bragging at a time that our people have lost hope in the capacity and sincerity of this Government to deliver any meaningful change.

We ask the President to comprehensively and HONESTLY address the following issues in his address tomorrow:


The cost of living has continued to escalate since Mr. Hichilema and the UPND came into power contrary to the promise he gave Zambians that once elected, the cost of living and the cost of doing business will go down. He promised the people that mealie meal will be K50 per 25 kg bag from around K114; today a 25kg bag is selling around K150; the price of fuel has jumped from K17 to K26, the price of fertiliser has jumped from K650 to as high as K1000 a bag in some places. Conversely, prices of all essential goods and services have either doubled or tripled. This situation is putting enormous stress on our people and must urgently be addressed.

We hope that tomorrow m, Mr. Hichilema will give a clear road map of practical measures his Government is putting in place to arrest the sky-rocketing prices of goods and services.


Mr Hichilema has gone to the moon accusing the Patriotic Front (PF) of being corrupt. In fact, he has been presenting himself and his party as saints who can do no wrong. However, after eight (months in Government, the UPND regime is struggling to cleanse itself from the many scandals that its top leadership has found itself embroidered in. From the scandalous procurement of exorbitant fertiliser through a single-sourced deal with one of the friends of the President, the embarrassing Hon. Kakubo Calendar and Pen Saga at Sinoma to the Milingo Gate Scandal, the UPND has continued to erode public confidence in their so-called fight against corruption.

All that the UPND has been doing is to accuse the Patriotic Front leadership of being corrupt without convicting anyone of the said corruption. This is a carefully calculated UPND strategy to paint the PF black and use that negative perception to try to annihilate the PF from the political space.
It is our hope that tomorrow the President will address the numerous accusations of corruption within his own government. We hope that tomorrow, he will demonstrate courage and leadership by axing his Ministers and other senior State House and Government officials who have been accused of corruption.


If there is a scandal that has angered and shocked Zambians this far, is the Milingo Saga. The President and State House have been caught in a web of accusations of lies, illegalities and inappropriate behaviour.

The President and his Government have laboured in vain in a desperate but futile attempt to try to cleanse themselves of this alleged scam but the more they try to exculpate themselves, the more unbelievable and hypocritical their defence sounds. We want to make it categorically clear that we don’t want to hear the President in tomorrow’s press briefing saying that he has not given Mr. Milingo Lungu IMMUNITY from prosecution, NO! Article 180 of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia is very clear, it is only the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who has the authority to discontinue any criminal case before a court of law. The President has no authority whatsoever under our law to give anyone immunity from prosecution so the story of whether he gave Milingo immunity or not is null and void and is not even the issue that Zambians are asking about. The issue here is whether or not the President or his staff at Stare House met Milingo. That is the elephant in the room, not the issue of him giving Milingo immunity, that is purely the preserve of the DPP, the President has no such powers.
We therefore challenge the President, tomorrow to:

a) Show proof that neither him nor his staff at State House met Milingo.
b) If indeed they did not meet Milingo, we challenge the President and his Government to sue Milingo for giving false testimony in the court of law contrary to our laws.
c) If the President is serious with the fight against corruption, we challenge him to axe his staff and officials that have been named in corrupt and fraudulent deals.
We know that they are using the DPP as a scapegoat and a sacrificial lamb now that they have been caught and exposed in their scheme; this is why they are pushing for her removal from office on baseless and unfounded accusations.


We are aware that the reason why State House had been meeting Milingo was to persuade him to resign as KCM liquidator so that the UPND Government could appoint their own preferred liquidator with the aim of giving back KCM to VEDANTA. We are equally aware that senior representatives of Vedanta are in the country, in fact they have been here since March.

Tomorrow, we expect President Hichilema to come clean on the issue of KCM; is the UPND planning or negotiating to give KCM back to Vedanta? Can the President give a clear answer on this issue, tomorrow.


In the last few months, we have witnessed a deteriorating general security situation and a rise in the crime rate. The number of people whose houses, shops, cars are being broken into on a daily basis has seriously risen. The number of people who are being robbed of phones, laptops and other valuables in a smash-and-grab criminal style is on the rise.

In short, the general security situation in the country has deteriorated with serious and daring crimes such as the reported kidnapping of our dear sister Pamela Chisumpa being reported.
We hope that tomorrow, Mr. Hichilema will address this issue and that he will spell out clear strategies and mechanisms that his Government is putting in place to address the deteriorating security breaches in our country.


One of the commitments Mr. Hichilema made to the Zambian people was that he would end the culture of caderism, a culture that most of our people detest and abhor. In fact the UPND have been bragging that they have ended the ugly culture of caderism.

However, contrary to all those fake claims, the reality on the ground is that caderism has worsened and taken a new form altogether in some cases. For instance instead of the open extortion and harassment of bus drivers, taxi drivers, marketeers and booth operators that was the case in the past, the UPND have devised a secret but ruthless system to extort and harass marketeers and drivers among others. For instance in November last year it had to take the Lusaka Magistrates Court to order the UPND cadres to allow all suspected Patriotic Front bus drivers who were chased from Kulima Tower Bus Station to start operating without any interference or harassment.

Last Friday, the Lusaka Central Business District (CBD) was engulfed in riots when the UPND cadres ran amok after the Lusaka City Council decided to move in and remove forcibly them from Intercity were they have been extorting money from drivers, marketeers and others business operators.

