Saturday, March 15, 2025

We’ll beat MMD, declares PF


The opposition Patriotic Front (PF) in Serenje district has claimed that the October 30, 2008 presidential by-election will be the end of the MMD government because the later will be defeated.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS today, district party chairperson, Martin Chikate said he was confident that the PF would win the forthcoming by-election because chances were now higher than in the previous elections.

Mr. Chikate, who could however not completely rule out acting President Rupiah Banda, said if the MMD wins the presidential by-election, it could be by a small margin.

He said PF campaigns in the district have already started and were so far going on well.

“We are already in the field and working hard.  Things can go either way but the opposition stands a better chance,” he said.

Mr. Chikate has since urged PF cadres in the area to go flat out campaigning and leave no stone unturned.

He said he had no problem with the urban electorate because even in the last general election, PF presidential candidate did well.

Mr. Chikate said the only problem would be in the rural areas where the PF needed to worker hard to ensure victory.

And The Patriotic Front, PF, has extended an olive branch to its Members of parliament who are taking part in the National Constitutional Conference.

PF spokesperson, Given Lubinda, says the MPs are free to return to the party and be incorporated in the presidential campaign team.

The PF had differed with some of its members of parliament after they defied an order to shun the National Constitutional Conference.

The opposition party expelled the MPs for disobeying instructions.

However, the rebel MPs contested the action in court and were granted an injunction restraining their party from harassing them.

However Mr. Lubinda told journalists in Lusaka, Monday that the MPs are now free to return to the party.

He said the MPs should campaign for party President, Michael Sata, ahead of the Presidential by-election, scheduled for October 30th.



  1. Lets all vote HH, Serenje is on the Great North Road… dont let me start with Northerners. Plunderer in Action man Clothing

  2. I do not hate bembas, all I am saying is they can never rule with Honesty. If you want honest Government exclude the dishonest people, has anyone read their history and how Chiti lead his people into northern Zambia from teh Congo???

  3. Ka tona, I do have friends but they are all strippers, tonite i will be at Majic city, but for now i am working, and work is slow so im occupying my mind and waiting on Lunch time to come in 40 minutes….

  4. #6 Chengelo Alumni…YOU STUPID FOOL…you are such people that have caused chaos in countries like kenya, burundi, Ruanda etc….how dare you foolishly talk about other tribes like that….a dishonest person can come from any tribe…just like you are…very stupid…i wish you dead…our country dont need such retrogresive people….Zambia can be lead by anybody except you…atase!!!******we!

  5. hei lovely people,all abroad,are you coming to vote,you talk with so much insight ,i hope you be here to make your vote counted whoever you want in plot 1..

  6. Kanshi chinshi fwe ba Bemba twachita? lekeni to Vote namano uyu mweshi uleisa. We need leaders who can lead the country to greater heights so that we start thinking of going back home and share the cake.

  7. ATL says its not for Bembas, pheeeew …. maybe thsi time i wont be labele as tribalist… I work on peachtree industrial, close to mechanicsville, u have a long commute

  8. uyu galu Chengelo Alumni aoneka monga ni brains to analyse issues. just following blindly…and get me right please, am not saying tongas are bad people…its just the way this foll is coming out so tribal…very useless

  9. are a chidish adult who does not understand anything .The topic above must be tactled and not a tribe.Looking forward to have a mature contribution from you.

  10. How can SATA win, when everyone wants RB?
    How can he win when all he is saying is that he will defeat RB?
    He is promissing defeat when his friends are promissing economic development!
    Is defeating RB the issue people want to hear?
    You can see what talking too much can do to someone now, eh!
    How can someone tell a lady to say when i propose you are going to say, ‘YES’. She can even decide the other way if she is wise.
    Is SATA the one voting for him to assure us a win.
    Others are assuring us of issues of national interest, him assures the electorate of winning, ah aa!

  11. are a chidish adult who does not understand anything .The topic above must be tactled and not a tribe.Looking forward to have a mature contribution from you.

