Thursday, March 20, 2025
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Giving Mines a Tax Holiday when Copper Prices are $11 000 per tonne is saddening


Patriots for Economic Progress(PEP) has said that giving the mines a de facto tax holiday at a time that copper prices are at record highs of approximately 11,000 dollars per metric tonne, was a very poor decision by the government because mines have been able to operate and make a profit when copper prices were at 3,500 dollars.

Mr Tembo says it is saddening that Zambia is not benefiting in any way from this windfall while at this point the country should have been leaping huge tax dollars from the mines.

Mr Tembo has advised the new dawn government to come up with homegrown solutions instead of depending on the International Monetary Fund–IMF- bailout package for the country`s economic turnaround, expressing concern that government has premised the entire economic plan on the IMF programme which he said if it does not come through will negatively affect the country`s economic recovery agenda.

Below is the full statement


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. IMF BAILOUT: Believing that Zambia needs an IMF bailout loan in order for us to turnaround our economy. Additionally, Bally has premised his entire economic turnaround plan on the IMF programme, meaning that if the IMF doesn’t come through, he will be scuttled. The truth is that we can turnaround our economy by using homegrown solutions. Simply by stopping the theft of public funds, Zambia can double its revenue base.

2. TAX HOLIDAY: Giving the mines a de facto tax holiday at a time that copper prices are at record highs of approximately $11,000 per metric tonne, was a very poor decision on the part of Bally. The mines have been able to operate and make a profit when copper prices were at $3,500 which means they are now making supernormal profits with copper prices at $11,000. And yet the nation is not benefiting in any way from this windfall. Whether this decision was done in order to pay back the money which the mines funded UPND during its 23 years in opposition or it was just innocent incompetence, remains a matter of speculation. At this point we should have been leaping huge tax dollars from the mines, and we could’ve easily been servicing our debt obligations, including the upcoming Eurobond.

3. GOVT RECRUITMENT: In economics, when they say that employment creation is a key accelerator of economic growth, they do not mean government recruitment to suddenly ballon the civil service, no. They mean private sector employment creation. Am sure Bally wasn’t paying attention during his economics class at UNZA when this topic was being taught. So for him, when he became President he immediately committed to employing 40,000 plus additional civil servants, all at once, at a time when we have the largest fiscal deficit in history. A fiscal deficit means that your expenditure as a country is higher than your revenue. So the natural thing to do under those circumstances is obviously to either cut your expenditure and/or increase your revenue. But Bally is doing the exact opposite. He is increasing expenditure and cutting the revenue through the de facto tax holiday. What a poorly baked economist indeed.

4. SHUNNING LOCAL CONTRACTORS: For whatever reason, Bally has a strong apathy against local contractors and suppliers. My view is that he thinks all these people are affiliated to the previous regime. And therefore, since he wants to punish the previous regime as much as possible, he prefers to shun local contractors and suppliers in preference for foreign ones. A case of ZESCO poles tender is one such example. Bally has also decided not to pay a single local contractor or supplier since coming into office, under the excuse that he is still auditing them. This has destroyed the Zambian entrepreneurial base almost completely. Additionally, this has reduced the amount of money in circulation and also destroyed thousands of jobs. Right now, no matter what you are selling, the business environment is very poor. There is just no demand out there. All thanks to Bally and his desire to punish the previous regime.

Mongu MP call for oil exploration in Western Province


Mongu Central Member of Parliament Oliver Amutike has called for an oil exploration in Western Province following the recent discovery of oil in Namibia.

Mr. Amutike said that the potential of having gas and oil deposits in the province may be possible as the two countries sit on the same belt.

“Namibia just discovered oil deposits. Since Western sits on the same belt there are possibilities of having oil in the region as well”, Mr. Amutike said in an interview.

He told ZANIS that exploration of gas and oil would significantly reduce the cost of fuel for the country.

He has since urged government to explore the idea by engaging various stakeholders noting that the initiative is long term but would have future benefits.

“Although this is a long term undertaking in terms of benefits, government still needs to work with various stakeholders for oil and gas exploration in Western Province,” he urged

He further pointed out that the region is endowed with abundant natural resources which require exploration and which in turn will create employment.

And in a related development Mr. Amutike has called on youths in his constituency to take advantage of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and embark on various income generating activities rather than wait for hand-out from politicians.

He said it was disheartening to note that some youths were complaining that they needed money instead of acquiring skills in various entrepreneurship skills.