In January this year, UPND cadres stormed the office of Kasama District Administrative Officer, madam Beauty Namukoko and savagely beat her after accusing her of failing to give UPND cadres empowerment funds. Council Police who tried to stop the violent assault were also assaulted.

Further, we have continued to see videos that have gone viral on social media were UPND cadres are insulting and openly threatening to beat and kill anyone who is criticising the President.
We have seen UPND cadres threatening and marching against the DPP, in an attempt to bully her into resignation.

Three weeks ago, Copperbelt Minister, Elisha Matambo threatened to assault and tie with wires anyone who criticises President Hichilema.

The President and the entire UPND leadership have neither condemned nor acted on all these threats and violent acts by their cadres. In their usual fashion they have opted to pay a blind eye to the unbecoming behaviour of their cadres.

We challenge the President to show leadership tomorrow and act on his cadres before things completely get out of hand.


Since August, 2021, the UPND Government has not paid local Suppliers and Contractors the money they owe them for the goods and services they have been rendering to Government. This has adversely affected local businesses as it has continued to starve them of the necessary liquidity and fiscal space that they need to continue operating their businesses. A lot of businesses have either closed or downsized their operations and workforce due to lack of funds to operate at full capacity. The action by this Government not to pay local suppliers and contractors has worsened the unemployment and poverty levels in the country.

It is horrifying that a President who claims to be an economist in a country that is grappling with high youth unemployment can instruct his government not to pay local businesses what is duly owed to them. Why is the UPND killing our own local businesses but fully propping foreign companies by paying them promptly and giving them huge contracts such as the supply of poles to ZESCO at colossal amounts? Why is this President working against our local businesses? Why?

It is our expectation that tomorrow, the President will direct the Ministry of Finance and all other Ministries to start liquidating the colossal sums of money owed to our local suppliers and contractors.


It is ironic that this Government is trotting to and from New York everyday pleading for a 1.4 Billion Dollars IMF bailout when it could easily raise in excess of 1.6 Billion Dollars from mining taxes alone. It beats logic that a Government that is struggling to raise revenue and service debt has given tax holidays to foreign mining companies at the expense of local businesses. This is yet another testament that President Hichilema is a puppet of the Western capitalists who have been financing UPND for the last 23 years. He has no interest for Zambia, all he cares about is the welfare of the western capitalist friends of his.

We challenge the President to give tax relief to local businesses, this is the only sure way to grow the private sector and create jobs. Foreign mining companies are externalising most if not all their profits thus creating jobs and businesses in their countries while leaving nothing but craters and pollution in Zambia.

Lastly we challenge the President and his Government to come up with a clear economic plan that will address the rising cost of living, the rising cost of doing business and ensure that the private sector thrives in order to create jobs and business opportunities for our women and youths.
I thank you.

Issued by
Hon. Nickson Chilangwa, MP, MCC, AIH
Acting Secretary General
Patriotic Front

Stop slamming your mahogany doors on us!


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Although one may not necessarily agree with some of the issues UK-based blogger, Lillian Mutambo, has the audacity to raise, at times she shares views that speak straight to our minds leaving us scratching our heads in awkwardness!

This morning for instance, she opined about the UBUNTU culture amongst the Nigerians which she claims to be absolutely amazing! Unlike us Zambians, once a Nigerian navigates through the stringent VISA restrictions and makes it into the UK, they waste no time facilitating the migration of their kith and kin.

At the possible risk of provoking the fury of our compatriots in the diaspora, I’ll cite a practical example that seems to tie in with this assertion.

A while back, I found myself in the UK at the invitation of British friends. Sensing that I was probably missing akabwali with ulumanda, ifisashi and ifinkubala……a glass of umunkoyo within reach, they engineered a dinner invitation for me at the home of a Zambian lady married to a Nigerian.

“Bill……life here is tough,” she sounded irritated. “When you get back home, please tell the people they are better off in Chibolya shanty compound than attempting to cross oceans to come here. I’ve to keep two jobs to survive!”

Shortly, the husband got back from work……a towering, affable fellow like most Nigerians. As soon as the wife darted off to the Kitchen to check on how the caterpillars were coming along, I took the Nigerian to task, immediately. I asked him whether he missed home.

“Do I miss home?” he wondered aloud, his distinct accent betraying him. “My papa, is here! My mother is here! My sisters and brothers are here! Some of my friends from the village are here. My brada…..how can I miss home ooh?”

As we congregated around the dinner table for the great feast, I couldn’t help but notice that their two kids were having a challenge skillfully shaping lamps of nshima into small orbs, with their hands, before dispatching the same into the mouth as I was doing, joyfully. I actually caught them stealing quick glances at me on a few occasions as I helped myself to generous portions of ifinkubala……….yummy! Yummy! Yummy!

I could tell the kids were suffering through the meal! These are ‘kuma yadi’ kids used to roast chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and cheese pudding…….not what was on offer that evening!

My mind kept rewinding the events of the night as I took a ride on the tube back to my hosts. Why didn’t the Zambian lady want any of her relatives or friends here? If life was indeed that hard in the UK, how come the Nigerian had managed to summon his entire village here?