  12. Monknet or is it monkey… why dont you analyze the issue so i can see how you guys do it?? ….for 2 days i have played devils advocate and i have reffered to the problem in the north to see the reaction, and I have analysed that people do hate tongas, so sad… no one will take responsibility for the chiluba error… go figure damn northerners

  13. ATL you are lucky, after i drop my kid off at school it takes me almost 30-45 minutes depending on traffic on I-75… thank god for the radio… you probably have seen me, but i rarely go out. parenting all day everyday

  14. Lets just vote wisely.Everyone is a tribalist, lets put this aside when voting if we want our country to progress.Its not about who is talking more about tribalism. whoever goes to plot one will have to rule every zambian regardless of tribe. So Zambians, lets vote for the best man who we think is going to take our country forward. Tribe or no tribe, quality should be the issue!


  16. My nigga I never applied to be bemba its a beautiful thing that happened to me and baby i love every bit of my bemba heritage so Mr 26 U can hang. Tu lekana noku kwata sense Humor U can hang…..

  17. If the North and the South work together on dis one, its licked!
    However, if PF and UPND decide otherwise, MMD wins and brace yourselves with more nonsense from Mulongoti and Teta.
    I however do not know how to vote bcoz either way we(Zedians) lose.
    Unless Sata lets the young man to take over which is unlikely.

  18. u mean this chengelo alumini even has kids. all my God please have mercy on them coz their parent needs prayers. i was hoping he was jus an exsay at college

  19. I am pained whenever people reduce the all-important choice of who is best suited to run our national affairs to a matter of tribe.What we don’t realise is that we all lose in the end! Zambia, we can do better than that!!

  20. When it is time to lead a country, only leaders will lead.
    Others will strugle, insult, shout etc. but the one who is a leader will go ahead and lead.
    Some people worked very hard for “Third Term” in 2001, but when it came to the leader for the moment, Mwanawasa, he was followed up where he was peacefully minding his own business.
    Again in 2006, some of those same people campaigned their lungs out promissing everybody everything in 90 days, but they are still strugling.
    Again a leader of the moment, RB, was followed up where he was busy chilling with his family.
    You see, the bible also says the battle is not to the strong, the swift, the mighty, etc. but time and chance happen to all.

  21. #26 get a life Zambians are more integrated then you little thinking,my wife is tonga my first cousins are lozi’s ,my dad’s elder brother is Namwanga,and my auntie is from eastern province.who ever wins, wins and a Zambian loving citizen will support the chosen one.Good luck to all the voters and chose wisely.GOD bless our Nation.

  22. I truly dnt c RB having th desire to rule,al he toks abt is carying th legacy..he goes furtha to tel hs party to cmpaign n issues,meaning he has seen has irelevant thy tok.we js nid change pliz

  23. Almost all the chiefs are behind RB. I can assure you this time is for RB. That means the village power is behind RB, and it will be unwise for any politician to underate the ‘power of the village’.
    If some politicians thing that a vote coming from a man who drives a benz or volvo, or jaguar in town is more important than a vote from a villager who runs away when he says a car, is mistaken greatly because ECZ knows no person but vote.
    RB will get it, there is little you can do, but of course dont give up. Life is about attempting, and attempting for as long as you are not yet sure whether you are tired or not, keep on. But if you continue enjoying to tear and split your volts in town, Oh!

  24. #37. Insight,
    That same legacy message is his advantage, among others.
    That legacy even the opposition are desiring it, but it is not their advantage at this time; it is in RB’s favour.
    So his talk about legacy of great value to him and his party, this is true, i hope you know.
    Even PF’s sata is now saying “I am the one who understood the vision better because we met for 2 hours. I will biuld on his legacy.”
    so dont underate legacy, but we all know that this legacy issue favours MMD more than any other party.
    So beware of legacy message

  25. Show maturity bloggers. Take time to analyse what you read otherwise you end up thinking the wrong way and misinterpreting everything. There is a lot of nonsense above. You are destroying instead of building. DO away with tribe nonsense and embrace each other for a common good of our country.

    Mature please!!!

  26. #41 fine,
    Bt i wud like to knw if al he has 4 zambians is legacy,u c LPM was an individual of hs own,and he wud hav caried ot wateva he wntd in a difrnt style had he bn wth us lelo..RB i doubt even knws wat the late envisagd,if u saw hm last nyt n tv o uv read n th he did was read ot wat we oredy knw.politics and cmpaignin is wat u promise pipo.nt telin them wat ur predesecor did.

