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HH to repay Zambians through hard work – Muchima


Lands and Natural Resources Minister, Elijah Muchima, says President Hakainde Hichilema attaches great importance to the welfare of the people.

Mr Muchima says President Hichilema is happy that the people of Zambia voted for him and would want to repay them through hard work.

Mr Muchima said this in Kabwe District during an interactive meeting to appreciate the issues surrounding the de-gazetted piece of land from Mpima Forestry.

Explaining that the land in question is not a traditional land, the minister warned that any person meddling in the same land risk being arrested.

Mr Muchima has since set Wednesday the 27th of April 2022 for a consultative meeting with all the settlers of the 1, 954 hectares of land in order to amicably resolve the issue.

And Local Government and Rural Development Minister, Garry Nkombo, said the settlers on the de-gazetted piece of land are there illegally because they are not backed by any legal documents.

Mr Nkombo, however, said the government would want to harmonize the situation and has advised all the affected settlers to refrain from rushing to media houses saying doing so has the potential to deter the correctional measures.

Meanwhile, As part of its ambitious development programme in the next five years, the Namwala District Council has granted President Hakainde Hichilema the status of Freeman of the Town.

District Council Chairman Abel Moonga says the recognition of President Hichilema is anchored on the fact that the Republic President has reckoned support of vulnerable members of the community in the area.

Mr Moonga says his local authority unanimously resolved to grant the Republican President the status of Freeman of the Town in pursuant of the provision of the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019 Section 30(1), which states that: “A Town Council may admit to the status of honorary freeman of the town a person of distinction who has rendered eminent service to the town.”

The President had also given other people sponsorships to schools and assisted many to pay their medical bills as well as being involved in the construction of health posts and schools in the district.

According to a statement by Council Public Relations Officer Nchimunya Lukubi , Mr Moonga said President Hichilema while in opposition was incarcerated on behalf of the Community in Namwala and Zambia at large.

Decentralize investment agreements-Council of Elders


North-western province council of elders has called for the decentralization of investment agreements if local communities are to benefit from their natural resources.

Speaking during the copper for development forum organized by the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction in Solwezi, Council of Elders Secretary , Kenneth Kapata said that centrally made agreements do not adequately take into account the needs of local communities.

He observed that most agreements are signed in Lusaka by individuals who do not understand the challenges in the host communities.

Mr Kapata advocated for a given time frame for agreements to allow people to study the agreements in case of any gaps.

The Council of Elders have since advised that agreements should start with the host communities where the resources will be mined so as to cater for the needs of a community.

“For instance, Kasenseli, first it should start with Mwinilunga, those who want to invest should go to Mwinilunga first and talk to the people so that they see how they are going to develop that particular land,” Mr Kapata said.

“So even with these three giant mines we have in the province, I am sure we are blaming the central government, that they did not do well when they were signing the investment agreements,” Mr Kapata said.

And Civil Society for Poverty Reduction Vice Chairperson, Bwalya Kampamba said the solution to most challenges in mining communities being faced today lies in bringing back the mineral revenue sharing mechanism.

“The mineral revenue sharing mechanism, the reason why we are saying it should come back is it has all these things we are talking about, consultation, consent and how the resources should trickle down up to the last person,” Mr Kampamba said.

He called on ordinary citizens to stand up and scrutinize ward development committees because development starts on that level.

Meanwhile, Solwezi Deputy Mayor, Alex Pupe said the nation is in an era where duty bearers are constantly challenged to engage stakeholders in the mining sector to support communities in various projects which can benefit the most vulnerable.

“We support and place an emphasis on the need to open public space for civic participation such as this mining forum”, Mr Pupe said.

Nakacinda cautions UPND Government against continuing to feed the Zambian people propaganda

The Patriotic Front Party(PF) has cautioned the New Dawn Administration against continuing to feed the Zambian people propaganda.

This comes after a press briefing held by Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe stating that the Presidency has never at any time interfered with the functions of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and that it had not ordered any instructions to grant immunity to any Persons facing criminal proceedings in Zambia.

In the matter of whether the office of the DPP had acted within the confines of the Law and in the Public interest,(Issues surrounding the Nolle Prosequi) Hon Haimbe said that initial assessments showed there were significant lapses on the part of the DPP which require independent and thorough investigations by relevant bodies.

And PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Raphael Nakacinda said it was reckless for Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe yesterday to try and do a Public Relations stunt which ended up with him having contradicting statements with the Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya on matters involving Milingo LUNGU and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Hon Nakacinda said it is interesting to hear the Justice Minister saying that the DPP did what she did on her own when the evidence before the court shows the matter was compromised by the Executive because of the meeting that was reported to have been held with Mr Lungu.

He says had the DPP continued with the Prosecution, it would have been an abuse of the Judicial System because there was a reported settlement that was made.

Meanwhile, Hon Nakacinda has wondered why Statehouse is making contradictory statements on the purported meeting with Mr Milingo Lungu.

Hon Nakacinda said after the Binoculars raised issues about the mentioned meeting, State House responded through Bwalya that President Hichilema never met Milingo but “we are going to deal with traitors around the President”.

He has challenged the Presidential Spokesperson to state who the traitors are and why they have been classified as such.

“Are they traitors because the information that was private has leaked to the public, Or they are traitors because they doing things against the instructions of the President,” he said.

Hon Nakacinda said what is baffling is that during what he termed as a sham of a Press briefing alongside Justice Minister, Mr Bwalya stated that President Hichilema never met Milingo for anything that would jeopardise the judicial process for those who have allegedly committed financial crimes.

“What was he trying to imply, isn’t it that there was a meeting but why was he refusing that the President never at any time meet Mr Lungu.

The Former Minister of water development has noted that the desire to tell lies has made the UPND Administration not perform.

He said the UPND need to come out of the opposition propaganda and lies that became part of their Ethos
“The moment you are given the opportunity to Govern, take away the mentality of Propaganda. The Minister of Justice was reckless by trying to feed the Zambian people propaganda,” he said

And Hon Nakacinda has since Promised that the Binoculars will continue to help the Zambian people to see to it that what those in Government are doing serves the public interest

“The lenses of the Binoculars are now sharper and stronger. We shall continue doing what is best for the Zambian People and hold Government accountable.”

Hon Nakacinda has also advised President Hichilema to check the people around him because they are leading him into a ditch.

“All of us have a duty to ensure that the President performs but these people have mishandled the President and brought about embarrassment the issues emanating from that office,” he stated.

ZICTA to set up GBV ICT hub for girls in Chongwe


Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) has embarked on the establishment of a rural Information communication technology (ICT) hub for girls, women, and youths in Chongwe.

The hub which is part of the second phase of a joint program against Gender Based Violence (GBV) which is being initiated by government in partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is aimed at equipping girls, women and children with knowledge on online GBV responses as well as grant them access to information on various programs to uplift their livelihood.

ZICTA Acting Corporate and Communications Manager, Tehila Chimfwembe the hub will be a resource center which will provide members of the community in Chongwe especially girls and women on how to correctly use online without putting their privacy at risk.

Ms. Chimfwembe explained that the locals will be given an opportunity to access knowledge on how they can avoid being swindled or blackmailed online.

She said the services which will be provided by the hub will create awareness among girls and women

Ms. Chimfwembe said the hub will be located at Chongwe secondary school and is set to open its doors to members of the public in August this year.

She said this during a meeting held to discuss the establishment of the rural ICT hub in Chongwe.

And Chongwe District Commissioner, Evans Lupiya commended ZICTA for including Chongwe as one of the beneficiaries of the program.

Dr. Lupiya stated that the hub once established will create cyber security awareness among targeted groups in the area and also empower them with knowledge on how to handle risks they may encounter during their online experiences.

The DC said he is pleased that the facility will also strengthen economic development through the provision of a networking platform which will give girls, women, and youths access to e-learning markets, GBV, nutrition, agriculture, and business training among others.

He said ICTs have revolutionalised people’s lives over the years hence the need for all stakeholders in the district to ensure that various groups access them.

Dr. Lupiya said he is confident that the program will have a positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

I have taken a back seat in shame for Condemning the DPP-Changala


Political activist Brebner Changala has said that he has taken a back seat in shame together with other Political activists that had condemned the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Lillian Shawa Siyuni after she wrote the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Director-General Mary Chirwa demanding an explanation after Milingo Lungu was re-arrested following a Nolle Prosequi.

Speaking to the Hot FM Red Hot breakfast show crew yesterday morning, Mr Changala said political activists, including himself, condemned the DPP because they were not privy to the underhand current that was flowing which has since been exposed by Court documents which have been filed by Milingo Lungu hence their condemnations of the DPP.