I have a word of appeal to those in the diaspora……..please, stop being selfish. Stop slamming those mahogany doors on our faces! We also want our children to come to England and enjoy…….to wrap white napkins around our necks as they try to imitate our former colonial masters and enjoy Shepard’s pie, peas, carrots and gravy with fork and knife!

568 people were killed in 7,255 road traffic accidents in the first quarter of 2022


568 people were killed in 7,255 road traffic accidents recorded by the Zambia Police Service in the first quarter of 2022.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said the 2022 first quarter has recorded an increase of 163 in the number of people killed in the same period last year.

Mr. Hamoonga attributed most of the accidents in the first quarter of 2022 to human error such as misjudging clearance distance, excessive speed and reversing negligently.

“During the first quarter of 2022 a total number of 7,255 road traffic accidents were recorded nation-wide of which 436 were fatal road traffic accidents in which 568 persons were killed, 659 were serious road traffic accidents in which 1,366 persons were seriously injured, 1,308 were Slight road traffic accidents in which 2,005 persons were slightly injured. 4,852 were recorded as damage only road traffic accidents,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

Mr. Hamoonga further disclosed that Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of road traffic accidents standing at 4,183, followed by Copperbelt with 894 accidents.

“Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of road traffic accidents with 4,183 representing 57.7% followed by Copperbelt with 894 representing 12.0%, Central 591, representing 8.1%, Southern 389 representing 5.3%, North Western 272 representing 3.7%, Eastern 246, representing 3.3%, Luapula 194 representing 2.6%, Western 172 representing 2.3%, Mchinga 168 representing 2.3 % and Northern province recorded the least with 146 representing 2.0%,” he continued.

Mr. Hamoonga said:”In comparison with last year’s first quarter of 2021, a total number of 7,401 road traffic accidents were recorded as compared to 7,255 road traffic accidents recorded in this year’s first quarter. The figure shows a decrease by 146. In this year’s first quarter, 436 fatal road traffic accidents were recorded in which 568 persons were killed as compared to 362 fatal road traffic accidents where 405 persons were killed in the first quarter of 2021. The records show an increase in fatal road traffic accidents by 74 and in persons killed by 163.”

“A total of 659 serious road traffic accidents were recorded in which 1,366 persons were seriously injured in this year’s first quarter of 2022 as compared to 651 serious road traffic accidents where 1,004 persons were seriously injured in the first quarter of 2021.The figures show an increase in serious road traffic accidents by 8 and 362 in persons seriously injured. On slight road traffic accidents 1,308 were recorded in which 2,005 persons were slightly injured in this year’s first quarter as compared to 1,393 slight road traffic accidents where 2,008 persons were slightly injured. The record shows a decrease in slight road traffic accidents by 85 and in persons slightly injured by 03,” Mr. Hamoonga added.

“On damage only road traffic accidents 4,852 were recorded in this year’s first quarter as compared to 4,995 recorded in 2021.The figure shows a decrease in damages only road traffic accidents by 143.During the first quarter of 2022, K11, 416, 058.00 was raised as admission of guilt fines as compared to K12, 438,627.00 raised as admission of guilt fines in the first quarter of 2021. The figures show a decrease in admission of guilt fines by K1, 022,569.00.Most of the accidents in the first quarter of 2022 have been attributed to human error such as: Misjudging clearance distance 1,178 representing 16.2 %Excessive speed 1,147 representing 15.8%.Failing to keep to nearside 1,008 representing 14.9%.Reversing negligently 539 representing 7.4 %.Cutting in 526 representing 7.3%,” Mr. Hamoonga concluded.

Munir Zulu asks President Hakainde Hichilema to fire Christopher Mundia and Bradford Machila


THE African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC) Zambia Chapter has challenged President Hakainde Hichilema to fire his Legal Advisor, Christopher Mundia and State House Principal Private Secretary Bradford Machila over their alleged involvement in the Drug Enforcement Commission and Director of Public Prosecution saga.

And APNAC Secretary-General Munir Zulu has bemoaned that the fight against Corruption is being dramatized.

Speaking during a press briefing in Lusaka today, Hon Zulu said it is sad to note that institutions such as the DEC want to judge people through the court of public opinion.

Hon Zulu who is also Lumezi Independent Member of Parliament has questioned the rush by the DEC to prosecute matters that are not well prepared.

“Are they trying to cause Government loss of money by prosecuting matters that are not well prepared? Where is the rush?.
DEC is always on TV , Radio and in newspapers saying that they are fighting corruption. On the issue of the DPP having written a confidential letter to DEC, you cannot prosecute a matter when the docket is still held by the DPP,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hon Zulu said there is a need to interrogate the alleged corruption that is taking place internally in the New Dawn Administration.

He said APNAC strongly believes that there was a deal taking place between Foreign Affairs Minister Stanley Kakubo and the Chinese nationals with whom he was recently spotted exchanging parcels at SINOMA Cement.

Hon Zulu said this is because the explanation the Minister gave that he went to buy Cement does not hold any water.
He said manufacturers do not sell cement to individual customers unless wholesalers.

“The Minister should clear the air if he runs a wholesale,” he said.

Hon Zulu has since challenged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to tell the nation who was moving in a vehicle with a Chinese flag if not the ambassador.

“The New Chinese Ambassador is yet to submit his credentials to the President. Has Zambia become a country where anyone can move in a vehicle,” he said.