“You know I don’t know when this culture of receiving money every time will end among young people. Even in developed countries where the human development index is so high they don’t give out money to people who are able bodied. They invest in skills development”, Mr. Amutike stated.

He called on the youths who have benefited from CDF through scholarships at Mongu Trades to report and acquire skills that would enable them engage in productive activities.

Government Officials Must Be Prohibited From Accepting Gifts


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Easter weekend was ablaze with news of Foreign Affairs Minister Stanley Kakubo visiting Sinoma Cement with a view to “ordering pockets of cement and premix cement,” as he puts it on his Facebook page, whereby some unscrupulous individuals surreptitiously zoomed in on him and took photos of him and offloaded the same on social media.

This immediately elicited a backlash from a number of individuals, for or against:

“Hon. minister; you should not be casual, stop visiting these companies, you can make an order with a phone call, or you could have sent your project manager,” Shadrick Malulu, an expatriate UPND sympathizer based in South Africa weighed in. “You could have refused the gift too.”

A Kitwe based ward councilor, Davies Kasengele had this to say, “You went for a mission which the Chinese were not happy about; and for them to stop you from continuing troubling them, they set a trap of cameras so that after this pressure, they should not be hosting you again.”

“How small was the calendar to fit in a small bag?” wondered Thomas Sipalo, a prominent comedian. “If there were no pics involved, were you still going to explain to the masses what you’ve explained?”

As the minister endured such relentless bashing, there were however some individuals that immediately sprung to his defense.

“Olo wenze na briefcase, ask them ni briefcase yanyoko,”Matomola Likwanya, a senior UPND provincial official wondered.

Hilda Mutanuka further advised the minister as follows; “Sir, stop proving your point. People are still gonna say what suits them; it’s no different from the person throwing stone at a barking dog!”

One may argue that people are entitled to their own opinions in a democracy but it is of course worth considering the serious questions that Democratic Party leader Harry Kalaba who served as Foreign Affairs minister for 4 years raised. He quips, “It’s unprecedented for a Minister of Foreign Affairs to interact with an ambassador outside his office alone. It is beneath his office. And the minister should give a better explanation than the one he has given.”

He goes on to ponder:

  1. How was the Minister buying cement on a holiday?
  2. Why should a company give a calendar to the Minister in mid-April?
  3. Why should the Ambassador meet the Minister when he was doing private errands?

Gears Initiative Zambia Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi seems to sum it all when he weighs in and advises ministers in the new dawn government to avoid situations that compromise President Hakainde Hichilema’s stance on the fight against corruption.

Of course, Hon. Kakubo strikes us as a decent fellow who can’t even hurt a fry. It’s a pity he found himself in such a situation as there wasn’t anything seemingly untoward about the same. To avoid such situations in future, we should simply enact a law prohibiting lavishing of government officials with gifts!

This same democracy we seem to profess is borrowed from the United States of America, we shall cite typical examples from former US President, Barack Obama’s book – A Promised Land.

On a state visit to Saudi Arabia before his famous Cairo speech, Obama found himself a ‘perfect’ guest of the Saudi monarchy. As he retired to King Abdullah’s complex, he was shocked to find himself in a room adorned with enormous gifts!

He describes one of the gifts as thus, “a necklace half the length of a bicycle chain, encrusted with what appeared to be hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of rubies and diamonds – along with a matching ring and earrings.”

One of his officials explained that others in the delegation had equally found cases with expensive watches waiting for them in the rooms.

Apparently, nobody told the Saudis about their stringent prohibition on gifts. We ought to educate our visitors about such to avoid the Kakubo case, moving forward!

Ndola City Council consolidating the various CDF funding applications and proposals from residents


The Ndola City Council has announced that it has commenced consolidating the various Constituency Development Fund (CDF) funding applications and proposals made by the residents living or operating in the four constituencies of Ndola.

Government has increased the amount of the CDF from K1.6 million to K25.7 million per Constituency.

The Fund has since evolved with an expanded scope and increased budget allocation with increased emphasis on enhanced community participation in determining local development priorities.

The expanded scope of the CDF covers three (3) specific areas namely; Community Projects; Youth, Women and Community Empowerment and Secondary Boarding School and Skills Development Bursaries.

Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota said the various proposals and applications have been submitted by the Ward Development Committees (WDC) to the council for onward submission to the CDF Committees.

Ndola City has four constituencies namely Ndola Central, Bwana Mkubwa, Kabushi and Chifubu.