“We have walked this road before, we had cases of former DPP Mukelabai Mukelabai, DPP Muchenga and DPP Mutembo Nchito,” said the political activist, accusing the Minister of Justice of indirectly inciting the JCC to find the DPP wanting.

“What has been the motivating factor that she must leave office before the Milingo Lungu debacle came in?” asked Mr Changala.

The outspoken political activist also warned that should the State succeed in the “game” they are playing with the DPP, they are going to abuse the Judiciary by putting under pressure Judges they may not like.

Further, Mr. Changala called the press briefing that was held on Wednesday the 20th of April 2022 by the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General and the Presidential Spokesperson as “fire fighting” and accused the panelists of not responding to the real issues.

“We are not going to run this Country through treachery, misinformation and taking the citizenry for granted,” said Mr. Changala.

Mr. Changala also called the response by the Presidential Spokesperson that the President had never met Mr. Milingo Lungu for the purpose of subverting the course of justice a “play of words” because the statement clearly shows that the Republican President could have met with Mr. Milingo Lungu for other purposes.

Furthermore, Mr. Changala accused the President of going below the media radar because has been out of the media for quite a long time.

“The Country doesn’t know what is going on. President Hichilema is the only Man that can give a clear and strong statement on this debacle,” said Mr Changala.

Mambwe district records an increase in teenage, HIV cases


Mambwe District of Eastern Province has recorded 325 cases of teenage pregnancies and 343 cases of HIV infections in the first quarter of 2022.

Mambwe District AIDS Coordination Advisor Dalitso Daka said 325 teenage girls aged between 15 to 19 years fell pregnant in the first quarter of 2022.

In an interview with ZANIS, Mr. Daka disclosed that 87 girls aged between 10 and 14 years as well as 108 girls aged between 15 and 19 years tested positive to HIV in the same period and have been put on antiretroviral therapy.

Mr. Daka mentioned that 80 boys between the ages of 10 to 14 and 73 boys between the ages of 15 to 19 years old also tested positive to HIV in the first quarter of 2022 and have also been put on antiretroviral therapy.

Mr. Daka expressed sadness that teenagers especially the school going children were actively engaging in sexual activities without a care about the consequences of the risks.

He added that statistics indicate that only 40 percent of the teenagers who access condoms use them.

He said that statistics show that the numbers of girls who test positive for HIV are more than that of boys and wondered who really is having sexual intercourse with the teenage girls.

Mr. Daka further pointed out that many teenagers do not have access to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) which is why the district has started sensitizations on to promote those rights among adolescents.

“We have commenced sensitization meetings on SRHS with church leaders and traditional leaders as well as training peer educators so that teenagers can be reached and educated on SRHR,” he said.

Mr. Daka said the district had recorded 6,082 HIV cases as at March 2022.

Meanwhile, Mambwe District Victim Support Unit Coordinator Clemencia Mushekwa said that the district recorded three child marriages in the first quarter of 2022.

However, Ms. Mushekwa said the three marriages were dissolved and the victims involved were retrieved from the marriages.

Government urged not to embark on projects if there are no funds


Parliamentary Committee on Government Assurances Chairperson, Elliot Kamondo has advised government not to make assurances to people if they know that there is no money to undertake certain projects up to completion level.

And the Parliamentary Committee has expressed happiness with the construction of the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation provincial studio in central province.

Mr. Kamondo has observed that when the government makes assurances on the floor of the house, it should ensure the projects are completed.

He said the committee on assurances has been disappointed on so many occasions that out of so many promises that were made only a few have been actualized.

“As government assurances committee we want to make sure that when government assures the people that we are going to do this, they should do it up to completion, we have been disappointed many, many times, for example the other time when we sampled the assurances, 33 assurances were made and out of these 33 assurances only 8 were actualized,” Mr. Kamondo said.

He added that the committee is concerned especially with the Executive arm of government that makes an assurance to the people when they fully know that they do not have money.

The parliamentarian stated that assurances to the people should only be made when there is money to undertake a project up to its completion stage.

Mr. Kamondo observed that the construction of the provincial studio in central province was doing very well but what is not known is if the costs were exaggerated.

“Yes it’s a good project. The contractor according to us was doing very well but what we don’t know is, was it exaggerated in terms of costs? Even if he did a good job it’s something we need to escalate further” he said.