Ngonga in Trouble for Post-Derby Assault on Makwaza Jnr


Nkana striker Alex Ngonga is facing the prospect of sanctions after allegedly assaulting a Power Dynamos player at the end of Saturdays Kitwe Derby loss away at Arthur Davies Stadium.

Ngonga is alleged to have slapped Power midfielder Linos Makwaza Jnr inside the hosts’ dressing room.

“After the game, Alex Ngonga went into the Power Dynamos dressing room. We thought he was going to greet his colleagues as a sportsman but little did we realize that he had intentions of attacking one of our players,” Power CEO Happie Munkondya said.

“He went to attack Linos Makwaza Jnr which is very unfortunate. Quick reaction by our security people saved the situation.

“So we have taken the matter to FAZ and we are officially complaining on Sunday and we are also launching an official complaint with the Zambia Police.”

Nkana lost Saturdays Kitwe derby 1-0 to end their two match winning run over Power.

Red Arrows Are 2021/2022 Zambian Champions


Red Arrows are the 2021/2022 FAZ Super League champions following a 4-1 home win over Chambishi at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka that saw them clinch the title with a match to spare.

The victory is Arrows second-ever Zambian league title after lifting the 2004 in the same season that this year’s out-going champions Zesco United were promoted as they embarked on winning all their nine titles to date.

Sundays triumph also saw Arrows coach Chisi Mbewe win his first league title as manager since he was promoted to the post in 2019 after replacing his then boss Honour Janza.

“It has been our prayer as a team that this season we just have to win the league,” Chisi said.

“Well for us the job is not yet done. Yes, we are confirmed as champions but we still have another league game against Indeni to finish our target is to finish on 70 points.”

Chisi and Arrows now have a great opportunity to complete the double this Saturday when they face Napsa Stars in the 2022 ABSA Cup final at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

“We have another important assignment which is the ABSA Cup this Saturday so we don’t have to get carried away because after that, that is when our celebrations will start,” Chisi said.

Meanwhile, it took 39 minutes for Arrows to get down to the business of winning the league after missing last Wednesday’s window of opportunity when they were held 1-1 by Zanaco.

Ricky Banda put them ahead in the 39th minute, Saddam Phiri added the second on the stroke of half time but Chambishi cut the lead in the 51st minute through Francis Kasaka.

However, Fred Tshimenga ensured Arrows pulled away with the third goal in the 58th minute and George Mendu sealed the deal in the 87th minute.
Arrows now have an assailable 67 points, seven ahead of their predecessors Zesco who drew 0-0 away across the Capital against Nkwazi at Edwin Emboela Stadium.

Green Eagles stay third on 56 points after losing 3-1 away at ninth placed Prison Leopards in Kabwe.

But goal difference now separates Zanaco from Nkana who are tied on 49 points and switch places in 4th and 5th respectively after they won 1-0 over Indeni courtesy of a Moses Phiri’ 12th minute goal.

The penultimate day of the season also wrapped up the demotion battle with Lusaka Dynamos and Indeni joining Konkola Blades and Kafue Celtic down in FAZ National Division One next season.

Nkwazi 0-Zesco United 0
Red Arrows 4-Chambishi 1
Kafue Celtic 0-Kabwe Warriors 1
Prison Leopards 3-Green Eagles 1
Zanaco 1-Indeni 0
Buildcon 1-Green Buffaloes 2
Forest Rangers 2-Konkola Blades 1
Lusaka Dynamos 0-Kansanshi Dynamos 1

Biden sends Gonzales as US Ambassador to Zambia


US President Joe Biden has nominated Michael Gonzales as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Zambia.

Mr. Gonzales is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor.

He currently serves as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of African Affairs in the U.S. Department of State.

Prior to this assignment, Mr. Gonzales was the Director of Analysis of Africa in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

Overseas, he held leadership positions as the Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal and of the U.S. Embassy in Lilongwe, Malawi; and as the Political and Economic Counselor of the U.S. Embassies in Harare, Zimbabwe and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Among other assignments, Gonzales served as Spokesperson and Information Officer at the U.S Embassy in Addis Ababa; Ethiopia Desk Officer in the State Department; and Deputy Public Affairs Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Kampala, Uganda.

Mr. Gonzales earned a B.A. Degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles, California and an M.A. Degree from American University’s School of International Service in Washington, D.C.

Mike Gonzales joined the Bureau of African Affairs in October 2020. His portfolio covers West Africa and the Sahel Region. He previously served as the Director for Analysis of Africa in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister-Counselor, Mike previously served as Deputy Chief of Mission and Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. at the U.S. Embassies in Kathmandu, Nepal and Lilongwe, Malawi.

Throughout his career, Mr. Gonzales has built partnerships with host governments, international partners, and civil society organizations to promote good governance, open political space, improve business environments, protect human rights, and expand economic opportunity.

His previous assignments include service as the Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs at U.S. Embassies in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia; the Horn of Africa Unit Chief in the Office of East African Affairs; Deputy Public Affairs Officer in Kampala, Uganda; Information Officer and Embassy Spokesman in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and Environment, Science, and Technology Officer in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Gonzales was an economic analyst in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 2009, the American Foreign Service Association awarded him the William R. Rivkin Award for Constructive Dissent.