  27. With a few exeptions, most of you are beneath my dignity. The level of debate is low. Today,therefore, I will not comment except that PF, whether you are a party of thieves or not, you are entitled do express confidence. That is politics.

  28. #45. Insight,
    Am sure you know what it means to build on legacy.
    Building on legacy means that you dont destroy what you predicessor has laid as foundation, unless you find it to be faulty.
    This means you use you leadership style to complete or even expand.
    Surely you cannot do exactly what the other one did, buld then your building will remain at foundation level.
    So RB says he will “build” on the legacy; that means he will move it forward and/or even expand on it.
    You cant have no vission and say you will build on, how.
    RB has a vision, and that he use incorporate and buld on what was left, not only by Mwanawasa, but every “good thing” left by KK and FTJ.

  29. Nice comments above. I hope we will all vote for a person of our choice.RB is too advantaged because of the State Machinery. MMD NEC considered this for them to opt for RB. It will be extremely hard for the Opposition to win.They have been cought napping.

  30. Widely build and maintain this confidence but sincerely accept defeating results too.It will not do to come up with usual accusations and useless thuggerly acrobatics on the fateful day on reality.But be advised that we have never lost a “must win election”. This is just that and you are in for a debilitating defeat.Hope you have contigent evacuation plans for a potentially prone sata to a final heart attack from the after all measurement, analysis and variable, MMD is winning this race.Better find qualified political analysts in elections and campaign management to feed you the truth than a Nchelenge based cadre with no clue of “real politik”.

  31. #51 i agree that LT is slowly going to the dogs. Can’t even debate maturely anymore coz u just end up being insulted by a juvenile.

  32. I am Tonga and happily living among Bembas. I dont regard myself tribal nor do I C myself as a selfish being. Ive not CN any sign of thivery among my Bember neighbours nor do I feel ukukankambwa because Im Tonga. My wife is Tonga and I have 5 Children, Non of them has reported to me that Bembas are bad people. By the way I have bn in this neighbourhood for 8 years. The tribal sentments you post on this blog is just in your minds. I somehow understand why Chengelo has bn posting what he has bn posting and Im sure he wanted you people that call us Tonga all those tittles to have a feel of how it feels to be called what you are not. DID U KNOW THAT TONGAS, BEMBAS, SHONAS & GOBAS ARE THE SAME

  33. Shame on you VJ, stay off politics and the rigging. You have done enough damage. People lets wake up and put shame on this MMD liars.

  34. Muramo you are right, its just that chengelo is young and was told by the elders `tongas` that Bembas are thieves, its not a fact, am Tumbuka but i find peace associating with both tongas and bembas. We should all work for 1 gaol and that is change with development.

  35. #57 Muramo thats a great comment. These so called tribalist won’t defend their views in person, they are hiding behind the pseudo name.

  36. I for 1 am deeply let down by my fellow tribes man who still think will should continue to live in isolation or tribal groups. Challenge for you, its Sata for now and HH next term.

  37. I agree that this is not a time of declaring defeat when you are not selling your manifesto to the electorates.I read a good manifesto on PF today,hope they can communicate the same to the electorates tomoro when they hold their first rally. RBs address to the nation last night was great, especially on the directive on dealing with the high fuel prices. The only thing that sadens me is the fact that RB seems to have no plan of his own as candidate bachili naba dabwa ati he’ll be contesting….yes he can carry on the legacy, but wat about him as a candidate wat would he do to say this is RB, other than that Zambia may as well continue in an acting state!!

  38. #65 shi mugodi true,im waitin for RB to tel us y we shud go n 30 th October and brave th heat to vote fo hm..he seems nt to knw tht its cmpaign tym,today he wants th fuel prices to be curtailed,were was he al th time wen zambia was having such high fuel costs,RB tel pipo wat u stand 4,nt tok abt cntnuity,hu eva takes over wil cntnue runing govt,bt hw?thts wat campaignin is abt..

  39. What Does the bush serenje pf headman know.?he thinks what pf got in 2006 ll be the same as this year?u are cheating your villagers. People ve seen the economics progess the country has attained.This time it ll be a landslide victory for MMD.

