Thursday, February 6, 2025


President Lungu to blame for grand theft

By Laura Miti When President Lungu addressed Parliament less than a week ago, he had known for months about the millions of dollars that have...

What the PF Government and China have to do to silence critics of Chinese ‘predatory’ loans?

By Kalima Nkonde There is a severe lack of transparency over many key terms, including repayment, contracting obligations, project feasibility, and value for money...

A Reply to Pilato: Something is Wrong Somewhere

By Isaac Mwanza Good morning Pilato. I have read your entire article reflecting on George Compound and I agree that something is wrong somewhere....

Zambia-China, An intricate Relationship

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba From 1405 to 1433, Chinese mariner, diplomat, explorer and fleet admiral, Admiral Zheng He, from the Ming Dynasty, carrying the world’s...

Woman Made me Love Zambia: PART EIGHTEEN

By Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology My sweet Linda Jitanda chipesha mano (one who kills my brain), Linda’s shorter friend Anna, and myself...

PART 2: Dealing With Uncivil Agendas in the Development Arena

By Sunday Chilufya Chanda PART 2: Why the West Is Opposed to Chinese Investment, What China Does for Africa That the West Doesn't & How...

Haunted National Asset Stripping Privatisation Facilitator Hichilema and his Externally Sponsored Lies and Hate Speech

By Sunday Chilufya Chanda The extent to which Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Mr Stephen Katuka of the UPND as well as some discredited Civil Society...

President Lungu’s Full Speech During the Opening of Parliament

Introduction Mr. Speaker, 1. I come here today cognisant of the fact that the hope of our nation rests, in greater part, with us the honourable...