Ms. Mushota said the response from the public has been positive because about 3,000 applications have been received from the residents in Ndola.

For Kawama Ward, the council had extended the deadline to Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

“The Ndola City Council is consolidating the various Constituency Development Fund (CDF) funding applications and proposals made by the residents living or operating in the four constituencies of Ndola. The various proposals and applications were submitted by the Ward Development Committees (WDC) to the Ndola City Council for onward submission to the CDF Committees. The four constituencies are Ndola Central, Bwana Mkubwa, Kabushi and Chifubu.Following the deadline for receiving applications, the Department of City Planning is now consolidating the applications,” Ms. Mushota said.

“For Kawama Ward, the deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19, 2022.The response from the public has been positive as about 3,000 applications have been received from the residents in Ndola. The applications are for education bursaries, community projects, loans and grants for individual businesses, women and youth groups,” she said.

Ms. Mushota added:”The CDF committees, save for Kabushi, have started sitting and are scheduled to complete their selection process by the end of next week. The Kabushi CDF committee is yet to be established. Selected community projects proposals would then be forwarded to the technical appraisal committee for cost assessment.”

She confirmed that the Ndola City Council has so far received K25, 734, 780.20 CDF from the central Government for the four constituencies.

“A list of successful applicants and community project proposals would then be submitted to the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development for approval. The Ndola City Council has so far received K25, 734, 780.20 CDF from the Government for the four constituencies. The Council initially received K2,540, 000 for the first phase of bursaries with each constituency receiving K635,000 on February 8,2022.An amount of K20, 656, 410.32 was received on March 31, 2022 for developmental projects with each constituency receiving K5, 164, 102.58 and K2, 538, 369.88 was received on April 1, 2022 for the second phase of bursaries with each constituency receiving K634, 592.47,” she said.

According to the New Dawn Government, the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) has been identified as a major tool to take resources closer to the people.

The CDF was first established in 1995 to support micro-community projects as part of the wider decentralization and local development policy.

The fundamental objective was to provide resources to bridge the financing gap arising from non-existence sources of funds to finance micro-community led projects in all the Constituencies across the Country.

Government is adequately responding to public health emergencies


Minister of Health Sylvia T. Masebo has said the Government is adequately responding to public health emergencies that include Cholera, Polio and Bilharzia and Covid-19.

Cholera, Polio and Bilharzia have been reported in some parts of the country recently.

During the Ministry of Health press briefing on Monday, Ms. Masebo said the Bilharzia outbreak reported in Kapululira, Chirundu has been resolved by the Ministry of Health.

She revealed that the outbreak which affected 150 school going children aged between 7 and 15 was managed by treating those with symptoms and giving those without prevention treatment.

On polio, Ms. Masebo said 1,477,662 million Children aged 0-5 Years have been vaccinated in 30 districts in the first round after polio was reported in neighbouring Malawi.

She said the Ministry of Health is further preparing for the second round polio vaccination campaign in all 116 districts targeting 4,072,231 children under 5 nationally.

“I am pleased to report that the Bilharzia outbreak in Kapululira, Chirundu that was reported on 7th April 2022, has resolved. The outbreak which affected 150 school going children was managed by treating those with symptoms and giving those without prevention treatment. The persons affected are in the age range 7 to 15 years. Allow me to remind our children to avoid swimming or treading in waters that may be infested with parasites that cause Bilharzia. Remember that people are infected during routine agricultural, domestic, occupational, and recreational activities, which expose them to infested water as the parasite which is commonly hosted in certain types of snails enters one’s body through the skin,” Ms. Masebo said.

She urged families with children under the age of 5 to cooperate and make it easy for Ministry of Health teams during upcoming polio vaccinations.

Ms. Masebo warned that polio is a severely debilitating disease and is not curable.

“I now want to update you concerning our efforts in militating against the threat of polio in our children aged under 5 years. You would recall that late last month we mounted a campaign to vaccinate children in Eastern, Muchinga, and Lusaka provinces on the dates 24-28 March 2022. This followed reports of a positive case of wild type polio in neighbouring Malawi after several years of no case on the continent. This finding implied that polio disease may re-emerge and a strong effort to mitigate against this possibility was required in Malawi and the region,” she said.