  40. MMD is really getting on my nerves. Ba Sata please come together na HH. We cant remove this MMD rubbish when we split the votes.

  41. it had to take some deluded chap from serenje to issue such a statement. PF has already lost quite a number of seats from parley because they bought chitenges for the electorate. anyway someone really has to convince me to vote for a party that has never had a convention to democratically elect its leader. MMD has semblance of democracy though they tend to have undisclosed candidates.

  42. According to pf website,the isue of a merger remains wth upnd as pf hav oredy put it to them.i strongly suport a merger aswel

  43. Speaking tribally really disgusts me c’mon this day n age? am zambian so when we vote to hell with where am form i.e r.b , sata or h.h its about OUR ZAMBIA AND DEVELOPMENT

  44. CHENGELO ALUMNI, people on this blog have called you all sorts of names including, DOG, TRIBALISTIC, IMMATURE (EXSAY) and just PLAIN GARBAGE.

    My point is why don’t you take a break from this blog and let mature people contribute whilst you prepare for your shift at the strip club in your bikini briefs?

    I for one find your contributions irrelevant, inconsistent and down-right stupid, nothing more than tribal rants! STEP YOUR GAME UP OR GO FLAUNT YOUR ASS AT DAT JOINT!

  45. Fellow Zambians, Lets face facts, enjoying peace in poverty, peace in rags, love in shantys. We need to change from one leader to the other for this will expose us to plan and ideaologies. we can’t keep a dead man’s plan. Chance has come for us to change goverments and leaders, for now its Sata then HH.

  46. There are reasons to sympathize with some you armchair critics here 24/7 belaboring in vanity year after year till Christ comes.Victory does not come out of wish wash rhetoric but works and vestures.Here is an election that requires a country wide touch down and patching.To make an impact a candidate needs a bottomless logistical capacity estimatable to the intrinsic value of not less than ZK 20 Billion and not less than 53 reliable automobiles, 103 bicycles and operation ration.Yet day in and out you are just dreaming without bumping up any ngwee for your candidate but expecting him to reach out to all voters before October 30th.Good luck.

  47. If the results of the last election are anything to go,we can safely suspect that the MMD might win this contest.Firstly the opposition have not done anything to suggest that they will come together for this election and we suspect that the vote will be split ,again in favour of the MMD.
    Secondly,apart from the MMD candidate changing ,nothing else has changed ,its the big 3 on centre stage again.The new candidate has an inbuilt advantage in that he will be entitled to use Governmnet resources to conduct his campaign and sell himself.The opposition have not demonstrated thus far that they have made inroads in the rural areas where they lost the vote last time around and we suspect that

  48. Get your history right #57. Bembas and Tongas are not the same. Bembas are Luba Lundas while Tongas are from the great lakes. That is why they differ in character and deeds. While Bembas like short cuts and are prone to theft tendences, Tongas are hard working and upright people – no offence. Watch your family closely in that Bemba neighbourhood of yours. The fact that they have not yet robbed you does not mean that they won’t. Stealing is inherent in these Bemba chaps; don’t say you were not warned.

  49. from#83 they will be unable to do so in the 80 or so days remaining before election date.

    Do not forget the element of the sympathy vote,it will play a factor in some areas in this election,consider also that the Eastern province will most likely vote for the MMD candidate and that my fellow bloggers will be the recipe for the MMD win.

    Unless we see a new strategy from the opposition, one that is specifically targeted at eating away at the MMD rural vote, we can safely conclude that MMD will be in the money come Nov 1.

  50. Our farming community has no time for empty rhetoric for a change that will not serve their interest.With Agricultural support incentives they want to keep improving themselves using what is tangibly in their hands.The MMD policies on Agriculture and free medical care are policies they are asking to be improved on only other than reverting to the Agricultural sabotage with impunity that Sata and Chiluba presided on the nation.Zambians want continuity other than gumbling.