Mr. Kamondo who is also Mufumbwe UPND Member of Parliament says the provincial studio is a very good project which if completed will benefit the people of Zambia and Kabwe in particular.

About K4.2 Million was allocated for the construction of the provincial studio in Kabwe and so far only about K3.4 million was certified, leaving about K800, 000 to complete the project.

A check at the provincial studio has revealed that works have been stalled due to non-availability of funds to complete the project that sits on 80 percent completion point.

Zambian Legislation System/Legal Environment doesn’t Support the Inclusion of Young People in the Governance of the Country


By David Chishimba.

This article outlines

    • Major government committees are involved in planning and coordinating the development of the country and the legal frameworks establishing these committees.
    • How young people have been left out in these important decision making government committees and what can be done to include them.
    • Advantages and disadvantages of including or excluding youths in the governance of the country respectively.

“Show me anyone saying that the government has been inclusive of young people in it’s decision making bodies, committees and processes and I will show you a liar.”

Changing the lives of young people needs serious political will because there is a need for a thorough surgical process that needs to start at changing the legal framework to create a legal environment that supports and advances the interests of young people, reviews and modernizes archaic policies and then reconcile and embed all youth programs on amended laws and reviewed policies. Young people’s lives will not be changed simply because there’s a certain president, Minister, Mayor, Member of Parliament, District Commissioner or councillor, there is a need to form a well-structured system through which programs and packages are meant to change the lives of young people can be delivered.

This system should have a deliberate inclusion of young people in the governance of the country at all levels. A well-structured framework of Youth Development Coordinating Committees should be created at ward, constituency, district, a provincial and national levels which should be coordinated with relevant government development coordinating systems.

The inclusion of young people in the governance of the county is supposed to be a right and therefore a legal responsibility and obligation of the government. We need to understand that having a constant favourable environment where voices of youths are heard is dependent on good legislation and not in good speeches about youths, themes at events or the goodwill of the government.

Only when we understand that good programs come from good policies and good policies come from good legislation, right exactly in this order, will we make long term tangible progress for the youths which will stand the test of time and which will benefit not only youths in this generation but youths in generations to come. Therefore we need to know and understand that any political promise which is not supported by or backed by the creation of a law or policy is trickery, deception or a hoodwink.

As far as the governance of Zambia and the inclusion of young people at all levels is concerned, there are four very important pieces of legislation that need to be looked into. These are:

  1. Ward Level
    • The local government Act number 2 of 2019
  2. Constituency Level
    • The Constituency Development Fund Act number 11 of 2018. (CDF Act)
  3. District, Provincial and National Level
    •  The National Planning and Budgeting Act Number 1 of 2020 and
    • The National Youth Development Council Act Chapter 144, Act Number 13 of 1994 of the laws of Zambia. (NYDC Act)

Without deliberate amendment and harmonization of the above acts to include young people, there can be no meaningful inclusion of young people in the governance of the country.

It is possible to create youth structures that can coordinate with government structures at all levels of governance by only amending the National Planning and Budgeting Act, it’s also possible to just amend the NYDC Act but the inclusion of these structures into government development committees at the ward, constituency, district and national level will need the amendment of laws which establishes government structures at these levels in order to include clauses linking created structures to government committees. In essence, there is a need to overhaul legislation establishing major government committees to include young people in the management of the country.

1. Ward Level

The Local Government Act Number 2 of 2019

The local government Act provides for the establishment, composition and functions of the local government at the National, provincial, district and ward level. Part 5 section 36 and the Fourth Schedule of the act provide for the establishment, composition and functions of the Ward Development Committee (WDC). The WDC is one of the most inclusive committees as far as the governance of the country is concerned. According to section 36(1), there is a representation for people with disabilities, gender focal point person, marginalized groups and youth, sports and recreation representatives. If all bodies, institutions and levels of government that require representation adopted this nature of inclusion, our country would have been one of the most inclusive governments.

The reason for the proposal of the amendment of this act is to provide for the establishment, composition and functions of the Ward Youth Development Coordinating Committee (WYDCC). The WYDCC is where a representative of youth, sport and recreation will come from as an ex officio member of the WDC. The WYDCC will coordinate with the WDC, it will also advise the WDC on youth programs, implement programs and coordinate youth activities within a ward.

The absence of WYDCC has led to the non-development of youth leadership programs and weak coordination of activities inwards.