“We have vaccinated 1,477,662 million Children Aged 0-5 Years in 30 districts in the first round. This represents 110% of the estimated target. We have heightened surveillance nationally. As at last week, all samples from suspected polio cases have tested negative for wild type polio. We are now working on a second-round campaign nationally to target all children under 5. Training and preparations are now advanced for the next campaign in all 116 districts targeting 4,072,231 children under 5 nationally. I urge all Zambian families with children under 5 to cooperate and make it easy for our teams when they come to offer the polio vaccinations. Remember that polio is a severely debilitating disease and is not curable,” Ms. Masebo stated.

On the cholera situation, Ms. Masebo said seven (7) cases have been confirmed so far.

She, however, said there are no cholera suspected cases reported in the last 24 hours.

“I will now update you on the cholera situation in the country. Lusaka Province through Lusaka and Chilanga Districts have been conducting oral cholera vaccination campaigns after confirming cases in Chilanga’s Middle West and a number of compounds in Lusaka District. A total of 4,328 people in Lusaka and 4,769 in the Chilanga hotspots have received vaccine doses in the last 5 days.”

Ms. Masebo added:“There are no cholera suspected cases reported in the last 24 hours. As of 06:00hrs today, a cumulative total of 7 cases have been confirmed, and 4 probable cases pending confirmation. A total of 6 people have been discharged in Lusaka after receiving treatment in our designated centres. The cases reside in the following areas: Mtendere East, Chilanga Middle East, Kanyama, Kabangwe, Matero and Kalingalinga.We recorded suspected cases in Nsumbu, Nsama District. Of the 5 suspected cases, 1 was confirmed, 2 were negative for cholera and 2 results are still pending.”

WEEKEND SCORECARD: Ricky Banda Takes Pole in FAZ Golden Boot Race


Red Arrows forward Ricky Banda has moved closer to clinching the FAZ Super Division golden boot with three games left in the season.

Banda scored his 14th league goal at the weekend to join Friday Samu at the top of the scorers chart.

He registered his goal in the 15th minute when Arrows edged Kafue Celtic 1-0 at Edwin Imboela Stadium in Lusaka.

Samu had been leading the scorers chart in absentia from January when he left the Super Division to join South African side Maritzburg United.

Banda’s goals have been crucial to Arrows campaign for the Super Division title.

Meanwhile, last year’s league top scorer Moses Phiri is just one goal away from Banda and Samu.

Youngster Albert Kangwanda of Kafue Celtic is on 11 goals.

Third Round, First Leg
Nkoloma Stadium, Lusaka

Zambia 0-Cameroon 2(Mana Lamine 48′, Camilla Daha 67′)

Kafue Celtic 0-Red Arrows 1(Ricky Banda 15′)

Prison Leopards 2(Conlyde Luchanga 68′ 73′)-Green Buffaloes 0

Nkwazi 0-Chambishi 1(Francis Kasaka 76′)

Lusaka Dynamos 2(Fanwell Mapulanga 39′, Moussa Lemisa 55′)-Indeni 0

Green Eagles 2(Emmanuel Mukosha 19′, Amity Shamende 44′)-Konkola Blades 0

Forest Rangers 1(Clifford Mulenga 87′)-Nkana 1(Patrick Gondwe 40′)

Zanaco 2(Lassa Kiala 8′, Kevin Owusu 67′)-Kabwe Warriors 2(Prince Mumba 47′, Tresor Ndaya 90′)

Buildcon 0-Kansanshi Dynamos 1(Daniel Chama 25′)

Power Dynamos 0-Zesco United 0


Napsa Stars 0-Young Green Eagles 0


Luapula Green Eagles 2-0 (Quattro Kalumbila
Michael Mubemba 46’, Paul Malama 64’ )

Kysa 1-0 Trident
(Ayoub Banda 63’)

Young Green Buffaloes 1-3 Nchanga Rangers
( Chibesa Kaunda 25’/ Angel Lubamba 13’, Christian Saile 48’, 58’)

City of Lusaka 2-3 to Mufulira Wanderers
(Clement Shimonda 11’, Happy Nsofwa 74’/ Joseph Mumbi 42’, Manix Nengelwa 57’pen, Owen Mwamba 60’)

Zesco Malaiti 1-1 Jumulo
(John Chilangwa ‘?/Thomas Mubita 58′)

FC MUZA 2-1 Livingstone Pirates
(Andrew Phiri 13’ 90’ pen / Poniso Liseli 74’)

Gomes 1-3 Police College
(Jonathan Tembo ?’/Austin Chichi Jr?’, Nesto Mwilambwe ?’ ‘? )