He is a five-time recipient of the Department of State’s Superior Honor Award and the 2011 runner-up for the James Clement Dunn Award for Excellence.

He received a Master of Arts degree in international development from American University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs from Occidental College.

He has studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Bengali.

No miner will lose their job when operations at Baluba underground shaft is shut down


Chinese-owned Luanshya Copper Mines (LCM) has said no miner will lose their job when operations at Baluba underground shaft are shut down later this year.

LCM management has already informed the government through Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe that it will close Baluba shaft in the third or fourth quarter of 2022.

Over 1,100 workers are currently involved in the operations at Baluba Mine Shaft.

LCM Public Relations Manager Sydney Chileya said all the over 1000 jobs at Baluba are secure as the mining firm plans to redeploy them when the mine shaft is de-commissioned this year.

Mr. Chileya said Baluba will be shut because it has run out of mineral ore reserves.

He said currently LCM is looking at expanding operations by carrying out feasibility studies on potential mine areas.

LCM is currently operating Muliashi Open pit, Baluba Underground and the slug treatment plant.

“The Minister of Mines (Paul Kabuswe) came through, we assured him that Baluba is closing down between the third and fourth quarter of 2022 but no one is going to lose their job. We will be making an announcement on where workers currently operating at Baluba Mine will be taken. Roughly about 1,100 workers will be affected. In terms of job security the people should not despair, our employees should not worry. Their jobs are secure and this commitment has already been made to the government,” Mr. Chileya said in an interview from Luanshya.

Mr. Chileya dispelled fears among people in Luanshya that jobs will be lost when Baluba shaft is closed.

“We have made a commitment as a company that no one is going to lose their job because of the depletion of copper ore reserves at Baluba Mine. Losing jobs at Baluba won’t happen. If there is anyone who is going to lose their job, it will be as a result of the natural garbage in garbage out- that is retirement, people resigning , going for greener pastures but no one is going to lose their job because the copper has been depleted at Baluba Mine. That will not happen,” Mr. Chileya said.

“The ore reserves at Baluba have run out. Baluba Mine was commissioned in 1973 with a life span of 30 years so it has done its life. We have actually reduced our uptake from Baluba Mine in terms of the ore that we are getting from underground because the reserves have drastically depleted. Even the areas where we are mining now are the areas that ZCCM used to leave out as low grade areas. Those are areas we are currently mining from so by the end of this year we are de-commissioning and shutting down,” he said.

Mr. Chileya said processing the mineral slug commonly known as the Black Mountain at the Luanshya mine site is also helping to sustain LCM.

“We are reprocessing slugs from our slug dump and we are using a stop gap measure. We commenced processing the slug in 2014. One slug dump was just depleted a few months ago. We have gone to another dump site which we are hoping will take us to somewhere around 2025. But that is a long term plan but you know that we are currently running three operations here as a mine. We are running the Muliashi Open pit, Baluba Underground and slug treatment plan. So those are the three units that we are running. Muliashi Reach Plant and the slug treatment plant are both intact and working very well. We are looking at something that will take up the Baluba Underground mine shaft,” he said.

Nonferrous Mining Corporation (CNMC) took over the running of LCM in 2009.

Mr. Chileya further confirmed that the mining company is undertaking exploration works with the aim of opening up alternative mines amid the pending closure of Baluba mine.

“There is an area that we are looking at. We are currently conducting feasibility studies and once feasibility studies are done and we ascertain that the results are good then we will be making that announcement,” Mr. Chileya said.

The economy of Luanshya District is heavily dependent on mining at LCM.

Livestock sector needs to becomes a key sector in the country’s economic diversification agenda


Government says there is need to transform the livestock sector so that it becomes a key sector in the country’s economic diversification agenda.

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Permanent Secretary, Anna Songolo said the livestock sector has the potential to contribute immensely to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Dr Songolo said the sector impacts 60 per cent of the country’s population yet it only contributes three per cent of the GDP.

She said effective utilization of the sector can greatly improve the livelihoods and welfare of Zambians across the country.

“As you are aware, the sector covers a large spectrum of our society. Therefore its effectiveness will greatly improve the livelihoods of most of our people,” said Dr Songolo.

The Permanent Secretary said government is keen to see increased private sector participation in the livestock industry as they are a key driver for growth and expansion.

Dr Songolo said this when she officiated at the swearing in of 26 veterinary students from the University of Zambia’s School of Veterinary Medicine in Lusaka.

Retired Veterinarian, Dr Peter Mangani administered the Veterinary Oath to the 26 graduating students.

Dr Songolo challenged the graduates to take advantage of the opportunities that the new dawn government has created for private sector participation in economic activities.

The Permanent Secretary said graduates should not depend on government for jobs but take advantage of the increased Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to form businesses in the livestock sector and serve communities.

“One such opportunity is the CDF which intends to empower young people such as our graduates to form businesses and serve the community in the livestock sector,” said Dr Songolo.

And Japanese Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, Ominato Satoshi said Japan will continue to support the School of veterinary medicine at the University of Zambia (UNZA) as it plays a cardinal role in the country’s livestock sector.

Mr Satoshi said the UNZA School of Veterinary medicine is a flagship of the strong relations between Japan and Zambia that date back to over thirty years when the school was constructed with a US$40 million Japanese grant.