  51. I am glad that we at least have some Tonga bulls who will not beat around the bush. Even before people employ a houseboy guard or maid they ask where are you from, very few bemba servants because they are not loyal and they steal and dont respect the boss.. #84 I am glad that while i was away you have tried to teach all these ignorant phackers the truth. Zambia is behind because they are no bulls who wont take sh*t from plunderers. Bulls stand up Now

  52. Pragmatist we’re interested in knowing how you came up with those figures you’ve qouted and whether the party you support MMD have such resources at their disposal…we are also alarmed that you appear to be suggesting that without such obscene amounts of money/resources no one can realistically expect to win an election in Zambia.Are you suggesting that the poor will have no say in the way the country is governed?

    Remember that back in 1991 KK lost the elections purely because the people decided the hour had come for change.That to us signifys that that the peoples will shall always prevail once they unite in belief and purpose.

  53. All you people supporting RB Are you even pa zed?. Coz u dont know what you are talking about. RBs only vision is to live on a dead mans dream and investment from the Chinese only. RB is a hopeless chap. SATA or HH only kwapwa.

  54. Chengelo Alumni, please be issue based and objective. Every individual is intitled to his or her opinion.The Choncholi`s who have been surviving on cabbage while servicing the so called Inkoloko are actually considering to bring in quality spare parts for the UBWATO to be fully repaired, reason being that the cabbage they have been depending on has suddely dried up, hence abandoning Inkoloko for the Ubwato. VIVA PF,VIVA KING KOBRA

  55. This nosence must of tongas and bembas must end becouse at the end of the day zambia might be divided. If some one proves to have good leadership qualities let them be leaders no matter which tribe they are from. I am a pure TONGA as they say in bemba nipa bwato fye

  56. Why is it that tongas are the only tribe thirsty for power? the other tribes do not complain about who is in power. Maybe Tongas have a plan I dont know about

  57. #84 Tonga Bull-UK, utekanye sana, I have always fancied your comments until today in your #84 contribution. You see, when we talk about One Zambia, One Nation. we mean people should not be judged as groups but as individuals. The traits you have associated to Bembas are baseless and unjustifiable, so are the traits you have associated to Tongas.There are surely people that are other tribes and brought up in a different province than that of their parents, where then will such people get their traits according to simplified social science? The answer is….. they are just individuals whose destiny they shall determine themselves. Their destiny should not be determined by their race or tribe

  58. All you contributors have you read what Sata said of ba RB in the Post of 10/9/08.Excellent piece please read.Am beginning to like this man.He seems to suggest ba RB bali na Kaposis sarcoma.

  59. Honestry, how can the opposition unity when the presido for PF is already saying that he is the only one who has the vision of the late when he came to Southern. May he tell the nation that vision. Who is to be nominated for presdo when they unity? Compare the two. What is it that we need pa Zed? Rhetoric or development? We don’t want a leader who is to finish our little money in the economy to pay people to do things for us just to amuse us, but one who is to empower our people to be able to do it themselves instead. Empowerment,Development and sustainability. Unity can only work if both parties and their supporters are able to face the truth and do what is right selflessly.

  60. We like PF but not its arrogant,uneducated,leader who is a kaponya and a dictatorWhen did PF have a convention?Its undemocratic and Satan runs it like a personal to holder.All the MPs are ok but have been fired by Satan

  61. tonga didnt care who ruled, but now that bembas have ruined the country we cant just stand by idly. the days of the quiet tongas are over, Tonga Bulls represent the responsible leadership that this country requires, educated, hard working and God fearing, People who still have respect for elders and have no insults, Northerners why dont you sit down and let us lead, what are you afraid of???

  62. Chills you have just come read Sata’s website then copare with that of RB if he has any. Its about a vision not following blindly. you what, if we continue with pipo like you then we will have MMD rule for 27 yrs, with the so called legacy for the dead.

  63. We welcome our leaders joining efforts in removing the thieving traits along RB’s movement. PF has good MPs but not their leader. Pls sata cannot make a leader for this moment in time. Mwanawasa has shown what Zambia is able to do with only having a visionary and focused leader on issues and not rhetorics. take or live it that is the truth as at now. We don’t want a Mugabe in Zambia.

  64. Uncle X it makes a little sense to say that you want to vote for PF MPs not their leader. LPM is dead period, ok for a change lets vote for HH who will work with Sata to make his caculator work for him in politic.