Kitwe United 2-1 Lumwana Radiants
(?’, Joseph Chanda 37’/Clive Biyeta 39′)

Ricky Banda(Red Arrows):14
Friday Samu (Green Buffaloes):14

Moses Phiri (Zanaco):13

Albert Kangwanda(Kafue Celtic):11

Conlyde Luchanga (Prison Leopards):9
John Chingandu (Zesco):9
Hosea Silwimba (Green Eagles):9
Jimmy Ndhlovu (Kabwe Warriors):9
Alex Ngonga (Nkana):9

Clifford Mulenga (Forest Rangers):8
Jesse Were(Zesco 2/Kansanshi 6):8

Christopher Zulu(Nkwazi):7
Martin Njobvu (Green Buffaloes):7
Lubinda Mundia(Buildcon):7
Godfrey Ngwenya (Power Dynamos):7

Brian Mwila(Buildcon/Power Dynamos 2):6
James Chamanga (Red Arrows):6
Clement Mulenga(Indeni):6
Quadri Kola(Forest Rangers):6
Tapson Kaseba (Buildcon/Konkola Blades 3):6
Derrick Bulaya (Green Eagles):6

George Ngoma (Green Buffaloes):5
Jacob Kaunda(Chambishi):5
Timothy Sakala (Buildcon/Kansanshi 1):5
Cephas Handavu(Indeni):5
Thomas Chideu (Forest Rangers):5

Fred Mulambia (Power Dynamos):4
Bruce Musakanya(Kansanshi):4
Eric Chomba (Forest Rangers):4
Owen Tembo (Konkola Blades):4
Jacob Ngulube(Nkana):4
Ronald Kampamba (Nkana):4
Joseph Phiri (Red Arrows):4
Kilo Mwepu (Power Dynamos):4
Stephen Mutama (Nkwazi):4
Junior Zulu (Prison Leopards):4
Kelvin Mubanga(Zesco):4

Mighty, Brave and Napsa in Last Push For Super Division Promotion


Napsa Stars, Brave Nchanga Rangers and Mighty Mufulira Wanderers are all fighting for the last two promotion spots in the FAZ National Division One Championship with two matches officially left in the season,

Leaders Lumwana Radiants and second placed FC MUZA have already secured promotion back to the FAZ Super Division.

Lumwana and MUZA are now battling it out for the championship.

Napsa missed a chance to win early promotion during the Easter weekend after a frustrating goalless draw at home against Young Green Eagles in Lusaka.

Third placed Napsa moved to 57 points, four ahead of fourth positioned Nchanga Rangers.

Rangers maintained their position following a 3-1 away win over Young Green Buffaloes away in Lusaka.

Nchanga have 53 points in 32 matches played.

Mighty Mufulira Wanderers kept their promotion hopes alive when edging City of Lusaka 3-2 away at Woodlands Stadium in the capital city.

Fifth placed Mighty are on 52 points, just one behind Nchanga.

Wanderers have recorded three consecutive wins.

FAZ National Division One – Week 32 Results

Kabwe Youth 1-0 Trident FC

Napsa Stars 0-0 Young Green Eagles

Young Buffaloes 1-3 Nchanga Rangers

City of Lusaka 2-3 Mufulira Wanderers

MUZA FC 2-1 Livingston Pirates

Gomes FC 1-3 Police College

Luapula Green Eagles 2-0 Quattro Kalumbila

Kitwe United 2-1 Lumwana Radiants

Zesco Malaiti Rangers 1-1 Jumulo FC

Top 8

1. Lumwana 63 Points
2. MUZA 63
3. Napsa 57
4. Nchanga 53
5. Mighty 52
6. Kitwe 47
7. Jumulo 46
8. Eagles 46

Close collaboration between Zambia and Zimbabwe key in attaining sustainable development


The government says close collaboration between Zambia and Zimbabwe will be key in attaining sustainable development for both countries.

Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says working together will be important for the two countries to achieve a common vision for the African continent.

Speaking when she officiated at Zimbabwe’s National day meant to commemorate 42 years of independence for that country, Ms Kasanda who is also Minister of Information and Media said increased partnership at the bilateral and regional levels is needed for the sustainable development to be achieved.

The Minister also observed that Zambia and Zimbabwe have a lot in common including their quest to become lower middle-income countries by 2030 in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ms Kasanda further identified the Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) as the framework that has aided issues of common between the two countries.