He said Japan will continue supporting Zambia’s education sector through enhanced technical and financial support as demonstrated by the assistance being rendered to the UNZA School of Veterinary Medicine.

Mr Satoshi called for enhancing strong academic relations between Zambia and Japan modelled on the continued partnership between Hokkaido University and UNZA School of Veterinary Medicine.

The Japanese envoy stated that the cooperation will be extended to other academic disciplines that will see among others inter-disciplinary and student exchanges between the two countries and universities.

“Just as we have intensively cultivated the relationship between Hokkaido University and the School of Veterinary Medicine of UNZA thus far, I expect to see the deepening of cooperation even further. However our endeavor should not stop there, rather this cooperation should expand towards wider academic exchanges between Japan and Zambia at large,” said Mr Satoshi.

He said the school of Veterinary has been enhancing academic relations between Zambia and Japan through its continued partnership with Hokkaido University.

Speaking at the same function UNZA acting Vice Chancellor, Tamara Kambikambi urged the graduating students to raise above challenges and use their skills and knowledge to contribute to national development.

Dr Kambikambi thanked the Japanese government for its continued support to the School of medicine in running the programme which has enabled the university to contribute to the country’s Covid 19 national response through its laboratories that are being used for detecting coronavirus, among other laboratory services being provided.

Female graduate, Noanga Mebelo made a clean sweep of awards as she bagged six of the eight academic awards at the 31st swearing in and graduation ceremony.

And giving a vote of thanks, Gubula Simweene said the graduates are ready to work with government and offer their services to help address the rampant outbreak of livestock diseases in the country.

Pray for country and its leadership – Vice President Nalumango


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has asked the church to continue praying for the country and its leadership.

Mrs. Nalumango said it is a biblical duty of every Christian to pray for the nation and its leaders.

She said President Hakainde Hichilema and his cabinet need God’s guidance and wisdom as they preside over the country’s affairs.

“Pray for the President, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, also pray for every leader because we need God’s guidance,” Mrs. Nalumango said

The Vice President added that government will endeavor to uphold godly values in the governance system at all levels.

Mrs. Nalumango said this during a Church Service at SDA Kasama main church yesterday.

She has since appealed to leaders across the nation to look to God as they execute their respective duties.

“We cannot depend on our own wisdom to govern the nation, we have to submit to God and the governance of the Holy Spirit,” She said.

And in delivering a sermon, SDA North Zambia Field President Samuel Sinyangwe reiterated that the country’s leadership need the help of God in managing national matters.

Pastor Sinyangwe said government’s desire to improve the welfare of the citizenry can only be achieved through God’s intervention.

“We may have the best economists but without God, nothing much can be achieved,” said Pastor Sinyangwe.

He also assured the Vice President that the church will continue to pray for the national leaders.

Government on track of improving Agricultural sector – PS


Western Province Permanent Secretary, Akapelwa Simomo says government is on course of improving the agriculture sector in the province.

Mr Simomo said this during the handover ceremony of two mechanization equipment to Kalwizhi and Kuwape multipurpose cooperative unions in Kalabo district of Western province.

He said the donated two tractors was a courtesy of the International fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) through the Enhanced Small Holder Agribusiness Promotion Programme (E-SAPP) as a matching grant facility to help farmers increase their hectarage, production and productivity.

The Permanent Secretary said government places a lot of emphasis on ramping up agricultural production through mechanization and commercialization so as to ensure food security and surplus for export to neighbouring markets.

Mr Simomo has urged the two cooperative unions in Kalabo district to guard the tractors and its associated implements jealously and ensure regular maintenance in order to prolong the life span of the machinery.

He said Kalabo district has a comparative advantage in the growing of rice adding that with the empowerment of tractors, farmers should increase their hectarage under rice in the forthcoming farming season.

And Kalwizhi Cooperative Union representative, Sibeso Mukelabai said the district has over 360 small holder farmers and the gesture will go a long way in improving farming in the area.

Mr Mukelabai said the current farming system is highly labour intensive and time consuming adding that the donated mechanized equipment will enable the two farming groups to graduate from subsistence to emergent and more economically viable farmers.

He said small holder farmers in the area lack access to financial resources that can mitigate production challenges and that the donated agriculture equipment will enhance production in many crops in the district.

About Truth and Deceit: How to tell them Apart


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. The nation is currently gripped with a high stakes drama involving the former provisional liquidator of KCM, Mr Milingo Lungu and his lawyers on one hand, and the Republican President Mr Hakainde Hichilema, Vice President Mutale Nalumango, principal private secretary to the President; Bradford Machila, Special Assistant for Legal Affairs; Christopher Mundia Jr, Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe, Attorney General; Mulilo Kabesha and Solicitor General Marshal Muchende. Right in the middle of this debacle is the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Lilian Shawa – Siyuni and Director General of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), Mary Chirwa – Tshuma.

2. The contest is quite simple really. Milingo Lungu claims that he met with HH and his team and they agreed that the State will withdraw all charges and additionally enter into an Immunity Agreement with Mr Lungu through the National Prosecutions Authority (NPA) which is headed by the DPP, and in return for that gesture the provisional liquidator would resign his position at KCM. On the other hand, President Hichilema has categorically denied these claims and says him and his Government have never given anyone immunity from prosecution, and that the DPP withdrew Milingo’s charges and further entered into an immunity agreement, out of her own volition. The President further wants the Judicial Complaints Commission (JCC) to discipline the DPP for the misconduct of entering into an immunity agreement with Milingo. Suffice to mention that the JCC is now headed by HH’s longtime ally and financier; Vincent Malambo.