2. Constituency Level

The Constituency Development Fund Act Number 11 of 2018

The CDF Act provides for the establishment, composition and functions of the CDF committee. The CDF committee provides for the management, disbursement, utilisation and accountability of the Constituency Development Fund established under the Constitution.

It is commendable that the government has reserved 10% of the CDF fund for the empowerment of young people. However, the challenge is that the CDF committee which, among other roles, decides on the fate of young people’s business proposals has no youth representation safeguarding the interests of youths.

According to the Constituency Development Fund Act Section 5(2), the CDF Committee consists of the following; the member of Parliament in the constituency, two community representatives, 3 councillors, a maximum of two chiefs, officers from the local authority, a representative of a civil society organisation operating in the constituency and a representative of a religious organisation.

The CDF Act does not provide for the inclusion of a youth representative. The Act must be amended to provide for the inclusion of a youth representative and the establishment, composition and functions of the Constituency Youth Development Coordinating Committee (CYDCC). The CYDCC committee is where a youth representative in the CDF committee will be coming from. This will ensure the inclusion of young people in decision-making processes at the constituency level.

The challenge of not having a CYDCC graduate from ward to constituency level. There is not proper planning, development and continuation of youth lead programs in constituencies. This is why there is a lot of disorganization of young people even with regards to well-intended projects for the youths when they are provided by the government. There is urgent need for the creation of the CYDCC.

3. District, Provincial And National Level

The National Planning And Budgeting Act Number 1 Of 2020 And The National Youth Development Council Act Chapter 144, Act Number 13 Of 1994

The National Planning and Budgeting Act is of cardinal importance, this is because the structures established in the National Planning and Budgeting Act are responsible for implementing an integrated national planning and budgeting process, strengthened accountability, oversight and participation mechanisms in the national planning and budgeting process, principles and modalities for the formulation, approval, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of long and medium-term national, provincial and district development plans and budgets, coordination of national development plans with the National Planning Framework, a participatory and decentralised national planning and budgeting process which promotes the participation of state and non-state actors in the planning and budgeting process, evidence-based decision making in national planning and budgeting and enhanced budget credibility.

These outlined functions are carried out by the National, Provincial and District Development Coordinating Committees. The non-inclusion of youths in these committees is against the promises which the government has been making to youths since 1964.

(i) District Level

The ministry of youths and the NYDC do not have offices or officers at District level at the moment. The District Development Coordinating committee coordinates all developmental activities in the district(DDCC).

Section 10 provides for the establishment and composition of the District Development Coordinating Committee. The DDCC consists of the District Commissioner, The Town clerk, government officers from lined ministries operating in the district, a representative from civil society, a faith-based organisation, a parastatal and the private sector. Unfortunately, there is no youth, representation at the district level.

Due to this fact, the secretary to the Cabinet who is also the Vice-chairperson to the National Development Coordinating Committee saw the need to create the District Youth Development Coordinating Committee (DYDCC) which is supposed to operate under the DDCC to oversee the interests of young people in districts.

During the MMD government, the Secretary to the Cabinet released a directive prompting all Provincial Permanent Secretaries to direct all District Commissioners to oversee the creation of District Youth Development Coordinating Committees(DYDCCs). This mandate was reiterated again in 2014 by the office of the Secretary to the Cabinet which lead to the recreation of DYDCCs in districts across the country.

The reason why DYDCCs are non-existent in most districts despite this directive is that the problem was that these offices were partisan, they worked with the ruling party instead of only working with the government. So whenever a ruling party was removed from power, these structures were also scraped off because they were not embedded in the constitution. Most DYDCCs couldn’t continue operating because there was no handover and continuation of the office.

One of the main reasons which have prompted the proposal for the amendment of the National Planning and Budgeting Act is that the recreation or revamping of District Youth Development Coordinating Committees (DYDCC) has been challenging. To recreate DYDCCs we have to retrieve the letter from government archives which District Commissioners and Provincial officers can Act on. These are archives that lose documentation even a week after filing. Up to date, we haven’t had luck with finding the letter.

The role of the DYDCC is to coordinate youth activities in the district, and coordinate with the DDCC and also the provincial office under the ministry of youths. Had the directive to create DYDCCs been backed by the amendment of the National Planning and Budgeting Act to include DYDCCs, there could have been a continuation of a vibrant network of young people across the country.

ii) Provincial Level

Section 7 of the National Planning and Budgeting Act provides for the establishment and composition of the Provincial Development Coordinating Committee. It is composed of the Provincial minister, government officers and a representative from civil society, a faith-based organisation, a parastatal and the private sector, and Members of Parliament in the province.