“Regarding Development Cooperation, our framework of cooperation has been through the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation (JPCC) through which matters of mutual interest are being discussed in various fields including Agriculture, Infrastructure Development, Education, Customs, Culture as well as Science and Technology,” he said.

The Chief Government Spokesperson commended Zimbabwe for efforts that the country has made towards peace and security in the region with particular reference to the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) which has supported the fight against insurgency in Cabo Del Gado Province.

She said the common membership in the regional blocs by both Zimbabwe and Zambia indicate similar aspiration regarding peace and security.

“Our common membership to international organisations such as the Southern African Development (SADC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern African (COMESA) and United Nations (UN) indicate similarity in aspirations for peace, security and prosperity for our people,” Ms Kasanda said.

Speaking on the same occasion, Zimbabwean Ambassador to Zambia Charity Charamba disclosed that her Government has adopted a Diaspora Policy that aims to harness the social economic contributions of all of its nationals living in Zambia and other countries.

Mrs Charamba said international migration has become an established feature of the social and economic developmental agenda.

She added that to this effect, her Government has been encouraging Zimbabwean nationals living in Zambia to invest back home.

Mrs Charamba said the Diaspora Policy gives nationals living in Zambia awareness about opportunities they can explore back home.

“The policy outlines the opportunities for people in the Diaspora to contribute towards national development. In line with this policy, the procedures for in-bound investments have been streamlined through the creation of the Zimbabwe Development Agency (ZIDA) offering one-stop-shop services to prospective investors,” Mrs Charamba said.

The Ambassador also applauded the Zambian Government for its role in the fight against corruption, upholding the rule of law, youth empowerment, media reforms and strides taken in the fight against COVID-19 amongst other successes.

Farmers urged to Fight climate Change through conservation farming


Farmers in Kalomo District, Southern have been urged to embrace the concept of climate smart agriculture owing to the prevailing ecological changes.

Kalomo District Commissioner, Joshua Sikaduli observes that farmers still can do better even in harsh climatic conditions if they strive hard to adapt to conservation farming practices being propagated by several stakeholders who have come on board to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“Food security has been threatened by climate change for now, therefore, promoting conservation agriculture and embracing crop diversification through planting drought tolerant crops is the other way to be in line with the United Nations’ World Food Programme strategic goal to fight hunger and reduce it to Zero,” Sikaduli observes.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Sikaduli made the remarks when he officiated at a field day organized by the Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) under the auspices of the World Food Programme (WFP) at Mr. Samuel Chuumpuka’s farm in Choonga ward over the Easter weekend.

The District Commissioner was also elated to learn that ADRA has given out farm mechanisation implements such as rippers to 60,000 farmers in the 32 agriculture camps of Kalomo, alongside providing them with over 40,000 air tight- Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags, to prevent their agro produce from going to waste.

And ADRA Kalomo project coordinator, Norman Nguni has challenged farmers to seriously collaborate with the camp extension officers to learn the new concepts of its Early Drought Recovery project which is being implemented in the district.

Meanwhile, WFP says an electronic market system for some selected farm produce such as cow peas and soya beans is readily available and urged them to take up the initiative of pooling up their produce together and source for buyers online who can buy the commodity at reasonable prices.

The field day which attracted several farmers from different agriculture camps in the district was conducted under the theme ‘Growing of drought tolerant crops and practicing conservation farming for increased yields, food security, nutrition and profitability in times of climate change.’

Kasoma Lunga depot in in the Lunga district of Luapula province gutted


Goods worth thousands of Kwachas have been destroyed in an inferno at a goods depot of Kasoma Lunga in the Lunga district of Luapula province.

The sad incident has left several traders who conduct their businesses in Lunga Island from surrounding villages stranded.

Confirming the incident to ZANIS in an interview today, Bennard Chalwe a victim says he has lost 49 bags of charcoal, 25 bags of mealie- meal and some money which he had kept in the gutted depot.

“Myself and six other friends we came from Chilubi Islands to do business here in Lunga, but we are now stranded here because we have lost all we had in the depot,” Mr Chalwe 56 lamented.

Meanwhile, lunga Ward Councilor Morris Oka has since called on the Government to assist the victims in any way possible.

Mr Oka said fortunately no life was lost in the unfortunate calamity, but that goods worth thousands of kwacha have been lost.

“The cause of fire has not been established though a suspected coxswain has been apprehended by the police to help with investigations.