  65. DM,in short am saying i can vote for pf if only their leader can change. Ask Chiluba, he will tell u why he did not apoint him for presidency but instead his “enemy” Mwanawasa whom they quarreled with leading to LPM leaving MMD at the time. It is becoz he cannot make it for the future of our country. He can talk but not pointing us to anywhere. we need to move with the world man. I love Sata and all Zambians regardless of our uniqueness. But reality is reality.

  66. # 89 Suspect,

    Whatever a suspect you are you got my aunthentic and statement out of context if not abstract.However i should advise you that democracy is increasingly becoming expensive.If you have a dream,start planning smart, long and big now.That is realism and not idealism locking many here in fantasy.Campaigns have changed world over.Take time to research on presidential politics and campaign finance data for many democracies even around our region.I presume you are a savvy statistician capable of doing some regression analysis.In 1991 MMD outspent UNIP by 1:2.

  67. In the US look at campaign finance of Nixon, Henry Ford, Carter,Reagan,Bush,Clinton, Bush 43 and McCain/Obama.The campaigns have shifted from the Million dollar braket into billions.Look at the ANC campaign budget or Angola’s MPLA just of elections.In 2006 MMD spent in excess of a figure you don’t to know.Come 2011, plan for >ZK30 billion per potential party.

  68. #1. Chengelo Alumni, your tribal hatred is nothing short of amazing!! You are sitting there somwhere in the US spewing your hatred for northerners and hpoing that none of them wins in the October elections. That is really stupid considering YOU ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE YOURSELF sitting where you are you dimwit! So get a life and lighten up, this is the 21st century. Sorry, but democracy means the will of the majority prevails over your stupid wish for your tribe to just be “willed” into power. It won’t happen!

  69. Only lazy pipo like pragmatist dont like Sata and would rather continue hanging jackets at the office seat while busy slaughtering other pipos daughters or even wives.
    I wonder what this time the pipo in northwestern province are going to say. putting the same chaps in govt will be sucidal with the more than 300% increments,we will be doomed, lets go and vote the MMD out of pawa

  70. Mr fine,why do you put things like that? It sounds as if you one of the very lazy pipo,who just want to receive and eat.You should change,and change for THE better.
    Those cheifs you are saying that are behind RB,we know them,and know them very well.I one come from that root.There are saying that for money.You see when you are a gvtment work in the Village,you considered to have a lot of money.Thats how they have taken RB.

  71. MMD and RB (impyani -candidate by inheritance) will lose because Levy who was hand picked by Chiluba, eliminated all political strategists left by founders of MMD and us Zambian voters(ask KK how he was humiliated) and hand picked Nevers,Lupando,RB.Ne left no potential successor.MMD and Levy technically lost to late Mazoka and Sata.Zambians have seen even how corrupt certain appointmments where done under Levy.No wonder two man (Sata & Scott)performed better than MMD in 1996 elections.PF will whitewash MMD,for we mean business not RB (post Unip) experiments

  72. Confidence is showing in the PF camp.I like this esp. all parties will be fighting with on hand, becoz of the constraints this election presents, not alot of time to campaign, resources, votes register which will favor MMD coz its old, etc.PF should remember MMD sharted campaigning with Levy’s death, so they should be ready and no excuses , as before.This is a chance for the opposition if they have been campaigning all along, then piece of cake.I hope this confidence does not translate into Arrogance, after Oct 30.

  73. The only shameful thing about the whole MMD is that, they are NOT confident of themselves, right from the start. Surely as a party that has been in existence for almost 20 years, you fail to groom leaders whom you can float for presidency? instead you go hunting from existing political parties? Shame! This shows that they’ve respect and the confidence for/in those people from the opposition and not within themselves. Now if this is the kind of party that should be entrusted with the governing of the nation, then we’re doomed because we’re lead by people without confidence and vision. It appears they worked hard to groom corrupt & crooked leaders and now they have realized. Too Late!