A Provincial Youth Development Coordinating Committee(PYDCC) needs to be established either under The National Planning and Budgeting Act or The National Youth Development Council Act utilizing Section 8(2) which states that The NYDC shall have provincial committees. A youth representative in the PDCC shall come from the PYDCC.

III) National Level

Section 4 of the National Planning and Budgeting Act provides for the establishment and composition of the National Development Coordinating Committee. The National Development Coordinating Committee consists of the minister and government officers from various ministries, institutions and agencies. It also consists of three representatives from the private sector; and a representative each from civil society, a faith-based organisation, and a parastatal but there is no youth representative.

At the national level, there’s a need for the National Development Coordinating Committee to have a representative from the NYDC to represent the interests of young people at the national level of planning.


Youth Development Coordinating Committees must be created at all levels of governance. This will inculcate and culture a spirit of ownership and commitment to the government’s developmental agenda by youths across the country unlike making decisions and creating programs in isolation and expecting unrelenting commitment from youths.

These committees will brainstorm and suggest youth programs to be implemented, policies to be reviewed coordinate with government offices and institutions at all levels of governance to ensure that government programs are implemented and the government agenda about youths is fulfilled. They will also act as conduits for information delivery to youths anywhere in the country and curb the challenge of information breakdown which has existed between the youths and government for a long time.

Otherwise, if this is not done, the government risks not having a significant impact on young people despite having robust programs meant for the youths.

The Author is Association of Unemployed Youths president.

HH denies meeting or offering Milingo immunity, dates the Press on Monday


President Hakainde Hichilema has categorically denied meeting Milingo Lungu and offering him immunity from prosecution.

President Hichilema, in a post on his Facebook page said he is aware that Zambia had gotten used to backdoor way of running public affairs but that not anymore.

He has also announced that he will hold a press conference next week on Monday to tackle most of the issues that Zambians may have.

“Mutinta and I took advantage of the Easter holidays to visit our farms in Namwala, Kalomo and Choma of Southern province. Today, 21st April, 2022, we were received by our mother at the Kalomo farm. We were delighted to see her in high spirits and her counsel that we must place Zambia first. We assured her that just like we were honest in our early years, we are taking honesty to the public offices,” he said.

“Fellow citizens. We now use this opportunity to categorically state that WE HAVE NEVER MET or given anyone immunity against prosecution.

He added, “We are aware that this country had gotten used to backdoor way of running public affairs but not anymore.”

“In the same vein, we wish to announce that on Monday 25th April, 2022, we will address the nation through the press and tackle most of the issues that you may have. We are here to serve you and not the other way round. This is the reason we are making a date with you, our citizens.”

He continued, “We have said this before, talk to us and not shout at us because we have to all get involved and get it solved as we only have One Zambia, One Nation.”

China committed to joining Zambia creditor committee -IMF’s Georgieva


China has committed to joining Zambia’s creditor committee, International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva said on Thursday, amid complaints from Zambia’s finance minister about delays to its debt restructuring.

People’s Bank of China governor Yi Gang said that China intended to co-chair the committee, two sources with knowledge of the International Monetary and Finance Committee meeting told Reuters.

“We were very pleased to hear from Governor Yi Gang… a very specific commitment to join the creditor committee on Zambia and work expeditiously for debt resolution,” said Georgieva at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings.

She added that he had also committed to the Common Framework debt restructuring process, launched by the Group of 20 (G20) leading economies in 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Zambia’s finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane said at public events on Thursday that the debt restructuring process had “stalled” and that the Zambian team had “come here to complain.”

An IMF spokesperson said that they did not have any more details of Yi’s statement, noting that it was at a closed door meeting.

“This augurs well, for coordination, in resolving debt for various African countries,” Zimbabwe’s finance minister Mthuli Ncube tweeted of the Chinese position.

Ethiopia and Chad also signed up to the Common Framework more than a year ago and have yet to receive debt relief.

“China is a very significant lender to many of these low-income countries, and China needs to participate, along with the Paris Club and private creditors,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at a press conference before Georgieva’s.

“I’ve called on China to specifically for example participate right away in a meeting for Zambia that wishes to undergo debt restructuring. And I am hopeful that China will agree to play a more constructive role.”