3. The big question which the Zambian people want to be answered is; who is telling the truth? Is it President Hichilema and his team or it is Milingo Lungu? Well, given the fact that the alleged meetings that took place between Mr. Milingo Lungu and President Hichilema were dark corner meetings, none of us might be in a position to say with full certainty who is telling the truth and who is lying. But as a rule of thumb; if it doesn’t make sense, then it’s probably a lie. So let us look at what makes sense and what doesn’t in this entire debacle, and then we can subsequently make some conclusions as to who is probably lying and who is probably telling the truth.

4. Firstly, President Hichilema claims that the DPP entered into a nolle prosequi and dropped charges against Milingo Lungu, and further entered into an Immunity Agreement with Milingo, out of her own volition. Let us examine the veracity of this claim. It is common knowledge that every now and then, the DPP would enter a nolle against certain accused persons, so there is nothing unusual about the nolle itself. It is possible that the DPP indeed entered a nolle in the Milingo Lungu matter, out of her own volition. Next, let us examine the Immunity Agreement. I have had the opportunity to read through the said immunity agreement and it gives Mr. Milingo Lungu protection from current and future prosecution regarding any alleged offenses committed during the time that he was KCM provisional liquidator. This is a huge favor which the NPA did for Mr. Milingo Lungu, so the next logical question is; what did Mr Milingo Lungu do for the State to deserve this big favor?

5. Here, we have two differing submissions. Mr Milingo Lungu claims that he was given an Immunity Agreement in return for him resigning as KCM provisional liquidator, whereas President Hichilema and his team claim that Mr. Milingo Lungu resigned as KCM liquidator out of his own volition and not because of the Immunity Agreement. However, a look at the dates shows that Milingo resigned as KCM liquidator a day after the immunity agreement was signed. It is also common knowledge that the State had made multiple attempts to remove Mr Milingo Lungu as KCM provisional liquidator, and all the attempts had failed. The most recent such attempt was a suspension slapped on Milingo Lungu by the Official Receiver, and then it was later discovered that the Official Receiver had no powers to suspend a court-appointed provisional liquidator.

6. So it makes sense that the State would entice Mr Milingo Lungu to resign as KCM provisional liquidator by offering him an Immunity Agreement. Remember the rule of thumb; if it doesn’t make sense, then it’s probably a lie. Milingo Lungu resigning a day after signing the Immunity Agreement makes sense. President Hichilema claiming that Milingo Lungu resigned out of his own volition does not make sense. The DPP entering into an Immunity Agreement with Milingo Lungu, at the request of President Hichilema makes sense. The DPP doing so at her own volition does not make sense. She could have just entered a nolle prosequi and ended there. Why would she go further and even give Milingo immunity from any current or future prosecution?

7. But what about the DEC’s Mary Chirwa. Where does she fit into all this? Immediately after the DPP discharged Milingo through a nolle, DEC officers were waiting outside the court and re-arrested Milingo on the same charges. Was Mary Chirwa merely discharging her ordinary law enforcement duties when she re-arrested Milingo Lungu, or she was part of President Hakainde Hichilema’s ploy to embarrass the DPP and portray her as corrupt for entering a nolle prosequi against Milingo and also giving him immunity from prosecution?

8. Here again, let us use our rule of thumb; if it doesn’t make sense, then it’s probably a lie. It is common cause that the NPA works hand in hand with various law enforcement agencies in the discharge of their mandate, including the Zambia Police Service, Drug Enforcement Commission, Anti-Corruption Commission etcetera. When the DPP decides to enter a nolle in a particular matter, it is generally because the NPA believes that there is insufficient evidence to proceed to trial.

Therefore, the natural thing that any law enforcement agency would do when the DPP enters a nolle in any of their matters, is to engage the office of DPP and find out what further investigations would need to be undertaken in order to acquire the additional evidence needed to re-instate and prosecute the matter. But Mary Chirwa’s DEC did not do that. They decided to just re-arrest Milingo Lungu right at the entrance of the Courtroom, without any engagement with the NPA. Plus DEC officers do not, as a matter of routine, linger around the magistrates court so that they can re-arrest any accused person who might be given a nolle by the DPP. That means Mary Chirwa knew that the DPP would enter a nolle prosequi against Milingo Lungu on that particular day and at that particular time, and hence she planted her officers there. For a very specific purpose; to make the re-arrest as dramatic as possible.

9. It is also common cause that President Hichilema and his team have been looking for ways and means of getting rid of the DPP and installing their own preferred person. Therefore, it appears that Mr Milingo Lungu’s version of events is more credible than that of President Hichilema. It is evident that President Hichilema and his team saw an opportunity to kill three birds with one stone. Firstly, their ploy would allow them to get rid of Lillian Shawa – Siyuni as DPP. Secondly it would allow them to get rid of Milingo Lungu as KCM provisional liquidator and thirdly, it would allow them to still prosecute Milingo Lungu, once the current DPP is gotten rid of using our man, who is waiting at the JCC. Or so they thought.

