Sunday, March 9, 2025

Feature Column

Zambia:Not where we were but not where we should be

But, no one points out that in 1964, there was no University, fewer primary and secondary schools and hospitals. Schools and hospitals were segregated to ‘whites’ and blacks. After independence the whites were joined by the uppity blacks who could afford to pay, or the ‘senior staff’ in the mine townships. Only Church run institutions provided decent education facilities for the poor. Many Government primary schools were grass-thatch roofed buildings with holes in the walls for windows and pit latrines even beyond 1969! The main thoroughfares from Lusaka to Chipata and Mongu and from Kapiri Mposhi to Kasama were gravel roads. It was ‘hell run’ in the rainy season to drive from Lusaka to Kasama! Crossing the more southern parts of the Muchinga escarpment near Luangwa river en-route to Chipata from the capital was an exercise in sphincter control!

Movement for Mulongoti’s Dismissal: How a Political Player Got Played

By Elias Munshya wa Munshya Nothing makes politics more fascinating than when political manipulators get manipulated by their own manipulation. Chiluba remains a political controversy...

The Kasanka Baboon Project: How our work spreads beyond the study of Kinda baboons

As a lover of Zambia, science, and female empowerment I find it not only my passion but my duty to become a positive scientific...

This is Africa’s Moment; Seizing Opportunity to turn Poverty into Prosperity

Speech by Mr. Sebastian Kopulande, Chief Executive Officer, ZambianInternational Trade and Investment Centre at the US-Africa Business Executives Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States,...

Swapping One Pharaoh for Another: Why Egyptians Got it Wrong on Mubarak

By Elias Munshya wa Munshya The so called revolution in Egypt has received lots of praise world-over. US President Barack Obama showed his political naivety...

Reflecting on the Revolutions in North Africa

Until you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.’ (Daniel 4:32 ESV Bible) Just over 2,500 years ago, a powerful King of the then world’s most powerful kingdom heard these words reverberate through the corridors of his magnificent palace one afternoon as he proudly looked over the great city that he had built. The city’s ‘hanging gardens’ were one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was not long after this, his empire fell, over run by the neighboring smaller kingdom.

Lusaka City Library or Museum

The Library was in a deplorable state; the chairs were broken, the paint on the walls was pealing off, instead of it being a place to house a collection of books, magazines etc, the whole inside looked like an archive, a place where public records or other historical documents are kept. Only one reader was inside, reading a news paper, I think. I moved from shelf to shelf, all the books that I saw were old, pages falling away just as I touched the books.It was as though the books had been eaten by termites. The books were torn, dilapidated, and “over

Party elections Before General Elections

It is interesting to note that many political parties and other stakeholders are talking of the need to have free and fair elections. This is important, for without a free and fair poll, we might as well adopt another system of governance rather than, democracy, which is about the will of the majority. Of course our democracy is still young, and it will take some time before it can be perfected. After all, even old democracies such that of the United States have their own flaws. Still, that should not stop us from working at perfecting our system.