He said it is alleged that the apprehended coxswain was seen entering the Depot with a container of petrol after docking and unloading the goods he was carrying from the boat.

Mr Oka further said that the coxswain did not know that a certain woman had also left a lit brazier inside the depot where she was cooking from.

The Counselor has also called on well-wishers to come on board with any assistance to the victims who have lost goods.

Information and Media PS appealed to media houses to be professional and uphold media ethics


Information and Media Permanent Secretary Kennedy Kalunga has appealed to media houses to be professional and uphold media ethics in their operations.

Mr. Kalunga says the government has freed the media to set its own reportorial and editorial agenda and should therefore be responsible in their reporting.

ZANIS reports that Mr Kalunga was speaking in Luanshya today, when he visited Roan FM, a new radio station currently undergoing test transmission.

“ During our eight months in office, the new dawn government has freed the media , it was unheard of for public media houses to cover dissenting opinion political voices without intimidation” He said.

Mr Kalunga said the government has further restored the safety of journalists and had further actively supported and facilitated media efforts to come up with self-regulatory mechanisms aimed at strengthening the media progression.

He urged the new radio stations to uphold and follow laid down guidelines of the test transmission and also help in sensitization in key issues such as health and disaster emergencies.

And speaking earlier, Roan FM Director Nonde Mwamba appealed to the PS to help mushrooming stations with a credit line which would help in accessing equipment that can be paid for over a period of time.

“ The credit line would help us to acquire up to date equipment, our current transmitter is on point but we need modern equipment that can allow us to reach far flung areas, and it is such credit facilities that we are appealing to your office to facilitate“ Mr Mwamba appealed.

He said the radio station was only broadcasting to Luanshya and part of Ndola due limitations on the transmitter.

Mr Mwamba said the once fully operational, the

Radio station would be able to create jobs.

ZPPA writes to Zesco seeking an explanation on Tender for Electricity Poles


The Zambia Public Procurement Authority(ZPPA) has written to Zesco seeking an explanation on how the tender for the supply of electricity wooden poles was handled.

This follows an official complaint laid by former Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and PF Presidential hopeful, Emmanuel Mwamba.

Mr Mwamba wrote an official complaint to both the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Zambia Public Procurement Authority(ZPPA).

Mr Mwamba stated that the shortlisting and directly limited bidding for the supply and delivery of wooden poles to ZESCO which was only opened to foreign companies was being driven by irregularities and acts of corruption.

And both ZAFFICO and the Zambia Manufacturers Association (ZMA) have confirmed that enough wooden poles are available locally and have expressed concern that ZESCO rushed to foreign companies in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

ZPPA Director-General Idah Chellah says her office has taken a keen interest in the matter which has seen public outcry and management at the power utility firm must respond to the Authority on the concerns.

Ms Chellah said tentatively the firm has indicated that it relied on the PPA Act section 43 (1) which if the matter is an emergency or an account of urgency and limited bidding and speaks to limited selection as provided for in the law in terms of getting value for money and obtain competition.

She said in an interview that although Zesco may have followed the law to the latter, ZPPA wants to understand how the matter was handled so that the authority can make a determination on the matter.
Ms Chulu stated that the authority will give feedback to the public after getting the response.

The ACC is yet to respond on the matter.

PRO’S HIT LIST: Fashion and Patson in Weekend Wins


Here are selected briefs of how our foreign-based players fared at their respective clubs over the weekend.

-SuperSport United:
Gamphani Lungu inspired SuperSport United to victory win an assists in Saturdays 1-0 away Gauteng derby victory over Kaizer Chiefs.

-Sekhukhune United: Goalkeeper Toaster Nsabata and midfielder Roderick Kabwe played the full 90 minutes of Saturdays 1-0 home loss to TS Galaxy while striker Justin Shonga was substituted in the 46th minute.

-Mamelodi Sundowns: Kennedy Mweene was on the bench of Saturdays 2-1 away loss in Angola to Petro Luanda in their CAF Champions League quarterfinal, first leg match.


-Midtjylland: Midfielder Edward Chilufya in action on Monday evening at home against AaB.
He was last in action on April 13 as a 61st minute substitute of Midtjylland’s 3-2 away win over Randers.

-Horsens: Midfielder Lubambo Musonda played the full 90 minutes of third placed Horsens 2-1 away win over number two team Lyngby on Saturday.