10. Personally l do not know whether Lilian Shawa – Siyuni is a good DPP or a bad DPP. But one thing l know for sure is that no DPP deserves to be removed from office using such machinations. In fact, no officer of a country that is a constitutional democracy such as Zambia, deserves to be gotten rid of using such a ploy. If President Hakainde Hichilema and his team want to get rid of Lilian Shawa – Siyuni as DPP, then they need to find other means and ways because the current scheme has been exposed. The President is in a hole right now. And the first thing that any reasonable person should do when they are in a hole is to stop digging. The more that HH and his team pursue this scheme, the deeper the hole they will dig for themselves. Free advice.

Corruption within ACC: Acting D.G accused of abuse of office, missing $8,000 exhibit money from ACC Strong Room, implicated in Savenda probe


Anti Corruption Commission Acting Director General Silumesi Muchula has been accused of running down the institution after he was named to be at the centre of a litany of corruption scandals.

And information has emerged that Mr. Muchula owns several high end properties in Silverest area in Chongwe buy registered in other people’s names.

Impeccable sources within the Commission have appealed to President Hakainde Hichilema and soon to be ratified Director General Gilbert Phiri to save the integrity of the institution.

In a leaked letter, the sources whose identities have been withheld accused Mr. Muchula of unprofessional conduct, abuse of office and aiding and abetting crimes involving some ACC officers.

It is alleged that Mr. Muchula is frustrating investigations into the disappearance of $8,000 exhibit money from the ACC Strong Room in the Pandor case because it involves Webster Munsanje, a close friend to Mr. Muchula.

“There is a docket in which three officers at the ACC are involved in the theft of the $8,000 which was kept as an exhibit in the Pandor case. The money was collected from the Strong Room by Leah Mulenga under instruction from Mudumba, a close friend to Muchula. Leah says she gave money to Webster Munsanje, another close friend to Muchula. There is a docket at ACC which Muchula has sat on,” the sources said.

The sources also accused Mr. Muchula of failing to handle corruption investigations involving two ACC officers identified as Chris Siwakwi and William Chilufya who are facing corruption charges.

“There is a file of corrupt practices against the two officers which Muchula has sat on because the two are his favorites. Chris is being used in most of the investigations by Muchula when Muchula knows that Chris has a docket for corruption which is in Muchula’ office.

According to information gathered by sources, immediate past Director General Rosemary Khuzwayo had transferred the two officers (Chris and William) from the Investigations Unit instead of firing them instantly but that Mr. Muchula has reinstated the two officers.

“This is how reckless the Acting D.G is, he has sat on this case because the two officers are his boys. Is this not abuse of office?”

The sources have also accused Mr. Muchula of failing to handle a complaint against Speaker of the National Assembly Nellie Mutti in which she is accused of abusing her office by directing the Human Resources Department at National Assembly to include 15 names on the Pay Roll when there are no openings.

“There is a complaint against the Speaker which Mr. Muchula is failing to move forward. Madam Speaker directed the HR Dept at Parliament to add 15 people on the Pay Roll. This group is made up of relatives to the Speaker. She gave them up to January 24th 2022 to have them included on the Pay Roll. This is against government policy to employ people when there are no vacancies and worse still the relatives to Madam Speaker. Let Muchula come out in the open and tell the nation if he has not received that information.”

The sources also accused Mr. Muchula of living beyond his means and that there have been complaints about his standard of life but that the Drug Enforcement Commission have not taken up the matter to investigate the allegations.

“Muchula has built property in Silverest beyond his known sources of income. The property is registered in names of Mudenda Miyanda, a Car Hire Agent. He lives in one of his posh houses there. We request DEC and Zambia Police to investigate this issue otherwise we shall hire private lawyers to prosecute Muchula.”

The sources further accused Mr. Muchula of appointing a non-lawyer to supervise Advocates which is contrary to the Legal Practitioners Act.

“Muchula as Acting D.G for administrative convenience has no powers to suspend anyone nor to appoint any officer. He has done the opposite, this is against the law.

“We are also following up his involvement with Savenda. Can Mr. Muchula explain why Savenda has not been arrested up to now after he was warned and cautioned almost four months ago.”

“We are also following up a recording in which Muchula was soliciting for money from the accused persons in the Mukula scandal. We will keep the nation updated on this matter. The O.P is aware of this issue and we hope they are not hiding the same from the President.”

And when contacted for a comment, ACC Spokesperson Queen Chibwe dismissed the allegations claiming they are malicious and aimed at tarnishing the image of the Commission.

“The document you are referring to was authorized by some people within the Commission who want the Acting D.G to go. There is no truth to it and we will deal with this group administratively because we know them,” Ms. Chibwe said

RUGBY: Zambia 7s Team in Uganda For Commonwealth Games Qualifiers


The Zambia Sevens Team is in Uganda Rugby Africa Men’s Sevens Cup that is running from April 23-24 in Kampala.

The competition doubles as qualifiers for both the 2022 Rugby World Cup in South Africa scheduled for September 9-11 and Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in the United Kingdom set for July 29-31 at the Coventry Stadium.

The Israel Kalumba captained team recently competed in the Tri-nation tournament in Zimbabwe where they finished second after defeat to Spartans of Botswana.

Coach Musonda Kaminsa declared the team ready prior to departure for Kampala.

“I am confident in the team we are taking in Kampala,” Kaminsa said.