China and Chinese entities held $5.78 billion of Zambia’s debt at the end of 2021, according to the most recent Zambian government data.
Earlier, Dr Musokotwane complained over lack of progress on debt restructuring.

“We’ve been waiting for the committees to sit,” Dr. Musokotwane told IMF African Department director Abebe Selassie but added that the process has stalled.

“And while we are here I hope we can get some clarity from you and your colleagues from the World Bank on how we can move forward. Because for now it is stalled,” he continued.

Zambia reached a staff level agreement with the IMF on a $1.4 billion, three-year credit facility in December 2021.

Dr Musokotwane, who also described the restructuring as a “stalemate,” told parliament on March 25 that the creditor committee would be announced “within the next few weeks” and has said he hopes for a formal IMF deal by mid-year.

Selassie had asked what the international community could do to address what he described as the “unresolved… debt challenge.”

Jelusic: Lesotho Will Respect But Compete Against Chipolopolo


Lesotho coach Veselin Jelusic says they will play to the best of their abilities against opponents who include Zambia in the 2023 AFCON Group H qualifiers.

The Mountain Kingdom is of Zambia’s three Group H opponents that include AFCON hosts Cote d’Ivoire whose games in the qualifiers are going to be played as friendlies.

“Of course, Cote d’Ivoire’ are the hosts for the next year’s final and will treat the qualifiers very seriously because they have already started with their preparations to make it a successful tournament. They are a powerhouse with top professional players,” Jelusic told Lesotho Football Association Media.

“We know that Zambia are a very good team with players that play in some of the best leagues in Europe like the English Premier League.

“Comoros are also a team made of professionals playing for European clubs in countries such as France, Belgium and so on.”

Zambia particularly is not new to Jelusic who not only coached City of Lusaka over a season ago but was also offered the Chipolopolo job that was shot down by the then Sports Ministry.

Chipolopolo and Lesotho will meet on Match Day 3 and 4 this September with Zambia at home in the first leg during the international window that will run from September 19-27.

Meanwhile, Zambia will kick-off their qualifiers this June away to Cote d’Ivoire and then host Comoros between the dates of May 30-June 14.

Only one team from Group H will join Cote d’Ivoire at next year’s AFCON.

Use appropriate transportation of pupils as schools close, RTSA urges parents


The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has cautioned school authorities and parents to ensure that pupils use appropriate modes of transport as Schools close on Friday, April 22, 2022.

RTSA Information Officer, Roy Habaalu cautioned school authorities, parents and guardians to ensure that trucks and other open vans are not used to ferry pupils back home.

Mr Habaalu said the agency expects an increase in traffic on the road network as pupils travel back to their respective destinations.

He pointed out that the expected increase in the number of vehicles using roads during this period will pose a great risk to pupils and other road users. “The RTSA has observed that trucks are often used for transportation of pupils contrary to the traffic rules and regulations. Appropriate modes of transport such as buses should be used to avoid road traffic accidents which in the past have resulted in tragedies in which many lives have been lost”, said Mr Habaalu.

In a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr Habaalu stressed the need to safeguard the safety of travelers and advised drivers to follow traffic rules and regulations.

Mr Habaalu said RTSA and Zambia Police will be deployed and put on high alert to ensure that PSV drivers do not overload and over speed in contravention of traffic laws in order to avoid traffic accidents.

He said all PSV drivers are encouraged to observe public health guidelines in order to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 among the travelling public.

Government position on DPP is irreconcilable, charges Activist


The position taken by Government on the Director of Public Prosecutions is irreconcilable, incoherent and depicts selective interpretation and application of constitutional provisions, says Governance activist Isaac Mwanza.

Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe yesterday said government and State House had no hand in the immunity given to former KCM liquidator Milingo Lungu as Director of Public Prosecutions Lillian Siyunyi acted on her own.

“It is clear that Government is confident that the Judicial Complaints Commission, appointed by the President as Head of Government, will adopt its position and remove the DPP. Government position on the DPP is anchored on the provision of Article 180(7) of the Constitution which makes the DPP not subject to direction and control of any person or authority,” Mwanza stated.

“For Government to conclude based on Article 180(7) that the DPP, who is the Chief Prosecutor for Government, acts unilaterally, without influence from Government is untenable because this same provision exist in the amended Constitution for other constitutional office holders and Commissions yet the decisions by the same offices are influence and entirely adopt the Government position.”