  74. What is this whole tribal nocense being peddled here. We are known to be a united peace loving nation. One Zambia One nation, helped leberate not only ourselves but the whole SA regeon. Lets debate sensibly and agree on the best way forward, not tonga this, bemba that. All people have an inherent good and bad, and all just the same. whether lozi, or soli or kaonde or bemba or tonga. ViVa the mighty people of ZAMBIA, VIVA ZAMBIA. Down the tribalist snobs. Abash snobs.
    GOD Bless Mighty


  76. Ba Chengelo muleisabanya fye I know u are not a Tonga. In caes u a, u can get a Tonga out of zambia but u cant get the tonga out of him. I love Tongas and that the bottom line.

  77. KENNETH KAOMA MWENDA, AGE 39, Title: Senior Counsel, Legal Vice-Presidency, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA Has previously served as Senior Projects Officer, Financial and Private Sector Development, Europe and Central Asia Vice-Presidency, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. Dr. Mwenda joined the World Bank on the highly competitive Young Professionals Program. Among his many qualifications, he holds the following credentials:
    Senior Executive Leadership Program – Georgetown University,USA
    Executive Leadership Program-Cornell University, USA
    LLD, Rhodes University, South Africa, 2008.
    PhD in Law from University of Warwick, U.K.
    MBA in General Management from the Hull University, U.K.

  78. Tonga bulls ,bembas…. Who cares, bottm line is Zambia needs someone to rule. Someone that will be their own man.All RB talks about is LPM’s legacy. The dude is dead and it’s time tomove on. Sata is part of the old guard,I dont think he has anything new to offer.HH is inexperienced and it shows cos he should have reconciled with Saki.Basically all our politicians think about is plot1. We all sitting in front of our pc’s and have relatives that are affected by poverty in Zambia.People begging for K500. Honestly speaking we need a revolution. Out with the old, in with the new. Youth leaders in most partys are old.Where’s our youth????????

  79. If there is anything i can comment, is PEACE. Let the peace which we’ve enjoyed remain as campaigns start upto and after elections, PLEASE, my fellow Zambians. Lets not be like, abanesu peshilya. Their girls and women are now prosititutes, their boys and men are now thugs and at the end of it all, the helpless children and the aged are suffering, gentlemen. I drove through accross when i went to pick my car from another country. its sad guys. NABACHULA!

  80. Ba mambala iwe. Just prepare to cry. Wina azlila .RB love hate him come Nov he will be Boss

    He will make a better portrait than Sata.

  81. If you start tribal politics,it will be practically imposiblle for HH to be president because the voting trends indicate that he ONLY wins from southern province. Debate maturely and be obtective. Chengelo Alumni you very dull, the capability, capacity and intelligiency of a person knows no tribe. Never ever again insult bembas by calling them thieves. We mbushi wee, sawe.

  82. lets give chance to Sata,i know he will leave this country where its supposed to be.I know we Zambian are lazy people,We insulted KK,Now to some he has become their Heroe,FTJ came and opened peoples minds,people had stopped thinking even able bodied people receiving meal meal,for Zambians let give Sata this chance,then we can count on HH for 2011.and pls stop saying that you want someone with LPM version.No, say someone to continue with MMD policies.Alas! MMD and LPM are lucky because the copper prices on international market have up

  83. Please don’t be blind, this so called MMD they have not done anything better for the people this country.Let us vote a change eigther Sata ot HH.

  84. Sata should start and initiate the young man HH. He has more years to come. Let him get experience from Sata. The two will make a formidable government.

  85. sata will make a gud president, However a merger with HHwill be even be a stronger union, combining well economically and politically for the betterment of zambia. Pliz ignore chengelo and tonga bull’s comments. They seem retrogressive. Tongas, bembas are everywhere in this conuntry. remember intermarriages are promoting it. In any case vote wisely , vote sata, or hh if they dont merge.Pliz contribute wisely, dont react to tribal comments, ignore.

  86. sata dont worst your time using mwanawasa’s name..we love you just as you are…we voted in 2006 for you…we will vote again for you…..just tell us what you believe in…hardwork….you are a man of action

  87. true mutinta Sat is our hero and our only hope especially us civil servants who are not lazy he is true leader thats why they dont like him, my vote is for sata.

  88. true mutinta Sata is our hero and our only hope especially us civil servants who are not lazy he is true leader thats why they dont like him, my vote is for sata.

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