Striker Evans Kangwa played the full 90 minutes for bottom placed Arsenal Tula in 2-1 home loss to Rostov on Sunday but was not on target.
His brother Klings missed the game due to suspension after he was sent-off in last weekend 3-0 away loss at Spartak Moscow.


Defenders Kabaso Chongo and Tandi Mwape played the full 90 minutes of TP Mazembe’s 0-0 away draw at Pyramids FC of Egypt in Sundays 2021/22 CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinal first leg match in Cairo.

Simba SC were also on CAF Confederation Cup quarterfinal first leg action on Sunday.
They beat Orlando Pirates of South Africa 1-0 in Dar es Salaam in a match midfielder Rally Bwalya came off the bench in the 56th minute.


Defender Aime Mabika enjoyed a second straight 90 minutes for Inter-Miami on Sunday who beat Seattle Sounders 1-0 away to record their second successive league win.


-Rangers: Striker Fashion Sakala came on in the 102nd minute of extra-time of Rangers 2-1 derby victory over Celtic in Sundays Scottish FA Cup semifinal.
Rangers will face Hearts in the final on May 25.

-Raith Rovers:
Defender Frankie Musonda was back to winning ways after two successive losses for 2nd Division club Raith Rovers.
Musonda played the full 90 minutes of fourth placed Raith’s 1-0 away to number four club Partick Thistle.


-Brighton: Enock Mwepu came off at halftime of Brighton’s 1-0 away win over Tottenham on Saturday.

-Leicester City:
Patson Daka started in Leicester City’s 2-1 away loss at Newcastle United on Sunday before being substituted in the 78th minute without a goal.

New Chinese Ambassador to Zambia arrives to assume duty


Newly-appointed Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Du Xiaohui arrived in Zambia on Sunday afternoon and affirmed his country’s commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with Zambia.

The new Ambassador takes up office at a time when Zambia and China relations appear frosty as the new Dawn administration adopted a Look West Policy, neglecting a long held strong ties with China.

Upon arrival at Kenneth Kaunda Airport in Lusaka, Ambassador Du and his wife were welcomed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Director of the Department of Development Cooperation and International Organisations Mr. Sylvester Mundanda, Mr. Lai Bo, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy and other Embassy Officers are also among the welcoming team.

In a brief speech upon arrival at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, Ambassador Du said that the all-weather friendship between China and Zambia was forged by Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, President Kaunda and other founding fathers, and has been carefully nurtured by President Xi Jinping and generations of leaders of the two countries.

He said the Zambia-China ties have stood the test of time and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples.

“China-Zambia relations have become a benchmark for China-Africa friendship and a model of South-South cooperation. China-Africa relations are now at a historical starting point of building a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era, and both China and Zambia have entered a new stage of development, Ambassador Du said.

He pledged that his colleagues will uphold the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation proposed by President Xi Jinping.

Ambassador Du said he will work to forge ahead courageously with people from all walks of life, endow the China-Zambia traditional friendship with new connotations of the times, benefit the two countries and peoples, and continue to make contributions to China-Africa friendship, South-South cooperation and world peace.

Mr. Du is the 16th Chinese Ambassador to Zambia.

He previously held posting in Hamburg, Germany and Malta.

Newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Du Xiaohui on arrival at KKIA.
Newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Du Xiaohui on arrival at KKIA.

Copperbelt is dying, recapitalize KCM, Mopani now-Nkana MP


Independent Nkana Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu has urged the UPND government to quickly recapitalise Mopani and KCM in order to resuscitate the economy of the Copperbelt.

Mr. Mpundu said the two giant mining companies have been on oxygen for a very long time and this has exposed the people to serious economic malaise.

He said the only and quick way out of this malaise is to find a solution for KCM and Mopani by way of recapitalization otherwise life will get far unbearable for the people.

“The Copperbelt’s economy particularly Kitwe, Mufulira, Chingola, Kalulushi and Luanshya is anchored around the mining companies namely KCM and Mopani and other small mines,” he said.

Mr Mpundu also stressed the importance of promoting small scale mining activities.

“The so called Jerabos, Cooperatives and youths in general should be allowed to be fomalized into small scale miners and be given all slag dumps.(ama black mountains) and all tailing dams in all mining towns. This will create a lot of economic activities that will in turn support smaller businesses, our mothers in the markets and those dealing in saloons, barbershops and those selling food as we look for lasting solutions for these two giant mines and other smaller mines,” he said.

He added, “My only appeal as i make this request is to appeal for proper and selfless management of these resources not what we have done so far.”