He added: “For example, the Attorney-General, who is the Chief Legal Advisor for Government daily receives instructions from Government, and the Government sees nothing wrong with that even when the Constitution states, in Article 177(4) that: ‘The Attorney-General shall not be subject to the direction or control of a person or an authority in the performance of the Attorney-General’s functions.’”

He stated that Attorney General, who is not subject to control and direction of any person or authority, was himself yesterday at a press briefing in which Government was turning public opinion against its own Chief Prosecutor.

“Since the DPP cannot be sued in own capacity, I wonder then how the Attorney-General can defend the DPP if we attempt to sue the DPP, since the DPP cannot be sued in her own name for official functions,” he stated.
“All our Commissions such as the Civil Service Commission, daily receive guidance, instructions or directions from Ministries before they can perform certain functions such as advertising jobs yet the Constitution, in Article 216(b) states that “ ‘A Commission shall be independent and not be subject to the control of a person or an authority in the performance of its functions’ ’’.

Mwanza stated that Government’s position is therefore irreconcilable in view of the amendments made to the Constitution that extended to the Attorney-General and Commissions, a provision which the Constitution had only applied to the DPP before amendments.

“The removal of the DPP will then require, in the first place, interpretation of Article 177(4) and 180(7) by the Constitutional Court as they apply to both the Attorney-General and DPP, both of whom act on behalf of the same Government, one as Chief Legal Advisor and another as Chief Prosecutor,” stated Mwanza.

UPND’s Great Achievement is Directionless Leadership


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

We do not underestimate the UPND or its achievements. In the years before the election, they tenaciously laid bare the areas of life and policy where the public felt dissatisfied and angry with the PF and its government. They did not win merely by default, but because they managed to capture the public mood. We will learn from that.

Today the UPND government looks very strong and confident. But problems lie ahead. They don’t seem to know where they are headed, and that is dangerous. UPND’s great achievement is directionless leadership: they appear to be in control, but no one knows where they are leading.

They have failed to define the purpose of their government. We perceive no ideological roots. We can detect no sense of direction. They are high on boasting, bragging, rhetoric, posturing and promises. But they will in the end be judged not on what they say but on what they do.

This government is too self-satisfied and too little criticised for its own good or for ours. They have tried to silence all the critical voices by appointing critics or potential critics to some boards, commissions and so on and so forth.

This is not a recipe for governing well. The wheel of fortune turns and that which once appeared fresh, with the passing of time goes to seed.

We are not wishing them ill. We were the first to wish our new government well, and we will do so again. Socialists are patriots and wish to see our country succeed. You will not see us gloat over national reverses, nor talk down their successes, as they did when they were in opposition.

We wish to see the economy improve and give our people a better life. We do not look to defeat UPND on the back of national failure. There will be sufficient grounds without that to argue for their removal.

Catholic Priest allegedly commits suicide by shooting himself


Catholic Diocese of Monze Priest Rev. Fr. Kenan Chibawe has allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself. Sources said Fr. Chibabwe shot himself on Thursday morning in Namwala District Southern Province.

Fr. Chibabwe, who has been in the priesthood since 1999, was aged 50. Police are yet to issue an official statement on the issue.

At the time of his death Fr. Chibawe was the Parish Priest of Holy Cross Parish in Namwala.

Meanwhile, the head of the Catholic Church in Monze Very Rev. Fr. Francesco Airoldi, has announced Fr. Chibabwe’s death without giving details on the circumstances leading to his demise.

Fr. Airoldi, the Monze Diocese Apostolic Administrator, confirmed in a written communication that Fr. Chibabwe died on Thursday morning.

He said Monze Diocese will greatly miss the priest’s contribution to the evangelisation mission of the Church.

“My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, With deep sorrow and sadness, I regret to announce the demise of our beloved Rev. Fr. Kenan Chibawe this morning Thursday, 21st April 2022.Rev. Fr. Chibawe was born on 18th October 1971 and was ordained priest on 14th August 1999. Up until his death, he served in many parishes as Assistant Priest and Parish Priest,” Fr. Airoldi wrote.

“At the time of his death he was the Parish Priest of Holy Cross parish in Namwala. We shall greatly miss his invaluable Contribution to the evangelizing effort in our Diocese. For more details, we will keep you all posted as funeral arrangements are being made. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in eternal peace,” Fr. Airoldi added.